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HomeMy WebLinkAbout5285 RESOLUTION NO, 5285 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY ON THE 8th DAY OF APRIL, 1986 DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE CITY CHARTER, WHEREAS, a regular municipal election was held and conducted in the City of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of California on Tuesday, April 8, 1986, as required by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, notice of said election was duly and regularly given in time, form and manner as provided by law; that voting precincts were properly established, that election officers were appointed and that in all respects said election was held and conducted and the votes cast there- at, received and canvassed and the returns made and declared in time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California for the holding of elections in cities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No, 526D the City Clerk of the City of Arcadia canvassed the returns of said election and has certified the results to this City Council, said results are received, attached and made a part hereof as EXHI8IT "A", NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALI- FORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1, That there were 25 voting precincts established for the purpose of holding said election consisting (of consolidation) of the regular election precincts in the City of Arcadia as established for the holding of state and county elections, SECTION 2, That said regular general municipal election was held for the purpose of electing the following officers of said City as re- qui red by the Charter, to wit: SECTION 3, That the names of persons voted for at said election for member of the City Council are as follows: William Carpenter Andrew L. 8ard Roger Chandler Lewis H, V, May Charles Chivetta, Sr, Dennis A, Lojeski Robert C, Harbicht James H, Neumeister John D, Bon Eske William T, Gahr -1- 5285 SECTION 4, That the number of votes given at each precinct in the City to each of the persons above named for the respective offices for which said persons were candidates were as listed on EXHIBIT "A" attached, SECTION 5, The City Council does declare and determine that: Dennis A, Lojeski was elected as member of the City Council for the full tenn of four (4) years: Robert C, Harbicht was elected as member of the City Council for the full tenn of four (4) years: Roger Chandler was elected as member of the City Council for the full tenn of four (4) years: SECTION 6, That the City Clerk shall enter on the records of the City Council a statement of the result of said election, showing: 1, The number of votes given at each precinct and the number of votes given in the City to each of such persons before named for the respective offices for which said persons were candidates were as listed in EXHIBIT "A" attached, as well as the number of votes cast in each precinct, SECTION 7, The City Clerk shall immediately, upon compliance by the persons elected with the provisions of Section 11565 and Section 11568 of the Elections Code of the State of California, deliver to each of such persons so elected, a Certificate of Election, signed by her and duly authenticated; that the oath of office shall be each person elected as prescribed in the State Constitution of the State of California and shall have them subscribe thereto, and file the same in her office, Where- upon, each and all of said persons so elected shall be inducted into the respective office to which they have been elected, SECTION 8, That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, shall enter the same in the book of original resolutions of said City; and shall make a minute motion of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, -2- 5285 EXHIBIT "A" CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF CANVASS I, CHRISTINE VAN MAANEN, CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DULY AUTHORIZED BY RESOLUT10N 5260, ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SAID CITY ON THE 3rd DAY OF DECEMBER, 1985, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE CANVASSED THE RETURNS OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY ON THE 8th DAY OF APRIL, 1986, AND FIND THAT THE NUM8ER OF VOTES GIVEN AT EACH PREC1NCT FOR THE FOLLOWING NAMED PERSONS WERE AS RECORDED ON THE NEXT PAGE OF THIS CERTIFICATION, COUNCILMEMBERS, FULL FOUR (4) YEAR TERMS Dennis A, Lojeski Robert C, Harbicht Roger Chandler Dated: April 15, 1986 -3- 5285 ~ GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION , APR I L 8, 1986 6,437 Votes I Tabulation by, Precincts 22,9 % , Neu- Pet, Total Reg Pct,. 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''''''.:.'~ ' ' ., .. -. - ' - . ..- - - . - .... . ,oil 31' 5'" 11'"' .;1."0'1.5" 'ndidate .5"03 ~/'~ 9'1~ 3.;1..9:J. 8s8 3,oS3 3, :1 1.1 "~37 'To.tall., ' . , '" -" I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arcadia, held on the 15th day of April, 1986 by the affinnative vote of at least three Council- members, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Gilb, Hannah, Lojeski, Young and Pe 11 egri no NOES: None ABSENT: None ~~f Aco,';, SIGNED AND APPROVED THIS 15th DAY OF APRIL, 1986 ATTEST: ( SEAL) -4- 5285