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DATE: November 13, 1970
TO: Lyman H. Cozad, FROM: Chester N. Howard,
City Manager Director of Public Works
Subject : Los Angeles County Road Department -
Proposed Michillinda Avenue Improvement
The undersigned has, on past occasions, advised the Council of subject proposed
improvement by the County Road Department. Until recently the County proposal was
to construct a 64 foot roadway within the limits of an 80 foot right-of-way. The
initial proposal contained no provisions for any other improvements other than
limited reconstruction of driveways as needed due to the roadway improvement, and
utility poles on the Arcadia side would be relocated approximately four to eight
feet closer to Arcadia residences. The County could insist that the City pay a
portion of the total improvement costs due to City jurisdiction of a portion of the
Attached hereto is a letter from Supervisor Bonelli to the Honorable Edward L.
Butterworth explaining the problems inherent in the above mentioned improvement,
together with a realistic counter proposal. Included with this material is Mayor
Butterworth's reply. The two disadvantages are loss of parking on the Arcadia side
and since the abutting properties face the cross street and only 10 residences, the
school and park have driveway access to Michillinda, this disadvantage is not con-
sidered drastic in view of the benefits. The other disadvantage is that of dedi-
cating right-of-way along the Hugo Reid Park and minor right-of-way that must be
acquired from Monte Verde north to join the existing State improvement.
The benefits accruing to• the City are as follows:
(1) City incurs no roadway improvement cost.
(2) Sidewalk at no expense to City.
(3) East curb will be reconstructed on permanent alignment with no potential of
future inconvenience in the event of widening since the widening would have
to be to the West.
(4) Undergrounding of utilities at no cost to the City. These overhead utilities
are within the City limits and the estimated cost of undergrounding is
$338,000. It would require seven to eight years for the City to accumulate
sufficient undergrounding funds to accomplish this highly desirable project.
Due to the above enumerated benefits and in view of the serious problems inherent
in a total roadway widening project, it is recommended that the City Council approve
the County proposal and instruct staff to proceed with Utility Committee meetings in
preparation for setting up an underground utilities district.
Respectfully submitted,
. Director of Public Works
City M,M- - :er
-' %� '".;,-",''.I.,r 7-7 ERNEST E.OEBS
L_. _4t \1 CHAIRMAN .
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SEP 16 1970
IT i- E R V I S O R S OEFT. CF PUE.IC 150aK3
625-3611 i 448-4866 / 635-5505
September 14, 1970
Honorable Edward L. Butterworth
Mayor of the City of Arcadia
Post Office Box 60
• Arcadia, California 91006
Dear Mayor Butterworth:
For several years, Supervisor Warren Dorn and I have been
concerned over traffic conditions on Michillinda Avenue. Upon
our instructions the County Road Department has conducted
intensive studies for the possible widening of Michillinda Avenue -
between Colorado Boulevard and Sunset Avenue/California
Boulevard. I know that this street is also of considerable
interest to the City of Arcadia and am pleased to report to you -
that a street improvement as well. as beautification of the area
by undergrounding the existing utility lines appears feasible.
The Road Department's studies and traffic projections do not
support a need for a four lane highway, either at the pre 'ent time
or after Michillinda Avenue is extended northerly under the
Foothill Freeway next year. The full improvement of Michillinda
Avenue would be extremely costly in terms of land acquisition on
the west side of the street and would eliminate most of the front
yards with consequent serious impact upon the community. Since
the traffic volumes do not justify such drastic action, it is
proposed to. construct the easterly curb to its ultimate location
• about four feet easterly of its present location, A concrete sidewa-L7.
would be constructed as a part of the project, and the Road
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Honorable Edward L. Butterworth
Page Two •
September 14, 1970 •
Department,suggests that it be placed adjacent to the east curb in
• order to minimize the disturbance of existing landscaping in the City.
All these improvements could be constructed within existing rights
of way.
The resulting 45-foot roadway width is proposed to be striped for one
southbound travel lane, one northbound travel lane and a two-way left
turn lane. Parking is to be permitted on the west side of the street
where the residences front on Michillinda Avenue but prohibited on the
east side where, as you know, all of the homes front on the cross streets.
Concerning the undergrounding of utility lines, the County as a part of the
foregoing project is willing to request the Southern California Edison
Company to reallocate to the City funds now available to the County for
undergrounding of utilities at such time as the City forms their
underground district.
If this proposal is satisfactory to the City, Supervisor Dorn and I shall be
pleased to co-sponsor the allocation of funds for this project at the
earliest possible date and shall instruct the Road Commissioner to
coordinate technical details with the City's staff.
This proposal appears to me to constitute a desirable solution to the
long standing question of widening Michillinda Avenue. It will certainly
improve traffic flow and traffic safety as well as enhance the general
appearance of the area.
/ /J
Frank G. Bonelli
,Supervisor, First District
bl • -
cc: Supervisor Warren M. Dorn
Road Department
. i. . :
September 30, 1970
Houornblc Frank G. Bonelli
Supervisor, First District
County of Los Ar:veles
85C Hall of •ctlinistrrtion
Los Angeles, California 50012
Subject: tii.chillinda Averue
Deer li Lonelli:
Since receiving your letter of September 14, 1970, I have had the opportunity
of studying the problems with which your office is confronted due to the pro-
posed posed l!ic illir'.eo avenue improvement project. It in recognised th_'t I l ?;,.of-
way eccuisit.ion would have e dr ^tic affect on the vest side of this so:•,,':,ey
and could po ssibly result in future property redevelopment that weulr ib:_ detri-
mental to the best interest;' of ell concerned.
The City'; understanding had always been that 2'ichillinda would be i ;?l ` lved In
the near future, and for that reason I previously had rcr.ue tee that t.±(_' feasi-
bility of us der„ro neing existing utility liner be studied. S`r.ec you: t W is -7.c
projections do not su,port the need of as four-lane hi.,, .t"ely, FT.d you fc:c'' that
the anticipated future traffic ZGZIi .n S can be handled within the 1 7 i
tv of 6
4J+ oot re?'!e'',..'y with provisions ns f o'r pedestrian traffic by the co :!'truaction of
sidm° ih, and unf cr r c ur din; of utilities, it tculd therefore appear t'
.at the
City or 1s rte( I' should be able to live S : L" the parking :vc wiJ ':d :> which
hove to be is osa::d on the east side of this street:. Con:e u-ently 1 will
struct City staff to schedule Une.ru2ou Utility Gcftt s C I :ti: y
in C)ret:
to c'pLdite the formation of £:n Ut ergro:nd Utility District in confCJ's`i'.'s_ ce
with your roco:. .:end ticyn.
Pleace accept uy assurance that your proposal for the road,,:ay it prov, is .t one,
p rkir , restrictions will he presented to the a iCtZi3 City Council at the•
Honorable Fran C. Fonelli -2- September 30, 1970
earliest possible date. I feel sure that the Council will approve the County's
proposal as set forth in your letter.
Very truly yours,