HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEPTEMBER 20,1960 I INVOCATION PLEDGE OF I ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES (8-24-60) HEARING (Improvement Woodruff Way Assessment) 1u-~t 5116 M I NUT E S CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 1960 The City Council of the City of Arcadia met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 8:00 o'clock P.M., September 20, 1960. The Invocation was offered by Rev. Lyndell D. Cheeves, Pastor of the Arcadia Church of Christ. Mayor Pro Tempore Balser led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENT : ABSENT: Councilmen Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Balser Mayor Camphouse Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried unanimously that the Council Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of August 24, 1960 as submitted in writing be approved. Mayor Pro Tempore Balser announced: "The hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. having arrived, this is the time and place for hearing protests or objections against the assessment for improvement of Woodruff Way." The City Clerk advised that she had the affidavits of pu~lication, 'posting and mailing relative to the hearing. Whereupon Councilman Reibold'moved that said affidavits be received and filed. Motion seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried unanimously. The City Clerk also advised that 'she had received no written protests to the assessment for the improvement of Woodruff Way. Mayor Pro Tempore Balser then inquired if anyone in the audience desired JINDEXED to be heard either in favor of or in opposition to the assessment for the improvement of Woodruff Way. I Mr. Charles D. Mussey, 2512 Woodruff Way, addressed the Council, request- ing information as to the procedure in which individual properties in this instance were assessed, commenting that his amount seemed rather high. It was explained that the 1911 Act is one of the most expensive methods of procedure; that small jobs such as this one can be done more economically on a contract basis with City inspection where there is unanimous agreement of all property owners concerned but that procedure under the 1911 Act is a statutory means of compelling each property owner served by the improvement to pay his proportionate share. The Director of Public Works summarized the method of assessing properties. The City Manager commented that procedure under both the 1911 and 1913 Acts seems antiquated and that assessment procedure in some states is handled more economically by other methods; that the matter might be called to, the attention of the Public Works Division of the League of California Cities. The City Attorney remarked that one advantage of the 1911 Act procedure is that it permits the matter to go to bond as to those persons who cannot or do not choose to pay cash. 1. 9- 20- 60 5117 (Hearing - Woodruff Way - Continued) RESOLUTION No. 3300 11' ~' ~ 'f, . " . ~ INDEXED HEARING (Zone Change Wragg) 17'f'~ l~DEXED. The City Attorney stated that for the record he would ask the Director of Public Works the following questions: Q: Mr. Lortz, you are the City Engineer? A: Yes. Q: How many years experience have you had in spreading assessments under the 1911 Act? A: About thirteen years. Q: Involving approximately how many thousands of dollars worth of work? A: About one million to two million dollars. Q: Was this assessment spread at your direction and under your general supervision? A: Yes. Q: And in your opinion was the assessment spread in fair proportion to the benefits received by the properties upon which the assessments are to be levied? A: It was. I No one else desiring to be heard motion was made by Councilman Phillips that the hearing be closed. Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. The City Attorney advised that Mr. Royal Sorenson, Special Counsel conducting these proceedings was present in the audience. There having been no protests received in the matter, the City Attorney then presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution No. 3300, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF WOODRUFF WAY." Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Resolution No. 3300 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Balser NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Camphouse Councilman Phillips further moved that Resolution No. 3300 be adopted. Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Balser NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Camphouse Mayor Pro Tempore Balser commended the City Manager for his suggestion to refer the method of assessment procedure to the League of California Cities,and requested that he confer'with the Director of pubiic Works and report back to the Council for determination as to action that might beCtaken in the matter in this regard. I Mayor Pro Tempore Balser declared the hearing open on Planning Commission Resolution No. 392 recommending that the application of Earl R. Wragg for a change of zone from R-2 to R-3 at 2515 South Sixth Avenue be denied, but that a variance be granted to allow'no more than eight dwelling units on the subject property, subject to all the regulations of Zone R-3. Said resolution further stated in part as follows, to wit: That subject property presently zoned R-2 lies between property on the east and north zoned for and developed to R-l uses and property on the south which is zoned R-3; that the R-2 zoning has served as a buffer between the R-l and R-3 zones. That rezoning to R-3, with the type and number of multiple dwellings that could then be constructed would be detrimental to the single-family residences in the neighborhood but that certain restrictions would still allow the property to serve as a buffer zone 2. 9- 20- 60 (Hearing - Zone Change Wragg - Continued) I ,~oo" fJ A 1;1 .:rJrDk,'lI'~ <'-"'Xl - I 5118 between property zoned R-l and property zoned R-3 without detriment to '. neighboring single-family residences. That plans for subject property show a proposed street at the north side which would act as a buffer to the R-l property at the north. That all property on the west side of Sixth Avenue between Live Oak Avenue and the proposed street with the exception of subject property is zoned either C-2 or R-3, and that the granting of a variance for specified multiple-family uses with certain restrictions will not be detrimental nor adversely affect the comprehensive general plan. Mayor pro Tempore Balser then inquired if anyone in the audience desired to speak either in favor of or in opposition to th~ requested zone change. Mayor camphouse arrived at the Council meeting at 8:20 P.M. Mr. Alfred Allen, 1045 W. Huntington Drive addressed the Council, respectfully requesting that the Council reconsider the recommendation of the Planning Commission, stating in substance that such recommendation would make it economically unfeasible to continue with Tract No. 25782 (subdivision to the east and north of subject property, upon which approval had been granted); that the recommendation of the Planning Commission that eight dwelling units be built on the subject property was also economically unsound; that the requested R-3 zone change would permit the construction of an apartment house of at least 12 units and that if so desired he would covenant to the City that such building would contain not more than 12 units. He added that the apartment building he proposed to erect would be in keeping with the comprehensive general p~an of the attractive R-l properties in the area; also that in his opinion R-2 zoning was not in keeping with the trend of the times. Thereafter the following persons addressed the Council, favoring the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and stating in part that their primary objections to the erection of an apartment building on the subject property were that the apartment house dwellers will USe Lenta Lane as a garage exit, increasing traffic on Lenta Lane and creating a traffic hazard to their children playing in the street; and that their's is a residential neighborhood and an apartment house in the near vicinity will depreciate the value of their property: Mr. John R. Smith, 2231 Lenta Lane Mr. Leo Ullman, 2230 Lenta Lane Mr. Fred McCormick, 2311 Lenta Lane No one else desiring to be heard Councilman Phillips moved that the hearing be closed. Councilman Butterworth seconded the motion 'which was carried unanimously. A general discussion then ensued. Councilman Butterworth stated in part that he was inclined under the.circumstances to sustain:the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Councilman Balser stated in part that he personally had generally opposed R-3 zoning; however, in this particular case due to the economics involved and in order to develop the landlocked area the apartment house, in his opinion, would not be detrimental to the neighborhood. He added that he hoped Mr. Allen would make every effor~ to have as many garages on the east end as possible. Councilman Phillips stated in part that for many years the Council has been endeavoring to provide some relief to landlocked areas and that if denial of the requested R-3 zone would cause the progress thus far achieved to retrograde that in his opinion the advantages outweigh any disadvantages. That he therefore moved that Council not sustain the recommendation of the Planning Commission and that a zone change from R-2 to &-3 be granted Earl R. Wragg at. 2~15 South Sixth Avenue. Council- man Reibold seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: 3. 