HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEBRUARY 2,1960
(1-19-60 and
FEBRUARY 2, 1960
The City Council of the City of Arcadia, california, met in regular
session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 8:00 o'clock P.M.,
February 2, 1960.
The Invocation was offered by the Rev. Lyndell Cheeves, Pastor of the
Arcadia Church of Christ.
Mayor Reibold led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Councilmen Balser, camphouse, Phillips, Reibold
Councilman Jacobi
The minutes of the regular meeting of January 19, 1960 and the Regular
Adjourned Meeting of January 26, 1960 were not submitted; therefore no
action was taken.
Mayor Reibold called for Item 2 of the Pending Agenda, regarding
Personnel Board recommendation re various features of the 5-step salary
plan which Council had taken under advisement on September 1, 1959.
Councilman Phillips stated that although this matter had been presented
to Council prior to the association with the City of the present City
Manager, he had since reviewed it and sent his recommendations to the
Personnel Board. Councilman Phillips then moved that the matter be
removed from Pending Agenda so that it might appear on an agenda as a
recommendation from the Personnel Board in the regular course of events.
Mayor Reibold inquired if anyone in the audience not heard at the
previous Council meeting (January 19, 1960) desired to be heard at this
time on the matter of the proposed amendment of certain sections of the
, ./ Subdivision Ordinance pertaining to Zones R-o north and south of
~ /, ~_~ Huntingt9u Drive and Zone R-l, the Hearing on same having been continued
~ ~ ~ on January 19, 1960 to this meeting.
No one else desiring to be heard, Councilman Phillips moved that the hearing
be closed. Councilman Balser seconded the motion and it was carried
lliDEXED unanimously.
(Lot Size)
Councilman Phillips reported that the CounCil, meeting as a Committee of
the Whole, had given due consideration to the opinions expressed by
interested persons at the various hearings; had fully reviewed and
considered the subject and had determined as follows:
Minimum lot area
Minimum lot width at front
building line
Minimum lot depth
15,000 sq.ft.
10,000 s.f.
20,000 's. f.
100 ft.
150 ft.
100 ft.
150 ft.
80 ft.
80 ft.
Lot Size -
Minimum lot area
Minimum lot width at front
building line
Minimum lot depth
12,500 sq. ft.
10,000 s.f.
15,000 s.f.
100 ft.
125 ft.
100 ft.
125 ft.
80 ft.
Minimum lot area
Minimum lot width at front
building line
Minimum lot depth
7,500 sq. ft.
9,000 s.f.
7,500 s.f.
75 ft.
100 ft.
75 ft.
100 ft.
75 ft.
Councilman Phillips then moved that, with the exception of the changes
as set forth above, Council accept the recommendations of the Planning
Commission regarding the proposed amendment of the Subdivision
Ordinance pertaining to Zone R-O north and south of Huntington Drive and
Zone R-l and instruct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance in
accordance therewith.
To Mayor Reibold's comment that the change in the lot depth in R-l Zone
might lead to some hardship cases, Councilman Phillips stated that these
would be so few that it would unnecessarily confuse the issue to mention
them specifically and that any such case that desired to do so could seek
relief through a,zone variance. Both Councilmen camphouse and Balser
concurred in this statement.
Whereupon Councilman Balser seconded the motion and it was carried
The City Clerk advised that this is a continued hearing from December 1,
1959 and January 19, 1960, on Planning Commission Resolution No. 351
recommending amendment of Section 7-B of Ordinance No. 760 as it pertains
to R-3 regulations.
Mayor Reibold inquired if anyone in the audience desired to be heard on
this matter who had not spoken at the previous hearings.
Mr. Don Betzinger, 12 Yorkshire Drive, addressed the Council and questioned
them on several aspects of the proposed amendment and Mayor Reibold
advised him that his questions had been answered at previous hearings and
had been taken into consideration by the Council, and would be discussed
during the course of this hearing.
Councilman Camphouse stated that Council had deliberated on the matter
and that the following determinations had been made:
750 sq. ft. average with 600
sq. ft. minimum
750 sq.ft.
