HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 17,1959 1 INVOCATION PLEDGE ROLL CALL MINUTES (March 3, 1959 ) HEARING (Ross) ORDINANCE No. 1051 1 (Adopted) INDEXED =4570 N I NUT E S CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA REGULAR MEETING H,\RCH 17, 1959 The City Council of the City of Arcadia met in regular' session in the Council Chamber of the City Hall at 8:00 P.N. }larch 17, 1959. The Invocation was offered by Dr. St. Elmo Nauman, Pastor of the Arcadia Congregational Church. Mayor Phillips led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENT : ABSENT : Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips None Councilman Jacobi moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of March 3, 1959 as submitted in writing be approved. Councilman Camphouse seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Nayor Phillips declared the hearing open on the application of E. Fred Ross, dba Ross Music Company, 1270 Bresee Avenue, Pasadena, California, for a business permit to install and operate coin operated machines: two at 156 West Las Tunas Drive, Arcadia (156 Club) and one at 27 West Huntington Drive (Elks Lodge #2025), .and inquired if anyone wished to speak on the matter. The applicant, being present, stated that he had nothing to add to the information on his application. No one else desiring to speak, Councilman Balser moved that the hearing be closed, which motion was seconded by Councilman Jacobi and carried unanimously. Councilman Balser further moved that the Council grant the application of E. Fred Ross, dba Ross Music Company, for a business permit to permit the installation and operation of three coin operated machines: two at 156 West Las Tunas Drive, Arcadia, known as the "156 Club" and the other at 27 West Huntington Drive, known as "Elks Lodge No. 2025". Councilman Reibold seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. The City Attorney presented for the second time, discussed and read the title of Ordinance No. 1051, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, CREATING A CITY WATER BOARD. " Councilman Reibold moved that the reading of the full body of Ordinance No. 1051 be waived. Notion seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Reibold further moved that Ordinance No, 1051 be adopted. 1. 3-17- 59 :4571 (Ordinance No. 1051 - Continued) ORDINANCE No. 1052 (Adopted) . lL' , I. RESOLUTION No. 3109 INDEXED 1,' "i Motion seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None , ABSENT: None Mayor Phillips suggested that the Councilmen give serious thought to the seven persons to be appointed to the Water Board and 'to be ready to present cheir choices within thirty days. The City Actolney presented for the second time, discussed and read the tit.le of Ordinance No. 1052, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE AND ABANDON THAT PORTION OF LOGANRtTA AVENUE OFFERED FOR DEDICATION AND ACCEPTED AS A PUBLIC STREET IN SAID. CITY, AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR THE HEARING OF OBJECTIONS TO SUCH PROPOSED V ACATION AND ABANDONMENT." 1 He added that the purpose of this ordinance is to realign a portion of the ex!.sti.ng street so that it. may be extended into a forth- coming subdivision and fixes the time of Hearing as April 7, 1959. Councilman Camphouse moved that the reading of the full body of Ordinance N~. 1052 be waived. Motion seconded by Councilman Jacobi and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None ABSENt: None Councilman Camphouse further moved that Ordinance No. 1052 be adopted. Motion seconded by Councilman Jacobi and carried on roll call Vote as follows: AYES, Councilme,n Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None ABSENt: None The City Attorney pr.esented, discussed and read the title of Resohtion No. 31.09, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING AN EARLY ADOPTION OF THE ROUTE FOR TB-AT PORTION OF THE PROPOSED FOOTHILL FREEWAY THROUGH ,THE CITY OF ARCADIA." He added that said resolution recites the public meeting previously held on thi,s port.ion of the freeway; the Council's determination that no further hearings are necessary; and its recommendation of an early adoption of the so-called "preferred route" through the City of Ar'cadia; also that the application of the resolution is limited only to the confines of the City of Arcadia and refers solely to ali grunc,nt. 1 In the discussion that ensued it was stated that the State Division of Highways has a revolving fund available which enables them to commence t.he. acquisition of property in approximately six months, thus enabling them to alleviate hardship cases and cases where they deem it advantageous to acquire early to prevent further increase in cost. Councilman Jacobi moved that the reading of the full body of Resolution No; 3109 be waived. Motion seconded by Councilman Camphouse and carried on roll call vote as follows: 2. 