HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 2,1979_3 I INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL MINUTE APPROVAL VISITOR HEARING (Se tback modifications) 250 Colorado Bl. APPROVED I ,), ~. 11 >,0)/ ". j 23:9867 MINUTES JOINT MEETING ARCADIA CITY COUNCIL AND THE ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGUIAR MEETING OCTOBER 2, 1979 The City Council of the City of Arcadia, California met in regular session on Tuesday, October 2, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Arcadia City Hall. Rev. Leslie G. Strathern, Arcadia Congregational Church Planning Director William Woolard PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None On MOTION by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried the Minutes of the adjourned and regular meetings of September 18 were APPROVED. Mayor Margett abstained from voting as he was absent at that time. -----. -', Councilman Henry Valesco from the City of El Monte was welcomed Mayor Margett announced dates for meetings as follows: October 16 October 16 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Home Occupation Ordinance Public Hearing on complaints received concerning rooster at 1202 Mayflower Av. Fire - Dispatch Center Housing Arcadia Redevelopment Agency - American Savings and Loan continued hearing - and Republic Development Company hearing. Council-Management Retreat October 23 October 23 October 30 5 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5 p.m. November 9 9 a.m. Appeal filed by the Los Angeles Turf Club, Inc., from the Planning Commission's approval of setback modifications along Colorado Place for proposed office buildings at 250 W. Colorado Boulevard to be developed by the Glendale Development Company. Staff reported on the conditions imposed by the Commission in its approval (Report dated October 2, 1979). The modifications granting a reduction in the setback along Colorado Place adjacent to the property was appealed as was the condition that the median strip on Colorado Place be extended southerly to block left turns to or from the driveways on the property. It was submitted in the letter of appeal that the reduction in setback would seriously interfere with the possibility of future widening of the street. The Los Angeles Turf Club, Inc., the Glendale Development Company and staff met and worked out an acceptable revised plan which is before the City Council at this time. Projecturals were dis- played and discussed at length and it was indicated that the Glendale Development Company will dedicate property necessary to provide for a 10 foot wide right turn lane on Colorado Place and the building would be shifted toward Colorado Boulevard. New setbacks were also indicated. All modifications for the revised plan are set forth in the communication dated October 2, 1979. Mayor Margett declared the hearing open and Ray Rogers, Vice President 10-2-79 - 1 - 23:9868 and General Manager of the Turf Club said in part he was sorry they did not receive the notice of the hearing before the Commission as it could have made its concerns known at that time. He expressed accord with the revised plan as otherwise it would have created a serious traffic problem. Robert Mahoney, Glandale Development Company, expressed appreciation for the cooperation he has received from the City staff - also the representatives of the Turf Club. Joseph Sargis, 1611 Highland Oaks Drive, Planning Commissioner but speaking as an individual, stated in part that in his opinion the Turf Club is not appealing modifications as approved by the Commission - but an entirely new plan - which the Commission has not seen... and said for the record that the median strip had been suggested by the I Planning staff as a viable alternative. The Commission had actually felt the proposed use would be too intensive for the site but had endeavored to accommodate the developer who was proposing to con- struct a good building on difficult property. If planning procedure is to be followed the matter should be returned to the Commission so it could consider the new plan. .. that this is not legally required but would be appropriate but that Council of course has the final authority. He felt it an insult not to inform the Commissioners of the new set of circumstances and asked that the Commission be informed of any pending matters which are of concern to the Commission No One else desiring to be heard the hearing was CLOSED On MOTION by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried unani- mously. Councilman Saelid stated in part that in discussing this with Councilman Parry they were also concerned with what Mr. Sargis presented.. that the plan is different from that considered by the Commission.. Normally in these situations it would be returned to the Commission. He could readily understand the impact on the developer and did not like to see him