HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 6,1979 INVOCATION PLEIX; E OF ALLl!X; IANCE ROLL CALL MINUTE APPROVAL YOUTH COMMISS ION H EAR IN:; (CONTINUED) June 3, 1980 I II EAR IN:; (CUP) CONDOMINIUM f ' ev P 24:9885 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA Rl!X;ULAR MEETIN:; NOVEMBER 6, 1979 Joel Solliday, Minister of the Arcadia Church of Christ Chester Howard, Director of Public Works PRES ENT: ABS ENT : Councilmen Gi1b, Parry, Pellegrino, Sae1id, Margett None On MOTION by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried unanimously the minutes of the Adjourned Regular, the Regular Meeting of October 16, and the Adjourned Regular meeting of October 23, 1979 were APPROVED. Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the following Youth Commissioners whose terms of office are expiring. John Papa Vicki Anderson Cathy Cameron James Weckerly Monica Kochs Christine Lucjetta The following newly elected Arcadia High School Sophomores were officially welcomed and presented with credentials for the year November 1979 to October 1980. John Piccari and Karen McKenzie Complaints regarding noise caused by a rooster and chickens at 1202 S. Mayflower. This matter was continued pending the outcome of the nuisance. The Chief of Police reported that on November 5 all complainants had been contacted and they all stated that the nuisance had abated and they were very content with the situation as it now exists. The owner of the subject property had also been contacted and although he did not say what had been done he was pleased to know that it had not adversely affected his neighbors, It was recommended that the hearing be CONTINUED for six months in order to make a determination if the noise has truly subsided, Whereupon it was MOVED by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried on roll call vote as follows that the hearing be CONTINUED to June 3, 1980. AYES NOES ABS ENT : Councilmen Gi1b, Parry, Pellegrino, Sae1id, Margett None None APPEAL filed by Sam J. Falzone from the decision of the Planning Commission in its denial of his application for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a 47-unit condominium at 509- 523 W. Duarte Road. Resolution 1117 was adopted by the Commission making findings of fact and denying the application. It was felt that the ~ was too intense for the site, did not have amenities and the project would not be consistent with proposed land use regu- lations. It was submitted in the staff report dated November 6 that the Commission ad hoc committee is currently considering amendments to the R-3 family regulations and even if the applicant were to delete 1, 2 or 3 units the development would probably not comply with the proposed changes. Should the City Council act on this conditional use permit conditions of approval were set forth in the report. Mayor Margett declared the hearing ~n and the applicant, Mr. Falzone, 11-6-79 -1- H FAR ING can't. \. ',EQUIPMENT PURCHAS E (Public Works) (. EQU IPMENT r ' PURCHAS E ( Treasurer) \7, CONDITIONAL 'USE PERMIT 01 . PARCEL MAP . 12733 Tentative ,'. EQUIPMENT , . PURCHAS E (Po 1 ice) (. EQUIPMENT PURCHAS E (Fire) 0, TRACT NO. I, 35213 F lliAL MAP ~tlo r' BOOS TER PUMPS & TRANS. L lliE ORANGE GROVE ~'I TRACT NO, 36894 FINAL MAP 24:9886 stated in part that the project was designed originally to be within the existing R-3 code .. that it is compatible with the other developments in the area. In response to a question he said in part that it may be possible to delete two units which would be in about the center creating a little more open space. He submitted with the change in financing that now exists as compared to the time he submitted the plans the cost has just about made the project prohibitive, however the delay was not entirely due to the City. No one else desiring to be heard the hearing was CLOSED on MOTION by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Saelid and carried. It was the consensuS of the City Council that due to the change in plans it was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Saelid and carried on roll call vote as follows that it be referred back to the Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation of a revised plan. Staff was asked to endeavor to place this on the next agenda of the Commission. AYES NOES ABSENT : Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None None CONS ENT ITEMS APPROVED the purchase of a stump cutter for the Public Works Department from Vermeer Co. in Ontario of one Vermeer Model 665-A at $13,038 less trade-in of $1,000 - total $12,038, Funds in the Capital Improvement Account for 1979-80. APPROVED the purchase of one cash register for the Treasurer's office from the National Cash Register Company at $4,957.16. Funds in the Federal Revenue Sharing Budget for 1979-80, RATIFIED. Planning