3-17-59 (Resolution No. 3109 - Continued) 1 RESOLUTION No. 3110 INDEJ.:ED 9: tKr;: LOT SPLITS (Tentative) 1 No. 237 5C'/J 1- No. 238 1- 16n- :4572 AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Jacobi further moved that Resolution No. 3109 be adopted. Councilman Camphouse seconded the motion and it was carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None ABSENT: None The City Clerk was instructed to advise the State Division of Highways that this City would appreciate negotiations being instituted as soon as possible, giving the property owners involved an opportunity to formulate plans accordingly. The City Attorney presented, discussed and read the title of Ordinance No. 3110, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING THE SOUTH SIDE OF DUARTE ROAD BETWEEN SANTA A.1'HTA AVENUE AND FIRST AVENUE, AS A ONE-HOUR PARKING ZONE." He added that this resolution was the result of a petition of business men in the area. Councilman Balser moved that the reading of the full body of Resolution No. 3110 be waived. Motion seconded by Councilman Jacobi and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None. ABSENT: None Councilman Balser further moved that Resolution No. 3110 be adopted. Moti.on seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows; AYES; Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion by Councilman Camphouse, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried unanimously that the Council accept the recommendations of the Planning Commission and indicate its intention to approve Lot Splits Numbers 237, 238 and 239 upon compliance with the conditions respectively set forth in the recommendations as follows: Mrs. Ralph D. Sparks - 2330 S. Santa Anita Avenue 1. File a final map with the City Engineer 2. Provide a sewer lateral for parcel 2 3. Pay $25.00 recreation fee. Lorillda M. Van Lanen - 933 S. Fourth Avenue 1. File a final map with the City Engineer 2. Move an existing water meter to serve parcel 1 3. Complete the driveway approach on parcell to comply with City regulations 4. Remove a small screen porch from the unoccupied dwelling to provide. clearance from the south line of parcel 2 5. Change the location of the electric panel on the unoccupied dwelling to provide legal clearance from the west line of parcel 2 6. Record a covenant to guarantee that the unoccupied dwelling will not again be used for living purposes 3. 3-17-59 : 457J (No. 238 - Continued) No. 239 150'1 PROPERTY (School Use) INDEX:;"j) r~ \-..A" ~ BID (Weed Abatement) " FINAL TRACT ACCEPTANCE COMPLETION OF WORK (Johnson Tree Service) +'1 7 EASEMENT REQUEST INDEXED r, j..;lj :~,.,)o 7, The. we.sterly 100 feet of the 50 foot wide parcel to remain under the same ownership and be a part of parcel I. Dr. Jules LarneI' - 1406 South Santa Anita Avenue 1. File a final map with the City Engineer 2. The divided portion of the property to be sold to the Arcadia Unified School District and not to be used as a separate building site. Communication dated March 3, 1959 from Arcadia Unified School District requesting approval of the use of land acquired by them, proposed to be used as addi.t:ional playground area at the Richard Henry Dana School. 1 Upon recommendation of the Planning Commission Councilman Camphouse moved that the Council accept such recommendation and approve the acquisition by the Arcadia Unified School District of the rear portion .of Lot 17, Arcadia Acreage Tract, recorded in Map Book 10, page 18, and commonly known as 1406 South Santa Anita Avenue, to be used as requested. Councilman Balser seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Councilman Jacobi moved that the Council approve the recommendation of the Director of Public Works and accept the bid of John C, Warner of El Monte in. the amount of $4,974.00 for t.he clearing of lots of debris and weeds for the year 1959-60 in accordance with specifications heretofore approved; and t.hat the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a contract in accordance with said bid in form approved by the City Attorney. Councilman Camphouse seconded the motion and it was carried on r.oll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None ABSENT: None. Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Camphouse and carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendations of the Director of Publ ic Horks and the Water Superint.endent and that final approval be given the following t.rac.ts, and that the streets be accepted for maintenance by the City: !:f'313 Cl--,~..~ Tract No. 20463 - Louise Avenue, south of Longden Avenue Tract No. 23767 - Sierra Madr.e Blvd. and La Ramada Ave. Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Jacobi and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Council approve the recormnendati.on of the Director or Public Works and accept the work as completed by the JOhnson Tree Service, contractor tor the removal of 27 deaa and dangerous trees located wl,thLn the parkways Ln the City of Arcadia ana authon,ze tLnal payment to be maae thLrty"fLve days after acceptance, in accordance with concract, 1 AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None ABSENT: None The Direct.or of Public Works advised that. Sout.hern California Edison Company has requested an easement to install an underground conduit in the northeast corner of Civic Center' in or'der t.o eliminate certain over'head wir"s which no," exist. in t.he area; that the elimination of t:he.