HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEPTEMBER 18,1979_2 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ARE TAPE RECORDED AND ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL MINUTE APPROVAL AWARDS ~~f OATH ADMINISTERED I SWIMMING POOL (High School) Repa ir ~~ F\ )0 23:9857 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA REGUIAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 18, 1979 The City Council of the City of Arcadia, California met in regular session on Tuesday, September 18, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Arcadia City Hall. Rev. J. William Daum, Episcopal Church of Transfiguration Jerome J. Collins, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Saelid, Pellegrino Mayor Margett Mayor Margett was excused on MOTION by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried unanimously. The Minutes of the adjourned and regular meetings of September 4 were APPROVED on MOTION by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Saelid and carried unanimously. Councilman Gilb and Recreation Commissioner Ben Smith, Jr. presented recognition awards to the following members of the North San Gabriel Valley All-Stars and expressed appreciation and pride in the accomplishments of the local players: Greg Braunwalder Scot Hovatter Ron Kemp Steve Moscaret Mike Yang Roy A. MacMillan, Jr. 3rd Baseman Catcher Left Field Center Field Right Field Coach The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Stuart B. Henderson, new appointee to the Parking Place Commission. The local Board of Education advised that the School District has been authorized to replaster the two Arcadia High School swimming pools and the District is requesting the Recreation Department to pay one-third the cost. When the joint use of the pools was established the District was to pay two-thirds and the City one- third of the cost of repair. The City's share would be $12,790 in this ins tance. Councilman Parry MOVED that $12,790 be appropriated from the Parks and Recreation Facilities Fund for the replastering of the swimming pools at the Arcadia High School. Motion seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows: AYES: / NOES: 13 S -; ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Saelid, Pellegrino None Mayor Margett ~', ATHLETIC FIELD (C IVIC CENTER) October 16 dedication The City Council received the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission concerning the name and dedication arrangements for the multi-purpose playfield adjacent to City Hall. It was MOVED 9-18-79 - 1 - 23:9858 by Councilman Gi1b, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried unani- mously that the name for the field be "Arcadia Civic Center Athletic Field" and that the dedication be scheduled for October 16 at 5 p.m. AUDIENCE PARTICIPAtION I.J " \ (, ,It!' \" STREET CLOSURE REPORT t : EQUIPMENT PURCHASE v{NNEXA TION NO. 9 Conso lida ted Lighting Maint. Dist. HEARING OCTOBER 2 Y "EQUIPMENT PURCHASE PLANS Locker Room. o +\Ct. , ~... ---, t" Herbert Herscher, 870 Fallen Leaf Road, with offices at 224 S. Santa Anita Avenue, referred to the situation which is transpiring now that California Street is closed. He asked Council to consider one-hour parking from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. east from Santa Anita on California. He noted also that the street sweeping sign has been removed and expressed doubt that the street would be kept clean henceforth. Discussion ensued and it was also noted that a fence at the east end I of California Street is to be relocated by the School District to make room for an adequate turn-around at that location. Councilman Gi1b then MOVED that one-hour parking be provided on both sides of California Street 150 feet east of Santa Anita Avenue from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Motion seconded by Councilman Saelid. (Motion later changed to 9 - 6) Councilman Sae1id submitted that in discussing this with residents he had been told that they cannot get into their driveways in the immediate area due to the lack of parking space and the hours were changed to 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. to relieve this situation. The motion was amended accordingly on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Parry, Sae1id, Pellegrino None Mayor Margett CONSENT ITEMS RECEIVED a progress report on traffic conditions in the Santa Anita Oaks area since the temporary control devices have been installed on San Carlos and Oak Meadow Roads at Orange Grove Avenue - also traffic counts before and since the closure. APPROVED the purchase of equipment for the Print Shop and the Treasurer's Office with Federal Revenue Sharing Funds in the amount of $11,342. (See report dated September 14). RECEIVED information on the Street Lighting Act of 1919 requirement concerning Annexation No.9 to the Lighting Maintenance District. Report to be filed with the City Clerk prior to the regular Council meeting of November 6. SCHEDULED public hearing for October 2, 1979 on an appeal from the Planning Commission decision concerning a proposed office development at 250 W. Colorado Boulevard. I APPROVED the purchase of CWo hand-held portable radios for the Fire Department from Motorola, Inc. in the amount of $9,140.08. Funds in the 1979-80 