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HomeMy WebLinkAbout0541 RESOLUTION NO. 541. ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA ORDERING.CERTAIN WORK AND IMPROVEMENT TO BE DONE ON A PORTION OF FANO STREET IN SAID CITY OF ARCADIA. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the work and improvement herein described is required by the public interest and convenience and the City Council of said City of Arcadia hereby orders the same to be done according to Specificationsand Improvement Plan No. c-149, ado9ted for said work and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of said City of Arcadia, to-wit: Flr..ST: That a cement side- walk five (5) feel in width be con- structed on each side' of Fana Street frol11 th~ 'Westerly line of Second A\'cnue -:'0 the Er.sterly lin~ of First An!nuc, in said City of Arcarlia indudin~ inter3cding re- t.urns . ai Fano Stred and Scronel Avenue and also at Pano Stred and First Avenue. SECOND: Tl1at a concrete curb be cou;;;lrudcd in said portil)!l of Fana Strcut .dong' a lizlC h...elvc (12) feet Southerly of and parallel to the Northerly line of said Fana Street and al~o along a line twelve (12) feet Nort.herly of and parallel to the Southerlj,' line uf said Fano Street. ! THIRD: Thal OJ cement gatter be constructed in the Northerly and Suutherly sidC.3 of said portion of F'ano Strcet. FOURTH: That rc:inforcctl CVJ~~ crete ornumcntal :;trcdt lighting st:llldanls, tog-ether with wires, llipesl conduits, globes, lumps anti cwplianct':'i for lig'htin~ said po:~ lion of Faun Street, be installed along the Northcrly and Southcrl~r sides of said portion of Fano Strcc~:. SECTION 2: That the grade .to which the \vork hereinabove de- scribed shall be uone and the im~ provcmcnt made as I'l"ovided in this llcsulution, is that shown on Profile and I:1"~pro\'cment Plan No. C-l,10,. on fib in the office of the City Engineer of said City, to which, Profile reference is hc;:chy made for the descr1ption of such gracie, SECTION ;}: All the foregoin~ \',"(!rk ~hall be d'::me ill accordance with said Profile and 11l1flrovcnwnt PI:~ll No, C-14a, on fHe in the of- fice of the City Engineer of said City of Arcadia. Said work shall ahio be jn Ht- cordancc with the follu",,'in~ Speci- fications Oll file in t.he office of the City Ch:~rk of said City of Ar- ; cullia, to-wit: "Standa;:d Silccjfic~titlJ1S No. 0 for th~ construction o[ cmbs, sidc- \valks, g'uttcrs, oil inacadam pave- , I meat and conc.rete llavcmcnt." I "St2.ndaro Spcrificatiuns No. 1 fol' the installation of stl'cet light- in),.' sbmdards, wires, conduits and all ;1C(~es::.ory fixture:; thereto.'" Said Profile and Impro\'cnwnt Plan 1\0, C-l-la and the Sllccifica- Tbat the rO:Hlwayl tion~ hereinabove referred to, were adopted by Resolution No. 537 of 'IJUee in :;aid portion of Fano ~;a:d City Council and the same ate Street between t.he Northerly gut- hereby m~de a part of this Reso- tel' linu thereof and the existing lutiun and are hereby referred to oil macadam pavcn1'.~nt in said por- fOl". a more particubr tlescriptio~l tion of Fano Street, be g-raded and . of ~aid work, "'\Yed with an 011 macadam p3\'C- . .L .' AE S~:-('et::: an:! A\'cllues referred men! JOllr ('1) Inches thIck ant.!,. . "n'. D I" 1). bl' 1'1. -h' . adwa' s ace in said por- f.,O 111 l. lIS hC'SO.Ul:lOl1. are. i.l :Ie t Hl... tela, J p Stl'cet-s and Ayenues 1I1 SaId CIty I tion of Fano Street between the, fA'. o reat 13, I ~nlJt.he1"lv _itutter. line tJlc~~t.a'ld .' t..:1o:1'.!i'rOM.A. ~f''h..t-_~1,.;,1 ..nnt..m_' Jo'H'TH: said City of Arcadia is of more than locaJ or ordinary pubHc bene- fit ~Ild said City Council hereby makes the expense of said work and im))rovcment churg-cable upon a District, which District said City Council herehy declares to be the District h'2!lcfilcd by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the co:-;ts and expenses there- of, \vhich said District is bounded and dest:riLed as follows: All that portion of said City of Arcadia included within the foHow- i~lg- dest'Tibctl exterior boundary I llTIcs, tJ per anllum 0 II . . . I DC{{1 the wlwJc 0/. a. 1 S~lI~lS UIlJ)uid unUl t sau JlrUld I wrncrJ . crest arc paid .' 