HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Service Area Application UNINCORPORATED AREAS RECEIVING COUNTY SERVICES COUNTY SERVICE AREA APPLICATION • • COUNTY SERVICE A AP - e mot an:1u 64 ARCA IA cRronAtf/o1 Date — December 17: 1976 ..._. TO: City Council FROM: Lyman H. Co 9ity Manager SUBJECT: County Service Area Application The L. A. County Division Board of Directors unanimously approved the concept of joining with Los Angeles City and filing an application to require the County of Los Angeles to set up a County Service Area for its unincorporated areas receiving extended County services. This should effect a substantial tax reduction in the County rate for those taxpayers in incorporated cities while increasing it, if the present services continue, in the unincorporated areas. The area can be reduced in size after filing but cannot be increased. The details of the application are governed by the requirements of LAFCO and the availability of information. This is about the only • form in which an application could be submitted with data presently available. I would urge you to approve the application. LHC:jh Attachment • Ins Angeles Office n 702 Hilton Center Building �ltiei Le ue o ea/i9rnia 624.4934 LOS ANGELES "CITIES ORKIN TOGET • COUNTY F0' RESPONS ' MO E RULE" DIVISION PRESIDENT • Don Yokaitis DATE: December 8, 1976 CITYOFARCAOIA Pasadena TO: Los Angeles County Division Board of Directors DEC 1 3 1976 Delegates, Mayors, and City Managers FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (Internal Distribution Please: Council Members) all MANAGER Gilbert Smith FROM: Donald F. Yokaitis, President Carson COUNTY SERVICE AREA APPLICATION SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Ken Chappell West Covina Enclosed is the County Service Area application for your City Council 's action prior to the Division meeting on January 6, 1977. If the Board of Directors approves the application it will be forwarded to the City of Los Angeles as the originator of the TREASURER County Service Area resolution for submission to LAFCo. Dr.Thomas Clark Long Beach From the County Service Area background statement you received with the previous Division agenda and the discussion held at the meeting and at meetings throughout the past year, you should be RECORDING SECRETARY familiar with the issues involved. I cannot over emphasize the Doris Stone importance of your City's action in this matter. Pasadena For further information or clarification with regard to the application, please contact the League office. • INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING PROPOSALS FOR FORMATION OF COUNTY SERVICE AREAS WITH TLIE LOCAL AGENCY FORMA'T'ION COMMISSION OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY The following must be submitted. 1. One original with 15 copies of Application (Form LAFC-6) Use forms provided by the LAFCO office as the original. If additional space is needed to adequately answer one or more questions, the entire application should be retyped so that each question and answer fall in proper sequence. 2. An original wi th 4 copies, double spaced, of the metes and bounds legal description of the territory involved in the application. If any noncontiguous parcels are included in the proposed district, each such parcel should be given a number or letter designation, with a metes and bounds legal description for each parcel. The designation of the proposal should appear on all copies of the description (for example: Proposed Formation of..County Service Area No. ) 3. One transparency with 25 maps, ap.roximately 2' x 3' in size, showing the points ca es for in the ega description and enough of surrounding area to identify location, such as major street intersections. 4. One transparency with 25 maps, 8-1/2" x 11" in size, showing points called for in the legal description and enough of surrounding area to identify location, such as major street intersections. The designation of the proposal should appear on all maps. If any noncontiguous parcels are included in the proposed district, the larger maps should show the entire district, with the number or letter designation for each such paw, and one transparency with 25 maps, 8-1/2" x 11" in size for each noncontiguous parcel. 5. An original and 15 copies of the proposed budget for the first two-year period. 6. Processing fee in the amount of $250, made payable to the County of Los Angeles. 