penalized, however, in his opinion it would be a discourtesy to the Commission not to send it back when there are significant changes and the City does have procedures for this type of thing. Councilmar. Gilb felt this is a different situation and submitted in part that the Turf Club had not received notification of the hearing before the Commission at which time its concerns could have been diSCussed and it is not inconceivable that at that time the changes could have been made and perhaps approved. He noted that those who were affected talked with the developer and through an agreement the plan was revised; that the developer had voluntarily accommodated the Turf Club in order to prevent a major traffic problem. He felt the developer should not be penalized for something the City created. He would support the new plan. Councilman Pellegrino stated in part that the subject property has been difficult to develop and commended Glendale Development Company on the proposed office building. He did question who would pay for the street work involved. I Councilman Parry felt the compromise is a good one but was concerned with the traffic at the intersection and in response to a question was advised that the adjacent Church had been apprised of the proposal. He acknowledged that the parties involved had agreed on the new plan, still it was too important not to refer it back to the Commission. He would like the plan to go back to the Commission and considered as expeditiously as possible. It was then MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried on roll call vote as follows that the appeal be granted and that the revised plans be APPROVED subject to all specified conditions by the Planning Department, Police and Public 10-2-79 - 2 - I HEARING (Driveway Ramp) APPROVED 0' . \J 'X' ' ~ \..l \'; ~\) ~ y' v->\ 23:9869 Works Departments and that the offer to dedicate be ACCEPTED. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Pellegrino, Margett Councilman Parry, Saelid None Councilman Saelid stated for the record that his "NO" vote was strictly because he believes this type of thing should be referred back to the Commission for its consideration... however he does feel it will be a fine development. Councilman Parry in voting "NO" said he would rather be a little cautious and see it returned to the Commission, however, he too felt it will be a good development. Mayor Margett, with reference to the remarks made by Mr. Sargis, said he also was concerned about how this has been handled, but that in this particular instance it was politically expedient for Council to take the action it did. He asked Mr. Sargis to convey to the Commission that it is not the desire of the City Council to exercise it in any way.. that the Council holds the Commission in high esteem. Request of the Providence Enterprises for a variance from the Building Code concerning a driveway ramp for a proppsed condominium at 825-831 Golden West Avenue. The Planning Department advised that the request complies with t he driveway ramp design standards currently being considered by the Planning Department. Mayor Margett declared the hearing open and no one desiring to be heard the hearing was CLOSED on MOTION by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Saelid and carried. It was further MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried on roll call vote as follows that the variance be granted. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None None The City Council received the weed abatement charges for 1978-79 as submitted by the County Agricultural Commissioner. Locations of each parcel were indicated on the list which had been posted as I.~required. No objections were lodged and it was MOVED by Councilman ~ Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried on roll call vote as , \. follows that the County Auditor be instructed to enter the amounts ~ \1t~ against the respective parcels of land as they appear on the current ( assessment roll. WEED' ABATEMENT CHARGES Councilmen None None Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett AYES: NOES: I ABSENT: AUDIENCE ~ARTICIPATION Herb Fletcher, 175 W. Lemon Avenue, spoke to an expected increase in electric and gas rates and suggested that if the City is in need of more funds in the Water Department that it consider using General Funds instead of raising the water rates. That with the 7 percent utility tax and the utility rates going up there will be a sub- stantial amount of money corning into the City just from the utility tax. Mrs. Bruce, 1012 Sunset, spoke to the situation of the renters in the community and noted the increases she has received and asked if there is anything the City Council could do. The City Council agreed it is a problem which probably will only increase but questioned what the 10-2-79 - 3 - ::'l '.CONI> ITIONAL 'X USE PERMIT , c...,V\'\)'~ \', 