HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 20,1960 I-~IOO PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES (12-6-60) HEARING (Arlinic) 5202 M I NUT E S CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 20, 1960 The City Council of the City of Arcadia met in regular session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 8:00 o'clock P.M., December 20, 1960. The Invocation was offered by Rev. Thatcher Jordan, Pastor of the Church of The Good Shepherd. Mayor camphouse led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENT : ABSENT : Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse None Motion by Councilman Butterworth, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried unanimously, with the exception of Councilman Balser who abstained by reason of his absence, that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 6, 1960 as submitted in writing be approved. Hearing continued from Council meeting of December 6, 1960 for staff con- sideration and further negotiation with applicant and others on various points discussed at said meeting. The City Manager reported that in accordance with Council's instructions, meetings had been held with representatives of Arlinic Properties, Inc. and Mr. Shumaker, the owner of the property to the north of applicant, in an ~ 75-3 effort to obtain a dedication of 20 feet from both properties for the ~ purpose of opening up an extension of Arcadia Avenue; that an agreement was reached for the securing from both the applicant and Mr. Shumaker for the IHDEXE~edication of a full 60-foot right of way across said lands to conform to the original plan submitted for the extension of Arcadia Avenue, subject to certain conditions discussed at the December 6, 1960 Council meeting. I Recommendation of the City Manager that the application of Arlinic Properties, Inc. for the rezoning of properties from PR-2 to C-2 be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. Arlinic Properties to dedicate the north 30 feet of Lot 38, Tract 3430 for street purposes. 2. Arlinic Properties to dedicate for sidewalk purposes the east 7 feet of the west 9 feet of Lot 39, Tract 3430. 3. Arlinic properties to file a covenant on the east 6 feet of the west 15 feet of Lot 39, Tract 3430, which will provide for the dedication of said 6 feet for sidewalk purposes when the existing medical build- ing ceases to be used for such purposes. 4. Arlinic Properties to remove all existing buildings on Lot 38 and remove the old frame residence on the rear of Lot 39. 5. City of Arcadia to install curbs and gutters and improve the street to a width of 40 feet between curbs for the full length of Lots 37 and 38 of Tract 3430 at the expense of the City. 1. 12- 20- 60 5203 (Hearing - Arlinic - Continued) r1 /' t-f;'j INDEXED ....... ORDINANCE No. 1115 (Introduced) l,r '1 { 'j <-" lNDEXED 6. City of Arcadia to grant a zone variance which will allow the approval of a plot plan for the development of Arlinic Properties, insofar as parking requirements are concerned, which will permit the development to progress in the same manner as it would if said 30-foot dedication, containing 10,425 square feet, were still a part of said parcel. 7. The deed of Arlinic Properties to be delivered to the City with a letter of transmittal stating that said deed is not to be recorded or become effective until such a time as the ordinance rezoning lands from PR-2 to C-2 and zone variance in regard to credit for off-street parking become effective. I 8. The deed of Mr. Shumaker to be delivered to the City with a letter of transmittal stating that said deed is not to be recorded or become effective until such a time as the street improvements are completed. The City Manager continued that the estimated cost of the construction of curbs, gutters and street improvements is $7,767.00 and the estimated value of the land being dedicated is $38,200.00. That the deed from Mr. Shumaker will be tendered shortly and in order to expedite such construction he recommended that advertising for bids be waived as provided in Section 1109 of the City Charter, invitations to bid to be sent to contractors who previously have done such work for the City. The City Manager added that it is proposed also to install an 8 inch water line for the length of the street improvement with a fire hydrant installation to provide additional fire protection to the existing build- ings and those proposed to be constructed, the cost being $2400.00 but that no additional funds will be required for this purpose since funds are available in Budget Account No. 470 - Major Projects - Main and Hydrant Ins tallation. No one else desiring to speak, upon motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried unanimously the hearing was closed. Councilman Phillips moved that Council approve the granting of the application of Arlinic properties, Inc. for a change of zone from PR-3 to C-2 on property located at the rear of 1104 and 1108 South Baldwin Avenue and the completion of the program upon the basis outlined by the City Manager. Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which. was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney thereupon presented and read the title of Ordinance No. 1115, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, I CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY AT 1104 AND 1108 SOUTH BALDWIN AVENUE IN SAID CITY IN ZONE C-2." He explained that said ordinance recites the conduct of the proceedings, the placing of the described proper in Zone C-2, etc., adding that to the copy of said ordinance sent to the Council has been added the following proviso: "That the aforesaid reclassification to the above described property to Zone C-2 is conditioned upon the removal from said property of all structures now located thereon for the reason that such structures would become non-conforming under such Zone C-2 classification and such C-2 reclassification shall not become effective nor shall the above described property be used for any purpose other than those permitted under the zone classification heretofore applicable to said property until all such existing structures shall have been removed therefrom." 2. 12-20-60 (Ordinance No. 1115 - Continued) J 15:) I INDEXEr RESOLUTION No. 3336 J y (p{~ 5204 Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Ordinance No. 1115 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Phillips further moved that Ordinance No. 1115 be introduced as revised. Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney then presented and read in its entirety Resolution No. 3336, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING CERTAIN PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION TO BE OF URGENT NECESSITY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE, HEALTH AND PROPERTY." Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that Resolution No. 3336 be adopted: INDEXED AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Upon the recommendation of the City Manager Councilman Butterworth moved that the Council authorize the transfer and appropriation of $8000.00 from Reserve for Capital projects Account No. 285 in the General Fund to capital Improvement projects Fund - Arcadia Avenue Street Improvement Account No. 208. Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote ~ as follows: ~YES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None (Arlinic properl:1es - Continued) J153 INDEXED '-- 'J~{p& a~ I HEARING (Fifth Avenue Vacation) \ I. V2J 1/, IJI .~ $f$fj ~~\l With reference to off-street parking requirements, the City Attorney advised that Section 9284.2 of the Arcadia Municipal Code sets forth that in lieu of providing the parking space required the owner of the property affected may pay to the City and the City may accept a sum not less than the assessed valuation of the entire parcel of property for which parking space is required; that in this instance the value of the properties in question has been determined and may be considered by the Council as a cash contribution and there need only be determined the number of parking places for which credit will-be given under said section. Whereupon Mayor Camphouse stated that this matter would be taken up later in the evening, time permitting, or at an adjourned meeting, the date to be announced later. Upon the further recommendation of the City Manager Councilman Reibold moved that the Council authorize the work to be performed in accordance with Resolution No. 3336 and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute contracts therefor. Councilman Phillips seconded the mo~ion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Pursuant to Resolution No. 3322 declaring Council's intention to vacate and abandon a portion of Fifth Avenue and fixing a time and place for the hearing of objections thereto, and the declaration of the City Clerk that on file in her office are the affidavits of publication and posting, as 3. 12-20-60 5205 (Hearing - Fifth Ave. Vacation - Continued) HEARING (Hallock) J 7~K{, Q:NDEXED ZONE VARIANCE (Schoof - Continued from Council Meeting of 12-6-60) J 7'- S lINDEXElJ required by the Streets and Highways Code, and also that a map of the area proposed to be vacated has been and is on file in her office, Mayor Camphouse declared the hearing open and inquired if anyone desired to be heard regarding the matter. The City Clerk advised that she had received no written communications protesting the proposed vacation and abandonment of a portion of Fifth Avenue. No one desired to speak. Councilman Phillips moved that the hearing be closed. Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. I The City Attorney advised that he would present an ordinance later in the evening On the subject matter which, after adoption, would put into effect the proposed vacation and abandonment. Mayor Camphouse declared the hearing open on the application of John D. Hallock, 900 Sunset Blvd., Apt. 2-A, Arcadia, california, representing Anchor Post products, Inc. of california, 620 Putnam Drive, Whittier, california, for a business permit to solicit homeowners regarding sale and installation of fences and to give estimates if the resident is interested, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Mondays through Saturdays and evenings by appointment, and inquired if anyone in the audience desired to address the Council regarding the matter. Mr. John D. Hallock, the applicant, addressed the Council, and in answer to various questions of the Council, stated that he proposes to call only upon those residences needing fences; described the various types of fencing his firm sold, their method of advertising; that they do not sell through lumber yards; that the firm is nation-wide and has been in the business of manufacturing and installing all types of fencing for over 70 years and does considerable advertising. No one else desiring to be heard, Councilman Reibold moved that the hearing be closed. Motion seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried unanimously. Councilman Reibold further moved that the Council approve the application of John D. Hallock, 900 Sunset Blvd., Arcadia, California, and authorize a business permit being issued to him to solicit door to door Mondays through Saturdays, 10:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. the sale and installation of fences of Anchor Post Products, Inc. of California. Motion seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Action on Planning Commission Resolution No. 395, recommending the granting of the application of Albert H. Schoof for a zone variance to allow a I second dwelling on the lot at 1218 South Second Avenue, subject to certain conditions, continued from the Council meeting of December 6, 1960 due to the absence of Councilman Balser and the likelihood of a tie vote resulting from the sentiment expressed by the Council regarding applicant's appeal from the condition requiring the dwelling presently on the property to be converted to a guest house with no kitchen facilities. Councilman Balser advised that after reading the minutes of the December 6, 1960 meeting, visiting the area and inspecting the property that he concurred in the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and thereupon moved that Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant the zone variance request of Albert H. Schoof subject to the conditiona contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 395. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Phillips, camphouse NOES: Councilmen Butterworth, Reibold ABSENT: None 4. 12-20-60 LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS RESOLUTION No. 3330 I .Q;!ID.z:.~'.) Y 7 (;5' aBSOLUTION No. 3331 ,/' 37&& 5206 Upon the Council's approval of the reports presented and explained by the City Engineer on the proposed formation of Lighting Maintenance Districts Nos. 15 and 16, and maps of the assessment districts pertaining thereto, the City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the titles of the following resolutions: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER, AND APPROVING THE MAP OF THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF PROPOSED LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 15." Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Resolution No. 3330 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Phillips further moved that Resolution No. 3330 be adopted. Motion seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT :': None "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER, AND APPROVING THE MAP OF THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF PROPOSED LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 16." Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Resolution No. 3331 be waived: INDEXED AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO FORM A LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT, WHICH DISTRICT IS TO PAY THE COST AND EXPENSES FOR THE MAINTENANCE 'AND OPERATION OF A STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM ON PORTIONS OF CORNELL DRIVE, WINDSOR ROAD, NEWMAN AVENUE, SUNSET BOULEVARD, HUNGATE LANE, GREENFIELD AVENUE, SIERRA MADRE BOULEVARD, SOUTHVIEW ROAD, SECOND AVENUE, OAKWOOD AVENUE, NAOMI AVENUE, THIRD AVENUE, WILSON AVENUE, NORMAN AVENUE, LEDA LANE, ELEVADO I:t ,,- AVENUE, MELANIE LANE, FOURTH AVENUE, GRAND VIEW AVENUE, SHARON ROAD, J 7 iPS FIFTH AVENUE, OAKS PLACE, WISTARIA AVENUE, PEACHTREE LANE, WHITE OAK DRIVE, HOLLY AVENUE, ROBBINS DRIVE, ELKINS PLACE, ROSEMARIE DRIVE, COYLE iIIW.3:XED' AVENUE, CANYON ROAD, DUARTE ROAD, EIGHTH AVENUE, CAROLWOOD DRIVE, LYNDON WAY, DOOLITTLE AVENUE, VISTA AVENUE, MAGNA VISTA AVENUE, TULIP LANE, HIGHLAND VISTA DRIVE, FAIRVIEW AVENUE, TENTH AVENUE, ANGELO PLACE, AZURE WAY, NINTH AVENUE, HILLGREN PLACE, SANTA ANITA TERRACE, ENCINO AVENUE, MARILYN PLACE, SANTA ANITA AVENUE, CAMINO GROVE AVENUE, TOPAZ PLACE, CAMINO REAL AVENUE, SIXTH AVENUE, RODEO ROAD, BIRCHCROFT STREET, BUNGALO PLACE, ORANGEWOOD LANE, LEE AVENUE, LOGANRITA AVENUE, ANITA CREST DRIVE, LONGDEN AVENUE, MAGNOLIA LANE, ANDREA LANE, WINNIE WAY, OAKWOOD DRIVE, I llESOLUTION No. 3332 / Councilman Reibold further moved that Resolution No. 3331 be adopted. Motion seconded by Councilman Butterworth and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibo1d, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None 5. 12-20-60 5207 (Resolution No. 3332 - Continued) .....- J'/(;) INDEXED RESOLUTION NO. 3333 1'l~U INDEXED TRAFFIC ON HOLLY AVENUE DURING RACING SEASON 5; ~ Uv ~ iHIDEXED CHANTRY DRIVE, GRACE AVENUE, HIGHLAND OAKS DRIVE, STONE HOUSE ROAD, LOUISE AVENUE, WOODLAND AVENUE, WATSON DRIVE, ORANGE GROVE AVENUE, ORLANDO DRIVE, LA SIERRA DRIVE, ONTARE ROAD, COLORADO STREET, ILENE DRIVE, MARENDALE LANE, SAN CARLOS ROAD, ALTERN STREET, YORKSHIRE DRIVE, MERRY OAK LANE, PAMELA ROAD, VIRGINIA DRIVE AND SANTA MARIA ROAD IN SAID CITY, AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS TO THE FORMATION OF SAID DISTRICT OR TO THE EXTENT THEREOF." Motion by Councilman Butterworth, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Resolution No. 3332 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibo1d, Phillips, Camphouse I NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Butterworth further moved that Resolution No. 3332 be adopted. Motion seconded by Councilman Reibo1d and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibo1d, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO FORM A LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT, WHICH DISTRICT IS TO PAY THE COST AND EXPENSES FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF A STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM ON PORTIONS OF BALDWIN AVENUE, ALLEY EAST OF BALDWIN AVENUE, DUARTE ROAD, HUNTINGTON DRIVE, NAOMI AVENUE, MORLAN PLACE, SANTA ANITA AVENUE AND SUNSET BOULEVARD IN SAID CITY, AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS TO THE FORMATION OF SAID DISTRICT OR TO THE EXTENT THEREOF." Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Resolution No. 3333 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibo1d, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Balser further moved that Resolution No. 3333 be adopted. Motion seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Manager read in full the report and recommendation of the Chief I of Police with regard to the petition (mentioned at the December 6, 1960 Council meeting) received from residents of West Las Flores Avenue, requesting the aboid1ishment of one-way traffi1cioni H01h1Y Avdenue duringf thhe . racing season, sa report in substance exp a n ng tea vantages 0 t e one-way operation and recommending its continuance. The City Manager added that he concurred in said recommendation. Mr. Ray C. Hatter, 315 W. Las Flores Avenue, one of the petitioners, addressed the Council, describing the inconvenience of the residents in the area occasioned by the restriction of their movements and the additional expense incurred for gasoline by having to drive longer alternate routes to reach their homes and shopping area. He also mentioned that Police Chief Seares had stated last year that the one-way traffic on Holly Avenue was not necessary during week-days, and requested that if the operation could not be abolished entirely that it be in effect only on big race days. 6. 12- 20-60 (Traffic on Holly Avenue During Radng Season - Continued) I BONITA PARK (Lighting of Ball Diamond) I 0; ~ ?,wJ.u IllDEXE;: 5208 Police Chief Seares was called upon to express his opinion on the question of part-time one-way traffic. He recommended that one-way traffic on Holly Avenue remain in effect during week-days as well as on big racing days, stating that in his opinion to change the pattern would lead to confusion and could prove hazardous. He then explained in part the regulation of traffic, the hours when the one-way traffic operation is in effect, adding that the flow of traffic moves in platoons, providing breaks so that motorists on the side streets may cross Holly Avenue or turn south to the next through street. In the general discussion that ensued Councilman Reibold expressed the opinion that one lane of traffic northbound on Holly Avenue and the other lanes southbound was hazardous and that when it had been in effect neither he nor his family took advantage of it, preferring alternate routes. He also mentioned that it might be well to consider that any inconvenience caused is offset by the overall benefits derived by the City from the taxes paid by the Turf Club. Mr. Robert H. Rollins, 360 W. Las Flores Avenue, also addressed the Council, protesting the one way operation of traffic on Holly Avenue during the racing season, stating in substance that he did not believe it was necessary. Councilman Butterworth stated in part that he did not believe the money angle of the race track was a material factor but that he did feel the Council should uphold the expert recommendation of Police Chief Seares. Councilman Phillips mentioned that in the not too distant future there would be factors arising which would ease the traffic situation in Arcadia, such as the contemplated widening by the County of Huntington Drive outside of Arcadia, and the freeway through Arcadia, It being the consensus of the Council that it is to the benefit of all concerned to rely upon the advice of experts, Councilman