&e wires will allow for the ext.ension of the north parking lot and the installation of the nece.ssary driveways. 4. 3-17-59 (Easement Request - Con t inued) 1 ZONE VARIANCE (Car Wash - Kovanen) - "\,,,'\ ADVERTISE FOR BIDS (Improvement of Fourth Ave.) l' (Cas t Iron. Water Mains) -.j-p\' -,,< 1 CONTRACT APPROVAL (U.S.A.C.E.) 1:" Ii DISPOSAL OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY INDEXED :4574 Whereupon Councilman Camphouse moved that Council accept the recom- mendation of the Director of Public Works and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a grant of easement to the Southern California Edi.son Company for underground conduit on the northerly end of the Civic Center site, in form approved by the City Attorney, and that the same be delivered to the Grantee upon receipt of a quit- claim or release of existing Edison Company easements in the'same location. Councilman Balser seconded the motion and it was carried unanimous ly. Planning Commission Resolution No. 323, recommending the APPROVAL of request for zone variance at 1414 South Baldwin Avenue, Upon being advised by the City Clerk that a letter had been received from Vincent Rizzo, 670 Naomi Avenue, Arcadia, appealing the decision of the Planning Commission, Councilman Jacobi moved that April 7, 1959 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. be set for a public hearing on this matter and that the City Clerk give the required notice thereof. Councilman Reibold seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Councilman Balser moved that the Council accept the recommendation of the Director of Public Works; approve the plans and specifications for the improvement of Fourth Avenue south of Camino Real; and authorize the City Clerk to call for bids, said bids to be returned April 6, 1959 at 11:00 o'clock A.M. and acted upon by the Council at the regular meeting of Tuesday, April 7, 1959; and authorize the transfer of $7000.00 from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund to the Capital Project Account for such purpose. Motion seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Balser moved that the Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager Pro Tempore and, the Water Superintendent; approve the plans and specifications for the installation of cast iron water mains in Second Avenue from Longden Avenue to Live Oak Avenue and in Baldwin Avenue from Las Tunas Drive to Live Oak Avenue, and authorize the City Clerk to call for bids for such installation work in conformance with said plans and specifications, said bids to be returned April 6, 1959 at 11:00 A.M. and acted upon by the Council at the regular meeting of April 7, 1959. Councilman Jacobi seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman 'Reibold, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried unanimously that the Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager Pro Tempore and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract prepared by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, which provides for the City to replace and relocate water mains which interfere with the construction of the proposed Sierra Madre Wash Inlet at Orange Grove Avenue and Highland Oaks Avenue. That said contract provides for reimbursement to the City of $5,792.53; that the estimated cost of work, materials and inspection is $6,838.22 less depreciation on replacement pipe in the amount of $1,245.69 plus $200.00 covering the City's cost for inspection of certain sanitary sewer works to be performed by the Corps; or a net ,amount of $5,792.53. The City Manager Pro Tempore advised that as a result of moving the police and fire departments into new buildings furnished with new equipment there is now available many items of property which are 5. 3-17- 59 :4:1'75 RETIREMENT SYSTEM !'J ..,.:z.? STATE DISASTER AGREEMENT INDEXED 7': (k.j, ',€',,,,p ~I~ \ surplus to the needs of the Cicy, such as old desks, cabinets, lockers, iron beds, stoves, refrigerators, and similar items, some of which have no value whatsoever; that it is his recommendation that he be authorized to dispose of this property in the most economical manner possible, without a formal sale, A general discussion ensued. City transfer said property to them to dispose of it to their Councilman Camp house suggested that the the Arcadia Thrift Shop, permitting best advantage, Whereupon Counci lman Camphouse moved that the Council find and determine that the material referred to in the City Manager's recormnendation is of but nominal value; that the Manager be authorized to dispose of said material in che most practical manner he deems proper, including I the transfer of all or any pot'tion thereof to the. Arcadia Thrift Shop without consideration, it being the finding of the Council that such transfer if made, would be to the best interest of the City, Councilman Jacobi seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. The City Manager' Pro Tempore advised that in conjunction with the recent modification of the City's State Employees' Retirement System Contract, permitting