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Au4unc 5.11 Y01 STAFF REPORT Development Services Department DATE: April 9, 2013 TO: Honorable Chairman and Planning Commission FROM: Jim Kasama, Community Development Administrator By: Nick Baldwin, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map 13 -04, Healthy Oak Tree Removal application No. TRH 13 -01, and Architectural Design Review No. ADR 12 -08 for a four -unit residential condominium project at 33 California Street. Recommendation: Conditional Approval SUMMARY Architectural Design Review Application ADR 12 -08 and Tentative Parcel Map Application No. TPM 13 -04 (Parcel Map no. 72228), were submitted by 33 California St., LLC for a four -unit, residential- condominium subdivision at 33 California Street — see the attached aerial map and tentative parcel map. The applicant also applied for Oak Tree Application no. TRH 13 -01 for the removal of one healthy oak tree. The Development Services Department is recommending approval of applications nos. TPM 13 -04, TRH 13 -01, and ADR 12 -08, subject to the conditions as listed in this staff report. BACKGROUND APPLICANT: 33 California St., LLC (Property Owner) LOCATION: 33 California Street REQUEST: Tentative Parcel Map, Healthy Oak Tree Removal application, and Architectural Design Review for a four -unit residential condominium LOT AREA: 8,000 square feet (0.18 acre) FRONTAGE: 50 feet along California Street EXISTING LAND USE & ZONING: The subject property is currently improved with a single - family residence constructed in 1931 — see attached photos. The site is zoned R -3, High- Density Multiple - Family Residential with a maximum density of one unit per 1,450 square feet, and a minimum density of one unit per 2,200 square feet. SURROUNDING LAND USES & ZONING: North: Five -unit, apartment building — zoned R -3 South: First Avenue Middle School — zoned S -2 East: Three -unit, residential- condominium complex — zoned R -3 West: Ten -unit, residential- condominium complex — zoned R -3 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: High Density Residential (12 to 30 dwelling units per acre) — This designation accommodates higher- density attached housing types for both renter and owner households within a neighborhood context. Such housing types generally are located near transit stops, along arterials and transit corridors, and within easy walking distance of shops and services. Appropriate transition to adjacent lower- density neighborhoods is required through the use of yards, other open areas, and building heights. Other uses that may be appropriate, consistent with zoning regulations, include public and private schools, public parks, and other open space uses. DISCUSSION The applicant is proposing to construct four residential condominiums at 33 California Street. The site is zoned R -3, High Density Multiple - Family Residential, and has a total land area of approximately 8,000 square feet. The R- 3 zone has a maximum density of one unit per 1,450 square feet of lot area, and a minimum density of one unit per 2,200 square feet of lot area. Based on these density factors, a maximum of five units would be allowed on the subject site, and a minimum of three units is required. The applicant's proposal to demolish the existing single - family residence and construct two duplexes for a total of four residential condominium units is consistent with the density requirements. Oak Tree Removal The development proposal includes the removal an existing multi -trunk oak tree that is located in the center of the lot (see attached Site Plan). The oak tree was assessed by Jan Scow, a Certified Arborist, on June 28, 2012 to determine the TPM 13 -04, TRH 13 -01, and ADR 12 -08 33 California Street April 9, 2013 Page 2of7 condition of the tree and make recommendations. The arborist found that the tree had suffered from improper pruning, soil compaction, and insufficient watering, but still was in fair condition. It was the arborist's finding that the tree would need to be removed because it was located centrally within the lot and inside the footprint of one of the proposed buildings. Due to several of the tree's structural defects, it is not an appropriate candidate for