Phillips moved that the Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager and the Chief of Police and that the petition to abolish one-way traffic on Holly Avenue during the racing season be denied. Councilman Butterworth seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Manager reported that the Committee appointed to investigate the feasibility of the proposal to light the Bonita Park ball diamond for night baseball met on December 15, 1960; that said committee confirmed the recommendation of the Recreation Commission that the Council approve the proposal of the Pony League to light the Bonita Park ball diamond. He added that many matters had been considered during the meeting, such as the present agreement with the School Board for joint use of land that. would require revision, the availability of parking, the effect on surrounding properties, the cost to the City for maintenance of the ", proposed facilities and the possibility of other sites which might be, ~ used by the Pony League to expand their activities to eliminate the need for night lighting. The City Manager added that the Committee felt that answers to many of the problems should be found prior to recommending to the Council the approval of the request despite the urging of the Pony League for haste in the matter, and that to this end the staff has been instructed to investigate certain matters. That since December 15, 1960 some of the problems have been resolved, but that there are still some unanswered, and that he recommended another Committee meeting for such purpose. 7, 12-20-60 5209 (Bonita Park - Whereupon Mayor camphouse suggested that the City Manager arrange Continued) another meeting of the Committee as quickly as convenient. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT RE ANNEXATION (Live Oak) a: e,. cf!), /{, CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE REPORT (1960 to 1966) (J.,: ~ &-wv' INDEXED FIRE INSURANCE COVERAGE :J; ~, -- ~ INDEXED Mr. Roy Bernard, Manager of the Pony League, addressed.the Council and suggested that the Committee invite a representative of the Pony League to attend their meeting and the City Manager stated that this would be done. The City Manager submitted a report from the Community Development Committee on the request of the residents of certain areas south of Live Oak Avenue and east of Double Drive to circulate petitions for annexation to the City of Arcadia, stating in substance that basically the Committee looked with favor upon the request, and that the Council might desire, in view of the requirements of the Government Code re annexations, to receive the report at this time and referthe matter to the Planning Commission for its study and recommendation. I Whereupon Councilman Butterworth moved that the Council receive the report of the Community Development Committee regarding the request of residents of certain areas south of Live Oak Avenue and east of Double Drive to circulate petitions for annexation to the City of Arcadia and that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for its report or recommendations pursuant to Section 35108 of the Government Code. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Reibold then moved that being somewhat concerned regarding the said report of the Community Development Committee inasmuch as its recommendations appear to be in conflict with the Council's stated policy with respect to annexations in general, that prior to the matter being referred to the Planning Commission the entire Council meet as a committee for the purpose of reexamining the Council's policy as related to annexations. Councilman Balser seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor Camphouse stated that a date would be arranged for th~ above meeting. Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows that the report of Capital Projects Committee for General City Capital Projects (1960 to 1966) submitted by Councilman Reibold, be taken under advisement by the Council in order to afford said Council an opportunity to study the report, and that the City Manager placed the matter on the agenda for the Council meeting of January 17, 1961: AYES: Councilmen NOES: None ABSENT: None I Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse Councilman Reibold commented that the Capital Projects Committee report on the projects contemplated to be undertaken by the Water Department has been submitted to the Water Board and after review by said Board a separate recommendation will be made. Pursuant to the request of the City Council of December 6, 1960, at which time bid proposals on insurance coverage had been submitted to the Council, the City Manager submitted a report from the Purchasing Officer on information obtained regarding public property floater policies avail- able to municipalities and replacement coverage insurance as well as an 8. 12-20-60 (Fire Insurance Coverage - Continued) I LIBRARY (Furnishings) Yl/ 7).; I -,(..... 5210 announcement just issued regarding institutional fire coverage. The City Manager recommended that in view of recent developments in coverage not known at the time the specifications for insurance cover- age were prepared, a committee be appointed to review the City's entire insurance program, adding that because this might involve more than 30 or 60 days' time, which would leave the City unprotected, that he also recommended that he be authorized to negotiate on the basis of 1) accepting the low bid of W. S. Spaulding Company of Arcadia for coverage as per specifications for a five year period; or 2) reject all bids received and reviewed by the Council at its meeting of December 6, 1960 and authorize him to purchase from said company fire insurance' .\' coverage for a one-year period based upon the specifications. After general discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that inasmuch as the bids were made in good faith, the matter of coverage on the basis of one year, with the possibility of a premium penalty, or on the full five year period subject to cancellation should be negotiated by the City Manager. Whereupon Councilman Phillips moved that the Council authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract for fire insurance coverage as per specifications with the W. S. Spaulding Company of Arcadia on the basis of either one year, or five years, subject to cancellation, whichever in his judgment would be most economical. Councilman Reibold seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Phillips suggested that the City Manager prepare a schedule of insurance in expiration order for presentation to the Council. Bids received on 204 metal, upholstered, folding chairs with arm rests and four combination folding chair trucks and coat rack for the new City Library. (Chairs assigned specification