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HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-0898 " , . . . '&~155008 r~GE1'74 RESOLUTION NO~ 2904 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA.. CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING GRANT DEEDS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Counoil of the City of Arcadia does hereby aooept those certain grant deeds, dated June 21, 1957, from the grantors listed below oovering real property in the City of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of California, descr1bed as follows, to wit: James Donald Rohrer and Adelle Rohrer - Lots 25, 26 and 27.. Blook 74, Arcadia Santa An1ta Traot; William F. Price - Lot 28, Block 74, Arcadia Santa Anita Tract; Roy R. Long and Blanche T. Long - Lot 29, Block 74, Arcadia Santa Anita Tract; Merrell G. Pratt and Mary Jean Pratt - Lot 30, Block 74, Arcadia Santa Anita Tract; Mel G. Pratt, Mary Jean Pratt, Roy Long, Blanche T. Long, Kerm1~ Hartzler and Mitzie Hartzler - Lot 31, Block 74, Arcadia Santa Anita Tract; all as shown on map recorded in Book 15, pages 89 and 90, of Mis- cellaneous Records in the office of the Los Angeles County Recorder. SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall caus~'a certified copy of this Resolu- tion to be recorded, together with each of the grant deeds herein described, in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arcadia, held on the 2nd day of July, 1957, by the affirmative vote of at least three Councilmen, to wit: -1- 2904 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 55, I CITY OF ARCADIA : "I, CHRISTINE VAN MAANEN, the duly elected qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Arcadia, California, do ~..reby certify thot the foreging is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 2QOL--_ " -- , - ~~.--:.' '.~~\. '", ,;;~. ;,,;..:.' ":."~ os the some oppsors of record end on file in my office, ond thot I have corefully comp6~ed the ;ome with the originol. " ...... ,.,,: =: ':"'. --""':~1 ". .-. In Witness whereof, I hove hereunto set my hond ond offixed the seal of the, ,$ty-'of Arcodia:' thi' ,,3r~, ,1951-, ~\ '::~)LIl:..., '~::: :~::, .', , .... "I . ~ . .~. ia.1A' . " Clerk o~~~e ~l!y:of, ~~~Cfio; ~~if: . ".., '"1 .. ;:. .;;'.... -. By . -_' ,,::,t.: doy of July Deputy , ? ~ . " ATTEST: AYES: NOES: . aooK5.5008 PAGE175 Councilmen Jacobi. Phillips, Reibold and Denn1s None ABSENT: Councilman Camphouse CHRISTINE VAN MA.ANEN City Clerk or the City 01' Arcadia SIGNED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of July, 1957. ROBBR'l' J!. DBNNIS Mayor or the 01ty or Arcadia CHRISTINK VAN MAAND City Clerk (SEAL ) " -2- 2904 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE ~ r---V't.J!.! - -:::--- - " iioOK55014 r~GE 47 IN THIS SPACE -,~ " " 052018 ~~. _~~-;(:J ..,................~. Grant Deed ... ;J''>: 7.) ~ Affix J. R, 5, S.m..m..'.............o 39811..5.5 THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FOB A VALUABLE CONSIDEBATION, r~~eipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JAMES DONALD ROHRER AND ADELLE ROHRER, husband and wif'e, hereby GRANT(S) to THE CITY OF ARCADIA, a municipal corporation, the following described real properly in the state of California, county of Los Angeles Lots 25, 26, and 27 of' BloCk 74 of' Arcadia Santa Anita Tract, as per map recorded in Book 15, Page 89 of' Miscellaneous Records in the of'f'ice of' the county recorder of' said county. ~...... . rf;" Dated: ",June,..21.,,19.5.7,........,......... 