Parking Space
1-1/2 covered
1-1/2 covered 1-1/4 per
parking Area
10 x 20 - no reference to
10 x 20 8 x 20
. "..;, ::. :: ~". f :
. . '~'. ':.-~..1
(Hearing -
R-3 -
10 ft.
If more than 125 ft. long or to
serve more than 12 parking
spaces, must be 20 feet wide
or two 10 ft. driveways
10 ft.
8 ft.
Paved 9 ft. and 20 ft.
driveways to be paved 18 ft.
Unobstructed except for eave
No detached garage in front of
main building. Maximum of 35% of
total frontage of building may be
used for garage.
If floor level first floor is more
than 2 ft. above curb grade base-
ment to be counted as a story
1/2 of
not counted
as storage
Lot Area per
Living Unit
1500 sq. ft.
1800 s.f.
750 s.f.
Tandem parking
2 spaces
per unit
Councilman Camphouse then moved that the hearing be closed, which motion
was seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried unanimously.
Councilman Camphouse further moved that Council accept the recommendation
of the Planning Commission as outlined in their Resolution No. 351
regarding amendment of Section 7-B of Ordinance No. 760,as it pertains
to R-3 regulations, with the exception of the changes as outlined above,
and authorize the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance in accordance
therewith. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion and it was carried
Councilman Balser commented that there had been objections to the 750
square foot average and 600 square foot minimum, but it had been pointed
out th~t the 600 square foot minimum served a useful purpose such as an
apartment for a caretaker; that the changes made were of such a minor
nature and based on hearings held by both the Planning Commission and the
Council and in his opinion were in the interest of good planning.
Mayor Reibold felt that the many months of work done by the Planning
Commission in this matter was a step in the right direction toward the
elimination in Arcadia of low cost apartments. He added that the next
item on the agenda was a further step in this direction.
(New Zone
Mayor Reibold declared the hearing open on Planning Commission Resolution
No. 357 recommending the creation of a new zone entitled R-3-R, which is
a restricted multiple family zone, and requested a resume of the proposed
uses in said zone.
~~ The City Attorney then summarized the matter substantially as follows:
I~ That if Council accepts the recommendation of the Planning Commission
)1 lY' it would create merely a new zone classification that would of itself
~ place no property in that particular zone, but that in the future there
may be certain areas which should be multiple family zones but not of
JJio~4ED quite the same density or intensity of inhabitation that is presently
permitted even under the recommendations that were made to the present
R-3 Zone and even as modified by Council's motion this evening.
\' \
(Floor Area)
(Lot Area)
(Plot Plan)
The proposed new use would permit any use permitted in the R-2 zone;
would permit multiple family dwellings and group houses, bungalow
courts, averaging not less than 1000 square feet of floor area per
dwelling unit, no more than six dwelling units to be located in any
one building.
It would permit the usual accessory uses and restrict signs to one
unlighted sign not exceeding a square foot in area attached to the
building and parallel with it, and identifying only the occupant of the
building; permits a little larger for sale or for rent sign, then a
larger sign for identification of the entire premises.
It would permit at least two parking spaces, one of which would be in a
roofed garage or carport, each parking space to be located back of the
required front yard of unobstructed area of not less than 10 x 20 feet,
individually accessible, including not less than a 25 foot turning radiu
That all parking areas are to be paved; that the required driveway shall
not supply any of the off-street parking; no detached garage or carport
to be erected in front of the main building if located on the front half
of the lot; that if a garage or carport is attached to and part of the
main building it be not more than 35% of the total frontage; that drive-
ways are to be 10 feet wide with 9 feet of paving, unobstructed except
for eave overhang which shall not exceed more than 3 feet; that if the
driveway serves more than 12 required parking spaces or is more than
125 feet long it shall be 20 feet wide, paved to the width of 18 feet,
or two driveways each paved 9 feet. That the transitional use would
permit a public parking area where the side of a lot in the residential
zone abuts a lot zoned for commercial or industrial purposes, no part of
such transitional use to be located further than 75 feet from the less
restricted zone.
