HomeMy WebLinkAboutJULY 17,1979_2 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ARE TAPE RECORDED AND ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL MINUTE APPROVAL HEARING Driveway Ramp Modification APPROVED HEARING (Assessment) APPROVED 23:9826 MINUTES ftf( A - p,ct S- CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA - REGULAR MEETING JULY 17, 1979 Council of the City of Arcadia, California met in regular on Tuesday, July 17, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council f the Arcadia City Hall. Rev. Paul haney, Emmanuel Assembly of God PRESENT: ABSENT: Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett Saelid MOTION by Councilman Gilb, carried unanimously. Councilman Saelid seconded by Counci The minutes of the a and regular meetings of June 19 were APPROVED on MOTION by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried unanimousl. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of June 27 were PPROVED on MOTION by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman llegrino and carried unanimously. Councilman Parry did not ote on these minutes as he was absent on said day. The meetings 0 the adjourned and regular meeting of July 3, 1979 were APPROVED n MOTION by Councilman Parry, seconded by Mayor Margett and carrie unanimously. Councilmen Gilb and Pellegrino did not vote as t y were absent on that date. uilding Code requirements of a inium at 735 Arcadia Avenue. design complied with the d by the Planning Department. Request for modification of the driveway ramp for a proposed con Staff noted that the driveway ram standards currently being consider Mayor Margett declared the hearing 0 en and Roy A. Mau, 110 W. Naomi spoke in support of the request No one else desiring to be heard the hearing was CLOSED on MOTIO by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried. It wa further MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and rried on roll call vote as follows that the modification be and it hereby granted. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, None Councilman Saelid Pursuant to Council authorization of April 3, 1 79, curbs and gutters were constructed at 275 Colorado Place - using t e Short Form of the 1911 Assessment District Act.. Funds used for th s work are to be paid back to the City by an assessment against the affected property. Mayor Margett declared the hearing open and no one esiring to be heard the hearing was CLOSED on MOTION by Councilma Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried unanimously. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: In order to consider the following documents it was MO Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carri on roll call vote as follows that the provisions of the Procedural Or 'nance be WA IVED . Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett None Councilman Saelid 7-17-79 - 1 - RESOLUTION NO. 4845 and RESOLUTION NO. 4846 ADOPTED I 23 :'9827 C uncilman Gilb then presented and read the titles of the following tw resolutions, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CrT OF ARCADIA DETERMINING THAT THE PAYMENT OF CERTAIN ASSESSMENTS UNO THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 MAY BE MADE IN ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS (COL DO PLACE)." "A RES UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA CONFIRMING THE COS OF CONSTRUCTION OF CURBS AND GUTTERS AND ASSESSING THE COST AGAINST ADJACENT PROPERTY PURSUANT TO THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 (COL RADO PLACE)." AYES: NOES: ABSENT : by Councilman Parry and the further reading of be ADOPTED. It was MO carried on the full tex by Councilman Gilb, seconded 11 call vote as follows that be waived and that the same Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Mrs. Betty Snelling, 1131 Valencia Way, asked that Valencia Way be closed to thru traffi She felt the corrective measures already taken have not solved he problem. The City Engineer said in part that the last traffic unt indicated a considerable reduction in traffic, however, anoth could be taken if Council so desires. Mrs. Snelling was advise that Council and staff are well aware of the situation and will co tinue to keep a check. Glenn Wunderly, 320 Haciend Drive, referred to a problem he has had for some time with a large 0 eander hedge belonging to his neighbor to the east. He told of wha has transpired during the last year when he discussed it with the uilding Department. At that time there was a specific height re irement but this was subsequently changed and the neighbor receiv d a modification to permit the hedge to remain at its current height. Mr. Wunderly was advised that it is something he should work