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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 19,1991_2 I 1 33:0322 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ARE TAPE RECORDED AND ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL MINUTE APPROVAL (Oct.24,199l) (Nov.5,1991) (APPROVED) ORD. & RES. READ BY TITLE ONLY I. PUBLIC HEARING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES DISTRICT NO. 13 (2nd Ave LaPorte to Htg. Dr.) (APPROVED) o'i<(O - fit} MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA and the ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 19, 1991 The City Council and the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency met in a regular meeting at 7:30 p. m., Tuesday, November 19, 1991 in the Arcadia City Hall Council Chamber. Rev. Drell Butler, Arcadia Community Vineyard Councilmember Mary Young PRESENT: Councilmembers Ciraulo, Fasching, Harbicht, Young and Gilb ABSENT: None On MOTION by Councilmember Ciraulo, seconded by Council- member Young and CARRIED, the minutes of the Study Session of October 24, 1991 and the adjourned and regular meetings of November 5, 1991 were APPROVED, It was MOVED by Councilmember Young, seconded by Council. member Ciraulo and CARRIED that Ordinances and Resolutions be read by title only and that the reading in full be WAIVED. Consideration of Underground Utilities District No. 13 - Second Avenue from La Porte Street to Huntington Drive, Pursuant to the requirements of Section 8831.1 of the Arcadia Municipal Code, the City Engineer submitted a report concerning " proposed underground utilities district setting forth the cos t to be borne by the utility companies, affected property owners, and the City as well as the estimated time required to complete the necessary undergrounding within said district, In an effort to underground all overhead utility lines along Second Avenue from Huntington Drive to La Porte Street, except for the high voltage transmission lines, the City Council at its meeting of October 22, 1991 authorized staff to proceed with undergrounding of distribution lines only. A public hearing was scheduled for this date, after which the City Council will consider adoption of Resolution No. 5630 to create the City of Arcadia Undergrounding Utility District No, 13, The cost of undergrounding overhead electrical lines is funded from annual allocations from the Southern California Edison Company pursuant to the requirements of the Public Utilities Company. All costs associated with the undergrounding of overhead telephone and cable T. V. lines would be paid for by the respective utility company. A breakdown of costs to the I 11/19/9l RESOLUTION NO. 5630 (ADOPTED) o'6~/o-c(} 2. 2a. ARCADIA BEAUTIFUL COMSN. (Rosa Schram) OI.)O-I() 3. 4. 5. Sa. ROLL CALL 33:0323 utility companies is given in staff report dated November 19, 1991. In addition to the above undergrounding items and their related costs to the utility companies, the City would pay approximately $5,000 for 10 additional street lights which are budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program and funded by the Capital Outlay Fund. There should be no financial impact upon or action required by property owners, since no property owners are affected. In reply to questions from Mayor Pro tem Harbicht, staff responded that the 66kv transmission lines will stay in place. Also that one of these lines, together with the pole and the guy lines, is located in the middle of the northwest corner lot which is proposed by the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency to be available for development, In reply to questions, the Assistant Director for Economic Development stated that either 1 the future developer would have to build around the lines or move them at his own expense. There are no distribution lines on that pole. Mayor Gilb declared the hearing OPEN. No one desiring to be heard, the hearing was CLOSED on MOTION by Councilmember Fasching, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Harbicht and CARRIED, The City Manager presented and read the title of Resolution No. 5630: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 13" . It was then MOVED by Councilmember Fasching, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Harbicht and CARRIED on roll call vote as follows that Resolution No. 5630 be and it is hereby ADOPTED. AYES: Councilmembers Gilb None None Ciraulo, Fasching, Harbicht, Young and NOES: ABSENT: BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Mayor Gilb nominated Rosa Schram for appointment to the Arcadia Beautiful Commission to replace Min Mey Chang to fulfill an unexpired term to June 30, 1995. No other nominations were forthcoming. The nomination was seconded by Councilmember Young and CARRIED on roll call vote as follows: AYES: Councilmembers Ciraulo, Fasching, Harbicht, Young and Gilb None None 1 NOES: ABSENT: AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION None CITY COUNCIL RECESSED IN ORDER TO ACT AS THE ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PRESENT: Agency Members Ciraulo, Fasching, Harbicht, Young and Gilb None ABSENT: 2 11/19/91 1 1 5b. MINUTE APPROVAL (Nov. 5,1991) (APPROVED) 5c. ADJOURNMENT 6. 7. 7a. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED (Dec.3,1991) eJ.., ( ;) - 7() 7b. FINAL MAP S0451 (5-unit Res. Condominium - 517 S. Third Av.) [J.,-', 0 - ',V 7c. 7d. HILLSIDE MORATORIUM LEGISLATIVE REPORT c....