HomeMy WebLinkAbout2576 . RESOLUTION NO. 2576 A RESOLUrrON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING CERTAlii HOLIDAYS fa BE HOLIDAYS FOR CUY Ei.PLOYEES THE CUY COUNCIL OF 'rH~ CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFOR:~IA, DOES DEfERl;,IiiE AND RESOLVE AS FOLLQ\iS: . SECTION 1. That the improvement of the morale of the City service, equal treatment among departments in relation to the service performed by the respective departments, the clarification of the status of holidays with respect to City employment, and the adoption of the recommendations of the Personnel Board as embodied in the current fiscal budget, require the designation of certain holida~s as City holidays ~ith respect to City employees as herein- after provided. . SECTION 2. That the Rules and Regulations Supplementing Ordinance No. 431, as amended, be and the same are hereby further amended by adding a new Section 4 to Rule VI thereof, the same to read as follows: "Section 4. Holidays. "(a) Holidays for General Employees. Each employee in the classified service of the City, except members of the Police Department and Fire Department, whether probationary . or permanent, and whether paid on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis, shall be entitled to all holidays specified by the Government Code as legal holidays, and shall be entitled, as part of his contract of City employment, to payment at his regular rate of pay on each of said holidays nithout perform- ing his regular duties thereon. If any such employee is obliged, by reason of the duties of his position or the orders of his superior, to perform work for the City on any such . holiday, he shall be entitled, in addition to his regular pay, - 1 - 2576 . . to compensating time off for such holiday or, if this be impractical or impossible, to additional pay at his regular rate of pay. "(b) Holidays for Policemen and Firemen. Each employee in the classified service of the Police Department and F'ire De- partment, whether probationary or permanent, shall be entitled to the following holidays: January 1, Decoration Day, July 4, Labor Day, December 25 and every day appointed by the Presi- dent of the United States or by the Governor of this State as a day for public fast, fhanksgiving or a holiday, and shall be entitled, as part of his contract of City employment, to pay- ment at his regular rate of pay on each of said holidays with- out performing his regular duties thereon. If any such em- ployee is obliged, by reason of the duties of his position or the orders of his s~rior, to perform TIork for the City on any such holiday, he shall be entitled, in addition to his regu- lar pay, to compensating time off for such holiday or, if this be impractical or impossible, to additional pay at ~is regular rate of pay. I'henever it is necessary for such an employee of the Fire Department to work not less than eight hours of his shift on any of the above holidays, he shall be entitled to con~ensating time off equal to the amount of such eight hours or more during which he thus performed work for the City, or if this be impractical or impossible, to additional pay for one day, that is one-half a shift." . . SECTION 3. Department heads shall not be entitled to overtime pay if the duties of their offices require them to perform work for the City on any holiday, unless the City Council shall ex- pressly authorize additional payment for such work. other regular full time or half time employees not in the classified serviCe shall be entitled to all holidays speCified by the Government Code as legal holidays, and shall be entitled, as part of their contract of . - 2 - 2575 . City employment, to payment at their regular rate of pay on each of said holidays without performing their regular duties thereon. If any such employee is obliged, by reason of the duties of his posi- tion or the orders of his superior, to perform work for the City on any such hOliday, he shall be entitled, in addition to his re~lar pay, to compensating time off for such holiday or, if this be im- practical or impossible, to additional pay at nis regular r!!te of . pay. SECTION 4. The foregoing provisions are restatements of policies heretofore declared by the City Council and practices heretofore in effect in the City ?ervice, and as hereinabove re- stated now shall be deemed to have been in effect from and after July 20, 1954. SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. . I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing adjourned . at ~regular meeting of the C~ty Council held Resolution was adopted on the 28th day of December, 1954, by the affirmative vote of at least three Council- men, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Camphou6e, Dennis, Dow, Hulse and Phlll1ps NO~S: None ABSE;wr : None . ~~ ity Clerk of the City of-Arcadia SIGNED AND APPROVED this 28th day of December, 1954. ~~~~ Mayor of the City of Arcadia ATTEST: g~ City Clerk . - 3 - 2576