HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 5,1960 I -INVOCATION PLEDGE ROLL CALL MINUTES (12-15-59) HEARIN~ (Tip Sheets) lLji:lEX.El) I jlJj I_~ (Skill Games- Stevens) lNDEXED 110110 04837 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 5, 1960 The City Council of the City of Arcadia, California, met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 8:00 o'clock P.M., January 5, 1960. The Invocation was offered by the Rev. A. Karl Myers, Pastor of the Village presbyterian Church. Mayor Reibold led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENT : ABSENT : Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Phillipa, Reibold None Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and carried unanimously that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 15, 1959, as submitted in writing, be approved. Mayor Reibold declared the hearing open on the application for a busineaa permit by Benjamin Frankel (Nick Wall Associates) to sell tip sheets during the 1959-60 racing season, and inquired if anyone in the audience desired to addreas the Council either in favor of or in opposition to the said application. No one desiring to be heard, Councilman Balser moved that those certain reports regarding applicant and his associates be made part of the record of this hearing, and that the hearing be closed. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Councilman Balser further moved that in view of the information contained in the staff reports that the Council finds that the granting of the permit and the conduct of the business thereunder would be injurious,- - detrimental and harmful to the public peace, health, safety, morals and welfare of the City of Arcadia and the inhabitants thereof, and that the application of Benjamin Frankel for a business permit to sell tip sheets in Arcadia during the 1959-60 racing season be denied. Councilman Camphouse seconded the motion and it was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor Reibold declared the hearing open on the application of Garnet B. Stevens (Top Ten Music Company) for a business permit to install and operate two amusement games at 73 West Huntington Drive, and inquired if anyone in the audience desired to address the Council either in favor of or in opposition to the application. No one desiring to be heard Councilman Jacobi moved that the hearing be closed, which motion was seconded by Councilman Balser and carried unanimously. Councilman Jacobi further moved that Council approve the application of 1. 1-5-60 ~1!838' (He(tt~ng "' Stevllns - Continued) HEARING (Skill Game Walker) U/DEU.a ~v\ Garnet B. Stevens (Top Ten Music Company) for a business permit to install and operate two amusement games at 73 Weat Huntington Drive. Councilman Balser seconded the motion and it was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: Councilman Camphouse ABSENT: None Mayor Reibold declared the hearing open on the application of William Walker, Jr. (Tunetime Music Company) to install and operate one amusement I game at 46 East Huntington Drive, and inquired if anyone in the audience desired to address the Council either in favor of or in opposition to the application. No one desiring to be 'heard Councilman Phillips moved that the hearing be closed. Councilman Balser seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Councilman Phillips further moved that Council approve the application of William Walker, Jr. (Tunetime Music Company) to install and operate one amusement game at 46 East Huntington Drive. Councilman Balser seconded the motion and it was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: Councilman Camphouse ABSENT: None MATTERS FRoM THE CITY ATTORNEY: ORDINANCE No. 1071 (Adopted) J bO'" J,llDEXEIl' , '.,r< RESOLUTION No. 3206 ~l/DEX.ED '1 ~~/\ The City Attorney presented for the second time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1071, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING ALL THAT REAL PROPERTY BOUNDED BY DUARTE ROAD, LOVELL AVENUE, CAMINO REAL AND BALDWIN AVENUE, NOT ALREADY ZONED COMMERCIALLY, IN ZONES C-2, AND C-3 AND D (ARCHITECTURAL OVERLAY) UPON THE PERFORMANCE OF SPECIFIED CONDITIONS PRECEDENT. " ' The City Attorney advised that after the introduction of the above ordinance a clerical error had been noted, to wit: that there were two Sections 6; that a correction had been made, thus advancing the second Section 6 to Section 7, Section 7 to Section 8, etc. Motion by Councilman Jacobi, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Ordinance No. 1071 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, camphouae, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None 1 Motion by Councilman Jacobi, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote aa follows that Ordinance No. 1071 as corrected be adopted: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney then presented, explained the content, adding that thia reaolution ia a companion to the above Ordinance No. 1071, and read the title of Resolution No. 3206, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE 2. 