HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 15,1960 1''''''An'' PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES (11-1-60) HEARING (R & L Adv. Co, - Continued) 3 '7'19 5165 M I N \l T E S CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 15, 1960 The Cicy Council of the City of Arcadia met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 8:00 o'clock P.M., November 15,1960. The Invocation was offered by Rev. A. Leonard Gilmour, Pastor of the Arcadia Friends Church. Mayor Camphouse led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENt: ABSENT: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse None Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried unanimously that the Council Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 1, 1960 as submitted in writing be approved. (Continued): Application of Henry C. Gossenberger, representing the Rand L Advertising Agency, Covina, California, for a business permit to allow him to solicit business firms in Arcadia for advertising to be placed in coupon books to be sold via telephone to residents of Arcadia. Said hearing was continued on November 1, 1960 to enable the applicant to forward to the City a statement showing.compliance with the provisions of Sec,ions 17700 and 17701 of the Business and Professions Code under which he purports to qualify, and also a copy of the contract proposed to be executed between his company and the merchant. IND]OCEr1he Ci'y Manager reported that in response to a communication he had sent to approximately 23 merchants responsible for the 47 coupons contained in the coupon book as to their attitude, he had received both favorable and unfavorable replies. I The City Attorney advised that the applicant had not complied with the request for a copy of the contract mentioned above, but that a letter had been received from applicant's attorney regarding sections 17700 and 17701 which in his opinion did not clearly show that applicant's operation complies with such sections. The City Attorney added that he had received a copy of an opinion of the Attorney General of California indicating that this tYp'e of operation does violate such sections. Also that he had noticed in the newspapers a few weeks ago that the District Attorney of Riverside County declared his intention to prosecute coupon dealers under said sections, and that in the opinion of one deputy officer in this area this type of operation might violate such sections. To Mayor Camphouse's inquiry as to whether the applicant desired to address the Council, Mr. Grebb, the owner of the R & L Advertising Agency, stated in substance that his attorney was to have submitted the contract and that he could still do so if Council so desired; that the newspaper article about Riverside County did not refer to his company, the company in question not operating in the same manner as his company; that in his 1. 11-15-60 5166 (Hearing - R & L Advt,) ./7</1 INDEXEU operation everyone benefits, both the merchant and the local people and that his company has been licensed in Southern California since June, That his book is sold to the public by telephone solicitationand delivered to resident's home by their messenger, In answer to Councilman Butterworth's question as to whether the merchant himself sells the coupon book Mr. Grebb answered that he did not. Councilman Butterworth then stated that the City Attorney had advised that the Attorney General of California has indicated in an opinion dated April 20, 1950 that the merchant himself must be the issuer of the coupons in order to avoid a violation of Section 17701 of the Business and Professions Code and that this leaves the Council with no choice in the matter. I The City Attorney pointed to a technical distinction in that the permit sought is to solicit advertising for the coupon book and not to sell the coupon book; that this is a forerunner of what will doubtless occur later over which the City will have little control as solicitation for the sale of the book will be made entirely by telephone. That with respect to the merchant or the agency being the issuer of the coupons, the aforementioned letter from applicant's attorney stated that the R & L Advertising Agency is not the issuer but that rather the individual merchant himself which, in his opinion, contradicts the statement made by Mr, Grebb, Mr, Grebb then asserted that all the merchants that appear in the book are under agreement with his company and state that they will honor the certificate when it comes in; also that they grant his company permission to use their name. The City Attorney then read a passage from the Attorney General's opinion as follows: "Q: Does the distribution of redeemable coupons ., of the merchants by their agents and advertising agency violate the provisions of sect~on 17701 of the Business and Professions Code which requires that the specified exchanging or redeeming person be the issuer of the coupon? Conclusion: Such an arrangement violates Section 