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HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-0719 8001143261 fAGE378 I RESOLUTION NO.'2527 ! A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE crn OF ARCADIA. CALIFORNIA. ACCEP'l'IOO GHANi'S OF FASEMFJlT FOR STRFE'l' PUR- POSES THE CITY OOUNCn.. OF THF. CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIR>RNIA. DOES IilliEllY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS l SECTION 1. That the Civ Council of the City of Arcadia does hereby accept the following described grant deeds for street purposes. covering the portions of property hereinafter described. the .B.une to become a part .of and known as Baldwin Avenue. to..vitl ~ Property I . 1-28-$4 A portion of lot 40. Tract No. 3430 7-20-$4 f~tiona of Lots 1 and 2. Tract tk.. 4611 7-2-54 I . .A portion or Lot 1, Tract No. 3h;.,)/ 7-8-54 A. pJrt10n of lot 38. Tract No. 3h)) 7-7-,4 A port1on of Lot 2, Tract No. S6~9 7-9-,4 Portions of lDts , and 6, 'l'ract No. 56$9 7-9-,4 PJrtions of Lots 2 and 3. Tract No. '56'59 7-1'5-'54 A portio., of Lot. 23. Tract No. 2731 7-9-$4 A. ~ort1on of Lot 1. Tract No. 52,0 7-1.4-54 A po.'t1on of Lot 36. Tract No. 3430 Grantor Chr1sta Niemeyer Joseph and Lucy E. Kohler Edna Nickerson Juliet ~. Renshaw Martin J. and Millie C. Hernle1n Esther A. Wade '(t,,::,' Jane Sesser Fisher Edith M. Diehl Martha Kohl Judith Marie Anderson and hereby' accepted. all as more part:Lcularl,y described in the respectivfI deeds herel.nabove ~.sted , ~ SECTION 2. That the C1t~ Council of the City of Arcadia does hereb;r accept a grant deed from A. J. Hom and Grace L. H<tm, for street purposes, "- dated Jul,y 28. 1954. covering a part of Lot 1, Webller, Wile and Michael Replat. the same to became a part of and known as Sycamore Avenue, and more particularl,y - 1 - 8001(45261 fAIIE379 described in the deed herein mentioned and hereby accepted. SECTION 3. 'That the City I..ouncil of the City of Arcadia does hereby accept a grant deed. for street and high~ purposes from i'homae Consentino, dated Ju]y 23, 19$4:. covering a porUon of Lot )), Tract No. 808, the same to becon:e a part of and known as Second Avenue, and more particu1ar4' described in the deed here1n mentioned and hereby accepted. SECTION 4. That the City Council of the City of Arcadia d:)es hereby accept the fOllowing described grant deeds for street purposes, covering the portions of ,property hereina1'ter described., the same to beoQme a part of and known as Duarte Road, to-witl Grantor Date - Ber.tba A. Piel 6-21-54 John P. and Violet V1d1can 74-$4 Louis and Anna Mesaros 7-20-54 Propert.1 A portion of Lot 40, Tract No. 3430 . A portion of Lot Uh, Tract No. 2731 A portion of Lot 144; Tract No. 27)1 all as more particuJar4' described in the respective deeds hm..einabove listed and hereby accepted. SF.CTION S. That the City Council of the City of Arcadia L.oes hereby accept the follow1ng described grant deeds tor street purposes, coverir~; the portions of property here1llatter described, the same to become a part of a.