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W' RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 114; 1 A RESOLUTI01I OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF AR- CADIA DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO IMPROVE A PORTION OF BONITA STREET 2 IN SAID CITY OF ARCADIA P~D DETERliINING THAT SERIAL BONDS SHALL BE ISSUED TO REPRESENT THE COST THE~EOF AND FIXING A TIllE AND PLACE 3 FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS TO THE PROPOSED TIORK OR IUPROVEUENT. 4 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA DO RESOLVE AS FOLL0l1S: 5 SECTION 1: That the public interest and convenience re- quire and it is the intention of the Board of Trustees of said City of Arcadia to order the following street work and improvement to be done in said City of Arcadia, to-wit: First: That a cement sidewalk five (5) feet in width be constructed along Bonita Street from the Easterly line of Santa Anita Avenue to the Westerly line of Second Avenue, including re- turns at the intersection of said Bonita Street and First Avenue. Second: That ". cement curbs be constructed along said por- tion of said Bonita Street, including returns at the intersection of said Bonita Street and First Avenue. Third: That reinforced, concrete, ornamental street light- ing standards, together with wires, pipes, conduits, globes, lamps, and appliances for lighting said Bonita Street, be installed along each side of said portion of said Bonita Street. SECTION 2: That the grade to which the work shall be done and the improvement made as provided in this Resolution is that shown on Profile and Improvement Plan No. 0-114, on file in the office of the City Engineer of said City, to uhich said Profile reference is hereby made for the description of such grade. SECTION 3: All of the foregoing work shall be done in accordance with said Profile and Improvement Plan No. 0-114 on file in the office of the City Engineer of said City of Arcadia. Said work shallalso be in accordance with the following Specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk of said Ci ty of Arcadia., to-wi t: -1- !h.?, IF/ . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 . z 13 ;; . - - - c ~ 3: ~ Z )1II~a: 14 )..Iz0 ...~~ "m~ ~)o :;: ~ 15 '~2 ! II a: ~ ~ .OZa: 16 J I- z z I: I- co "":l! = . 17 " . c 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . . . standard Specifications No. 0 for the const~uction of curbs, sidewalks, gutters and oil macadam pavements. Standard Specifications No. 1 for the installation of street lighting standards, wires, conduits and all accessory fix- tures thereto. Profile and Said Improvement Plan No. C-114 and the Specifications II' hereinabove specified were adopted by Resolution No. 112 of said Board of Trustees and same are hereby made a part of this Resolution and are he:reby refe:rred to for a more particular description of said work. All Streets 'II "t;pJ ,ir".:referred to in this Resolution are public streets 111.., '-'119 i1-a'~ of said City of Arcadia. SECTION 4: Said Board of Trustees also deter~mines and declares that serial bonds shall be issued to represent each assess- ment of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars or more remaining unpaid for twenty (20) days after the date of the warrant to represent the ex- penses of said work and improvement. Said serial bonds shall extend over a periOd ending nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeeding the fifteenth day of the next November following their date and an even annual proportion of the principal sum there- of shall be payable by coupon, on the second day of January every year after the fifteenth day of the next November following their date, until the whole is paid and the interest shall be payable, sem- annually, by coupon, on the second days of January and July respecti s- ly, of each year after their date at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum on all sums unpaid until the whole of said principal and interest are paid. SECTION 5: Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday, the 19th. day of December, 1923, at the hour of eight o'clock P. H. of said day, in the Council Chamber of the Board of Trustees of said City of Arcadia, in the City Hall of said City, any and all persons having any objections to said proposed work or improvement, or both, -2- ~. ;Ei?" /F! . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ., 11 12 . . 13 c , 3;; ~, .. . " . ~ 14 ..J . , I- c _~ ". " ,c >.l.l 15 .... , z 2 ~ a: " ~ o . ~ z~ 16 I'" z it I- c ~ ,ct ~~ . " 17 . c 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . . . may a.ppear before said Board of Trustees and show cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with this Resolution. SECTION 6: All the proceedings for the aforesaid work and improvement and for the issuance.of said bonds shall be had a.nd take under and in accordance wi th ..the provisions of an Act of the Legis- lature of the State of California, known and designated as the 111m- provement Act of 1911" , approved April 7, 1911, and of all Acts sup- plementary thereto or amendatory thereof. SECTION 7: The Superintendent of Streets shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said contemplated work or improvement, notices of the passage of this Resolution in the time, manner and form required by law. SECTION 8: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Resolution and shall cause the same to be published twice in The Aroadia Journal, a weekly newspaper published and circulated ~n said City of Arcadia and hereby designated for that purpose. Said Board of Trustees does not deem it advisable that the City Clerk mail copies of "Notice of Improvementll to the owners or reputed own- ers and the mailing of such notices is hereby dispensed with. The foregoing Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of said City of Arcadia, held on the 21st. day of November, 1923, by the affirmative vote of at least three mrustees, to-wit: AYES: Trustees Dunham, Multer, Wheeler and Winkler. NOES: None ABSENT:, Trustee Granville. qnd si~ed ~ approved tr~s 21st. day of November, 1923. . ~ . .. - ~. ., '"' vfZ~. President of the Board of Trustees. -, .' , ATTEST: " _ .::l ~r f'x~,l6f6 ?~- 01 Cl erk. -3- If{ o. //..7~ ""