HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 2ARCADIA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2013 CALL TO ORDER — Chairman Chiao called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Arcadia City Council Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioners Baerg, Beranek, Falzone, Perri Ile and Chiao ABSENT: None SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS Each Commissioner was provided a copy of a memo regarding additional conditions of approval for Item la and two handouts of photos relating to Item 1.b. In addition they each received a 710 Environmental Study handout from a Metro spokesperson. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Catherine Padilla from Metro (L.A. County Metropolitan Transportation Authority) announced a series of meetings to be held locally on the five options under consideration in the 710 Environmental Study. She said these meetings are open to the public and she left some flyers for the City Hall lobby. 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Lot Line Adiustment No. LLA 12 -03: Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 11 -18; Modification No. MP 12 -10; and Architectural Desion Review No. ADR 11 -29 Pacific Design Group 125 W. Huntington Drive & 161 Colorado Place A Lot Line Adjustment to merge two (2) parcels into one (1) parcel; approval of a Conditional Use Permit, Zoning Modifications, and Architectural Design Review to construct the following new buildings at the subject site. The existing 60,811 square - foot, three -story office building will remain. Budding 1: A 163,468 square -foot, four -level parking structure Building 2: A 19,995 square -foot, three -story medical office building Building 3: A 19,441 square -foot, three -story medical office building with 3,000 square feet of ground floor restaurant area Building 4: A 24,819 square -foot, three -story general office budding with 1,600 square -feet of ground floor restaurant area The four (4) requested Modifications from the City's Zoning Code for this project are: 1 -8 -13 1. To allow the windows in the new buildings and openings in the parking structure to face the residential properties to the north (AMC Sec. 9263.2.6). 2. To allow five (5) designated loading spaces in lieu of 13 spaces required (AMC Sec. 9269.10). 3. To allow for a 7' -8" front yard setback for Building no. 2 and a 4' -2" front yard setback for Building no. 3 in lieu of the 35' -0" special setback along this block of Colorado Place (AMC Sec. 9320.11.2). 4. To allow two (2) trash enclosures to be placed within the required 20 -foot rear yard setback (i.e., from the north property line) at 8 -feet and 14 -feet (AMC Sec. 9263.6.6). Recommended Action: Approve Lot Line Adjustment No. LLA 12 -03; Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 11 -18; Architectural Design Review No. ADR 11 -29; and Modification No. MP 12 -10, and direct staff to prepare a Resolution for adoption that incorporates the Commission's decision, specific determinations and findings, and the conditions of approval. Associate Planner, Tim Schwehr, presented the staff report. Chairman Chiao opened the public hearing and asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of this project. Mr. Ken Paddock, Pacific Design Group, represented the applicant. Chairman Chiao asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to this project. There were none. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner PerriIle, seconded by Commissioner Faizone to close the Public Hearing. Without objection the motion was approved. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner PerriIle, seconded by Commissioner Faizone, to approve Lot Line Adjustment No. LLA 12 -03; Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 11 -18; Modification No. MP 12 -10; and Architectural Design Review No. ADR 11 -29 subject to the conditions in the staff report, including the two additional conditions presented by memo; and to direct staff to prepare a Resolution for adoption at the next meeting. ROLL CALL AYES: Commissioners Baerg, Beranek, Faizone Perri Ile and Chiao NOES: None 1 -8 -13 b. Appeal No. HOA 12 -03 — An Appeal of Denial of Homeowners' Association Application 530 N. Altura Rd. Mr. Philip K. Chung and Mrs. Aileen Chung, Property Owners An appeal to reconsider the Rancho Santa Anita (Lower Rancho) Residents' Association's Architectural Design Review Board Chairman's decision to deny a proposed composition roof material (CertainTeed Presidential Shake TL Triple Laminate Luxury Shingles) to reroof an existing 2,726 square -foot residence at the subject location. Recommended action: Uphold denial Associate Planner, Tom Li, presented the staff report. Chairman Chiao opened the public hearing and asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of this appeal. Ms. Ailene Chung, property owner, spoke in support of her appeal. Chairman Chiao asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to this appeal. Mr. Emie Boehr, Architectural Review Board Chairman for the Rancho Santa Anita Residents' Association, spoke in opposition to the appeal. Chairman Chiao asked if the appellant would like to speak in rebuttal. Ms. Aileen Chung spoke in rebuttal. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Falzone, seconded by Commissioner Beranek to close the Public Hearing. Without objection the motion was approved. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Beranek, seconded by Commissioner Parrille, to deny the appeal of the Homeowners' Association Architectural Review Board Chairman's denial of the proposed roofing material. ROLL CALL AYES: Commissioners Baerg, Beranek, Falzone, Parrille and Chiao NOES: None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Minutes of the December 11, 2012 meeting Recommended action: Approve 1 -8-13 It was moved by Commissioner Falzone, seconded by Commissioner Beranek, and carried on roll call vote to approve Consent Calendar Item a. AYES: Commissioner Baerg, Beranek, Falzone, Parrille and Chiao NOES: None MATTERS FROM COUNCIL LIAISON, JOHN WUO Councilman Wuo said that because of the large scope of the proposed medical complex project, he planned to call up the project for City Council review. MATTERS FROM PLANNING COMMISSIONERS There were none. MATTERS FROM MODIFICATION COMMITTEE Vice - Chairman Beranek reviewed the actions of the Modification Committee. MATTERS FROM STAFF INLCUDING UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Kasama advised the Commissioners to expect a Tight agenda for the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Chiao adjoumed this meeting at 8:07 p.m. to January 22, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia. ATTEST: Chairman, Planning Commission Secretary, Planning Commission 1 -8 -13