7. One copy of the Environmental Assessment form. (If an Environmental Impact Report has been completed prior to filing the application for formation with LAFCO, submit 10 copies of the Final FIR.) APPLICATION TO INITIATE PROCL E DINGS FOR FORMATION OF COUNTY SERVICE AREAS (Pursuant to the Knox-Nisbet Act, Chapter 6.6 of Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code) TO: LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION County of Los Angeles Room 383, Hall of Administration 500 West Temple Street Los Angeles, California 90012 Application is hereby made for formation of a County Service A rea, designated as: LOS ANGELES COUNTY SERVICE AREA 1/1-77 (Proposed Name) Description of the proposed boundaries (by street name, where possible): NOTE: If the proposed district involves noncontiguous parcels, give each parcel a number or letter designation, with a general description of the boundaries of each such parcel. All unincorporated territory located within the County of Los Angeles as defined in Section 23119 of the Government Code of the State of California as of January 1, 1977. Proposal initiated by: City of Los Angeles (Name) 200 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles, California 90012 (Address) Signed Title Telephone LAFC use only Filed Reports Due Hearing Nisie I. Jt1STIFICATION A. What are the reasons for the initiation of this proposal? Residents within the County of Los Angeles all pay the same basic County tax rate but do not receive the same levels of service. A resident living in the unincorporated portions of the County receives such services as sheriff's patrol , County engineering, and local parks, as part of his County tax rate. A resident living within a city must also pay his County taxes but receives none of the above services as part of his basic County tax rate. He must pay for those services as part of his city tax rate. The basic reason far. initiation of this proposal then is to remedy this inequity. People should receive services for which they pay. City residents are subsidizing residents who live in the unincorporated portions of the County, and it is the purpose of this application to use a County Service Area to remedy this inequity and to provide funds to finance those services. • B. How were the boundaries of the proposed district determined? The boundaries of the proposed County Service Area include the entire unincorporated portions of the County of Los Angeles , for the reasons as stated above. • -2- • Sow *410V :C. How will this proposal affect the surrounding incorporated area? (If the proposed County Service Area contains any noncontiguous parcels, answer this question for each such parcel, using the number or letter designation. ) The inequity created by the subsidy of municipal-type services in unincorporated areas will be eliminated, thereby reducing the financial burden on taxpayers within incorporated cities. Because the County Service Area may result in higher taxes for tax- payers within unincorporated areas, there may be increased demand for either incorporation of new cities or annexation to existing cities. D. How will this proposal affect the surrounding unincorporated area? (If the proposed County Service Area contains any noncontiguous parcels, answer this question for each such parcel, using the number or letter designation.) In this case, there are no ' urroundin unincorporated areas because the special district itself would be the entire unincorporated area of the .County. However, depending upon the determination by the County Board of Supervisors as to the level of service to be provided and the method of financing those services, taxpayers within unincorporated areas may realize an increase in property taxes. The question of level of service remains the responsibility of the Board of Supervisors. Issues such as zones of benefit, shift of the financial burden within the unincorporated area, etc. , are policy decisions which can only be decided by the Board of Supervisors. • -3- • *ow ' E. If the desired services can he obtained by annexation to an existing district or city, list those districts or cities having authority to provide the same services as are proposed to be provided by the County Service Area. Attach to this application a statement regarding this proposal, signed by an official of such local agency, indicating whether their agency has the intention, desire and/or ability to provide those services. (If the proposed County Service Area contains any noncontiguous parcels, provide this information for each such parcel, using the number or letter. designation.) Because the cities representing the taxpayers within incorporated areas are seeking relief from an existing subsidy of non-uniform services, there is no existing special district which could provide all of the services enumerated in Part IV B.of the application. Although there may be districts which can provide one of the designated services, only the County Board of Supervisors can determine the method of financing for services proposed to be included in the County Service Area. Cities have the authority by law to provide these same municipal-type services. However, because this application applies to the entire unincor- porated area of the County, it is inappropriate to assume that cities would annex that entire area. There is no way to determine whether a city could or would provide services until the size and shape of the potential annexa- tion is known. This could not be determined until and unless citizens living in a particular unincorporated area petitioned a city for annexation. Ultimately, the decision of a certain unincorporated area in this matter, i .e. , to annex, to incorporate, or to remain unincorporated, would be con- tingent upon policy determinations by the Board of Supervisors with regard to the levels and financing of