1-5-60 (Resolution No. 3206 - Continued) .; \.pKJ\ t I ORDINANCE No. 1072 (Introduced) iIJ:IDEXEJ:l. r "~I 1- ORDINANCE I No. 1073 . .. (",,""'.ood) lllDEXL;D ~61Lf 04839 . , .... . '} CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING AND ESTABLISH- ING REGULATIONS TO BE APPLICABLE TO CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY BOUNDED BY DUARTE ROAD, LOVELL AVENUE, CAMINO REAL AND BALDWIN AVENUE ,UNDER ~!~A CLASSIFICATION IN ZONE D (ARCHITECTURAL OVERLAY) IN ADDITION TO THE BASIC C-3 ZONING APPLICABLE THERETO." ' Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Jacobi and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Resolution No. 3206 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold ;[ NOES: None ABSENT: None . , , Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and carried on roll call vote as follows that Resolution No. 3206 be adopted: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented for the first time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1072, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, REESTABLISHING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN ZONE R-3 AND RECLASSIFYING TO ZONE R-3, PR-3,AND C-2 CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF A~XATION NO. l7-A SOUTHWEST ARCADIA INHABITED." Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded on roll call vote as follows that the Ordinance No. 1072 be waived: by Councilman camphouse and carried ' reading of the full body of ,.j l ft.'.# J" ,AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None '. Councilman Balser further moved that Ordinance No. 1072 be introduced. Motion seconded by Councilman Camphouse and carried on roll call vote as follows: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented for the first time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1073, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2728 SOUTH BALDWIN AVENUE IN SAID CITY IN ZONE C-2 AND ZONE D (ARCHITECTURAL OVERLAY)." . Motion by Councilman Camphouse, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Ordin~nce No. 1073 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, camphouse, Jacobi, Ph~llips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion by Councilman camphouse, seconded by Councilman Phillipa ,and carried on roll call vote as follows that Ordinance No. 1073 be introduced: AYES: Councilmen Phillips, Reibold NOES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jaco~i ABSENT: None 1- 5~6(t 3. r:J1Q/lf'lq \Pt~... ,," ..A .".... .-.... PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS: LOT SPLIT No. 274 (Tentative) J.l'/D.EX.lill d{':iI1 LOT SPLIT No. 272 (Final) g~1 ORDINANCE No. 1073 )It/t TRACT No. 19065 (Tentative) ."rNnl......-'yr- ~..Vi d lo\~ Mrs. Gertrude A. Wagner, 1527 South Santa Anita Avenue. Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and indicate its intention to approve Lot Split No. 274 - ' Mrs. Gertrude A~ W~gner, 1527 South Santa Anita Avenue, upon compliance with the following conditions: 1. File a final map with the City Engineer. 2. Provide a sewer lateral for parcel No.2. 3. Dedicate a 15 foot radius cutoff at the corner of Santa Anita Avenue and Camino Real. 4. Pay $25.00 recreation fee. 5. Remove all the present buildings from both parcels. I J. K. Timbrook, 1035 South Fourth Avenue. Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the Director of Public Works and the Planning Secretary and that final approval be granted Lot Split No. 272 - J. K. Timbrook, 1035 South Fourth Avenue, as all conditions imposed have now been met. In answer to Mayor Reibo1d's inquiry as to further procedure with refer- ence to Council's majority "No" vote on the introduction of Ordinance No. 1073, the City Attorney stated that said ordinance had been drawn in accordance with the majority "Aye" vote of the Council at its meeting of December 15, 1959, favoring the granting of the zone reclassification on property located at 2728 South Baldwin Avenue; that nothing in the record indicated upon what basis Council would now reverse its stand or disapprove the recommendation of the Planning Commission; and that he had planned to inquire of Council along those lines later in the meeting for guidance as to the next step. Whereupon Mayor Reibo1d, with the consent of the Council, stated that this matter would again be considered at the end of the agenda. Northerly extension of Lee Avenue to Longden Avenue, consisting of 21 lots. Councilman Camphouse stated that generally he does not favor lots of the size indicated in this tract but since this subdivision will resolve several unfavorable existing conditions, such as the elimination of a dead-end street, the provision for future access to the rear of deep properties, the dedication of a future street under the control of the City, etc., that he moved that Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that tentative approval be granted Tract No. 19065 upon the following specified conditions: I 1. Dedicate Lee Avenue 59 feet wide, with the east one foot along Lot 2, Tract No. 9493 to be deeded in fee to the city to assure a satisfactory lot split. 