5T A TE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF 55, ..,~,'U~~....uu.., ..m....7'..a~u':;?j.u;rmu'm..m..'..u'u. ,..l/'..u,u.,".uu..AdeUe"R6njlf!fiz~~,:u......,"',... ,......Los..Angeles.... .................. On .. ..... ..........?::f.;,..., hefore m . the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for saliJ Cnllnty and State, personally appeared .,JMles,..DOm\J.d,..RQArer.. """",......,.... ,....,..."",..and..Adelle...RQArer"......, . . ......:.~..,~...:...;. '. :....:...... s ......~.. .....S u'e knO\\" 10 me to he.the person...... w ose name.......................... . .~nbs~rilil:d ~to tht(wi~hin instrument and acknowledged that ... ..... .~,.,; . .~ J' . ..:.........:...wJ..ey.....:,.executed the same. ..... {.... ~ -.: ; ~ ~:'~~~~SS ~y~ h~n.d ~d Offitial seal. .. , ,0 ,.ti~o '\ .l:~-..$':~)~_. ,<Seal) ......,~......,...,......................................'..m..'...................,......, .. .' 4 ~...;..:.....l'L~tary Public in and (or said County and State. ,/':. ~..............- SPACE BELOW FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY ! .' WHEN RECORDED M....IL. TO t4y Commission upifes Oct. 1. 1957 1 DOCUMENT No.ul1fZ__ , RECORDED AT REQUEST OF TITLE mSURANCE & TRUST CO, 'JULIO 1'- ............'...m'mCj,1;Y..9.f...Ar.1:J1,llla.......m.......'m....... ~ City Hall ~ ..m""".,...."......Arcac.lii:;"'ca1I1'oriiliim............. ~ ...m",," ,.............'........m'....m...............m...................m. Title Order No..........m'-&."'fa..~:7~ Escrow or Loan'::\?9...m' 8001155014 PAGE 45 OFFICIAL RECORDS /J RAY E. LEE, RECORDER ~ LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIF. il!I W,.., fE~ . .,... tJ " TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FRES:\'O COUNTY 1117 VA:".' NESS AVE~UE, FRES:".'O I:wo-Mo"o COU"TIES 149 NORTH EDWARDS STREET, 'l;-;DEPF.:-;[)I:~CE KER" COU"TY 17T" A:"OD "I" STIlI:f:TS, BAKERsfn.LD 1331 Cm:sTElllhEXUE. BAKERSFIi:l.D OR-\XGE COliNTY 416 N'oHTJr ~f.-\I:-; STIIEET, SA:\"TA Ax,\ Rl\'ERSIDE COU:\"TY 3940 :MAI:>; STREET, RI\'EIlSIDE SH DIEGO COU"TY 1028 ~ECO;\,D Avr.:\'u, S.4.:'i DIECO 12 S,~~ LUIS OBISPO COUXTY 7i7 HiGUERA STREET. SA:" Lt:I~ OBISPO " SA.....TA BARBARA COUXTY 36 [,\5T f:'IC1;EIWA STREET, 5.4.:-;TA BARn\RA TULARE COUNTY 320 WEST MAI:-+ STREET, VISALIA . V E:\"TURA COUXTY 101 SOUTH Cm:STNI."T STHEET, YEXTURA 'ri 'J .: , ..1 Ii , " 'WHEN HECORDED MAIL TQ"'" ,,' , ': (' " ~ II 'I ~ I; n 'I n' r " ..' ii j ,. 'i 1 ',i !l " ..' TITLE INSURANCE ~ ANI) TRUST COMPANY Il'<CORPORATI::D 1893 HOME OFFICE 433 SOUTH SPRING STREET, Los ANGELES 54 GRANT DEED TO D A TED.. hhnhh.U.hnnn__n _.. .n_ __n...... ...'.......... .......... ... J. " , '! TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY I!\CORPOIlATEll 1893 HOME OFFICE 433 SOUTH SPRING STREET, Los ANGELES 54 ;;.-- TITLE INSURANCE AND , TRUST COMPANY ., .