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HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 19, 1999--.:-~ -
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ROLL CALL: Council Members Chandler, Harbicht, Marshall, Roncelli and Kovacic All present
a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to confer with City labor
negotiators Carol Przybycien, Dan Cassidy and William Kelly regarding
Teamsters Local 911, AFSCME Local 2264, AFFA, Management and
non-represented employees.
a°' "Consideration and direction regarding potential development at Santa
Anita Park (race track and parking lot site). ApP=o~ea 3-2 to move
forward with'text amend-
ment re zoaing on S.A.R.T
b. Consideration and direction regarding altematives for modification to the
Civic Center, including possible construction of a new police facility.
Consensus to moveiorward
w/RFP re con~uitantfor
7:00 p.Rl. feasibiiity study
Council Chambers
INVOCATION Rev. Thomas Shriver, Emmar.uel Assembl~ of God
Church & Arcadia Police Dpt. Chaplain
At 5:03 p.m. the :
Council RECESSE:}.
to the Closed
Seesion. The Re~::
at 5:37p.m.
Tabled appointmen
0 ouncilmembej
to sub-committee:.
re land use.issue:
at S.A.R.T.
Pre~entatio: of.
Civic Ctr. Naster.
Plan. Staff to i~j
tiate needs a~smtl;
study of Police
Dp t. , COP & Gea. (f
Obligation Bonda.€
financing of bldb:
ROLL CALL: Council Members Chandler, Harbicht, Marshall, Roncelli and Kovacic All pre~ent ~!
City Attorney anciounced subject of earlier Clo~ed Session
4. PRESENTATION of Mayor's Community Service Avrard to JoAnn Scott.
5. PRESENTATION of Mayor's Business Recognition Award to Outback Steakhouse.
• A N N 0 T A T E D •
A G E N D A ~^~
Arcadia City Council
Redevelopment Agency
January 19, 1999
S:QO p.m.
Council Chambers Conference Room
6. PRESENTATION of Mayor's Employee Recognition Award to Raul Salazar and Kevin Tobin.
. . -'•' ~ • • ACTION
MOTION: Read all Ordinances and Resolutions by titie only and waive Adopted 5-0
reading in full.
Pub. Hrg.Closed
a. Report and recommendation to approve GP 98-003 amending the General nnnrovea 5-0
Plan designation from Mixed Use - Commercial/Multiple Family (MU-C/MF)
to Mixed Use - Commercial/Industrial (MU-CI) at 324 N. Second Avenue
(the vacant parcel located on the east side of Second Avenue north of the
City water tanks and south of the 210 Freeway). This application was filed by
Donald and Robert Johnson.
City Council Reports/Announcements/Statements/Future Agenda Items see Minuces
ROLL CALL: Council/Agency Members Chandler, Harbicht, Marshall, Roncelli and Kovacic n~~gseac
a. Minutes of the January 5, 1999 Regular Meeting. ~ ndopcea s-o
ADJOURN Redevelopment Agency to January 20, 1999 at 5:00 p.m.
a. Minutes of the January 5, 1999 Special and Regular Meeting. naopcea 5-0
b. Report and recommendation to approve the appropriation of ~13,500.00 Auaroved 5-0
for the acquisition of personal compufers, printer and associated software
to replace obsolete equipment.
c. Report and recommendation to approve Final Map 51806 for a 6-unit Apuroved 5-0
residential condominium project at 427-429 California Street.
..(Consent'Continued) • •
Drive from Holly Avenue to Baldwin Avenue; waterline replacement at
Stanford Drive; and the annual fire hydrant instailation program as complete
and to authorize final payment to be made in accordance with the contract
documents subject to a retention of $47,402.44.
Report and recommendation to accept all work performed by Engineering p~roved s-o
Plumbing Company, Inc. for construction of the 12" water line on Huntington
e. Report and recommendation to accept a monetary gift of $10,ODO.OO ffOfTl Approved 5-0
the Friends of the Arcadia Public Library for the purchase of library materials.
a. Report and recommendation to approve the transfer and assignment of conc~nuea co z/z/9?
the non-exclusive cable television franchise from TCI Cablevision of s-o
Sierra Madre/Arcadia lnc., to AT&T (to be continued to February 2, 1999).
b. Report and recommendation to authorize staff to fill the position of Firefighter~Drovea s-o
in the Fire Department and the positions of Assistant Planner and Building
Inspector in the Development Services Department.
a. Report and recommendation to Adopt Ordinance No. 2097, An Ordinance Adopted 5-0
of the City Council of the City of Arcadia, California, granting a non-exclusive
franchise to Metricom, Inc. to install and operate a wireless communication
radio nehvork in City of Arcadia right-of-way.
Report and recommendation to Adopt Ordinance No. 2098, An Ordinance AaoPeea
of the City Council of the City of Arcadia, California, amending certain
sections of Division 1 and 2 of Part 2, Chapter 2, Article III regarding
Prima Facie speed limits.
c. Introduction and adoption of Ordinance No. 2099, An Ordinance of the
City Council of the City of Arcadia, California, regarding M-1 and M-2
zoning requirements - an emergency interim ordinance of the City of
Arcadia to prohibit adult entertainment establishments (businesses) within
seven hundred (700) feet from any residential zone and allowing such
establishments beyond seven hundred (700) feet subject to regulatory
provisions. (four (4) votes required)
a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 - City Manager annual
perFormance evaluation.
Introduce& Adopt
RECESSED to Ciosed
e~~s_ . a[-8:50 pm
ADJOURN City Council to January 20, 1999 at 5:00 p.m. at the Arcadia Unified School District 9:30 p.m.
Board Room, 234 Campus Drive, in memory of Charles O. Giles.
X110.jt O 3 Z 6
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January 19, 1999
TO: Mayor-and City Council
FROM: Don Penman, Deputy City Manager/Development Services Director
By: Donna L. Butler, Community Development Administrator
SUBJECT: Report and Consideration of Proposed General Plan Change 98-
003 at 324 North Second Avenue
Donald and Robert Johnson have filed an application for a General Plan change
(GP 98-003) from Mixed Use Commercial/Multiple Family (MU-C/MF) to Mixed
Use Commercial/Industrial (MU-C/I) for their property at 324 North Second
Avenue. This property is the vacant parcel of land north of the City water tanks
fronting on Second Avenue.
