HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 20,1979 . . ROLL CALL REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY & ARA (December l8 5 p.m.) RESOLUTION NO. 4860 ADOPTED , 24:9895 MINUTES ADJOURNED JOINT REGULAR MEETm:; OF CITY COUNCIL and the ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOVEMBER 20, 1979 The City Council and the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency met in an adjourned regular session on November 20, 1979 at 6:30 p.m. in the Arcadia City Hall Conference Room, PRES ENT: ABSENT : Members Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None CONTINUED public hearing by the City Council and the Agency on the proposed Disposition and Development Agreement between the Agency and Republic Development Company for the proposed sale and develop- ment of real property generally located in the area bounded by Foot- hill Freeway to the north, A. T. & S. F. Railroad tracks to the south, Fifth Avenue to the east and Second Avenue to the west, and that portion of the Project Area 325 feet west of Second Avenue between Santa Clara Street and Wheeler Avenue in the Central Redevel- opment Project Area and the certification of a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact thereon. Content of the propose~ Agreement explored - specifically the last paragraph of Section 703 relating to City and Agency owned parcels - two by the Agency and three by the City. Charles Vose, attorney representing Republic addressed this section concerning the purchase price of these parcels stating in part that they would like to acquire those parcels at the acquisition price mainly because they feel it would be consistent with the Agreement .. also they would be incurring legal fees, appraisal fees should it become necessary to go to condemna- tion or go to statutory price. They will also have to purchase the land and whatever improvements are on the site and costs will be far in excess of the market value of a particular piece of property. Modification of this paragraph was discussed. It was the consensus of the Agency and, Council Members that an appraisal of the current parcels be obtained .. it was noted that these parcels have been held for several years without receiving any taxes and now consideration is being given to turning them over to a developer without this knowledge .. that after receiving the current market value a price could then be established. It was MOVED by Member Saelid, seconded by Member Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Disposition and Development Agreement with Republic Development Company be APPROVED with the exception of the last paragraph, Section 703; that the subject parcels are not considered part of the site but may become part of the site by amendment to the Agreement. AYES NOES ABSENT: Members Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None None It was then MOVED by Member Gi1b, seconded by Member Pellegrino and carried unanimously that this hearing be CONTINUED to DECEMBER 18, 1979 at 5 p.m. in the Conference Room. torney presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution o. ed: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA MAKING ENV S NECESSARY' FOR THE PROPOSED DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT B -1- 11-20-79 ( " .. RESOLUTION NO. 4860 can't. RESOLUTION NO. 4861 ADOPTED A R A RESOLUTION NO. 54 I ARA RESOLUTION NO. 55 , 24:9896 EDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WITH REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY FOR THE SALE A DEVELOPMENT OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTIES GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE AR BOUNDED BY FOOTHILL FREEWAY TO THE NORTH, A. T. & S. F. RAILROAD RIGH OF-WAY TO THE SOUTH, FIFTH AVENUE TO THE EAST AND SECOND AVENUE TO THE ST, AND THAT PORTION OF THE PROJECT AREA 325 FEET WEST OF SECOND /!. NUE BETWEEN SANTA CLARA STREET AND WHEELER AVENUE IN THE CENTRAL R EVELOPMENT PROJECT." Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino oll call vote as follows that the further reading of aived and ADOPTED. It was MOVED and carried on the full text be Sae lid, Margett AYES NOES ABSENT: Counc llmen None None The City Attorney explained the content and read the title of Resolution No. ed: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA MAKING C AIN FINDOCS WITH RESPECT TO THE CONSIDERATION TO BE RECEIVED B E ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PURSUANT TO A CERTAIN DISPOSITIO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY THE ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WITH PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT FOR THE SALE AND