HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 2,1996_2 I I I vt(O - ~..) i): ',':OJ; 0 (0", 'Ib C<' CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ARE TAPE RECORDED AND ON FILE IN TIiE OFFICE OF TIiE CITY CLERK INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL 3. :-lEETING WITH LARRY GLENN, WATER. QUAL. AUTH.BD.MBR 4. 5. oP<;,. ,'.> 1; Al9' MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OF TIiE CITY OF ARCADIA and the ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 2. 1996 The City Council and the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency met in a regular meeting at 7:00 p. m.. Tuesday, January 2, 1996 in the Arcadia City Council Chambers. Rev, Gary K, Clark. Christian Center of Arcadia Mr, Patrick Malloy. Maintenance Services Director PRESENT: ABSENT: Councilmembers Chang, Kuhn. Ulrich, Young and Lojeski None (NOTE: Items I and 2 are incorporated into the Adjourned Regular Meeting held this date.) SUPPLEMENTAL lNFORMA TION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS - REPORTS/ ANNOUNCEMENTS/STATEMENTS City Manager announced that at 5:30 p, m, the City Council met with Mr, Larry Glenn who is a new Water Quality Authority Board Member, At that meeting the Council and Mr, Glenn discussed the directions the Water Quality Authority is L1king relative to the cleanup of the Basin. No action was taken at the meeting. It was merely for purposes of an introduction and disc:ussion of direction. QUESTIONS FROM CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGARDING CLARIFICATION OF AGENDA ITEMS None AUDffiNCEPARTIC~ATION Dr, Robert Ellison. 620 West Huntington Drive, stated. in part, that he is present as spokesperson for the Neighbors for Arcadia, which is an organization d~\'eloped specifically for the purpose of preventing the development of an entertainment center on the grounds of the Santa Anita Race Track. The Neighbors for Arcadia have a responsibility to the citizens of Arcadia in addition to the one just mentioned. That responsibility is to see to it that every voter in the community bas an opportunity to vote on a project of this magnitude. Neighbors for Arcadia also bas the responsibility to report to the City Council as to how the organization is attempting to meet that responsibility, ,- This afternoon a Notice of Intent, Ballot Title and Summary of an initiative ordinance. which would make it necessary for the majority of voters to vote 112/96 ..... ." ClifT Goodrich. 400 block of Vaquero Road. stated, in part. that he is representing Santa Anita. He is trying to understand what Dr, Ellison was asking for representing the citizens of Arcadia and the process. From what he understands. Dr. Ellison would like the Council to put the issue on the ballot. He is not sure if he means the entertainment center or their initiative as they have it worded. He understands that the Council can take no action tonight. He is present in the hope that the Council will detide not to take the action Dr, Ellison is asking for. Santa Anita is going through what is called the entitlement process. Santa Anita has spent over a million and a half dollars to this point, and is not yet at the point of hearings before the Planning COmmission or the City Council. They feel it is extremely important that this matter be heard in public hearings before the Planning Commission and eventually before the City Council, after which a decision will be rendered, If Dr, Ellison's group wishes to pr<lceed with the initiative process it is their right which they have separate from Planning Commission or Council action. While apparently they cannot get the signatures for the municipal election in April. they still could pursue a special election. While Santa Anita does not advocate that, and it would cost the City a considerable amount of money; that is a right which any citizen has. Mr, Goodrich is present in the hope that the Council would not decide to put this on the ballot, because they feel there is a lot more to be heard on this issue; that public hearings need to be had, By the time it gets to Council, they will make a decision. Meanwhile Dr, Ellison's group or any other group can pursue a separate process. But it is important that the entitlement PrllceSS proceed on the entertainment center, whatever the result. They would hope that whatever Dr. Ellison or anyone else wants to do would be separate and distinct from Planning Commission or Council action. D ~ / " -;.~ if Vince Folev. 300 block of Cambridge Drive. stated, in part. that, with all due respeclto IV " I' Dr. Ellison and the information he presented, he indicates that it is his and his committee's obligation and responsibility to make sure that the voters decide on this entertainment center. He hopes the Council realizes that neither he nor any other voter in the City has' ever voted to elect Dr. Ellison or his committee to be responsible or to be obligated for anything on behalf of the voters, The voters elected the five City Council members to make those kind of decisions for the voters, because they are on the Council o ~>'I)-'- \' S" 11/.s f' for any change in the land use of the track area, were published in THE STAR. the adjudicated newspaper for the City, The Neighbors for Arcadia will solicit signatures in order that a special elecuon can be held concerning this measure, (t ",ill not be poSSible for the petition to be in the hands of the City Clerk by January 12. 