Building height is restricted to two stories or 35 feet and no portion
of the building within 100 feet of the front lot line shall exceed one
story in height.
The front yard shall be not less than 25% of the depth of the lot or
25 feet, with an average clause to make it conform to the neighborhood.
The side yards on interior lots shall be 10 foot side yards and the rear
yard 20 feet and the distance between separate buildings on the same lot
not less than 25 feet.
The lot area shall be 3000 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit
and the gross building area shall not exceed 35% of the total area of the
Before issuance of any permit for any structure in such zone a plot plan
and elevation shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Commiss
and in approving same the Planning Commission shall require such walls,
fences, paved areas, planting areas, setbacks and other conditions as it, '1' ,
may deem necessary for the protection of adjacent property or in the
interest of the public welfare, and compliance with all such requirement
shall be shown on the final plans submitted to the Building Department
prior to the issuance of any permit.
Mayor Reibold then declared the hearing open and inquired if anyone in the
audience desired to be heard either in favor of or in opposition to the
recommendations set forth by the Planning Commission in its Resolution
No. 357. No one desiring to be heard Councilman Balser moved that the
hearing be closed, which motion was seconded by Councilman Camphouse and
carried unanimously.
Councilman Balser stated that he was very much in favor of this new zone,
it being an attempt to arrive at a zone which will encourage the building
of luxurious apartments in Arcadia, but that in view of the lack of
audience enthusiasm or participation, he would move that Council take
the matter under advisement as a Committee of the Whole, ::and:"that;:it be
(R-3-R -
No. 1074
No. 276
placed again on the agenda for the February 16, 1960 Council meeting.
Councilman Camphouse seconded the motion, and suggested that the City
Manager tabulate the recommendations on this matter, comparing them :':'.. >,,"
with R-3 requirements.
The City Attorney mentioned that one person, appearing before the
Planning Commission, had indicated a desire to build the type of apart-
ment house contemplated but had pointed out that he could not afford
to do so unless it were in an area where others would have to build
similar apartments; that should anyone else build close-by under the
maximum requirements of the present R-3 zone the value of his property
would be deteriorated.
Mayor Reibold commented that he felt this new zone comes under the
category of long term future planning, but that this type of planning,'
should be done far enough in advance to prevent any deterioration that
might otherwise take place.
The motion made by Councilman Balser and seconded by Councilman Camphouse
was thereafter carried unanimously.
The City Attorney presented for the first time, read the title and
explained the content of Ordinance No. 1074, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE
Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and
carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body
of Ordinance No. 1074 be waived.
AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Phillips, Reibold
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Jacobi
Councilman Phillips further moved that Ordinance No. 1074 be introduced.
Councilman Camphouse seconded the motion and it was carried on roll call
vote as follows:
AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Phillips, Reibold
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Jacobi
Motion by Councilman Balser that Council accept the recommendation of
the Planning Commission and deny the request of Edna M. Perkinson,
1301 Mayflower Avenue for Lot Split No. 276. He added that this same
request had been denied on two previous occasions; that the width of
the lots would be below the minimum required by ordinance and below
the width of the majority of the lots in the immediate vicinity and
that conditions in the area have not changed since the original requested
lot split. Councilman Camphouse seconded the motion.
Mr. John McLaughlin addressed the Council, stating in part that he was
aware that the size of the lots when split would be below the minimum
required by ordinance but that he had been unable to purchase any
additional land from the abutting property owners; that he planned to
build two houses on the two lots costing approximately $23,000.00
each which, in his opinion, would enhance the value of the area and that
said area did not warrant the building of only one house on the entire
lot which would cost approximately $45,000.00. He also asked if Council
had any suggestions to offer.
In the general discussion that ensued it was the consensus of the Council
that to divide this lot into two parcels would bring them too far below
the minimum permitted under the City's ordinance.
'; :\ ~ -
(Lot Split
No. 276 -
No'. 277
If. lP? L\'
No. 278
(Holy Angels
No. 24?
Jtv o!JIDEX&.
