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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 2,2004 I I I 46 0162 CITY COUNOL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA and the ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ROLL CALL FUlllC <DMM8'IT 1. a. RE<D'NB'-lE REGJ.AR MEETING INIAXATIaII PLEDGE OF AU.EGIANCE ROLL CALL REGULAR MEmNG TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2004 MINUTES Audio and video tape copies of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency proceedings are on file in the office of the City Clerk The City Council and Arcadia Redevelopment Agency met in a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, November 2, 2004, 6:00 p.m. In the Council Chamber Conference Room pursuant to the previously adjourned Regular Meeting, PRESENT: CounCIl/Agency Members Chandler, Marshall, Segal, Wuo and KovacIc ABSENT: None. TIME RESERVED FOR AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION STUDY SESSION Don Penman, Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director and Donna Butler, Community Development Administrator, presented the staff report on Single Family Residential Architectural DeSign Guidelines; The Planning Commission, at their September 14, 2004 meeting recommended that the amended version of staff's architectural deSign review guidelines be forwarded to the City Council; The Commission further recommended that, If adopted, design review be conducted by the Development Services Department for all new projects and additions and/or exterior alterations requiring bUliding permits. Staff requested direction from Council on the following issues: (1): Does the Council authOrize design review for single family dwellings?; and (2): If design review is authorized, should staff or an outside committee conduct the review?; and (3) should the pennit process be the "threshold" by which design review IS Initiated. After diSCUSSion the City Council requested that staff continue working on the design review guidelines with the following direction: use Development Services Department staff as the appropriate authority to conduct design reView, use the permit process as the threshold by which single family reSidential architectural design review is conducted, and return the revised gUidelines to the Planning Commission for review and public hearing. The issues of noticing and appeal were not concluded and will be discussed at a future date. The final draft policy should be returned to the City Council on a future agenda for public hearing and review. The Regular Meeting of the City Council and Arcadia Redeveiopment Agency was reconvened in the City CounCil Chamber at 7:05 p.m. Revered Jeremiah Chen, Evangelical Fonnosan Church of Arcadia Tom Landes, Arcadia High School Band Director PRESENT: Council/Agency Members Chandler, Marshall, Segal, Wuo and Kovacic ABSENT: None, 11/2/04 1 2. MOTION - ORD. & RES. READ BY TInE ONLY 3. 4. COUNOL MEMBER MARSHALL COUNOL MEMBER SEGAL COUNOL MEMBER CHANDLER COUNOL MEMBER WUO CITY CLERK JIM BARROWS MAYOR KOVACIC 46 0163 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS None, It was moved by Council Member Chandler and seconded by Council Member Marshall then carried without objection that Ordinances and Resolutions be read by title only and that the reading In full be waived. REPORT FROM THE STUDY SESSION Steve Deitsch, City Attorney, reported that the Council conducted a study session on Single Family Design Review. There was no formal action taken by the Council during the study session. PRESENTATION of proclamation to Arcadia Festival of Bands Tom Lee, representing the Arcadia Festival of Bands, noted that the fundralser benefits band activities at all Arcadia schools, and is only possible through the participation of the City Council and various City departments, as well as the hundreds of private entities and volunteers in the community; he encouraged the public to participate in the event slated to take place on November 20, 2004. TIME RESERVED FOR AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Russ Garside, presldent-elect of the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce, appeared to thank the Arcadia Police Department for the security provided at the Chamber's Annual Fall Carnival in County Park. MATTERS FROM ELECTED OFFICIALS Council Member Marshall thanked David Lee for his efforts regarding the Arcadia Festival of Bands; encouraged all members of the public to vote; her thought for the day was a quote from Walt Whitman, "I know nothing grander, better exercise, better digestion, more positive proof of the past, the triumphant result of faith in human kind, than a well-contested American national election." Council Member Segal had no comments. Council Member had no comments. Council Member Wuo thanked David Lee for his efforts regarding the Arcadia Festival of Bands. City Clerk Jim Barrows thanked the City Clerk's office for their efforts regarding assisting Arcadia reSidents with the national election. Mayor Kovacic thanked David Lee for his efforts regarding the Arcadia Festival of Bands and also asked that Arcadians remember Leonard Hall and Paul DeLeon, both graduates of Arcadia High School, who are currently serving In Iraq. 11/2/04 2 I I I I I I 5. a. MINUTES (Redev. Agency) '" '\"'.. . ful," '\; ;~;. 