HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPRIL 3,1979_2 \ CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ARE TAPE RECORDED AND ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Inw~"oo PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLLCALL MINUTE APPROVAL HEARING - ZONING APPROVED l --: Ul) L filii' , ~ I 23:9753 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA REGUlAR MEETING APRIL 3, 1979 The City Council of the City of Arcadia, California met in regular session on Tuesday, April 3, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Arcadia City Hall. Rev. Dr. James McCormick, Church of the Good Shepherd City Manager Lyle W. Alberg PRE SENT : ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino On MOTION by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried unanimously Councilmen Margett and Pellegrino were excused. On MOTION by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried unanimously the minutes of the regular meeting of March 20, 1979 were APPROVED. Planning Commission Resolution 1085 recommending. approval of a zone change from c-o & D (Professional Office with Design Overlay) to R-1 (Second one-family) for the property at 2633 Louise Avenue. The Planning Department recommended the zone change to R-1 & P (Second one-family with a parking overlay) as it was of the opinion that this would make the existing house and existing parking lot permitted uses. Whereas the Commission felt a parking lot on this site would be detrimental to the adjacent residential properties on Louise Avenue and could create additional traffic on that street; that the parking overlay, which would allow the property to be developed as a parking lot, was deleted by said resolution. The General Plan Land Use Map was prepared with the intent that developments with Live Oak Avenue frontage be designated as commercial and that developments without such frontage on Louise be designated as single family residential. Mayor Parry declared the hearing open and Doug Witt, 2614 Louise Avenue, referred to a petition which had been submitted to the Commission requesting the R-1 zoning with a continuation of the existing use for parking by the Pie King. He expressed concern that the restaurant may not always be there and the situation could change and also that the owner of the residential lot will maintain his property. James Sincavage, 2627 Louise Avenue, said in part that he is content with the situation as it is - that he would like to prevent the site at 2633 Louise becoming a parking area which would be directly next to his driveway. He wants the 2633 property to remain residential without parking overlay... he is not concerned with the possibility of parking in front of his home. No one else desiring to be heard the hearing was CLOSED on MOTION by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried unani- mously. It was MOVED by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Negative Declaration be 4-3-79 - 1 - HEARING MODIFICATION DENIED f f : .Il \ l"':\\ 23:9754 approved and filed and found that the project will not have a signifi- cant effect on the environment, that the zone be changed'to R-l & p (second one-family residential with a parking overlay) for that portion of the subject property which is now being used for parking and the balance of the property be R-1.... with no ingress or egress from the R-1 portion to the R-1 & P portion, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino Appeal from the denial by the Planning Commission of an application for modification to delete the required loading requirement of 27 parking spaces and allow 7 parking spaces at 625 S. First Avenue. The applicant proposed to construct additional warehouse and office space and is also requesting a 2' 1" front setback in lieu of the 4' required. The Department of Public Works have no objections to the proposed sub-standard setback. I , \'. Mayor Parry declared the hearing open and the applicant, Jack Renner, spoke at length concerning his proposal for his carpet and drapery business and the need for expansion. In response to expressed concerns that he may sell his business he said in part that he intends to turn his business over to his two sons when and if he retires, There are no plans for such a move at this time. He noted offers of parking spaces from adjacent neighbors if the need should arise. A communi- cation was read from one - Art Atkinson. Mr, Renner felt the entire area would be improved by his proposal and that the businessmen in the area are in favor, A rendering of the proposed structure was reviewed... it indicated a two story building part of which Mr. Renner said he hopes to lease to a business not requiring parking such as an interior decorator. In response to a question he said he could not modify the design in order to obtain more parking spaces and he needs the additional space to lease to help pay for the improvement. Ruth Snellings, 53 Genoa, spoke in favor of the request and said there has never been a problem with parking; that if the need arose Mr. Renner could use her extra parking spaces; that there is a surplus of parking area in the neighborhood. William Billing, 17 W. Camino Real, spoke in favor of the request and asked the City Council to consider the fact that South First Avenue would be improved by the new structure and he vouched for the integrity of Mr. Renner, having known him for many years. No one else desiring to be heard the hearing was CLOSED on MOTION by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried unanimously. Councilman Sae1id said in part that in fulfilling an obligation to Councilman Pellegrino who would like to see this development go through if there is any way the City could have control over the usage I should the business be sold in the future - that he shares the same concerns. He noted in part that the majority of the Commission had also expressed the same concerns. He felt that as of the present the applicant has no plans to sell, but this could change in the future and in his opinion it would be doing a disservice to the community to begin to establish this as a precedent. Councilman Gi1b referred in part to the need of the new tenants to have parking; that it is unknown at the present time how that area will develop and cited what has occurred in the downtown area - that once there was an overabundance of parking spaces and now there is a dire need for parking spaces in that area. He said he would have to support the findings of the Commission unless something new were presented. Mayor Parry said in part that there is no question but that the building would improve the area but to reduce the parking spaces so signifi- cantly would indeed set a precedent.. that as an area expands the more parking is needed and a problem is created. 