HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 17,2000 'I I I OIfO- ~-O /011'OQ 4:2:0220 C.C CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ARE AUDIO AND VIDEO '~!l.f'E RECORDED AND ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MINUTES CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA and the ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING October 17, 2000 The City Council and Arcadia Redevelopment Agency met in a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Council Chamber. ROLL CALL PRESENT: CouncillAgency Members Chandler, Chang, Marshall, Segal and Kovacic ABSENT: None AUDIENCE PARTiCIPATION None. At 6:04 p.m. the City Council RECESSED to act as the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency. 1. CLOSED SESSION - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Government Code Section 54956.8) 0115'-'10 Property: 55 W. Huntington Drive 21 Morlan Place 28 W. Santa Clara Street 121,145,155N.SantaAnitaAvenue 101 N. Santa Anita A<ienue 41 W. Huntington Drive 35 W, Huntington Dri-/e 27 W. Huntington Drive 25 N. Santa Anita Avenue 11, 15, 19 W, Huntington Drive 5 W. Huntington Drive Negotiating Parties - AgenGY Under Negotiation: Property Owner: William Adkins Hann Ling Shaw Ellsworth Dahlgren Ohannes Berberian Walter Griffin Robert Johannsen Gary & Dan Braun Richard Gretebeck Ralph Wolveck Gary Barringer Anthony Fanticola Deputy Executive Di;"ector Price and terms of payment 2. CLOSED SESSION -- REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Conference with Real Property Negoiiatow (Government Code Section 5485'3,8) OI1~- .10 Property: "lOa W. Huntinglor. Drive (1 Cll tD 1 Gill:)) Ne(]otiating Parties - Agoncy: Under Negotiation: Property Owner: Br;;in Carney Deputy Executive Director Pnte f.md terms of payrn,?nt At 6:30 p.m. lhe Redevelopt1lcnt '"'ge",,:; F!f;'CESSED and the City Council RECONVENED for the Study Session. ' ~()/17/00 .... 3. CONGESTION MmGA TlON . PROGRAM (CMP) CREDITS (#'PRaVED) () 8.'"J() -5,) 7 INVOCATlON 42:0230 STUDY SESSION Consideration of the report and recommendation to authorize the City Manager to negotiate with the County of Los Angeles or cities within its boundaries for the purchase of Congestion Mitigation Program (CMP) credits at a cost not to exceed $400,000.00. The Congestion Mitigation Program was developed as part of Proposition 111 to help mitigate the increased level of development and traffic congestion experienced during the 1980's. It was seen as:a new mechanism for implementing both regional and local transportation improvement in consideration of growth. In Los Angeles County, all 88 cities and the County of Los Angeles are affected by the CMP. All agencies must comply with the CMP in order to continue to receive Section 2105 Gas Tax revenues. . I" The City of Arcadia has experienced, a relatively high level of new development in recent years. As such, each development has generated CMP debits which must be offset by CMP credits, The City's current CMP credit balance is 7,901. With large future developments on the horizon, such as: the Westfield Mall project; possible development at Santa Anita Race Track; and, redevelopment projects including Foulger Ford and Fifth Avenue; the City could be faced with an additional 15,000 CMP debits, which will result in a shortage of over 15,000 CMP credits if development occurs as anticipated. The City could not possibly develop and implement credit earning transportation projects within the development schedule of the Westfield project or the proposed Santa Anita Race Track project. Therefore, it is in the City's best interest to pursue the purchase of CMP credits from another local jurisdiction, as a considerable amount of funds would be needed for transportation projects necessary to offset the debits earned through new development. The City could buy up to 20,000 credits at a cost ranging from $10 to $20 per credit depending on the funding source used in the purchase (General Fund vs. Proposition A Local Return Funds). I Based on prior discussions with other local municipalities the City ha~ the following financial options; 1 - Allocate $200,000 from the General Fund for the purchase of roughly 20,000 CMP credits; 2 - Allocate $200,000 from the Capital Outlay Fund for the'purchase of roughly 20,000 CMP credits; 3- Allocate $400,000 from the Proposition A Local Return Transportation Fund for the purchase of roughly 20.000 CMP credits. Staff recommended allocation of $400,000 in Proposition A Local Return Transportation funds for the purchase of an adequate amount of CMP credits. After a brief discussion, it was MOVED by Council member Chang, seconded by Council member Chandler and CARRIED on roll call vote as follows to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to negotiate with the County of Los Angeles or cities within its boundaries for the purchase of Congestion Mitigation Program (CMP) credits at a cost not to exceed $400,000 from the Proposition A Local Return Transportation Fund for the purchase of roughly 20,000 CMP credits, . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmembers Chandler, Chang, Marshall, Segal and Kovacic None None The City Council RECESSED at 6:48 p.m. and RECONVENED in the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. for the Regular Meeting. Reverend Ellen Jennrich, Lutheran Church of The Cross PLEDGE OF Warren Shaw ALLEGIANCE I. 2 10/17/00 I I, I ROLL CALL ~,\ V ~-fi. i <;it;;,! ~ ~' ,;,~~{ 'il\~:r': .,:,;\'}r 42:0231 PRESENT: ABSENT: Council members Chandler, Chang, Marshall, Segal and Kovacic None City Attorney Deitsch announced the subjects discussed at the Closed Session held earlier this evening. No reportable action was taken. 4. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS ORD. & RES. READ BY TITLE ONLY 5. MAYOR'S COMMUNITY SERVICE, AWARD (Yeh) None. ~ It was MOVED by Council member Chandler, seconded by Council member Chang and CARRIED that ordinances and resolutions be read by title only and that the reading in full be WAIVED. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Kovacic presented the October, 2000 Mayor's Community Service Award to Paul Yeh and thanked him for his service to Arcadia and his ability to encourage others to volunteer in all community aspects and make a positive difference. Mr. Yeh started his volunteer service with the Highland Oaks Elementary School, continued at Foothill Middle School and Arcadia High School. Eager to increase awareness about the importance of traffic safety around school zones, he started an informal Traffic Safety Committee. Through a joint effort of the Committee, the City's Traffic Engineer, the Arcadia Police Department and school officials with regard to traffic safety, some changes have already been made such as installation of a traffic light on Campus Drive in front of Arcadia High School. 6. MAYOR'S Mayor Kovacic presented the October, 2000 Mayor's Employee Recognition Award to John EMPLOYEE Zurick, Building Inspector in the Development Services Department. John has been with the RECOGNITION City since March of 1999. In addition to all his regular inspections John is the building AWARD, inspector for the new 31 houses at the Anoakia site, the new office building at First and St. (Zurick) Joseph, and the Nazarene School and office building at Santa Clara and Second. He was involved with the grandstand remodel and related renovations at Santa Anita Park, and his diligence was instrumental in the successful completion of the Santa Anita renovation prior to opening day, December 26, 1999. Mayor Kovacic congratulated Mr. Zurich for his dedication and commitment to excellence. l' 7. MAYOR'S BUSINESS RECOGNITION AWARD (Friar Tux) 8. MAYOR'S SENIOR SVC. AWARD (Chan) Mayor Kovacic presented the October, 2000 Mayor's Business Recognition Award to Cindy Adair of Friar Tux, stating in part, that Friar Tux has been serving the local community since the early 70's, and has been an essential element in the wedding and formal wear industry in San Gabriel Valley. More importantly Friar Tux is a good corporate citizen, it contributes to many local organizations, including Arcadia Little Leagues and charities, such as, the March of Dimes, Ronald McDonald House and Toys for Tots. Mayor Kovacic presented the October, 2000 Mayor's Senior Service Award to Emmanuel Chan, a Level 1 Police Reserve Officer for 26 years and the Asian community liaison officer for the last 18 years. The Mayor stated, in part, that besides his regular patrol duties over the years, Emmanuel has done undercover work and helped the detective bureau conduct their investigations and also worked on Asian gang detail. Mayor Kovacic thanked Mr, Chan for all of his hard work and dedication over the years with the Arcadia Police Department. Arcadia Police Chief, Dave Hinig, congratulated and thanked Mr. Chan for 26 years of service to the Police Department, stating, that he has been responsible for cross-cultural education 3 10/17/00 g. RETIRED TEACHERS WEEK (10/15-21/00) 10. 