9-20-60 5119 (Hearing - Zone Change Wragg - Continued) HEARING (Zone Change Ralphs Grocery) g~~J .I.NDEXE.r.l HEARING (Sale - Blanchard) 1~~- AYES: Councilmen Reibold, Phillips, Balser NOES: Councilmen Camphouse, Butterworth ABSENT: None Upon the City Attorney advising that R-3 zoning permits 14 units instead of the 12 proposed, and upon receiving Mr. Allen's assurance that he would covenant that no more than 12 units would be constructed on the property in question, Councilman Phillips, after receiving the approval of Councilman Reibold who seconded his motion, moved that the following be added to his motion: "...satisfactory,provisions being made that no more than a total of 12 units will be constructed upon the property shown as presently zoned R~2 and proposed to be changed to R-3". ' Councilman Reibold seconded this addition which was carried as follows: I AYES: Councilmen Reibold, Phillips, Balser NOES: Councilmen Camphouse, Butterworth ABSENT: None Hearing on Planning Commission Resolution No. 380 recommending approval of the application of Ralphs Grocery Company for change of zone'from R-l to C-2 and D on 45.5 feet of Lot 10, Tract No. 12834, located at the rear of 228 E. Sycamore Avenue, to be added to the market site at 211 East Foothill Blvd. After the Director of Public Works indicated the property in question on the map, Mayor Camphouse declared the hearing open on said application and inquired if anyone in the audience desired to speak in favor of or in opposition to the requested zone change. The following persons addressed the Council: Mr. Thomas Suttner, 50 N. First Avenue, an attorney representing the applicant, stated in substance that the acquisition of the land in question had been the subject of a previous discussion with the Council when the rest of the property was acquired and zoned; that it was for the purpose of straightening out the boundary of the market site and that the Planning Commission and the Council had previously approved the lot split which made this acquisition possible. Mr. David H. Crane, 234 E. Sycamore Avenue stated in part that he would appreciate it if the Council, in the interest of conformity, would assure him that they would favorably consider his application for the same zoning on the rear 45 feet of lot 9 of said tract if he should so request. Mr. Edward A. Sonnenfeld, 246 E. Sycamore, stated in substance that he feared such rezoning, if continued, would creep and soon abut his property, thus defeating the residential aspect of the area. Mayor Camphouse advised that the subject hearing had no reference to properties owned by both persons - pertaining only to Ralphs Market. I No one else desiring to be heard Councilman Butterworth moved that the hearing be closed. Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. Councilman Butterworth further moved that Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission as contained in Resolution No. 380 and approve the reclassification from Zone R-l to Zone C-2 and D (Architectural OVerlay) of the property at the rear of 228 East Sycamore Avenue. Councilman Balser seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. Mayor Camphouse declared the hearing open on the application of the Blanchard Company for a business permit to allow the sale of surplus Christmas merchandise and the erection of a tent for such sale during the month of October, 1960, and inq~ired if anyone in the audience 4. 9-20-60 (Hear ing - Sale - Blanchard - Continued) I HEARING .'.r- (Auction - Fasig-Tipton) 1:; ;,fp ([<'Vb, I 5120 desired to address the Council either in favor of or in opposition to " such application. Mr. Burr Blanchard, President of the applicant company, addressed the Council, and in answer to their questions, advised that his company has accumulated odd lots of samples of Christmas ornaments and cards which they are unable to dispose of through their normal wholesale channels; that this type of sale would not conflict with the established merchants in this locale; that the merchandise would be marked at the regular ,etail price with one-half of the price returned to charity groups; that the tent of approximately 40 x 60 feet would be located in an M-l zone at the rear of 215 E. Huntington Drive; that full insurance coverage 'would be maintained, the tent to have Fire Department clearance. There being no one else desiring to be heard Councilman Reibold moved that the hearing be closed. Motion seconded by Councilman Balser and carried unanimously. Councilman Reibold further moved that Council approve the application of the Blanchard Company, 217 E. Huntington Drive, and authorize the granting 'of a business permit to them to conduct a sale of Christmas tree ornaments and christmas cards' and to erect a tent for such purpose, (tent to