Plan No. A I, chair trucks Plan No. J 7): A 1 J 7 trl'/DEXED Welch company B. F. Shearer American Seating $3765.84 5070.62 5728.32 $352.98 391.04 Roto Products American Seating Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Butterworth and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Council accept the recom- mendation of the City Manager and Purchasing Officer and that a contract for A 1 and J 7 be awarded to American Seating Company: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse' NOES: None ABSENT: None PECK ROAD ~ At the suggestion of the City Attorney, that inasmuch as the Peck Road PROPERTY revised agreement had not yet been reviewed by the entire committee, SALE Mayor Camphouse ordered the matter held over to either an adjourned AGREEMENT Council meeting, date to be announced, or the next 'regular Council (Revised) meeting. ~lJlJB1Cl;;n LIBRARY (Texaco Agreement) .'1' tj 7 J-- Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that the City Council ratify the action of the City Manager in executing the agreement prepared by Mr. Tupper of the law firm of Lawler, Felix and Hall, wherein the Texaco Company is authorized to occupy the site adjacent to the new Arcadia City Library, 9. 12-20-60 52~1 (Library - Texaco Agreement - Continued) \J LEASE (Foater & Kle her) J'/&Cf INDEXED SYCAMORE STORM DRAIN j 1(P~ INDEXED RESOLUTION NO. 3337 if, /ty't '1~ ilNDEXED ST. JOSEPH STREET VACATION J6:/'( lNDEXJ;;l.. the date not to extend beyond February 28, 1961, at a monthly rental of $800.00 per month, commencing December 1, 1960: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion by Councilman Butterworth, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a lease between the City and Foster and Kleiser for a term of one year, commencing May 1, 1961, for the rental of a portion of property fronting on Huntington Drive upon which to continue the maintenance of a billboard for the sum of $180.00 per ~nnum: I AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ' ABSENT: None Motion by Councilman Reibo1d, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager and authorize the construction of the Sycamore storm drain between Sycamore Avenue and Foothill Boulevard east of Second Avenue by City forces: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibo1d, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Upon the Council approving the recommendation of the City Manager that a resolution requesting members of the Congress to take aggressive and positive action to prevent enactment of legislation which would jeopardize the existing Federal Interstate and Defense Highway Program by reducing the availability of Federal Funds to the various states of the Nation be adopted, the City Attorney presented Resolution No. 3337, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING AGGRESSIVE AND POSITIVE ACTION FOR FEDERAL INTERSTAXE FUNDS FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FREEWAY CONSTRUCTION." Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibo1d and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Resolution No. 3337 be waived: AYES: CounCilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibo1d, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Phillips further moved that Resolution No. 3337 be adopted. Motion seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows: I Motion by Councilman Reibo1d, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager and the Director of Public Works and indicate the intention of the City to vacate that certain triangular shaped parcel of property forming a portion of St. Joseph Street, and lying adjacent to the northerly side of the Arcadia Lumber Company on Santa Anita Avenue at such time as the said Arcadia Lumber Company has performed the follow- ing to the satisfaction of and at no expense to the City of Arcadia: AYES: Councilmen NOES: None ABSENT: None Balser, Butterworth, Reibo1d, Phillips, Camphouse 1. Perform the requisite grading and construct concrete curbs and gutter along Front Street from the present terminus of the exist- ing curb and gutter northwesterly to St. Joseph Street and thence westerly along the south side of St. Joseph Street to 10. 12-20-60 5212 (St. Joseph Street Vacation ;. Continued) I Santa Anita Avenue; and to construct the curb return at the southeast corner of Santa Anita Avenue and St. Joseph Street. 2. That the telephone and/or electric poles be relocated with like features on this parcel of land. As a,part of the vacation pro- ceedings, we will recite the reservations for easements existing of record. 3. The lutDber',company ;to..remove all', encroachments now existent, on' Front Street. AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphous~ NOES: None ABSENT: None TRACT Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried NO. 25439 unanimously that the Council approve the recommendation of the City (Final Manager, the Director of Public Works and the Water Superintendent and Acceptance) authorize the acceptance by the City of the improvements in Tract No. 1 (, I 0 254~9, located on Winnie Way and Eighth Avenue, for maintenance and the release of the surety bond deposited by the subdivider. INDEXED I PERSONNEL BOARD CITY PLANNER Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried unanimously that the City Council accept the recommendation of the Personnel Board and abolish the classification of Planning Technician, ~, establish the classification of City Planner, create one position, and INDEXED approve the proposed class specification. STOREKEEPER Motion by Councilman Reibold,. seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried SALARY unanimously that the Council accept the recommendation of the Personnel Board and authorize the salary for Storekeeper in the Water Department to ~I\~ be'changed from salary Schedule No. 25 ($362-440) to salary Schedule No. 29 ,~ ($399-486) and also authorize the filling of the position at Step A - $399, INDEXEDB - $419, or C - $440. J..I\ , CHANGE OF Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried RULE IX unanimously that the City Council accept the recommendation of the (Leaves - Personnel Board and approve the change of Rule IX - Leaves, Section 3, vacations) Vacation Leave, of the Personnel Rules and Regulations, which will ~tV authorize the granting of accumulated vacation at the discretion of the ~~ appointing power and the granting of, or payment for, any accumulated vacation when an employee leaves the City employ for any reason. INDEXED HEALTH AND With regard to the request from the Health and Sanitation Commission that SANITATION some consideration be given to enforcing the City's ordinance regarding COMMISSION health matters and its recommendation that the Council consider the (Health adoption of a uniform health code