services in the County Service Area. -4- • *ow *Noie II. PHYSICAL FEATURES A. Land Area 1. Square miles: 2,971 (approximate) 2. Acres: 1,901,440 (If the proposed County Service Area includes any noncontiguous parcels, provide a breakdown of the number of acres for each such parcel.) B. General description of topography: see the Los Angeles County General Plan, Chapter VII ,"Conservation Element" , p. 65, and the Conservation Element Technical Report. • C. Describe drainage basins, rivers, flood control channels, etc. : see the Los Angeles County General Plan, Chapter VII , "Conservation Element", p. 73-77 D. Describe major highways and streets that serve the general area: see Los Angeles County Environmental Development Guide, p. 51 and 52, or the Circulation Element of the County General Plan (Los Angeles County Master Plan of Highways) -5- `ww✓ III. :SOCIAL FACTORS A. Population 1. Total population in subject area (indicate source of information)* 1,010,944 • (If the proposed County Service Area includes any noncontiguous parcels, provide a breakdown for each such parcel, by number or letter designation.) *estimated as of July 1, 1975, from the most recent edition of the Quarterly Bulletin, Population Research Section, Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning 2. Number of registered voters (indicate source of information)k: 422,078 (If the proposed County Service Area includes any noncontiguous parcels, provide a breakdown for each such parcel, by number or letter designation.) *estimated as of October 4, 1976, from a report on area voter breakdown, Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters 3. Estimated population increase in the subject area within the next ten years: Approximately 150,000 projected to 1990 -6- NIS .B. Housing 1. Number and types of dwelling units in the subject area (indicate source of information): 335,582 single ( includes single units, duplex units, and mobile homes) and multiple dwelling units. (If the proposed County Service Area includes any noncontiguous parcels, provide a breakdown of this information for each such parcel, by number or letter designation) *estimated as of July 1, 1975, from the most recent edition of the Quarterly Bulletin, Population Research Section, Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning 2. Estimated increase in dwelling units in the subject area within the next ten years: Approximately 50,000 housing units projected to 1990 C. List landowners, if any, who own more than 107 of the land area or assessed valuation. Indicate name, address, and whether such ownership is in land area or assessed valuation: United States Government - Angeles National Forest in .land area Los Padres National Forest • -7- Ifte • IV. . ECONOMIC FACTORS A. Taxes and Property Value 1. Assessed valuation in subject area: a. Land $1,235,698,445 b. Improvements $1,545,288,835 (If the proposed County Service Area includes any noncontiguous parcels, provide a breakdown of this information for each such parcel, by number or letter designation.) 2. Present tax rats in subject area: (If the proposed County Service Area includes any noncontiguous parcels, answer this question for each such parcel, by number or letter designation. ) $4.4576 general County-wide levy 3. Tax rate after proposed action: (If the proposed County Service Area includes any noncontiguous parcels, answer this question for each such parcel, by number or letter designation.) Special Property Tax $1 .92 General Property Tax (.22) Net Increase $1 .70/$100 A.V. -8- *from Annual Report of Assesed Valuation and Tax Rates as of September, 1976 of the Counties of California for Fiscal Year 1976-77 , State Controller err'' B. List extended services to be provided by the proposed County Service Area, costs and methods of financing: Extended Service Cost* Method of Financing ** A. Police protection by the Patrol $ 49,564,286 and Detective Divisions of the Sheriff's Department B. Local park, recreation and 11,614,800 parkway facilities and services provided by the Department of Parks and Recreation C. County Engineer services 6,177,271 D. Forester and Fire Warden 1,810,503 services for structural fire protection in unincorp. areas not in fire protection dist. E. Fire apparatus and motor 1,203,259 vehicles F. Miscellaneous services for area $2,644,004 planning planning, sewer service and ani- 3,796,795 268,821 sewer service mal control , ambulance 433,970 animal control 450,000 ambulance G. Any other governmental service which the County is authorized by law to perform and which the $34,362,606 retirement County does not perform to the 37,089,436 3,684,182 workers' comp. same extent on a county-wide 42,655 Justice courts basis both within and without cities including worker's com- pensation and retirement costs $111,256,377 *These figures are based on the City/County Tax Inequity Study of 1970. They represent the 1975-76 cost allocations to the unincorporated area on a propor- tional basis as computed in the 1970 study. ** Property tax levy or special charge pursuant to Government Code Sections 25210.6, 25210.7, and 25210.8 to be determined by Board of