transplantation to another location on the property. Staff agrees with the arborist's recommendation that there is insufficient space on the property for two 24" -box replacement trees, so the applicant shall plant one 36" -box oak tree in the front yard area. A larger tree will also help soften the visual appearance of the buildings' mass. Architectural Design Review The architectural design of the proposed project is of Spanish architectural style as exhibited through the use of S -tile roofing, light- colored smooth plaster finish for the walls, a stone veneer base, and wrought iron accents. It is staffs opinion that the architectural design is consistent with the City's Multiple - Family Design Guidelines and architecturally compatible with the buildings in the vicinity. Tentative Parcel Map The proposal for four residential condominium units requires that they be subdivided through the Tentative Parcel Map process. The proposed subdivision complies with the subdivision regulations of the Arcadia Municipal Code and the Subdivision Map Act. All City requirements shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the Building Official, Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshal, and Public Works Services Director. The proposed plans have been reviewed by these departments and some special conditions are deemed necessary in addition to the standard conditions of approval. These are listed as conditions 1 through 11 of this staff report. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the Development Services Department has determined that the proposed project is an infill development project, and is therefore categorically exempt from further environmental review per Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines. A Preliminary Exemption Assessment is attached. PUBLIC NOTICE /COMMENTS Public hearing notices for TPM 13 -04, TRH 13 -01, and ADR 12 -08 were published in the local newspaper and mailed to the property owners and tenants of those TPM 13 -04, TRH 13 -01, and ADR 12 -08 33 California Street April 9, 2013 Page 3 of 7 properties that are located within 300 feet of the subject property on March 28, 2013 — see the attached radius map. RECOMMENDATION The Development Services Department recommends approval of TPM 13 -04, TRH 13 -01, and ADR 12 -08 subject to the following conditions: 1. The existing oak tree shall be removed and replaced with a 36" -box Coast Live Oak Tree in the front yard in a location to be determined and approved by a Certified Arborist. 2. The developer shall pay the following fees prior to approval of the Parcel Map: A Map Fee of $100.00 and a Final Approval Fee of $25.00 for a total of $125.00. 3. The developer shall post a $200.00 deposit for the Mylar copy of the recorded map prior to approval of the Parcel Map. 4. Prior to approval of the Parcel Map, the developer shall submit a separate demolition and erosion control plan prepared by a registered civil engineer, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 5. All existing structures shall be demolished prior to approval of the Parcel Map. 6. Prior to approval of the Parcel Map the developer shall either construct or post security for all the public improvements shown on Tentative Parcel Map 72228, and the following required items: A) New street trees are to be shown on the Grading Plan and located in the parkway along California Street per the City of Arcadia Street Tree Master Plan. B) Curb, gutter, and sidewalk shall be removed and replaced from side property line to property line along California Street. 7. A Grading Plan, subject to the approval of the City Engineer, shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and shall be submitted prior to the issuance of a building permit. 8. The Developer shall use the available six inch (6 ") water main on California Street to serve the subject residences. The developer shall install a separate water meter for each condominium unit and common area. A common water meter for each unit can be used to supply both domestic water services and fire services. The developer shall separate the fire service from domestic service with an approved backflow device. TPM 13 -04, TRH 13 -01, and ADR 12 -08 33 California Street April 9, 2013 Page 4 of 7 9. All City code requirements shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the Fire Department, Public Works Services Department, and Development Services Department. 10. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and /or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and /or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 11. Approval of TPM 13 -04, TRH 13 -01, and ADR 12 -08 shall not take effect until the property owner(s) and applicant(s) and civil engineer have executed and filed the Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate acceptance of the conditions of approval. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Approval If the Planning Commission intends to approve this subdivision, the Commission should move to approve TPM 13 -04 (TPM 72228), TRH 13 -01, and ADR 12 -08 subject to the following findings and actions: A.1. That the project and the provisions for its design and improvements are consistent with the Arcadia General Plan, and that the discharge of sewage from the project into the public sewer system will not violate any requirements prescribed by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board for this region. A.2. That this project is categorically exempt from CEQA per Section 15332. A.3. Authorize and direct the Development Services Director or designee to approve and execute, if necessary, a subdivision agreement for this project. A.4. Approve this project subject to the conditions of approval set forth in the staff report or as modified by the Planning Commission. TPM 13 -04, TRH 13 -01, and ADR 12 -08 33 California Street April 9, 2013 Page 5 of 7 Denial If the Planning Commission is to take action to deny this subdivision, the Commission should make specific findings based on the evidence presented and move to deny the project. The Planning Commission may wish to consider the following findings which must be expanded upon with specific reasons for denial: D.1. That the proposed map is not consistent with the applicable general and specific plans as specified in Section 66451 of the Subdivision Map Act. D.2. That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is not consistent with applicable general and specific plans. D.3. That the site is not physically suitable for the type of development. D.4. That the site is not physically suitable for the density of development. D.5. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements is likely to cause substantial environmental damage. D.6. That the design of the subdivision or the types of improvements is likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. D.7. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is likely to cause serious public health problems. D.8. That the requested subdivision injuriously affects the neighborhood wherein said lot is located. D.9. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. In this connection, the legislative body may approve a map if it finds that alternate easements for access or for use, will be provided and that these will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This finding shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction and no authority is hereby granted to a legislative body to determine that the public at large has acquired easements for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. If any Planning Commissioner, or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter prior to the April 9, 2013 public hearing, please contact Assistant Planner, Nick Baldwin by calling (626) 574 -5444, or by email to nbaldwinC7p ci.arcadia.ca.us. TPM 13 -04, TRH 13 -01, and ADR 12 -08 33 California Street April 9, 2013 Page6of7 Approved: Jim Kasama Community Development Administrator (cz,( Attachments: Aerial Photo with Zoning Information Site Plan and Elevations Tentative Parcel Map No. 13 -04 Preliminary Exemption Assessment 300 -foot Radius Map TPM 13 -04, TRH 13 -01, and ADR 12 -08 33 California Street April 9, 2013 Page 7 of 7 R -3 I� =:1 I ,,<, :.ir-tlitl.