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HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-0210 ,.Y" -,- . ," i II " 'I RESOLUTION NO. 623. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA DO RESOLVE FOLLOr-S: AS 1 :1 2 3 4 That that oertain Road Deed, dated May 14, 1931, executed by Seourity-First Bational Bank of Los Angeles, granting to the 01 ty of Arcad1a" a !lun1c1psl corporation, for Public Road and b I Highway pur00ses, all thBt certain real property situate in the 6 I 7 ,i I City of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of California, end more :?art1culorly described in llaid Road Deed, be and the Bame is hf.r~by aocepted by said City of Arcadi~. 8 9 " 10 11 12 " . 13 " z !:! o ~ 9 z LLI < - Il: 14 l:l.J~~ Ct: ~ 101_ ~; ~ ~ 15 The undersigned, Oi ty Clerk of the City of Arcadia, does 1&I z.( tIS ~ ~ ;: zeoe 16 hereby certify that the fore~oing is a full, true and correct z ~ ~ a: :l~~~ C 22 17 copy of a Resolution adopted by the 01 ty Counoil of said City of 18 Arcadia, at a regular meeting thereof duly o~lled and held July 19 21, 1931. 20 ,I ~ITNESS, my hand and the Corporate Seal of said City of 21,1 Arcedia, this 22nd. day of July, 1931. 22 /(;~~ City 'Clerk 0 the City 0 Arcs is. 23 'I II 24 " I 25 : I, 26,1 , 27 : 28 ~i 29 " , <, , .30 , " 31 :' 32 I' 'I 'I i I' ' --- . ...- ,.. " ... ~ Or/;,.:-., " . ',' -.1<-2-' ~ , '. DEED jf or a l:J' aluablt ((onsibtration, The undmizntd . SECURIJ'Y-FI!l$T NATIONAL BAl'QC OF I..OS.A1\ City of Aroadia , ' d'&5 . hereby Erant to 1t'i5~li)tUJlllilfeEtan easemmtfir City of Arcadia public road and hiEhway purptlus, in the fillowinE described real proper;dri/Uate in the raid ~':l!JXU~~ State if Califirina . .. T~atportion. of the west half.of jI~cHcHl 15.._'l'ownim11Ll_NoIU, Range 11 West, S.B.M., within a strip of land be feet wide, lying 30 feet on each side of the.fQllowing.q~~~ri~e~~~r line: - . Beginning at a point in the north line of said seotion which is South 890IJ.2IOO"West 577.78 feet;j, Jm..J3aid north line, said point being the begipni~g of a curve concave to the sout,he.ast. and ~ having a .~ad!~s of. 100 _fe~1; L~radt!!,L.91J.rvo to the beginning t~reof having' a bearing of North 37059'00"West; thenoe southwesterly along-s?-id c~rve ~55..58 :tee..~,;. thence SoutV20l8~0"W.E,.fet 42.96 ~eet to the beginning of a curve conc~ve ,to the northT.est and having a radius of 125 feet; th~nce souyhwestsr1y alon!t~id .:!!l- tioned curve 114.815 feet; tbenoe ~outh 74057'~OUWeBt 1S3.97 feet to the beginning of a curve,co~~ve_toth~ ~orth and having a radius of 125 feet;-tnence westerly along sa1d last mentioned curve 112.09 feet; thenoe North 53039140"\Ves.t._~9'n25 fe~t :to the beginning of a curve c~mc.av~to tKes(ii.l:tn.alidnaving a radius of I2,-Ieet; thenoe" westerly E+long said last mentioned curve ~4}.15._fe.e.t; _th,enQ.e South 600261l,O"West 40.55 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the northwest and having a radius of 300 fees t.he_nce sout"hwes'ter~y curve 63.85 feef;-l;hence South 72038130"West 94..1IJ feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the n.Ert.h.~~.~ving_ a .radius of 200 feet: thence westerly :a1ong said-.last mentioned curve 134.57 feet; thence North 6go4g'20"West , 49.45, !e~t._to ,the beg,innin.,g .of_acurye......ooncave to thp. ROllt.hp.RRt. "nrl hav- ing a radius of 200 feet; thenoe southwesterly along said last mentioned cUE~e 46~.9J feey; th~~c.e~out~ 2~0}~!