- FRESNO COU"TY 1117 VAN NESS AVE:-OUE, FRES:-OO " Ir-;-yo.l\:loI'W COU~TIES 149 NORTH EDWARDS STJn:~:T. bDEPE:\Df::\CE 'j K ER'" COU;'\TY 17TH AN"D "I" STREETS, BAKERSFIELD 1331 CHESTER AVE:\'UE, BAKERSFIELD . ~... :.1 ORANGE COUNTY 416 NORTH MAl:\' STHEET, SA:-'-TA A:\'A RIVERSIDE COUl\"TY 3940 MAI:"i STREET, RIVERSIDE SAN DIEGO COUNTY 1028 SECO:-'-D AVENUE, SAN DIEGO 12 SAN LUIS OBISPO COU"TY 777 HIGUERA STREET, SA;'; LUIS OBISPO SANTA BARBARA COUNTY 36 EAST FICUEROA STREET, SANTA BARBARA TULARE COUNTY 320 WEST MAIN STREET, VISALIA VENTURA COUNTY 101 SOUTH CHESTNUT STREET, VENTURA tD.:a 0"" ..n c .. .., :l l:1 o ", _;';J 3 ...! D ::;: ,,-. ~ , n':) ~ ' "1/' )l. ~: ~(! :J ""n .g- ~ C 00 D.." ~~ .~ aJ . - , 6001<55014 PAGE 45 RBSOLU'1'ION NO. 2904 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY ~ ARCADIA, CALD'ORNIA, ACCUTINO GRANT tJDns. THE -=I'.l'r COUNCIL or Tal Cl'l'lC or ARCADIA, CALD'ORNIA, DOES llBREBY RSSOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SBl.'TION 1. That tlw C1tJ' Councll 01" the C1t7 01' Arcad1a does hereby accept tho.. certain Q;rant deeds, dated June 21, 1957, trail the &rantors listed below OOV4lrins real property in the City 01' Arcadia, county of Loa Angele., State at Cal1tom1a, deaoribe4 as tallows, to w1t: J..i DolIald RolU'el" and AcMll.e Rohrer - Lota 25, 2G 8114 Z7, mOOk 74, Al'Cad1a santa Anita Tract; W1lliam 1o'. Pr1ce - Lot 28, Block 74, Areac11a santa Anita Tract; ItO)' R. Long enc1 Blanche T. Lorlg - Lot 29, Block 74, Arca41a santa An1.ta '1'r&ot; MernJll G. Pratt and Mary Jean Pratt - Lot 30, Black 74. Arcadia Santa Anita Tract; Mel G. Pratt, Mary Jean Pratt, Roy Lon6. Blanche T. LI:lnQ;, b1'll1 t Hartzler and Mitzie Hartzler - Lot 31, Block 74, ArcacU.& Santa Anita Tract; all as ahCllm on m&p recorded 1n Book 15, papa 89 and 90. 01' ,U.s- oellaneoua Recor<18 1n the ofr1ce or the LoB Anieles County Recorder. SECTION 2. The "1ty Clerk shall certifY to the ad.opt1on of this Reaolution and shall cau.. a certif1ed COP7 or this Resolu- tion to be reaorded. together With each 01' the grant de.c1a herein descr1bed, 1n the ottice 01' the County Recorder 01' Loa An6;eles County. I HE;i:El3Y CA.-'\TIFY tnat the 1'o1'4l(i;o1n6 .ti..clut1on was adoptea at a regular llIEl2ting 01' the City Council or the C1ty of Arcadia, held on the 2nd day or July. 1957. by the attirmat1ve vote or at least three Cc~c1L~n, to wits -1- 2'~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ss. CITY OF ARCADIA , t I, CHRISTINE VAN MAANEN, the duly elected qualified and acting Clerk af the City af Arcadia, Califarnia, ido hereby certify that the foreging is a full, true and carrect copy of Resolution No. 2904. ___ > ,'':' '" "". - ~s the some oppeors of record and on file in my office, ~nd that I hove corefully:':6I1]p~red.,the same ';"ith the originol. . '.~' \ In Witness whereof, I hove hereunto set my h~nd and offixed the seol of.-th~"C:ity of Arcodio, thi, 3rd doy ~ I ". of t I , JulY ,19.5L. ~0~/kG7U1~J tI6rk:?f~~8._q!.r of ~~cfio. Calif, .,.b .. By Deputy - .. '. ... ,. 'I' ~ ( r ~ - , t . . BUOK55014 1'Altt 46 AYESr Councilmen Jacobi. Ph;l.lllp8. Re1bolcl and. Dennle HOES: None ~: C(1UIlC1lman Camphouse ;;HRI.7l~ VAl( MAANEli C11;7 Clerk of tM u.... Qf Arca41a SrONEO AND APPROVED th1. 2nd day ot .JUly. 1951. r\~'tr '7 !'EU)l IS _or of ~ C1~ of A%'Calua- A'I'I'EST: ::;l~lUS'[.DiE VAN ?lAi;hl.::.'l ~lt7 Olerk (CEAL) -2- :29~