1996. wruch would make it eligible for the municipal election in April. However. the Council has the opponunity to make the decision to put this measure on the ballot. The Neighbors for Arcadia invites the City Council members to attend the next meeung on January 12 at 7:30 p, m, at the Glendale Federal Bank on South First Avenue.. so they will know how Neighbors for Arcadia is planning to proceed. I Gail Marshall. 2300 block of Lee Avenue, stated, in part. that the signals at the comer of Second Avenue and Live Oak Avenue and the comer of Second A venue and Duarte Avenue change very slowly for the traffic traveling on Second Avenue. involving a long wait at each intersection, Ms, Marshall questioned the synchronization of these signals. Ms, Marshall also noted that she and her paMer had just sold their business. They paid approximately $ 1700 taxes on game machines for the year, The new owners took over in August and paid another $ 1700 on the same machines for the same year. She feels this is double ta.xation. and since she and her paMer used about three months, they were out approximately $1300 on taxes, which they feel should be refunded. No other jurisdiction double taxed them. Mayor Lojeski referred the problems with the signals and business license to staff for consideration. I I 2 1/2/96 - I I I o ~-,.; . 5"" ~ Nr.. 6. 103("1.oi(' fl!SP CITY CLERK JUNE ALFORD (!Jpdate on Nominating Period and Papers Issues) YOUNG (Hazardous Waste Round- ups) (Recyclable Items) ULRICH (Arcadia T.R. Float) CHANG (New Year Gree tings) KUHN (Nancy Bradley Retirement) 01....";(.;... ",.(, ,v: " , " \' ., '- ~- ~ ~ : -'-'.'. 10 make infonned decisions based upon the infonnauon available to CouncIl. He "'ould hope that Council would not abrogate thaI authority; and that Council would make the proper decisions that the electorate voted it to make, Drew Krvnicki. 300 block of Leroy Avenue. stated, in part. that the history of America is one of people taking it upon themselves to work for positive and constructive results. They don't wait for other people to do things for them. They take it upon themseh'es to move forward in a positive direction, He thinks that is what the Neighbors for Arcadia is doing, The process referred' to by Mr, Goodrich culminates in a City Council election. An alternative to a City Council election would be a general election. Since this is the most imponant issue to have come along in Arcadia in many years. it might well be appropriate for the electorate to have the final say on it so that the wishes of the people are expressed fully. MATTERS FROM ELECTED OFFICIALS City Clerk announced that the nominating period is still open for election to two City Council seats and the position of City Clerk. To date. nominating papers have been taken by seven persons: Dennis A. Lojeski, Robert C, Harbicht, Gino Roncelli. Vincent J. Foley, Ruth V. Gilb. George Fasching. and Chuck Chivetta. City Clerk, June Alford has taken nominating papers for the City Clerk position. The nominating period will remain open until January 12. 1996. In the event a City Council incumbent does not file, the nominating period will remain open until January 17. 1996 for Council only, Councilmembcr Young stated that the County Sanitation District has pickup for hazardous waste materials periodically throughout the year. During the last year, they had thirty such programs. An average of 1320 cars were driven to drop off items to the locations each time there was such a program. In 1991 when the program staned, it cost $ 172 per car to handle the waste, and dispose of it. In 1995 that cost dropped to $90 per car, County expects to continue these hazardous waste pickups and expand the number of locations during the next year. It is paying off in helping the environment. Councilmembcr Young referred to an anicle in the Pasadena Star News regarding a trash company which has offered to pay the City of Pasadena for righlS to pick up recyclable materials. Perhaps this should be considered during the upcoming discussions concerning uash pickup and disposal. Councilmembcr Ulrich complemented the Arcadia Tournament of Roses Float Committee on the Arcadia float which appeared in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses parade. It was a wonderful gesture. People around the world know there is a City of Arcadia. CounciImembcr Chang wished everyone present and the television audience a happy and prosperous New Year. Mayor Pro tem Kuhn stated that she had attended the retirement luncheon for Police Department employee Nancy Bradley last week. Mrs. Bradley had worked for the City of Arcadia for thirty-eight years. Mrs. Bradley served a:i Secretary to Arcadia Police Chiefs Scares, Mitchell. Johnson and Garner. Mayor Pro tem Kuhn extended congratulations to Nancy. 