modeled after Ordinance No. 7583 of the ordinance) County of Los Angeles, Mayor camphouse requested the City Manager to have copies of said ordinance sent to the Council in order that they might familiarize themselves with its content before coming to any decision. The City Manager read in full a communication dated December 15, 1960 from the Arcadia Unified School District, signed by Burtis E. Taylor, Superintendent and Secretary to the Board, stating in substance that at the December 13, 1960 meeting of the Board of Education of the Arcadia Unified School District he was instructed to address a letter to the members of the Arcadia City Council stating that the Board of Education could not accept the Council's proposal to lease the present City Library building for administrative purposes at $6000 per year for three years ' with an option to renew the lease for two additional years; that the lliDEXED $30,000 rental fee for the five year period plus the necessary remodeling was not judged to be economically feasible by said Board of Education, and requesting the City Council to determine if this is their final decision and to reply in writing stating their official action. I LEAS ING OF OLD LIBRARY BUILDING TO SCHOOL DISTRICT .:J 70(:; n. 12-20-60 5213 (Leasing of old Library Building to School District - Continued) , 1'l~~ l~DEXED A lengthy discussion ensued wherein the Councilmen reiterated in general their stated opinions of August 24, 1960, at which time Councilman Butterworth had summarized developments of a joint meeting held on August 22, 1960 between a committee composed of Councilmen Reibold and himself, the City Manager, representing the City, and Mr. Harold C. Lietz, Dr. Antone W. Nisson and Dr. Burtis E. Taylor, representing the school district, for the purpose of discussing the possible leasing of the old library building to the school board for use as an administration building. Mayor Camphouse suggested in part a final report from the Council members of the above mentioned committee which would transmit to the School Board the final action of the Council, commenting that this was probably the intent of the letter. I Councilman Butterworth did not agree, stating in substance that he and Councilman Reibold had conveyed to the joint committee the feeling of the Council; that the President of the Board of Education had indicated that the amount stated was economically unfeasible and that he would report back to his board; that to date there has been a hiatus in the negotiations, and that he did not favor the termination of the negotiations. He also suggested that the matter might be put to the vote of the people as was done in the Master Plan matter. Councilman Phillips stated in part that he also did not favor abrupt termination of negotiations but that in his opinion the Council had stated its position; which had been one of compromise; however that the Council, he felt, would be willing ,to consider anything new the School Board. might have to suggest, but that he felt the proposal offered by the City had been fair and equitable. Mr. Robert S. Whitmore, Jr., 512 Santa Maria Road, addressed the Council, and stated in substance that the money to maintain the school system and the City Government is paid by the same taxpayers; and it would appear to him that the taxpayers could use citY70wned property for what- ever purpose they deemed best. Councilman Reibold felt that the letter was an official report of the School Board and only required reaffirmation of Council's position; that it was not a request to reopen negotiations, and Mayor'Camphoue added that leaving the matter open at this point would be saying in effect that the proposal presented by the Council was not what they really intended. Councilman Reibold then continued that final decision must come from the School Board as to whether they will accept Council's offer as stated, and also that he did not favor the matter being put to the vote of the people as suggested by Councilman Butterworth. Mr. Tom S. Wallace, 1901 Seventh Place, addressed the Council and inquired if there could be any consideration between the two groups of forgiving , part of the rent for the amount of money that would be expended by the School Board in its contemplated remodeling of the building into an office building, to which Mayor Camphouse and Councilman Reibold replied that I this would depend upon whether the building in its final disposition would be a negative or a plus factor. Discussion continued with Councilman Butterworth urging that Council give the matter further thought; that new suggestions or ideas might arise, such as the one tendered by Mr. Wallace, and also reminding the Council that the School Board had conveyed land to the City in order to widen Duarte Road without asking consideration from the City, suggesting that the Council reply to the School Board indicating that although there had been no occasion necessarily to change their position that they would be willing to discuss the matter further. Councilman Balser stated in substance that he was disappointed at the turn of events inasmuch as he had been under the impression, acquiring his information from the newspapers, that the problem had been resolved and that the School District had decided to proceed with the construction of a new administration building on school property; that with regard to the 12. 12-20-60 (Leasing of Old Library Building to School Distr~ct - Continued) g 70 .; lliDEXEL I . , - , , .-" , I 5214 proposed rent for the old library building, he had made the suggestion that the amount be reduced from $1000 to $500 per month in a sincere effort to assist the A,cadia schools to obtain their goal of an administration building; that he felt $500 a month was nominal and that he'agreed with Council~n Reibold's comment that with a school budget of 4-1/2 million 'dollars the school could effect enough economies to absorb $6000 a year. Councilman Phillips stated in part that with respect to,Councilman Butterworth's comment regarding the conveyance of land for the widening of Duarte Road by the School District to the City, that this was an ex- change of consideration. He added that he interpreted the letter'in question to mean that the School Board had broken off negotiations when they stated that the proposition was not acceptable to them, and that in his opinion the City has done the major portion of the mediating. Councilman Reibold further commented that he. also felt the City has co- operated with the School District not only in this regard but on many other matters, citing as an example the location of the new library which, contrary to suggestions of consultants, was being constructed adjacent to the high school with easy access to several other schools, and with additional floor space