The Planning Commission at its December 8, 1998 meeting voted 5-0 to
recommend to the City Council approval of the requested General Plan
The property at 324 North Second Avenue has been in the Johnson family for
approximately 50 years. Until ten years ago, the 2.17 acre site was developed
with an industrial use (Air Logistics). Upon termination of this operation, the site
was vacated and eventually the buildings were demolished and the site has
been vacant since that time.
Prior to 1981, the General Plan designation for the site was Industrial and the
property was zoned M-1 (Planned Industrial District). In 1981, the General Plan
designation was changed to Planned Development Area (PDA) and the property
was rezoned CPD-1 The Planned Development Area designation was
established in areas intended for large scale projects which require special
design and traffic considerations.
zc/ta-GP98-003 GP 98-003
January 19, 1999
Page 1
In 1996, the PDA General Plan designation was eliminated and the property was
designated as Mixed Use Commercial/Multiple-Family (MU-C/MF). The MU-
C/MF designation "provides opportunities for development of commercial and
residential mixed-use projects close to local services and facilities and which
foster the use of alternative modes of circulation such as pedestrian or bicycles.
Commercial uses allowed within this designation are intended to serve the needs
of the local residents as well as promote community interaction. Appropriate
uses include medium to high density residential, medical and professional
offices, retail commercial and personal services."'
The current CPD-1 zone is consistent with this General Plan Designation
because residential uses that are an integral part of a commercial development
are permitted in the CPD-1 zone with an approved Conditional Use Permit.
A few years ago the applicants submitted concept plans for a 3-4 story 40,000 to
60,000 square foot office building on the site. With the downturn in the economy
this concept was abandoned. According to the applicant, "the physical isolation
of the property and low traffic count past the property makes it less desirable for
commercial development". During the past year, the applicant has discussed
other alternatives for this site, including a public storage facility.
The applicant is requesting a change in the General Plan designation to Mixed
Use-Commercial/Industrial (MU-C/I). This General Plan designation "provides
areas within which office, light manufacturing services and support retail may be
developed within a business park environment. The development criteria for this
designation is intended to be flexible and fit with the characteristics of individual
areas of the City which have been undergoing a transition from heavy industrial
to business park uses. Appropriate uses include professional offices,
warehousing, light manufacturing, as well as retail support uses such as print
shops, office equipment sales and service, office supplies and like services."2
The existing CPD-1 zone allows light industrial uses that are compatible with
other permitted uses in this zone, subject to the conditional use permit process.
A change in the General Plan designation would still maintain consistency
between the general plan and the zoning.
This property is distinct in character and physically isolated from other
commercial parcels in the same general area. It is surrounded by uses that are
generally considered industrial or public use in nature. Property to the north is
developed with the 210 Freeway overpass, to the east is the flood control
' 1996 General Plan, Section 2.0 Community Development, Page 2-12
2 Ibid., Page 2-13
zclta-GP98-003 GP 98-003
January 19, 1999
Page 2
channel, to the west across Second Avenue is the Southern California Edison
electrical substation and to the south is the City water tanks.
Because of the isolated location, changing the general plan to Mixed Use
Commercial/Industrial should not set a precedent that could be applied
The Mixed Use Commercial/Industrial designation provides flexibility in the types
of zoning which might be suitable for this site, including the current CPD-1, C-2
(General Commercial) or C-M (Commercial-Manufacturing) zones. The C-2 •
zone is a general commercial zone which allows both office and retail type uses.
The C-M zone allows any use permitted in the C-2 zone, and also allows limited
industrial type uses such as wholesale businesses, storage buildings,
warehouses and certain types of manufacturing uses.
If, in the future, the property owners seek to change the zoning from CPD-1 to
another zoning designation a separate application for a zone change would be
required and be subject to the public hearing process before both the Planning
Commission and the City Council.
Other Development/Redevelopment Options
The site is located within the Redevelopment area. In the attached November 25
memo from the City's Economic Development Administrator, it notes that the
Agency has spent millions of dollars revitalizing the downtown area with the ' -
focus being primarily the Huntington Drive/Second and Santa Clara area. The
purpose has been to bring more intense commercial users to the downtown area
in order to bring both direct and indirect economic benefits to this area as well as
the increased employment. It also acknowledges that the site has "major
development limitations" because of its location.
Multiple-family is probably unrealistic in today's market at this particular location.
As noted above, the site has major development limitations due to the
surrounding projects and physical isolation from other commercially developed
lots. According to Economic Development, "even with a resurgent market, this
will be a difficult site to develop for multi-family, retail, hotel or restaurants." The
property may be better suited for research and development office type space,
industrial incubator office/warehouse or commercial "back" office such as a
document processing center, insurance office, etc. A more appropriate General
Plan designation for any of these types of uses is a "Mixed Use
Commercial/Industrial designation.
Generally, Development Services does not encourage or support General Plan
changes for one parcel of land. However, this property is unique and based on
the surrounding environment, the requested General Plan designation to Mixed
zcJta-GP98-003 GP 98-003 -
January 19, 1999
Page 3
Use Commercial/Industrial provides more flexibility for ultimate development of
the site.
Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, the
Development Services Department has prepared an initial study for the proposed
General Plan change. Said initial study did not disclose any substantial or
potentially substantial adverse change in any of the physical conditions within
the area affected by the project including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna,
ambient noise and objects of historical or aesthetic significance. When
considering the record as a whole, there is no evidence that the proposed project
will have any potential for adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat upon
which the wildlife depends. Therefore, a Negative Declaration has been •
prepared for this GP change. •
The Planning Commission and Development Services Department recommends
approval of the proposed General Plan change from Mixed Use
Commercial/Multiple Family (MU-C/MF) to Mixed Use Commercial/Industrial
If the City Council intends to take action to approve this General Plan
change, the Council should direct staff to prepare the appropriate
resolution for adoption at a later meeting.