DEVELOPMENT OF CERTAIN REAL PR TIES GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE AREA BOUNDED BY FOOTHILL FREEWAY TO NORTH ,"A. T. & S. F. RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE SOUTH, FIFTH AVENUE 0 THE EAST AND SECOND AVENUE TO THE WEST, AND THAT PORTION OF THE PRO T AREA 32,5 FEET WEST OF SECOND AVENUE BETWEEN SANTA CLARA STREET A WHEELER"'AVENUE IN THE CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT; APPROVING TH PROPOSED' SALE OF SAID REAL PROPERTY AND APPROVOC THE DISPOSITION A DEVELOPMEN?: AGREEMENT PERTA INING THERETO." " AYES NOES ABSENT: , " It was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Counc and carried on roll call vote as follows that the fu the full text be waived and ADOPTED. n Pe11ekrino her reading of \ \, Councilmen Gilb, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett Councilman Parry None NOTE: PLEAS'E SEE PAGE NO.8 OF THE MINUTES OF THE REX;ULAR MEET OF THIS DATE FOR CORRECTED WAIVOC AND ADOPTION PROCEEDINGS ABOVE TWO RESOLUTIONS. The Agency Counsel presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution No. ARA 54, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MAKING ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS NECESSARY FOR THE PROPOSED DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY THE ARCADIA REDEVELOP- MENT AGENCY WITH REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY FOR THE SALE AND DEVELOP- MENT OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTIES. GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE AREA BOUNDED BY FOOTHILL FREEWAY TO THE NORTH, A. T. & S. F. RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE SOUTH, FIFTH AVENUE TO THE EAST, AND SECOND AVENUE TO THE WEST, AND THAT PORTION OF THE PROJECT AREA 325 FEET WEST OF SECOND AVENUE BETWEEN SANTA CLARA STREET AND WHEELER AVENUE IN THE CENTHAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT." It was MOVED by Member Saelid, seconded by Member Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be waived and ADOPTED. AYES NOES ABSENT: Members Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None None The Agency Counsel presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution ARA No. 55 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE ARCADIA REDEVEL- OPMENT AGENCY ~lAKING CERTAIN FINDOCS WITH RESPECT TO THE CONSIDERATION TO BE RECEIVED BY THE ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PURSUANT TO A CERTAIN DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY THE ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WITH REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY FOR THE SALE AND DEVELOPMENT OF CERTAIN -2- 11-20-79 C4 ~ ARA RESOLUTION NO. 55 can't. RENTAL OF ARA PROPERTY ADJOURNMENT I , 24:9897 REAL PROPERTIES GNERALLY Lo.CATED. IN THE AREA BOUNDED BY FOOTHILL FREEWAY TO THE NORTH, A. T. & S. F. RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE SOUTH, FIFTH AVENUE TO THE EAST AND SECOND AVENUE TO THE WEST, AND THAT PORTION OF THE PROJECT AREA 325 FEET WEST OF SECOND AVENUE BElWEEN SANTA CLARA STREET AND WHEELER AVENUE IN THE CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT; APPROVING THE PROPOSED SALE OF SAID REAL PROPERTIES AND THE DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PERTAINING THERETO: AND AUmORIZING THE EXECUTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SAID DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT." It was MOVED BY Member Gilb,seconded by Member Saelid and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be wai~ed and ADOPTED. AYES NOES ABS ENT: Members Gilb, Pellegrino, Sae1id, Margett Member Parry None Mr. Voee referred to his communication dated November l6 relating to the expansion of the project area and the right of Republic to negotiate exclusively with the Agency for the development of that area. It was felt that since Republic will be making a substantial investment in initiating new development they would like to have the first opportunity to work with the Agency and expand the development perimecers. Basic reasons for the exclusive right were set forth in the communication. The need for staff input was evinced and this matter will be placed on the agenda for December l8 at 5 p.m. - the time scheduled for the continued public hearing on the Republic agreement. Staff submitted the receipt of a request from J & G Plastering Company to rent Agency owned property at 5l N. Third Avenue. It was MOVED by Member Gilb, seconded by Member Parry and carried unanimously that a public hearing be scheduled on this matter. Adjourned to December 18, 1979 at 5 p.m. in the Conference Room. hristine Van Maanen S ec re tary -3- 11-20-79