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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2787 :::ESOLUTION NO. 2787 A nESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIm CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFOaNIA, READOPTING Tlffi OFFICIAL 5-STEP PLAN SALAay SCHEDULE Foa TIm VAaIOUS POSITIQ;!S IN TIill CITY ErIPLOY, ESTABLISHING AND llliAFFImUNG THE VAnIOUS POSITIONS IN THE CITY EfIPLOY, ASSIGNING NEW SCHEDULE NU~ffiERS TO SUCH POSITIONS, AND ALTErtING AND ADJUSTING THE ;'lINHTIJi.] AND !.IAXHlUi,j COMPENSATION FOR ALL PCSITIQ}!S IN TI:E CITY EI.jPLOY, AND Ai,lENDING ALL PRIoa ImSOLUTIOHS TO CONFORI-1 HEREI'IITlr. TIm CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFO~IIA, DOES HSREBY DETERT-lINE AND RESOLVE AS FOLLO;'/S: SECTION 1. That the Personnel Board and the City r,lanac;er, in cooperation with the administrative staff of the City, ~ave revievred the personnel system of the Cit;{ of Arcadia and the com- pensation of all officers and employees of the City of Arcadia and have made their recom~endations thereon. That the City Council has reviewed t~e aforesaid recommendations and the subject matter ~enerally. SECTION 2. That the follovrin;:; 5-step plan salary schedule heretofore adopted by the City of Arcadia is hereby re- adopted and reaffirmed: -1- INDFXr_Q. 2787 " SALARY SCHEDUIE A' B Q D E - 1 200 210 221 232 244 2 20S 21S 226 238 250 3 210 221 232 244 256 4 21S 226 236 250 262 5 221 232 244 256 269 6 226 238 250 262 276 7 232 244 256 269 283 6 236 250 262 276 290 9 244 256 269 263 297 10 250 262 276 290 304 11 256 269 263 297 312 12 262 276 290 304 320 13 269 263, 297 312 326 14 276 290 304 320 336 IS 283 297 312 328 344 16 290 304 320 336 353 17 297 312 326 344 362 18 304 320 336 353 371 19 312 328 344 362 360 20 320 336 353 371 369 21 328 344 362 360 399 22 336 353 371 389 409 23 344 362 380 399 419 24 353 371 369 409 430 2S 362 360 399 419 440 26 371 369 409 430 451- 27 380 399 419 440 463 28 389 409 430 451 474 29 399 419 440 463 466 30 409 430 451 474 498 31 419 440 463 486 5n 32 430 451 474 ' 498 S23 33 440 463 486 5ll 536 34 451 474 496 523 550 3S 463 466 511 S36 S64 36 474 496 523 550 578 37 486 5ll 536 564 S92 36 496 523 550 578 607 39 511 536 564 592 622 40 523 550 S78 607 638 41 536 564 592 622 653 42 550 576 607 636 670 43 S64 S92 622 653 667 44 576 607 638 670 704 4S S92 622 653 687 721 46 607 638 670 704 739 47 622 653 687 721 7S8 48 638 670 704 739 777 -2- 2787 SECTION 3. That pursuant to the recommendations and deteroin~tion3 thus made, as set forth in Section 1 hereinbefore, and in accordance with the 1956-1957 fiscal budget adopted concur- rentl~r :lerewi ';h, the i'ollol'linG positions l'lithin the unclassified and classified service of the City of Arcadia are established, re- established, reaffirmed and approved, respectively as the occ~sion may be, effective as 0: July 1, 1956, and the followinG rates or amounts respectively of compensation made applicable thereto are rea~firned Nith respect to the various offices and positions in the cit~ employ effective as of Jul~ 1, 1956, and as to the posi- tions in the c lassi:ied service of the Ci t~', the l' 01 1 ol'li n.::; salary schedule rates are ~cspectively aSSiGned thereto, to l'lit: -3- 2787 1956 - 1957 AUTHORIZED POSITIONS GENERAL ~Nf Citv Manaoer, 1 City Manager 1 