Attachments: 11/25 memo from Economic Development
GP Application with back-up information and photos
Environmental Documents
Approved by: UTkIA
William R. Kelly, City Manager
zc/ta-GP98-003 GP 98-003
January 19, 1999
Page 4
DATE: November 25 1998
TO: Donna Butler, Community Development Administrator
FROM: vPete Kinnahan, Economic Development Administrator
The Johnson's have requested a General Plan change to MU — C/I from MU — C/MF. You
have requested comments on their request
1. The Redevelopment Agency has spent over$40 million to revitalize the downtown with our
focus being the Huntington/Second/Santa Clara area. Our purpose has been to bring
more intense commercial users (hotel, office, and retail)'to the east downtown area in order
to obtain the direct and indirect economic benefits brought by these uses, as well as the •
increased employment, and the improved reputation and image of the City. Despite the
Johnson's previously desired project, a 3-4 story, 40,000 — 60,000 sq. ft. office building,
they now propose to develop a public storage facility, a use which has low employment and
generates little customer or client travel. To approve such a change would be inconsistent
with our long-standing objectives.
2. The market for commercial/industrial office has picked up in the last year. Previously there
was little market interest in the Johnson property for other than public storage or possibly
multi-family. However, with the increasing demand for commerciaVindustrial space in
Glendale and Pasadena, it is probable that there will be a reasonable market in this area of -
Arcadia because of its closeness to the 210 Freeway and to other commercial users.
Notwithstanding the above, this site has major development limitations due to its landlocked
nature since it is surrounded by Edison lines, the wash, the elevated freeway and the: City
Water Facility. Even with a resurgent market, this will be a.difficult site to develop for multi-
family, retail, hotel, or restaurants, as stated in paragraph 2 above. Even though there is, I
believe, a small but growing market for R & D office, industrial incubator office/warehouse or
commercial "back° office (insurance, document processing, etc.), it may never come to this
In summary, although it would be preferred that the City wait another year to consider a
General Plan change, should the Commission and Council wish to proceed with an -
amendment, then the architectural design of the facility becomes of major significance. •
cc: Don Penman
File No.: GP-QS-003
i ARCADIA, CA 91007
A. Title and Description of Project:
General Plan Change from Mixed Use Commercial/Multiple Family (MU-C/MI) to Mixed Use
Commercial/Industrial (MU-C/1)
B. Location of Project: •
324 North Second Avenue, Arcadia, California •
C. Name of Applicant or Sponsor:
Donald P and Robert W Johnson
2280 University Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660
D. Finding:
This project will have no significant effect upon the environment within the meaning of the
California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 for the reasons set forth in the attached Initial
E. Mitigation measures,if any,included in the project to avoid potentially significant effects:
No impact
Date Prepared: November 10, 1998 By: `�j%�lj ,�
Donna Butler, Com ry Development Administrato
e ` File No.: GP9S-00 3
A�O��ok�ran`P� ARCADIA, CA 91007
1. Project Title:
General Plan Amendment 98-003.
2. Project Address:
324 North Second Avenue, City of Arcadia
3. Project Sponsor's Name,Address & Telephone Number:
Donald and Robert Johnson
2280 University Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660
(949) 645-1422
4. Lead Agency Name &Address:
City of Arcadia--Development Services Department
Community Development Division--Planning Services
240 W. Huntington Drive
Post Office Box 60021
Arcadia, CA 91066-6021
5. Lead Agency Contact Person & Telephone Number:
Donna Butler, Community Development Administrator (626) 574-5442
6. General PIan Designation: Mixed Use Commercial/Multiple Family (MU-C/MF
7. Zoning Classification: CPD-1
8. Description of Project:
(Describe the whole action involved, including but not limited to later phases of the project and any secondary,
support,or off-site features necessary for its implementation. Attach additional sheets if necessary.)
Proposal to change the General Plan designation from MU C/MF to Mixed Use
Commercial/Industrial (MU-C/I)
-1- CEQA Checklist 7/95
• Pile No.: GP9S-003
9. Other public agencies whose approval is required: N 017
The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project,
involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the
checklist on the following pages.
[ ] Land Use & Planning [ ] Hazards
[ ] Population &Housing [ ] Noise
[ ] Geological Problems [ ] Public Services
[ ] Water [ ] Utilities and Service Systems
[ ] Air Quality [ ] Aesthetics
[ ] Transportation/Circulation [ ] Cultural Resources
[ ] Biological Resources [ ] Resources
[ ] Energy and Mineral Resources [ ] Mandatory Finding of Significance
(To be completed by the Lead Agency)
On the basis of this initial evaluation:
[X] I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the
environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.
[ ] I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the
environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the
mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project.
A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.
[ ] I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment,
[ ] I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment,
but that at least one effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document
pursuant to applicable legal standards and has been addressed by mitigation
measures based on that earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, and if any
remaining effect is a"Potentially Significant Impact" or"Potentially Significant
Unless Mitigated," an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but
it only needs to analyze the effects that have not yet been addressed.
?- CEQA Checklist 7/95
• • File No.: G P9S-O0 3
[ ] I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the
environment, there WILL NOT he a significant effect in this case because all
potentially significant effects have been analyzed adequately in an earlier
Environmental Impact Report pursuant to applicable standards and have been
avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation
measures that are imposed upon the proposed project.
By: Donna Butler, Community Development Administrator
For: The C.-, of Arcadia-- Development Services Department
Date: November 10, 1998
1. A brief explanation is required for all answers except"No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by
the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A"No Impact"answer
is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to •
projects such as the one involved (e.g., the project is not within a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer
should be explained where it is based on project-specific factors as well as general standards (e.g., the project
will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants,based on a project-specific screening analysis).
2. All answers must take account of the whole action involved,including off-site as well as on-site, cumulative as
well as project-level,indirect as well as direct, and construction related as well as operational impacts. •.
3. "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect is significant. If
there are one or more, "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an
Environmental Impact Report is required.
4. "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation
measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less Than Significant Impact."
The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a
less than significant level(mitigation measures from Section 17"Earlier Analyses"may be cross-referenced).
5. Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program Environmental Impact Report, or other
CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or Negative Declaration {Section
15063(c)(3)(D)). Earlier analyses are discussed in Section 17 at the end of the checklist.
6. Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist,references to information sources for potential
impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously prepared or outside document
should,where appropriate,include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated.