11. MARSHALL (Mayor's Award Recipients) 42:0232 within the Poiice Department and Asian community, Mayor Kovacic presented a proclamation to Mary Ball, President, Local Chapter 71 of the California Retired Teachers Association, Rowena Weiler and Mildred Shaw, declaring the week of October 15 through October 21, 2000 to be Arcadia Retired Teachers Week. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Connie Turner, Regional Manager, Southern California Edison Company, introduced herself and announced that recently she was assigned as the Cooperate Representative for Arcadia and is looking forward to working with the Council and staff in the future. Annette Phillips, Arcadia unincorporated area resident for 10 years, stated, that five years ago she submitted a petition with approximately one-hundred fifty signatures requesting the Council's consideration of annexation of a portion of the unincorporated area, which was turned down with no given reason. She stated that property owners east of the Santa Anita Wash, share a common mailing address with Arcadia residents and would like to be able to use the Arcadia Fire and Poiice services as well. Ms. Phiilips expressed concerns with regard to not receiving early response to an emergency call, which was made to the Temple City Sheriff's Department. She further requested that a study be conducted on the annexation issue. Ms. Phillips felt that the City of Arcadia couid use new citizens, new voters, new revenues and new growth. I In response to Mayor Kovacic's query, City Manager Kelly noted that the annexation issue was reviewed more than five years ago. The City Council at that time took a position of not annexing more areas due to not having sufficient funds to provide expected service levels. I He felt that the economics has not changed at this point in time to suggest any annexation to the City. Mayor Kovacic suggested that Ms. Phiilips re-circulate the letters and the petitions to the Council for their decision on whether they want to pursue this matter or not. John MacDonnell, 155 East Laurel Avenue, thanked staff for taking care of the crosswalk on Huntington Drive in front of City Hall and removal of the concrete pad at the curb. . Lonell Spencer, 1000 block Mayflower Avenue, stated in part, that the Pasadena Humane Society did not handle his-report with regard to a dead animal on City parkway properly. He phoned the Pasadena Humane Society many times, he also reported the matter to the City Manager's office, but the animal is still on the City parkway at the north side of EI Sur and Mayflower. Mr. Spencer referred to a letter in the newspaper concerning the traffic and a fatal accident on Second Avenue and the lack of stop signs on this street. Further, he commented on a 'bikelane, which was rerouted east on California Avenue to Second Avenue and up Second Avenue to Colorado Boulevard during the Downtown 2000 project. He felt that the bikelane from California Street to Colorado Boulevard is not a safe route for, children riding bicycles and requested that the City take a second look at that mitigating factor left over from Downtown 2000. ..: MATTERS FROM ELECTED OFFICIALS Councilmember Marshall expressed congratulations to the recipients of the various awards this evening. 4 10/17/00 I I I I (Fall Branch) . (Nov. 7, 2000 Gen. Election) (Quote) ALFORD (Touchscreen Voting Tech.) KOVACIC (Second Ave. Stop Sign) HINIG (Red Ribbon Week) 12. ,,;; ROLL CAll 12a. MINUTES (Oct. 3, 2(00) d"i'" " ,',"'" .,'l-' ":';'1,1:-,-,,,, \"fi I' 42:0/.33 Ms. Marshall thanked Mr. & Mrs. Downer for hosting the Rancho Santa Anita Homeowners Association's Fall Brunch. Ms. Marshall encouraged everyone to vote in the November 7, 2000 General Election stating, "many people had given their lives for us to be able to have our freedom, please do not abuse this freedom". Ms. Marshall shared a quote by Will Rogers, "the man with the best job in the country is the Vice-President, all he has to do is get up every morning and say how is the President? City Clerk June Alford noted that the Registrar-Recorder County Clerk's Office announced that a new way of voting, Touchscreen Voting, will be available to voters for the November 7"' General Election at