3 1/2196 .. KL'H:; (Interview bv Dr. Chang in Chinese ~ewspaper) LOJESKI (Christmas Tree Recycling) (D.A.R.E. Program) a <.("It) - ...fa N.!:.(l (Arcadia Water Infrastructure Study) o 7 ("D - 6 ~ " Nsp (Report and Analysis of Iniative Xeasure for Council Agenda) () S; I'> - ..,. Ii' ,..j;p 3 ~ : .)lJ : ~ Mayor Pro tern Kuhn referred to an article In the Chinese Daily Ne"spaper based upon an interview by Dr, Chang, This article was printed in Chinese. The article was upsetting to her. She believes that all citizens in this community deserve to know what Dr, Chang is saying about the community and its Council: not just those who can read Chinese. Mayor Pro tern Kuhn expressed considerable displeasure Wlth Dr. Chang, and in particular the newspaper article. She hopes that, in the future, the Chinese press sees fit to report fairly and accurately for all of the Council. and be a part in building harmony in this community, I Mayor Lojeski announced a Christmas tree recycling program in cooperation with Newco waste systems, The trees will be picked up from the curb on regular trash pickup days in January, Mayor Lojeski announced an important graduation program. Starting on January 16 and progressing to the 25th. our young students in the six elementary schools will be graduating in the D,A,RE, program. This is an outstanding program to help educate and train the young people in the community on everything from gang violence to drug awareness. He plans to attend most if not all of these graduations. It is a meaningful program and one which we will continue to build upon in the community. At the request of Mayor Lojeski, the City Manager reported that the City of Arcadia is fortunate to receive $300.000 from the federal government to deal with a water infrastructure restoration study, The report is to evaluate what the City of Arcadia will do if there should be an earthquake and the underground water systems were to be distUIbed ... where would the water go '.. would we have water to protect ourselves in the future after an earthquake or a seismic change. Rcprescntltive David Drier, who plays a key role in decision making regarding these funds, came to the aid of the City and helped guide the legislative process to see to it that Arcadia received these funds, Although it is not all the money requested, it is three-fourths of the funds needed to complete the study. If the City should have an earthquake in the future. we Wlll be better able and prepared to respond to the disaster, Without having this information. the City could suft'er significant losses to the water system, so this is great news for Arcadia, Mayor Lojeski noted that this is another instance of governments working together for the benefit of the City, Mayor Lojeski would like to have a letter to Representltive Dreier prepared for all the Councilmember' s signatures, The Councllmembers concurred. I Mayor Lojeski commented that with the proposed development by a commercial applicant here in the community, and with the information this evening by Dr. Ellison that the notification is being published, he would like to see the City Attorney prepare some answers to prepare and educate the Council, specifically relating to fiscal impacts of such a proposed initiative measure to the Councilor the City; the overall effects on the City's land use planning and other matters about which Councilmembers may give direction. It is appropriate that Council bcalmes educated on such matters. The City Attorney responded that the law that pertains to the initiative process does allow the City Council at any time even during the cin:ulation of petitions for signature to seek a report and analysis on the effect of the measure as proposed by Mayor Lojeski. It can deal with land use. fiscal matters. long and short teno. The City Attorney recommended that staff will come back with the material Council needs to make the fonnal request for the reports under the law pertaining to the initiative process. That can be done in short order reo Election Code Section 9212. It was the consensus of Council 10 place this matter on a future City Council agenda. I 4 1/2/96 .- I I I CI!AJ.'1G LOJESKI (Initiative Measure 0<;'/'- ~-: 11/':' I ' CITY ATTORNEY () S'I, . . i- thi ULRICH (Report from Police Chief) (Meeting with Police Chief - Community Center 1/17/96) 7. ROLL CALL 7a. ~1I NUTE APPROVAL (Dec.5,1995) (Dec.19.1995) (APPROVED) ADJOURNMENT 8. 