incor'poration of Old Age Survivors' Disability Insurance, it is necessary for the City to advance on behalf of participating employees, retroactive coverage back to January 1, 1956; that the total retroactive OASDI. employe" cont.tibution to be forwarded at this time is $12,627.99, and recommended that the Council approve the advancement of said sum. Councilman ,Jacobi moved that Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager Pre Tempore and authorize the advancement of $12,627.99 for the payment of Old Age Survivors' Disability Insurance retroactive employee contributions and that such amount be established in the General Fund as an Abatements Receivable with all collections from employee contributions being credited against this account until it is fully repaid. Councilman Camphouse seconded the motion and it was carrie,d On roll call vote as follows, AYES: Councilmen Ba lse-c, Camphouse., Jacobi" Reibold, Phillips NOES: Non.. ABSENT: None The City Manager Pro Tempore advised that as part of the Ci ty' s mutual aid agreement Yith surrounding communities and obligations under the Disaster Agreement with the State, City personnel manned the civil defense pumper assigned to Arcadia and responded to the fire in the foothill area adjacent to Arcadia during October, 1958; that the, City had been bi lled for services rendered and that both the Fire Chief and he reco!ll!llend that Council authorize the cancel- lation of Arcadia's account in the amount of $418.46. Counci Iman Bal ser moved that: the Council accept the recommendations of the Fir'e Chief and the City Manager' Pro Tempore and authorize the cancellation of the City's account against the California Disaster' office ,in the amount of $418.46 covering aid rendered by Arcadia during the Norumbega fire in October, 1958. Mayor Phillips suggested that the City Manager continue his efforts to reach a standard procedure in the event of future fires. Councilman Camphouse seconded the motion and it was carried on roll call vote as follows: 1 AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None ABSENT: None 6, 3-17-59 COMMUNICATIONS: (Bard) , "., -...~'-- ... 1 1 (Cheney) :j I .J :4576 Request from the Bard Distributing Company for permission to install' and operate one additional amusement game at the Santa Anita Bowling Lanes, 188 West Las Tunas Drive, explaining that since the issuance of the initial permit on January 20, 1959 additional space had been made available which would accommodate the requested additional machine. The City Attorney advised that technically a public hearing is required under the ordinance; that at best the Council might amend its previous action and expand the original permit from five to six machines. Councilman Reibold felt that it would be a waste of time and money to hold another public hearing as no new information would be introduced at that time, and moved that Council expand the original permit from five to six machines. Councilman Balser seconded the motion. Mayor Phillips stated in part that he thought this would set a dangerous precedent; that in some cases there might be a longer lapse of time between the initial permit issuance and the requested expansion; that during such time new evidence might be brought forth and that since this case would set a pattern the short interval of time should not be considered as a factor. Councilman Jacobi asked if the precise location of the proposed new machine was known; that an unsatisfactory location might prove a hazard. Councilman Reibold felt that if the machine were placed in a location adverse to public safety that another government agency, such as the fire department, would handle that phase; that he believed in free enterprise and did not look with favor on government intervention, on any level, into an individual's method of business operation. Council- man Balser commented in part that he also felt a public hearing was a waste of time but that he concurred with Mayor Phillips' opinion that a precedent would be set; that he favored a public hearing. Whereupon Councilman Reibold withdrew his motion. Councilman Balser withdrew his second. Councilman Reibold then moved that a public hearing be set for the next regular council meeting. Upon advice from the City Attorney, Councilman Reibold amended his motion to include: "providing the applicant makes and files the proper application". Councilman Jacobi seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Councilman Reibold commented that he would like to vote against his own motion if that were legal and upon being informed that he could so do, he requested a IINo" vote. Request of Howard M. Cheney for a three year extension of the exist- ing variance from the building code on his property located at 33 E. Duarte Road where he conducts a real estate business. (Initial request of April 2, 1957 was for five years, at which time he was granted a two year variance and advised that at the expiration of that period he could request an extension if necessary). A general discussion ensued, it being the consensus of the Council that additional information from the staff should be received before this request is finally acted upon; that data relative to how many places in the areas zoned "commercial" from Santa Anita Avenue to Fifth Avenue and from the south side of Duarte Road to the north side of Foothill Boulevard should be included in the report from staff; that there are violations. 