so that it might have higher school usage. Mayor Camphouse added in substance that it had never been the intent of the Council that its action in this matter be interpreted to mean that insofar as the Council was, concerned negotiations were closed with no possibility of the Council listening to any reasonable proposal that might be suggested. Councilman Reibold then stated that in order to terminate the discussion he moved that the Council instruct the City Manager to answer Superintendent Taylor's letter, reaffirming the City Council"s belief that the rental figure of $6000 is a fair figure. Councilman Phillips suggested amending said' motion to the extent of stating that the City Manager's answer include that all of the various parts of the Council's original proposal be reaffirmed. Councilman Phillips then seconded the motion as amended, which was carried on'roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: Councilman Butterworth ABSENT: None Councilman Butterworth then moved that the matter of the leasing of the old library building be submitted to the electorate by a ballot similar to the method used on the Master Plan. Councilman Phillips stated that he could not second this motion for the reason that there has not been enough evidence or enough demand for such action; that as Councilman Balser had stated, the issue, according to the newspapers at least, has been settled. Councilman Butterworth stated that it should be assumed that the above motion died for lack of a second, and that he would then move that the Council address a letter to the Board of Education suggesting that they join with the City Council in appointing a Council-School Board-Joint Citizens Committee to investigate the matter and report to the two bodies. Councilman Reibold stated that he could not second this motion because he is fundamentally'opposedto citizens committees for the reason that he does not believe that responsibility should be delegated to a group of citizens when such responsibility was assumed by the Councilmen upon accepting office. 1 ' The above motion having died for lack of a second, Councilman Butterworth further moved that the Council reconsider its action and offer to lease the old library building to the Board of Education for a period of five years at a rent of $1.00 per year. This motion also died for lack of a second. 13. 12- 20- 60 SIERRA GUILD W;~V .~.~ Bd~D PERMITS (Renewals) iINDEJtED REFUNDS ORDINANCE No. 1109 (Adopted) II~:):;:;::::D ORDINANCE No. 1110 (Adopted) ,:a:~...~l.~.J 5215 Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried unanimously that permission be granted the Sierra Guild of the Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles to hold a benefit horse show at Santa Anita Park May 27-28;.1961, and that the provisions of Section 6215.6 of the Arcadia Municipal Code be waived. Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried unanimously that the Council approve the following applications for renewal of business license permits, and that the provisions of Section 6311.3 through 6311.3.5 and 6311.7 though 6311.7.4 of the Arcadia Municipal Code, applicable to previously licensed businesses, be waived: I :;t _'I Frederick M. Baedeker (Baedeker Guide) -I I Marie LaDuke (Duke) ..:r ::..e:;U (Tipsheet sales inside track) Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to refund the following sums to the following persons, being the unused portions of investigation fees deposited in connection with their applications for business permits: 'j,'~ ~ ' ), Roger W. Barquist ~ j '~enneth Robertson . '-' c ~ Loyal Ingersoll! Jr. -r f J $14.43 14.43 12.68 AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented for the second time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1109, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, CHANGING THE NAME OF HUNTINGTON PLACE, A PUBLIC STREET IN SAID CITY, TO CAMPUS DRIVE." Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Ordinance No. 1109 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Reibold further moved that Ordinance No. 1109 be adopted. Councilman Phillips seconded the motion which was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse I NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented for the second time, explained the content an read the title of Ordinance No. 1110, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTIONS 9320.42.1, 9320.42.2 AND 9320.42.3 OF THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE." Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of Ordinance No. 1110 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None 14. 12-20-60 (Ordinance No. lllO - Contin\led) ORDINANCE' No. 1114 (Adopted) I III:D~:o.'LD . . ORDINANCE No. 1116 (Introduced) , - &1 .,.. 5216 Councilman Balser further moved that Ordinance No, 1110 be adopted, Motion seconded by Councilman Reibold a~d carried on roll call vote as follows: ,- AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, ~eibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented for the second time, explained the content- and read the title of Ordinance No. 1114, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 7210.1 OF THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE." ' Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as ,follows that the reading of the full body of Ordinance No. 1114-be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterwort~, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Phillips further moved that Ordinance No. 1114 be adopted, Motion seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None' The City Att~rney presented for the first time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1116, 'entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF FIFTH AVENUE, A PUBLIC STREET IN SAID CITY AND RESERVING SPECIFIED EASEMENTS THEREIN." ' Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by CounCilman Balser and carried ~ on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of ~ Ordinance No. 1116 be waived: INDEXED AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None I RESOLUTION No, 3318 (SchOOf) 1- 7J;"1 INDEXED Councilman Reibold further moved that Ordinance No, 1116 be introduced. Motion seconded by COllncilman':Bl/.1ser; and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title'of Resolution No, 3318, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A VARIANCE TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND DWELLING UNIT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1218 SOUTH SECOND AVENUE IN SAID CITY UPON SPECIFIED CONDITIONS." Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Resolution No, 3318 be waived: AYES: CounCilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None 15. 