4-3-79 " HEARING (Amendments to AMC) APPROVED /, I -It ~ I) r'~ 1\". A-,' SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSION :" . . .~, . 23:9755 It was then MOVED by Councilman Sae1id, seconded by Councilman Gi1b and carried on roll call vote as follows that the action of the Planning Commission be upheld and that the appeal be and it is hereby DENIED. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino Planning Commission Resolution 1088 recommending amendments in the expiration time for conditional use permits, variances, administrative modifications and modifications from six months to one year. Mayor Parry declared the hearing open and no one desiring to be heard the hearing was CLOSED on MOTION by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Saelid and carried unanimously. It was further MOVED by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Negative Declaration .,', I. :-be APPROVED and filed and Council find the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; that the recommendation be approved and the City Attorney be directed to prepare the appropriate amendmen t . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino Co un ci1 received a recommendation from the Senior Citizens Commission asking that the City Council set up a charitable fund designated for a Senior Citizen Center; and suggested an organization program be instituted with a resource file of workers that local businessmen could call on and any funds earned in this way could be a contribution to the fund for the Center. Contributions would be deductible items from taxes and that the Chamber of Commerce would promote the program through its monthly bulletin. During the discussion it was noted that the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors had not as yet considered the request whereupon it was MOVED by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried on roll call vote that the matter be TABLED until the Board considers the merit of this matter (whether or not it could support the program and whether or not it should be a building fund or a general fund). AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION I HEARINGS SCHEDULED TRACT NO. 35210 TRACT NO. 35903 DEVELOPMENT PLANS Michael Genito, 153 W. Floral Avenue, referred once again to transpor- tation needs for which he felt the City could obtain Federal funds; the possibility of securing a hotel for the downtown area along with ~ some revenue producing businesses; having a full time Mayor. He also spoke to the gasoline shortage and felt people should avoid the use of their automobiles during the emergency, CONSENT ITEMS MAY 1, 1979 - Planning Commission Resolution 1091 - amendments to the R-O and R-1 sections of the Municipal Code. APRIL 17, 1979 - Planning Commission Resolution 1092 - additions to the Municipal Code re surface mining permits and review of reclamation plans. APPROVED final map of Tract 35210 for a 26 unit residential condominium (conversion) at 1122-1128 Fairview Avenue. APPROVED final map of Tract 35903 for an 11 unit residential condominium at 1137 Fairview Avenue. APPROVED Planning Commission Resolution No. 1096 recommending a 4-3-79 - 3 - I I," I ~ t. (J '." \ TRACT NO. 36894 PARKING FUNDING 'j /,' t ' ), AGREEMENT RENEWED 11\" ,I , ,\ \, \ . ,: , ,00 I ' t 'EQUIPMENT PURCHASE Paramedic Ambulance BID AWARD 125 W. Huntington Dr. , - I . ( /' / AI/} REQUEST FOR j SIDEWALKS APPROVED for Informal Bid Call 23:9756 development permit for a 23 lot project in the R-M Residential Mountainous Zone, north of the Foothills Junior High School. During this consideration the deve10per.responded to questions concerning sufficient water pressure and submitted that he intends to exceed the requirement for a booster. APPROVED and filed the Negative Declaration of Tentative Tract No. 36894 proposing a 32 unit residential condominium at 464'W. Huntington Drive and found that the project will not have a signifi- cant effect on the environment; that said tract is consistent with the Arcadia General Plan and that the waste discharge from said tract would not result in a violation of the existing requirements set forth in the Water Code; authorized the Director of Public Works to APPROVE the subdivision agreement. I APPROVED recommendation concerning filing an application for Economic Development Administration Funding for the purpose of determining if construction monies were available for public parking purposes in the vicinity of Huntington Drive east of Second Avenue. RENEWED agreement with Paterson & Taggart (Labor Relations Consultants) and approved increased retainer fee. The term of this renewal is twelve months commencing April 1, 1979. All of the consent items were APPROVED on MOTION by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino Council received the results of bids received and recommendation for the purchase of a paramedic ambulance. It was MOVED by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried on roll call vote as follows that the ambulance be purchased from the low bidder, Stoner Ambulance Company, in the amount of $21,369.40 including trade-in; that all other bids be rejected; that any informalities or irregularities in the bids or bidding process be waived. Funds in the Capital Program. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino Council received the results of bids and recommendation for the award of contract for off-site improvements adjacent to Engineering Science Building at Huntington Drive and Colorado Place (Job 489). It was MOVED by Councilman Sae1id, seconded by Councilman Gi1b and carried on roll call vote as follows that the low bid of Crowell and Larson in the amount of $28,618.80 be accepted; that the contract be awarded thereto; that all other bids be rejected; that any informalities or irregularities in the bids or bidding process be waived and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract in form approved by the City Attorney; $11,500 was appropriated from 2107 Gas Tax Funds to cover the cost of storm drain work and $23,000 was appropriated from Arcadia Redevelopment Funds- to cover the cost of the remaining work. I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino Council received petitions for approximately 120 lineal feet of sidewalk on Naomi Avenue between Baldwin and Lovell; also a petition for sidewalks for approximately 410 lineal feet along Mayflower Avenue extending south to E1 Sur. Maps of the subject areas were 4-3-79 - 4 - I CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS To proceed (Short Form 1911 Assess- ment District Act) RS1 J/-If" '; e.1 t: ~U( /'. t~' I: /' I l I STREET LIGHTS (LOGANRITA; I om~" NO. 1672 ADOPTED ,? J -, J I II) f('" '. C I , . "'~l . ,:>::~:', ',' 23:9757 reviewed. Staff advised that the work would require removal of one tree and construction of approximately 500 lineal feet of sidewalk and two 12 foot driveway aprons at an estimated cost of $5,100 for all work. It was MOVED by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried on roll call vote as follows that the petitions be APPROVED and that the Director of Public Works be authorized to proceed on an informal bid basis. Funds in the Capital Improvement Program. AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino Staff advised that construction of curb and gutter at the Santa Anita Church, 275 Colorado Place, is of ultimate importance at this particular time inasmuch as the existing roadway is in a deteriorated condition due partly to lack of concrete gutters. Reconstruction of the pavement without providing for drainage in expansive soils would result in similar pavement deterioration. However, Santa Anita Investors, Inc., owners of the property have asked that the curbs., and gutters be installed but not sidewalks on a time payment basis. Staff recommended the work be done under the Short Form of the 1911 . Assessment District Act. It was MOVED by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Director of Public Works be authorized to proceed with the installation of curb and gutter utilizing said Short Form and that the improvements be included in the contract for the Engineering Science project if the bids on said project are competitive. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino Council received a petition from property owners on Loganrita Avenue requesting street lights through the formation of a Lighting Maintenance District. Staff advised that the installation of five 3500 lumen mercury vapor lights on existing power poles could be accomplished at no initial cost, however, the validity of lighting districts has not been finally resolved and there is a possibility of special assessments being negated. It was MOVED by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried on roll call vote as follows that a public hearing be scheduled for June 5, 1979. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino The City Attorney presented for the second time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1672, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AMENDING SECTION 9233.12 OF THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE TO REZONE 9834-9836 WEST NAOMI AVENUE FROM C-1 TO R-3." It was MOVED by Councilman Sae1id, seconded by Councilman Gi1b and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be waived and that the same be ADOPTED. r AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino 4-3-79 - 5 - ORDINANCE NO, 1673 ADOPTED ( -" I {I ORDINANCE NO. 1674 INTRODUCED v RESOLUTION NO. 4815 ADOPTED ~". I ( I) ell LATECLAIM APPROVED Cortez r-, .' ,1./ SAELID v 23:9758 The City Attorney presented for the second time, explained the content and read tht title of Ordinance No. 1673, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AMENDING THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 3214.15 INCREASING THE PERMIT AND FILING FEES FOR USE OF RESTRICTED STREETS." -- ,.. ,- It was MOVED by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be waived and that the same be ADOPTED. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Saelid, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino The City Attorney presented for the first time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1674, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2, PART 7, DIVISION 5, AND PART 9, DIVISIONS 1 AND 2 OF THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE INCREASING THE EXPIRATION TIME FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS, VARIANCES, ADMINISTRATIVE MODIFICATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS FROM SIX MONTHS TO ONE YEAR." I It was MOVED by Councilman Sae1id, seconded by Councilman Gi1b and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be waived and that the same be INTRODUCED. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution No. 481 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DEDICATING REAL PROPERTY FOR STREET AND HIGHWAY PURPOSES TO BE KNOWN AS PALM CIRCLE AND BIRCHCROFT STREET." j~ It was MOVED by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Sae1id and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be waived and that the same be ADOPTED. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino On recommendation of the City Attorney it was MOVED by Councilman Sae1id, seconded by Councilman Gi1b and carried on roll call vote as follows the application to file late claim of David Gonzales Cor te z be APPROVED and that his claim of $301. 56 be APPROVED for payment. I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino Referred to a c amnunication from the Mayor of the City of Beverly Hills concerning support for its resolution opposing consolidation of government services in certain areas of Los Angeles City/County. It was MOVED by Councilman Sae1id, seconded by Councilman Gi1b and carried on roll call vote as follows that the City Council go on record in support of the spirit of the resolution by a resolution to be prepared by the City Attorney, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Sae1id, Parry None Councilmen Margett, Pellegrino 4-3-79 - 6 - GILB / EXECUTIVE SESSION I I 23:9759 Referred to a recent television program concerning fire rates in the City of Ing1ewood and submitted in part that perhaps if and when Chicago Park area is developed with industrial to the point where another fire station would be necessary that conSideration be given to charging the cost therefor to the industries. He noted that Ing1ewood's Industrial developments paid a higher rate. At 10 p.m. the City Council adjourned in memory of former police officer Virgil E. Mayne to April 12 at 6 p.m. to meet with the Sierra Madre City Council in that City. ~c (Ju Mayor y ATTEST: 1Zr4:b~c'e J;; ~ ' City Clerk - 7 - 4-3-79