1>a ;:md in- No. 3d Interest thereo' hSaHl bonds and I . n s all , . Coun'- t.le office of th C' be !l:11d ~lt f'", e It~r T. Califo. s.a1u CIty of A .' leasurcl" of I . , ' ---=---:..: rcaclla. m Eo SECl'lO '1. I MapS" ill!;3 fo thl\ ~ AJl of the th' r e aio j)ro,~ced - Cl11 1'111)1"0\'" < resaid \r I - ~r;lellL' 1 01';:: ~ d crly of s"j I i dn( for the . n , .. ( )1I11'1" I ISSU2:ne I elmr t:lkclI ' '., S lull be' e I undl'l' an . . Jwd 'Iml 1 Bla< the . (l Itl aceo '1 . , 1Il'O\'lSion' J( ance with to r....., S of all \ '~~P". .ltu~c of th ~ (.t of the Lot f ol'nia, kn e State of C I I E th" OWn and d' a I- . a c Improven eSlgnatcd a iJl U}llJro\'cd A. '11~lt Act of 1911') to t t- 1>n ( 1911 ' ','" SUP1Jlenlellt' J and uf all. 10. " . . a.v th .. datol'v th '. ereto (I' line ~ 1" ~:~.teO 113 I pel . pJ u'UrJ1}1?[notl.1( 1110 .l O~<HUi)(PR pa,..;).Hlull " 'tuu.[;),\o,lj")O ,J '01 .10 ' I uu ;),llqCtuuu un 11 cr ..,\T:r 10 <lpo,") pa~r . ?l-.J.1!'1.1d uq 0' '.J U 01 pa.l I' .. t S[ UOISS1WUlO} Tr~Up~nxl) u . '. . O!ptJ.l . 41 JO ((}.IlliO;) Pt'Ool n,PUR" '.IU1S-sulUl T"'p q .3tH I .u. ... ~wsIV;,II!-Ut: inn . r ,_~.:..'.....~_._r_ __ un.U_lfS'":'.r:::~(t.(BmlJn, .... o Z ~ <( o ~ 3 z w < - 0:: O...J :l 0 <r '" f- w - :J<e -\...1 1-(/)-1<1: V>>>u w w . <(l Z Z ::: . > zOO f- . Z f- Z :J < 0 o ~ .it. 10 12 \ ~ ~~ '--:" f: 1 SECTION 7: The Arcadia News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, p~blished and circulated in said City of Ar- cadia, is hereby designated as the newspaper in which notice of said work and improvement inviting sealed proposals shall be pub- lished in the manner and form and by the persons required by law. SECTION~: The City Clerk of said City of Arcadia is 2 3 4 5 6 7 hereby directed to po st OJ nspi cuously for five days, on or near the Council Chamber door of said City Council, in the manner and form required by law, a notice, together with Specifications there- for, inviting sealed proposals. or bids for doing said work and said City Clerk is also hereby directed to publish twice in said 8 9 11 newspaper designatd as, in the manner and form required 13 by law, a notice inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing said 14 work, and referring to the Specifications posted or on file. 15 Said notice shall require a certified check or bond, either, as 16 prescribed bylaw for an amount not less than ten per cent of the 17 aggregate of the proposal. 18 Said sealed proposals or bids shallbe delivered to the 19 City Clerk 20 Wednesday, 2l 22 Resolution. 23 24 ing of the of said City of Arcadia on or before eight olclock P.M. ! March 5, 1930. Bids will be. opened on said day and hourl I The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this The foregoing Resolution was adopted at Ci ty Council of City of Arcadia held a regular meet-r on the 5th. I I , I 25 day of February, 1930, by the affirmative vote of at least three , 26 Councilmen, to-wit: 27 AYES: Councilmen, BOlz, ~ Multer, Schermer- 28 horn and Walshe. 29 NOES: None, ABSENT: Councilman Granville, 30 aFd signed,and approved this 5th. day of February, 1930. 31 - ..... .ATTEST: . 'C 32 ~- ~kg7nL---cLC:;C{ City Clerk. - t7ll ~. Mayor "l. -IL/-i-{ ,{ t) ..RESOLUTION ^ 54:1 ~; -, " ~ " !..--~ . ," I: .... ... -.: c. '". '\ .> ~ .', c, " "'1 .;.i 'f.: . , .... ',' . '. ~ b ',:0 .1 ....., .; . .' ,. ....~ I' ~' ,I".f .~. ~, .'1 " < r., -, .~,} .... ~, ., c, '. ,-' -, "'"-.; , < " ." ',. -, (,.: to '-. " " . " . - , ., :' " t. ., 'J v .. C., .< ., , .., ., -' , .", ." , , , -:~ '.1 .w. ,~ ! '-i ;> :.0: , ;1 .., ., .j . ., .~ " :J ., ..-' " '1 ., -~ ,- < .' " , ,. ',";') ..~ > < ."j T' .W . . \ .."l . .. , j ': , .... :- , .'~ . '-I G " . > -, ..., .' .., . ., .... ~<. >. . "-r-. .> L- C. ., , ~ C' .' .. ; ..... :.. ,~ " '. ~., ., .- " .) < 'J L < " " ',-j 1< : , , ., <'J " < j ~ .., C; ,., -< 1. .', . ., "\ ~j .... ..... ~ . u :< ...., .-1 .. .' ... < ,., , '.' Li .'J ,.; .'1 C' ,. ", c: -, -<~~. :..; n .'j , , " " " ,. t.1 . . . ~ ~.. j < " ;- :~ .., . , " .. L~ -, -' " .' q .., OJ I .'-.; -!-; .1 .) ~. , :'l .... ,. :..~ ,< " "'=-~ .. .. ., ~ ~. <, ". , ;, I I :' \ , ~ II 'I ' .f ;> ~. ! ~ .