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HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 20,1981_2 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ARE TAPE RECORDED AND ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I ROLL CALL Meeting Feb. 3 Labor Negotia tions INDEPENDENT AUDITORS RETAINED \ 4-0 ~, (I CLOSED SESS ION RECONVENED and ADJOURNED I 25:0209 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA and the ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 20, 1981 The City Council of the City of Arcadia and the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency met in an adjourned regular session at 7:00 p.m, January 20, 1981 in the Conference Room. PRESENT: ABSENT Councilmen Dring, Gilb, Ha'ltom, Saelid, Pellegrino None Agenda items explored. Scheduled meeting for February 3, 1981 at 6:30 p.m. on labor negotia- tions. Related material to be submitted to Council prior to the date of the meeting. It was MOVED by Councilman Saelid, seconded by Councilman Dring and carried on roll call vote as follows that the firm of Lance, SolI and Lunghard be retained as City Auditors and that efforts be made toward obtaining a Certificate of Performance Award. AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Dring, Gilb, Haltom, Saelid, Pellegrino None None At 7:20 p.m. Council entered an executive session to discuss pending litiga tion. At 7:30 p.m. the meeting adjourned sine die. a"&~ /' Mayor ATTEST: ~~:at~~~ City Clerk ~.Al /' -1- 1-20-81 MEETING HELD ,A,T, ARCADIA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD ROOM " [/' MINUTES O~~NT January 21, ~/'), , f" ,~ , / ...-. __.- t ~ , .: _ ~ i /)'1,{ L.A- '-0 MEETING ;:; ,'.., 1981 /!: t -i"~1\. . /~~ - (UNADOPTED MINUTES) I Board of Education Arcadia Unified School District and City Council City of Arcadia Call to Order A Joint Meeting of the' Board of Education of the Arcadia Unified School District and 'the City Council of the City of Arcadia was called "0 order by the Board 'President Donald E. Fickas at 7:35 p.m. in the Arcadia High S';hool Library. Roll Call and Attendance Roll Call indicated: School Board Members present - Donald E. Fickas Gloria J. Horstman Carol D. Papay Lewis H. V. May (arr. 8:25 p.m.) Paul Friedman City Councilmen present - Donald D. Pellegrino Charles E. Gilb Jack Saelid Jeffrey A. Dring Richard A. Haltom The f~11owing were in attendance: City personnel - Lyle W. Alberg, City Manager School District personnel - Edward V. Ryan, Superintendent Elbert E. Souders, Assoc. Supt. John L. Nelson, Asst. Supt., Business Mark Stephens, Student Rep. on Board I Secretary - Rose Marie Papararo Press Representatives - Helen Schrader (Arcadia Tribune) Mark Smith (San Gabriel Valley Tribune) Visitors - approximately 95 Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mr. Fickas. Invocation The Invocation was given by Mrs. Horstman. Comments from Audience on Agenda Items Only Board President Fickas called for members of the audience who wished to speak to agenda items only. Joint Board/City Council Meeting -2- January 21, 1981 I Mr. Milton Inbody (239 W. Magna Vista, Arcadia) of the Arcadia Beautiful Commission, representing Helen Feichtmann, Chairman, stated Holly Avenue School was one of several landmarks in Arcadia being considered as a historical site and were requesting Lhe City to submit it to the National Historical Regis~er as a matter of civic pride. Mr. Gerald JackSon (170 Delta Lane, Arcadia) advised old structures were costly to maintain and felt the subject of restoration should be carefully investigated. h School Closures Dr. Ryan briefly reviewed the purpose of the joint meetings between the City and the School District. At present the prime concern is the financial status' of the District. Although it is proposed to close two elementary schools, it will also be necessary to reduce or eliminate certain types of programs and services because of lack of funding from the State. It is hoped that meeting jointly with the City Council will provide some solutions to the problem. Councilmen Jack Saelid and Charles Gilb advised they had received numerous telephone calls and letters frcm concerned members of the community and recognized the District's plight. Discussion ensued on the possibility of holding a city election to provide a special assessment for the District. Some of the questions raised were: Is it legal for the City to' provide funds for the District? If so, would the City have any control on how those funds are spent? How rnu~h money is needed? Is it needed on a one-time basis? The City is committed to contractual obligations - wou~d it be making discretionary funds available? Does the City have the right to make a long-term pledge? City Manager Lyle Alberg stated these and other questions would have to be investigated before the City could make any commitments. A possible disadvantage is the time element. The District needs to prepare for its school opening in September; preparations for an election might move a little slower. Councilman Gilb suggested a committee composed of two Council members and two Board members be formed to explore possible solutions to the problem at hand. Unanimous agreement was expressed. Members of both bodies agreed it was important'for everyone in the community to get I involved in doing their utmost for education by writing to their State representatives (Senator Richardscn and