nine (9) different locations throughout the County. The nearest Touchscreen Voting location to Arcadia is the West Covina City Hall. With Touchscreen Voting, the contest and measure information appears on a screen and the voter casts a ballot by touching the screen on the candidate's name and "yes" or "no" on ballot measures. Instructions are provided on the screen and the voters have the option of seeing the ballot in any of seven languages. '''~.r.e In response to Mayor Kovacic's query, City Manager Kelly stated in part, thaObe fatal .....' accident that occurred on Second Avenue two weeks ago was driver error and was not caused by any traffic engineering issues. The Traffic Engineer along with the Police Department will study the issue of stop signs and traffic speed on Second Avenue and will report back to the Traffic Advisory Committee as to whether or' not any additional traffic modification measures should take place in that area. Arcadia Police Chief David Hinig announced that the City will celebrate the Annual Red Ribbon Week, October 23rd through the 30th. Chief Hinig also reminded parents of the importance of drug abuse education for youths. THE CITY COUNCil RECESSED TO ACT AS THE ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PRESENT: ABSENT: Agency Members Chandler, Chang, Marshall, Segal and Kovacic None AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION None, it was MOVED by Agency Member Segal, seconded bl Agency Member Marshall and CARRIED on roll call vote as follows to APPROVI;. the Mi~utes of the October 3, 2000 Regular Meeting. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Agency Members Chandler, Ch~ng, Marshall, Segal <lnd Kovacic None None ADJOURNMENT The meeting of the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency ADJOURNED to October 25, 2000 at 3:00 a.m. for a meeting with L.os Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. 5 - 10f17j(i1) 13. 42:0234 THE CITY COUNCIL RECONVENED CONSENT ITEMS I,' 13a. MINUTES APPROVED the Minutes of the October 3, 2000 Regular Meeting. (Oct. 3, 2000) 0':;'0. "0 13b. ~ STREET CLOSURES (Arc. Festival of Bands 11-18-00) o :'Vc). {,'/13c. RESOLUTION ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 6196 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF NO. 6196 THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A FEE FOR PHOTOCOPYING (Photocopy Fee CITY DOCUMENTS". City Doc.) .:)q.:'f' _8013d. ACCEPT WORK (Street Resurf. Program 1999/2000) 13e, 07 ~a - ~.;PROF. SVCS. AGREEMENT (2001 Water Master Plan Update) 13f, t?1,J/) I'OACCEPT WORK (1999-2000 Concrete Repair Prog.) 13g. 03:to-3vAWARD CONTRACT (Banking Svcs.) APPROVED the closure of certain City streets for the 47th' Annual Festival of Bands on Saturday, November 18, 2000. ACCEPTED all work performed by Roy Allan Slurry Seal Inc., for the 1999/2000 Slurry Seal Street Resurfacing Program as complete; and, AUTHORIZED the final payment to be made in accordance with the contract documents, subject to a retention of $22,188.28. AUTHORIZED the City Manager and City Clerk to AWARD a Professional Services Agreement in the amount of $54,994 to AKM Consulting Engineers for the 2001 Water Master Plan Update; and, AUTHORIZED the City Manager and City Clerk to EXECUTE a contract in a form approved by the City Attomey. I ACCEPTED all work performed by C.J, Construction, Inc., for the 1999-2000 Concrete Repair project as complete; and, AUTHORIZED the final payment to be made in accordance with the contract documents, subject to a retention of $10,577.39. AUTHORIZED the City Manager to enter into a contract with Wells Fargo Bank for the City's banking services. 13h. PROF. SVCS. See page 7. AGREEMENT (Water & Sewer Infrastructure Inspection Svc.- Anoakia Dev.l I 6 10117100 I I I ';' ',C," II ':"L/"I."