12-20-60 5217 (Resolution No. 3318 - Continued) RESOLUTION No. 3329 lllv.o:XED ( RESOLUTION No. 3335 ;c1'ii:lEXEI! ~ RESOLUTION No. 3334 INDEXED v c Councilman Balser further moved that Resolution No. 3318 be adopted, Motion seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Phillips, camphouse NOES: Councilmen Butterworth, Reibold ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution No. 3329, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE DEFENSE BY THE COUNTY - COUNSEL OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY OF AN ACTION BROUGHT AGAINST THE CITY OF ARCADIA FOR THE REFUND OF TAXES." I Motion by Councilman Butterworth, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Resolution No, 3329 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Butterworth further moved that Resolution No. 3329 be adopted. Motion seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as fo llows : AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution No. 3335, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3267 BY ABOLISHING THE POSITION OF LEGAL STENOGRAPHER AND CREATING THE POSITION OF STENOGRAPHER-CLERK IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY." Motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows that-the reading of the full body of Resolution No, 3335 be waived: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Phillips further moved that Resolution No. 3335 be adopted. Motion seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse NOES: None AB~:~ I Councilman Phillips also moved that Council authorize the hiring for the above position of Stenographer-Clerk in the office of the City Attorney at Step A - ($312) or Step B ($328). Councilman Balser seconded the motio which was carried unanimously. The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution No. 3334, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DEDICATING REAL PROPERTY FOR STREET AND HIGHWAY PURPOSES TO BE KNOWN AS FAIRVIEW AVENUE." Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full body of Resolution No, 3334 be waived: 16. 12-20-60 (Resolution No. 3334 - Continued) I 5218 AYES: : NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, camphouse None None Councilman Reibold further moved that Resolution No, 3334 be adopted. Motion seconded by Councilman Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, Phillips, Camphouse I , NOES: None c ABSENT: None AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION TRAFFIC (Racing SeasoI! - Boore);r, j F ARCADIA AVENUE OPENING (Brul!-swick) I :j~(,:.t: Mrs. James W. Boore, 1035 Fairview Avenue, addressed the Council, requesting their consideration of additional publicity concerning the best method of reaching the Methodist Hospital during the racing season. Mayor camphouse stated that this was a good suggestion and that it would receive due consideration. Mr. Ronald Brunswick, representing the Faubus Construction Company of Stanton, california, addressed the Council, stating that his company had been refused a building permit to construct a 44 unit apartment house on 646 Fairview Avenue because he had been given to understand that the City was planning to acquire the rear of the properties in that area with the intention of extending Arcadia Avenue beyond its present terminus; that he had been previously informed that plans to open Arcadia Avenue had been abandoned. The City Manager advised in part that matters relative to the apartment house at 646 Fairview Avenue had been discussed with the Council and INDEXEnwould probably be placed on agenda for an adjourned Council meeting or the next Council meeting; that in such event he would be notified. I (Derkson) )-1St'" OLD LIBRARY BUILDING (Sullivan) ]'is f The City Attorney commented in part, that he, thought possibly some of the confusion results from the fact that proceedings under, the 1913 Act for the opening of Arcadia Avenue were commenced and then terminated; that the Council's action was the determination that the completion of the proceedings under the 1913 Act as then contemplated was unfeasible but not that the entire thought of ,extending Arcadia Avenue as such by some other means was totally out of the question. To Mr. Brunswick's further inquiry as to whether he could then understand that there would be no answer for him at this meeting as to whether or not he could proceed with 'construction, the City Manager invited him to confer with him the following day, at which time an attempt would be made by the staff and his office to resolve the problem and Mr, Brunswick agreed to the proposed conference. -Mr. P. J. Derkson, 542 Fairview Avenue, addressed the Council, stating in part that he had been convinced that the matter of the opening of Arcadia Avenue was abandoned due to the action taken at the Special Meeting of the Council on August 16, 1960 and the information contained in a letter he had received from the City Manager. Mr. Thomas C. Sullivan, Jr., 160 White oak Drive, 'Arcadia, addressed the Council, stating that he personally felt the letter from the School Board, regarding the leasing of the library building which had been discussed earlier' in the evening, had been badly handled, by,the"Board,adding il part that he hoped the Council had not closed the door to further negotiation. He was assured by the Council that it had not been their intent to give the impression that further negotiations were impossible. *** 17, 12- 20- 60 5219 STOP SIGNS (3rd & California, etc.) , s,~ ~ INDEXED ARCADIA AVENUE 1 'tc,,:.t g:1iDEXED " ADJOURNMENT ~I ", Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager and the Director of Public Works and authorize the installation of boulevard stop signs at the' intersections of Third and California Streets, Third and Genoa Streets and Third and EI Dorado Streets, for both east and west traffic and that the Stop Sign Resolution No. 2795 be amended accordingly: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Butterworth, Reibold, phillips, Camphouse NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Balser commented with respect to the matter of Arcadia Avenue I discussed earlier in the evening; that he had been under the impression that on the night of August 16, 1960 the method proposed to be used for the opening of Arcadia Avenue had been abandoned because of the large amount of money that would be assessed against the property owners involved since they did not feel it was worth the expenditure; that he agreed to the abandonment of the proceedings and voted so to do at that time; however, that he personally feels the opening of Arcadia Avenue would benefit property owners, and it is this benefit that the Council is attempting to effect. Mayor Camphouse adjourned the meeting at 11:55 P.M. to December 28, 1960 at 7:30 P.M. ~~/~~ - MAYOR ATTEST: ~ /A~ ~AJ~~ C~ty Clerk I 18. 12- 20- 60