-3- CEQA Checklist 7/95
File No.: GP 98-3
( J
Potentially ilnlcss Less Than
Would the proposal result in potential impacts involving: Significant Mitigation Significant No
Impact Incorporated Impact Impact
1. LAND USE& PLANNING — Would the proposal:
a) Conflict with general plan designations or zoning? [ ] [ ] [x] , I ]
The proposed GP change from Mixed Use Commercial/Multiple ,
Family to Mixed use Commercial Industrial would allow
potentially different uses than the current designation, but this
would not create a significant impact on the environment..
b) Conflict with applicable environmental plans or policies adopted
by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? [ ] [ ] [ ] [A]
The proposed GP change does not conflict with any other plans or
policies adopted by the City or Agency. •
c) Be compatible with existing land uses in the vicinity? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X .
The surrounding properties are developed with City water tanks,
an Edison sub-station, a flood control channel and the 210 Fwt' .
overpass. A change to commercial/industrial is more compatible
with surrounding development.
d) Affect agricultural resources or operations(e.g., impacts to soils or
farmlands,or impacts from incompatible land uses)? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] . •
There are no agricultural resources or operations in the City. •
e) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established
community(including a low-income or minority community)? [ ] [ ] [ ] '[X]
The proposed GP change will disrupt or divide any established
community;this is a vacant parcel of land.
2. POPULATION&HOUSING—Would the proposal: .
a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local population
projections? [ ] [ ] [ [X]
The GP amendment will not affect regional or local population or
have an increase in population. •
b) Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or indirectly
(e.g., through projects in an undeveloped area or extension of
major infrastructure)? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The new GP designation would allow for either commercial or industrial
development of the site, depending on the future zoning of the '
property. The current GP designation allows commercial and/or
multiple family.
c) Displace existing housing,especially affordable housing? [ ] [ ] [ ] '[A']
The site is vacant, no housing will be displaced as a result of a GP change...
3. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS—Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving:
a) Fault rupture? [ ] [ ] [ ] I [X]
The proposed GP change does not result in any changes to the
geologic formation or seismic activity in the area
b) Seismic ground shaking? [ ] [ ] [ ] [Ai
The proposed GP change does not result in any changes to the
geologic formation or seismic activity in the area
-5- CEQA Checklist 7/95
File No.: GP9$-3
Potentially Unless Less Than
Would the proposal result in potential impacts involving: Significant Mitigation Significant, No
Impact Incorporated Impact i Impact
c) Seismic ground failure, including liquefaction? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change does not result in any changes to the
geologic formation or seismic activity in the area
d) Landslides or mudflows? [ ] [ ] [ ] , [X]
This is a flat vacant parcel, not subject to landslides or mudflow
e) Erosion, changes in topography or unstable soil conditions from
excavation,grading, or fill? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change does not result in any changes to the
geologic formation or seismic activity in the area
f) Subsidence of the land? [ ] [ ] [ ] , [A]
The proposed GP change does not result in any changes to the
geologic formation or seismic activity in the area
g) Expansive soils? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change does not result in any changes to the
geologic formation or seismic activity in the area
h) Unique geologic or physical features? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change does not result in any changes to the
geologic formation or seismic activity in the area
4. WATER—Would the proposal result in:
a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and •
amount of surface runoff? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and does not have any impact on water related issues
b) Exposure of people or property to water related hs7ards such as -
flooding? [ ] [ ] [ ] ' [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and does not have any impact on water related issues
c) Discharge into surface waters or other alteration of surface water
quality(e.g.,temperature, dissolved oxygen, or turbidity)? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and does not have any impact on water related issues
d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any water body? [ ] [ ] [ ] j [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and does not have any impact on water related issues
e) Changes in currents, or the course or direction of water movements? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] •
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and does not have any impact on water related issues
f) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct
additions or withdrawals, or through interception of any aquifer by
cuts or excavations or through substantial loss of ground water
recharge capability? [ ] [ ] [ ] [A]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and does not have any impact on water related issues
g) Altered direction or rate of flow of ground water? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
-6- CEQA Checklist 7/95
Filc No.: GP 98-3
Potentially Unless Less Than ,
Would the proposal result in potential impacts involving: Significant Mitigation Significant No
Impact Incorporated Impact Impact
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and does not have any impact on water related issues
h) Impacts to ground water quality? [ ] [ ] [ ] [a]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and does not have any impact on water related issues
i) Substantial reduction in the amount of ground water otherwise
available for public water supplies? [ ] [ ] [ ] I [Al
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and does not have any impact on water related issues
5. AIR QUALITY—Would the proposal:
a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or
projected air quality violation? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have any direct impact on air quality. Future
development of this site will be subject to all City, County and
State requirements.
b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X']
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have any direct impact on air quality. Future
development of this site will be subject to all City, County and
State requirements.
c) Alter air movement,moisture,or temp. or cause any change in climate? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have any direct impact on air quality. Future
development of this site will be subject to all City, County and
State requirements. •
d) Create objectionable odors? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have any direct impact on air quality. Future
development of this site will be subject to all City, County and
State requirements.
Would the proposal result in:
a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic congestion? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have any direct impact on transportation and/or
b) Hazards to safety from design features (e.g., sharp curves or
dangerous intersections)or incompatible uses(e.g.,farm equipment)? [ ] [ ] [ ] ; [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have any direct impact on transportation and/or
c) Inadequate emergency access or access to nearby uses? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
-7- CEQA Checklist 7/95
, Filc No.: GP 9S-:
Potentially Unless Less Than
Would the proposal result in potential impacts involving: Significant Mitigation Significant No
Impact Incorporated impact Impact
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have any direct impact on transportation and/or
d) Insufficient parking capacity on-site or off-site? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have any direct impact on transportation and/or
e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or bicyclists? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have any direct impact on transportation and/or
f) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting alternative transportation
(e.g.,bus turnouts,bicycle racks)? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have any direct impact on transportation and/or
g) Rail,waterborne or air traffic impacts? [ ] [ ] [ ] [Ai .
