HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 4,1979 . , INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL MINUTE APPROVAL EMPLOYEE AWARDS DRIVEWAY RAMP APPROVED HEARING (Lighting Ma in tenance District - Annex. 9) 24: 9909 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA and the ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING December 4, 1979 e City Council.met in a regular session in the Arcadia City Hall ncil Chamber on December 4, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. of the Holy Angels Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett Councilman Saelid due to a physical handicap. Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry Excused on and carried. by Councilman. adjourned and Pellegrino and regular meetings Councilman Gilb, seconded ously the minutes of the 1979 were APPROVED. On MOTION b carried unan of November 2 Councilman Parr Exceptional Serv read the names of employees who have received 1979 e Awards and the Division of the Year Award: Curtis, Fire Department Wills, Personnel Department Rhae tockham, Finance Department Kim Wo ,Fire Department Beth Th 11, Receptionist Gail Phe s, Police Department Roberta Ote, Recreation Department Je~ell Hig , City Manager's Department James Doche ty, Public Works Department Build in Merlin Bakke, Ron Castano Curtis Clark John Mochan Jinnny Montes Request of Robert C. Schrank for a to the Building Code for a driveway ramp for a proposed co dominium at 881 - 887 W. Hunting- ton Drive. Staff noted that the reque t is consistent with the driveway ramp design which has been approved in ecent various applications, Mayor Margett declared the hearing open and no one desiring to be heard the hearing was CLOSED on MOTION by Gouncilma Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried unanimously. It was fur her MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried on roll call vote as follows that the request be APPROVED. AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, None Councilman Saelid Time and place scheduled for hearing protests conc rning Annexation No. 9 to the Consolidated Lighting Maintenance District Staff referred to a correction made in the Engineer's Report and advis d that the resolu- tion ordering the annexation and detachment when adop ed will reflect this correction. Mayor Margett declared the hearing open and no one desir ng to be heard -1- 12-4-79 ~ HEARING Lighting Maintenance District Annex. 9 con't. RESOLUTION NO.4866 ADOPTED HEARING (Santa Anita Oaks Area) Traffic IN FAVOR 24:9910 the hearing was CLOSED on MOTION by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried unanimously. It was then MOVED by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that there being no protests, the assessments be con- firm d to the various zones as set forth in the Engineer's Report and that the appropriate resolution be adopted. Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett None Councilman Saelid ttorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolu 'on No. 4866 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CIT OF ARCADIA ORDERING TIlE ANNEXATION TO AND DETACHMENT OF CERTAIN LA S FROM TIlE ARCADIA CONSOLIDATED LIGHTING DISTRICT (ANNEX- AtION NO.9) " Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino roll call vote as follows that the further reading of waived and ADOPTED. It was MOVED and carried on the full text AYES NOES ABSENT: Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett On June 27 the City Council held a public hearing relating to traffic problems in the Sant Anita Oaks Area and directed the Department of public Works to proc d with installation of temporary islands in accordance with plans repared by the Engineering Division. Council received for review th Engineer's report compiled six weeks after temporary closure, an a ea map with updated traffic volumes, tabula- tion of traffic volumes efore and after installation of barricades, copies of barricade plan previously approved by the City Council and a copy of a letter from t e Homeowner's Association requesting post- ponement of this scheduled hearing, Costs for installing barric Carlos and Oak Meadow was $1,886.33; repair of vandali ed signs in August $320,76 and cleanup and repair of damaged signs i October $60.91. It was also noted that traffic counter equipmen had also been tampered with and on one occasion damaged, With refere e to traffic counts it was submitted that the last count indicated a significant reduction on San Carlos, Oak Meadow and Arbolada from tra fic volumes prior to barricading. It was also estimated that should C ncil deem it necessary to install traffic control measures the cost ould be for three temporary type- installations $3,500 to $4,000 and if permanent installation with land- scaping, automatic sprinklers, etc. the cost would probably be $60,000, Mayor Margett declared the hearing 0 mitted their views on the continuatio pletion of the plan. (Recorded remark n and the following persons sub- of the barricades