HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 7,1989 . 31:0044 CIty COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ARE TAPE RECORDED AND ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I ROLL CALL PRESENTATION (Vons Corp. Hdqtrs. Const1n - Former May Co. Bldg.) c} ~ I CLOSED SESSION MARGARET SIlOBERT RESIG'N (Water Dept.) LIBRARY BOARD (Johenk) MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA and the ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MARCil 7, 1989 The City Council and the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency met in an Adjourned Regular Meeting at 6:45 p. m., March 7, 1989 in the Conference Room of the Council Chamber. PRESENT: ABSENT: Counci1members Chandler, Gilb, Lojeski, Young and Harbicht None A presentation was made regarding the construction undertaken by the Vons Corporation of their new corporate headquarters building at the site of the former May Company on Michi11inda Avenue and Huntington Drive. Present were: Don Howard, Fritz Duda Company; Representatives from the architectural firm of Leason Pomeroy and Associates; Bill Bigelow, Project Architect; Kathleen Holmes; Glen Oltman, Vice President of Construction for Vons; and Greg Gill, Fritz Duda Project Manager. They presented exterior elevation concepts and interior planning going on simultaneously; their goal is to be able to move in by Thanksgiving of this year. Several renderings were presented; site plans and photographs to illustrate the plans and progress of the renovation. The building is about 26 years old and many of the systems are deteriorated and are being replaced. The total physical appearance of the building will not be greatly altered; the plan is to lower the overall height of the building by removing the golden colored mansard roof which will fit into the surrounding neighborhood better. Extensive repair work within the garage is planned, as well as extensive re-landscaping which will produce attractive outdoor space. The build- ing will take on more of a monolithic look rather than the white sticks and yellow tile: it should present a fairly neutral and quiet look. The intefior will contain three floors with primarily open space planning. It will include a full service cafeteria and office area, as well as some storage spaces adjacent to the existing truck well. Parking will be provided for Vons' employees and guests. The mid-level will remain open parking which is required for the shopping center. Councilmember Gilb noted that there is adequate parking: Councilmember Lojeski commented that he liked the plans he had seen. The Vons representatives thanked Council and staff for their cooperation and'assistance and noted that Vons management is getting very positive feedback from their employees with regard to the new location. Councilmember Lojeski requested that he be able to keep the rendering to take to the Arcadia Beautiful Commission meeting later in the week. The City Manager requested a CLOSED SESSION prior to the Regular Meeting this evening. ,J Councilmember Lojeski noted with regret the resignation of Margaret Shobert from the Water Department. Councilmember Gilb reported that he had received a citizen service resum~ from Paul Johenk who is going off the Library Board. He called attention to the fact that it was very faint and difficult to read and requested that in the future such resum~s be typed. 3/7/89 -1- .......,...- '.. " 31:0045 ARCADIA Councilmember Lojeski noted for the record that Marguerite Towsley ~, d r' BEAUTIFUL has expresse an interest in continuing with the Arcadia Beautiful COMSN(~owsley)Commission for another term. SANITATION Mayor Harbicht brought up for discussion a matter going on at the Sanita- DISTRICT tion District. There is a trash to energy plant in the City of Commerce (Trash to which has been in operation by the Sanitation District for about a year uf!der Energy Plant) the authority of a special district that was established for this purpose. When rhey made application for this operation, the permit presented requested permission to have certain kinds of emissions going into the atmosphere. This was approved; however the Air Quality Management District took I the daily requests, divided that amount by 24, making it hourly amounts, i. e., hourly quotas rather than daily quotas. Their total emissions have been approximately 30% of the permitted amount of emissions. How- ever they have had certain hours when they've been above that. This also. happens usually when it rains and they have to burn wet garbage; they exceed the tonnage they are allowed to burn. The trash to energy facility is asking for a variance to go back to daily tolerances rather than hourly tolerances. Mayor Harbicht feels this is reasonable, since we are all concerned mainly with how much emissions go into the atmosphere. Some Directors of some of the Sanitation Districts have put'it on the agenda to make recommendation that they not apply for this variance. Mayor Harbicht's opinion is that we should be concerned about total emissions into the environment; not technical violations for an hour or so. They have had something like 14,000 hours of operation and have been out of compliance for approximately 104 hours; they have been in compliance the other 13,OOO. He intends, unless directed differently, to vote against the motion to direct the trash to energy facility not to apply for this variance. (j'< l)" l>.' D~ 0.1 f'" -<,0 ,\0 ~f'~ r ,":i/ ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: Councilmember Chandler agreed and said he was under the impression that, until someone discovered this particular kind of violation, it was a successful plant; he still thinks that, overall, it is. Council- member Young stated, in part, that she is against voting in favor of anything that is emitting dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere, even for an hour. Councilmember Gilb wondered if they could work out a variance based on percentages. Mayor Harbicht replied he was not sure what their variance is asking for; they have been emitting less than 1/3 of the permitted level: but technically they are in'violation because they have been in violation for certain hours. The other thing they want to do is have the permit modified to, rather than defining tonnage, the heat capacity of what they are burning. On rainy days when they get more wet trash, they have to burn more tonnage. Apparently, if they operate at less than capacity, that increases their emissions. Councilmember Gilb replied he would support Mayor Harbicht's opinion. Councilmember Lojeski also gave his support, 100%. At 7:17 p. m. Council entered a CLOSED 'SESSION, RECONVENED and ADJOURNED sine die at 7:30 p. m. I /L~~ Robert C. Harbicht, Mayor J erk 3/7/89 -2-