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~`,4 C R FO ,c1,1 C.: i i Hew pu.t S,1907 Ali ��+nity ot� STAFF REPORT Development Services Department DATE: May 27, 2014 TO: Honorable Chairman and Planning Commission FROM: Jim Kasama, Community Development Administrator By: Jordan Chamberlin, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: APPEAL OF THE MODIFICATION COMMITTEE'S CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF MODIFICATION NO. MC 13-26 AND SIGN DESIGN REVIEW NO. SADR 13-52 FOR ONE NEW 7'-1" HIGH BY 8'-6" WIDE, DOUBLE-SIDED MONUMENT SIGN WITH LIGHT-EMITTING DIODE (LED) MESSAGE BOARDS INSTEAD OF TWO NEW SIGNS AT 400 W. DUARTE ROAD Recommended Action: Deny appeal and uphold the Modification Committee's decision. SUMMARY This appeal of the Modification Committee's conditions of approval for Modification No. MC 13-26 and Sign Design Review No. SADR 13-52 was submitted by Mr. Wayne Whitehill, the representative for the Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist. The subject applications were submitted by the sign designer, CalWest Lighting Services, to construct two new 7'-1" high by 8'-6" wide, double-sided monument signs with light-emitting diode (LED) message boards — see the attached aerial photo, proposed plans, and photos of the subject property and neighboring properties. it is recommended that the Planning Commission deny the appeal and uphold the Modification Committee's decision. GENERAL INFORMATION APPELLANT: Mr. Wayne Whitehill, Representative for the Church of the Good Shepherd LOCATION: 400 W. Duarte Road REQUEST: An appeal of the Modification Committee's conditional approval of the following Modifications and Sign Design Review for two new 7'-1" high by 8'-6" wide, double-sided monument signs with electronic message boards: a. A total of four monument signs (two existing and two new signs) with a combined total sign area of 411 square feet; and b. Allow the two new monument signs to be illuminated. SITE AREA: 3.64 acres FRONTAGES: Approximately 423 feet along W. Duarte Road Approximately 332 feet along Holly Avenue EXISTING LAND USE & ZONING: The subject property is a 3.64 acre corner lot, zoned R-3 (High-Density Multiple Family Residential). It is developed with a church built in 1956. SURROUNDING LAND USES & ZONING: North: Two-story, multiple-family residential development, zoned R-3 South: One and two-story, single-family residential developments, zoned R-1 East: Holly Avenue Elementary School, zoned S-2 West: Two-story, multiple-family residential development, zoned R-3 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: High Density Residential — This designation accommodates higher-density attached housing types for both renter and owner households within a neighborhood context. Such housing types generally are located near transit stops, along arterials and transit corridors, and within easy walking distance of shops and services. Appropriate transition to adjacent lower-density neighborhoods is required through use of yards, other open areas, and building heights. This designation accommodates 12 to 30 dwelling units per acre. Other uses that may be appropriate, consistent with zoning regulations, include public and private schools, public parks, and other open space uses. BACKGROUND On October 24, 2013, the applicant filed Sign Design Review No. SADR 13-52 and Modification No. MC 13-26 for two new, 7'-1" high by 8'-6" wide, double-sided monument signs with light-emitting diode (LED) displays encased in each side of the signs. The Modification requests are to allow two illuminated signs with LED color displays on a property that is zoned High-Density Multiple-Family Residential (R-3). The new signs are to be located closer than 200 feet apart from the existing monument signs, and closer than 100 feet from a residentially-zoned property. The subject property is a 3.64 acre corner lot, zoned R-3 (High-Density Multiple-Family Residential). It is developed with a church built in 1956 — see the attached aerial photo, and photos of the subject property and neighboring properties. It is common throughout the City for churches to be located on a residentially-zoned property with a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The properties to the north and west are also zoned R-3. The property to the south is zoned R-1 (Single-Family Residential). The property to the east is zoned S-2 (Public Purpose) and is currently occupied by Holly Avenue Elementary School. Appeal of MC 13-26 & SADR 13-52 400 W. Duarte Road May 27, 2014 — Page 2 of 7 Currently, the site has two monument signs for the Good Shepherd Church and two ground mounted signs, each supported by two posts on solid bases, to identify the Church's nursery school (refer to the attached site plan, sign chart and photos of existing signs). The