and the com- on file). IN FAVOR OF CONTINUING TIlE BARRICADES Ernest Eredia, 1435 Rancho Road Perry Cope, 1231 San Carlos Road, Robert Knight, 1425 Oak Meadow Craig Jennings, 1201 San Carlos Road Dennis Adkins, 1105 Rodeo Road Tony Rossi, 341 Arbolada Milton Smith, 1420 Rancho Road Rita Lubeshkoff, 501 W. Foothill Blvd, Marie Walde, 1427 San Carlos Road Tim Tennyson, 1410 San Carlos Road Richard Callahan, 1403 Oaklawn Place Lura Blindbury, 1419 San Carlos Road Joseph Brown, 1409 San Carlos Road Dexter Blindbury, 1419 San Carlos Road Diane Beard, 1400 Oaklawn Place of the Homeowner's Ass'n. -2- 12-4-79 . HEARING Santa Ani ta Oaks Area (Traffic) con't. OPPOSED I YOUTH COMMISSION BY-LAWS AMENDED 24: 9911 OPPOSED TO BARRICADES Keith Smith, 420 Arbolada Maxwell Davis, 667 Hampton Road Gra m Stubberfield, 1731 Rodeo Road Tom se, 280 Hacienda Richa d Midgley, 541 Gloria Road Theod e Drake, 1128 N. Santa Anita Avenue Robert heppard, 1141 N. Santa Anita Avenue James Finn, 1112 San Carlos Road George God, 1328 Oak Meadow Road John BevI'n, 235 S, Canyon Avenue, Sierra Madre Marsha Go ,1328 Oak Meadow Road Bob Miller 1311 Oak Meadow Road Jan Smith, 48 E. Floral Avenue Malcolm Harr s, 1336 Oak Meadow Road Barbara Quin 1404 Oak Meadow Road Hal Roach, 13 San Carlos Road Floretta K, La ber, 1225 Oaklawn Road No one else des~ Councilman Gilb, mously. ing to be heard the hearing was CLOSED on MOTION by econded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried unani- During the iscussion the Chief of Police submitted what has transpired since th barricades were installed; that a lot of citations were issued and that it is impossible to have his officers at each intersection in the a ea - not only because of the cost but the entire city has to be covere Councilman Gilb stated n part that it is evident there is a problem on San Carlos and explored orne of the endeavors made in the design of the barricades; that in his inion to barricade Arbolada would only double the traffic on San Carlos. He was not in favor of installing additional barricades at this tnne. e was concerned with Oak Meadow Road and what the residents really want. Councilman Pellegrino was op answer is more traffic contro expenditure of installation an City, sed to all barricades and that to him the in the area and he could not see the maintenance for just one area of the Councilman Parry thought the bar icades have solved some of the problems of a very difficult situation. H could not support installing addition- al barricades at this time but wo d favor continuing the existing ones and then study it to see if there another solution. Mayor Margett stated in part that he felt that most of the traffic is generated by those living in the area and questioned whether the expendi- ture which has been referred to would ass the test of the electorate. He though it would not - as every taxp er has an interest in street improvements. He favored continuing th barricades on San Carlos. Whereupon CCllncilman Gilb MOVED to not p the installaion of barricades at Arbolada, Rancho Road and R deo Road. Councilman Parry seconded the motion which was carried on t e following roll call vote. AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, None Councilman Saelid Discussion held on the design of the barricade and staff will bring back sorne alternatives and costs. Staff will a so make a survey of the residents on Oak Meadow as to whether or not the want the barricade removed regardless of what happens on San Carlos nd also how can the driveway situation at 1445 Oak Meadow be resolved. The Youth Commission recommended that its By-Laws be amended to reflect the following change in Article IV-Meetings: -3- 12-4-79 YOUTH COMMISSION BY-LAWS AMENDED con't. I A R A ROLL CALL HEARING AGENCY-OWNED PROPERTY RENTED ADJOURNED TO 5 p.m, Dec. 18 24:9912 " th Commission meetings shall be held the first Monday of each month ,30 p,m. in the City Hall Conference Room, At any time a regular meet alls on a school holiday, it will be rescheduled on the third Monday 0 month, " It was MOVED by Councilman Gi , conded by Councilman Parry and carried on roll call vote as follows said change be APPROVED. AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, None Councilman Saelid The City Council adjourned in order to act as the Arcadia Redevelop- ment Agency. PRESENT: ABSENT Members Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett Member Saelid ,- It was MOVED by Member Gilb, seconded by Member Pellegrino and carried unanimously that Member Saelid be excused due to a physical handicap, Time and place scheduled to consider the request of J. G. Plastering Company to rent Agency-owned property at 51 N. Third Avenue. It would be used as a contractor's yard, Staff noted that the property is M-l and the yard area is fenced and screened by building and plant material. Chairman Margett declared the hearing open and no one desiring to be heard the hearing was CLOSED on MOTION by Member Parry, seconded by Member Pellegrino and carried unanimously. It