Administrative Assistant or Private Secretary (6 mos. @ $600) 1 Secretary to the City Manager or Senior Clerk City Clerk, 1 City Clerk 1 Addition Compensation City Clerk Special Services 1 Senior Clerk 1 Senior Clerk - Additional Duties 1 Stenographer Clerk 1 Business License Inspector 1 Stenographer Clerk (Temporary) Finance Department, 1 Controller 1 Accountant 1 Senior Account Clerk 2 Account Clerks II 2 Account Clerks I 1 Stenographer Clerk Treasurer, 1 Treasurer 1 Assistant Treasurer 1 Assistant Treasurer (Tempory) Personnel, 1 Personnel Officer City Attorney. 1 City Attorney (Part Time) 1 Legal Stenographer General City. 1 Switchboard Operator 1 OJstodian 1 Stenographer Clerk PUBLIC SAFETY Police. 1 (Mef 2 Captains _,4,_ Schedule No. Ranoe $ 1000 Maximum 600 24 353 - 430 16 290 - 353 350 100 . 16 290 - 353 40 13 269 - 328 28 389 - 474 Maximum 328 781 33 440 - 536 20 320 - 389 16 290 - 353 13 269 - 328 13 269 - 328 30 409 - 498 16 290 - 353 Maximum 353 42 550 - 670 20 750 320 - 389 13 17 13 269 - 328 297 - 362 269 - 328 37 781 486 - 592 cr;Gil 1956 - 1957 AlJI'HORIZED POSITIONS PUBLIC SAFETY Policel (Continued) 6 Sergeants 32 Patrolmen' 1 Policewoman 2 Stenographer Clerks 6 Crossing Guards 1 Radio Technician Firel 1 (Mef 1 Assistant Chief 1 Inspector 6 Captains 2 Lieutenants 11 Engineers 17 Hosemen 1 Dispatcher Clerk Building I 1 Chief Building Inspector 1 Office Engineer 5 Assistant Building Inspectors 1 Junior Clerk Planning I 1 Planning Secretary . (Building Inspector) 1 Junior Clerk (Additional Duties) PUBLIC WORKS Engineeringl, 1 Director of Public Works 1 Assistant City Engineer '3 Office Engineers 2 Draftsmen I 1 Senior Clerk Street; 'I Assistant Street Superintendent 1 Street Foreman 1 Sub-Foreman 1 Maintenance Carpenter 7 E~ipment Operators 1 Traffic Painter 1 Tree Trltm\er 17 Maintenance Men I . 1 Junior Clerk' ~' 5- Schedule No. lWl.9!. 31 25 25 13 $419 - 511 362 - 440 362 - 440 269 - 326 1.36 per hr. 273 - 37 32 32 29 29 25 13 683 466 - 592 430 - 523 430 - 523 399 - 466 399 - 466 362 - 440 269 - 328 32 27 10 533 430 - 523 360 - 463 250 - 304 150 20 866 42 550 - 670 32 430 - 523 27 380 - 463 16 290 - 353 37 486 - 592 26 389 - 474 23 344 - 419 26 369 - 474 22 336 - 409 .----'"- ' 22 336 - 409 22 336 - 409 .18 304 - 371 10 250 - 304 2787 ----- ,. 1956 - 1957 AurHORIZED POSITIONS PUBliC WORKS Equipment Service Division. 1 Master Mechanic 2 Mechanics EDUCATION AND RECREATION Recreation. 1 Recreation Director 1 Stenographer Clerk 24 Playground Supervisors (Part Time) 18 Recreation Supervisors (Part Time) 18 Instructors. (Part Time) 1 Band Instructor (Part Time) Library. 1 Librarian 1 Librarian III 3 Librarians II 1 Librarian I 2 'Senior Library Assistants 4 Library Assistants 2 Junior Library Assistants 1 Typist Clerk 1 Secretary (Part Time) 2 CUstodians 1 Trustee Secretary Water I 1 Superintendent 1 Assistant Superintendent 1 Draftsman II 1 Construction Foreman 1 Production Foreman 2 Draftsmen I 2 Pump Operators II 2 Pump Operators I 1 Meter Repairman 4 Servicemen III 6 Servicemen II 5 Servicemen I 1 Storekeeper 1 Stenographer Clerk , ~t$ '- Schedule No. 28 20 13 Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum 26 24 18 13 10 2 8 16 15 37 32 28 28 27 23 21 22 22 20 18 20 13 Ranae $389 - 474 320 - 389 575 269 - 328 1.75 per hr. 2.25 per hr. 40' session 600 session 495 371 - 451 353 - 430 .304 - 371 269 - 328 250 - 304 205 - 250 238 - 290 290 - 353 283 - 344 , 10 746 486 - 592 430 - 523 389 - 474 389 - 474 380 - 463 344 - 419 328 - 399 336 - 409 336 - 409 320 - 389 304 - 371 320 - 389 269 - 328 f1lG;1 . . 