'TRACT 33763 Extension WOlU< f' " COMPLETION (Sidewalks) SLURRY SEAL '\ \~~~? TRAC~3724 \_ V'. JG<-("~ CHRISTMAS TREE SALES OCTOBER 16 RESOLUTION NO. 4858 ADOPTED AS AMENDED f ; \- . , \ 'CLAIM DENIED (Byrne) COYOTE CONTROL AGREEMENT AUTHORIZED .;; \v\, ~ I~' \ 23:9870 Council could actually do. This will be one of the topics in the forthcoming housing discussion to be held on October 23 at 5:30 p.m. CONSENT ITEMS APPROVED conditional use permit 79-14 and modification M-79-l17 (Resolution No. 1113) granting a conditional use permit for a 4 unit apartment complex at 115 El Dorado Street. GRANTED a six month extension to April 31, 1980 for Tract No. 33763 - 12 lot subdivision at 624-644 W. Foothill Boulevard. ACCEPTED sidewalk construction on Mayflower and Naomi Avenues as completed by Michael D. Stewart and authorized final payment pursuant to the terms of the contract. I AUTHORIZED the issuance of a purchase order to D & D Maintenance & Grading Company for roadway slurry seal - $1000 of State Gas Tax Funds was appropriated for this work. ACCEPTED the streets for maintenance in Tract No. 33724, Kari Way, as improvements have been completed. J SCHEDULED public hearing for October 16 on Text Amendment to allow' the sale of Christmas Trees and Fireworks on property zoned R-3 which abuts commercially zoned property. ALL OF THE ABOVE CONSENT ITEMS WERE APPROVED ON MOTION BY COUNCILMAN SAELID, SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN PELLEGRINO AND CARRIED ON ROLL CALL VOTE AS FOLLOWS: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None None .t The City Attorney presented and explained the content of Resolution No. 4858 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AUTHORIZING THE ASST. CITY MANAGER TO FILE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, URBAN MASS TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION, A GRANT APPLICATION FOR CAPITAL ASSISTANCE FUNDS UNDER THE URBAN MASS TRANSIT ACT OF 1964 AS AMENDED FOR THE PURCHASE OF A VAN WITH LIFT AND RADIO." It was MOVED by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried on roll call vote as follows that the further reading of the full text be waived and that the same be ADOPTED as amended. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None None On recommendation of the Insurance Adjuster and the City Attorney the claim of State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and for Holly Byrne was DENIED on MOTION by Councilman Parry, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows: I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Margett None None It was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried on roll call vote as follows that the Letter of Agreement between the Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner and the City of Arcadia for coyote control for the fiscal year 1979-80 be APPROVED and that the Assistant City Manager be and he is hereby AUTHORIZED to execute same. 10-2-79 - 4 - ITEM REFERRED TO PlANNING COMMISSION I HOUSING ELEMENT Genera 1 Plan OAK GLEN SLOPE MUNIC IPAL DATA SYSTEM RECOGNITION APPOINTMENT EXECUTIVE SESS ION ADJOURNMENT OCT. 16, 6 p.m. I 23: 9871 In consideration thereof the City agrees to pay the County the actual costs of services, labor and materials in the performance of the work up to a maximum of $2000. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Gilb, Parry, Pellegrino, Saelid, Parry None None An appeal from the decision of the Planning Commission concerning an expansion of a restaurant at 100 E. Live Oak Avenue will be referred to the Commission inasmuch as there are substantial revisions. This on MOTION by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Parry and carried unanimously. The City Manager explained that October 12 is the deadline set by the Department of Housing and Community Development for notification from the City as to its inclusion of a housing element in the City's General Plan. As soon as additional data is obtained response will be made. Staff will prepare a recommendation as to what the City can do to ease a drainage problem from a new subdivision in the hillside area. The Finance Director explained problems the City is experiencing with the data processing which is now based in Anaheim and said staff is exploring another joint operation with the Cities of Claremont, San Dimas and Glendora. Evelyn Chivers, Deputy City Clerk, will attend the next regular meeting to receive an award for her years of service. Mrs. Chivers is moving to Durango, Colorado. On MOTION by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Pellegrino and carried C. Robert Arth was appointed to another two year term on the Los Angeles County Watershed Commission. At 9:25 p.m. the City Council entered an executive session, RECONVENED at 9:45 p.m. and ADJOURNED TO OCTOBER 16 at 6 p.m. in the Conference Room. ATTEST: ~.~~~~ 10-2-79 - 5 -