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HomeMy WebLinkAbout0589 \" .. ~) ORDINANCE NO. 589. Jil; O;mL<~.;:CE OF T:ill CI'l'Y CO:.r::CIL 0:' THE CITY O? 1I3C":.l:i:.,, Ch.,I:'O :,,, .>;, CH....;:GllW T:;_: SE'1''3hC.~ LIliLS C;: :'".1TI0iT... \.IF S,,;.'I.'.... >;,.Ii'A AV"'i~UE, 1< PUBLIC ~,'l'RE;OT IN '~'H.r.: CITY or AnCADIil. TUB CITY C0U1~c;IL 0;; Ti[2; CI'I.'Y OF ARC":::)!,,, C"LI? ~..l;..rJi, VO.>S 0I\Dh~i, hb }'vLLJ.,b: S~CTlon 1. Pursuant to Resolution i;o. 1453, and after a public hearin~ tbereon, the City Council of the City of Arcadia does hereby determine that the public peace, health, safety, interest and public welfare require, and it is hereby ordered that the setback lines be chansed on portions of 5uuta anita Avenue, a public street in the City of Arcadia, as hereinafter desi :nated. SECTION 2. That it shall be unlawf~l for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct or locate any buildin3 or other str~cture upon any parcel of land frontin3 on the vesterly side of Santa Anita Avenue measured from the southerly property line of Floral Avenue to the northerly property line of Haven ,wenue, bo th aeinG pUblic streets in the City of Arcadia, unless the same be set bacl{ to a line TIhich is distant tTIenty five (25') feet TIesterly from and parallel with the Hesterly boun,lary line of Santa Anita Avenue. SJi:CTIOl: 3., That it shall be unlarlful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct or locate any buildinG or other structure upon Lot 2 of Tract No. 3112, as sho\"ffi on map recorded in Book 29, paGe 68 of :.Iaps, in the office of the County Recorder of Los an::;eles County, unless the S~le be set back to a line TIhich is distant twenty five (25') feet easterly from and parallel vlith the easterly boundary line of S~~ta Anita Avenue. SECTIOl'; 4. That all other portions of Ordinances in con- flict herewith be a1d the sane are hereby repealed; that this repealin3 clause is not intended to affect any other Ordinance or portion of Ordinance in the City of Arcadia not in conflict with this Ordinance. SJi:CTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violatinJ any of the provisions of' this OrdInance shull be deemed ::;uilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine I>!OD:~O -1- c2-l0f . .57 7' not exceeding Three Hundred (C300.00) Dollars, or by imprisonmont in the City Jail of said City of Arcadia, or in the County Jail of said County of Los An3eles, state of California, at the discretion of the Committing Magistrate, for a geriod not exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and each such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed 3uilty of a separate offense for each day durin3 any portion of which the violation of or failure, nesloct or refusal to comply with any of the provisions of this Ordinance is committed, continued or permitted. SECTION 6~ The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and prior to the expiration of fifteen (15) days from the passage thereof, shall cause the same to be published once in the Arcadia Tribune and Arcadia NeVIS, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the City of Arcadia, and thirty days from and after the final passaGe thereof said Ordinance shall take effe ct and be in force. I hereby certify that the foregoin3 Ordinance was adopted at an ad- joubnedro[!;ular meetinj of the City Council of the City of Arcadia, held on the 4th day of June, 1946, by the affirmative vote of at lease three Council~en, to wit: AYES: Councilmen, Adcock, Cornyn, Nugent ani Ormsbr Nono NOBS: ABSENT: Ccrunc1lman Russell Signed and approved this ~~ ~ffY: Ci ty Clerk. - 28th day of May, 1946. . ~e~ City (,lerk. fhJ-N'~~ Mayo ATTEST: -2- c.J~C't. 61/ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) S S ............E......Ear.Ql.d....+:\.Q.~.g.h................_........_......_.._... of said County and State. being duly sworn, says: That he is and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States. over eighteen years of age, and not a party to nor interested in the e.:bove entitled matter, that he Is the......"'.Q...t\<g.:r._...........of THE ARCADIA TRIBUNE AND NEWS a newspaper printed and publlshed weekly In the CIty of AroadIa, County of Los bngeles; that sdd newspaper has been continuously printed and pub_ Ushed once week tor a period of more than one year prior to .the date hereof; that sald. newspa_lJer Is a paper of general circulation, having a bona fide subscription list of paid subscl1bers; that the .................Or.dinan.c.e....ff.....5.8.9................................... ........ .....................-........--........-....:.....--..... .........-........-......-..-.- In the above entltlllcl matter. of which _ annexed Is a printed copy, was publlahed In said newspaper and not in a supplement thereof on the followmg ..................J.!J.!1~..J?..J.<;i.1.9..,...._...._.........._.............._.._... -.....---.....................--........--..........---......-..-...-.----- .........-....-..................-........--........-................-....-....-......-..--... ..............._..._...........__.~...... .. Slgned: .~~..:' ~.::....::~......_... ;;...=-~--;.-.:-- 1...:::r.p . ~-- SUbocrlbed-;d sworn to before Dle, thIs..........._.._... ..L...:..... ..:(L.."".......Z....da ~L.. .... ............194.L.. ........ . ~,,~ ........_........-..... ~ Notary Pub~ In ~lfo~'ii::'8:,&iiri~i1N.. ~ leo, State of OaIl!ornla. ORDINANCE No. 589 AN ORDINANeE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA. CHANGIN G THE SErr"BACK LINES ON PORTIONS OF SAN- TA ANITA AVENUE, A PUBLIC STREEIT IN THE CITY OF ARCADIA. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE arTY OF ARCADIA, CALlF'ORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Pursuant to Reso- lution No. 1453, and after a pub- lic hearing thereon, the City Coun- cil of the City of Arcadia does here- by determine that the public peace, health, safety. interest and public ,veUare require, and it is hereby ordered that the setback lines be changed on porticns of Santa Anita Avenue, a public street in the City of Arcadia, as hereinafter desig- nated. SECTION 2. That it shall be un- lawful for any pe'son. firm cr corporaticn to erect, construct or l:Jcate any building or other struc- ture upon any parcel of land front- ing on the westerly side of Santa Anita Avenue measured from the southerly property line cf F1.~rnl Avenue to the nertherly p:operty line of Haven Avenue, b:Jth being public streets in the City of Arcadia, unless the !:'ame be set back to a line which is distant twer..ty five (25') feet westerly from and paral- lel with the westerly boundary line of Santa Anita Avenue. SECTION 3. That it shall be unlawful for any persen, finn or corporation to erect. construct .jr locate any building or other struc- tu:e upon Lot 2 of Tract No. 3112, as shown on map recorded in Book 29, page 68 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, unles.<; the same be set back to a line which is dista.nt twenty five (25') feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly boundary line of santa Anita Ave- nue. SECTION 4. That all other por- tions of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are here- by repealed; that this repealing clause is not intended to atfect any other Ordinance or portion at O:'dinance in the City at Arcadia not in conflict with this Ordinance, SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions at this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding Three Hundred ($300.00) D,11ar8, 0:' by imprison- ment in the City Jail of said City at Arcadia. or in the County Jail of said County of Los Angeles, State of Cal1fornia. at the dl.scretion at the Committing Magistrate. tor a pz: ied not exceeding three (3) m:Jnths, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and each such per- sen, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate of- fense for each day during any por- tion of which the violation at or failure, neglect or refusal to com- ply with any of the provisions of thl<; Ordinance is committed, con- tinued or pennltted. SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall certify t:J the adoption cf thl'i 0.:- dinance and prior to the expira- tion of fifteen (5) days from the passage thereof, shall came the same to be published once in the Arcadia Tribune and Arcadia News, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated In the Citv of Arcadia, and thirty days frem and after the final passage thereof said Ordinance shall take effect and be in force. I hereby ce: tify that the f.:Jrego- ing Ordinance was adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arcadia, held on the 28th day ot May, 1946. by the affinnative vote ot at lease three Councilmen, to wit: AYES, Councilmen, Adcock, Corn- yn. Nugent and Ormsby. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Russell. W. C. BILLIG, City Clerk. Signed and approved this 28th day of May, 1946. M. H. ORMSBY. Mayor. nTEST: W. C. BILLIG, City Clerk. Publish June 6, 1946. t/.A.-<'/ 6)>/