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only •
and will not have any direct impact on transportation and/or '
circulation. i
7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES—Would the proposal result in impacts to:
a) Endangered, threatened or rare species or their habitats (including
but not limited to plants,fish,insects,animals and birds)? [ ] [ ] [ ] ;[X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have impacts on biological resources. The site is a
flat vacant parcel and there are no endangered species of plants
or animals on this site. •
b) Locally designated species(e.g.,heritage trees)? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have impacts on biological resources. The site is a
flat vacant parcel and there are no endangered species of plants
or animals on this site. •
c) Locally designated natural communities (e.g., oak forest, coastal ; i
habitat,etc.)? [ ] [ ] [ ] ;[X] E
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have impacts on biological resources. The site is a I
flat vacant parcel and there are no endangered species of plants
or animals on this site.
d) Wetland habitat(e.g.,marsh,riparian and vernal pool)? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have impacts on biological resources. The site is a
flat vacant parcel and there are no endangered species of plants
or animals on this site.
e) Wildlife dispersal or migration corridors? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
-8- CEQA Checklist 7/95
File No.: GP19S-3
Potentially Unless Less Than
Would the proposal result in potential impacts involving: Significant Mitigation Significant No
Impact Incorporated Impact Impact
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and will not have impacts on biological resources. The site is a
fat vacant parcel and there are no endangered species of plants
or animals on this site.
8. ENERGY& MINERAL RESOURCES— Would the proposal:
a) Conflict with adopted energy conservation plans? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X1
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and has no impact on energy or mineral resources..
b) Use non-renewable resources in a wasteful and inefficient [ ] [ ] [ ] I [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and has no impact on energy or mineral resources..
c) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that
would be of future value to the region and the residents of the State? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only
and has no impact on energy or mineral resources..
9. HAZARDS—Would the proposal involve:
a) ATisk of accidental explosion or release of hazardous substances
(including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals or
radiation)? [ ] [ ] [ ] ; [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only.
This is apolicy document.
b) Possible interference with an emergency response plan or
emergency evacuation plan? [ ] [ ] [ ] j [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only.
This is a policy document.
c) The creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only.
This is a policy document.
d) Exposure of people to existing sources of potential health hazards? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only.
This is a policy document.
e) Increased fire hazard in areas with flammable brush,grass or trees? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only.
This is a policy document.
10. NOISE—Would the proposal result in:
a) Increases in existing noise levels? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only.
This is a policy document.
b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? [ ] [ ] [ ] ; [A1
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only.
This is a policy document.
-9- CEQA Checklist 7/95
3 i,_ - File No.: GP 98-3
Significant I
Potentially Unless Less Than
Would the proposal result in potential impacts involving: Significant Mitigation Significant I No
Impact Incorporated Impact Impact
11. PUBLIC SERVICES -- Would the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered
government services in any of the following areas:
a) Fire protection? [ ] [ ] [ ] ; [X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only.
This is a policy document.
b) Police protection? [ ] [ ] [ ] ; [Al
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only.
This is a policy document.
c) Schools? [ ] [ ] [ ] I [A']
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only.
This is a policy document.
d) Maintenance of public facilities,including roads? [ ] [ ] [ ] [A]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only. .
This is a policy document.
e) Other governmental services? [ ] [ ] [ ] ,[X]
The proposed GP change is a land use designation change only.
This is a policy document.
12. UTILITIES & SERVICE SYSTEMS—'Would the proposal result in a need for new systems or supplies, -.
or substantial alterations to the following utilities:
a) Power or natural gas? [ ] [ ] [ J •[X] :
The proposal will not have any impacts
b) Communications systems? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposal will not have any impacts
c) Local or regional water treatment or distribution facilities? [ ] [ ] [ ] '[X]
The proposal will not have any impacts
d) Sewer or septic tanks? [ ] [ ] [ ] RI
The proposal will not have any impacts
e) Storm water drainage? [ ] [ ] [ ] j[X]
The proposal will not have any impacts
f) Solid waste disposal? .
The proposal will not have any impacts �
g) Local or regional water supplies? [ ] [ ] [ ] 1[X]
The proposal will not have any impacts
13. AESTHETICS—Would the proposal:
a) Affect a scenic vista or scenic highway? [ ] [ ] [ ] [Al
The proposal will not have any impacts
b) Have a demonstrable negative aesthetics effect? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] •
The proposal will not have any impacts .
c) Create light or glare? [ ] [ ] [ ] [Al
The proposal will not have any impacts
-10- CEQA Checklist 7/95
! / �; rile No.: GP 98-3
Potentially Unless Less Than ,
Would the proposal result in potential impacts involving: Significant Mitigation Significant ' No
Impact Incorporated Impact Impact
14. CULTURAL RESOURCES-- Would the proposal:
a) Disturb paleontological resources? [ ] [ ] [ ] [A]
The proposal will not have any impacts
b) Disturb archaeological resources? [ ) [ ] [ ] i[.X']
The proposal will not have any impacts
c) Affect historical resources? [ ] [ ] [ ] [A'
The proposal will not have any impacts
d) Have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect
unique ethnic cultural values? [ ] [ ] [ ] i[X]
The proposal will not have any impacts
e) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential •
impact area? [ ] [ ] [ ) [X]
The proposal will not have any impacts •
15. RECREATION—Would the proposal: •
a) Increase the demand for neighborhood or regional parks or other
recreational facilities? [ ] [ ] [ ] [A']
The proposal will not have any impacts
b) Affect existing recreational opportunities? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposal will not have any impacts
a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the
environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife -
species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-
sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal
community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or
endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the
major periods of California history or prehistory? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP changes to the housing element will bring the
general plan into compliance with State law. This is a policy
document only.
b) Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the
disadvantage of long-term,environmental goals? [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] I.,
The proposed GP changes to the housing element will bring the t.
general plan into compliance with State law. This is a policy f:
document only. `
c) Does the project have impacts that are individually Iimited, but l•
cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means .
that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when
viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of - •
other current projects,and the effects of probable future project.) [ ] [ ] [ ] [X]
The proposed GP changes to the housing element will bring the
general plan into compliance with State law. This is a policy
document only.
-11- CEQA Checklist 7/95
File No.: GP 98-;
• Potentially
Potentially Unless Less Than
Would the proposal result in potential impacts involving: Significant Mitigation Significant No
Impact Incorporated Impact Impact
d) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause
substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or
indirectly? [ ] [ ] [ ] [A]
The proposed GP changes to the housing clement will bring the
general plan into compliance with State law. This is a policy
document only.
General Plan EIR certified in 1996
' I
-12- CEQA Checklist 7/95
File No. c
General Plan Change Application
Name: Johnson, Donald P. and Robert W.
