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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 3,1974 21:8667 M I NUT E S CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 3, 1974 The City Council of the City of Arcadia, California, met in adjourned regular session on December 3, 1974 at 7 p.m. in the Arcadia City Hall Conference Room. I The City Manager advised on the sphere of influence with particular relation to County territory south of Live Oak Avenue. Communication discussed by the City Manager with relation to the San Gabriel Valley Diversion Project. Communication to be directed to the Robinson's Department Store officials concerning its plans as presented by the architect - not in any form of approval only an accommodation. The City Manager advised of a forthcoming management meeting to be held in Laguna Beach January 24-25. All Department Heads will attend. Some discussion on the plaque to be installed at the Tripolis Friendship Park. Will be an agenda item fot the regular meeting to follow. Agenda items 5e Traffic Control cost; 5 g CRA funds; 5i Budget discussed. Council received a communication from the City Manager concerning the Oakhurst subdivision by Paul Friedman. Meeting adjourned sine die at 7:30 p.m. Mayor I . ~ AT~T: &:~h4(;~ Y/~ City Clerk 21:8668 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ARE TAPE RECORDED AND ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL MINUTE APPROVAL ~6NDITIONAL USE PERMIT Restaurant APPROVED y ~(lNDITIONAL USE PERMIT Restaurant APPROVED yr, CONDITIONAL I'USE PERMIT WEIGHT CONTROL SCHOOL APPROVED ? J.vJ~ TRACT NO. 31052 TEN:rATIVE MAP APPROVED MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 3, 1974 The City Council of the City of Arcadia, California, met in regular session on Tuesday, December 3, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Arcadia City Hall. Rev. Monsignor Gerald M., O'Keeffe, Church of Holy Angels' Mayor Alton E. Scott PRESENT: ABSENT: Council Members Gilb, Helms, Scott Council Members Lauber, Saelid On MOTION by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Helms and carried unanimously Council members Lauber and Saelid were excused. They are attending the National League of Cities' Conference_ On MOTION by Councilman Helms, 'seconded by:Councilman Gilb and carried unanimously the minutes of the regular meeting of' November" 19.' APPROVED. Planning Commission Resolution No. 872 granting a conditional use permit for a David Copperfield restaurant at 400 S. Baldwin Avenue subject to conditions specified in said resolution. It was MOVED by Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried unanimously that Council determines that this project would not have a substantial adverse impact on the environment and that the conditional use permit be APPROVED subject to all conditions. Planning Commission Resolution No. 873 granting a conditional use permit for a Red Kettle restaurant at 400 S. Baldwin Avenue subject to conditions specified in said resolution. It was MOVED by Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried unanimously that Council determines that this project would not have a substantial adverse impact on the environ- ment and that the conditional use permit be APPROVED subject to all conditions. Planning Commission Resolution No. 874 granting a conditional use permit for a weight control school at 1145 W. Huntington Drive. Conditions imposed were set forth in the resolution. Discussion held on the parking facilities and it was pointed out that arrangements have been made for the immediate future to use parking on the adjacent property; this as a safeguard only. It was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Helms and carried unanimously that Council determines this project will not have a substantial adverse impact on the environ- ment and that the conditional use permit be APPROVED subject to all conditions. The Planning Director presented the tentative map of this tract which would create a 6 lot subdivision off Canyon Road and explored the conditions imposed by staff. This tract had been approved by Council in March 1973 however the applicant was granted a six months extension 12-3-74 - 1 - PARK DEDICATION 1 /5/6 LIBRARY REMODELING APPROVED FOR RECEIVING BIDS V AUDIENCE V 21:8669 at which time a revised tentative map was filed. The Planning Commission denied this map with the stipulation that the denial would not affect the previously approved map, before Council at this time. In reviewing the projecturals of the subject tract Council expressed concern about the ownership of property between the Canyon Reservoir site and the access road to the water tanks northeast of the subdivision. Mr. Hedlund of Hopen, Hedlund & Darby, Inc. representing the owners of the tract property, stated if the property under question is found to belong to his client something could be worked out. It was the opinion of staff that the reservoir site property was city owned. It was then MOVED by Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that Council determines this tract will not have an adverse impact on the environment; that the tentative map be - APPROVED subject to all conditions imposed by staff; that the require- I ment for sidewalks be DELETED and that this approval is given on the condition that the City owns that property between the Canyon Reservoir site and the access road northeast of the subdivision; and in the event such property is not owned by the City, then this approval shall be null and void and the tentative map shall return to Council at its next meeting. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gilb, Helms, Scott None Council Members Lauber, Saelid Council received the recommendation of the Sister City Commission concerning the wording for the plaque to be placed at the Tripolis Friendship Park. It was the consensus of Council that the plaque read as follows: TRIPOLIS FRIENDSHIP PARK Named in honor of Tripolis, Arcadia, Greece, Sister City of Arcadia, California, United States of America, since the 24th day of June 1963. Dedicated this 28th day of January 1975 to lasting friendship and eternal peace between our two cities and nat ions. Date of dedication to be determined as soon as it is known when the plaque will be ready. The wording was ADOPTED on MOTION by Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried unanimously. Council received the plans and specifications for the remodeling of the circulation area of the City Library. Jerry Busse, with Fickas, Architects, explained what is proposed and the costs which he estimated to be approximately $14,900 including the carpet. This does not include the 3M Electronic Book and Periodical Detection System which was approved for ,purchase by Council on October 1, 1974. It was MOVED by I Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that the plans and specifications be APPROVED and the City Clerk AUTHORIZED to advertise for bids. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gilb, Helms, Scott None Council Members Lauber, Saelid PARTICIPATION Mrs. Johanna Hofer, 875 Monte Verde, referred to the following subjects: totalitarism which she felt has a good foothold; citizen apathy; the Council agenda which she said does not contain sufficient statistical date; use of tax dollars; the control of traffic during the racing l2-3-74 - 2 - 21:8670 season and holiday shopping; additional funds being used for community redevelopment; Ordinance No. 1525 concerning the attendance by minors at public dances which she felt should be considered by the school administrators and the PIA organizations; objected to the use of tax dollars for a new policy being established by the San Gabriel Valley Juvenile Diversion Project for mini-bike excursions by the youth. I Jerry Gallagher, 400 W. Norman Avenue, spoke at length concerning the corner of Holly and Norman Avenues at which he felt a four way stop sign is needed. He cited accidents at that location and submitted a petition with 47 signatures requesting the stop sign. Discussion ensued on the elimination of obstructing landscaping growth which may preclude drivers from seeing the stop sign, for east/west traffic on Norman. It was felt by Council that a pavement lettering "stop ahead" might help. Ron Mullens, 1725 Holly Avenue, also spoke to this traffic problem and expressed concern for the children walking to the elementary Baldwin Stocker School at Lemon Avenue. He noted stop signs at other streets on Holly and asked favorable consideration for Norman. It was the consensus of Council that this matter has sufficient merit for full review by Council of the diagrams of the accident to which Mr. Gallagher referred and to a traffic count of the area along with data concerning the installation of a four way stop sign. Mrs. Milton Creek, 1115 Columbia Road, asked that consideration of the CRA matter be delayed until all Council members would be present. She commended Council on its endeavor to encourage public participation in City government. Mrs. Sherri Passmore, 1109 Columbia Road, felt the intention of Council to have public input during the budget planning time is a step toward improved communication between government and the taxpayers. She referred to new legislation with regard to CRA which she felt Council and the public should have time to study before approving any further monies. She asked Council to delay consideration of this matter until there is a full Council and perhaps until after the ho lidays. Robert Munro, 408 Cabrillo Road, asked that CRA be postponed until a full Council is present. David Parry, 101 Santa Ynez Road, submitted in part that the matter of CRA should be put to a vote by the people; that it should be known if a specific project is in the process of formulation; that there are many positive considerations .... civic auditorium, parks program, etc. and that before any additional monies are spent on CRA consideration should be given to holding a public hearing. I LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE BID CALL 65/~ The current contract for maintenance of city-owned landscaped areas with Duke's Landscaping Service exp i'ccs on February 1, 1975. Staff listed the areas for maintenance in its report dated December 3, 1974. Council received the specifications for the contract and it was MOVED by Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that the spe c ifications be APPROVED and that the City Clerk be AUTHORIZED to advertise for bids. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Gilb, Helms, Scott None Council Members Lauber, Saelid TRAFFIC Council received the staff report in response to a petition signed by MARKINGS residents on Oaks Place requesting improved delineation of traffic PETITION markings to preclude unnecessary vehicular traffic from turning into 5; 1\! ;-It'..--- l2-3-74 - 3 - TRAFFIC MARKINGS PETITION canlt. FEDERAL NOISE STANDARDS & REGULATIONS RESOLUTION NO. 4468 ADOPTED TENNIS COURTS PRELIMINARY DESIGN APPROVED -.:g-'lt3 G TRAFFIC CONTROL RACE SEASON APPROVED s: jLL/t'~ ,/ ~!, '~C^-" STREET VACATION (Indiana) V C R A (' POS TPONED TO DEC. 17 21:8571 Oaks Place. The petition was submitted for the residents by the Highlands Homeowners' Association. Council concurred in the Director of Public Works recommendation for additional signing as indicated in his report, and will receive a report back in about 6 mGnths as to the results. Council received a communication from the Metropolitan Transportaion Engineering Board of the County Road Department recommending that the Council adopt a resolution requesting the FHWA to revise subject stand- ards that are applied to the Federal Aid Highway System of all cities. Whereupon the City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution No. 4468, entitled: "A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA REQUESTING THE "FHWA" REVISE THEIR STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES ON NOISE LEVEL REQUIREMENTS ON FEDERAL-AID SYSTEM PROJECTS." I It was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Helms and carried on roll call vote as follows that the full reading of the text be waived and that same be ADOPTED. AYES NOES ABSENT: Council Members Gilb, Helms, Scott None