~.d known as Dua:-te Road and Arcadia Avenue, to-v1tl Property A portion of I,.ot 41, Tract No. 3430 to be knollIl as Duarte Road A portion of Lot 41. Tract No. 343> .to be known as Arcadia Ave. A portion of Lot 42. Tract No. 3430 to be known as Duarte Road A portion of Lot 42. Tract No. 3430 to be knowri as Arcadia' all as mQ;fe particular4' described in the respective deeds hereinabove listed Grantor !!!!! Ada M. and Spencer K. Ili" "lbert end Mary Kl1zabeth Coulter 5-19-54 Herbert A. and Gylma L. Molino 5-20-54 and hereby accepted. SECTION 6. That the City Council of the C1V ot Arcadia does hereby accept .the following described grant deeds for street puzpOS8S, covering the - 2 - ~ ~TATE OF CALIFORNIA } . COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ss, " CITY OF ARCADIA Boox45261 I'ASE381 ~ I., WALTER M. CORNISH, the duly elected qualfied and acting Clerk af the City of Arcadia, California, f do herE\by certify that the fareging is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No.2527 of the City of Arcadia , -..~ ;' (',...., ',' . . ,- ','.::0'/, ,,( ~ . !... ". .. ' () ~ /~':: ir../~.~,'.'~ ~~: (~:. '../...:";"~ ".1"" ,\S the same appears of record and on file in my ollice, and that I have carefully comFi9,(ed-:f~.e';,s"n:;e.\wi.~~,<I~'.ori,ginal. ,ll/'l,b. ..'rl :.,....\.:-:.:....S.:bh ' In Witness whereof, have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Cif)n:otl."rcadia:,th;..\ ,- .:, ,", . , day J \.11'",1> ,', ". . \,.... , of AlIgllRt. 19-54. . \,' \'.6 -j;' .' :::;:,; . ".-::: , . . \~ ..j'" .~ ;- . ' ~.d /" ,,\<:;;~'fl'. ~~'OV-Z/~,..I ~ Clerk of the citY ~f~Ar'c&di~. C4lif. _J ,. . ___ .' By n...n.,tv BuOM !5261 fAfji:380 portions of propeJ"ty here1nalter deet:r1becl,' the same to becOlilll a part ot and. known as Duarte Road and to become a.pari. of an e,lle;y between Naom1 Avenue and DI1arte Road,. to-v1t. ~ Pl"opert( 6-17.$4 A port1on of Lot 4, 'Tract No. b090 to be mown ae Duarte Road A portion ot Lot 4, Tract No. 4090 to bec:oJDe an alley 6..24-S4 .1 portion of Lot 4. Tract. Ho. b090 to be known &s Daarte Road A portion of Lot 4, l'ract No. 4090 to becClllle an alley ~lS-$4 A portion of Lot S, Tract No. 11090 to be know as Duarte Road A portion t,t Lot ,,~'l'ract No. 4090 to become an alle;y all as more particularl.1 desor1.bed in the respective deeds hereinllbove l1sted Grantor Josephine J. St.J:....a..en , Jack A. and Belen.D. Gra~tt Hugl1 M. Sanbom and hereb;y accepted. SEcTION 7. The C1ty Clerk shall certU'y to the adoption of ttits , Resolution and llball caUse a cert,1f1ed copy ot tb1B Resol.ilt1on to be recorded together with the grant deeds herein descr1bed. in the of t1ce 0 t the County Recorder ot LoB Angeles County. S~ION 8. Each ot the above described ckieda is accept.ed upon 'the coMit.1.ons cont.a1ned in the manorandum agreea.lnt executed concurrentl,y therewith. 'I HEREm CEllTIn' that the toregoing Resolution Tof88 adopted at a regu. lar meeting ot the City eoUJicu ot the City ot Arcadia OD the 3rd. d~ ot August, 19$4, by the' affirmative vote 'ot at least three Couno1111len, to-w1t. AYES I Couno1lmsn Camphouse, DeI'lD1e~.Dov and Hulse HOES. None ABSEIJT : N01l8 .... . " .' W. M. CORNISH 6it1' C:lez.k of the V1ty ot Arcadia SIGNbD AND A~VED ~s 3rd. dq ot August, 19Sh. (S1gDed) AT'US'lI ( S:1gJ1e!1) . ROBERT W. now J1a~ of. the City of Arcad1a W. ~1. COrnnSH City Clerk StAL - .3 - , SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE , PLACE INTERNAL. REVENUE STAMPS IN, THIS SPACE Grant Deed '~51: Affix I. R. S. $..m'.........m.....'.. (v/ 398'.53 THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSU~ANCE AND TRUST COMPANY Fon A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Edna Nickerson, hereby GRANT(S) to City of Arcadia, a municipal corporation, the following described real property in th~ state of California, county of Los Angeles, The Westerly 15 feet, measured at right angles to the Westerly lot line, of the Southerly 100 feet, measured along the Westerly lot line, of Lot 1, Tract No. 34;0, as per map recorded in Book 42, Page 32, of Maps, in the Office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, for street and highway purposes, to be known as Baldwin Avenue. . ~ \j ".