Supervisors. -9- Noe *id •C. List by source all revenue (except County general fund property tax and special district tax) generated in the area included in the proposed County Service Area. (If the proposed County Service Area includes any non- contiguous parcels, provide this information for each such parcel by number or letter designation.) see page 10(a) - taken from Annual Report of County Fiscal Transactions, 1974-75, State Controller D. What portion of this revenue will the County credit to the area should the County Service Area be formed? (If the proposed County Service Area includes any noncontiguous parcels, provide this information for each such parcel, by number or letter designation.) The county service area law states that "Whenever a county service area comprising the entire unincorporated area of a county is created pur- suant to Section 25210.4c of this code, the board of supervisors may credit to said county service area all or a portion of such revenues, except county general fund property tax revenues, which it deems to be generated from that area." Govt. Code Section 25210.10b. It appears then that the final boundaries of the county service area will determine whether or not these revenues may be credited to the area. Again, however, the ultimate reponsibility rests with the Board of Supervisors. • -10- • r k TABLE 4. COUNTIES--FISCAL YEAR 1814-TS--CONTINUED DETAILED STATEMENT OF GENERAL COUNTY REVENUES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE SO, ms LOS ANGELES TAXES STATE AID FOR DISASTER PROPERTY TAXES STATE AID FOR VETERANS AFFAIRS CURRENT--SECURED STATE - HOMEOWNERS PROPERTY TAX CURRENT--UNSECURED RELIEF PRIOR--SECURED STATE - BUSINESS INVENTORY PROPERTY PRIOR--UNSECURED TAx RELIEF SOLVENT CREDITS STATE - OTHER PENALTIES AND COSTS ON DELINQUENT FEDERAL--WELFARE--ADMINISTRATION TAXES FEDERAL AID FOR AGED OTHER TAXES FEDERAL AID FOR BLIND FEDERAL AID FOR CHILDREN SALES AND USE TARES' FRANCHISES FEDERAL AID FOR DISABLED OTHER TARES FEDERAL--HEALTH--ADMTNISTRATTON---- FEDERAL AID FOR CONSTRUCTION LICENSES AND PERMITS FEDERAL AID FOR DISASTER ANIMAL LICENSE FEDERAL FOREST RESERVE REVENUE BUSINESS LICENSES FEDERAL GRAZING FEES CONSTRUCTION PRIVILEGES PERMITS FEDERAL--REVENUE SHARING ROAD PRIVILEGES AND PERMITS FEDERAL IN-LIEU TAKES ZONING PERMITS FEDERAL--OTHER OTHER LICENSES AND PERMITS OTHER IN-LIEU TARES FINES. FORFEITS AND PENALTIES OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES VEHICLE CODE FINES CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES OTHER COURT T FI NES ASSESSMENT AND TAR COLLECTION FEES- FORFEITURES AND PENALTIES AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING FEES FROM USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY COMMUNICATION SERVICES INTEREST ELECTION SERVICES RENTS AND CONCESSIONS ROYALTIES INHERITANCE TAX FEES FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES LEGAL SERVICES STATE--ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE PERSONNEL SERVICES FEE PLANNING AND ENGINEERING SERVICES-- STATE--AVIATION FUEL TAX PURCHASING FEES- '. STATE--HIGHWAY USERS TAX AGRICULTURAL SERVICES STATE--MOTOR VEHICLE IN-LIEU TAx--- CIVIL PROCESS SERVICES STATE--TRAILER COACH IN-LIEU TAx--- COURT FEES AND COSTS ESTATE FEES OTHER STATE TN-LIEU TARES HUMANE SERVICES STATE--WELFARE--ADMINISTRATION LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES STATE AID FOR AGED RECORDING FEES- FO - StAtE AID FOR BLIND ROAD AND STREET SERVICES STATE AID FOR CHILDREN HEALTH FEES STATE AID FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN-- MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES STATE AID FOR DISABLED SANITATION SERVICES STATE HEALTH ADMINISTRATION ADOPTION FEES STATE AID FOR CEREBRAL PALSY CRIPPLED CHILDRENS SERVICES STATE AID FOR MENTAL HEALTH STATE AID FOR TUBERCULOSIS CONTROL- INSTITUTIONAL CARE AND SERVICES---- OTHER STATE AID FOR HEALTH EDUCATIONAL SERVICES STATE AID FOR AGRICULTURE LIBRARY SERVICES STATE AID FOR CIVIL DEFENSE PARR AND RECREATION FEES STATE AID FOR CONSTRUCTION OTHER CHARGES STATE AID FOR CORRECTIONS OTHER REVENUE STATE AID FOR COUNTY FAIRS PREMIUM AND ACCRUED INTEREST ON BONDS ISSUED REVENUE FROM DISCONTINUED DISTRICTS REVENUE APPLICABLE TO PRIOR YEARS SALE OF FIRED ASSETS OTHER SALES OTHER TOTAL REVENUES 10(a) V. GENERAL A. Has any of the same territory been included within any proposal: 1. Denied by this Commission within the preceding year? yes 2. Terminated either at the protest hearing or election during the past year? yes B. It is desired that this proposal. provide for and be made subject to the following terms and conditions: C. ANY OTHER COMMENT WHICH YOU WISH TO MAKE: • -11- Representatives designated to appear at the Public Gearing before the Local Agency Formation Commission on behalf of the proponents (give name, title, address, and telephone number): Names and addresses of persons, not to exceed three, who are to receive copies of the mailed Notice of Hearing, Staff Report, and Minutes: Representative to whom any communication is to be addressed and who is to act as Contact Person with respect to this proposal (name, address, and telephone number): -12-