Address: 2280 University Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Daytime Telephone No.: (949) 645-1422
Interest in Property: Owners
Name: Same as above, in trusts
Daytime Telephone No.:
C. PROPERTY ADDRESS (LOCATION): 324 North Second Avenue
The property hereby requested for review and revision of its present General Plan
Land Use description is situated on the east side of Second Avenue between Santa
Clara Street and the 210 Freeway.
See Attachment"A."
E. Land Area: Acres: 2.17
Square Footage: 94,368
F. The above property is shown at the County of Los Angeles Assessor's maps
Book 5773 Page 008 Parcel 003
- I
G. The current General Plan Land Use Designation for the above property is:
Commercial/Multiple Family (MU-C/MF)
H. The requested change in General Plan Land Use Designation is to:
Commercial/Industrial (MU-C/I)
I. Submit your reason for said request: •
The current General Plan Use Designation (MU-C/MF, Mixed Use-Commercial j
and Multi-Family) does not match the reality of our particular parcel. Given its
isolation and industrial surroundings (water tanks, Edison sub-station, freeway -
overpass and flood control channel) which would generally be considered
unattractive by commercial and multi-family users, as well as the availability of
other. more desirable. Commercial and Multi-Family properties elsewhere in the
city, it is unlikely that we will be able to proceed with development consistent
with the current Use Designation in the near future. Changing the General Plan
Use Designation to Mixed Use-Commercial/Industrial (MU-C/I) would greatly
enhance the possibility of timely and responsible development, while still
allowing the currently designated uses should an opportunity to so develop the
property arise.
NOTE: When answering these questions, please include references to all
pertinent data, statistical information, and studies used in statements
and conclusions. An environmental impact report may be required if
the initial study reveals that the project will have significant
environmental effects.
1. Does public necessity require the proposed change: Is there a real need in
the community for more of the types of uses permitted by the General PIan
Designation requested than can be accommodated in the areas already
General Plan Designated for such uses? (Fully explain your answers,
considering the surrounding property as well as the property proposed to be
No. The proposed General Plan Use Designation is not based upon known
specific needs within the City. Rather, it is based upon the fact that our particular
parcel is geographically isolated from the rest of the parcels with the same current
General Plan designation, and is subject to specific features which make it
difficult to develop in a manner consistent with the current Use Designation
applied to the rest of the surrounding area.
2. Is the property involved in the proposed reclassification more suitable for the
purpose permitted in the proposed General Plan Designation than for the
purposes permitted in the present classifications? (Answer completely; give
reasons for your answer.)
Yes. Given the unique characteristics of our particular site, the current General
Plan Use Designation is too restrictive to allow realistic development. When the
subject parcel was re-designated Commercial/Multi-Family (MU-CI F) and
incorporated into the Redevelopment Area, it was changed along with the
surrounding neighborhood. While the re-designation was undoubtedly �.
appropriate for most of the other parcels,this change did not take into
consideration the unique attributes and isolated nature of our particular parcel. I
This parcel, which has been in our family for over 50 years was, up until 10 years
ago, used for industrial purposes. Unlike the other parcels in the current MU-
C/MF Designation, the improvements immediately surrounding the subject
property are all industrial in nature, and are unlikely to change for many years.
(The south side of the property is bounded by the City water tanks, the east side
faces the flood control channel, the west side is directly across the street from the
Edison sub-station, and the northern tip of the property is bounded by the 210
Freeway overpass.) While we understand it is not normal practice to make parcel-
by-parcel changes to the General Plan, a careful evaluation makes it very clear
that the subject parcel is physically isolated and distinct in character from the
other developable parcels in the same general area. The proposed change would
have no adverse affect on the surrounding neighborhood and, given our property's
isolation, should not suggest a precedent which could validly be applied
elsewhere. It is our belief that, at the time the General Plan Use Designation for
this area was established, this particular parcel was inappropriately included,
without specific consideration its unique attributes. (Please see attached
3. Would the uses permitted by the proposed General Plan Designation be
detrimental in any way to the surrounding Property: (Explain reasons
supporting your answer.)
No Commercial or industrial development would not be detrimental to the
current water tanks, Edison sub-station, freeway or flood control uses. On the
contrary, it is the uses of the surrounding properties which are detrimental to our
4. What were the original deed restrictions, if any, concerning the type and
class of uses permitted on the property involved? Give the expiration date of
these restrictions. (You may attach a copy of these restrictions, after
properly underscoring the portions that are in answer to this question.)
Not applicable.
5. What are the reasons for initiation of this proposal?
The current General Plan Use Designation is overly restrictive given the
limitations of our particular site due to the nature of the uses of the adjoining
parcels. The proposed change would enable consideration of a broader class of
uses more compatible with the property's actual location and character.
6. What are the alternative courses of action?
Leave the property undeveloped until a use compatible with the existing adjoining
properties becomes feasible. It had been zoned and used as an industrial property
for forty years before the Quonset hut buildings were demolished 10 years ago. It
has been vacant ever since. While suitable development might become possible
in the foreseeable future, the availability of numerous, more attractive MU-C/MF
sites within the City, make it more likely that the site will remain undeveloped for
many more years.
' _ I
7. Explain in detail the topography.
The site is basically level, being gently-sloped alluvium adjacent to the flood
control channel.
8. Describe the drainage basins, major highways, streets and flood control
channels, etc.
No such structures exist on the site. The site is bordered by the City water tanks
to the south, Second Avenue and the Edison sub-station to the west, the 210
Freeway overpass to the north, and the flood control channel to the east.
9. Describe how your proposal meets the needs of the subject area, including
comments on proposed new services and increases in the Ievel of specific
services (governmental or non-governmental).
The proposed revision to the General Plan Use Designation meets the needs of the;
immediate area by recognizing the unique character of this particular parcel.
Revising the designation would not increase or change the need for specific
services, but would rather recognize the nature of the immediately surrounding
environment to enable a broader range of development possibilities more suited to
the specific location.
10. Is the subject site in the community redevelopment area?
' Yes.
11. Use this space to make any comments you believe would be pertinent.
As mentioned above,while this site has been in our family for over 50 years, it
has been vacant for the last 10. When our long-term tenant moved out and we
cleared the existing industrial structures, we expected to be able to redevelop the
property within a reasonable period of time. What we have learned is that the
physical isolation of, and low traffic count past the property makes it less
desirable for commercial development—unless it could be developed as a part of
a much larger project which can generate its own draw. Given the adjoining watery
tanks, freeway overpass, and flood control channel, this is not feasible. The
visually unattractive surroundings and lack of appropriate local services make the
site unsuitable for residential uses.