be cleared by the Fire Department) on property at the rear of 215 East Huntington Drive, through the month of October, 1~60 between the hours of 9:00 A.M. through 5:00 P.M. Councilman Balser seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor Camphouse declared the hearing open on the application of Fasig- Tipton Co"of California, Inc., 201 Colorado Place, Arcadia, for permission to hold a public auction of the sale of Thoroughbred Horses at the Santa Anita Race Track on October 3, 1960 from 1:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M., and inquired if anyone in the audience desired to address the Council either in favor of or in opposition to such application. Mr. Robert F. Duffy, Sales Manager of applicant company, addressed the Council, and in answer to their questions advised that in addition to information set forth in the application, they anticipated selling approximately 96 horses at an average price of $2500.00. ' No one else desiring to be heard Councilman Balser moved that the hearing be closed. Motion seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried unanimously. Councilman Balser further moved that Council approve the application of the Fasig-Tipton Co. of California, Inc., 201 Colorado Place, Arcadia, and authorize the granting of a business permit to them to hold a public auction of the sale of Thoroughbred Horses at the Santa Anita Race Track on Octob'er 3, 1960 from 1:00 P.M" to 6:00 P.M. Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows that Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant approval of tentative map of Tract No. 24140 located on Sharon Road between Holly Avenue and El Monte Avenue, 11;:1""''''' 42 '0<0, onoJ~' <0 ",. foUow'"" '=""0'0, lINDEXED 5. 9-20-60 TRACT No. 24140 (Tentativ,e) 5121 (Tract No. 24140 - Continued) TRACT No. 25253 (Final) , F, jf1~ I.NDEXED 1. Provide all necessary rear line utility easements. 2. Remove all buildings within the tract and all trees from the street right of way. 3. Install all street improvements required by the subdivision ordinance according to plans and to grades approved by the City Engineer. 4. Pay the following tees and deposits: 15 Steel street light posts @ $135.00 $2025.00 84 Street trees @ 8.50 ' 714.00 3 Street name signs @ '35.00 105.00 42 lots recreation fee @ 25.00 1050.00 $3894.00 I AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterwo~th, Reibold, Phillips NOES: Mayor Camphouse ABSENT: None Planning Commission recommendation for approval subject to specified conditions. Tract located on Fairview Avenue east, of Holly Avenue containing 8 lots. The Director of Public Works explained that the subdivider has requested the establishment of a trust to provide that two parcels on the south side of Fairview Avenue, not included in the tract, shall pay their proportionate share of the cost of the street at such time as they elect to use the street. The amount of said trust is recommended to be $5,622.48 to be divided equally between the two parcels. The owners of the two affected parcels protested to the Planning Commission the amount of the trust and the method used for distribution of the costs; however, the Director of Public Works and the Planning Commission were of the opinion that the method and proposed amount were both reasonable and fair. The Director of Public Works spoke at length on the distribution of costs, benefits, the need for installation of curbs, gutters, sewers and pavement; and also displayed the final map of said subdivision. Dr. Ray Allen Young, 650 West Duarte Road, addressed the Council at length, stating in part that he felt as a property owner he would not receive any benefit from the subdivision as proposed; that he did not feel it fair to be asked by the City to give 12 feet for the widening of Duarte Road with no remuneration; that he was willing to sell the rear of his property to the subdivider (Alfred Allen) for the price offered (approximately $7500.00) but that he would like to have Council postpone final map approval of Tract No. 25253 until he had filed an application and received approval of a lot split at the rear of his property. Mr. Thomas H. English, 351 W. Duarte Road also addressed the Council, concurring in the statements made by Dr. Young. I The City Attorney explained the procedure in applying for a lot split to both the above property owners, and Mayor Camphouse commented that the staff would be willing to assist them in arriving at the best use of their land. He added that the matter before the Council at this time was the request for final map approval of Tract No. 25253 and not the lot split request presented by both protesting property owners. It was also stated that they could do as they wished with their properties and that there was no compulsion being placed upon them to deed the 12 feet. Planning Commissioner Golisch summarized briefly the manner in which the Planning Commission had arrived at their decision to approve the subject subdivision tract, which would include the creation of a subdivision trust. 