2. Dedicate 12 feet for widening Second Avenue along Lots 1, 3, 4 and 5, Tract No. 9493, arid Lot 9 and the south 67.70 feet of Lot 8, Tract No. 9173, being the property from 2225 to 2407, inclusive, South Second Avenue, except along 2325 South Second Avenue. 3. Remove all buildings within the tract, except those approved by the commission, after inspection and report by the staff. 4. 1-5-60 04841 4. The city shall dedicate for street purposes the barrier at the present end of Lee Avenue. 5. Provide all necessary rear line utility easements. 6. Install all street improvements required by the Subdivision Ordinance. 7. Pay all fees and deposits required by the Subdivision Ordinanc~ as follows: .1 2 Street name signs @ $ 35.00 $ 70.00 9 Steel Street Light Pos ts @ 135.00 1,215.00 64 Street trees @ 8.50 544.00 20 Lots recreation fee @ 25.00 500.00 $2,329.00 8. These conditions are based on the entire tract being developed as one unit. 9. Dedicate Lot 24 in fee to the city. 10. Dedicate a 5 foot easement for planting and sidewalk purposes along each side of Lot 24. Councilman Balser seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. TRACT No. 22034 (Tentative) Northerly extension of Doolittle Avenue with a connection to Tenth Avenue, consisting of 11 lots. Councilman Camphouse stated that his comments pertaining to Tract No. 19065 also apply in this case and that since this tract also . eliminates a dead-end street he would move that Council accept the gJiD~recommendation of the Planning Commission and that tentative approval be granted Tract No. 22034 upon the following specified conditions: l. Remove all buildings within the tract except the house on Lo t l. J 2. Remove all trees within the street right of way. 3. Provide necessary rear line utility easements. ~ 4. Install all street improvements required by the Subdivision Ordinance. 5. Pay the following fees and deposits: 'I 24 Street trees @ $ 8.50 $204.00 4 Street lights @ 135.00 540.00 4 Street name signs @ 35.00 140.00 11 Lots recreation fee @ 25.00 225.00 $1,109.00 6. The City shall dedicate Lot 7, Tract No. 21033 for street purposes. 7. The flood control easement covering the west 30 feet of Lots 4 to 7 inclusive, shall be released by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. 5. 1- 5-60 "\' ;. ~: :~. .~.'\. 04842 TRACT No. 22862 (Final) \ pP~ SHOPPING CENTER (Margolin) ~ !:;~ I) J ;Ll.W~D ZONE CHANGE (Wayment) AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE NO. 760 Councilman Camphouse stated that in' his op~n~on this subdivision is not good and does not add anything to Arcadia, but that since tentative approval has already been granted it is incumbent upon Council to grant final approval and that he therefore moved that Council accept the recommendation of the Pfanning Commission and grant final approval to Tract No. 22862 upon the following conditions: 1. Remove the existing 2 story dwelling and its accessory building. 2. Remove all trees and shrubs from the street right of way. 3. Provide a drainage and sewer easement satisfactory to the City Engineer in a form approved by the City Attorney. 1 4. Provide all necessary rear line utility easements. 5. Install all street improvements required by the Subdivision Ordinance and the City of Sierra Madre. 6. Pay all fees and deposits required by the Subdivision Ordinance as follows: 3.Steel street light posts 24 Street trees 2 Street name signs 7 Lots recreation fee $135.00 8.50 35.00 25.00 $405.00 204.00 70.00 175.00 $854.00 @ @ @ @ Councilman Phillips seconded the motion and it was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: Councilman Camphouse ABSENT: None After viewing final plans for the proposed shopping center at the north- west corner of Santa Anita Avenue and Las Tunas Drive, and general discussion, during which it was emphasized that there were to be no signs facing Santa Anita Avenue, Councilman Jacobi moved that Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve said final plans as submitted, upon the following conditions: 1. The sign on the south side of the market shall not exceed 33 feet above the ground. 2. There shall be no sign facing Santa Anita Avenue. Councilman Balser seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. He also commented that construction of the proposed development was contemplated to start approximately the latter part of January, 1960. 