17701 of the Business and Professions Code since the advertising agency is the issuer of the coupons contrary to the statute." The City Attorney continued that with reference to the application, if the Council concludes that this application should be denied upon the basis that the granting of the permit and the conduct of the business for which a permit is sought would be injurious and detrimental to the public peace and the welfare of the City, the decision would be predicated upon not only the apparent non-compliance with the Business and Professions Code but would be supported by the testimony presented at the last hearing relative to the impact upon the individual merchants if all the coupons were redeemed. There being no one else desiring to address the Council, Councilman Butterworth moved that the hearing be closed. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. I Councilman Butterworth further moved that the application of Henry C. Gossenb~rger, representing the Rand L Advertising Agency for a business permit to allow him to solicit business firms in Arcadia for advertising to be placed in coupon books to be sold via telephone to residents of Arcadia be denied, the Council finding and determining that the granting of the permit and the conduct of the business for which a permit is sought would be injurious and detrimental to the public peace and the welfare of the City, Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None 2. 11-15-60 I I HEARING (Hinshaw's) 37.n 5167 Mayor camphouse declared the hearing open on the application of Elrovia. Corporation and Hinshaw's Department Store, as lessee, for a zone variance to allow the construction of a customer service building and annex at the rear of property located at 1429 South Baldwin Avenue (Planning Commission Resolution No. 386 recommending approval), The Director of Public Works displayed and explained a map outlining the land use in the vicinity of Hinshaw's proposed customer annex, The City Clerk read two communications, one dated November 15, 1960 from Paul Burkholder, 750 W. Naomi Avenue and one from Elizabeth K. Douglas, 800 West Naomi Avenue dated November 14, 1960, stating in substance that they favored granting the zone variance. Mayor Camphouse then inquired if anyone in the audience desired to address the Council either in favor of or in opposition to the requested zone variance, and the following persons addressed the Council: INDli:XF-D Mr. Donald G. Ehr, representing the applicant, stated in part that he thought the situation was well covered in Planning Commission Resolution No, 386 and in applicant's communication of October 21, 1960 read at the Council meeting of November 1, 1960, adding, however, that the applicant did question Planning Commission's recommendation for both a six foot block wall around the property line adjacent to the building on the north, west and south sides of the building and the area between the building and t~e wall being landscaped. That it had been the intent of the applicant to maintain the fencing now existing in the areas in question and to landscape the areas around the building; that no openings on these three sides would make a block wall unnecessary and locked gates would prevent access to ' these areas; however, if a block wall is required that the landscaping stipulation should be removed, Mr. Ehr then answered questions of the Council with regard to time limitation as to hours of operation and as to alleged noise in the operation of the building, stating in part that it had been applicant's intention to have the building used for sales and service purposes geared to the store hours; .that receiving hours of 8 :00 to 5 :30 would be posted on the building; that during the busy times of the year a marking room crew would be working in the back of the building, which should not be particularly noisy; that the only possible noise would be from their own trucks going to and from the warehouse to the store; that noise issuing from the building during the daytime would be nil and the only noise would be from trucks and traffic in the parking lot, Mrs, Genevieve C. Espinoza, 756 W. Naomi, stated in substance that she favored the proposed construction. Dr, Henry F. Cordelius, 747 West Camino Real Avenue stated in part that he was not opposed to the construction of the proposed building if a wall is erected, as such a wall would to some degree cut down the noise; also that he would like access from his property to the shopping area but would not sacrifice such access for a wall. Mr. A. H. Stevens, 741 West Camino Real Avenue stated in part that he opposed the construction of the proposed building as he felt it would be a warehouse in a residential area, but .that if the Council did determine to approve the application for the building he hoped a wall would be stipulated. There being no one else desiring to address the Council, upon motion of Councilman Butterworth, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried unanimously the hearing was closed. After e~tensive discussion and deliberation by the Council regarding the recommended wall and planting, the access openings and noise factors, and the hours of operation, Councilman Butterworth moved that the Council accept 3. ll-15-60 5168 (Hearing - Hinshaw's Continued) J7rl I~DEXED ANNUAL AUDIT REPORT J"' 1vf..dJ' f).