The reality is that, if we are to hope to pursue development within a reasonable
period of time, we will likely have to pursue development of a type that will not
be adversely affected by surrounding improvements which, themselves, are
unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. We believe that such development
would likely fall within the MU-C/I designation, perhaps as R&D space or for a
warehousing type of activity, although, should the opportunity arise, a change to a
MU-C/I designation would also allow development consistent with what is
presently specified in the General Plan.
Signatures of Ap s 'cants
Signature of authorized agent or property owners
Received By: ✓M'%�`"
Receipt No.: '7442--
Date: �y
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File No.
General Plan Change Application
Name: Johnson, Donald P. and Robert W.
Address: 2280 University Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Daytime Telephone No.: (949) 645-1422
Interest in Property: Owners
Name: Same as above, in trusts
Daytime Telephone No.:
C. PROPERTY ADDRESS (LOCATION): 324 North Second Avenue
The property hereby requested for review and revision of its present General Plan
Land Use description is situated on the east side of Second Avenue between Santa
Clara Street and the 210 Freeway.
See Attachment"A."
E. Land Area: Acres: 2.17
Square Footage: 94,368
F. The above property is shown at the County of Los Angeles Assessor's maps
Book 5773 Page 008 Parcel 003
G. The current General Plan Land Use Designation for the above property is:
Commercial/Multiple Family (MU-C/MF)
H. The requested change in General Plan Land Use Designation is to:
Commercial/Industrial (MU-C/I)
I. Submit your reason for said request:
The current General Plan Use Designation (MU-C/MF, Mixed Use-Commercial
and Multi-Family) does not match the reality of our particular parcel. Given its
isolation and industrial surroundings (water tanks, Edison sub-station, freeway
overpass and flood control channel) which would generally be considered
unattractive by commercial and multi-family users, as well as the availability of
other, more desirable, Commercial and Multi-Family properties elsewhere in the
city, it is unlikely that we will be able to proceed with development consistent
with the current Use Designation in the near future. Changing the General Plan
Use Designation to Mixed Use-Commercial/Industrial (MU-C/I) would greatly
enhance the possibility of timely and responsible development, while still
allowing the currently designated uses should an opportunity to so develop the
property arise.
NOTE: When answering these questions, please include references to all
pertinent data, statistical information, and studies used in statements
and conclusions. An environmental impact report may be required if
the initial study reveals that the project will have significant
environmental effects.
1. Does public necessity require the proposed change: Is there a real need in
the community for more of the types of uses permitted by the General Plan
Designation requested than can be accommodated in the areas already
General Plan Designated for such uses? (Fully explain your answers,
considering the surrounding property as well as the property proposed to be
No. The proposed General Plan Use Designation is not based upon known
specific needs within the City. Rather, it is based upon the fact that our particular
parcel is geographically isolated from the rest of the parcels with the same current
General Plan designation, and is subject to specific features which make it
difficult to develop in a manner consistent with the current Use Designation
applied to the rest of the surrounding area.
2. Is the property involved in the proposed reclassification more suitable for the
purpose permitted in the proposed General Plan Designation than for the •
purposes permitted in the present classifications? (Answer completely; give
reasons for your answer.)
Yes. Given the unique characteristics of our particular site,the current General
Plan Use Designation is too restrictive to allow realistic development. When the
subject parcel was re-designated Commercial/Multi-Family (MU-C/MF) and
incorporated into the Redevelopment Area, it was changed along with the
surrounding neighborhood. While the re-designation was undoubtedly
appropriate for most of the other parcels, this change did not take into
consideration the unique attributes and isolated nature of our particular parcel.
This parcel, which has been in our family for over 50 years was, up until 10 years
ago, used for industrial purposes. Unlike the other parcels in the current MU-
C/MF Designation,the improvements immediately surrounding the subject
property are all industrial in nature, and are unlikely to change for many years.
(The south side of the property is bounded by the City water tanks, the east side
faces the flood control channel, the west side is directly across the street from the
Edison sub-station, and the northern tip of the property is bounded by the 210
Freeway overpass.) While we understand it is not normal practice to make parcel-
by-parcel changes to the General Plan, a careful evaluation makes it very clear
that the subject parcel is physically isolated and distinct in character from the
other developable parcels in the same general area. The proposed change would
have no adverse affect on the surrounding neighborhood and, given our property's
isolation, should not suggest a precedent which could validly be applied
elsewhere. It is our belief that, at the time the General Plan Use Designation for
this area was established, this particular parcel was inappropriately included,
without specific consideration its unique attributes. (Please see attached
3. Would the uses permitted by the proposed General Plan Designation be
detrimental in any way to the surrounding Property: (Explain reasons
supporting your answer.)
No. Commercial or industrial development would not be detrimental to the
current water tanks, Edison sub-station, freeway or flood control uses. On the •
contrary, it is the uses of the surrounding properties which are detrimental to our
4. What were the original deed restrictions, if any, concerning the type and
class of uses permitted on the property involved? Give the expiration date of •
these restrictions. (You may attach a copy of these restrictions, after
properly underscoring the portions that are in answer to this question.)
Not applicable.
5. What are the reasons for initiation of this proposal?
The current General Plan Use Designation is overly restrictive given the
limitations of our particular site due to the nature of the uses of the adjoining
parcels. The proposed change would enable consideration of a broader class of
uses more compatible with the property's actual location and character.
6. What are the alternative courses of action? •
Leave the property undeveloped until a use compatible with the existing adjoining
properties becomes feasible. It had been zoned and used as an industrial property
for forty years before the Quonset hut buildings were demolished 10 years ago. It
has been vacant ever since. While suitable development might become possible
in the foreseeable future,the availability of numerous, more attractive MU-C/MF
sites within the City, make it more likely that the site will remain undeveloped for
many more years.
7. Explain in detail the topography. •
The site is basically level, being gently-sloped alluvium adjacent to the flood
control channel.
8. Describe the drainage basins, major highways, streets and flood control
channels, etc.
No such structures exist on the site. The site is bordered by the City water tanks
to the south,.Second Avenue and the Edison sub-station to the west, the 210
Freeway overpass to the north, and the flood control channel to the east.