1 Planning Commission Resolution No. 356-A, recommending granting of request for zone change from PR-l to C-2 and D (property located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Second Avenue to allow the construction of a Ralph's Market) requiring a public hearing, Councilman Phillips moved that the hearing be scheduled for January 19, 1960 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Councilman Camphouse seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Planning Commission Resolution No. 357, recommending creation of a new Zone R-3-R (restricted multiple-family zone) requiring a public hearing, Councilman Balser moved that the hearing be scheduled for February 2, 1960 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Councilman Jacobi seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. 6. 1-5-60 ACCEPTANCE OF WORK (Osborn and Warren, Southwest) O~843, ..f~.\.' ..;::i.<~! Motion by Councilman Camphouse, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that Council approve the recommen- dation of the Director of Public Works; accept the work of the following contractors and authorize payment,to be made in accordance with the contract with said firms and the bonds released after the expiration of the required 35 days: rnDEXE~~\ I Osborn Company, for the improvement of Baldwin Avenue - Hampton Road to Orange Grove Avenue. Warren, Southwest, Incorporated, for the improvement of Colorado Boulevard from Colorado Street to the Arcadia Wash. AYES: Councilmen Balser, camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER: SANTA ANITA RESERVOIR (Bid Results) !J6<< IND;;;n.;n LIBRARY (Garwood) ~,/ }~= I POLICE DEPARTMENT (cars) (a) In accordance with the City Manager's report that, of the bids submitted for the construction of the Santa Anita Reservoir No. 3 and appurtenant work, the lowest bid of $344,865.00 was made by the Christie Company of Arcadia, being approximately $1000.00 below the Engineer's estimate, and his recommendation that no action be taken at this meeting regarding the awarding of a contract for said construction, Councilman Camp house moved that the Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager; that the contract documents pertaining to said construction be referred to the City Attorney for approval and the matter brought before the Council at the next regular Council Meeting (January 19, 1960). Councilman Jacobi seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. (b) Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and carried on roll call vote as follows that Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager and approve for payment statement of December 15, 1959 from Mr. William Guy Garwood, Library Architect, in the amount of $7,729.15, being the first of three equal monthly pay- ments for the Construction Document Phase, in accordance with the contract and approved Building Program: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None In accordance with report and recommendation of the City Manager, that at present there is a total of $40,000.00 appropriated in the Capital Improvement Projects Fund for Mr. William Guy Garwood's fees, and that plans and estimates, based on the estimated cost of work, will necessitate the City paying Mr. Garwood a total of approximately $42,129.00, Council- man Phillips further moved that Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager and that an additional amount of $3000.00 be transferred and appropriated from the Reserve for Capital Projects Account No. 285 in the General Fund to the capital Improvement Projects Fund, Account No. 501 (Designs, Plans, and Specifications for Library). Councilman Balser seconded the motion and it was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None (c) Recommendation of the City Manager and the Chief of Police that the Police Department automobile fleet be increased from 10 to 13 in the following manner: 7. 1- 5-60 048~4 'J" "'t' .r, f :.l\t'.." 'l ! (Police Department - car~ - Continued) Two of the 1959 units (Nos, 71 and 72) now assigned to the Chief of Police and the Investigation Division, be equipped for patrol service, the cost of such conversion being as follows: Radio Equipment Alternator Siren-Spot Assembly painting $600.00 210.00 175.00 90.00 $1,075.00 ,,- Three of the five 1959 black and white patrol units be retained, repainted and repaired, at an estimated cost of approximately $300.00 each, for I service to, the Chief of Police and the Investigation Division, or for limited patrol service and one for transportation of officers and prisoners, etc., or for transportation of staff members to meetings, etc. , The estimated total cost of converting the units would be approximately $3,050.00. Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and carried on roll call vote as follows that Council accept the recommen- dation of the City Manager and the Chief of Police and authorize the increase from 10 to 13 automobiles in the Police Department, and the transfer of the total sum of $3,050.00 from Council Contingency Account No. 109-28 in the General Fund to the following General Fund accounts: Police Contractual Services, Account 120-35 Police Capital Outlay, Account 120-51 Police Capital Outlay Account 120-52 $1,080.00 770.00 1,200.00 AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None PURCHASING (d) Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and PROCEDURI): ~ ",y,arried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the City 1)11 _ "'V \ NDJ!OX'1l1'anager and refer his preliminary report on purchasing procedure to the 11 ~ Council as a Committee of the Whole for study and consideration. C.P.A. ,(e) Mayor Reibold ordered filed the City Manager's report on progress RECOMMEN~nr~ made to June 30, 1959, with reference to some of the recommendations of DATIONS \f\.I' Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery, auditors for the City. ' '. lNDEXED POLICE (f) Motion by Councilman Camphouse, seconded by Councilman Jacobi and CHIEF carried unanimously that the Council accept the recommendation of the (Conference City Manager and grant him the authority to authorize the attendance of Attendance) the Chief of Police at conferencea called by the Attorney General for the ~. (jI~m purpose of discussing the duties of the respective offices of District , ~Attorneys, Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police, without first obtaining Council's approval for each separate meeting. POLICE After due discussion and consideration by the Council concerning the DEPARTMENT merits of the Police Department employing a female to enforce limited (Female time parking restrictions in all portions of the City, thus releasing Parking male police officers for general patrol, (also to have the ability to Enforcement ,type in order that she may be used for clerical work during inclement Officer) ~fweather and to operate a three wheel motorcycle, such as the Cushman , ~ Scooters used in the Water Department), Councilman Jacobi moved that C the Council accept the recommendation of the Chief of Police and the ~0' Personnel Board and authorize the establishment of the classification I of Female parking Enforcement Officer in the Police Department and ~ approve the specifications pertaining thereto as set forth by the c/\ Personnel Board. Councilman Camphouse seconded the motion and it was . ,V- carried on roll call vote as follows: t I AYES: Councilmen Balser, camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None 8. 1-5-60 COMMUNICATIONS: (Westman Development) 1 o ~\i 04845 (a) The City Clerk advised that a communication dated December 29, 1959 has been received from Westman Development Corp., signed by Arthur C. Bauman, as the authorized agent of owners of certain parcels of property described in sa~d communication, and stating in substance that said property owners would dedicate to the City for street and highway purposes portions of such property necessary for the opening of Winnie Way as proposed in the tentative map of proposed Tract No. 25439 approved by the Council on December 1, 1959, contingent upon the City acquiring by any 'appropriate means or proceedings certain other property necessary for the completion of Winnie Way and the widening of Eighth Avenue as contemplated in said tentative map. Councilman Phillips stated that subdividers have used every reasonable effort over a long period of time to obtain the cooperation of the owners of the property mentioned in said letter but to no avail; that since Council has expressed itself on numerous occasions as being willing to assist in developing subdivisions in an orderly fashion, in his opinion this occasion called for Council to exert its powers of condemnation for the purpose of opening necessary streets. Councilman Phillips then moved that Council instruct the City Manager to employ a firm of, 'attorneys, preferably the law firm of Burke, Williams & _,Sorenson, to instigate legal proceedings in an effort to obtain the neces- sary property for the completion of Winnie Way and the widening of Eighth Avenue, as set forth in the above mentioned communication of December 29, 1959 from the Westman Development Corp.; that said developer is to bear all legal expenses entailed in such proceedings as well as the cost of acquisition of the necessary property. Councilman Camphouse seconded the motion and it was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None (Doubrawa) A (b) Mayor Reibold ordered filed the c'onnnunication from Fannie Doubrawa, ~\~() ~ 9943 Longden Avenue, regarding the zoning of Baldwin Avenue between 'A \V Lemon and Garibaldi Avenue, as this matter had been resolved at a prior " .