R-3 regulations, which do not allow illuminated identification signs, do not address signs for nonresidential properties. In absence of requirements for signs on a nonresidential property in an R-3 zone, the City's commercial sign regulations were used as a guideline for review. Consideration of an illuminated sign with an electronic LED display can only be considered through a Modification. This was the process for approval of the signs for the Arcadia Masonic Center and the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce. On April 8, 2014, the Modification Committee conditionally approved the project with a 3-0 vote to allow one double-sided 7'-1" high by 8'-6" wide monument sign with LED displays, subject to the following conditions. Copies of the Modification Committee staff report and decision letter to the applicant are attached. 1. Only one double-sided monument sign with a LED message board on each side of the sign shall be permitted. The maximum size of the sign shall not exceed 7'-1" in height by 8'-6" in width. The applicant shall select its location (Duarte Rd. or Holly Ave.) and if the sign is placed on Duarte Road, it shall be located at least 200 feet apart from the other signs. The location of the sign shall be approved by the Planning Services Manager, or designee, prior to issuance of a building permit from Building Services. 2. The digital display on the LED message board cannot change more frequently that once a minute and may only operate between the hours of 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM, daily. 3. No videos, flashing or blinking, or moving animated images shall be permitted within a given message per AMC Sec. 9262.4.3(C). Simple transitions between messages are acceptable. An example of an acceptable transition would include, but not be limited to, fading out/in or sliding in from a single direction. An example of prohibited animations would include, but not be limited to, spinning, bouncing, dissolving, or zooming animations. On April 14, 2014, Mr. Wayne Whitehill, the representative for the Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist filed a timely appeal of the Modification Committee's action. Additional letters were received from the Church on April 23, 2014, requesting a postponement of the Planning Commission hearing, and on May 13, 2014, clarifying which conditions of approval the Church wanted to appeal. The appeal, postponement, and appeal clarification letters are attached. DISCUSSION The appellant is appealing the Modification Committee decision to request approval for two doubled-sided monument signs, a total of four freestanding signs on the site, to allow the new signs to be closer than 200 feet from the existing signs, exceed the maximum allowable sign area of 350 square feet, and to be allowed to have messages on the LED displays from 6:00 AM to 11:59 PM, every day. Appeal of MC 13-26 & SADR 13-52 400 W. Duarte Road May 27, 2014 — Page 3 of 7 Currently, the site has two monument signs for the Good Shepherd Church and two freestanding signs, each supported by two posts on solid bases, to identify the Church's nursery school (refer to the attached site plan, sign chart and photos of existing signs). The Church proposes to remove the two nursery school signs and replace them with the new monument signs. By allowing two new signs in addition to the existing two monument signs, the total sign area will exceed the maximum allowable commercial sign area of 350 square feet by 61 square feet (17%). The total sign area of all four monument signs would be 411 square feet. On Duarte Road the applicant is requesting three monument signs within a distance of approximately 260 feet, and on Holly Avenue the two monument signs would be 123 feet apart. Staff's recommendation to the Modification Committee was as follows: 1. Only one double-sided monument sign with a LED message board on each side of the sign shall be permitted. The overall size of the sign shall not exceed 6'-6" in height by 7'-6" in width. The LED message board shall not exceed 1'-6" in height by 6'-6" in width. The applicant shall select its location (Duarte Rd. or Holly Avenue), and if the sign is placed on Duarte Road it shall be located at least 200 feet away from the other signs. The location of the sign shall be approved by the Planning Services Manager, or designee, prior to issuance of a building permit from Building Services. 2. The digital display on the LED message board cannot change more frequently than once every hour and may only operate between the hours of 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM, daily. This would allow the message to change regularly without constant movement that could be a distraction for drivers. 