Mayor Reibold then called for a roll call vote on the motion already
made, which was carried as follows:
AYES: Councilmen Balser, camphouse, Phillips, Reibold
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Jacobi
Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and
carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and indicate its intention to approve Lot Split
No. 277 - Charles K. Stacey, 1312 S. Fourth Avenue, upon compliance
with the following conditions:
1. File a final map with the City Engineer.
2. Pay $25.00 recreation fee.
3. Remove all structures from parcel No.2.
Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and
carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and indicate its intention to approve Lot Split
No. 278 - Norman Kline and Marjorie Whittaker, 1020 W. Huntington Drive,
upon compliance with the following conditions:
1. File a final map with the City Engineer.
2. Pay $25.00 recreation fee.
3. File a covenant agreeing that parcel No. 2 and the east
one-half of Lot 7, Tract No. 2731 shall be used as one
building site and the existing residence at 1014 ~. Huntington
Drive will be removed prior to any further building on the site.
Mayor Reibold declared that since no action can be taken until time
for appeal elapses (February 5, 1960) the zone variance request of the
Holy Angels Church to allow the property at 910 and 924 Holly Avenue
to be used for parochial school playground and for church parking
(Planning Commission Resolution No. 358) will be held over until the
appeal period has passed.
Planning Commission Resolution No. 358 recommending denial of
application of Paul B. Caler and others for change of zone from R-3
to C-3 on property located from 745 to 917 West Duarte Road (north
side). Said matter requiring a public hearing, Councilman Camphouse
moved that the hearing be scheduled for March ,15, 1960 at 8:00
o'clock P.M. Motion seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried
The City Manager reported that Mr. Lawrence Cook, the attorney for
Mr. Max Davis, the subdivider of Tract No. 24311, had requested an
additional two weeks or a month within which to report back to the
City regarding the results of their meeting with the Staff in an effort
to resolve the controversy indicated in this matter, and that he had
granted the request.
By reason of the fact that only one bid was received for the two 1959
automobiles owned by the City and in service with the Police Department,
said bid being $750.00 for car No. 64 and $305.00 for car No. 63,
Councilman Camphouse moved, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried
unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager
and authorize him to reject the bid and return the bidder's cashier's
check in the amount of $105.50, and to obtain new offers on the said
two vehicles.
RACE TRAFFIC The City Manager submitted a report from the Chief of Police on the
C~ONTROLV handling of the current Thoroughbred Racing Season traffic which
indicated that the changes introduced this year have proven effective
S\ ' ~ and that favorable comments from the residents of Arcadia and others
2- 2- 60
Control -
(Tree Removal)
fi ~ '; (~.
have exceeded complaints and objections. Said report also stated that
as a result of the decline of attendance at the track the expense for
extra traffic officers will be below the budget approved by the Council
for the racing season, but that due to increased salaries of Arcadia
policemen the traffic enforcement costs will be larger than in previous
In the discussion that ensued, to Councilman Balser's inquiry as to the
one-way traffic on Holly Avenue, the feasibility of maintaining it on
Saturdays only and the length of time it continued, the City Manager
and the Chief of Police replied that although one-way traffic on said
street might not be necessary on week days it was necessary on Saturdays
and such reversion might cause confusion; that the one-way traffic on
said street be continued for the balance of the season and then reviewed.
That on week-days the restriction is imposed approximately one hour and
on Saturdays approximately an hour and a half, or slightly longer.
Mayor Reibold commented that it should be noted that in compliance with
the policy of the Council to reduce the time in clearing the traffic
from Arcadia streets as much as possible, the time has been cut down
from approximately 90 minutes to about 45 minutes.
Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and
carried on roll call vote as follows that Council accept the recom-
mendation of the City Manager and the Director of Public Works; that the
specifications for the removal of trees at Duarte Road from Holly Avenue
to Santa Anita Avenue, and the West Parkway of Santa Anita Avenue from
Live Oak Avenue to the north City limits, (such bids to be taken on each
of the locations separately, with and without stumps being removed by
the Contractor) be approved as submitted; that the City Clerk be
authorized to call for bids in conformance with said specifications;
and that the necessary funds to cover ~he cost of the work be trans-
ferred from the Council Contingency Fund, 109-28 to Account No. 132-45,
Tree Removal; said bids to be received February 15, 1960 at 11:00
o'clock A.M., with the award to be made at the regular Council meeting,
on February 16, 1960;
AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Phillips, Reibold
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Jacobi
Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried
on roll call vote as follows that Council accept the recommendation of
the City Manager and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a
mutual aid agreement for fire protection between the cities of Arcadia,
El Monte, Monrovia and Sierra Madre, in form approved by the City
Attorney, and that upon such execution all other agreements existing
between the cities herein involved for similar mutual aid and fire
protection be cancelled;
AYES: Councilmen Balser, camphouse, Phillips, Reibold
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Jacobi
Motion by Councilman Camphouse, seconded by Councilman Phillips and
carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the City
Manager and the Director of Public Works and instruct the City Attorney
to prepare an ordinance establishing an up-to-date truck route system
in the City in accordance with the January, 1960 map prepared by the
Department of Public Works showing the preferred routes connecting
Arcadia with adjoining cities. '
Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and
carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the
City Manager, the Director of Public Works and the Police Department;
authorize the following additions and deletion of stop signs; and
instruct the City Attorney to prepare a resolution accordingly:
2- 2- 60
-:. .~. ( .
':'; ::<":' (st~p.,Signs - l.
(Police and
Fire Depts.)
Install boulevard stops on Genoa Street and El Dorado St. at
thei~ intersections with Fifth Avenue.
2. Install boulevard stop on Santa Anita Avenue for north bound
traffic at Sierra Madre Blvd.
3. Install a boulevard stop sign on Fifth Avenue at its intersection
with Longden Ave.
4. Delete the stop sign located on St. Joseph Street at the intersecti
with Flower St.
Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carrie I'
'on roll ~all vote as follows that Council accept the recommendation of,
the City Manager and authorize the transfer of $14,705.00 from the
Council Contingency Account No. 109-29 to the following accounts to
cover the salary increase of 5% effective January 1, 1960 granted by
the Council on December 1, 1959 to the uniformed members of the Police
and Fire Department, :and that the current fiscal budget be amended
120-1 (police)
121-1 (Fire)
Retirement Fund
AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Phillips, Reibold
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Jacobi
WATER The City Manager announced that he has appointed Mr. John Grivich as
SUPERINTENDENT Water Superintendent for the City of Arcadia effective as of February
(Grivi~~ 1, 1960. He added that Mr. Grivich entered Arcadia City service on
~ November 16, 1949 as Senior Pump Man; that he was appointed as
~Il ~f' Assistant Water Superintendent on October 1, 1950; and that on
September 2, 1959 he was appointed as Acting Water Superintendent.
member of the
from James M. Wallin tendering his resignation as a
Planning Commission due to business pressure and other
Councilman Camphouse stated in part that he had originally placed
Mr. Wallin's name, in nomination for said Commission and that it was
not his policy to request anyone to serve on any commission if such
service might endanger that person's health, home life or adversely
affect his business. That in this instance he felt undue pressure had
been brought to bear, particularly with regard to the proposed rezoning
of certain areas in West Arcadia, on which matter a petition had been
circulated protesting such rezoning and requesting the matter be placee
on referendum; that he did not believe all of the purported 2700
signers of said petition (presently filed with the City Clerk) objectee
to what Council is endeavoring to accomplish, and that the persons who
would be most damaged by the proposed rezoning not being accomplished
would be the owners of the older properties involved in the area.
To Councilman Camphouse's inquiry as to the action the Council could
take if the signature requirement on the aforementioned petition is
found to be sufficient to place the matter on referendum, the City
Attorney advised in substance that the only prohibition in the
Elections Code is that if an ordinance adopted by the Council is staid
by the filing of a valid petition Council must either rescind that
ordinance or submit it to the people. That if Council rescinds it, or
submits it to the people and the people sustain the referendum then
Council cannot adopt substantially the same ordinance for a period of
Commission -
Mr. Wallin)
J d~-z.-3
.if-~ z- Z-
5- /57
d 90
::? S-I
,,\ A" A..I!'