~ meeting. (MCGarrJt1~'~' ~(c) Mayor Reibold ordered filed the connnunication from William H. McGarr, 0.', '1V..Ii 9 Alta Street, regarding automobile horns, commenting that the City Y . Manager has replied to this connnunication. BUSINESS PERMIT RENEWALS: 1 CLl'lDEXEL Motion by Councilman camphouse, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Council approve the follow- ing applications for renewal of business license permits, and that the provisions of Section 18 of Ordinance No. 737, applicable to previously licensed businesses, be waived: ALLEN, C. R., 33 Morlan Place - riding stable ARCADIA Bowling Courts, 21 Morlan Place BALABANOFF, Emilia, 1625 S. 2nd Ave. - nursery school CRAPPS, Matthew F. & Charlotte R. - used car sales at 334 E. Huntington CREMER, Frances, - door to door sales of Nutrilite products GARNER, Mrs. Madge K., 1615 Lovell Ave. - day child care GLICK, Lawrence Leroy - door to door sales of miscellaneous items HAMLIN, Lester E. - door to door sales of Fuller Brush products HILLHAVEN, Inc. - convalescent home at 464 W. Huntington Drive NEUGENT, Wallace W. - used car sales at 421 E. Huntington Drive ROXY'S Cafe - operation of 2 amusement games at 223 No. 1st Ave. RUSSELL Transportation, Inc. - school bus STEVENS, Mrs. Dorothy - playtime nursery at 530 Las Tunas Drive WOLKOFF, Meyer - sales of second hand clothing and alterations at 654 W. Huntington Drive. 9. 1-5-60 04@46~A ' (Business Permit Renewals - Continued) .. AYES: councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None COUNTY BOUNDARY COMMISSION: ORDINANCE No. 1073 ~ V~\o I) Mayor Reibold ordered filed notices from the County Boundary Commiasion of the following annexation proposals as they have no effect' on Arcadia: No. 3 - No. 4 - No. 7 - No. 216 No. 217 near Baldwin Ave. and south of Lower Azusa Road (Rosemead) near Baldwin Ave. and the San Bernardino Freeway (Rosemead) south of San Bernardino Freeway (Baldwin Park) - near Baldwin Avenue and San Bernardino Freeway (El Monte) - at Rio Hondo Channel & SPRR R/W (El Monte). 1 Motion by Councilman Jacobi, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that the motion made earlier that evening regarding ~he introduction of Ordinance No. 1073 be reconsidered; Councilman Jacobi adding that he had voted "No" to such introduction because he had mistakenly thought said ordinance pertained to a different address: 'I.' 1 AYES: Councilmen NOES: None ABSENT: None Balser, Camphouse',' Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold ....c"... _' ;;.. ~ij . . ~t.; I . ~,'. ",'...- ~ .. ~ " Councilman Phillips then moved that Ordinance No. 1073 be introduced. Councilman Jacobi seconded the motion and it was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse ABSENT: None AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION No one in the audience desired to address the Council. MATTERS FROM THE CITY OFFICIALS LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES MEETING IQ (1-21-60)('\~ '\ ORDER OF DE MO~Y. P? (JJ. ~~. COMMUNICATION (McMahon) With reference to the League of California Cities meeting January 21, 1960, to be held at the Los Angeles Turf Club in Arcadia, at which Arcadia is the host city, Mayor Reibold moved that Council authorize the City Manager to designate those department heads of the City who may attend said meet- ing, the City to bear the expense. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion and it was carried~unanimously. The City Manager advised that a communication dated December 31, 1959, had been received from the Arcadia Chapter of the Order of DeMolay, expressing their grati~ude for the use of City owned property at the southwest corner of Duarte Road and Santa Anita Avenue in the sale of their Christmas trees and also for the free license extended to them. 1 The City Manager referred to a communication dated December 23, 1959, addressed to Mayor Reibold from Mr. Harry G. McMahon, Attorney at Law, 33 E. Huntington Drive, requesting Councilmanic action in the matter of Tract No. 24311 and also regarding his request for permission to plant two trees in the public street in front of his property at 33 East Huntington Drive, and to make certain alterations to his building at said address. The City Manager advised that the items referred to would be submitted to the Council at the next Council meeting. 10. 1-5-60 The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of '{dResolut,ion No~j 3208',:renMtled :e.'~AsRESOLUTION! OFn:rHE"Cl:rYaCOUNCIL OF THEos~T) :J !l C [TY<1 OF:) ARCADIA ,:1 CAI:iIFORNI:A, 8 DECU\RING:J'A 'PORT'ION9 OFaLOS:J ANGELES COUNTY"'rom9J; FIRE PROTECTION DISTRIC:rd INCLlIDED Wl'l'HINa:rHEsC~TYj OFJ1lARCADIA:l BY RE~ON~ljno:) OF ANNEXATION NO. 19, SOUTH ARCADIA UNINHABITED (REVISED) WITHDRAWN bEn jBfL{)!39IFROM1~UCH9DISTRICT.tJ;!jz 9r{j 0.1 zn Y'T.!;UP zl,;\9~I6a .