1956 - 1957 Classification Schedule Present Schedule Present Schedule Classi fication li2.a. Rate Classification No. Rate Junior Library Ass't. 2 $205 - 250 Hoseman 25 $362 - 440 Policewoman " Typist Clerk 8 238 - 290 Patrolman " Junior Clerk 10 250 - 304 Librarian III 26 371 - 451 Library Assistant " Draftsman I 27 380 - 463 Account Clerk I 13 269 - 328 Ass't. Bldg. Insp. " Dispatcher Clerk " Senior Library Ass't. " Bus. Lic. Inspector 28 389 - 474 Stenographer Clerk " Construction Foreman " Switchboard Operator II Maintenance Carp$nter .. Master Mechanic II CUstodian, Library. 15 283 - 344 Production Foreman " Street Foreman " Account Clerk,II 16 290 - 353 Assistant Treasurer II Fire App. Engineer 29 399 - 486 Senior Clerk " Fire Lieutenant " Library Secretary " Health & San. Inspc. II CUstodian, City 17 297 - 362 City Treasurer 30 409 - 498 Librarian I 18 304 - 371 Police Sergeant 31 419 - 511 Maintenance Man I " Serviceman I II Fire Captain 32 430 - 523 Fire Inspector " Legal Stenographer 20 320 - 389 Draftsman II .. Mechanic " Office Engineer II Senior Acct. Clerk II Serviceman II " Accountant 33 440 - 536 Storekeeper " Assistant Fire Chief 37 486 - 592 Pump Operator I 21 328 - 399 Police Captain " AssJt. Street Sup't. II Equipment Operator 22 336 - 409 Ass't. Water Sup't. " Meter Repairman II Serviceman III II Ass't. City Engineer 42 550 - 670 Traffic Painter II Personnel Officer II Tree Trinuner " Sub-Foreman 23 344 - 419 Pump Operator II " Sec. to City Manager 24 353 - 430 Librarian II " -7- 2787 SECTION 4. That the compensation of Neil F. Anderson as Cit:r ~;anager, heretofore fixed at t:1e rate of One thousand dollars (01,000.00) per month pursuant to Resolution No. 2702, is hereby re- affirmed. SECTION 5. That the compensation of the City Attorney, as heretfore established by Resolution No. 2534, is hereby reaf- firned. SECTION S. That any temporary employee, at the discre- tion of the appointinG power and with the approval of the City ;;anager, may be paid up to the maximum amount specified for the position thus filled by such enployee, and may be paid less than the salary prescribed for a probationary or permanent employee in such position. That all p~rt-time e~ployees and all other employees in the unclassified service, as to which a maximum compensation is hereinbefore specified, may be paid any sum up to and including or any sum less than the maximum compensation hereinbefore specified. SECTION 7. That all prior resolution inconsistent in Nhole or in part ),Iith any of the foreGoing sections are hereby amended to conform Nith the provisions hereof. SECTION 8. The City Clerlr shall certify to the adoption of this Resolut~on. I HERE:BY CERTIFY that the foregoinB resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of t;1e City of Arcadia held on the 28th day of June , 1956, by the affirmative vote of at least three Councilmen, to wit: AYES: Councilmen 8amphouse, Dennis, Jacobi, Phillips and Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None ~l~~ffr~ -8- 2707 . ," . . . SIGN3D AND APPROVED this 28th day of June ~z ~~lt~~ Cit~, ClerIc -9- . , 1956. 2727