HomeMy WebLinkAboutJULY 5,1983_2 CI'IY <X>llNClL PRX:EEDINGS ARE TAPE REmRDED AND ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF TIlE CI'IY CLERK J INmCATION PLEDGE: OF ALLEGIANCE roLL CALL MlNUl'E APPROVAL v' WAIVE FULL READING QF ORD. &; RES. PRESENTATION \/ 1 la. roLL CALL lb. MlNUl'E APPROVAL R P I JULY 19 ADJOURNMENT /' 25:0757 MINUTES CTIY <X>UNClL OF, THE CTIY OF ARCADIA and the ARCADIA REDEVELOH.IFNr AGENCY REXiULAR MEE:I'ING JULY 5, 1983 The City Council of the City of Arcadia and the Arcadia Redevelopnent Agency met in a regular session 'fuesday July 5, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Rev. Dr. Paul G. Johenk Michael H. Miller, City Attorney PRESENT: ABSEMr : Councilmen Haltom, Pellegrino, Lojeski Councilmen Dring, Hannah On I.DI'ION by Councilman Haltom, seconded by Mayor Lojeski and carried Councilmen Dring and Hannah were EXCUSED. On wrION by Councilman Pellegrino, seconded by Councilman Haltan and carried the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of June 15 and the adjourned and regular meetings of June 21, 1983 were APPROVED. It was MJVED by Councilman Haltom, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried that all ordinances and resolutions be read by title only and the reading in full be waived. On behalf of the City and the City Council Mayor Lojeski presented Donald Wright, Operations Cbordinator for the Water Division with a plaque covering his tenure with the City fran 1950 through 1983. During Mr. Wright's 33 years with the City he has been Equipnent . Operator, Pump Operator, Production Foranan, Production Superinten- dent, Water Field Superintendent, and llDSt recently Operations Coor- dinator. Mr. Wright expressed appreciation for the recognition. Council recessed in order to act as the ARCADIA REDEVE:U)I.MENT AGENCY PRESENT : ABSENI' : Manbers Haltom, Pellegrino, Lojeski Manbers Dring, Hannah It was MOVED by Manber Hal tom, seconded by MEmber Pellegrino and carried 'that Manbers Dring and Hannah be EXCUSED. MEmber Haltan ~OVED, seconded by Manber Pellegrino and carried that the minutes of June 21, 1983 be APPROVED. Due to the lack of a quorum to dis'ClSS Itan lc on the agenda, 250 Colo- rado Place, the matter was continued to JULY 19. The meeting adjourned to JULY 19. -1- 7-5-83 2. LAOOR NEOJTIATIONS I 3. 3d. HEARING 42 W. Live Oak July 19 ; J, I: 25;0758 Council reconvened. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Tim Murray, President of the Arcadia Police Relief Association. At the -request of the Arcadia Fire Fighters Association, Arcadia Depart- ment of Public Works and mEmbers of the American Federation of State O:>unty Municipal Elnployees, President Murray was acting spokesnan for lIX.lre than 2/3 of all City anployees. He spoke to the deadlock in labor negotiations with City managanent. He stated in:.part that the negoti- ation process for the past eight weeks has been very one sided ... that anployees are not asking for unreasonable salaries or benefits ... but are asking for reasonable adjustments ... a fair and equitable medical Planlat ahreasofnfable cost Withh just c::ov~raget b'l" that anployees I,' want to reso ve t e d~ erences at t e negot~at~on a e as soon as possible with an exchange of ideas so a reasonable conclusion can be reached. Stephen Silver, with the law fim, Silver-Kreisler, 1428 Second Street, Santa ~bnica, spoke on behalf of the Arcadia Police Relief Association. Mr. Silver represents about 90 public anployee organizations throughout the State and felt the position taken by the anployees, particularly the Police Association is among the most reasonable and realistic that he ~as seen in any anployee organization and felt the requests are relatively minimal and urged the City to resolve the differences to produce a mu- tually responsible dignified solution. Paul Barrett, 337 N. Vineyard, Ontario, spoke on behalf of the Arcadia Fire Fighters' Association stating in part that he was present to reiter- ate points made by the two previous representatives ... that negotiating process has been rrore difficult this year than in the past and compared to other cities bears much of what Mr. Silver pointed out. He asked Council to seriously consider the logic of the City's finances... not just tu the General Fund as the only source by which revenue can be pro- duced for employee wages and benefits but to the City's total resources