`IIt,i F']• -IIr N For Ili! L.;1 I 11 .0 Nv•tr F t�ucallr.n I.. asr x. Subject Property 33 California St. TPM 13 -04, TRH 13 -01, and ADR 12 -08 NOIId12J0S3a A124= NOI1dI210S30103rO?dd ®® ©o®ao©000©oo®EE000Un&E, $; E R $ y I ! f1 ;11111111' jBAr r E SITE PLAN, 1ST & 2ND FLOOR PLANS 651E OfSCRMIDx DATE ISSUE OFSCRIPM1 H J FOUR UNIT CONDOMINFJM IN TWO OI.PIEXEg 33 CALIFORNIA STREET 33 CALIFORNIA ST ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA 91006 0 L i; > .....N. ■D LE/ E 8 ROOF & BASEMENT PLAN PACL BRIE 0 TE DESCDP FOUR UNIT CONDOMINIUM IN TWO DUPLEXES 33 CALIFORNIA STREET 33 CALIFORNIA ST ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA 91006 { $ | I\ BUILDING ELEVATIONS - j ISSUE IMISCRIPI. ]| FOUR UNIT CONDOMINIUM IN mDUPLEXES WON- G/JNIEO' �h n, /r I WALL -- I r w � E E O I� 4 ff j WROUGHT IRON DECORATIVE PIECE OEM wmuart pox • • • • • gait ❑ 0 0 0 0 0 I +I -1 I N ' J 3' -7° I._2' !I f Y ❑ 0 0 0 0 0 ❑ 1' -2" ht1- n... DETAILS .010111i, eidlii.17\11k /10//‘'Nk tinCO2111 re -4 4APIM Ain elMif gbaou \V-41re • #`4 b.,, I 'I r, ..a i ,_ I ba is i . c, PREPARED DV: BEN LUNDGREN AND ASSOCIATES 33 CALIFORNIA STREET 2605 FAIRFIELD PLACE MILLENIUM HOMES INC II ARCADIA, CALEFORNIA SAN MARINO, CALIFORNIA 91108 TEL: (626) 535-9544 FAX: (626) 535-9534 (E7-::,71 g664. 000 _ _ _ _ CALIFORNIA 1Ti I, T 1 -- r- m N 8958'47 o W ro _—_— _ PRO ' . 1 11•LrfirPritit " pi Ataky, t sAipP- -.....„„ ■,..:;:-. -.- --1. aiiiENIF ..a.muriaarim elliliaBlr F. 41116■=it .. - .,. 7 0 rrt 0 e.W4P41,-31,:.■4-4A:V I '-: STREET 40 r- .-'00.1>8.501 T— 117 5a 0 I , - ALLEY c N89'58 '50"E CITY OF ARCADIA 240 W. HUNTINGTON DRIVE ARCADIA, CA 91007 PRELIMINARY EXEMPTION ASSESSMENT (Certificate of Determination When Attached to Notice of Exemption) 1. Name or description of project: TPM 13 -04, TRH 13 -01, and ADR 12 -08 2. Project Location — Identify street address and cross streets or attach a map showing project site (preferably a USGS 15' or 7 1/2' topographical map identified by quadrangle name): 33 California Street, located between Santa Anita Avenue and First Avenue 3. Entity or person undertaking project: A. B. Other (Private) (1) Name 33 California St., LLC (2) Address 233 Alice St., #B, Arcadia, CA 91006 4. Staff Determination: The Lead Agency's Staff, having undertaken and completed a preliminary review of this project in accordance with the Lead Agency's "Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)" has concluded that this project does not require further environmental assessment because: a. ❑ The proposed action does not constitute a project under CEQA. b. ❑ The project is a Ministerial Project. c. ❑ The project is an Emergency Project. d. ❑ The project constitutes a feasibility or planning study. e. /1 The project is categorically exempt. Applicable Exemption Class: 32 — Infill Development Project f. ❑ The project is statutorily exempt. Applicable Exemption: g. ❑ The project is otherwise exempt on the following basis: h. ❑ The project involves another public agency which constitutes the Lead Agency. Name of Lead Agency: Date: 3/25/13 Preliminary Exemption Assessment\2010 Staff: Nick Baldwin, Assistant Planner FORM "A" 100 LO E Z 100 100 w 1893 • - 32 O 8 151.60 2B vj._a 24.. w' CL 0 C BLK X108 M1- Q- w = o U w CO w m 151.60 100 to 8 3 co cm a tto co ao O 22 to o I* 0 �-O 2 1 Z 1 w c�v 1 M R 151 60 8 $6 32 8 BONITA cc m U 9 O 10 10004 CO 03 c� N O 1- Z 1 • 0) 1- U 100 05 51 8 13POR 141 69 50 03 141 69 F rn e i2 17 8 '' w POR mw OA g) 'a -c 1 m v POR 2 a. U 2 90 POR 03 141 69 16 151 60 2 34 ARCADIA = 50 00 22 � 11 �. SANT 21 � Z? ,.^'-b' .o 20 ® V4 > 27 19 ® 26 h 7 26 .,� 2.4t P f7 ® BLK y ANITA 24 16 O aa- 23 1B O oL l 22 32 21 50 141 89 f8 T T -4 POR 20 2 3 za 8 32 151 _. 60 2 d P: 14169 "' 151 60 3 141 69 8 AMR 1 15 151 60 8 CALIFO" IA 151 60 34 3 z A • 33 3 • 32 151 60 151 60 • 3 8 N 6915047'E 13'7 ST 50 T OF ARCADIA SANTA ANITA 3D 29 28 27 26 25 24 SCHOOL Sll z r, WI 50 50 4 5 6 50 15 VAC 6 1* 50 69 T'CT 23 22 2122 1011.1112 ial 80 w 0] —PG— „1 20 4 0 20 2 POR 80 1- 03 I-10 19 POR 18 POR 141 89 50 141 69 "0 17 8 POR tV Py� 13 143 „ 16 8 POR 1887 _ MR 15 -89 -907 (;_PM i 2R_63d_0g Map Preparer: SUSAN W. CASE, INC. 917 GLENNEYRE ST #7 LAGUNA BEACH CA 92651 949 494 6105 susancaseinc @vahoo.com 8 • 15 50 14189 gQ°' 1-10 PG 2 FILE #138537 33 CALIFORNIA ST ARCADIA CA 300' OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS FEBRUARY 15 2013 5773 019 002 NORTH