~- InDEXED ZONE CHANGE (Arlinic) LOT SPLIT (Tentative) ..1 '/ ,- 'I the recommendations as contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 386 with the following modifications: Page 3, subdivision b: the words "of the building inserted at the end of the line; Page 3, subdivision c: the words "and retumed to the building at the northeast and southeast corners" be stricl<;en; Page 3, subdivision d: stricken in its entirety; Page 3, subdivision f: insert after the words "That the delivery of goods" the words "by vendors or common carriers" and the words "and from" be stricken; and I as .thus amended that the zone variance application of Elrovia Corporation and Hinshaw's Department Store, as lessee, to allow the construction of a customer service building and annex at the rear of property located at 1429 South Baldwin Avenue be granted, the City Attorney to prepare a resolution accordingly. After further discussion by the Council, and the above motion meeting its approval, Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor Camphouse stated that the Council has received copies of the audit report from Lybrand, Ross Bros.. 6. Montgomery, employed by the Council relative to the annual audit. He then presented to the City Clerk copy of said audit to be placed on file as required by ordinance and also presented the City Manager with copies to be distributed to the staff. In addition he read a communication from said auditors dated November 9, 1960, commenting that at this time the Council do not feel it is feasible to go to the added expense of working out a fixed assets accounting system, and added that he desired the Council to consider the appointment of auditors for the next fiscal year. Planning Commission Resolution No. 390 recommending approval of appli- cation of Arlinic Properties for change of zone from PR-3 to C-2 on the rear portions of 1104 and 1108 South Baldwin Avenue, requiring a public hearing, Councilman Phillips moved that the hearing be scheduled for December 6, 1960 at 8:00 o'clock P.M, Councilman Balser seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. No. 315 - Arcadia Parking, Inc., 1113 South Baldwin Avenue Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and indicate its intention to approve Lot Split No. 315 - Arcadia Parking, Inc., 1113 South Baldwin Avenue upon compliance with the following conditions: I l. File a final map with the City Engineer. 2. Dedicate 20 feet for widening Baldwin Avenue and 12 feet for widening Duarte Road. 3. Pay $25.00 recreation fee. 4. File a covenant stipulating that parcel 2 will not be used as a building site. LOT SPLITS~79/ No. 309 - John M. Conover, 1110 South Tenth Avenue (Final) ,c.~.r..2, No. 310 - Max Leinfelder, 2331 South Second Avenue !J[DE~~ Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried InDEXED 4. 11-l5-60 (Lot Splits - Continued) TRACT No. 26114 11 ./ '151, 5169 unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the Director of Public Works and the Planning Secretary and that final approval be granted the lot splits as set forth above, as all conditions imposed have now been met. Los~ted on Mayflower' Avenue, north of Camino Real Avenue. The majority of the tract is located in County territory. A portion of lot 4 is within the City of Arcadia. The subdivider has requested that this small portion be deannexed so that the entire tract will be in the County. Planning Commission recommended approval of the deannexation, subject to the filing of a legal description approved by the Boundary Commission; said approved description on file in Planning Department. Prior to the subdivider ,. purchasing the property he requests tentative approval of the Council as to the deannexation. The Director of Public Works displayed a map showing the affected in color, the remaining portions of the affected lots meeting all !NDEXEDments as to lot depth and area. STREET NAME CHANGE (Huntington Place to Campus Drive) portion require- Councilman Balser moved that Council approve the tentative map of Tract No. 26114 and indicate its willingness to deannex the property indicated on the map by appropriate proceedings. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: .AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Recommendation of the Planning Commission that the name of Huntington Place be changed to Campus Drive. .The City Clerk read a telegram dated November 15, 1960 from Dr. J. Paul Geare, 539 So. Glendora Avenue, Glendora, california, owner of property at 300 Huntington Place, protesting the proposed change. At Mayor Camphouse's request Mr. Ervin H. Golisch, liaison between the Planning Commission and the Council, commented that the Planning Commission had considered this in connection with the changing of the name of Huntington Boulevard to Huntington Drive; that of the numerous names submitted the Commission had favored Campus Drive due to its direct relation to the High School which, excepting the County park, occupies the majority of the frontage. INDEXED Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Butterworth and carried unanimously that Council indicate its approval of the recommendation of the Planning Commission and authorize the change of the name of Huntington Place to Campus Drive. (( M:.~.4 (f} c;~ ZONE VARIANCE I ZONING (Portion of Annex. 15) ZONE VARIANCE (Schoof) Mayor Camphouse declared that since no action can be taken until time for. appeal elapses (November 19, 1960) Planning Commission Resolution No. 392 recommending the granting of a zone variance to allow additions and alterations to non-conforming buildings on the north side of Huntington Drive between Santa Anita Avenue and First Avenue will be held over until the appeal period has passed. Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Butterworth and carried unanimously that. a public hearing be scheduled for November 30 1960 at 7:30 P,M, regarding zoning of a portion of Annexation No. 15. ' Mayor Camphouse declared that since no action can be taken until time for appeal elapses (November 19, 1960) Planning Commission Resolution No. 395 recommending granting of zone variance to permit second dwelling at 1218 South Second Avenue will be held over until the appeal period has passed. 5. 11-15-60 5170 COMPLETION OF WORK (1960-61 Street .Improvement) .1 7~:V INDEXED COMPLETION OF WORK , (Highland Oaks Improvement) :f (, ",'~ INDEXED TRACT No. 21618 (Final) '} 5ff'V iUmEXED SOUTHWEST ARCADIA (Rezoning Live Oak) (h 'r'? v :INDEXED DUARTE ROAD WIDENING (Acquisition of Right of Way) {p" J,&, . -1V~/i"1 lNDEXED APPROPRIATION FOR THOROUGH- BRED RACING SEASON , ~:~ f:!;:NDEXED Motion by Councilman Butterworth, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows that Council approve the recommendation of the City Manager and the Director of Public Works, accept for maintenance . the work of the Griffith Company, contractors for the 1960-6l Street '.Improvement Project No. 53 (resurfacing of various city streets) as . 'satisfactorily completed, and authorize final payment to be made in accordance with the contract documents, and the bond released after the expiration of the required 35 days: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABS~NT : None .. I Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that Council approve the recommendation of the City Manager and the Director of Public WOrks, accept for maintenance the work of the Griffith Company, contractors for the improvement of Highland Oaks Avenue, Job No. 256,as satisfactorily completed, and authorize final payment be made in accordance with the contract documents, and the bond released after the expiration of the required 35 days: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABS~NT: None Located on Greenfield Avenue north of pamela Road. Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager, the Director of Public Works and the Water Superintendent and that the City accept the improvements in Tract No. 21618 for maintenance and the surety bond deposited by the subdivider be released. The City Manager advised that with regard to the inquiry dated October 31, 1960 from Mrs. J. W. Erickson, owner of property at 481 West Live Oak Avenue, wherein she protested that no action had been taken on the request of the property owners of the southwest area of Live Oak Avenue to change back to R-3 the property which had been rezoned approximately 3 years ago to &-1, that the Planning Secretary advised that ,to his knowledge the location in question has .been in Zone R-l for at least 20 years; that no application for a zone change has been made, nor a request to discuss the matter with the Planning Commission; that in his opinion the only change that has affected her property is the change of requirements in Zone R-l which are presently more restrictive. Mayor Camphouse requested that the information contained in said report of the Planning Secretary be transmitted to Mrs. Erickson and that she make application to. the Planning Commission if she has any requests for rezoning; however, that the area being in an R-l district is'not conducive to a:n:;R~:l:!.IlIU;Ltiple"dwel~ing area~ Councilman Reibold moved that the Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager and authorize the acceptance of the conditions set forth by Mr. Joseph Li Causi in agreeing to dedicate the south ten feet of his property located at 11-19 West Duarte Road, to wit: that the City will install curb and gutter, provide new drive approaches, relocate any structures necessary, replace. the necessary sidewalks and pave the newly widened portion at no expense to Mr. Li Causi in return for his dedicating,without cost to the City of Arcadia the south ten feet of the property owned by him at 11-19 West Duarte Road for the purpose of widening DuartecRo4d. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. I Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager and authorize the transfer of $64,200.00 from Unappropriated 6. ll-15-60 (Thorough- bred Racing Meet Appropriation Continued) ORDINANCE No. ll06 (Introduced) I (J....u >' .,;r'!D~'--D :.,L.J.' ,,!,:,..lr..J..I RENTAL (2828 So. Baldwin Ave.) 5171 Surplus Account No. 290 in the General Fund to Police Account No. 421-3a for the purpose of providing extra police services to handle the traffic. connected with the Los Angeles Turf Club 55-day Thoroughbred Racing Season 'at Santa Anita Park opening December 26, 1960: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphous~ , NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Manager advised that the State Legislature has amended the Penal Code to provide for the levying of a 5% assessment on every fine, penalty and forfeiture imposed and collected by any court for a criminal offense for the purpose of establishing standards and training of police officers, and that it is recommended that an ordinance be adopted wherein the City. could participate in such program. It being the consensus of the Council that the recommendation from the City Manager and the Chief of Police for the City to participate in the aid provided for peace officers' training be accepted,the City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. ll06, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING A NEW PART 3 TO CHAPTER 3 OF ARTICLE II OF THE ARCADIA MUNIC IPAL CODE." Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Ordinance No. 1106 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips,Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Balser further moved that Ordinance No. 1106 be introduced. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Recommendation of the City Manager that Council authorize the rental of 2828 South Baldwin Avenue (property purchased by the City for the purpose of improving the water system by the location of an additional well in . the southwest portion of the City) to a City employee who would understand the necessity of the City entering the property at any hour of the day or night, particularly an employee of the Water Department whose occupancy of the premises would reduce the overtime for the Water Department during well construction, on a month to month basis of $90.00 per month. Motion by Councilman Butterworth, seconded by Councilman Phillips and ~arried on roll call vote as follows that Council accept the recommen- J' / b '7 dation of the City Manager and that he be authorized to rent the premises ~o at 2828 South Baldwin Avenue to a City employee, upon the understanding that the necessary City employees be permitted to enter the property at INDEXED any hour of the day or night, upon a month to montl. rental of $90.00 per month, and that the usual appropriate provisions contained in any of the City's other rental leases be included, including a clause disclosing the employer-employee relationship: I AYES: . Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None 7. 11-15- 60 5172 REFUND (Kendall ) .1 '7 j~O INDEXED ORDINANCE No. ll02 (Reintroduced) ORDINANCE No. 1105 (Adopted) ~ 1.l.:"':'~:~.1J STUDENTS Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to refund the sum of $11.75 to Grant A. Kendall, 101 East Huntington Drive, Arcadia, being the unused portion of the investigation .fee ,deposited in connection with his application for a business permit: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney stated that the adoption of Ordinance No. ll02 had been held up pending the receipt of the covenant of the owner regarding the use of the property described therein and an adjacent piece as required by the Council;.that the Arcadia Municipal Code had been adopted in the interim. He recommended that said Ordinance No. 1102.as introduced be amended by references .:therein from Zoning Ordinance No. 760 and as thus amended be reintroduced. He then presented and read the title of Ordinance No. 1102, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2515 SOUTH SIXTH AVENUE IN ZONE R-3," revised as above outlined by him. I Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Ordinance No. ll02 as thus revised be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Phillips further moved that Ordinance ,No...,1l02 as thus revised be reintroduced. Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented for the second time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. ll05, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTIONS 9l22, 9l22.2, 9122.3.3, 9122.3.4 AND 9122.4 OF THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING THERETO NEW SECTIONS 9122.5.1, 9122.6, 9122.6.1, 9122.6.2, 9122.6.3, 9122.6.4, 9122.6.5, 9122.7 AND 9122.8." Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Ordinance No. 1105 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None I Councilman Reibold further moved that Ordinance No. 1105 be adopted. Motion seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor Camphouse explained to the students in the audience Councilmanic procedure regarding introduction and adoption of resolutions and ordinances. 8. 11-15-60 ORDINANCE No. 1108 (Introduced) I ORDINANCE No, ll07 (Introduced) :1. , . , I ANNEXATION No, 14 (Resolutions Nos. .3314, 3315. IX 3316, Baldwin Ave. Zoning) RESOLUTION No, 3314 jjql 5173 The City Attorney presented for the first time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No, ll08, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE ARCADIA. MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO SECTION::8130,17; ADDING A NEW SECTION 507,1 TO THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO, ll03," Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Ordinance No, 1108 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Campho~se NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Balser further moved that Ordinance No, 1108 be introduced, Motion seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented for the first time, explained the content and read the title of Ordin.ance No, ll07, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY'OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 6220,56 OF THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE AND REPEALING SECTION 6220,56,1 THEREOF." Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote' as follows that the reading of the full body of Ordinance No. 1107 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Phillips further moved that Ordinance No. 1107 be introduced. Motion seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney explained that in connection with Resolutions Nos. 3314, 3315 and 3316, pertaining to properties contained in Annexation No. 14, the proposed decision of the City Council with respect to such properties had originally been embodied in one resolution which was not formally presented at the last Council meeting as some members of the Council desired that it be broken into three parts so that their vote could be respectively entered as to each portion, Accordingly he had separated the different properties and had sent Resolutions Nos. 3314, 3315 and 3316 to the Council for perusal; that thereafter he had noted that although reference is made to the intended use of the property, he felt the situation would be clarified if there was added to Resolutions Nos. 3314 and 3315 additional subsections providing that except as otherwise provided in the resolution all structures be erected and all the use of the property in all other respects shall conform to the provisions of the respective chapter, article and part of the zoning ordinance prescribing regulations in the two zones, to wit Zone C-l and CoO respectively as to the different parcels involved. He added that this would not apply to Resolution No. 3316 as this has all the conditions spelled out and requires no addition, Upon receiving the approval of the Council that the zoning of the subject properties be separated and contained in three resolutions, the City Attorney presented and read the title of Resolution No. 3314, entitled: >INDEXED 9, 11-l5-60 5174 (Resolu,tion No, 3314 - Continued) ~:J.. 'J1'" I ...... '- . INDEXED RESOLUTION No, 3315 "t :f :311 ll.'lDEXED RESOLUTION No. 3316 N "r. ,. -r !: VI '00' . :}(y,1 JJjDEXED "n' "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE FOR LIMITED COMMERCIAL PURPOSES ON SPECIFIED CONDITIONS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST AND SOUTHWEST CORNERS OF BALDWIN AVENUE AND CALL ITA STREET IN SAID CITY," and stating ,that said. resolution as now presented had been amended by adding to Section 2 on page 3 an additional ~ubparagraph read as follows: Ue. That except as hereinabove otherwise specifically provided, all structures erected upon and all use of the above described property shall comply with the provisions of Division 2 of Part 6 of Chapter 2 of Article IX of the Arcadia Municipal Code," and by adding t~ section 3 on page 4 an additional subparagraph reading as follows: "e. Th~t except as hereinabove otherwise specifically provided, all structures erected upon and all use of the above described property shall comply with the provisions of Division 1 of Part 6 of Chapter 2 of Article IX of the Arcadia Municipal Code," I Whereupon Councilman Reibold moved that the reading of the full body of Resolution No, 3314 as thus amended be waived. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Reibold further moved that as amended Resolution No, 3314 be adopted. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: Councilman Balser, Butterworth ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution No, 3315, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE FOR LIMITED COMMERCIAL PURPOSES ON SPECIFIED CONDITIONS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BALDWIN AVENUE AND CAMINO REAL IN SAID CITY," adding that this resolution should have added to Section 2 on page 3 the following.sub- section: "f, That except as hereinabove otherwise specifically provided all structures erected upon and all use of the above described property shall comply with the provisions of Division 3 of Part 6 of Chapter 2 of Article IX of the Arcadia Municipal Code." Councilman Phillips moved that the reading of the full body of Resolution No. 3315 as thua amended be waived. Councilman Balser seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Phillips further moved that as thus amended Resolution No. 3315 be adopted. Councilman Balser seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: I AYES: Councilmen Balser, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: Councilman Butterworth ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution No, 3316, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE AND/OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A CONVALESCENT HOME AT 1601-1609 SOUTH BALDWIN AVENUE IN SAID CITY." Councilman Butterworth moved that the reading of the full body of Resolution No, 3316 be waived, Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote .as follows: lO, 11-l5-60 5175 (Resolution No. 3316 - Continued) AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth,Reibold, Phillips; camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Butterworth further moved that Resolution. No. 3316 be adopted. Councilman Balser seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips NOES: Mayor Camphouse ABSENT: None I AUD.IENCE PARTICIPATION COOPERATIVE Mr. Lem Ward, 22 West Live Oak Avenue, addressed the Council, stating APARTMENTS that.escrow requirements necessitated an indication of the Council that DEVELOPMENT the plans for the proposed cooperative apartment development on Huntington (Lem Ward) Drive east of Baldwin Avenue were satisfactory. . . A general discussion followed. The City Attorney commented that this purpose might be accomplished by the Council indicating at this time the degree of finality to which the plans have to be processed before the Council will approve them. He added that Ordinance No. 1108, introduced earlier this evening, is silent as to the degree of finality of plans required in any particular case, but that in a situation which the Council has explored to the extent it has this one, only plot plans, floor plans, elevation plans and a general description of the materials of construction might be sufficient to enable the Council to pass on the matter without setting a precedent as to the detail the Council may require in some future application. He continued that he was not certain that the Council had before it sufficient detail to indicate any more than that, and that technical approval under Ordinance No. 1108 could not be formally given, until said ordinance becomes effective in approximately six weeks. ~ 4rCF? The City Manager stated that he believed at the last Council meeting a INDEXED preliminary plot plan, showing a floor plan for one of the units, had been presented; also that there had been submitted staff reports which were the basis for moving ahead. That portion of the minutes of November 1, 1960 pertaining to this matter were then read by Councilman Balser and the City Attorney stated that the. motion in said minutes was not an approval of the plans that were submitted. He. then suggested that if the staff reports were deemed adequate the Council could indicate that said staff reports and the plot plans meet the standards set forth in Ordinance No. 1108. Councilman Reibold stated that it had been his intent in essence to approve Mr. Ward's proposal so long as the development was constructed in accordance with his presentation. I Whereupon Councilman Reibold moved, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried unanimously that it is the consensus of the Council, based upon staff reports, that ~he plans for the development of Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Tract No. 2828, as submitted by Mr. Lem Ward, meets the standards set forth in Ordinance No. ll08. LIBRARY The City Manager reported that a copy of the Stipulation for Interlocutory Judgment of Condemnation and a copy of the Interlocutory Decree of Condemnation has been received in connection with the condemnation proceed- ings instituted by the City on the Texaco property abutting the new library site; that Mr. Leslie C. Tupper, of the law firm of Lawler, Felix & Hall, the attorneys representing the City in the matter, has advised that as soon as the stipulation is executed by all the parties involved and the Court signs the decree the City will submit the check to the parties involved. !If 7~ . . INDEXEr 11. ll-15-60 5176 LOT SPLIT No. 306 (Final) ~V:j. 7...." -K" INDEXED OPTIMIST CIRCUS a:'Ift:1' ~ AlA n~. .