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HomeMy WebLinkAbout0410 '\ "1\'''', i I ~ ~ {\ ,. , ,AN ORDINANCE 'OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AMENDING ORDINANCE NO; 1170 OF SAID CITY, OF ARCADIA~ BY ADDING THERETO TWO NEW SECTIONS TO ,BE KNOWN 'AND NUMBERED;'AS SECTION 5';F and SECTION" 9-D. ' , " ",' , ' ORDINANCE NO. 410.' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1; That Ordinance No. 179 of the City of Arcadia, enti tIed II An O~dinance of 'the Cl ty, of Ar~ad,ia, Calif~rnla,' providing , , 'for'the establishment 'or 'erection in sald'City of seven (7) zones consisting of various disJ;ricts and PIlEl'scribing the classes of buildings, structures and improvements and occupancy'in said several zones, and the use thereof,the'percentage of area that may be cove~ed byim- , , provements and the height to which b~ildi~gs may be erected; defining 'the terms used therein and pvescriblng th~ penalty for the'violation of the provisions thereofu, adopted Mftc)l 3, 1926, be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto two new sections to be known and numbered Section5-F,and ge,ction 9-:-D, and "to read as follows: " .... .' SECTION 5-F. That all of that. certain real property situate in the City of Arcadia,' County of .Los Angeles, State of California, and described in' Section 9-D of this Ordinance be,' and the same is hereby excepted from Zone "All of Ordil).ance No. 170 of the City of " Arcadia. ' SECTION '9-D. Tliat all of that c~rtain'real'property situate in the City of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and described as follows:' PARCEL' #1. A portion of ,Lot, 1 of Tract No. 949, in ,the City - ' of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as shown on'map recorded in Book 17" Page 13 of Maps, Records of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the West line of that parcel of land conveyed to E'en Fo' and Pearl H. Petrie, and descri)ed in de,ed . , , , recorded'in Book 10324 Page 269 of OfficIal Recorqsof said County, with the North line of Huntington Drive, as described in deed to City of Arcadia, a municipal ,corporation, and recnrded in ~ook 9396 Page 145 of Official Records of said County; then~e'WestftE~~ng the North line of ", 011)). ~.. f.}-'{ " , "OA-CI y/c:J -1..:., iN~ElI&D 'said Huntington pr'ive'" a distance' 6f,Hl4:24 feet; thence ,South 10 , . ,; ,feet; thenc'e Wes't along, the Northerly line ?f Colorado Street, and .' " described in 9.eed, to, said C~ ty of .4.rcadia, and recorded in Book 9396 . . .. . . " 'Page, 145 of Off,icial RElcords' of said 'County, a 'distance ,of 42.25 feet , . . . I . "to the 'beginning of a tangent curve therein concave to the Northeast and,hs.ving a radius of676'~78,feet; thence Northwesterly along said c~ve,' a'dist~ce of 714. 68;feet; thence North 29' de,grees 29 minutes 45 seconds, W ,along, the nor.theasterl~ line of said Colorado Street, , , tangent to ,said last mentioned curve, a distance, of 290.0,0 feet; thence, leaving the Northeasterly line of,sald Colorado Street, N 60 'degrees . . .' .' - . 30 minutes 15 seconds E, a distance of 260.00 feet; thence:S 29 degrees , 29 ,Iili,nutes, 45 seconds E, e. distance of 290.00 feet' to the begirming of , a tangent curve concave 'to the 'Northeast and having a radius of 416.78 , , feet; thence Southeasterly along said curve, a distance 6f,440.12 feet; thence East 226.49 feet to the Northwest corner, of the 'hereinbefore , . mentioned parcel of land so conveyed to' Ben F. and Pearl H. Petrie; thence South 2,50.00 feet' to the point, of beginning. , PARCEL #2. That portion of Lot 1 of Tract No. 949 in the City of Arcad~a, County ofLo~ Angeles, State of California, as shown on map recorded in ,Book 17, Page 13 of, Maps, Records of said County, described as follows: 'Beginning ,at the mostSouthaasterly corner of Lot 1 of said Tract No. 949; thence, N 38 degrees 33 minutes 00 'seconds E along the Southeasterly line of said Lot, a distance of 383.60 feet, more or less, to the intersection with a line which is parallel with and distant Northerly 300 feet, measured at right angles, from the South line , , ' of said Lot 1; thence West along said parallel line, 299.22 feet; thence South 300, feet to ,the South Line of said Lot 1; thence East along the SouthLlne of said Lot 1, 60.16 feet, more or less, to ,the point of beginning: Subject to an easement for pUbit'c road purposes over the South 50 feet thereof, being in Huntington Drive (100 feet in width.) , is hereby establ~shed as a distNctof Zone "E" as defined in Ordinance No. 170 of said City of Arcadia, in order to designate, limit and -2- 'lIiPIiXliQ , ;~~~ J; ~ '{2/U'/ >1/ ~ restrict the occupancy and use of any' building, str~cture,or ,premises in Zone "E" , , and from and after the effective date of this ,Ordinance . - ..! . the re,al proper1;;y he'r~'inabove described ~hallbe and become a district 'of said' Zone lIElI. SECTION 2. The City Clerk ,shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and prior to the expiration of fifteen (15) days from the IJassage thereof, shall cause the seme to be ,published once in the Arcadia Tribuun and News, a newspaper. of general circulation, pub- 'Ushed and circulated in theC:l:ty of Arcadia, and thtr.ty (30) days from and after the final passage thereof said Ordinance shall take , ' \1 effect and be in force., 'I hereby 'ce~tify~ that the, foregoing Ordinance'was adopted at a regular , . meeting of the City Council of the City of ArCadia, held on the 18thday ~f July , 1939, by the affirmative vote of at least, three Councilmen, to-wit': AYES: Councilmen, Bolz, Griffitts, Leeper and Perkins NOES: None . ABSENT: Coune ilman Vial ter /u~~ , ,', C ty C ' , ,/. ' , " Signed and . approved this' 18th day of, ,', July, , 19;;9. .. , '/~f#k- A~ES~~..~ ~,>;~~~~:- ~ - -:.- '/........"::-.'::~ .. - / - . - #. '~-~-~~?~ : .~. . 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