3. The digital display on the LED message board shall be limited to text only and no more than two colors. No dimensional graphics, background images, videos, flashing or blinking, or moving animated images shall be permitted within a given message. Simple transitions between messages are acceptable. An example of an acceptable transition would include, but not be limited to: fading out/in or sliding in from a single direction. An example of prohibited animations would include, but not be limited to: spinning, bouncing, dissolving, or zooming animations. Staff determined that a total of four monument signs would create visual clutter and result in a streetscape that would have a commercial appearance, particularly since across the street there is a double-sided pedestal sign with LED displays at the corner of the Holly Avenue Elementary School. Sign Design Review Each new monument sign would be comprised of almond colored stucco for the body. The quoins and architectural feature on top of each sign would be made of high-density foam painted almond and dark brown. The lettering and logo will be dark red and internally- illuminated. The design of each sign, as well as the colors and materials are consistent with Appeal of MC 13-26 & SADR 13-52 400 W. Duarte Road May 27, 2014 — Page 4 of 7 the existing Church building. With conditions of approval, the signs will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and consistent with the City's Sign Design Guidelines. The Modification Committee determined that two new double-sided signs with LED message boards in addition to the existing signs would be excessive, and because the site has two frontages, Holly Avenue and Duarte Road, the proposed signs should meet the minimum distance required between the signs, which would reduce the visual impacts to the streetscape and lessen distractions to motorists. As a result, the Committee approved one double-sided monument sign at the requested size of 7'-1" high by 8'-6" wide with 2'-6" high by 7'-8" wide LED displays. The new sign may be located within 100 feet of a residentially-zoned property, but it must be at least 200 feet away from other monument signs if it is to be located along W. Duarte Road. The messages in the LED displays may change once every minute (no limit on the color or background images) and operate from 7 AM to 10 PM, every day. One of the existing signs must be removed to meet the minimum distance of 200 feet between signs if the new sign is to be located along Duarte Road. Given that the proposed signs would have a total sign area that is 17% greater than what is allowed for commercial signage, be significantly larger than the existing signs, and that the signs would directly face residential properties, staff recommends approval of the sign that the Modification Committee conditionally approved, and denial of the appeal request. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS The proposed project qualifies as a Class 11 Exemption for Accessory Structures from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15311 of the CEQA Guidelines. A Preliminary Exemption Assessment is attached to this staff report. PUBLIC NOTICE/COMMENTS Public hearing notices for this appeal of the Modification Committee's conditions of approval for MC 13-26 and SADR 13-52 were mailed on May 15, 2014 to the property owners and tenants of those properties within 100-feet of the subject site — see the attached radius map. As of May 22, 2014, there were no responses to the public hearing notices. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission deny the appeal, and uphold the Modification Committee's findings and decision, including the following conditions of approval: 1. Only one double-sided monument sign with a LED message board on each side of the sign shall be permitted. The maximum size of the sign shall not exceed 7'-1" in height by 8'-6" in width. The applicant shall select its location (W. Duarte Rd. or Holly Ave.), and if the sign is placed along W. Duarte Road it shall be located at least 200 feet apart from the other signs. The location of the sign shall be approved by the Planning Appeal of MC 13-26 & SADR 13-52 400 W. Duarte Road May 27, 2014 — Page 5 of 7 Services Manager, or designee, prior to issuance of a building permit from Building Services. 2. The digital display on the LED message board cannot change more frequently than once a minute and may only operate between the hours of 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM, daily. 3. No videos, flashing or blinking, or moving images shall be permitted within a given message per AMC Sec. 9262.4.3(C). Simple transitions between messages are acceptable. An example of an acceptable transition would include, but not be limited to: fading out/in or sliding in from a single direction. An example of prohibited animations would include, but not be limited to: spinning, bouncing, dissolving, or zooming animations. 4. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and/or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or conditional approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, Modification Committee, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and/or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officials, officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 5. Approval of MC 13-26 and SADR 13-52 shall not be of effect unless on or before 30 calendar days after approval of this project, the property owner/applicant has executed and filed with the Community Development Administrator or designee an Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Approval of Appeal If the Planning Commission intends to approve the appeal, the Commission should move to find that the project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and articulate the revised findings, and any conditions of approval. Denial of Appeal/Uphold Modification Committee Decision If the Planning Commission intends to uphold the Modification Committee's conditional approval, the Commission should move to deny the appeal, state concurrence with the Committee's findings, and uphold the Committee's decision and conditions of approval. Appeal of MC 13-26 & SADR 13-52 400 W. Duarte Road May 27, 2014 — Page 6 of 7 Alternative Action If the Planning Commission wishes to approve a project that differs from both the Modification Committee's action and the applicant/appellant's request, or deny the proposal entirely, the Commission should articulate revised findings and/or conditions to approve or deny MC 13-26 and/or SADR 13-52, and move for consideration of the alternative action. If any Planning Commissioner, or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter prior to the May 27, 2014 public hearing, please contact Assistant Planner, Jordan Chamberlin at (626) 821-4334, or jhamberlin@ArcadiaCA.gov. Approved: Jim ama Co munity Development Administrator Attachments: Aerial Photo with Zoning Information Site Plan and Sign Chart Photos of Existing Signs Architectural Plans Photos of Subject Property & Neighboring Properties April 8, 2014 Modification Committee Staff Report April 9, 2014 Notice of Modification Committee Decision Letter Letter of Appeal — Dated April 14, 1024 Postponement Request Letter— Dated April 23, 2014 Appeal Clarification Letter— Dated May 13, 2014 Preliminary Exemption Assessment 100-foot Radius Map Appeal of MC 13-26 & SADR 13-52 400 W. Duarte Road May 27, 2014 — Page 7 of 7 Site Address 400 W DUARTE RD Property Owner(s): CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD -...---1 - ° j I a } 11 Pf it a. ., ' r It Y R,■ • t, 01 is • --49 „ , r s ,�www-- 11 id i __ ,.,.. , _ a it :"."1„.4 O• Property Characteristics Selected parcel highlighted Zoning: R-3 ! I!fi 1 leo General Plan: HDR ■rte '� . ,���IIIII ►.! Lot Area(acres): 3.64 II���IMll�l:�` iuiI1111 Main Structure /Unit(sq. ft.): 10,285 """"""', � viola Year Built: '''''''11' �1� 1945 .-2 Number of Units: 1 "'� A 11111sss111 m111111111111 . illllllllllllllli � uiu I Overlays r all1I• i..11lllll_' !1111111.111.'11 r�!ri,T Parking Overlay: n/a ' i!LIUhuuuuIuIIflI!!■a11i i(ilZ«11i11111- . i Downtown Overlay: n/a ■ ! ' 1���11111� ■1111111111111111111! j:1i11If: ialim lllllillllI; init �+ ►�, •'':: ' Special Height Overlay: n/a ....■■■■I■iae.u..1ee.■......iu ■■.�__ !IIItIIH Ii Architectural Design Overlay: n/a Parcel location within City of Arcadia 0 This map Is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for Report generated 02-Apr-2014 reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate,current, or otherwise reliable. Page 1 of 1 a) TS T2 L _ CO U C N O t E co _c C) X X X x m x 'Y R F- ti in c`) M .004 >> si t Y''''4 _ * i•- ` 0) x in 1.\\ I ~4 + ; p 1x 1 ( , 4! , , , : '. :; _ ?. .., ; 1 .1,!... ---L, .:t r i ' ' 4 t I \ .--S\"....,.... .0..., U { i ir ........,...., : ; , c c E . .—...: .I 1 . O p C c ii ¢ c o 0 ,, irI .,1 o 0 I4 I 1 Ir I 1 r II I .', I i I 1 _ _ _ _. 1 ,_ u) O a .N y ,y to C O O X X X X N Q CO U 0 W IL .W c c c c c c N m m m m U) � in in in C co w its I- C CI) N k 41 t g T , • 4 i ' i `- r ,„,,,,,I,j, 44, y� k r is m '. . I. om. I; i 3 li t Proposed location of the monument sign (Sign A) on W. Duarte Road and existing sign (Sign D)to be removed t w','r•,rw� x , at ;*,44' aa c 4°;4'''.: / k M �. .,i . .401m.L. a Vw}� irk, . '4'X;I.',, 'r,r't ,: , . ,0, !: . ,,,,,t .It r Proposed location of monument sign (Sign B) on Holly Avenue and existing sign (Sign F)to be removed Sharch of tilt Seib Ohephtro Oorailif Iwo'moos.'" Souse ' fie Existing monument sign (Sign C) on W. Duarte Road INttriirrti '►r tit l rritbrulti iutuni Tarr & rrz�rla��ni • r n Existing ground mounted sign (Sign D) on W. Duarte Road 4 �' it 'i 4 .