Commision Res. 1116 granting a conditional use permit for the addition of a plant nursery to an existing hardware store at 150 E. Live Oak Avenue - subject to conditions set forth in the Resolution. APPROVED substandard lot width and accepted dedication for corner cut-off required for Tentative Parcel Map 12733 at 926 S. Eighth Av. The Director of Public Works was also authorized to approve the subdivision agreement, AUTHORIZED the purchase of six (6) additional portable radios at $1,219 each (total of $7,314) for the Police Department. The number of mobile units was also approved for reduction from the eight previously approved. This will result in a savings of some $2,760.00. Additional expenditure will be $4,554.00 from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. AUTHORIZED the purchase from Motorola Communications and Electronics of six (6) mobile radios for use in Fire Department vehicles, These will replace existing 10 year old units. The radios will cost $674.16 each or a total of $4,044.96. Funds in the Federal Revenue Sharing Pl:'ogram. I APPROVED the final map of Tract No. 35213 for an eight (8) unit condominium at 1156 Arcadia Avenue. Staff noted the map has been r~viewed by the County Engineering Department and City Departments and complies with all conditions. AUTHORIZED the retention of L. D. King, Inc., to prepare plans and specifications for Orange Grove G and H booster pumps and 4 - 30" valves on the Orange Grove transmission line. The fixed price pro- posal fee is $12,000 and funds are in the 1979-80 Water Division C~pital Improvement Budget. Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute the contract in fOl:'m approved by the City Attorney. APPROVED the final'map of Tract No. 36894 for a 32-unit condominium -2- 11-6-79 TRACT NO. 36894 con't. --- l-~ EQU IPMENT PURCHASE (Fire) I I(J. mCT NO. 33924 6 months time ext. ,po, DEANNEXATION REQUEST APPROVED DEANNEXATION REQUEST CONTINUED T~ NOV. 8/p.m. I c- pi b '( FA IRVI EW NEIGHBORHOOD MINIPARK 24: 988 7 at 464 W. Huntington Drive. The map has been reviewed by the Cou~ Engineering and City Departments and complies with the tentative map as approved by the City Council on April 3, 1979. All conditions are to be complied with and a new tax clearance filed. AUTHORIZED the purchase of sixteen (16) sets of breathing apparatus for the Fire Department from the San Diego Fire Equipment Company at $736.55 each 16 MSA Standard Pressure Units. total of $12,134.80 including trade-ins. All other bids were rejected and any informali- ties or irregularities in the bids or bidding process were waived. These units will provide'4 units for each 'engine company, one per man, and will replace existing units no longer serviceable. APPROVED a six month time extension to May 1, 1980 to the developers of a 12-unit condominium at 1141 Duarte Road. This property was recently purchased by the Concord Real Estate Trust Development, Inc.. and they need additional time to record the final map of this tract. It was MOVED bv Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried on roll call vote as follows that all of the above Consent Items be APPROVED. (Item Nos. I and 3 were removed for individual consideration). AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None None Council received the request of Jon Erickson of Monrovia for permission to have annexed to that City a 20' x 60' parcel from the owner of 904 Alta Vista in Arcadia, Mr. Erickson would like to add this to his property in Monrovia at 1875 Estre11e Avenue. Staff advised that this deannexation would result in the City Boundary extending along lot lines rather than extending through lots and would provide for proper development of the area. It was MOVED by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried on roll call vote as follows that this parcel be approved for deannexation and annexed to the City of Monrovia. AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Sae1id, Margett None None Council received the staff report concerning a proposed 15 lot subdivision north of Hillcrest Boulevard in Monrovia. 7 of the lots as well as a portion of the cul-de-sac are in Arcadia, This project is contingent upon detachment from Arcadia and annexed to Monrovia those portions lying within the limits of Arcadia. City Departments do not have any objections and the Fire Department felt it would have an advantage as it would not be required to service the subject area and it would also resolve access problems to the existing property on the border line. Council expressed many concerns about this project ... whether or not the residents of Arcadia would be protected in terms of compatible building standards, proximity of proposed structures to the city property lines, the ability to serve the area and others efficiently. The need for additional information