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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1125 . >- . ~ .. - .uSOLU'lION BO. 112.. A RlSaOLUTIOIf OF THB CITY COUIIC;EL CJBTJill CITY OP ARCA;.;U .A.CCiP'l'IlIG qurrcLAl(J( DUD '10 ClOi.TATIl REAL PROPERTY IN TH! .CIfi \R J.RCADIA, FloM JlA1'l-IE ft. mfYDER~, Ui CWL COUNCIL OP TEll Orl'YO' ARCADIA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOY,S C SJIOTIOX 1. Tbat. the atta&hec1 Qu1tcla1m Deed executed by Karie R. SlJ1dIU.. a w1'40..... on tlIe. 26th day ot .Tune. 1941. qu1ite1.a1mlng to the CIty ot Arcadia a porUon ot Lot. 11, 12.. Ie and 17 eL Go1dawol"t127's Subdivision of the wellto17 two-tbbd. (2/3r48) oZ ftlll1ebo '81.11 Franeisqulto.aa per map relJorded 1r~ Book 42. page. 9Z and 94. Mhee11neoua Re-corda. In 1;_ office ot the C\).mt"j ReeordeI' ot Los Angela. CO\U1ty. be _d the same 1a harsb,. accepted on behaU of the City of ~ondia. SBC'l'IOlf 2. The Clt;r Clerll: ean certify to tbJ ~pt1cJJl of tbll1 Resolution. I bereb,. cartif1 that tbe tQregoing ll.8Bolut~on waa adopted , at Qn~ourned re~lar me.t1n,; ot 1lhe Clt,. Counoil of the City of Arcadia, held on the '30tli!a7 ot June , 1941. by tbe af'firmatiV8 vote ot at 1e..t tbree GQ,me1JJlen. to-w1tl AYE8tCouncllmen,Adcock, Bolz, Leeper, Ormsby and Perkins !~O~S:, None ABSEKT: None ~,~~) ....r. - CO, r . -- , Slsn.d and apPl'ov$d thl11 ,Oth lia,' of June ,1941. -~~-~ .YO~ '=3>. ~~. ,-' ~ e .' ..],..