{ ,. ♦ rte: r yr Y, ' ' �� 'CHURCH N,_- 0/ Tlif 73 .; . '�i;OUP Slit PHI 41) ',. * ^' j 4=` — UNITED Mk 1140Dis '•` ' c Existing three-sided monument sign (Sign E) at the corner of W. 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I -4.1410aii.)..4.4i1 4 r Multi-family properties located to the north IF ip, u ,,, t .1 "1, '' ‘ il," t '. -TAI, ...,„ ...., _-,..;-''''''Slitio4-4„,,,,, .. /''' fts (,,OG f�.•y,t a •• ' ,.w e Sir unWU'u µ . 4 ,r„—t, '''''." 4-7—" "t''' 4 s 1 i. rv4 • Single family residence located to the northeast a r i 4 •I '`4 .5...w= ' - ' 4, •t•C''',.+Y� e A u Holly Avenue Elementary School located to the east i � j ,. ..a "'°r•. fit �! y_. `•rrlY 0'}A F t rt w al Ilk I A. as�� f *•� � Y h .x ly'-,t Aitic.§�, hr' Mi Single family residence located to the south 4,. t ti ....E • RNI a��ii i i JAW Multi-family residences located to the west 4°FFOlc `de ,, 044 47, otil • , t.P.P...o.a August 5.IYPi , STAFF REPORT Development Services Department DATE: April 8, 2014 TO: Honorable Chairman and Modification Committee FROM: Lisa L. Flores, Planning Services Manager By: Jordan Chamberlin, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: MODIFICATION NO. MC 13-26 AND SIGN DESIGN REVIEW NO. SADR 13-52 TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS AND DESIGN FOR TWO NEW 7'-1" HIGH BY 8'-6" WIDE, DOUBLE-SIDED MONUMENT SIGNS WITH A LED MESSAGE BOARD AT 400 W. DUARTE ROAD (DBA CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD UNITED METHODIST): 1. A TOTAL OF FOUR MONUMENT SIGNS (TWO EXISTING AND TWO NEW SIGNS) IN LIEU OF THE MAXIMUM TWO MONUMENT SIGNS PERMITTED ON A LOT (AMC SEC. 9262.4.6(c)); 2. ALLOW THE TOTAL SIGN AREA OF ALL FOUR MONUMENT SIGNS TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SIGN AREA OF 350 SQUARE FEET (AMC SEC. 9262.4.6(d)); 3. ALLOW THE NEW MONUMENT SIGN ON DUARTE ROAD TO BE LOCATED WITHIN 100 FEET OF A RESIDENTIALLY ZONED PROPERTY (AMC SEC. 9262.4.6(b)); 4. ALLOW THE NEW MONUMENT SIGNS TO BE ILLUMINATED WITH A LED MESSAGE BOARD IN AN R-3, HIGH-DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE (AMC SEC. 9255.1.4); AND; 5. ALLOW THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE SIGNS TO BE LOCATED LESS THAN 200 FEET APART (AMC SEC. 9262.4.6(c)). Environmental Status: Categorically Exempt per CEQA Section 15311 Recommendation: Conditional Approval BACKGROUND The subject property is a 3.64 acre corner lot, zoned R-3 (High-Density Multiple Family Residential). It is developed with a multi-story church, built in 1956, which is currently occupied by the Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist — see the attached aerial photo, and photos of the subject property and neighboring properties. It is common throughout the City for churches to be located on a residentially zoned property as they were permitted with a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The properties to the north and west are also zoned R-3. The property to the south is zoned R-1 (Single Family Residential). The property to the east is zoned S-2 (Public Purpose) and is currently occupied by Holly Avenue Elementary School. Modification Application No. MC 13-26 & SADR 13-52 April 8, 2014 Page 2 of 5 S-2 (Public Purpose) and is currently occupied by Holly Avenue Elementary School. Currently, the site has two monument signs for the Good Shepherd Church and two ground mounted signs, each supported by two posts on a solid based, to promote the Church's nursery school (refer to the sign table and site plan). In 1962, the corner sign was approved through a modification to allow it to encroach within the special setbacks. The R-3 regulations allow a non- illuminated identification sign, but electronic display on a sign is not typically allowed in the City. However, consideration of an illuminated sign with an electronic LED display can only be considered pursuant to a sign modification. This was the same process that was followed when the Arcadia Masonic Center and Arcadia Chamber of Commerce received approval for its sign with an LED display. DISCUSSION The proposal is to remove the nursery school signs and replace them with two larger doubled- sided monument signs that are each 7'-1" high by 8'-6" wide with an LED display encased in the sign. The LED display will be 1'-10" high by 7'-4" wide on each side of the monument sign. The new signs will be within close proximity to the existing location, one on Duarte Road and the other on Holly Avenue. The LED board will only display fixed or changing text that is in full color, graphics, and background images, but no videos, motion or animated graphics are proposed. The Church will not promote more than six (6) church activities and/or messages each day and each message will change every five (5) minutes. The LED message board would only operate between the hours