Assemblyman Mountjoy) to urge'financial support for school districts in California. " The Superintendent reported some school districts were receiving financial help from locally-created foundations. Beverly Hills had the most successful one in operation; La Canada, South Pasadena, and San Marino are others who have raised money through donations or pledges. Board President Donald Fickas informed the City Council members could provide suggestions on areas where costs could be shared. Board's appreciation for the opportunity to work as a team with benefit of the community. that the District He expressed the the City for the \ -" . "'.' '. >~".:r Il. ',;.;:r--." -""'11"." ,~ < " ." , I Joint Board/City Council Meeting -3- January 21, 1981 Holly Avenue as a Hi'ltorical Landmark City Manager Alberg 'ltated the City had received from the Arcadia Beautiful Commission a recommendation tha~ Holly Avenue School be established as a historical landmark. After a brief discussion, it was decided to hold this matter in abeyance. Policeman on Campus Proqram Dr. Ryan reported this program provides two policemen for the junior high schools and .one for the high sch~ol, and stated the District was very pleased with the results. After a brief discus$ion of the guidelines, Mr. Fickas disclosed that the program was entirely funded by the City and expressed the District's appreciation.for this .orth- while endeavor for the students of Arcadia. Status of Teleprompter Cable TV Board Member Carol P4pay inquired about the status of the Teleprompter. Councilman Saelid replied it wa'l not yet known whether Pasadena City College would have tw,) channels available for educational purposes. Comments from the Audience Dr. Bruce Ballard (509 Gloria Rd., Arcadia) expressed concern about educatio~ for all the children of California. He felt foundations could help solve some of the fund-raising problem'l of the District. Addressing the City Council, Dr. Ballard said he was also concerned about housing costs for young marrieds, stating low-cost housing for junior citizens was just as important as that for senior citizens. Mr. Douglas Johnson (416 Genoa St., Arcadia) felt the school closure issue was one the community should undertake. and asked the City to come to the District's assistance in finding a solution to 'the problem. I Mrs. Carol Nehemia (148 El Dorado, Arcadia) st~ted l~ years had been spent on the school.closure issue and that tonight's proceedings were the first positive aspect she had seen. She also asked that all phases of the problem be carefully considered before rendering a d~cision on whether or not to close any schools. 9:45 - Board President Fickas called a brief recess; the meeting was resumed at 10:53 p.m. Mr. Bart Payne (1020 Singingwood, Arcadia) felt there was a spirit of cooperation expressed at tonight's meeting; that the School Board was in an untenable position; and felt the community would come to the aid of the District and Council because it expects and demands ~xcellence in education. He suggested not rushing into the decision to close schools until every alternative had been exhausted. Mr. Basil Johnson (20 E. Pamela, Arcadia) encouraged the Board to put off the school closure issue for on~ year; that in five years the enrollment trend might necessitate building more school'l; that education not only included the three R's but other programs such as music, art, and athletics which are very important in fulfilling a student's life. Joint Board/City Council Meeting -4- January 21, 1981 I Mrs. Joe ~~na Jenkins (260 W. Wistaria, Arcadia) thought the Distric~ was several years behind in approaching its financial problems and felt some federal funds without any "strings attached" might be available. Mr. Gerald Jacobson (170 Delta Lane, Arcadia) stated the current deficit should have been predicted by the Administration. Mrs. Jean Voznick (President, Arcadia Teachers Association) was pleased to see the joint meeting of both groups and stated teachers were very anxious to conclude the contract negotiationSe Mrs. Rose Ma tie Sweet (1121 Lyndon Way, Arcadia) stated Dr. Robert Winter, author of various books on architecture, had reviewed Holly Avenue School and thought it might be of some historical value as mentioned in his letter to the Board. Mrs. Sweet also felt Holly Avenue not only had an interesting historical past, but had served the community well throughout the years. Mr. Mike Sigal (2301 Sewanee Lane, Arcadia) stated schools should only be closed as a last resort, and petitioned the Board and City Council to work with the community in seeking a solution to the District's problems. *. * * Ma;or Pellegrino, speaking on behalf of the City Council, then thanked the School Board for the opportunity of meeting, stating the Board's problems were also the City's problems. He hoped the impending meetings would bring forth some equitable solutions. Board President Fickas stated it was very gratifying to witness the community pulling together to seek a common solution. He then announced the Board meeting scheduled for tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. would be on the continued deliberations on the proposed school closures. .. .. .. Adjournment Resp~ctfully submitted, (" 1!d"~~ Secretary to the Board I This Joint Meeting of the Board of Education and the City Council was adjourned at 10:28 p.m. Adopted by Board Action Secretary-Clerk "..