46 0164 CONSENT AGENDA - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Consent Agenda items were read as follows by the Executive Director: Request for approval of the minutes of the October 19, 2004 Regular Meeting, MOTION AGENDA - CONSENT It was moved by Agency Member Chandler and seconded by Agency Member Marshall, then carried on roll call vote to approve item 5.a. on the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency consent calendar. ROLL CALL b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. MOTION - CONSENT AGENDA ROLL CALL AYES: NOES: Agency Members Chandler, Marshall, Segal, Wuo and Kovacic None . CONSENT AGENDA - CITY COUNCIL The Consent Agenda items were read as follows by the City Manager: Request for approval of the minutes of the October 19, 2004 Regular Meeting. Adopt an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Arcadia, California, amending various sections of Article IX (Conditional Uses) of the Arcadia Municipal Code relating to an automated self-service car wash. Approve the transfer Assignment and Assumption Agreement that assigns and transfers to Republic Energy all of Signal Maintenance Inc. rights and obligations under the current agreement with the City. Authorize the City Manager to execute a special use permit granted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service for the continued use of a lO-inch pipeline, check valve and meter that enters National Forest System land. Accept all work performed by Denboer Engineering & Construction, Inc. for the Wilderness Park Pumping Station and Sewer Pipeline Connection Project as complete; authOrize final payment to be made in accordance with the contract documents, subject to a retention of $17,849.98. Award a one (1) year contract extension in the amount of $32,000 to Truesdail laboratOries, Inc. of Tustin for laboratory testing services of City water samples; authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute a contract extension in a form approved by the City Attorney. Accept all work performed by 0 Construction, Inc, for the 2003/2004 Concrete Repair Project as complete; authorize final payment to be made in accordance with the contract documents, subject to a retention of $11,566.58. Accept the grant of $6,000 to the Arcadia Public Library from the California State Library LSTA Global Languages grant. It was moved by CounCil Member Chandler and seconded by Council Member Marshall, then carried on roll call vote to approve items S.b through 5. I, on the City Council consent calendar. AYES: NOES: Council Members Chandler, Marshall, Segal, Wuo and Kovacic None. 11/2/04 3 6. a. MOTION ROLL CALL ADJOURNMENT (to November 16, 2004, 6:00 p.m.) ATTEST: 46'0165 CITY MANAGER Don Penman, Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director presented the staff report. In 2000, the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) and the Pasadena Blue Line Construction Authority agreed to work as a team to secure federal funds and begin efforts for extension of the Metro Gold Line Phase II Foothill Extension light rail line system through the eastern San Gabriel Valley. The AuthOrity IS requesting that each city located on the Gold line light rail corridor establish a Station Design and Art Review Committee which will work to select design features and art work that complements the City's environment, history and character. Staff recommends that the Arcadia City Council create a Station Design and Art ReView Committee comprised of five (5) members for the Arcadia Gold Line Multi-Modal Transit Station, and designate staff and/or community members to serve as the City's representatives on the committee. Mayor Kovacic noted that as the City's representative to the Gold Line Authority, he recommends that the City become involved early in the artwork process in order to retain effective participation in the final product. After discussion on this item, the Council determined that they would each select a member of the community to serve on the committee and place the nominations for approval on the Council's next meeting agenda. In response to a question from the Council, City Manager Bill Kelly noted that City staff would remain as ex-officio members of the committee and would provide support to Arcadia's committee representatives. A motion was made by Council Member Marshall and seconded by Council Member Segal to authorize each City Council members to nominate one (1) community member to the Station DeSign and Art Review Committee and to return the names at the next Council meeting for final approval. AYES: NOES: Council Members Chandler, Marshall, Segal, Wuo and Kovacic None. Noting no additional business, at 8:00 p.m. the City CounCIl/Redevelopment Agency adjourned its Regular Meeting in memory of William Watt and Ernest Sanchez to November 16, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber for the Council's next Regular Meeting. ~.&, fM~~ Gary ovaCIC, Mayor James H, Barrows, City Clerk 11/2/04 4 I I I