Council Members Lauber, Saelid Council received the preliminary design plans for the five tennis courts to be constructed on the Baldwin Avenue Reservoirs. The Director of Public Works reported in detail in his communication dated December 3. It was MOVED by Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that the preliminary design be APPROVED and the City's consultant be AUTHORIZED to proceed with final design plans and specifications to be submitted to Council at a later date for final consideration. AYES NOES ABSENT: Council Members Gilb, Helms, Scott None Council Members Lauber, Saelid Council received the recommendation concerning the budget needs for policing traffic during the Santa Anita race meet starting December 26, 1974. The budget request is considered sufficient under normal conditions however there was an increase reflected to offset moderate variations which might be required due to Fair Labor Standards Act regulations covering public safety employees which become effective Janu?ry l, 1975. It was MOVED by Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that the sum of $128,l40 be APPROPRIATED for said purpose. If it is determined that there is a legal need for a resolution due to the supplemental appropriation the City Attorney will so prepare. AYES Council Members Gilb, Helms, Scott NOES None ABSENT: Council Members Lauber, Saelid I Council received the recommendation of staff that Indiana Street be vacated a~d that proceedings be so i~stituted. Th~ report indic~ted that with the lmprovement of Second and Flrst Avenues wlth the reductlon of traffic on Huntington Drive after the opening of the Foothill Freeway it has been concluded that the street is no longer necessary. Whereupon it was MOVED by Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried unanimously that the City Attorney prepare a Resolution of Intention to vacate for Council consideration on December 17, 1974. Said document would schedule a public hearing on January 7, 1975. The Planning Commission will be asked to submit its recommendation in this regard at the earliest date. Due to the absence of Council Members Lauber and Saelid it was MOVED by Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried unanimously that 12-3-74 - 4 - C R A POSTPONED TO DEC. l7 can't. STREET IMPROVEMENT (Portion of Ho lly Avenue) -;), (-{,:-.../14 1, ~j I AGENDA ITEM DELAYED ORDINANCE v'NO. 1524 ADOPTED ORDINANCE /NO. 1525 , ADOPTED I RES OUJ TION NO. 4467 ADOPTED 3/54-1 PROCEDURAL ORDINANCE WAIVED 21:8672 the request for loan and appropriation for the Community Redevelopment Agency as submitted by the City Manager be postponed until the next regular Council meeting. A communication asking for a delay to a time when all 'Council members would be present was received from William F. Gorman, President of the East Central Residents' Association and made a part of the record. Council received the request of the Church of Good Shepherd (southwest corner of Holly and Duarte Rd.) 'for the construction of curb/gutter and sidewalks on the west side of Holly Avenue at Cityrs expense. It was the consensus that with the traffic volume of Holly the improvement-is needed not only at the subject area but also on th~ west side of Holly , from almost Camino Real to the church property. It was MOVED by Council- man Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that the subject curb and gutter construction be included in the next sidewalk project which is scheduled to be, started after the 1974-75 race meet. AYES NOES ABSENT: Council Members Gilb, Helms, Scott None Council Members Lauber, Saelid This Budget Procedure item was postponed until after the January 7 meeting scheduled for that date at the City Library Lecture Room. This will be a public meeting. The City Attorney presented for the second time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. 1524, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AMENDING THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PUBLIC STABLES." It was MOVED by Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full text be waived and that same be ADOPTED. .. AYES NOES ABS ENT: Council Members Gilb, Helms, Scott None Council Members Lauber, Saelid The City Attorney presented for the second time, explained the content and read the title of Ordinance No. l525, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA AMENDING SECTION 6412.3 OF THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO MINORS' ATTENDANCE AT A PUBLIC DANCE." It was MOVED by Councilman Gilb, seconded by Councilman Helms and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full text be waived and that same be ADOPTED. AYES NOES ABSENT: Council Members Gilb, Helms, Scott None Council Members Lauber, Saelid The City Attorney presented, explained the content and read the title of Resolution No. 4467, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN LANDS TO THE ARCADIA CONSOLIDATED LIGHTING DISTRICT (ANNEXATION NO.4)." It was MOVED by Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried on roll call vote as follows that the reading of the full text be waived and that same be ADOPTED. AYES NOES ABSENT: Council Members Gilb, Helms, Scott None Council Members Lauber, Saelid On MOTION by Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried unanimously the provisions of "the Procedural Ordinance were WAIVED in 12-3-74 - 5 - BICENTENNIAL COMMISS ION APPOINTMENTS V WIN PROGRAM CHAIRMAN APPOINTED ADJOURNMENT 21:8673 order to take the following action. On MOTION by Councilman Helms, seconded by Councilman Gilb and carried unanimously the following were appointed to the Bicentennial Commission: Sister City Commission Mrs. Carol Libby Board of Education Mrs. Gloria Horstman Library Board Mrs. Roberta Camphouse Parking Place Commission Dennis Lojeski Mayor Scott appointed Lyle Cunningham to chair the local Federal Citizens Action Committee to fight inflation...WIN PROGRAM. At 9:00 p.m. the meeting ADJOURNED to DECEMBER 17, 1974 at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. I // / //i:;- ( iG ",rzo ~-- Mayor ATTEST: !J~CV~~ City Clerk I 12-3-74 - 6 -