~, ... . '"
one year. That Council would not be pr~Studed from holding further
proceedings and taking other action in the same area, but that the
same ordinance could not be adopted.
In the general discussion that ensued Mayor Reibold stated in part
that tnere is both legal and home rule involved in this issue. That
although he does not concur with the reasons for the proposed
referendum, if the majority of the people reverse the matter then
the people would have said in effect that they do not want business in
Arcadia in any location, and, in that respect he would suggest that those
persons proposing to vote against the rezoning first observe the streets
in question, that it might lead them to arrive at the same conclusion
reached by both the Planning Commission and the Council.
Councilman Phillips stated in part that he believed his interpretation
of Councilman Camphouse's statements was that Council acquiesce to the
demands of the 2700 signers of the petition at this time, despite the
fact that Council feels it is the best possible planning for the area.
He added that the City Manager had suggested the employment of a
Planning Consultant and touched upon the subject of the difficulties
involved in planning in Arcadia, particularly with the advent of the
Councilman Camphouse then further commented in part that in his
opinion the ,force behind the petition movement has an ulterior motive.
for gain, and that his principal concern is that if the matter does go
on referendum and Council is not sustained that it would permanently
injure the people referred to as Arcadia's early settlers.
Councilman Balser felt that if the signatures on the petition were
sufficient that the matter should be placed before the people for a yote
and that he also felt it was regrettable that any commissioner is forced
to resign because of pressure; that in his eight and a half years of
service to the City it has been his experience that every effort has been
made to lighten the tax burden and to promote good planning.
Referring back to the letter of resignation of Mr. Wallin, Councilman
Camphouse moved that it be accepted with regret. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Phillips and carried unanimously.
Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and
carried on roll call vote as follows that the Mayor and City Clerk
authorize refunds to the following persons, being the unused portions
of the investigation fees deposited in connection with their applications
for business permits:
Don McLeod
Post Patrol Agency
AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Phillips, Reibold
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Jacobi
Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried
unanimously that the Council approve the following applications for
renewal of business license permits, and that the provisions of Section
18 of ordinance No. 737, applicable to previously licensed businesses,
be waived:
M.A.C. Vendors, Inc. - amusement game at 100 W. Huntington Dr.
Pacific Patrol - private patrol service
Rossi, Vincenzo - amusement game at 658 W. Huntington Dr. (payoff)
and 1218 S. Baldwin Ave. (Vince's Cafe)
Selma Rubbish Company - commercial rubbish collection
Valley Charter Bus Service
f .' _ ~;.,~
Mayor Reibold ordered filed notice from the County Boundary
Commission that the City of EI Monte has filed annexation proposal
No. 221 (Peck Road and San Bernardino Road) as this has no effect on
j Ji''7/
Jlo()~ 0 ~
Mr. Ray L. Williams, 153 El Dorado Avenue, addressed the Council,
commending them on the planning utilized in working out the proposed
rezoning of the West Arcadia area.
Mr. Williams then read in full a communication which he had written
to the Council but which had not appeared on agenda, which stated in
substance that he felt it would be desirable to make certain changes in
City personnel; that there is need for sidewalks in certain areas of
the City and that he questioned the appointment of the architect for
the new City Library. (Letter on file in the office of the City Clerk).
Councilman Camp house moved that the letter be filed. Councilman Phillips
seconded the motion, adding that personnel matters are administrative
and Council may not partic ipate, ',:&yor' 'Reibo Id"concurYe!i"tn~tlils,' "
statement, and added that with regard to Mr. Williams',:objectiond:o',the
City Attorney only on the basis that he is not an Arcadia resident, that
it is more important that the Attorney be an expert in Municipal Law,
and that he has his unqualified support. That insofar as sidewalks are
concerned, any resident desiring sidewalks may contact the Director of
Public Works as to procedure.