was further MOVED by Member Parry, seconded by Member Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that staff be directed to prepare the Rental Agreement for a monthly rent of $275 - on a month to month basis - with a 30 day cancellation upon written notice. Conditions were set forth in the report and the Executive Director was AUTHORIZED to execute the Agreement in form approved by the Agency Counsel. AYES NOES ABSENT: Members Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett None Member Saelid The Agency adjourned to 5 p.m. December 18 and reconvened as the City Council. PARTICIPATION I TRACT NO. 36356 FINAL MAP ADVERTISE FOR BIDS (Ma in tenance Landscaped Areas) WORK ACCEPTANCE (Valverde) Herb Fletcher, 175 W. Lemon Avenue, referred once again to senior citizen housing for Arcadia and suggested placing before the electorate a bond issue for such purpose. He also suggested that the Council look at the Pilgrim Tower in Pasadena. Mayor Margett advised that this had n discussed at the adjourned regular meeting this date which convened at .m. and suggested Mr. Fletcher listen to the recording if he so desire CONSENT ITEMS APPROVED subject 36356 for an eight substantially with specified conditions, the final map of Tract No, u 't condominium at 32-38 Alice Street, It complies the ntative map which was approved January 2, 1979. APPROVED specifications for 'ntenance of landscaped areas and author- ized the City Clerk to call 'ds. It was noted tha t the existing contract with White's Landscape Se ice will expire February 1, 1980. Areas for maintenance were listed on aff report dated December 4, 1979. ACCEPTED the work as performed by Valverde Co truction, Inc., in Phase I of the Civic Center Fire Protection Water Line. Final payment was also authorized pursuant to the terms of the contra -4- 12-4-79 '- DANCE PERMITS RENEWED I RESOLUTION NO. 4867 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 4868 ADOPTED I RESOLU'rION NO. 4869 ADOPTED 24:9913 APPROVED renewal of dance permits as follows: Reubens, 1150 W. Colorado Bl. Drinker's Hall of Fame, 151 E. Huntington Drive * Derby Restaurant, 233 E. Huntington Drive Ramada Inn, 130 W. Huntington Drive Westerner Restaurant, 181 Colorado Place * Kitty Kelly's (formerly Cin-Bad's), 80 W. Live Oak ~ , ~ \ Pellegrino's Italian Restaurant, 101 S. First Avenue FOR THE RECORD COUNCILMAN PELLEGRINO ABSTAINED FROM VOTING ON THIS ITEM. Dance permits of the Derby Restaurant and Kitty elly's contingent on completion and inspection corrected violations. . \ . AL OF THE ABOVE CONSENT ITEMS WERE APPROVED ON MOT ON BY COUNCILMAN GILB, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN PARR AND . CARRIED ON THE FOLLOWING ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES NOES ABSTAIN. ABSENT : Counci~men Gilb, Parry, Margett None '_ Councilman Pellegrino ouncilman,Saelid The City Attorney p esented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution o. 4867, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ARCADIA APPROVING THE APPLICATION OF GARY A. GRIMM FOR DISABILITY TIREMENT AND FINDING THAT HE IS INCAPACITATED TO PERFORM HIS DUTIES l'l POLICE OFFICER." It was MOVED by Council Gilb, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried on roll call ate as follows, that the reading of the full text of Resolution No 4867 be waived and ADOPTED. AYES NOES ABSENT: Pellegrino, Margett Councilmen None Councilman Saelid The City Attorney presented, ex ained the content and read the title of Resolution No. 4868, en itled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AP ROVING THE APPLICATION OF CHARLES H. HUDSON FOR DISABILITY RETIREME AND FINDING THAT HE IS INCAPACI- TATED TO PERFORM HIS DUTIES AS POL E OFFICER." AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, None Councilman Saelid It was MOVED by Councilman Parry, se and carried on roll call vote as foIl s that the reading full text of Resolution No. 4868 be wa yed and ADOPTED. Pellegrino of the The City Attorney presented, explained the of Resolution No. 4869 entitled: "A RESOLUT N OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA UPHOLDING THE DECISION OF TIlE PLANNING COMMIS- SION ON APPEAL AND DENYING C.U.P. 79-15 AND MO IFICATION TO CONSTRUCT A 47-UNIT CONDOMINIUM AT 509-523 WEST DUARTE R D." It was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Cou carried on roll call vote as follows that the of Resolution No. 4869 be waived and ADOPTED. ilman Parry and 'ng of the full text AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett None Councilman Saelid -5- 12-4-79 24:9914 " Margett advised that the General Municipal Election will be n April 8, 1980 - that nominations open January 10 and close 31 - unless an incumbent does not file by the closing date - event the closing date will be February 5. ELECTION Mayor held EXECUTIVE SESSION p'.m. Council entered an executive session, reconvened and immeidately thereafter at 10:45 p.m. to 5 p.m. DECEMBER the Conference Room. I '. Christine Van Maanen City Clerk I i " '. " -6- 12-4-79