HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 4,1979 (2) I ROLL CALL SENIOR CITIZEN HOUS ING F: I if I 24: 990-8 MINUTES ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF ARCADIA DECEMBER 4, 1979 The City Council met in an adjourned regular session on December 4, 1979 at 5 p.m. in the Arcadia City Hall Conference Room. PRESENT: ABSENT : Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett Councilman Saelid On MOTION by Councilman Gilb, seconded by carried unanimously Councilman Saelid was handicap. Councilman Parry and excused due to a physical <}"f At the City Council meeting of October 23, 1979 presentations were submitted by two reputable organizations in the development of housing for the elderly. Staff was asked at that time to prepare a report and the Planning Director explained that the City has currently a Housing Element but the State Guidelines have been amended and before a Housing Assistance Plan can be developed the City must have a General Plan Housing Element consistent with those Guidelines. It was noted that the Housing Element must be responsive to the housing needs of a fair share of those households which do not live in the locality but whose housing opportunities would be affected by the planning decisions of the locality. The Guidelines authorize the Department of Housing and Community Development to review local housing elements for conformity with the Guidelines and the adequacy of the Element. It has been determined that Arcadia should be providing 3000 low and moderate income housing units as its share of the larger community need. Council reviewed the recommended actions to implement the Housing Element for the City of Monterey Park and the economic factors were discussed, It was agreed that Arcadia ~ould not want to be as involved as Monterey Park in order to receive block grant funding from HUD. Discussion held on the possibility of the City purchasing an apart- ment complex, increasing the number of units by reduction in the size of the apartments " the housing element could be pursued without commitment. Staff said it would be best to employ someone with exper- tise in this area. The City does have a Housing Element and Housing Assistance Plan but it is inconclusive as to whether or not a private developer could use these two and convince HUD that they are adequate. Some discussion held on going to revenue bonds to construct the units and the need of going to the electorate for approval - regardless of where located - in the redevelopment area or elsewhere .. in this way the City would not have to look to HUD for funding. It was the consensus of Council that a need for senior citizen housing is apparent but first it should be determined if a private developer could move with the existing Housing Element and Housing Assistance Plan; also a recommention on the site. It was then MOVED by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that staff contact Thomas Safran of SWOGO Associates and pro- pound to him the concerns of Council and that a meeting be scheduled. with him for January 15, 1980 at 5 p.m. (If this date is not convenient staff will so advise on December 18.) AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett None Councilman Saelid -1- 12-4-79 MEMBERSHIPS CONTINUED ,/ \1-)1 I CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE COUNTY SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE COMMISSION DINNER NEWSRACK ORDINANCE ACTUARIAL SERVICES rl'.{ ROOF REPAIR AUTHORIZED , '-I ~l" OVERNIGHT PARKING (CAMPERS) \ .I~ I~ CITY PARK NAME r,; - ~ '='\...- I' 24:9909 It was the consensus of Council that memberships in the United States Conference of Mayors and the National League of Cities be continued. Whereupon it was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried on roll call vote as follows that said memberships be continued. AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett None Councilman Saelid It was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried unanimously that the City Council support Mayor Pro Tempore Kenneth I, Chappell of West Covina for the office of City Member and Bob Farrell as Alternate Member of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Los Angeles County. I Staff will inform the County Department of Health Services that the City Council has decided not to adopt the Ordinance (No. 11,886.) Some discussion held on the Commission dinner. of the Mayor. the forthcoming dinner for the Board and Council concurred that it be the prerogative The City Attorney advised that the Newsrack Ordinance No, 1690 will be effective as of December 21, 1979. Staff advised that a recommendation will be made to the Independent Cities Risk Management Committee that the Independent Cities contract with Warren, McVeigh and Griffin, Risk Management consultants who would conduct a series of mini-fesibility studies of the 13 cities which have expressed an interest in a joint powers agreement to provide for the funding of various types of municipal risks. Arcadia's share would be $1,030. It was MOVED by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that the City participate in the actuarial study at the proportionate cost of $1,030. Funds available in the insurance account to cover this expenditure. AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett None Councilman Saelid The roof of the connecting cover walkway between City Hall and the Police Station is in need of repair. It was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Safeway Roofing Company be retained to repair the roof at a cost of $1,985. (Funds in the General Contingency Account). AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett None Councilman Saelid I Discussion held on the practice of campers being illegally parked overnight at various locations. It was MOVED by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that the City Attorney prepare an emergency ordinance to prohibit this. AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Margett None Councilman Saelid Councilman Gilb MOVED to name the Fairview mini-neighborhood park "Peacock Park". Motion seconded by Councilman Pellegrino. The motion did not carryon the following roll call vote: AYES NOES ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Pellegrino Councilmen Parry, Margett (Councilman Parry would like Councilman Saelid further study) -2- 12-4-79 HEARING SCHEDULED (Dec. 18) RETIREES OUTS IDE STORAGE SANTA ANITA OAKS AREA I (Traffic) AGENDA ITEM DIAL-A-RIDE A R A ADJOllRNMENT I , <> 24:9910 December 18 was scheduled as the hearing date on the Notice and Order to correct a wall at 1010-1012 S. Baldwin Avenue, Will be invited to the next City Council meeting to receive Council recognition and appreciation. The report on outside storage was referred to the Planning Commission. Acknowledged receipt of communications concerning barricades in the Santa Anita Oaks area from Mrs. Dorothy L, Leonard, Mike O'Haver and one unsigned, The Assistant City Manager advised that Councilman Saelid had called to let the City Council know that he supported the change in the Youth Commission By-Laws. This will appear on the agenda for the regular meeting to convene this date at 7:30 p.m. Some discussion held on the service rendered by Dial-a-Ride and staff explained that at times it isn't punctual due to the demand. Council received the financial statement for the Arcadia Redevelop- ',~ ment Agency. At 7:30 p.m. the meeting adjourned sine die. -flAt /I ~r" ATTEST: ~,~~/ City Clerk -3- 12-4-79