was expressed and it was MOVED by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Saelid and carried on roll call vote as follows that this matter be continued to the adjourned regular meeting of November 8 which will convene at 5 p.m. AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None None Staff advised that the contractor for the Fairview Neighborhood Mini Park, Job No. 490, has completed the work outlined in the plans and specifications with the exception of the area lights, This has been delayed due to a strike which has now been settled. The anticipated date for the equipment delivery is now toward the end of December. -3- 11-6-79 FAIRVIEW MINI PARK contt. TRAFFIC HUNTINiTON & SANTA ANITA CHAMBER/ COMMERCE BRACKETS Nov. 20 )1' I 24:9888 It was MOVED by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Gi1b and carried on roll call vote as follows that the work be accepted and that 10 percent of the total amount of bid be withheld until the area lights are installed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works - and further that the Recreation Commission be requested ,to recommend a date for dedication of the park. AYES NOES AllSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Parry, Pellegrino, Sae1id, Margett None None Council received a staff report indicating that the Public Works Department has requested or discussed the possibility of left turn signal phasing for the north/south direction at Santa Anita and Huntington Drive intersection with Ca1trans who have jurisdiction of Huntington Drive. Relinquishment of the entire route through the City is pending and Ca1trans submitted what is needed to place this section of the highway in good repair. They have requested that the City share the cost on a pro-rated basis. It is anticipated that all signal modifications along Route 248, including this inter- section, will be completed by the Spring of 1980. I The Director of Public Works summarized the primary items in need of repair, one of which is the modification of the existing signal system to provide left turn phasing for both north and south bound traffic from Santa Anita. It was felt that left turn phasing would eliminate most of the accidents. A manual control at the intersection will also be requested. Collision diag~S for 1978 and 1979 to date were included in the written staff report. The City Council will eventually review the Cooperative Agreement between the State and the City on this improve- ment and costs will be reflected therein. At a recent question and answer period at the Arcadia High School some of the students expressed concern because there had been two recent fatalities at the intersection under discussion and it had been suggested by Councilman Gi1b that they attend this meeting and make their concerns known to the City Council. William Kenney, 1675 E1evado, related how the recent accident at Santa Anita and Huntington could have happened .. with the probable cause of excessive speed and an unsafe left turn, He felt that 64 percent of the accidents this year were caused by unsafe left turns and asked the City Council to take steps to correct this condition. The Director of Public expedite the project. to the students. Works said he would do everything possible to Copies of the staff report were made available The Chamber of Commerce requested permission to install four (4) addi- tional Poster Brackets to be located in the median islands on Foothill Boulevard between Santa Anita and Michi11inda. 'The exact locations would be worked out with the Director of Public Works. All work and installation would be at the expense of the Chamber. I Councilman Gilb expressed opposit ion to brackets being installed in the requested area as it is all residential and MOVED to DENY the request. Councilman Sae1id seconded the motion. Councilman Parry agreed with Councilman Gi1b, however, he noted the letter of request does not indicate just where they would be located. He would have no objection to placing one in the commercial area on Foothill just before Santa Anita or at the entrance to the City. Lyle Cunningham, 475 Oxford, representing the Chamber Executive Committee, said it was anticipated at the time the letter was prepared that the installation would be with the approval of the City staff. He continued in part that the signs are not all for commerica1 purposes .. some are in relation to city activities, such as the Diamond Jubilee; the signs are attractive and do not detract from the quality of the community. -4- 11.6-79 . " CHAMB ER/ COMMERCE con't. I ORDINANCE NO. 1690 IN1RODUCED I ORD INANCE NO. 1691 INTRODUCED RESOWTION NO. 4865 ADOPTED (DEC. 4) ,; , ....' , : ....1 ,.,. r 24: 9889 The Director of Public Works submitted that it is commercial on Foothill one block west of Santa Anita but the median is too narrow for the braeket .. that further .est' the median is wider but there is 'residential propert)' the.r.e. 