6. 9- 20- 60 (Tr ac t No. 25253 - Continued) I LOT SPLIT (Final) ~'~'a JIlYDE,:;OJ;IJ. BID AWARD (91 Trees) I 1'1J1 5122 Councilman Reibold then. moved that Council accept and approve final map of Tract No. 25253 subject to the following conditions, as set forth in letter of Planning Secretary dated September 15, 1960; that the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to endorse in due form such approval and acceptance on said map and affix ,thereto the corporate seal of the City of Arcadia, and to certify to the adoption and passage of a min~te order at such time as there shall be deposited with the City of Arcadia a good and sufficient surety bond guaranteeing certain improve- ments in said Tract No. 25253 pursuant to Section 21 of Ordinance No. 860; 1. The subdivider shall dedicate lot 9 in fee to the city. 2. Provide all necessary rear line utility easements.. 3. Remove all trees from the street area, and remove all miscellaneous buildings within the tract. 4. Install all street improvements required by the Subdivision Ordinance, according to plans and to grades approved by the City Engineer. 5. Pay the following fees and deposits: 7 Steel street light posts @ $135.00 $945.00 2 Street name signs @ 35.00 70.00 42 Street trees @ 8.50 357.00 8 Lots recreation fee @ 25.00 200.00 $1572.00 6. The dwelling at 924 Holly Avenue shall be relocated to the satis- faction of the Holy Angels church and at no expense to the church. 7. The subdivider shall establish a subdivision trust on the 6 inch strip along the south side of Fairview Avenue not included in the tract; the form of the trust to be approved by the City Attorney; the amount of the trust to be $5,622.48 and to be divided equally between the two parcels affected. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: Councilman Butterworth ABSENT: None No. 258 - E. A. Park Company, 2413 S. Second Avenue. Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the Director of Public Works and that final approval be granted Lot Split No. 258 - E. A. Park Company, as all conditions imposed have now been met; also that the cash bond in the amount of $500.00 be released and refunded to the E. A. Park Investment Company. Following bids received on September 19, 1960 for the removal of 91 trees: Bidder Johnson Tree Service * California Tree Service, Inc. * Reliable Big Tree Nursery ~arringer & Botke .Basic Bid No.1 9,700'.00 9,770.00 15,015.00 21,630.00 Alternate Bid No.1 7,575.00 7,770.00 8,190.00 13,782.00 *The tabulation shows the corrected bid amounts for the basic and alternate bids. The City Manager advised that Johnson Tree Service and California Tree Service have indicated in writing that they erroneously reversed the ~lYD~~Damounts shown for the bid items in their proposal; that as submitted:the two contractors'would have paid more to remove trees only than to remove the trees and the stumps. Recommendation of the Director of Public Works that the contract for the removal of the above trees be awarded to the Johnson Tree Service based on Alternate Bid No.1 for the amount of $7575.00 and that any 7. 9- 20-60 5123 BID AWARD (Truc k) 11~~ ,iU1DEXED CALL FOR BIDS (Cast Iron Pipe) x PAY PERIOD FOR CITY EMPLOYEES >>~/ irregularities or informalities in the bid or the bidding process be waived. A general discussion ensued regarding the error mentioned above, in which discussion Mr. Casio representing Reliable Big Tree Nursery and Mr. Johnson of Johnson Tree Service' joined. Thereafter, it being the consensus of the Council that although it had been an obvious error in transposition of figures, that it would be more equitable to all concerned to reject all bids and readvertise for bids. Whereupon Councilman Reibold moved that all bids be rejected and that the City Clerk be authorized to call'for bids for the removal of 91 trees in I conformance with specifications provided by the Department of Public Works, funds for same being provided in the 1960-61 budget; said bids to be opened October 17, 1960 and submitted to the Council at the regular meeting of October 18, 1960. Councilman Balser seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: NONE ABSENT: None Following bids received for the purchase of a 2~ ton truck, cab and chassis: Orrin W. Fox Company (G.M.C.) Harlan G. Loud (Ford) International Harvester Co. (International), $3,775.13 3,962.40 4,340.77 Recommendation of City Manager, Director of Public Works and Purchasing Officer that contract be awarded to Orrin W. Fox Company. Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that a contract for the purchase of a 2~ ton truck, cab and chassis only be awarded to the Orrin W. Fox Company in the amount of $3,775.13; that any irregularities or ,informalities in the bids or bidding process be waived, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute such contract in the amount specified, in form approved by the City Attorney: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion by Councilman phillips, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows that Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager and the Water Superintendent; that the plans and specifications for the purchase of cast iron pipe and fittings be approved as submitted; that the City Clerk be authorized to call for bids for such cast iron pipe and fittings in conformance with said speci- I fications, expenditure for same being provided for in the 1960-61 Budget, Water Reserve and Depreciation Fund, Major Projects, Main Replacement, said bids to be opened October 14, 1960 at 11:00 A,M, and submitted to the Council at the regular meeting of October 18, 1960: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager and approve the establishment of a biweekly payroll period for City employees. 8. 9-20-60 PERSONNEL BOARD (Deputy Treasurer) I PERSONNEL BOARD (Police) ~0 COMMUNICATIONS: (Klingman & League of Women Voters) 0..-' ?f0 (Rishworth) 5,' 5124 Inasmuch as Deputy Treasurer was inadvertently placed in salary schedule No. 18 ($304-$371) at the time the budget was compiled Councilman Phillips moved that Council accept the recommendation of the Personnel Board of September 8;,1960 and authorize the placing of the position of'Deputy Treasurer in salary schedule No. 19 ($312-$380). Councilman Balser seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the Personnel Board made September 8, 1960, and authorize the increase of the probationary period for beginning level uniformed members of the Police Department from six to twelve months. Mayor Camphouse ordered filed with the City Clerk the communication from Bette Klingman, 611 W. Palm, dated September 8, 1960 regarding a master plan for Arcadia, and a communication from the Arcadia League of Women Voters dated September 6, 1960 regarding their proposed local study. Regarding a communication dated September 6, 1960 from R. H. Rishworth, 150 St. Joseph Street regarding debris on a lot located on the northeast corner of North First Avenue and St. Joseph Street, the City Manager advised that there is work presently in progress on the lot and that if it is not cleaned up in the near future he would contact the Pacific Electric Railway, the owner of said lot. (Tridents' Regarding the communication dated August 30, 1960 from the Tridents' Car CIUb~ Car Club of Southern California, Maywood, California, requesting permis- ~ sion to put up banners on the main intersection of Arcadia two weeks prior to November 16th through the 20th, Councilman 'Balser moved that said . ~I' , ~ request be denied. Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which was ~ I ~~ carried on roll call vote as follows: ~ AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None "_0' ABSENT: None (P.T.A. Carnival) I rJ) ~~6 OJ RESOLUTION No. 3299 / Motion by Councilman Butterworth, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows that Council grant the request of the Parent Teachers' Association of Santa Anita School and grant them permission to hold their annual Santa Anita School Carnival on Saturday, October 22, 1960 from 12:00 noon to approximately 7:00 P,M. and that the requirements of Section 18 of Ordinance No. 737 as amended by Ordinance No. 823 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of .- Resolution No. 3299, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING TRUCK ROUTES WITHIN THE CITY OF ARCADIA." Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Resolution No. 3299 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None 9. 9-20-60 5125 (Resolution No. 3299 - Continued) COUNTY BOUNDARY COMMISSION REFUND (Agajanian) 31'-11(' AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION RESOLUTION No. 3301 j '~:" /1 b if , ORDINANCE No. 1101 (Introduced) Councilman Reibold further moved that Resolution No. 3299 be adopted. Motion seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor Camphouse ordered filed communication from the County Boundary Commission dated September 1, 1960, advising that Temple City has filed a proposal to annex certain territory described in said proposal, entitled Annexation No.2-A, which abuts Arcadia south of Live Oak Avenue anc west of the Rio Hondo property. I Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Butterworth and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to refund the sum of $12.50 to Karl T. Agajanian, being the, unused portion of the investigation fee deposited in connection with his application for a business permit: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None No one in the audience desired to address the Council. The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution No. 3301, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING WITHOUT PREJUDICE AN APPLICATION FOR A ZONE VARIANCE TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF THREE APARTMENT HOUSES AT 9943 LONGDEN AVENUE IN SAID CITY." Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Baiser and carried on roll call vote as ,follows that the reading of the full body of Resolution No. 3301 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that Resolution No. 3301 be adopted: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No.llOl, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE REAR OF '228 EAST SYCAMORE AVENUE IN SAID CITY IN ZONE C-2 AND ZONE D (ARCHITECTURAL OVERLAY)." I Motion by Councilman Butterworth, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Ordinance No. 1101 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Butterworth further moved that Ordinance No. 1101 be introduced. Motion seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None 10. 9-20-60 5126 COMMUNITY Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Butterworth and CHEST carried unanimously that Council grant the request of the Arcadia (Poster~73D, ommunity Chest to attach Community Chest posters to the City light poles ~"rFJ in the major business districts, said posters to go up about September CI/' 26, 1960 and be taken down during the following month, Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Butterworth and Sale)carried unanimously that Council grant the request of the West Arcadia Business Association to hold a "Sidewalk Sale" Saturday, September 24, 1960, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., the sale to take place at the West Arcadia Hub Shopping Center on the east and west sides of Baldwin Avenue between Duarte Road and Naomi Avenue, and in Market Square on the north side of Duarte Road just east of Baldwin Avenue. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION UN IVERS ITY/?aA WOMEN (JJ: r..... I) (Festive Fare) I WABA (Sidewalk (j/F (j~~pj+ BUTTERWORTH (Race Track Tip Sheets) BUTTERWORTH (Library) BUTTERWORTH (Resolution Index) .- PHILLIPS Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried unanimously that Council grant the request of the American Association of University Women, Arcadia Branch, to hold its Festive Fare on Thursday, November 10, 1960, at the Los Angeles Turf Club, in the Clubhouse, to be open to the public, with no admission charge and no sales to be made. In answer to Councilman Butterworth's question regarding the status of action on permitting race track tip sheets to be sold only within the confines of the race track, the City Manager advised that the race track officials have expressed their willingness; that the distributors have been notified and were advised to contact Mr. Ryan and negotiate::the:: matter with him. Councilman Butterworth suggested that a meeting for further negotiations should be arranged with the School Board early in October with reference to the use of the City Library by the School District for an administration building. Councilman Reibold expressed his willingness to attend such meeting and the City Manager was instructed to arrange a meeting date mutually satisfactory. Councilman Butterworth inquired if there,was a possibility of compiling a list of resolutions per'taining to policy matters so that Council may be aware of them; that he was not so aware and that there might be many such resolutions that have been forgotten. The City Attorney replied that the City Clerk's office maintains an indexed file and it was Councilman Butterworth's thought that all policy making resolutions should be in booklet form for use of the Councilmen. Councilman Phillips asked if any of the him at a meeting the following evening. would'discuss the matter with him. Councilmen could substitute for Mayor Camphouse stated that he CAMPHOUSE Mayor Camphouse stated that he had ril_i5< ~ to duplicate, and also that he had J ~lNDEXE~ould submit to the City Clerk for given the City Manager some material received a communication which he filing. I "" ATTORNEY ADJOURNMENT The City Attorney commented regarding a session he had attended on water litigation; that a notice to plead had been served several days ago , , and that the defendants would file pleadings in:the matter later this week. Councilman Reibold moved P.M. September 22, 1960. was carried unanimously. at 11:30 P.M. that the, meeting adjourn to 7:30 Councilman Phillips seconded the motion which ~//~ ~~~ City Clerk 9-20-60 ll.