7. 3-17-59 : 4.517 (Cheney - Continued) floG (Health and Sanitation Commission) s: ,4 lP_ Po", (Hoeppel) INJ)Ec:::D ~\.\Lh' th ~~ (Methodist Hospital) .0' --:<" . l't'~ (Perry) RESOLUTION No. 3111 INDEXI:n The City Attorney advised that the property in question is properly zoned; that the variance was not from the zoning ordinance but from the building code which includes fire regulations; that he would suggest that a report also be received from both the Building and Fire Departments, as required by the Ordinance. Councilman Camp house moved that this matter be continued to the next regular Council meeting at which time the Staff is requested to fu~ish a report relative to the above matters. Councilman Balser seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Communication requesting Council to write to the Board of Supervisors urging them to pursue more diligently the abolition of smog. Mayor Phillips voiced the consensus of the Council that many such letters had already been written to said Board and that this suggestion could best be made during a personal contact with Supervisor Bonelli. The communication was ordered filed. 1 Communication from J, H. Hoeppel, 35 E. Floral Avenue, requesting the City to install sidewalks on heavily traversed streets. Discussion was held on ways and means of sidewalk installation. It was brought out that a property owner may have sidewalks installed at a rate of approximately $3.00 a running foot; that the Streets and Highways Code makes provision for sidewalk improvement. Mayor Phillips ordered the letter filed, Communication from the Methodist Hospital on the activities of the Emergency Unit during 1958. Mayor Phillips stated that he would answer this letter on behalf of the Council, expressing appreciation of the information. Communication from Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Perry, 935 Hugo Reid Drive, regarding traffic problems at the intersection of Golden West and Hugo Reid Drive, requesting a four-way stop. Said letter also commented on the traffic accident which had occurred at that intersection on March 10, 1959. Mayor Phillips called upon the City Attorney to present a Resolution on this matter. Whereupon the City Attorney presented, discussed and read the title of Resolution No. 3111, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING A CERTAIN INTERSECTION OF PUBLIC STREETS AS A STOP INTERSECTION AND DIRECTING THE PLACING ANI) MAINTAINING OF STOP SIGNS THEREAT." He added that this Resolution authorizes the placing of stop signs at Goldenwest Avenue at its intersection with Hugo Reid Drive, result- ing in a four-way boulevard stop at this intersection. Councilman Reibold moved that the reading of the full body of Resolution No, 3111 be waived. Motion seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows: 1 AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None ABSENT: None Councilman Reibold further moved that Resolution No. 3111 be adopted. Motion seconded by Councilman Balser and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor Phillips then requested the City Clerk to write a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Perry informing them of this action. 8. 3-17-59 :4578 (Collllllunications - Conti.nued) WABAniDEXED (Easter Circus Party) BUSINESS PERMIT RENEWAL 1 INDEXED COUNTY BOUNDARY COMMISSI~N ~h;; PI t,..~,,\ , t-I./ (1, v \jJ'"' Councilman Jacobi. moved that the Council grant the request of the West Arcadia Business Association and permit it to hold its Annual Easter Circus Party on March 21, 1959. Councilman Balser seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Motion by Councilman Balser, seconded by Councilman Reibold and carried unanimously that Council approve the application of H. D. Treichler, 32 East Duarte Road for a renewal of his business license for door to door solicitation of Fuller Brush products, and that the provisions of section 18 of Ordinance No. 737, applicable to previously licensed businesses, be waived. Mayor Phillips ordered filed the notices from the County Boundary COllllllission that the City of El Monte has filed the following annexation proposals, SLnce they have no effect upon the CLty of ArcadLa: AnnexatLon No. 178 - A small area or land lYLng northerly or GLdley Street, south or Lower Azusa Avenue, ana westerly ot ~alaw~n. AnnexatLOn No. 183 - A small area or Lana lying westerly or La Maaera Avenue, east ot the City at El Monte, ana incluo- Lng a port Lon or Valley Houlevara. AnnexatLOn No. 186 - Five lots lying westerly of La Madera Avenue, between Alloway Street and Sitka Street, each in City of El Monte. Annexation No. 187 - A portion of land lying westerly of Tyler Avenue and southerly of Lambert Avenue, all contiguous to the City of El Monte. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: No one in the audience desired to address the Council. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS NOT ON THE AGENDA: SANTA ANITA AVENUE (Beautification) 160'0 1 POLICE DEPARTMENT (Thoroughbred Racing Season) IND:::XJ;;D POLICE OFFICER EARL ADAM CANN Motion by Councilman Reibold, seconded by Councilman Jacobi and carried unanimously that the Council accept the recommendation of the Director of Public Works and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the removal of approximately 100 dead trees on Santa Anita Avenue between Duarte Road to Live Oak Avenue. The City Manager Pro Tempore read a report from the Police Department covering the thoroughbred racing season just completed; that the cost of the extra policing was down 2.75%; that of the appropriation of $51,572.80 made at the start of the season, $44,199.88 was used, the unused balance being $7,372.92; that actual expenditures were $1,257.82 less than last year; and that attendance this year was 1,561,490, an increase of 36,383 or 2.38%. (A tabulation of the comparison of the 1957-58 and 1958-59 figures on file in the office of the City Clerk). He added that he thought the Police Department was to be commended on this saving, which is in line with the overall policy of the Ci.ty to save on c,ost of operation in every way possible. Mayor phillips requested the City Manager Pro Tempore to write to the wife and family of Police Officer Earl Adam Cann, expressing the sympathy and regret of the Council at his passing on March 17, 1959. 9. 3-17-59 :,,4579 PETITION (1140 So. 8th) 'INDEXED WATER BILLS INDEX:LD N)~ COLLECTION OFFICE (Water bills) INDEXED INDEPENDENT AUDITORS (1958-59) ~)~ , I' "-I'll LIBRARY (Architect) 1~n (Commi t tee) The City Clerk read a petition signed by 12 property owners in the area of 1140 South 8th Avenue, protesting the unsightly appearance of the rear of said address. The Council was advised that the Staff had investigated this property; that the owner was expected back in the City by April 1, 1959 and would clean up the property and that the Staff would follow through. Councilman Reibold commented that the practice of the Water Department of adding a 1.0% late charge on delinquent water bills did not, in his opinion, encourage collection but did create a feeling of ill will, and that he would like the Staff to give consideration to the abolition of the fine. Councilman Camphouse suggested that this be held up until a committee report is made on the annual audit which might cover this particular feature, with which' Councilman Reibold agreed. I Councilman Jacobi suggested that along the same manner as followed by some utility companies the City give thought to opening an office or making some arrangement with an existing office whereby the public might pay its water bills. After a general discussion it was the consensus of the Council that a staff report be made as to the percentage charged for such collection work being done by an established office. Councilman Camp house moved that the Council authorize the appointment of Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery, Certified Public Accountants, to prepare the annual audit of th~ 1958-59 fiscal statement of the City, and to include an analysis of the City's Water Department, at a total cost of $4500.00. Motion seconded by Mayor Phillips and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmen Balser, Camphouse, Jacobi, Reibold, Phillips NOES: None ABSENT: None Motion by Councilman Camphouse, seconded by Councilman Balser and carried unanimously that Council accept the recommendation of the Library Board of Trustees and approve the appointment of William Guy Garwood of Palo Alto, California, as architect in connection with the new library to be built at the southwest corner of Santa Anita Avenue and Duarte Road. (City owned prop.) Councilman Balser moved that Council approve the appointment of Mayor Phillips, Councilman Camphouse, Mr. Gene E. Greg, Mr. J. L. Young, and the City Attorney, as a committee for the purpose of studying and draft- ing the contract to be entered into with Mr. Garwood. Councilman Reibold seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. Mayor Phillips then thanked Councilman camphouse for the many hours of work he had spent in bringing the contemplated building of a new library to its present point. MAYOR PHILLIPS Mayor Phillips mentioned that he had received a communication from the U. S. Conference of Mayors regarding a proposed bill that will remove (Conf.of Mayors) the tax exempt status of municipal securities. Said communication was referred to the City Attorney. (Municipal Dumps) (Marguerite Brooks) ADJOURNMENT Mayor Philli.ps stated that he had received a questionnaire municipal dumps sent out by Mayor Poulson of Los Angeles. communication was referred to the City Attorney. 1 on Said Mayor Phillips advised that Miss Marguerite Brooks, reporter San Gabriel Valley Daily Tribune,is very ill and confined at Inter-Community Hospital in Covina. He stated that he would her on behalf of the Council. for the the write to Councilman Camp house moved that the March 31, 1959. Councilman Reibold carried unanimously. / ATTEST: ~/~Z-...,; t/ ~_~ City Clerk ' '\ J 10, 3-17-59