'FoUwing IOOre discussion .it was MOVED by Councilman Parry to amend the motion by granting the request for two poster brackets, subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works, one at or near the intersection of Santa Anita and Foothill and the other near the intersection of Michillinda and Foothill, motion seconded by Councilman Pellegrino. Discussion ensued on the motion to amend and Coupcilman Saelid said in part that there is not a way signs could be placed on either end of the median strip that would not encroach on residentially zoned p~operty and he also did not think the responsibility for determining where they should be located should be placed on staff. Roll call vote was then taken on the Motion to amend by Councilman Parry: AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Parry, Pellegrino, Margett Councilmen Gilb, Saelid None During the ensuing consideration Councilman Parry with the consent of his second withdrew his Motion to amend. Councilman Gilb then withdrew his primary motion - with the consent of his second. It was then MOVED by Councilman Parry to reconsider the amended motion at the next regu- lar meeting November 20. Motion seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried on the following roll call vote. AYES NOES ABSENT : Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Hargett None None The Property Owner's Association for the subject area will be noticed on this. The City Attorney presented for the first time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1690, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AMENDIN:: SECTION 6439 OF THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO SUBSECTIONS (30) AND (31) PROHIBITOC THE DISPIAY OF CERTAIN MATTER IN NEWS RACKS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY WHICH EXPOSES SUCH MA TTER TO PUBL IC VIEW." It was MOVED by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be waived and INTRODUCED. AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None None The City Attorney presented for the first time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1691, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AMENDOC DIVISION 9, PART 3, CHAPTER 1 OF ARRICLE IV OF THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE TO AUTHORIZE THE CHIEF OF POLICE TO CONDUCT HEAROCS ON ANDlAL NUISANCE COMP't.AINTS." It was MOVED by Councilman Saelid, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be waived and INTRODUCED. AYES NOES ABS ENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Hargett None None The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution No. 4865, entitled: "A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 'OF ARCADIA DECIARING ITS INTENTION TO ANNEX CERTA-IN LANDS TO 'mE ARCADIA CONSOLIDATED LIGHTIN:: DISTRICT (ANNEXATION NO.9) AND FIXIN; A TIME FOR HEARIN:: OBJECTIONS TO SAID PROPOSAIS." -5- 11-6-79 RESOLUTION NO. 4865 can't. SAELID I PELLEGRINO PARRY GILB ADJOURNED TO NOVEMBER 8 5 p.m. I . --"I~ - .' 24:9890 It was MOVED by Councilman Saelid, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full .text be,waived and that the same.be ApOPTED. AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None None Advised that the San Gabriel Valley Association of Cities have proposed legislation for a state-wide campaign to eliminate illegal fireworks and ,as thedelegate from the City he would like the think- ing and/or support of the City Council. The Fire Chief responded to questions on legal and illegal fireworks and submitted that it appears the only successful way would be to ban all fireworks as it is very difficult to make distinction at the time they are being fired. It was MOVED by Councilman Saelid that the City Council go on record as supporting the Resolution. Motion seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None None Submitted the appreciation of the Senior Citizens Commission for the interest shown by the City Council and staff in receiving the two presentations concerning senior citizen housing. Also advised that Councilman Gilb has been elected Vice President of the Independent Cities of California for the ensuing year. Brought up the items which were to be discussed at a seminar which has been cancelled. He felt a date certain should be scheduled. It was decided to hold this at 5 p.m. December 4 - staff to bring out- lines and recommendations. Brought up the convergence of coyotes in his area in particular. The Assistant to the City Manager advised on the procedure taken by the Coyote Control Division of the County and will pursue this further. The meeting was adjourned to Thursday November 8 at 5 p.m. in the Conference Room. ~-4~~ Mayor (/ , ATTEST: ~~.~d~ Christine Van Maanen ' City Clerk -6- 11-6-79