\It;m.f.i:;:;;r;:^}O~ 01' t.f1_~t1{)I:;rl "I:9:JjEm f:olriw ~bBO}! $j'HWG DO jneblc9':r .B 3:.0 I)'!sX SIb aI ~-l~lI.BJ \(\, : leu'! JMoUon9'byJCo,Uncgmam'BhiHip~,",secondediby €ol;lflci'!mabaBals.eX'Jland carried Bd:X b91.f!SOn!;ooH caH ,'vo,te,lass,fo'Hows:ltha't the:;reading'iofO:the,,!fl111~'body of 1\ Resolution No. 3208 be waiyed~99m 11~{JUQO 1X9n srlj JS 118~uoO INDEXELl 2. iJosg ,",J [1fnWES::d CouncHmemlla1~er.; i Campho,use ,h ;:Jacobir,:'),Phiil !l..ipSc, Reil>p'l!,d <::.9$I,j ):eqq'NOES::o'INpne) bt1.('~ bS3b 1.0 n1s:rgo'lq :.5WJOliJ5:t 93:tj ~}rlj qu bSSqB oj \(D6 !Jolnl/~SENT :n..t Nonej btlbb.s 2.q11.[ lrfq ";sm:rl~J1uo~) bIH', 9!.1[:~fi.rA. .9:J'l~Ua DO 3~:j B iTO JfJsqg 9d bluorl2 7!.1:,Sl~ [B,:Jzll :'3rf.J 10 bn.9 srlj :1.1::; y,sn01I! E-:jx.e 3rjj gnhu'Mot4.onnb.y"CciuncHman1:Phil'lips:;g secon'ded ,b,y..JCo!,nci,:lma~ Jacobi, and carried , fl &~IUn1 '{vE,on rb lfh <:a'U'!.vo,tel aSI'!,foHowso,thata Resol!'tion-~ NO:ilT32~83,be adopted: ~b91dDoh nssd 9'lErl bI~ow sgBmBb 99~~ snj AYES: Councilmen Balser, camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT-:. q None'~ jG O.9l!7fLro[b.B sn.lj9.sU! sdj b9:rSO:rO blodl.s5r ':101[.611 .' RESOLUTION No.h(32089~,.~j jX511 sri:! I CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE (Nickli!l) NS~ JOYCE AVE. 1 TREE . REMOVAL PROGRAM 00"( -1 n, ,H.),1""1 ," v'%D~..' . ~' '1111I!0UllJOT.<IA The City Attorney advised that he had been invited by Assemblyman Clark 'L.. Bradley, Chairman of the',Assembly Committee on Municipal and County Government, to make a presentation before the Interim Committee on Possible Revision of Annexation Laws and Related Incorporation Problems at a hearing to be held in San Diego on January 14 and 15, 1960. He added that with Council's permission, if he received authorization to attend such conference, he intended to include in his presentation some pertinent suggestions on revisions and necessary amendments and the possible re- writing of the Annexation statute. Whereupon Mayor Reibold moved that the Council authorize the City Attorney's attendance at the aforementioned conference; that expenditures incurred for such attendance be borne by the City and substantiated by an itemized expense account upon his return. Mayor Reibold added that in his opinion it is an honor to have the City Attorney's expert knowledge in the'field of annexations recognized. Councilman Jacobi seconded the motion and it was carried on roll call vote as ,follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Phillips, Reibold NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Jacobi mentioned that residents of Joyce Avenue have been complaining of the noise and dirt caused by the trucks of the contractor working in that area and suggested that in the ,future all such contractors be cautioned to take necessary precautions against such annoyance. Mayor Reibold advised that he had been contacted by Mr. J. Earl White of 1134 South Santa Anita Avenue, regarding the dangerous condition of an Eucalyptus tree in the western parkway of Santa Anita Avenue; that he had discussed the matter with the City Manager. He added that he was concerned about the condition of all of the Eucalyptus trees, particularly in the west parkway of Santa Anita Avenue, because of the prevailing winds; that the majority of them were fast becoming deseased and dangerous and that in his opinion it would be wise to remove all such trees. The City question together with the Manager stated that he had contacted Mr. White and the tree in had been inspected and placed on the list to be removed, with several others; that in this connection he had discussed Director of Public Works the advantage and economy of removing .S:.r 11. 1-5-60 '04848 , , (Tree Removal - Continued) ADJOURNMENT trees on an entire street basis in the area rather than tree by tree; and that the Director of Public Works will submit to the Council at the next Council meeting an estimate on this basis. To Councilman Balser's query as to the status of the Pepper tree that had fallen in the yard of a resident on Duarte Road, which matter had been mentioned by Mayor Reibo1d at a prior meeting, the Director of Public Works advised that a report on this matter would also be presented to the Council at the next Council meeting. Mayor Reibo1d then stated that in'his opinion it would be advantageous. 1 to speed up the tree removal program of dead and dangerous pepp~r, trees on Duarte Avenue and Councilman Phillips added that in his opinion any extra money at the end of the fiscal year should be spent on a tree removal program; that had the ground been wet and saturated during the last heavy wind storm, as is usual in winter when there is heavy rainfall, the tree damage would have been doubled. ~yor Reibo1d ordered the meeting adjourned at ATTEST: ~/k~J?;tU1~ City Clerk / 1 12. 1-5-60