General discussion was held on the matter of the appointment of the
library architect since Mr. Williams had questioned the legality of
the contract between the City and the architect because the architect
had not been licensed by the State of California on the date the contract
was executed, and also his objection to the fact that the architect was
not a resident of Southern California.
It was the consensus of the Council that Mr. Williams' objections to the
architect were based on technicalities; that the Library Board, which
under the City Charter, has more autonomy than any other City Board or
Commission, had interviewed many prospects; that they had expended
considerable time and effort on the entire matter; that after visits
by both the Library Board and members of the Council to many libraries
in Southern California they felt the plans for the Arcadia library were
best suited to the community needs of Arcadia.
The motion made above was then passed unanimously.
Mr. D. H. Johnson, 250 W. Camino Real addressed the Council and stated
in substance that he took exception to statements made earlier that
evening regarding the petition that was circulated for the purpose of
placing on referendum the rezoning of Duarte Road, Lovell Avenue, Camine I
Real and Baldwin Avenue, as set forth in Ordinance No. 1071, to wit:
that people had been asked to sign the petition under false pretenses
and that there were ulterior motives involved. That to the best of his
knowledge there were no ulterior motives and that the petition was not
circulated under false pretenses.
Mr. Ray C. Hatter, 315 W. Las Flores Avenue addressed the Council and
stated in substance that he had spoken at a prior meeting regarding the
one-way race track traffic on Holly Avenue and that he was still of the
opinion that it was unnecessary.
(Camino Real
Reservoir ,)
Roof) :/h
Motion by Councilman Camphouse, seconded by Councilman Phillips and
carried on roll call vote as follows that Council accept the recom-
mendation of the City Manager and the Water Superintendent; that the
2- 2- 60
,......- '\
"0 /'.~ I'\L'
plans and specifications for the construction of a roof for the Camino
Real Reservoir be approved as submitted; that the City Clerk be
authorized to call for bids for such construction in conformance with
said specifications, said bids to be opened February 29, 1960 at 11:00
A.M. and the tabulations thereof to be submitted to the Council at the
regular meeting of March 1, 1960; funds for such construction being
provided for in the current budget under the appropriation in the
Water Reserve and Depreciation Fund, Major Projects, Item 1:
AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Phillips, Reibold
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Jacobi
Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and
carried on roll call vote as follows that Council accept the recom-
mendation of the City Manager and approve the issuance of a business
license permit to the National Business Division of the United States
Chamber of Commerce which, being inter-state commerce, does not require
a public hearing, and that the provisions'of'Section 18 of Ordinance
No. 737 applicable thereto be waived:
AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Phillips, Reibold
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Jacobi
Upon the approval of the Council, Mayor Reibold referred to the
City Manager the matter of the Camp Fire Girls organization's request
for permission to plant a triangle of trees somewhere on City-owned
property on Arbor Day.
Mayor Reibold commented that with reference to the Governors' Conference
on the problems of the aged, that it is a problem facing all as the
human life span lengthens, and referred the communication he had
received on the subject to the Staff for distribution to the proper
The City Clerk reported that she was presently at appro~imately the
half-way mark in checking the validity of the signatures on the
petitions for placing on referendum the rezoning of Duarte Road, etc.
as contained in ordinance No. 1071; that she expected to be finished.
on February 4th and suggested that Council call an adjourned meeting
for the purpose of receiving her official report. Mayor Reibold
s'1ggested February 9; 1960.
A general discussion ensued on the matter of trees in the business
districts of Arcadia, upon which a dissertation had been held at a prior
Council Meeting and referred to Staff for a report as to cost of plant-
ing, maintenance, types of trees, etc. However, no specific report was
made as the Staff was still in the process of investigation.
I CITY EMPLOYEES The City Manager advised that the annual City Employees Dinner for the
DINNER purpose of awarding service pins and also the presentation of
(April 2, 1960)certificates for the in-training course, would be held at Rand's Roundup
" /It -?--f April 2, 1960 and that Council members were invited.
('Y\ S If
Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman
unanimously at 10:10 P.M. that the meeting adjourn to
at 7:00 o'clock P:M.
and carried
, 1960
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City Clerk