~o -.30 7c. COUNCIL CHAMBER AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM (Repair/ Retrofit) (APPROVED) 07, -('1 1,- 33:0324 On MOTION by Member Young, seconded by Member Harbicht and CARRIED, the minutes of the meeting of November 5, 1991 were APPROVED. The meeting ADJOURNED to 7:00 p. m., December 3, 1991. CITY COUNCIL RECONVENED CONSENT ITEMS PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED for December 3, 1991 for consideration of Zone Change Z-91-010 from R-I 7,500 (single-family residential, with a minimum lot size of 7,500 sq. ft.) to R- I 10,OOO for certain properties in the southwest portion of the City, This proposal changes the required minimum lot size for any new lot from 7,500 square feet to 10,OOO square feet. APPROVED Final Map 50451 for a 5-unit residential condominium project at Sl7 S. Third Avenue submitted by C. H. Construction, the developer, on behalf of the property owners, Won Suk Park and Young Joo Park, Approval on condition that before the final map is recorded, all outstanding conditions of approval as outlined in Public Works Department report dated January 30, 1991 shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. Considered separately (see below) APPROVED issuance of status report, dated November 19, 1991, concerning the moratorium ordinance regarding development of undeveloped hillside areas. Government Code Section 65858 requires that ten days prior to expiration of an interim ordinance, or an extension, the legislative body shall issue a written report describing the' measures taken to address the factors which led to the moratorium. The subject status report complies with this requirement. THE ABOVE CONSENT ITEMS, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEM C, WERE APPROVED ON MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER YOUNG, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER FASCHING AND CARRIED ON ROLL CALL VOTE AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Councilmembers GUb None None Ciraulo, Fasching, Harbicht, Young and NOES: ABSENT: The existing air conditioning unit for the City Council Chamber and Conference Room was installed during the 1976-78 construction of the Council Chamber Building. Recently, the Council expressed concern and frustration over the lack of ability to control the temperature from within the building, i. e., by adjustable thermostats. The proposed repair would provide the City Council Chamber building with thermostats, one for each zone, which could be manually adjusted to provide the desired temperature. In reply to a question from Mayor Pro tem Harbicht, staff responded that the existing sensors cannot be adjusted unless they can be adjusted in the room that has exterior access and that is at the actual air conditioning 3 11/19/91 8. 8a. REQ. FOR ANNEXATION TO ARCADIA & WATER SERVo (Nick Pokrajac) (CONTINUED) O~ 10 - ;;0 NCJ"ro';, q 9. 9a. ORDINANCE NO. 1957 (INTRODUCED) 03f,v....." 9b. ORDINANCE NO. 1958 (INTRODUCED) () _ ~' !: tJ ~ ..3;'- 33:0325 unit itself. This repair will give flexibility for adjustment if needed. It was MOVED by Councilmember Fasching, seconded by Councilmember Young and CARRIED on roll call vote as follows that the repairlretrofit by F. M. Thomas Air Conditioning, Inc" to provide adjustable thermostatically controlled air conditioning for the City Council Chamber building be AUTHORIZED. and that $4,000 be appropriated from the General Fund to cover the cost. AYES: Councilmembers Gilb None None Ciraulo, Fasching, Harbicht, Young and NOES: ABSENT: I CITY MANAGER Mr, Nick Pokrajac requested that the consideration of his request for annexation to Arcadia and water service for property which is currently within the City of Monrovia be CONTINUED, It was MOVED by Mayor Pro tem Harbicht, seconded by Councilmember Young and CARRIED that this item be CONTINUED until the applicant asks that it be re-calendared. CITY ATTORNEY The City Manager presented for introduction and read the title of Ordinance No, 1957: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 6616.l0 OF THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR WAIVER OF BUSINESS LICENSE FEE BY BUSINESS LICENSE OFFICER REGARDING MOTION PICTURE FILMING BY STUDENT OR CHARITY". It was MOVED by Councilmember Ciraulo, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Harbicht and CARRIED on roll call vote as follows that Ordinance No. 1957 be and it is hereby INTRODUCED. AYES: Councilmembers Ciraulo, Fasching, Harbicht, Young and Gilb None None NOES: ABSENT: The City Manager presented for introduction and read the title of Ordinance No. 1958: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 6436,7 OF THE ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE TO AUTHORIZE THE FIRE CHIEF TO APPROVE CHRISTMAS TREE TENTS AND CANOPIES", 1 The City Manager noted that a change has been made in this Ordinance, Item b. replacing words, "Fire Inspector" with "Fire Chief". It was MOVED by Councilmember Young, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Harbicht and CARRIED on roll call vote as follows that Ordinance No. 1958 be and it is hereby INTRODUCED. AYES: Councilmembers Gilb None None Ciraulo, Fasching, Harbicht, Young and NOES: ABSENT: 4 11/19/91 1 1 9c. RESOLUTION NO. 5624 (ADOPTED) D:2~u ~<G.- Ijj,e.'f 10. 11. GILB (In Memory of Steve Ballreich) 12. ADJOURNMEMT (Dec.3,1991 - 7:00 p.m.) ATTEST: Ju 33:0326 The City Attorney presented and read the title of Resolution No. 5624: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, IMPLEMENTING A STAND-BY POLICY IN THE EQUIPMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT". It was MOVED by Mayor Pro Councilmember Young and CARRIED that Resolution No. 5624 be and tem Harbicht, seconded by on roll call vote as follows it is hereby ADOPTED, AYES: Councilmembers Gilb None None Ciraulo, Fasching, Harbicht, Young and NOES: ABSENT: MATTERS FROM STAFF None MATTERS FROM ELECTED OFFICIALS "I would like to close the meeting tonight in memory of former Mayor Steve Ballreich of Alhambra. Mr. Ballreich was murdered the other night while jogging down the San Gabriel Valley. You might have read about it, in the paper. He was a young man who was elected to the City Council in Alhambra, We were quite good friends when he first went on the Council. Then he left town and came back again, and he has been in the consulting business on helping people get elected. Steve was quite an active member of the Alhambra City Council. The murder has not been solved yet. He was jogging and when they found him, he had three or four bullets in his head. I would like to close the meeting now in memory of former Mayor Steve Ba11reich of Alhambra." At 7:44 p.m., the meeting ADJOURNED to 7:00 p.m., December 3, 1991, in the Conference Room of the Council Chambers to conduct the business of the Council and Agency and any CLOSED SESSION necessary to discuss personnel, litigation and evaluation of properties. ~q:; ~ 5 11/19/91