8a. MINUTE APPROVAL (Dec.5,1995) (Dec.14.1995) (Dec .19,1995) (APPROVED) . " l.. , ... ; ~ I I 38:0009 Councilmember Chang requested clarification of the preceding item regarding Dr. Ellison's request, Mayor Lojeski responded that he wants infonnation regarding fiscal impacts of the initiative process, Assuming the process proceeds ahead and the necessary signatures are obtained, what would be the timing element, cost estimates. etc. that the City would be looking at In response to Councilmember Chang's question the City Attorney replied Council will get an action item at the next meeting or ~ext thereafter in order to ask for the repon as authorized under Elections Code 9212 with regard to a proposed initiative measure, Councilmember Ulrich requested that the City Manager talk about an upcoming meeting with the Police Chief. The City Manager responded that just before Christmas there had been a one hour presentation from Police Chief Gamer regarding operations of the Police Depanment and other issues. Chief Gamer will reschedule a meeting to continue that repon. The meeting should happen at the first Council meeting in February. Police Chief Garner stated that a meeting is scheduled to be held at 7:30 p,m, on January 17, 1996 at the Community Center, The Republican Club asked the Chief to speak, giving an overview of Police operations, The repon will be similar to that presented to the City Council. The community is invited and an announcement will be placed on the Community Bulletin Board. MEETING OF TIffi ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PRESENT: ABSENT: Agency Members Chang. Kuhn. Ulrich, Young and Lojeski None On MOTION by Agency Member Young, seconded by Agency Member Kuhn and CARRIED on roll call vote as follows the minutes of the December 5. 1995 and December 19,1995 meetings were APPROVED AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council members Chang, Kuhn, Ulrich, Young and Lojeski None None The Meeting ADJOURNED to January 16. 1996 at 5:30 p, m. CONSENT ITEMS APPROVED minutes of the December 5. 1995 adjourned and regular meetings; December 14, 1995 joint City CounciVArcadia School Board adjourned regular meeting; and December 19. 1995 adjourned and regular meetings. 5 112/96 9. 9a. SANTA ANITA ENTERTAINMENT CENTER - CONTRACT AMENDMENTS (Agajanian & Assoc. & LSA Assoc., Inc.) (APPROVED) OS! ~- -.. ~ 10. lOa. RESOLUTION NO. 5901 (ADOPTED) OI.d,~I.. 1',,1 j8:001j THE ABOVE CONSENT ITEM WAS APPROVED ON MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER ULRICH. SECONDED BY MAYOR PRO TEM KUHN AND CARRIED ON ROLL CALL VOTE AS FOLLOWS: I AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council members Chang. Kuhn, Ulrich. Young and Lojeski None None CITY MANAGER Report and recommendation for approval of additional services and conuact amendments for Agajanian & Associates and LSA Associates. Inc,. City consultants for the proposed Santa Anita Entertainment Development Project. LSA Associates. Inc, and Agajanian & Associates are the consultants hired by the City to prepare an environmental impact report and related studies for the Santa Anita Entertainment Center (SAEC) project. The scope of the work for' both consultants has changed as a result of the applicant requesting that the analysis now include a 97S,OOO square foot alternative project. Because of the way the California Environmental Quality Act is wrinen, the contract with these consultants must be amended to ensure that the EIR and related studies are consistent with State law. There are additional fees involved to include this study: $27.000 for Agajanian & Associates and S2S.000 for LSA Associates, Inc, These funds will be paid by the project applicant pursuant to reimbursement agreement with the City. In response to a question from Councilmember Young, the City Manger said two separate studies will be received from the consultants, I It was MOVED by Councilmember Young. seconded by Councilmember Ulrich and CARRIED on roll call vote as follows to APPROVE the additional work described in staff report dated January 2. 1996 for Agajanian & Associates and LSA Associates. Inc,. and AUTHORIZE the City Manager to execute the required contract amendments prepared and approved by the City Anomey. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmembers Chang. Kuhn. Ulrich. Young and Lojeski None None CITY A TIORNEY Report and recommendation to adopt Resolution No. S90I amending Resolution No, S82S by changing the time of the regular meetings of the Arcadia Sister City Commission from 7:00 p.m. to 6:30 p, m. The City Anomey presented and read the title of Resolution No. S90 I: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. S82S BY CHANGING THE TIME OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE ARCADIA SISTER CITY COMMISSION", It was MOVED by Mayor Pro tem Kuhn, seconded by Councilmember Young and CARRIED on roll call vote as follows that Resolution No. S90 I be and it is hereby ADOPTED. I 6 1/2/96 I ADJOURNMENT (Ja.n.16,1996 5:30 p.m.) ATTEST: 38: 00 i l AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmembers Chang, Kuhn, Ulrich. Young and Lojeski None None At7:~2 p. m, the meeting ADJOURNED to Tuesday, January 16. 19% at 5:30 p, m, in the Conference Room of the City Hall Council Chambers for an Adjourned Regular Meeting to conduct the business of the City Council and the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency. and any Closed Session necessary to discuss personnel, litigation matters and evaluation of properties. (' ~ of the City of Arcadia I ,~~, ~~ I 7 1/2196