~ ~~~ INDEXED CODIFICATION OF POLICY RESOLUTIONS (Butterworth) COUNTY GAS TAX REPORT (Balser) ,t!X>" ~ INDEXED LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CONFERENCE (Balser) MUTUAL AID CITIES (Phillips) DUARTE ROAD ZONING (Reibold) Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Technician and that final approval be granted Lot Split No. 306 - William C. Jahn, 321 Eldorado Street as all conditions imposed have now been fulfilled, except the installation of the sewer line; that the owners have instructed the United States National Bank to withhold $610.00 for the purpose of paying for the sewer installation. Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Butterworth and carried on roll call vote as follows that Council grant the request of the Arcadia Optimist Club to hang street banners advertising their circus to be held November 26, 1960 in the National Guard Armory, for which event permission was granted by the Council on November 1, 1960; one banner to be hung across Huntington Drive in the business section of Arcadia and one across South Baldwin Avenue in the West Arcadia business section: I AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips NOES: Mayor camphouse ABSENT: None To Councilman Butterworth's inquiry as to the status of his request for a codification of the policy resolutions of the City, the City Manager advised that work has been commenced on this project approximately a week ago; that it is a lengthy chore inasmuch as some of 'such '.resolut~ons ;date back many years. Councilman Balser, as council's representative on the Board of Directors of the Los Angeles County Division of the League of California Cities, reported on the action taken by that body regarding a recommended formula for distribution of County Gas Tax money to cities in the County. He also submitted to the Council data dealing with the subject matter, and recommended that the Council review the material prior to the next Council meeting so that action might be taken at that time. The City Manager pointed out that although this matter had been reviewed by representatives of the League, the Board of Directors and a great many municipalities that Councilman Balser was the only one who caught an error in the resolution. Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows thatCouncil approve the expense account in the amount of $16.97 tendered by Councilman Balser in connection with his attendance at the League of California Cities Conference held in Los Angeles October 23 to 26, 1960: AYES: Councilmen Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse ABSTAINED: Counc ilman Balser NOES: None ABSENT: None I Councilman Phillips advised that he would have mimeographed and submitted to the Council a communication from Milo Delman regarding the amended by-laws of the Mutual Aid Cities. Councilman Reibold advised that numerous queries have been received regarding the zoning problem on Duarte Road between Holly Avenue and the existing business zones to the west. He suggested that Councilman Butterworth, Council's liaison with the Planning Commission and Mr. Ervin H. Golisch, Planning Commission's liaison with the Council, convey to the Planning Commission Council's feeling that everything possible should be done to expedite the conclusion of the proceedings that relate to the various zoning problems on Duarte Road. The City Manager advised that the matter is on the agenda of the Planning Commission for its meeting of November 22, 1960 and Councilman Reibold retorted that he suggested it not only be on the agenda but that a conclusion be reached. Councilmen Balser, Phillips and Mayor camphouse stated that they agreed. 12. 11-15-60 WATER (Camp house ) I ADJOURNMENT I 5177 Mayor Camphouse extended to Councilman Reibold the congratulations of the Council upon his election to the Executive Committee of the Upper San Gabriel Valley Water Association. Mayor camphouse commented that inasmuch as the City's Boards and Commis- sions are appointed and serve in an advisory capacity to the Council, that he felt communications emanating from them to other groups should be channeled through the Council. Mayor Camphouse also suggested that thought be given and discussion had with the Water Board relative to securing more technical and scientific data regarding the water problem; that he had learned from the Water Superintendent that supplemental water would be needed in the San Gabriel Valley long before the contemplated 15-year period and that he was perturbed about the fact that the construction of the Oroville project was not anticipated for 15 years; that all ways and means should be checked regarding reclamation of salt water and other methods. Also that he was concerned over the City having adopted a resolution sent to the Board of supervisors asking them to proceed with the Whittier Narrows sewage reclamation project, which now appears to have dwindled to a pilot operation. Councilman Reibold moved P.M. November 30, 1960. was carried unanimously. at 10:25 P.M. that the meeting adjourn to 7:30 Councilman Phillips seconded the motion which ATTEST: C1l~'p,Jk~ City Clerk - , .~/~ ( 13. ll-15-60