9. Describe how your proposal meets the needs of the subject area, including
comments on proposed new services and increases in the level of specific
services (governmental or non-governmental).
The proposed revision to the General Plan Use Designation meets the needs of the
immediate area by recognizing the unique character of this particular parcel.
Revising the designation would not increase or change the need for specific
services, but would rather recognize the nature of the immediately surrounding
environment to enable a broader range of development possibilities more suited tol
the specific location.
10. Is the subject site in the community redevelopment area?
11. Use this space to make any comments you believe would be pertinent.
As mentioned above, while this site has been in our family for over 50 years, it
has been vacant for the last 10. When our long-term tenant moved out and we
cleared the existing industrial structures, we expected to be able to redevelop the
property within a reasonable period of time. What we have learned is that the
physical isolation of, and low traffic count past the property makes it less
desirable for commercial development—unless it could be developed as a part of
a much larger project which can generate its own draw. Given the adjoining water
tanks, freeway overpass, and flood control channel, this is not feasible. The
visually unattractive surroundings and lack of appropriate local services make the ,
site unsuitable for residential uses.
The reality is that, if we are to hope to pursue development within a reasonable
period of time, we will likely have to pursue development of a type that will not
be adversely affected by surrounding improvements which, themselves, are
unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. We believe that such development
would likely fall within the MU-C/I designation, perhaps as R&D space or for a
warehousing type of activity, although, should the opportunity arise, a change to a
MU-C/I designation would also allow development consistent with what is
presently specified in the General Plan.
`ss'r ( - 1
Signatures of Ap! 'cants
Signature of authorized agent or property owners
Received By:
Receipt No.:Date: ///./j��3
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\,. ; r-;� CITY OF ARCAI�;
oItit��TSO:• ARCADIA, CA 91007
Date Filed:
General Information
1. Applicant's Name: Donald P. Johnson & Robert W. Johnson
Address: 22R0 University Drive, Newpnrt Beach. CA 92660
2. Property Address (Location): 324 North Second Avenue
Assessor's Number:
3. Name, address and telephone number of person to be contacted concerning this project:
Donald P. Johnson or Robert W. Johnson (949) 645-1422
4. List and describe any other related permits and other public approvals required for this
project,including those required by city,regional,state and federal agencies:
5. Zone Classification C PD - /
6. General Plan Designation: Current MU-C/MF Proposed MU-C/I
Project Description
7. Proposed use of site (project description): N/A
8. Site size: 2_ 17 acres
9. Square footage per building:
10. Number of floors of construction:
11. Amount of off-street parking provided:
12. Proposed scheduling of project:
13. Anticipated incremental development:
- I
14.. If residential, include the number of units, schedule of unit sizes, range of sale; prices or
rents, and type of house 3 sizes expected:
15. If commercial, indicate the type, i.e. neighborhood, city or regionally oriented, square
footage of sales area, and loading facilities, hours of operation:
16. If industrial, indicate type,estimated employment per shift, and loading facilities:
17. If institutional, indicate the major function, estimated employment per shift, estimated
occupancy,loading facilities, and community benefits to be derived from the project:
18. If the project involves a variance, conditional use permit or zoning application, state this
and indicate clearly why the application is required:
i -
Are the following items applicable to the project or its effects? Discuss below all items checked yes •
(attach additional sheets as necessary).
19. Change in existing features of any hills, or substantial alteratin of ground 0
20. Change in scenic views or vistas from existing residential areas or public 0
lands or roads.
21. Change in pattern, scale or character of general area of project. 0 a
22. Significant amounts of solid waste or litter. 0 a
23. Change in dust,ash, smoke,fumes or odors in vicinity. - 0
24. Change in ground water quality or quantity, or alteration of existing D
drainage patterns.
25. Substantial change in existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. U
26. Is site on filled land or on any slopes of 10 percent or more. 0
27. Use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials, such as toxic substances, D X]
flammable or explosives.
28. Substantial change in demand for municipal services (police,fire,water, M
sewage, etc.).
29. Substantial increase in fossil fuel consumption(electricity, oil, natural gas, 0 x®
30. Relationship to a larger project or series of projects. x©
Environmental Setting
31. Describe (on a separate sheet) the project site as it exists before the project, including
information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, any cultural, historical or
scenic aspects, any existing structures on the site, and the use of the structures. Attach
photographs of the site. Snapshots or Polaroid photos will be accepted.
32. Describe (on a separate sheet) the surrounding properties, including information on plants,
animals, any cultural,historical or scenic aspects. Indicate the type of land uses (residential,
commercial, etc.), intensity of land use (one-family, apartment houses, shops, department
stores, etc.), and scale of development (height, frontage, set-backs, rear yards, etc.). Attach
photographs of the vicinity. Snapshots or Polaroid photos will be accepted.
I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data •
and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts,
statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
der •
Date / Signature
Environmental Setting: (Continued)
31. The site is a vacant lot, periodically plowed for weed control. It consists of gently
sloped alluvium adjacent to the County flood control channel. There is no known
cultural, historical or scenic aspect of the site. Photos are attached.
32. The south side of the property is bounded by the City water tanks, the east side faces
the flood control channel, the west side is directly across the street from the Edison
sub-station, and the northern tip of the property is bounded by the 210 Freeway
overpass. Photos are attached.
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Legal Description, 324 North Second Avenue, Arcadia, CA:
Those portions of Lots 7 and 23, in Block 84 of the Santa Anita Tract, in the
City of Arcadia, in the County of Los Angeles, Sate of California, as pe
map recorded in Book 34, Pages 41 and 42 of Miscellaneous Records, in th
Office of the County Recorder of said county, described as a whole as
follows: •
Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of said Lot 7 with the
northerly line of the land described in the deed to the Pacific Electric
Railway Company, recorded in Book 1576, Page 296 of Deeds, Records of
said county; thence easterly along said northerly line 384.91 feet; thence
northwesterly in a direct line to a point in the westerly line of said Lot 12;
distant northerly 505.85 feet, measured along the westerly lines of said Lots •
7 and 12, from the point of beginning; thence southerly along said westerly
lines, 505.85 feet to the point of beginning.
Except therefrom that portion included within the boundaries of the land
described in the deed to the State of California recorded April 26, 1966 as
instrument No. 795 Official Records of said county.
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