~Q'~ast 42.05 feet to the bp.ginning of a curve concave to the northwest and having a radius of 125 feet; t~ence southwes;e.r!y al_onlL sai.d, l/!,st mentioned c.u.rve 31.9..Jl4 ,feet; thence 1~oftll~6003130n,/est 20.00 feet-1to the beginning of a curve concave to the south andhl3,ving a rad!.u.Il._ol,l,75.,f!1.e~ence wp.stp.t'ly Rlnng RaiC! last mentionea-ourve 218.g3 feet; thence South 52017150"West 19.82 feet to the be~.iIl?:iIlg of a ~u,rye conoave to the east and having R t'"iii"El of 175 feet; thenoe southerly along said last mentioned curva 203.11 feet; thence South 1~0.12--'_101l]!;l!st 41.20 feet-.19jh~Qe.ginnine of a,(cl1t'vp. "on"eve to tee north- weRt ~nd h~v1ng a radius of 125 feet; thence southwesterll atong said last m~nj;i.o.neg cu.rye. 211j..6~;_thpnDp. -Sout.h 84010100"West 3.1 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the southeast and having a radiu~ of 100.feet;t~enoe southwes~r~y ~lo~~sa~d last mentioned curve 170.9~ feet; thence South 13046t20"East 65.76 feet to the beginning of a curve concave, to the northwes~and havi~ a radius of 100 feet; thenoe southwesterly a1ongsaid-Iast"ment1one-d curve-f27~36-feet; tr..ence South 59012'00"West 188.1J.1 feet,to the beEinning of a curve concave to the north and having a radius of 200-feet ;'thence wester'ly along said last mentioned curve 167.93 feetj thence North 72041'30llWest .J.2.l,Lfeet to the beginning of a curve concave-to-thenortheastan~havinga radius of~200 feet; thence north- we~j;erlY...Jl.lon,g sa,iQ... l~.s! !l!e~tio..!l~9:..C1!:!rv~2. 22 feet; thence North 46016'20" West-r49.3~ feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the east and .rad1J.Ul..oL.l50 .fee.t..;._t.ll.e.nce .n..ortherly alon~id last mentioned curve 166.45 feet; thence North 17018130"East 180.63 feet to the beginning tD.. thfLao.u:thwe.s.t...1llld having a rRdius of 100 feet i-tt,ence '-northwester1y along said last mentioned curve 242.79 feet; thence South 58011t50"West 38.43 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the east ~ 768 .. 1 . linen recordor return to ~ , G. G. wi.;udo, city clerk, City of ..iI'cud a, Cali:~. ~ r' ..",\' ,\.\. "..'...,,- ~ -,,,"" / '.,;. . (;'01' v,JL Uk l .. ~ ... .... _....- Z; C :.r:\:i'__.---' ~ nort~:~'re _'0" j"' ~ 8 ;.iOi 'iJL.~cr .... ~ ~ ,,~o t.= l.esl"!11t:L....._.. iN BOO: 10 !<: L..w.....,-,_.... A-PA^~' 98 ~ 8 ;,Itcrr.ty,-.... I Ul;!: '-'<h'l'f O~ .. "71l;\AL HE O:JfJS, ~ "c: ~r , --t -...... 1 ...,. C L U .1ID'::. --- l~S j,.:G:lES CO, A ~ '~t::d.;~ __.__. B~L)~. ...d. Cour,'" EeC;:'idcr .___.u '=--''"".u lJ i c.rtlfy that I h,ve cOrfe.ctly ,,,..,,rib.d ... ~r,~~'~'~~..1t~]~~_,_ F':~ltt County RBCO~t.r'~ ~f~ce. "1 ,tt;. CC'!Mt1.C~ .' , ~ /;.. > 4/ --I f if . , T , J ,>,' .,I ~ ' , . --, .1,/ ~"'f .: f~; .~7~.' , ~ ~ . 2:10 ____:t~,LU1I'l'A CAEYON ROAJL.... ROAD DEED SEOORIU-1'mST _~A'tI.ONAL.BIl OF_ L.A., TO JIJHIIl:X1<<>ImlImC~I'XJOOS:lIWi~ CITY OF AROADIA DATED ___ __19,_ (1-2) j and having a radiuS of 200 feet; thence southerly along said last men- ti,otl_e_(Lc,grve 39J.!.;L1l:. feJ~,t;_ H',e)~9,e South_E8004'20IlEast 199.99 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the northeast and having a radius of 1500 fe~~~tence sQuth~asterlY along said last'mentioned curve 335.~t; thence South1j{)o53'40"East 80.3 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to-1b._Lwesi...an_d_hflsJ.,nZ--I:\.Jaliius of 250 feet; thence southerly along said last mentioned curve 270.70 feet; thence South 21008'40"West 211.33 feet to~he besinn:l.n~oL a .9u:r:ve_c_o-Il_~,-ave_tJL.:th.JLe.fl,st and having a radius of 200 feet; thence southerly along said last mentioned curve 142;27 feet; thence SQuJ;J:LJ.