~...?;~.z.....!lJ~:'l:.......... m.........GL~ ./... BlllIK45261l'AllE382 d."d:~:"j s ~~f~,;;i~n;,:f:;~i~r[A~i~~:np~1'ii~"i';; - and_for 5Did County and State, personally appeared SPACE BELOW FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY - .... "'-<.'---... .:E2;:;::;;j&-k:~;;;:;:?:::::::::::::::: ,'.- ~.. '-'-'.- .. . ............................................................................................................ o .. ,.' ~~~. ,_~:~~:'/.;[.~.~:~:~~~~~~~:..~.1..~....::.....;.\..........n................n.....~......., _---J. "....knownlo,me to'be Ihe person;l:.... whose name.....:.................... ~ ':, .... sllhs~rib instrument and acknowledged that c:l'" " . ~" c-1<'. :.: ......~..... ...~..~...;..~.execllled the same. ~ ...~ ~ ;~. and offi~~i seal ,,", ..-~- "... - , . ",-. . ~ 1 . .- ., 1 .... ~...., . ...... -/ :-.; .: .,.h /I , . .' " A /1./ ,"""- ".., '. {Seal}...:::...~.................................... ......n... .. n. ............ ....~.~ ". . {. . _,.. I , No!ny. Public m W Suid County alld SUlr. e 'ss' Ex Ires . :J I:>> \ ...""""m..:.~21O ~ /QEOOR J:lRID ,~T IlllBQ!lJEST OF ~I ("~ tlPI!-< J.-,' ~11J/:h I"" AUG 6 '1954 43 ~ 8 A.M. ~ 8001(45261 PAGE378 ~ Vl't"ruAL RECOlU)S County g{ Los Angeks, Californli Tille Order No...,lf.~~..~.......:k./~ ...,..... on Escrow or Loan No.~^.~E B~~.~e.C()f~e.r.....,........,... 8yt":7"~ ncpgcy ..... WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO WHE .......wHE'r'r..RITIJRuEO...MAlt...ra.................. C'-v ("LE"IK ,.il. _ I ......CiTy...OF..ARC'ji..O'iA';..'tALJf:'..........,..... TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FRESNO COUNTY 1117 VAN NESS AVENUE, FHESNO INYO,MONO COUl'TIES 149 NORTH EDWARDS STREET, INDEPEi'ODJ:NCE K ER1\' COUXTY liTH A4'iO "I" StREETS, BAKERSfiELD 1331 CII~:STER AVE:\UE, BAKERSfiELD ORANGE COUNTY 416 NORTH MAl:>! STREET, SANTA ANA RIVERSIDE COUNTY 3940 MAIN ?-TREET. RIVERSIDE SAN DIEGO COUNTY 1028 SECOXO A \'E;'\UE, SAN DIEGO 12 " SA;\' LUIS OBISPO COUNTY 777 HIGUERA STREET, SA:-I LUIS Omspo TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY SANTA BARBARA COUNTY 36 EAST FIGUEROA STREET, SANTA BARBARA TULARE COUNTY 204 Vi'EST 1\IAt=" STREET, VISALlA INCORPORATED 1893 HOME OFFICE 433 SOUTH SPRING STREET, Los ANGELES 54 VENTURA COUNTY 10] SOUTII CHESTNUT STREET, VENTURA GRANT DEED TO D A TED................................................,... ................... " .. TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST' COMPANY INCORPORATED ]893 HOME OFFICE 433 SOUTH SPRING STREET, Los ANGELES 54 " . TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY FRESNO COUNTY 1117 VAN NESS AVENUE, FRESNO INYO,MONO COUNTIES 149 NORTH EDWARDS STREET, Il'iDEPENDENCE K ERN COUNTY 17TH AND "I" STREETS, BAKERSFIELD 1331 CHESTER AVE:-:UE, BAKERSFIELD ORANGE COUNTY 416 NORTH MAIN STREET, SANTA A:-:A .. " RIVERSIDE COUNTY 3940 MAIN STREET, RIVERSIDE SAN DIEGO COUNTY 1028 SECOND A VENUE, SA:'i DIEGO 12 SAN LUIS OBJSPO COUNTY 777 HIGUERA STREET, SAN LUIS OBISPO SANTA BARBARA COUNTY 36 EAST FIl;;UEROA STREET, SANTA BAltBAHA TULARE COUNTY 204 WEST MAI;;.l STREET, VISALIA VENTURA COUNTY 101 SOUTH CHESTNUT STREET, VENTURA