Budget. APPROVED the retention of J. H. Kuhn for architectural work drawings and construction specifications for the conversion of the old pistol range building into a locker room. Funds in the amount of $2,500 are in the 1979-80 Capital Program. ALL OF THE ABOVE CONSENT ITEMS WERE APPROVED ON MOTION BY COUNCILMAN PARRY, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN GILB AND CARRIED ON ROLL CALL VOTE AS FOLLOWS: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gi1b, Parry, Saelid, Pellegrino None Mayor Margett 9-18-79 - 2 - 23:9859 STREET LIGHT CONVERSION Communication from the Southern California Edison Company concerning the conversion of existing utility owned street lights of various sizes and possible conversion to sodium vapor lamps of equivalent lighting intensity. Staff report indicated the conversion would reflect great savings as the cost of fuel increases and recommended converting all existing utility owned lamps of 7000 lumen or of greater intensity at the present time and to include the remaining '7 lamps when the 3300 lumen lamp becomes availab Ie, I ~ 1'/ I\J~During this consideration Mr. LeFevre of the Edison Company explained J leI that the project is under the direction of the Public Utilities v I Commission and the Company is desirous of the conversion by all cities -- sodium vapor is extremely energy saving.. that it is estimated to be about a five-year project... and that the cost savings will also be substantial. He also emphasized that this will be at no cost to the cities. I It was MOVED by Councilman Saelid, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried on roll call vote as follows that the conversion plan be APPROVED as recommended by staff. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Saelid, Pellegrino None Mayor Margett Later in the meeting Kenneth Smith, 534 W. Workman, spoke to this matter and was advised by the Director of Public Works on the actual power savings and the overall cost reduction .... that the City would be receiving more illumination for less cost in some instances... ALTA-DENA DAIRY ACCESS (No ac tion) Pursuant to instructions of the City Council notices were mailed to adjacent property owners and all interested parties that a meeting would be held this date concerning the request of Suresh Patel for an access to his business, Alta Dena Dairy, at 341 E. Foothill Boulevard. Although Mr. Patel had originally requested the matter . L~/be on the September 4 agenda he did not attend and be it noted for p,p fA vr;v the record that the following persons did attend and spoke in (' opposition to any access being created to Valencia Way: Art Zygielbaum Fran Scholtz Daniel Aradondo 1138 Valencia Way 1211 Valencia Way 1110 Valencia Way I The Director of Public Works had estimated the cost to modify the east end of the existing alley to construct an 8 inch curb to separate the alley from the parking lot at the rear of 333 East Footbill and to ramp up to meet the alley at the rear of Mr. Patel's property as $2,100 if the work is done by City forces. Should the City Council accommodate Mr. Patel and have the City forces do the work, conditions with which Mr. Patel would have to comply were indicated in the report dated September 4. In response to his question, the owner-operator of the Dairy, Suresh Patel, was advised that the figures submitted are estimates only and initially the figure did not include the concrete curb which would have to be constructed on the south side of the alley in order to separate the alley from the parking lot on the corner. In response to Councilman Saelid's question as to whether or not Mr. Patel has sold beer to minors Mr. Patel said he had in the past but has discontinued the practice. Art Zygielbaum, 1138 Valencia Way, objected to the alleyway and referred to an existing traffic problem. He felt there are other legal ways to resolve the situation. Steve Martin, owner of property at 333 E. Foothill Boulevard, stated in part that if the alley is opened up across the northerly side of 9-18-79 - 3 - ORDINANCE NO. 1686 ~77,~"f 23:9860 his property more debris, etc., will be dumped on his lawn and parking lot. He referred also to the traffic problem on Valencia Way. He felt the only problem experienced now by patrons of the daily is with the longer cars in negotiating the drive-in portion of the dairy. In response to an inquiry as to how the situation has affected the business Mr. Patel said he used to have between 250 and 300 cars and now it is about 200 daily. The Director of Public Works explained the history connected with this matter to Patricia Buesch, 120 W. Wistaria Avenue. John Valvano, 1114 Valencia Way, asked that the alley not be opened due to the traffic problem. .. and spoke of the debris problem and questioned who would keep the alleyway clean. He also expressed fear that children would be injured or killed with the extra traffic emerging onto Valencia Way should the alleyway come to pass. I Councilman Gilb then stated in part that this situation came about due to the loss of access over private property; that the owner of the corner property, Sam Falzone, has closed the area and has leased part of his building to tenants who are entitled to parking places.. that he felt opening the alley to the opposite end would be detri- mental