~6.!50IlEasLlOO.ill?, fe_eJ;nj;JLihe beginning of a curve concave to the northeast and having a radius of 125 feet; thence southeasterly along said la..s..t..Jl!e.n:t.i.on.ed curv.e 1.5Q.73-fee~_t.hence South ggo42'2n"F.ast 3~5.2? feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the west and having a radius of 125 fert;~be.nQ.ELsQut.he, SAid lAst mAntinnAn C'llll'VP 4Jl(1.25 feet:, Allcur~es,are t~s~~~ ~_Q_th~_straight lines which they join. The southeasterly line of said strip of land shall be prolonged em as-to'terminate in the northerly line of said section. - 'l'O be knovm-as---sANTA'ANIYA CANYON ROAD. ~eference is-'hereby--made-to-County Surveyor's Map No. B-369 on f~le _..!!l ~~~_offic~ ~f ~l'-e_Surveyor, of Los Angeles coun~ The undersigned grantors hereby reserve the right to construct and maintain pipe lines over, along, under and across the above described property together with the right to replace and repair same subjeot to existing laws and ordinances governing excavating in public highways. IN WITNESS WHER~OF~ said SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGELgS, --- -- "- -- ----- - -- - ~-- --- --- has her_e:t!nt,o _ affi~~d ii.s _name by _ i ts Vice-President and Assistant ~ecretary-,-~~_reunto_d~:tl.._!l.uthorized, this /4- day of 11/J1_ _ 1931. SECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGELES - -- ,I '-13Y-_-~~~'-~-- -v~~e~~s-:- AT >EST , . _ ~~::"y. . - -' STATE OF CALIFORNIA,} County of Los Angeles 88. On ,this 14th _ day of. Hay _,_ . 19-Bl _, INfort ""'. __ ~_ _5 0 RIYR'F.'l.SOll" ' a Notary Puhlic in and for said County and Stau, pmonall. appeartd ___T-,_.Q.. HALJ;..>.-~wn to me to be the Vice:::E1:e.eidant "nil E._ll~ mPr2, knO\'lIl to me to be the Assistant Secretary of SECUIlITY-FIRST HATIOHAL OF :Ws-.ANG~ "'the assocnrt1crn-thattlXe'ctrted the l'ltt111llifis-tI.tilnent~a:na.'1mown to' me-to be tne perSOIlS \<ho ..executed-tb.e-17i thiIl iIlBt=en.t-Gn---'oeha-U~he...-assGeiation ther~in named and acknowledged to me that ~ch association e~e~~ed th~_B~~~_ __ __ __n_'_____ _.... __ __,____..__~tol~ocwAlmomme iiiIiTi"tub~). te=:aamd,tlu.<=t1.I:X Trimm my hand and official seal the day and .ear first ahove writ ...... STATE OF CALIFORNIA,} County of Los Angeles ss. On this . day of _ . _ _ in the year one .,I6Qllsand nine hundred and , INfore"",. L. E. LAMPTON, County Clerk and ex-qfficio Clerk of the Superior Court in and for said County. pmonally appeared knoum to me to he the Puson __whose name 'suhscrikd to tlte within in1trummt, and atknowkdzed to "'" that Je_exttUud the St1f1U!. And I do herehy certify thot the annexed instrument is txttUud and admowkdzed in accordance with tlu /OWS of the State of California, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Iha'Ut hereunlll set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court. the day and. year in this Certificau first ahove writtm. L. E. LAMPTON, Co_ Cieri and txoOJlia. Cieri of said Supmor Court By IJ_ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, }- ss County. of Los Angeles . On this day of in the year one thousand nine hundrtd and , hifOre""" L, E, LAMPTON, County Ckrk and ex...fficio Clerk of the Superior Court in and for said County. pmonally appeared mfJ'U./l'l to me to be the same ptrson whose no1TU is IUhscribed /0 the within instrummt as a witntss tlureto, who hang hy me duly sworn, dtfJoud and said that he rtsides in Los Anzeles County. State of California. that hI was prlSmt and saw personall, known III I, _ III IN thl some Person _ whost name suhscribrd to the within and annexed instrummt, executt and deliver the same, and ___he ___ , 0 acknowkdzed III said affiant that_hl_ eXlCuud'the sa"",. and that said affiant suhserihed h_,name thtrtlll as a wibuSl. .In WitntSlll!JlJntof, I ha'Ut hertunlll stl my lumd and offixld my DjftciaJ. sMI thl day and year in this Cerlificau first ahove wnttm. L. E. LAMPTON, CfJlUII:1 Cln-Ia"" ,x-Offid, eln-It of said Superior Court By - DeputY-