-' 42:0235 13i. PROF. SVCS. See page 8. AGREEMENT (Inspection Svcs. - PW) 13j. STREET CLOSURE (400 & 500 Block LeRoy Ave. bet. Holly & Lovell - 10-21-00) 01"-0-30 APPROVED the closure of the 400-500 block of Leroy Avenue from Hoily to Lovell Avenues on October 21, 2000 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. for a neighborhood biock party, subject to the conditions set forth in the October 17, 2000 staff report. Referring to Agenda Item 13c., in response to a Council question, City Manager Keily noted at the present time, City departments are charging different fees for photocopying. Resolution No, 6196 has been prepared to create a standard charge for photocopying City documents and it gives staff the authority to provide the first twenty-five (25) copies of a document free of charge and to charge $.10 per page, per document, for copies over twenty-. five (25). THE PRECEDING CONSENT ITEMS 13a, b, c, d, e, f, g and j APPROVED ON MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER MARSHALL, SECONDED BY MAYOR PRO TEM SEGAL AND CARRIED ON ROLL CALL VOTE AS FOLLOWS: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmembers Chandler, Chang, Marshail, Segal and Kovacic None None 13h. PROF. SVCS. Consideration of the report and recommendation to award a Professional Services AGREEMENT Agreement to Civlltec Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $26,500.00 for inspection services (Water & Sewer associated with the construction of the water and sewer infrastructure at the Anoakia Infrastructure development. Inspection Svc. - (1';,"~~~e~vJ) In response to a Council question, staff stated in part, that the Anoakia project developer has submitted the permit fee of $32,798.65 to cover the cost of inspection and engineering 07 :'-0 - 'ilO services. $26,500.00 of this amount will go to Civiitec to provide inspection services and the remaining funds will cover staff time spend on this project. It was MOVED by Mayor Pro tem Segal, seconded by Council member Chandler and CARRIED on roil cail vote as foilows to AWARD a Professional Services Agreement to Civiltec Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $26,500 for inspection services 'associated with the construction of water and sewer infrastructure at the Anoakia Development; and, AUTHORIZED the City Manager and City Clerk to EXECUTE a contract in a form approved by the City Attorney. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmembers Chandler, Chang, Marshail, Segal and Kovacic None None , . 7 10/17/00 42:0236 13i. 0'1';>" ~<1"'PROF, SVCS. AGREEMENT (Inspection Svcs. - PW) (APPROVED) Consideration of the report and recommendation to award a Professional Services Agreement contract in the amount of $33,908.00 to Dewan Lundin & Associates for Public Works Inspection Services. In response to a Council question, staff stated in part, th'at the Maintenance Contracts Officer is responsible for monitoring the City's landscaping and custodial services. Monitoring the daily work of these two (2) contracts is mandatory for satisfactory job performance and compliance with the terms and conditions of each contract. This position is currently vacant. I It was MOVED by Council member Chandler, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Segal and CARRIED on roil call vote as follows to AWARD a Professional Services Agreement in the amount of $33,908.00 to Dewan, Lundin & Associates for public works inspection services; and, AUTHORIZED the City Manager and City Clerk to EXECUTE a contract in a form approved by the City Attorney. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmembers Chandler, Chang, Marshall, Segal and Kovacic None None 14. CITY ATTORNEY 14a. o ~ I ). /{JORDINANCE Councilmember Chandler requested that he be excused from consideration of Ordinance No. NO.2137 2137 due to conflict of interest. (Zone Change from R-2 to R01 City Attorney Deitsch read the title of ORDINANCE NO, 2137: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE Properties CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE ZONING I Located North CODE OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA TO REZONE THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 2606, Of Live Oak, 2615 GREENFIELD, 2601, 2600, 2607 LEE AVENUE, 2601 AND 2600 SECOND AVENUE; Bet. Greenfield 2601 AND 2600 THIRD AVENUE AND 2601 AND 2536 FOURTH AVENUE FROM R-2 TO & Forth Ave.) R-1 7,500, ZONE CHANGE CASE Z-00-001." (INTRODUCED) It was MOVED by Councilmember Chang, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Segal and CARRIED on roll call vote as follows that ORDINANCE NO. 2137 be and it is hereby INTRODUCED. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ASBSTAIN: Councilmembers Chang, Marshall, Segal and Kovacic None None Councilmember Chandler ADJOURNMENT At 7:53 p.m" the City Council Regular Meeting ADJOURNED to October 25, 2000 at 8:00 (Oct. 10,2000) a.m" for a meeting with Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich in the Conference Room of the Council Chambers. ATTEST: I 8 10/17/00