to the safety and welfare of the citizens and particularly the residents on Valencia Way; that perhaps something could be done to slow down the traffic, make an easier turn-in and access to the property.. restriping and the like.. He felt Mr. Falzone has made a generous offer and if Mr. Falzone is using his address incorrectly that is something to be worked out with the post office. Councilman Gilb also said in part that he personally resented an article in the newspaper by Mr. Patel concerning this matter... He then MOVED to receive and file the staff report; that the matter remain status quo and no action be taken. Councilman Saelid seconded the motion and asked the Planning Director if this matter were before the City Council in terms of an application for the use of the property as a dairy would it require a conditional use permit under today's Code. The Planning Director said as a drive-in business it would. Councilman Saelid continued in part that if it were a new business Councir' would be considering whether or not the introduction of that much additional traffic through the alleyway onto Valencia Way was proper... that every effort has been made by Council to minimize the traffic on Valencia. He agreed that if it were possible to provide additional parking on Foothill it would be well and proper but to bring more traffic on Valencia did not make good sense. Councilman Parry stated in part that he concurred with what has been said; that Council has endeavored to aid what appears to be a dispute involving two property owners.. that he has questioned whether or not it is really a City problem; that an impasse has been reached and to open up the alleyway would only compound the problem.. that there may be legal rights between the two property owners which is entirely up to them. He could not see the City expending monies in this ma tter. I Roll call was then taken on the motion - NOT TO TAKE ANY ACTION. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Saelid, Pellegrino None Mayor Margett The City Attorney presented for the second time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1686 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AMENDING SECTIONS 4113.9 AND 4124,2 THEREOF, AND ADDING SECTIONS 4137.7 AND 4137.7.1 THERETO TO ADOPT VARIOUS FEES AS REQUIRED BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL CONTROL AND ADDITIONAL REQUESTED ANIMAL CONTROL REGULATIONS." 9-18-79 - 4 - ORDINANCE NO. 1687 ADOPTED 1 ORDINANCE NO. 1688 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 4857 ADOPTED 1- ARA SAELID 23:9861 It was MOVED by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Saelid and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be waived and that the same be ADOPTED. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Saelid, Pellegrino None Mayor Margett The City Attorney presented fro the second time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1687 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA FIXING THE RATES OF TAXES AND LEVYING TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1979-1980 FOR THE USUAL CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA." It was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Saelid and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be waived and that the same be ADOPTED. AYES: NOES: AMENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Saelid, Pellegrino None Mayor Margett The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1688 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AMENDING THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 6215.7 THERETO TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY COUNCIL TO REDUCE THE LICENSE FEE FOR AMUSEMENT DEVICES FOR ANY EVENT CONDUCTED FOR CHARITY." It was MOVED by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be waived and that the same be ADOPTED. AYES: NOES: A13SENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Saelid, Pellegrino None Mayor Margett The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the ti tie of Resolution No. 4857, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUNDS." It was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be waived and that the same be ADOPTED. AYES: NOES: A13SENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Saelid, Pellegrino None Mayor Margett The Assistant City Manager advised of the receipt of a check for $27,759 representing a 1977-78 Grant from the Federal Urban Mass Transit Administration. Others are pending. The Economic Coordinator advised that he is currently working with Ai Coke on possible development of his property. Was advised by the Director of Public Works on the operation of the 9-18-79 - 5 - PARRY EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENED 23:9862 computerized signalization system -- that it is working all intersections except at Holly Avenue and Huntington Drive. Councilman Sae1id felt there is some refinement necessary at specific locations. Was advised that the new athletic field will be used for soccer on weekends only for the time being.... not to be used for practice. At 9 p.m. the City Council entered an executive session. and ADJOURNED at 9:40 p.m. to 5 p.m. October 2, 1979 in the Conference Room. ~ ATTEST: ~~~);rA ~. City ClerK ' 9-18-79 - 6 - I I