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SECTION 1. That the City Council has heretofore determined
that the properties located at Golden West Av~nue ~nd Duarte Road in
the City of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of Cal1forz:rta,
described as follows:
PARCEL I: The westerly 368 feet, measured along'
Duarte Road, of Lot 2, Block A, Santa Anita Land
Company's Tract, per map recorded -in Book 6, Page 137,
of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said
PARCEL II: That portion of the northerly 100 feet
_1 lh~ L I 1;, 1:: f _..L of the westerly 125.43 feet
of Lot 2 of Block "A", Santa Anita Land Company's
f 11 ~ Pi . IT-. 1 Tract per map recorded in Book :6,
page 137" of Maps in the office of the County Recorder
of said County;
PARCEL III: Beginning at an angle point in the City
of Arcadia Boundary, as same existed on May 1, 1964,
said angle point being the intersection of a line that
is parallel with the easterly line of Lot 3, Block A,
Santa Anita Land Company's Tract, as shown on map
recorded in Book 6, Page 137 of Maps, in the office
of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, and 378 feet
easterly, measured along the northerly line of said
lot from the northwesterly corner thereof, and the
southerly line of said Lot 3, said southerly line
now being the center line of Naomi Avenue 50 feet
wide; thence westerly 411 feet, more or less, along
said southerly line and its westerly prolongation to
the center line of Golden West Avenue, 60 feet wide,
as shown on map of said tract; thence northerly along
said last mentioned center line 330 feet to said City
of Arcadia boundary; thence easterly along said
boundary and following the same through its various
courses and distances to the point of beginning;
should be reclassified and established in Zone C-l (Limited Commercial)
and Zone D (ArChitectural Overlay), and has adopted Ordinances No. 1272
and 1273 classifying and establishing said properties in Zone C-l
(Limited Commercial) and Zone D (Architectural Overlay).
SECTION 2. That for the protection of properties in the
vicinity, for the integration of subject property with the uses in
effect or permissible in the area, to promote the full and proper
utilization of the aforesaid property and particularly to insure
that all buildings, structures, signs and landscaping in the area
will be harmonious and not of obnoxious, undesirable or unsightly
appearance and thereby detrimental to other properties in the vicinity,
the following restrictions should be and the same hereby are imposed
upon the above-described properties pursuant to Division 2 of Part 7
of Chapter 2 of Article IX of the Arcadia Municipal Code, to wit:
1. A six foot high, solid, decorative, masonry wall shall
be constructed along the east property line. The wall shall decrease
to three feet in height twenty-five feet from the north and south
property lines. Wall height shall be measured from adjoining proper-
ties and shall, in no case, be less than five feet six inches high
when measured from within the site at random points adjacent to the
2. Walls three feet high shall be provided along the
north, west and south property lines, except in areas where curb cuts
are permitted.
3. All planting areas shall be separated from paving bear-
ing vehicular triffic by a six inch concrete curb and irrigated with
a permanent underground irrigation system.
4. All of the above described properties shall be developed
contemporaneously as one building site.
5. All utilities, including electrical and telephone, shall
be installed underground in a manner meeting with the approval of the
Department of Public Works. Vault space, when required, shall be pro-
vided, meeting with the approval of the Department of Public Works.
6. Any service facilities placed on the roof shall be
screened from view and in a manner approved by the Planning Department.
In no case shall these appurtenances exceed eight feet in height.
7. The illumination of the buildings and parking areas shall
be directed away from the neighboring properties and the public right-
of-way. The parking lot light standards shall not exceed fifteen feet
in height. >
8. Street lights shall be installed and street trees planted
in locations and to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works.
9, Six foot wide sidewalks shall be constructed along
Duarte Road, Golden West and Naomi Avenues, per Department of Pub-
lic Works standards.
10. Sewer connections shall be made in locations and to
the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works.
11. The parking stall size shall be no less than nine
feet wide by twenty feet long.
12. Five feet for Naomi Avenue and twelve feet for Duarte
Road shall be dedicated for street purposes. In each instance, the
appropriate corner cut-offs shall also be dedicated.
13. Building heights including architectural features shall
not exceed twenty-five feet.
14. Only one free standing sign identifying the name of the
center shall be permitted. The maximum height of this sign shall not
exceed twenty-five feet. All other signs permitted shall be mounted
on the facades of the building and shall pertain only to the name of
the business or the use conducted within the building.
15.. The free standing sign shall not exceed an area of
one hundred square feet.
16. The amount of sign area permitted on the front facades
of the buildings shall not exceed one square foot of sign area for
each lineal foot of building frontage. Only one-half of the previously
stated amount of sign area shall be permitted on the east, south and
north sides of the building.
17. Signs shall not project above the roof line of the
18. Billboards and attraction boards shall not be permitted.
19. For sale or lease signs shall not exceed four square feet.
20. Moving or rotating signs, or signs having any moving
parts, or blinking, flashing or moving lights shall not be permitted.
21. No illuminated signs shall be mounted on the east, south
and north wall of buildings, except that signs are permitted on the
north side of the south bui1ding~ subject to approval of the Planning
22. All permanent and temporary storage of crates, bottles
and trash shall be within the building or in an outside enclosure con-
structed with similar material,as the main building in locations
meeting with the approval of the Planning Department.
23. Complete landscape planting and sprinkler irrigation
plans prepared by a registered Landscape Architect shall be submitted
as part of the working drawing package, such plans to be approved by
the Planning Department.
24. Complete grading and drainage plans showing existing
elevations and existing excavations shall be submitted as part of the
working drawing package, such plans to be approved by the Department
of Public Works.
. .
25. Complete working drawings in substantial compliance with
the approved revised plot plan shall be submitted within a one-year
period. These plans shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior
to the zoning becoming effective.
26. The City Planning Commission shall have the right, without
necessity of further notice of hearing, to make minor modifications of
any of the foregoing conditions, if such modification will achieve
substantially the same results and will in no way be detrimental to
adjacent properties or improvements than will the strict compliance with
said conditions.
27. The property shall be used in the manner shown on the
plot plan depicting the development of the area filed with and approved
by the Planning Commission.
SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of
this Resolution.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was adopted
at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arcadia held
on the 17th day of
, 1964, by the affirmative
vote of at least three Councilmen, to wit:
Councilmen Balser, Considine, Forman, Reibold
and Turner
C 'y C er of the Ci y 0 rca a
SIGNED AND APPROVED this 17th day of November ,1964.
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Mayor of the City of Arcadia
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