in evaluating its financial position ... he hoped an honorable settle- ment can be attained. Dan Wilhelm, 3932. Wilshire, Los Angeles, is business representative of AF'SQrE, Local 2264, The American Federation of State County and Muncipal Elnployees stated in part that what Mr. Murray brought furth is what the unicm and manbers subscribe to ... that they, too, are very concerned and interested in obtaining a reasonable and fair settlanent as soon as possi- ble ... he felt it would be wi thin Council's province to counsel and ad- vise those who represent the City at the table so that all City anployees share equally and profitably in all the benefits that they are entitled to. He urged Council's assistance to reach basic agreanents as quickly as possible. . Mr. Silver pointed out that the entire negotiating team representing the Police Association was in attendance at this meeting and were prepared to meet with City officials ... that there are so many people anxious to 1 have. negotiations resolved '" and asked if it be possible to meet this evenmg. . Mayor Lojeski responded that in view of the lack of a total O:>uncil and itEmS scheduled for the closed session - it could not be at this t:ime. Herb Fletcher, 175 W. LalX)n Avenue, spoke to the negotiating procedures and. felt that the elected City officials should do the negotiating them- selves rather than outside negotiators. CDNSlln' ITEMS OCHEDULED .public hearing for July 19 for 42 E. Live Oak on an appeal ;J:'egarding conditions of approval of Conditional Use Pennit 83-12. -2- 7-5-83 3a. OJNEOLIDATED LIGHTING DIST. 3b. SANTA ANITA Resurfacing Fltf;r!J 1 3c. ,..~ CUP t, 1 3 2', W. Las Tunas 3e.jJ: PARCEL MAP 83-4 3f. jJ: PARCEL MAP 83-5 4a. JONELL CIill.llCAL PRODucrS / 1 25:0759 APPROVED report on Annual Estimate of Costs uf Operating the Arcadia Consolidated Lighting District. AWARDED contract for surface recunstruction of Santa Anita Avenue - Santa Fe Railroad to (;:;mino Real Avenue to low bidder, Sully-MIller Contracting Company in amount of $299,310.50. See staff report this date. GRANI'ED Conditional Use Pennit 83-11 to allow the uperation of an auto- zroUve garage at 132 West Las Tunas DrIve. P. C. Res. 1240. APPROVED proposed tentative Parcel Map ~3-4, at 607 Rosemarie Drive and 606 Walnut realignment of lot lines ! AUTHORIZED Subdivision Agreement for tentative Parcel Map 83-5 for a proposed 4-unit residential condominium project at 428 El Dorado Street. ALL OF THE AmVE OJNSmr ITDlS WERE APPROVED ON !.OTION BY OJUNCILMAN PELLEOONO, SEOJNDED BY OJUNCILMAN HALIDl AND CARRIED ON ROIL CALL \UI'E AS FOLLOWS: AYES NOES ABSENT : Councilmen Haltan, Pellegrino, Lojeski None Councilmen Dring, Hannah Mr. John Tarazi, President of Jonell Chffilical Products, 14316 East Arrow Highway, Baldwin Prk has requested the City waive certain devel- opnent requirements for a 23,760 sq. ft. parcel he owns at 5441 Cogs- well Road in Chicago Park. Mr. Tarazi, stated in part that they are proposing to build an 8,000 sq. ft. building on SUbject property... that due to sane physical conditions of the. water set up for sprinkling of the building they are requesUng the waiver ... the cost of bringing in a water line wuuld be approximately $46,000 ... this would make the construction of the building econanically unfeasible. He explained the effectiveness of an electronic system in lieu of a sprinkling system. In response to Councilman Pellegrino's inquiry regarding insurance, Mr. Tarazi stated in part that he has the same type of operation with the electronic system in both Baldwin Park and Azusa, which the City and Fire Department have accepted in lieu of the sprinkling systffil. He noted that the products they manufacture are not flamnable but are in the class of canbustible. He further stated that if the Citv SAAS fjt to put in a water line they would be glad to pay their shareo of the costs. Councilman Hal tan opined that the City has always tried to help Fire Chief Gardner keep an update on fire prevention and he felt to allow this would be detrimental tu the City's fire prevention program. He then 1lOVED for denial. 