out w th his neighbor - that the Council has to abide by the requirements a they currently exist. Herb Fletcher, 175 W. Lemon Avenue, that as a City budget increases so does the risk an suggested that Council consider setting a goal of endeavoring to esta lish a permanent reserve fund of about $2,000,000 so that in the unc rtain future there would be a cushion. He suggested using the mone earmarked for lighting the playfield as a start in this direction a,d that at the beginning of every year thereafter analyze the budget 0 see if the expenditures are wise and necessary. Mrs. William Bissell, 1130 Valencia Way, sp ke to the closing of Valencia Way, and said in part that the stop signs have helped to some degree but there are more and more small children on the street and noted the many cement, brick, dirt trucks hat will be using the street in connection with a residential develo ent which is to be constructed north of Hillcrest in Monrovia. Th City Engineer will provide Council with a report concerning this pr 'ect and endeavor to obtain the route the trucks intend to take. Fred Kennedy, 370 Woodruff Avenue, speaking on of his client Ivan Layda, owner of the Silvergate Apartments at 5 W. Duarte Road, which are currently being converted to condominiums ted in part that since the no parking sign has been placed in fro of his building he has no place for his tenants to park nor f the delivery trucks, moving vans, etc. In order to realign the fron of his property to provide parking spaces he would need about 4 to 6 weeks and asked permission to have temporary lanes in front of he premises for four to six weeks which could be used for parking. T City Attorney advised that due to the'pending litigation concer 'ng this matter Council cannot discuss this in open meeti.ng -- it ca be discussed among the Council members in an executive session however. 7-17-79 - 2 - FAIRVIEW MINI PARK CONTRACT AWARDED I QUITCLAIM DEED AUTHORIZED RESURFACING PROJECT 7Ut5223 CALTRANS FIRE PROTECTION CIVIC CENTER TRACT NO. 35620 FINAL MAP TEXT AMENDMENT (CHRISTMAS TREES) CONSENT ITEMS 23i9828 AWARDED the contract for the construction of the Fairview Avenue Mini Park Job No. 490 to the low bidder, California Landscape, Inc., in t amount of $91,532, rejected all other bids and waived any info lities or irregularities in the bids or bidding process and author zed the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract in form approve by the City Attorney - $120,000 was appropriated from Capital mprovement Funds to cover the cost. APPROVED t Donna G. Ma corner of Cl pipeline ease that his depar right of way in were authorized Attorney. execution of a quitclaim deed to Hubert A. Manning and ing, developers of a 24 lot development at the northwest k and Myrtle in the Chicago Park area. There is a nt executed in 1888 and the Water Manager has stated ent has no need for the easement out of the public this particular area. The Mayor and City Clerk o execute this deed in form approved by the City APPROVED Utilities reement w1th the State in connection with Caltrans resurfacing f Colorado Street, Colorado Place and Huntington Drive between Michill nda Avenue and 1.0 mile east of 5th Avenue. AUTHORIZED the Mayor a d City Clerk to execute same and appropriated $8000 from State Gas Tax funds to pay for the cost of the work. APPROVED schematic plan fo fire protection - Civic Center area - and authorized the retention of enneth I. Mullen as consultant to prepare plans and specificat ons at a fixed price of $11,800. Also authorized additional work wh ch may be required on a cost plus basis up to $2,000 maximum. F nding for the consulting engineer, the four fire hydrants on the st side of the hospital and for the Phase I work is available in th Water Division budget. Funding for additional phases will depend on re exact cost estimates based on detailed plans and possible hospi 1 participation in the cost of the project. APPROVED final map of Trac~ No. 35620 for a six unit condominium at 810 Arcadia Avenue, subject to condit~ ns approved with the tentative map. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ALL OF THE ABOVE CONSENT ITEMS APPROVED 0 GILB, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN PELLEGRINO A VOTE AS FOLLCMS: MOTION BY COUNCILMAN CARRIED ON ROLL CALL Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, None Councilman Saelid In response to a request for a business permit to allow the sale of Christmas trees on R-3 zoned property, it was MOVE by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carrie on roll call vote as follows that the City Attorney be directed draft a Text Amendment to the Arcadia Municipal Code which would low the City Council to grant an administrative modification to no profit organizations involving the sale of Christmas trees an fireworks on R-3 property abutting commercially used property. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett None Councilman Saelid - 3 - 7-17-79 LIABILITY INSURANCE (PUBLIC OFFICIALS) I SENIOR HOUSING PROGRAM (Octobe:r) CALIFORNIA STREET TEMPORARY CLOS ING (HEARING AUGUST 7) ORDINANCE NO. 1683 ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 1684 ADOPTED 23:9829 Council received all data connected with the full protection of elected and appointed officials in all lawful acts they perform, incl ding acts in a fiduciary capacity. This combined with the prese t insurance coverage would provide a maximum of $10,000,000 and wo Id cover the $100,000 self-insured retained limit. is consideration it was the consensus of the City Council oard and Commission members be included. It was MOVED by Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried on roll call vote s follows that staff proceed with this coverage and include the members of the Board and Commission Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Sae lid Pursuant" to the commendation of the Senior Citizens I Commission Council asked for report from staff on the feasibility of having a study on a total rogram for the development of low-to-moderate income housing for enior citizens. Organizations with expertise in this area were submi ted and staff advised they had met with representa- tives thereof. Staf will schedule a meeting for the latter part of Oct. Council received the r uest of the Superintendent of the Arcadia Unified School District for permission to close a portion of California Street. Due 0 the recent fire at the First Avenue Junior High School the Di trict needs the subject area as a location for mobile classrooms dur~ g the 1979-80 school year. A diagram of the areas referred to was ,viewed. Councilman Gilb MOVED to, approve the request for temporary c sure of California Street with fencing at the east and west propert lines of the school property on the north side of California Stre t. Fencing not to close off any property used for residential urposes from public street access. School District to pay any cos Councilman Parry seconded the MOTION. NOT ACTED UPON. During the discussion Dr. Herbert Anita, spoke in opposition to any he sees a long range plan of what L. Herscher, owner 224 S. Santa losing of California Street until proposed. It was the considered scheduled. consensus of the City Cou in public hearing proceedi All parties concerned to b il that the matter should be s and August 7 was so notified. The City Attorney presented for the seco content and read the title of Ordinance N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AMENDING CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 6434.6.1 AND REPEl\: REQUIRE SAFETY INSPECTION OF REFUSE VEHICLE time, explained the 1683 enti tIed: "AN ARCADIA MUNICIPAL LNG SECTION 6434.6.2 TO It was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by uncilman Parry and carried on roll call vote as follows that the urther reading of the full text be waived and that the same be ADOPTE . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Mar None Councilmen Saelid The City Attorney presented for the second time, E'XP content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1684, ent ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AMENDING SECTION 9233 ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE TO REZONE 9808-9828 NAOMI AVENUE 1320 GOLDEN WEST AVENUE FROM C-l TO R-3." i ned the led: "AN 2 OF THE ND 1302- It was MOVED by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman i1b and 7-17-79 - 4 - ORDINANCE NO. 1685 INTRODUCED I RESOLUTION NO. 4847 ADOPTED CLAIM REJECTED (RUSK) CLAIM REJECTED (Sav-On Drugs) GILB 23:9830 rried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of e full text be waived and that the same be ADOPTED. , , Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett None Councilman Saelid \ Attorney presented for the first time, explained the content the ti tle of Ordinance No. 1685, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF F ARCADIA MODIFYING AND EXTENDING THE MORATORIUM ON COOPERATI MULTIPLE DWELLINGS AND EXPANDING THE MORATORIUM TO INCLUDE AL MULTIPLE DWELLINGS IN AN R-3 ZONE, AND AMONG OTHER REQUIREMENT REQUIRING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT THEREFOR DURING THE INTERIM NDING THE STUDY OF ZONING PROPOSALS, REGULATING THE SAME AND TERM TING MAY 15, 1980." Councilman Gilb, seconded all'vote as follows that aived and that the same by Councilman Parry the further reading be INTRODUCED. and of It was MOVED by carried on roll the full text be AYES: NOES: ABSENT: FOR