HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-1904 , . ~. \ . ~ , ~'.,; CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE B~06064?c381 t, This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed or transferred to the City of Arcadia, a municipal corporation, by the deed, grant, conveyance or instrument dated October 18. 1973 , from or executed by Richard D. Pearson and Hazel Pearson , is hereby accepted by the City of Arcadia by the order or authorization of the City Council of the City of Arcadia contained in Resolution No. 2963, adopted January 21, 1958, and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County on January 29, 1958, as instrument No. 3069 in Book 56448, Page 264, Official Records of Los Angeles County; and the City of Arcadia consents to the recordation thereof by its duly authoriz d officers. ~J!~ City Engineer The document thus described is hereby approved as to form. ~yO . . i "I 'I .. 1 " ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) ,t On October 18, 1973, before me, Florence E. Neergard, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Max O. Bengel, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument, as a witness thereto, who being by me duly sworn, says: That he resides in the City of Arcadia, California and that he was present and saw Richard D. Pearson and Hazel Pearson, who are personally known to him to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the annexed instrument, sign and deliver the same and that they then acknowledged to affiant that they executed the same; and that said affiant subscribed his name thereto as a witness. --- .............................-:( OFFICIAL SEAL '} FLORENCE E NEERGARD ~ N01:.,~IY PUBLIC'CALlFORNIA ~ LI...'-' ANGELES COUNTY I> MY~Oil~rr~~:;~~lr~:~$ P O. Box 60. Arcadia. CA 91006 .C~ . ~~ c;. .1 lit Notary Public in and for and State . , . : ., , . . f";'- ..~ '-1_ .1)6'7 "'1../ ( B~06064pc380 ~ .. RECORDING REQUESTED BY CITY OF ARCADIA 2772 I He:II". City Clerk Sir..' P.O. 60 Addr.n Box CIty & Arcadia, Ca 91006 Stal. L MArl TAX "A'EMfNn TO I Nom_ City of Arcadia 5t,..., A.ddr." CIty .. Stot. L I E.CORDS DfflC1I'.L R I'.Llf. 1\ Itl;"\ c1 RECORDED Itl ES CoUtlT'l, C "J.J ~ 7 Of LOS J>.tlGE.L II Gel 29 1973 Mln, 2 P 'Uo 1 past ReCQldtt" Registrar- - AND WHItN ItI!:COltDI:D MAIL TO ~ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE I ~OCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $,}(nr') r.:::::,~". __ _ .., __COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE OF PROPERTY CONVEYED, OR COMPUTED ON FULL V AWE lESS LIENS AND /l ENCUMBRANCE.SJEMAINING AT 11 e...OF SALE / (I /1. '/'i1J//1/J.. (/12 -p; ~ Signature of Dedoront or Agent determining tax Firm Name -.J Grant Deed ~FREEl- TJ TO 40~ I CA (1 70) THI6 FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Richard D. Pearson and Hazel Pearson, husband and wife hereby GRANT(S} to the City of Arcadia, a Municipal Corporation, an easement for the installation, repair, and maintenance of an underground electric conduit for an automatic sprinkler control system in, on, upon, over and across the following described real property in the Ci ty of Arcadia . County of Los Angeles , State of California: " . Those portions of Lots 68 and 69 of Tract No. 12527 as per map recorded in Book 234, pages 6 and 7, of Maps in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County bounded southerly by that ce,tain line described in Grant Deed dated June 30, 1972, as Document 5480 in Book D 5516, page 316, of official records of said county and bounded northerly 9.l a line being parallel with said southerly line and distant ~ feet northerly at right angles. (3 feet~; f' ..?l5' :~ ~ >- >- '" '" z 0 '" '" t: "'. u '" a: ::I: ;: U Z 0 ;:: n. 0: u Ul '" 0 ,- Dated Q<I (? /973 , 4Z;;1!l:~ ~r? '~tne88 . STATE OF CALIFORNIA } SS. COUNTY OF On before me. the under- signed, a Notary Public In and for said State, pelsondlly appearrn . to be the person_v.hose name Instrument and acknowledged that WITNESS my hand and officI III seal . known to me subscllbed to the wIllllll executed the sume ,~ ~gnature ,,'4h Name (Typed or Punted) (Till, al"" fOl "nIual nollnoll hl'lll) TItle Order No, Escrow or Loan No. MAil TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE