HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-1954 - .- t .i , . '. t CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE B~06383fG805 This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed or transferred to the City of Arcadia, a municipal corporation, by the deed, grant, conveyance or instrument dated July 27, 1974 , from or executed by Robert R. Read and Kathryn M. Read , is hereby accepted by the City of Arcadia by the order or authorization of the City Council of the City of Arcadia contained in Resolution No. 2963, adopted January 21, 1958, and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County on January 29, 1958, as instrument No. 3069 in Book 56448, Page 264, Official Records of Los Angeles County; and the City of Arcadia consents to the recordation thereof by its duly authoriz officers. ~I The document thus escribed a~//.~ . Ci ty Engineer is hereby approved as to fg;:m. C>~~~~ / City Attorney 77'O/76? '/~- , IS" .. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF AUDITOR-CONTROLLER 153 HALL OF ADMINISTRATION LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 974.8361 MARK H BLOODGOOD AUDITOR_CONTROLLER January 21, 1975 'J ' ,- , ROBERT A GILL CHIEF DEPUTY E GUERRERO CHIEF, T....X DIVISION Direct inquiries to Attn: Thelma Crutchfield City of Arcadia 240 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, California Attention: J. William Phillips City Attorney SUBJECT: Portion of Lot ~, Tract 8528 acquired from Robert R. and Kathryn M. Read. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your letter dated September 19, 1914, taxes have been cancelled in accordance with section 4986 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. This cancel- lation was ordered by the Honorable Board of Super- visors October 18, 1974 by Authorization No. 37693. Very truly yours, MARK H. BLOODGOOD, Auditor-Controller -d:~~ By Edward Guerrero, Chief, Tax Division EG/I'C/kj Tax Div. #C-ll 9/74 H-6 RECEIVED J.lIN 23 i975 CITY OF ARCAOIA CITY An-ORNEY, L~u.::~~l tll4.:..~ JAN 27 1975 CITY OF ARCADIA r"I,...,......' ......,K . . September 19, 1974 Mr. Mark H. Bloodgood, Auditor-Controller 500 West Temple Street, Room 153 Los Angeles, California 90012 Attention: Tax Cancellation Section SUBJECT: Request for Cancellation of Taxes Portion of Lot 3, Tract No. 8528 acquired from Robert R. and Kathryn M. Read , Dear Mr. Bloodgood: Please cancel as of the date of recording all taxes on the property described in the attached copy of deed. This property is being acquired for public street purposes. There is no building on it. Very truly yours, J. WILLIAM PHILLIPS City Attorney JWP:at Attachment cc: City Clerk ~-'.UJ ,..., -- B(R4~41 pr.221 I t)w - '&""'4, f - 1(-7 c.L J) ''Ic:;f A- " RE<;:ORfJING REQUESTED BY -, _t4'.t.r~. ~ : . AmO lTilI mSUPANGf. COMPArjY RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUN1Y, CA \ \ \ WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: City of Arcadi a P. O. Box 60 Arcadia, California 91006 Attn: Public Works Dept. AUG 16 1974 AT 8 A.M. Recorder's Office ~ SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE~~~E t MJ Loan 032-17386 Recon. 4-5614 CAL FED ENTERPRISES, a corporatIOn, of Los Angel{~S, Califorma, as Trustee, or Successor Trustee, or Substituted Trustee, under that certain Deed of Trust made by PARTIAL RECONVEYANCE I LEONARD AUERBACH AND RUTH AUERBACH, husband and wife -t, -~ =:recorded C:::J in Book O::p C)at age '-)of Los Angeles County I California, has received from Beneficiary thereunder ~a written request to reconvey, and in accord,mee With said request and the provIsIOns of said Deed of Trust, all estate now held hv said , Trustee under said Deed of Trust in and to the hereindfter described property, s.lId Beneficiary haVIng presented said Det:d of Trust ~?':and note(s) secun:d thereby for endorsement. NOW THEREFORE, In accordance WIth said request and the provisions of s81d Deed of C "Trust, CAL FED ENTERPRISES dS Trustee, does hereby RECONVEY, WIthout warranty, to THE PE RSON OR PERSONS LEG ALL Y i:=ENTITLED THERETO, dB estate now held by it thereunder III and to that property sItuate III <:;a)(1 County, described as follows: t~ r.: .( o ::..~: Trostor(s) May 14, 13689 600 1964 - ~-. - .....:: C-~ .- C\ C'J The Westerly 3 feet of the Norhterly 100 feet of the Southerly of Lot 3, Tract No. 8528 as per map recorded in Book 131, Page Maps, in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County. 150 feet 16 of ~ a under ueste aing Teo; n\:. tTee reCaOT 610:>. DOCUJlleaco;uiTing Go'" Co e aue \:.0 Ci t.'f necessn.ry tit.le. c The remaining property described III said Deed of Trust shall continue to be held by said Trustee under the ternts thereof. As provided m saId Deed of Trust, this Partial Reconveyance IS made Without affectmg the personallJabihty of any person for payment for the mdebtedness secured by saId Deed of Trust. \ \ \ 1111 , ill \' /, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CAL FED ENTERPRISES, a eorpordtlon, as Trustee, ha, e,ecuted IhlS Instrumenl'a1 of the\late)ifAs acknowledgement. CAL FED ENTERPRISES .::", X~'';'-i\Poii'~'~/~?-;, , ,'& 1~/- a CalICor " Corp or as Trustee :-......, /;;:: (.~". (j'l:: -<:{ '- O,f"l- = (.): : en:: -: ' JULY 8, : - ear _ . :' ... before me, the undersigned, a Notary PublIc in an~ fOf... 1 97 0 ,.... ...2 P. Beard personally appeared who is knofn11....;.:...r\.~\\\'>' /, ./.Or \"1. \' to me to be the ASSistant Secretary of the Corporation that executed the Within 'Instrument.\k'nown to me to be the person who executed the wlthm Instrument on behalf of the Corporation therem named. and ackn;;~l~dged to me that such Corporation executed the withm Instrument pursuant to Its by-laws or a resolutIon of ItS board of directors. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. .............................t : ~ OFFICIAL SEAL . 6 ~ · MilLIE D. ARMSTEAD · : 6 . NOTARY PUBLIC - CAI.IfORNI. : . PRINCIPAl. OFFICE IN . : LOS ANGEI.ES COUNTY : . Signature 0 J!J;; J ?J - l-Ln -- j- . mJ : My CommiSSIon Expires Msr. 16, 1975 . .............................. E 35 B (25M) 8.72 DF 7'(t?/"'/6 9,L I;~~ (lhls Area For OHtctal Notanal Searl STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Los Angeles } SS By /-. On August 13, 1974 said County and State,