AUGUST 7, 1979 on the above Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett NOTE: PUBLIC ordinance. The City Attorney present d, explained th content and read the title of Resolution No. 4847, en itled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA GRA ING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 79-9 FOR EXPANSION OF A RESTAURANT A 116 EAST LIVE OAK AVENUE." It was MOVED by Councilman Gi carried on roll call vote as f full text be waived and that th , seconded by Councilman Parry lows that the further reading same be ADOPTED. and of the AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, None Councilman Saelid ellegrino, Margett On recommendation of the Claims Adjus er and the City Attorney it was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried on roll call vote as follows tH t the claim of Fred Mason Rusk, Jr., and Melinda J. Rusk be rejec d. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, None Councilman Saelid , Margett On recommendation of the Claims Adjuster and e City Attorney, the claim of the Surplus Line Adjusting Company, 0 behalf of the Sav-On Drug Store, was rejected on MOTION by Councilma Parry, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, None Councilman Margett The Assistant to the City Manager advised that they are currently working with Republic Development Company on a Disposition and Development Agreement for a project in the area of Huntington and Second. It was the consensus of the City Council that Republic submit a proposal for Council review by September 4. Staff will contact a businessman who has indicated to Councilman Pellegrino that he is ready to move ahead. 7-17-79 - 5 - PELLEGRINO , mo~' EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENED CLAIM APPROVED (Ful ton) RESOLUTION NO. 4836 ADOPTED 23:9831 Mayor Margett will respond to an inquiry on the policy on appointments - that Council does not appoint both a husband and wife 0 Commissions, however, the application in question will be place on file. Some di cussion held on the ,procedure for appointing persons to Boards a d Commissions - primarily to the Senior Citizen Commission - that the ommission does not preclude that person from being app 'nted by the City Council. The By-Laws may have to be rewritten. This will be checked by the City Attorney. The Planning ommission will conduct a study of a possible text amendment revi ing the parking regulations in the business areas... where the numb of parking spaces would be actually related to the usage by patron rather than on square footage of a building. On MOTION by Counc lman Pellegrino, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll ca vote as follows William E. Kuyper was appointed to a four year term n the Planning Commission. This will fill the vacancy created by t termination of Miles Perlis' eight years of service. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen None Councilman Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid On MOTION by Mayor Margett on roll call vote as folIo Parking Place Commission. D. Kirby Lesh and will expir City. seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried Stuart Henderson was appointed to the is will fill the unexpired term of June 30, 1980. Mr. Lesh has left the AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen None Councilman Saelid Pellegrino, Saelid Council entered an executive At 10:30 p.m. d by Councilman Gilb and the Fulton claim be nt to be determined by Director. It was MOVED by Councilman Parry, secon carried on roll call vote as follows tha APPROVED with payment not to exceed an a the City Manager, City Attorney and Financ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, None Councilman Saelid The City Attorney presented, explained the conte t and read the title of Resolution No. 4836 entitled: "A RESOL ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA MAKING FINDINGS OF ACT REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF KRIS CONSCIOUSNESS, ALSO KNOWN AS HARE KRISHNA, FOR A RELIGIOUS SOLICI TION CERTIFI- CATE AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER NOT TO ISSUE SA CERTIFICATE BASED ON THE DISCREPANCIES AND INCOMPLETENESS OF SAI APPLICATION AND ON SAID FINDINGS OF FACT." It was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, arry and 7-17-79 - 6 - EXECUTIVE SESSION I \. 23:9832 c4rried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be waived and that the same be ADOPTED. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council 11 p.m. Councilmen Gilb, Parry, ,Pellegrino, Margett None Councilman Saelid ntered an executive session, reconvened and adjourned at uly 30, 1979 at 5 p.m. Christine Van City Clerk '.1~~~ M8 nen 7-17-79 - 7 - , \' , , \ ,