1Ltion did not get a second. Mayor lDjeski asked for input fran Water Manager, Rubert .Berlien. The Water lllanager explained there is no water or water line. to the property... the estimate given to Mr. Tarazi was approximately $50,000 to run a 12" water line to his property ... nonnal City policy is if a person needs an improvement in the water systffil he pays for whatever imnrowment it is to serve his property. Councilman Hal tan could not see another option ... he recalled that the City had recently received a Class B fire rating and felt this unique for a City of this size... that there is no guarantee that this company will occupy the premises forever or that they will always manufacture the same product... he felt the City has to have a high -3- 7-5-83 5a. ORDINANCE NO. 1777 AOOPrED I 5b. ORDINANCE ID. 1778 AOOPTED ..; 5c. REOOLurION ID. 5108 AOOPTID (, '1,11 ...~ - I ~ tI 7. LOJFSKI / 25:0760 standard in that area for future development. James D:>rr, 65 Le Roy Avenue, architect for Mr. Tarazi advised on the potentials and alternatives to the proposals. Councilman Pellegrino MOVED, seconded by Councilman Haltom and carried to continue the matter to the JULY 19 regular Council meeting at ~bich time staff and Mr. T,u'azi' s architect will have additional input. The City Attorney presented for the second time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1777, entitled: "AN ORDINANCi:: OF THE CI'IY COUNCIL OF TIlE CI'IY OF ARCADIA AMENDING S:ECrION 2710 OF THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH THE DESIGN OF THE SEAL OF THE CI'IY OF ARCADIA." I It w.lS MOVED by COlU1cilman Haltom, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried on roll call vote as follows that Ordinance No. 1777 be AOOPrED . AYES IDES ABSENT : Councilmen Haltom, Pellegrino, Lujeski None Councilmen Dring, Hannah. The City Attorney presented for the second time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1778, entitled: "AN ORDlNAi'lCE OF THE CI'IY COUNCIL OF THE CI'IY OF ARCADIA AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 5, PART 2, DIVISION 3, OF ARTICLE VII OF THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING SERVICE LATERAL AND METER CHARGES." It v.as ~DVED by Councilman Haltom, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried on roll call vote as follows that Ordinance No. 1778 be AOOPTED . AYES IDES ABSENT : Councilmen Haltan, Pellegrino, Lojeski None Councilmen Dring, Hannah The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution No. 5108, entitled: "A REOOLurION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'IY OF ARCADIA URGING THE CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CONSTRUCT NOISE BARRIERS AIDNG ROmE 210 WITHIN THE CI'IY OF ARCADIA." It was MOVED by Councilman Pellegrino, seconded by Councilman Haltom and carried on roll call vote as follows that Resolution No. 5108 be AOOPrED. AYES NOES ABSENT : Councilmen Haltom, Pellegrino, Lojeski None Councilmen Dring, Hannah Directed staff to prepare for the next regular meeting JULY 19 a resolution to go forth to the Board of Supervisors, particularly Supervisor Schabarum, and to the Department of CorrectionS in Sacra- mento stating the City's unanimous position in regards to no prison in the area. I Mayor Lojeski adjourned the meeting in honor of a personal friend, Haze Wallace who was a thirty-five year resident of Arcadia. He passed away at Methodist Hospital a week ago yesterday. Haze v.as 59 and is survived by his wife, Pat, two daughters, Debi Wallace and Chris Mead, son-in-law James !.lead, granddaughter, Kathryn Marie Mead all from this area and a brother John G. Wallace of Scottsdale, Ari- zona. Haze was born in Detroit, Michigan and he came to Pasadena area at the age of 5, graduated from South Pasadena High School in -4- 7-5-83 I \J" ..,; ~ .'" ',. .. . - ... ~.: -- ~ 25:0761 1941 and attended the University of Washington. Haze and his wife, Pat were rrn.rried in 1948, built a hane in Arcadia and lived there until the present time. As a couple they have been extranely active in all cannunity endeavors including all phases of P.T.A., the Camper- )0, ;) ship Program and Sister City Ccmnission. Haze was Vice President in charge of sales for an Australian owned canoanv. Private entanl:ment was at Mountainview Mausoleun. A marorial service was held last Friday at" 2:00 p.m. at The Church of The Good Shepherd with Chaplain Paul . Johenk officiating. 8. ADJOUFINMENT 1 V 1 The meeting recessed to a ClDSED SESSION to discuss labor negotiations - reconvened and adjourned at 9:30 p.m. to a CLa3ED SESSION Monday July 6 a1; 6:00 p.m. to discuss labor negotiations. ATI'EST : City Clerk \ \ -5- 7-5-83