HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 8,1979 0'- " ROLL CALL FIRE DISPATCH CENTER REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT ( A R A ) . ~ 24:9892 MINUTES ADJOURNED RmUlAR MEETING OF THE ARCADIA CITY COUNCIL AND THE ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY J 0 I N T NOVEMBER 8, 1979 The City Council and the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency met in an adjourned regular session on November 8, 1979 at 5 p.m. in the Conference Room. PRESENT: ABSENT : Members Gilb, Parry,Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None Margett advised of the receipt of Mayor Os rovia concerning the dispatch center base te. The rejected the concept and questione circumstances with which the Council is Margett will respond to this letter. a communication from establishment of a fire City Council had previously or not there are other not co Mayor CONTINUED - Disposition and Development Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and Republic Development Company for a pro- posed sale and development of real property generally located in the area bounded by Foothill Freeway to the north, A. T. & S. F. Railroad tracks to the south, Fifth Avenue to the east and Second Avenue to the west, and that portion of the Project Area 325 feet west of Second Avenue between Santa Clara Street and Wheeler Avenue in the Central Redevelopment Project Area, and the Certification of a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact thereon. Staff exhibited projecturals of the subject area and circulated lists of property owners, land use, acreage, square feet and the current assessed valuations of land and improvements. The price paid for the parcels owned by the City was discussed along with present improve- ments if any. The possibility of closing Third Avenue and relocating the Continuation School was also explored. Staff submitted areas of concern for the Agency to consider ... whether or not the Agency desired one single agreement to coordinate the entire site area including the so-called Coke interests ... and how Republic would handle the hotel project under one site plan ... and under the single agreement concept how Republic would handle the five parties who want to participate in their own development and still be consistent with Republic's responsibility for overall coordination. Also condemnation proceedings to assure the Agency that Republic has made every effort to purchase the property. Charles Vose, attorney at 1000 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, represent- ing Republic Development Company, noted areas on appropriate maps which have been taken into consideration for specific types of development. He noted that Republic has the financial resources to move ahead with the entire project and one of the more difficult problems to solve is the acquisition of residential property which is more costly and it may be necessary to acquire through condemnation. He understood the concerns of the Agency about eminent domain which is costly and it is to Republic's best interest to acquire the property outside of condemnation and that any language by the Agency in this regard would be acceptable to Republic. Mr. Vose also submitted in part that it is more practical to have one developer in control of the site and noted that the proposed agreement requires the developer to -1- 11-8-79 .. REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT con't. CONTINUED TO NOV. 16 10:30 a.m. DEANNEXATION (MONROVIA) APPROVED ~ 24:9893 bring in concept plans within 90 days. In response to a question Tom Gaston, Republic Development Company, said there would be no management charge for any additional area. Discussion ensued and it was the consensus of the Agency that it would be best to have one developer for the overall project. MOTION by Member Gi1b, seconded by Member Sae1id and carried on roll call vote as follows that: THE REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY BE APPROVED AS THE COMPANY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OVERALL PLANNING AND COORDINATION OF DEVELOP- MENT IN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA EAST OF SECOND AVENUE. AYES NOES ABSENT: Members Gi1b, Parry, Pellegrino, Sae1id, Margett None None Member Gi1b MOVED, seconded by Member Pellegrino and carried on roll call vote as follows that: STAFF BE DIRECTED TO PREPARE A DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREE- MENT WITH REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AS CONSIDERED IN THIS PUBLIC HEARING AND AS PROPOSED TO BE AMENDED, AND TO INCIlJDE THE CONCEPT PLANS FOR THE ENTIRE AREA. STAFF IS AIBO DIRECTED TO PREPARE A DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE BALANCE OF THE AREA. THE AGREEMENT SHOULD REQUIRE THAT ANY REQUESTS FOR CONDEMNATION BY PARTICIPANTS IN THE AREA BE CHANNELED THROUGH REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AND TO INCLUDE AN OUTLINE OF ADEQUATE STEPS BY THE DEVELOPER TO BE TAKEN BEFORE ANY CONDEMNATION. AYES NOES ABSENT: Members Gi1b, Parry, Pellegrino, Sae1id, Margett None None MOTION by Member Gi1b, seconded by Member Pellegrino and carried on roll call vote as follows that: REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SHALL SUBMIT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY A PROPOSED AGREEMENT TO BE ENTERED INTO BETWEEN REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AND THE DEFINED PARTICIPANTS (COKE, DATSUN, DERBY, JACKSON, KLECKNER AND THE HOTEL SITE). THE AGREEMENT SHALL PROVIDE THAT THEY MAY PARTICIPATE AT NO COST TO THEM EXCEPT THOSE THEY AGREE TO IN WRITING. THE AGREEMENT SHALL REQUIRE AGENCY APPROVAL OF ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT. FURTHER PARTICIPATION MAY BE ALLOWED WITH APPROVAL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BY THE AGENCY. AYES NOES ABSENT: Members Gi1b, Parry, Pellegrino, Sae1id, Margett None None This matter was CONTINUED to 10:30 a.m. November 16, 1979 in the Conference Room. RECESS AND RECONVENE reported on the request of the City of Monrovia for the deannex . of certain property proposed to be included in a sub- division 10cat th of Hillcrest Boulevard. The Monrovia City Council approved the ive map of this tract contingent upon detachment from Arcadia and tion to Monrovia those portions lying within Arcadia, The lots wi n the average of 34,995 sq. ft., and the homes would have access from est in Monrovia and would sell for approximately $200,000. The City Departments do not have any objections. The Fire Depar -2- ~.. 11-8-79 -, .. DEANNEXATION (MONROVIA) con't. \ '\. MUNICIPAL DATA SYSTEMS ADJOURNMENT TO DATE CERTAIN ~ 24:9894 no ed it would be an advantage in that area that would not have to be erviced by it and deannexation would actually resolve access dif iculties to existing property on the border line. During this cons deration the developer responded to questions. AYES NOES ABSENT : MOVED by Councilman Saelid, seconded by Councilman Gilb and on roll call vote as follows that the request be granted; f be directed to prepare a Environmental Impact Report and riate Resolution consenting to the deannexation. Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett The Finance Df ector explained that the Joint Powers Authority with eleven ci 'es was organized in 1970 and has contracted with the City of Ana im since July 1, 1976 - to provide data processing needs (finance, yroll, water, utility, busines license, and management infor tion.) Costs have increased 26% in three years (from $55,840 to $ 0,429). Internal problems e by the City of Anaheim were explained, due mostly to increa d burdens and growth of the Anaheim area itself. Staff recommended a c ange to be effective in July 1980 to the firm of Science Dynamics at a cost of $70,000 per year for the same services. There would be no incr se in cost for four years. There would be 12 full time employees ded ated exclusively to MOS. A complete break- down of services was cha ed for Council review. It was noted that the Exec tive Board of MOS will act on this November 21 and a resolution would b necessary to effect the change. Councilmen None None Sae lid, Marge tt It was MOVED by Councilman G carried on roll call vote as the proposed concept as presen AYES NOES ABSENT: b, seconded 110ws that d. by Councilman Parry and the City Council approve The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. t 10:30 a.m. November 16, 1979 in the Conference Room. :> / ,'- ~. // , ----,.- ~ C:;:.Z1t'dt?~~ v-d1f Christine Van Maanen ~ / City Clerk '. _J. :;/ ......t:", -3- 11-8-79