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HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-0951 \, CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE BOOK iH30 PAGE179 This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed or transferred to the City of Arcadia, a municipal corporation, by .. . the deed. grant. conveyance or instrument dated June g. 1~~8 . . from or executed by Harold L. Barrick and Garnet M. Barric . is hereby accepted by the C1ty of Arcad1a by the order or authori- zat10n of the City Council of the City of Arcadia contained in Resolution No. 2963. adopted January 21. 1958. and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County on January 29. 1958 as instrument No. 3069 1n Book 56448. Page 264. Official Records of Los Angeles County; and the City of Arcadia consents to the recorda- tio hereof by i duly authorized of tic / "l ~ The document thus descr1bed 1s hereby ap roved as to form. ~ J?1U~Ji1~ieY neer ..i--' , CO' . "- SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE BOOK D130 PAGE178 2658 PLACE INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS IN THIS SPACE Grant Deed I FREE1-M J Affix I. R. S. S......__..__......m______. 398 4-57 THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE ANO TRUST COMPANY FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, HAROLD L. BARRICK and GARNET M. BARRICK, husband and wife, herebyGHANT(s:) to the CITY OF ARCADIA, a Municipal Corporation, for street and highway purposes to be known as Second Avenue, the following described real property in the slate of California, county of Los Angel es, to wit: The east 12 feet of the south 15 feet of Lot 5 and the east 12 feet of Lot 6, Tract No. 9995, as shown on map recorded in Book 138, page 40, of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County. RECORDING REQUESI'ED ~ ~Clem .. RECORDED IN OFFICIA~ RECOROS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIF. 40 Mln, Past 10 A.M. JUN 181958 Il4X .e. LU:. COUND: RECORDm Dated :.....J.une...9....~958......__. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ~ 55. .:.......Laa..Angeles___n.n_____n_______..__nn________n___.J ~:f~~'~n: ~:9i\.~~~~.;.~.i-~~-~.d~...;...N.~-t-~.;.;;..P~.b-i-i~"'i'~ and for said County nnd State, personally appeared J.!;T.;!,!;;K.n;mg,..........___.n...n...___nn ..Qarnet..1.f...nJ;larr.;!,c.k.n.................................nn.n ~) '--- . -/ ~ ......~('~..........~... ___,<m .? ...... ..--.......... --.. ...~--.... ..j&.~ . , . ~:;.~~:~;~~~:~:~:;~:~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-.::::::::::::::::::::::....-.-.-. -... :'..' ''''.'':)''':''. r"A', S S are .knowD'to'me. to Le-the personmmn\',hose name...nnmmmm....... ::: iu)lscribed ~o tnf;"'\\:iihi~ instrument and ackno\\ ledged that ~;:.C~"f"d the samf'. .,.::, .' ._. " -.. ....WlT~ESS m) hana filiofficial seal. . ',1, ,'. ......6.'".. ...."'..: ~ . "r . . .. .,,\S\:b~~[:.: . . ...... ... .... ........... ".IIi~:\' ;.\\tny. for sa' County and State, SPACE BELOW FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY , \ Title Order NO.m...........................__mm__...__.__.__..__..... Escrow or Loan No.......____________________________.................... fITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY ALAMEDA COUNTY 1510 WEBSTE~ STREET, OAKLA:"iD 1165 "A" Sl'REET, IlAYWARll FRESNO COUNTY 12~ "L" STREET, FRESNO IMPERIAL COUNTY 600 MAIN SlatET, EL CENTRO INYo-MONO COUNTIES 149 /IooaTII EnWARDS STREET, I~DJ,;PENI>ENCE KERN COUNTY 171'11 ANIl "," STREE'rs, BAKERSFIEI.U 1331 CIIESTER ^VE~UE, llAKERSFlIo:W ORAN(;E COU......TY 800 :-;ORTII MAIN STREET. SANTA ANA .' HIVERSIDE COUNTY 3490 TENTH STREET, RIVERSIDE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 440 COIIRT STRtET, SAN BERNARDINO SAN DIEGO COUNTY 1028 SECOND AVE:\UE, SAN DIEGO SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY 1141 CHORRO 51"REET, SAN LUIS OBISPO SANTA R\RBARA COUNTY 36 EAST FICUEIlOA STREET, SANTA IIARnARA TULAnE COUNTY 320 WEST M1\lN STREET, VISAUA VENTURA COUNTY lOl SOUTH CHESTNUT STREET, \'ENTURA / ~?l:~ Of '#~ th-L",--~ Z7: ~,,~ f...vv.! VJ4 #YJ/ ~ TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY J!\lCORPORATED 1893 HOME OFFICE 433 SOUTH SPRI:>IG STREET, Los ANGELES 54 GRANT DEED 09-5"/ TO DATED ~ '. ~ TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY INCORPORATED 1893 HOME OFFICE 433 SOUTH SPRING STREET, Los ANGELES 54 .~. . ~ TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY ALAMEDA COUNTY 1510 WEBSTER STREET, OAKLAND 1165 "A" STREET, HAYWARD FRESNO COUNTY 1246 "L" STREET, FRESNO IMPERIAL COUNTY 600 MAIN STREET, EL CENTRO I:v-yo.MoNO COUNTIES 149 l<oORTH EDWARllS 51'8E,E1', INDEPE:"WE~CE KERN COUNTY 17TH AND "I" STREETS, RAKERS FIELD 1331 CHESTER AVENUE, BAKERSFIELD ORANGE COUNTY 800 NORTH MAIN STREET, SA:\'TA ANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY 3490 TENTH STREET, RIVERSIDE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 440 COURT STREET, SAN RERNARDINO SAN DIEGO COUNTY 1028 SECOND AVENUE, SAN DIECO SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY 1141 CHORRO STREET, SAN LUIS OBISPO SANTA BARBARA COUNTY 36 EAST FIGUEROA STREET, SANTA BARRARA TULARE COUrooTY 320 WEST MAIN STREET, YISALTA VENTURA COUNTY WI SOUTH CHESTNUT STREET, VENTURA . "11M 17. 1958 Lee Angel.. Count, RECDROER Roe. 200 Ha I I of Record. LM Angel... CalifornIa Gantlllllllft. Plu.. record the ..teched doc~ft" G,.ant DMd of H.r-old L and GlImet IA. BlIFTlck to the elt, of ""cedi. Thl. hu ,.afa,..nee to the .,d...lng of . street known a. Second AveIlUll I" the City of Ar'cadla. Pl.... ...turn ._ to tha undarslgned. .. desIgnated Oft the rave.... of the tleed. Va,., tMlI, ,ClIft. am CJ1 ARCADIA Christine Ven MalIne" elt, el.rk -~ (- '