of 6:00 AM to midnight, every day. The Church has also offered the City the use of the LED electronic board in emergency situations as a way to communicate information to the residents. The proposed project requires approval of the following modifications: 1. A total of four monument signs (two existing and two new signs) in lieu of the maximum two monument signs permitted on a lot; 2. Allow the total sign area of all four monument signs to exceed the maximum allowable sign area of 350 square feet; 3. Allow the new monument sign on Duarte Road to be located within 100 feet of a residentially zoned property; 4. Allow the new monument signs to be illuminated with a LED message board in an R-3, Multiple Family Residential Zone; and; 5. Allow the distance between the signs to be located less than 200 feet apart. The proposed modifications would allow for a total of four monument signs, two more than what is allowed by code that will exceed the maximum allowable sign area of 350 square feet by 61 square feet. The total sign area of all four signs would be 411 square feet. The proposed signs will also be located closer than 200 feet apart, and within 100 feet of a residentially zoned property. Given that the proposed signs would be 17% greater than what is allowed by code, significantly larger than the existing signs, illuminated and include a LED message board, and adjacent to residential uses, it is recommended that only one double-sided monument sign be permitted and that the overall size be reduced to approximately 6'-6" in height by 7'-6" in width. The reasoning behind a smaller sign for the Church's property is because the church site directly faces multi-family and single family residential properties. Also, the size and number of signs would create visual clutter on-site and to the streetscape by creating a more commercial appearance especially since continuing across the street on Duarte Road there is another Modification Application No. MC 13-26 & SADR 13-52 April 8, 2014 Page 3 of 5 signs it would lessen the impact to the neighboring residential properties and preserve the existing characteristic of the neighborhood. Staff also recommends restricting the sign area given to the LED display from 2'-6" in height by 7'-8" in width to 1'-6" in height by 6'-6" in width, and it is recommended that the messages on the LED message board be limited to the following regulations which is slightly different from what the applicant proposed: • The LED message board shall only operate between the hours of 7 AM to 10 PM, every day. • The message should not change more frequently than once every hour. This would allow the message to change regularly without constant movement that could be a distraction for drivers. • Display only plain, text based messages (no background pictures) and limit the texts to no more than two colors. For comparison, the LED message board that was approved for the Arcadia Masonic Lodge on Duarte Road is 1'-6" in height x 7'-6" in width and can remain lit throughout the day, but the message cannot change more than once a day. As recommended, the revised sign would be more in line with the other sign that is located on an institutional property in the City. In regards to the distance between the signs, if the applicant selects the Duarte Road location it is recommended that the sign shall be relocated to comply with code, and meet the minimum distance of 200 feet between signs. The Engineering Division reviewed the proposal in regards to potential impacts to traffic, parking design, and visibility, and determined that either location for the signs would not create an impact. Sign Design Review The signs would be comprised of almond colored stucco for the body, the quoins and architectural feature on top of the signs would be made out of high density foam painted almond and dark brown. The letters and logo will be dark red and internally illuminated. With the recommended conditions of approval, the signs will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and consistent with the City's Architectural Design Guidelines for Commercial and Industrial Signing. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS The proposed project qualifies as a Class 11 Exemption for Accessory Structures from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15311 of the CEQA Guidelines. A Preliminary Exemption Assessment is attached to this staff report. PUBLIC COMMENTS Public notice of this item was mailed on March 28, 2014 to the owners of those properties within 100-feet of the subject site. Staff did not receive any public comments on this project from residents. Modification Application No. MC 13-26 & SADR 13-52 April 8, 2014 Page 4 of 5 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Modification Committee find that this project is exempt per CEQA Section 15311, and conditionally approve Modification No. MC 13-26 and SADR 13-52, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. Only one double-sided monument sign with a LED message board on each side of the sign shall be permitted. The overall height of the sign shall not exceed 6'-6" in height by 7'-6" in width. The LED message board shall not exceed 1'-6" in height by 6'-6" in width. The applicant shall select its location (Duarte Rd. or Holly Avenue), and if the sign is placed on Duarte Road it shall be located at least 200 feet apart from the other signs. The location of the sign shall be approved by the Planning Services Manager, or designee, prior to issuance of a building permit from Building Services. 2. The digital display on the LED message board cannot change more frequently than once every hour and may only operate between the hours of 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM, daily. This would allow the message to change regularly without constant movement that could be a distraction for drivers. 3. The digital display on the LED message board shall be limited to text only and no more than two colors. No dimensional graphics, background images, videos, flashing or blinking, or moving animated images shall be permitted within a given message. Simple transitions between messages are acceptable. An example of an acceptable transition would include, not be limited to: fading out/in or sliding in from a single direction. An example of prohibited animations would include, but not be limited to: spinning, bouncing, dissolving, or zooming animations. 4. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and/or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or conditional approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, Modification Committee, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and/or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officials, officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 5. Approval of MC 13-26 and SADR 13-52 shall not be of effect unless on or before 30 calendar days after approval of this project, the property owner/applicant has executed and filed with the Community Development Administrator or designee an Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval. Modification Application No. MC 13-26 & SADR 13-52 April 8, 2014 Page 5 of 5 Approved: Lisa L. Flor_il Planning Se'ices Manager Attachments: Sign Table and Site Plan Aerial Photo with Zoning Information Photos of Subject Property & Neighboring Properties Architectural Plans 100-foot Radius Map Preliminary Exemption Assessment 0, 11--,, a ir 4 ill 1 ,,, April 9, 2014 L`o ,,„,„„e** CalWest Lighting Services �'41.4,ry orso' Attn: Nikki Gomez 11912 Woodruff Avenue City of Downey, CA 90241 Arcadia Subject: Sign Architectural Design Review No. SADR 13-52 and Modification Application No. MC 13-26 Project Address: 400 West Duarte Road Development Dear Ms. Gomez: Services Department t111ent At its April 8, 2014, meeting, the Modification Committee voted 3-0 to p conditionally aoorove Sign Architectural Design Review No. SADR 13-52 and Modification Application No. MC 13-26, subject to the following conditions: 1. Only one double-sided monument sign with a LED message board on Jason I nickeberg each side of the sign shall be permitted: The maximum height of the sign Assistant City Manager/ shall not exceed 7'-1" in height by 8'-6" in width. The applicant shall Development Services select its location (Duarte Rd. or Holly Avenue), and if the sign is placed Director on Duarte Road it shall be located at least 200 feet apart from the other signs. The location of the sign shall be approved by the Planning Services Manager, or designee, prior to issuance of a building permit from Building Services. 2. The digital display on the LED message board cannot change more frequently than once a minute and may only operate between the hours of 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM, daily. 3. No videos, flashing or blinking, or moving animated images shall be permitted within a given message per AMC Sec. 9262.4.3(C). Simple transitions between messages are acceptable. An example. of an acceptable transition would include, not be limited to: fading out/in or sliding in from a single direction. An example of prohibited animations would include, but not be limited to: spinning, bouncing, dissolving, or zooming animations. 4. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and/or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or conditional approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, Modification Committee, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and/or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the 341)Wen Ht ainingron Drive right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, Pon Office Box 60021 its officials, officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. Arcadia,CA 91066-6021 (626)574-5415 (626)447.3309 Fax wi ∎mci.arcaaia.ea.us 5. Approval of MC 13-26 and.SADR 13-52 shall not be of effect unless on or before 30 calendar days after approval of this project, the property owner/applicant has executed and filed with the Community Development Administrator or designee an Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval. There is a five (5)working day appeal period for this application. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Community Development Division with a $540.00 appeal fee by 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday,April 15, 2014. • This approval shall expire in one year(April 16, 2015) from the effective date unless a building permit is issued and the construction is diligently pursued, a certification of occupancy has been issued, or the approval is renewed. The final plans must be consistent with the approved design concept plans and any conditions of approval. Any inconsistency from the approved design concept plans may prohibit the issuance of a building permit. A building permit must be obtained prior to any construction activity. Please contact Building Services at (626) 574-5416 to determine the type of documentation, plans, and fees for the appropriate permit. This approval letter must be presented to Building Services to initiate the permitting process. If you have any questions regarding the above approval, please contact Jordan Chamberlin, Assistant Planner at(826)821-4334 or by email at jhamberlin©ci.arcadia.ca.us. Thank you. Sincerely, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Community Development Division i Planning Services Jordan Chamberlin Assistant Planner c: Wayne Whitehill and Church Trustees, Property Owners '34-1G.re Church of the food ,hepherd RECEIVED APR 1 4'2014 NOTICE OF APPEAL Planning Services April 14, 2014 City of Arcadia To the City of Arcadia, Planning Department, Attention: Lisa L. Flores, Planning Services Manager Re: Modification No. MC14-26 and Sign Design Review No. SADR 13- 52 To Consider the Modifications and Design for Two New 7'1" High by 8'-6' Wide, Double-sided Monument Signs With a LED Message Board at 400 W. Duarte Road (DBA Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist) Please take notice, that Applicant, Church of the Good Shepherd, United Methodist, Arcadia, California, hereby appeals from the decision of the Modification Committee rendered on April 8, 2014. Applicant requests a hearing of the appealed issues to the Planning Commission of the City of Arcadia as soon as practical. Issues on Appeal: 1) The number of signs to be placed on the applicant's property. Applicant/Appellant is requesting two double faced signs permitted on the subject property. 2) The objection to approval of location of signs prior to issuance of building permit. 400 West Duarte Road Arcadia, California 91007 Telephone(626)447-2181 •Fax(626) 447-5043 www.goodshepherdarcadia.org Page Two, Notice of Appeal, Modification No. MC 14-26 and SADR 13- 52 3) The hours of operation of the messages. Applicant seeks to display messages from 6:00 A.M to 11:59 P.M. daily. 4) The size of the area of the signs in terms of square footage and inclusive of original dimensions of the LED portion. 5) The color of the signs. 6) The display of the signs. 7) The inadequate and untimely notice to the Church of the Staff Recommendation. Wayne Whitehill Chairman, Board of Trustees Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist, Arcadia, California .,, •� \. ;. (1il urr.i of Or C!nn? Ol �epIp rb i,y _v U �s �+\ 5 'i� a o ECE%VED tk ! APR 242014 Planning Senricea City of Arcadia April 23,2014 Jordan Chamberlin Assistant Planner Development Services Department Community Development Division/Planning Services 400 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, California 91066 Re: Sign Architectural Design Review No. SADR 13-52 and Modification Application No. MC 13-26 Dear Ms. Chamberlin: On behalf of the Church of the Good Shepherd, I am requesting a continuance of the hearing of the Church's appeal from the Modification Committee's decision of April 8,2014, from May 13,2014,to May 27, 2014. Due to calendar conflicts we are unable to fully attend the Commission hearing. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, Wayne W. Whitehill Chairman of the Board of Trustees Church of the Good Shepherd 400 West Duarte Road • Arcadia • California 91007 • (626) 447-2181 • Fax (626) 447-5043 4 qnna° Or Club ilrlifirrtit / ✓'r \ r Ilep Pui 6 .u._ n :n - i '4r Li, -.--mss... • .•; - MAY 132014 NOTICE OF APPEAL Nanning ing Services May 13, 2014 City of Arcadia To the City of Arcadia, Planning Department, Attention: Lisa L Flores, Planning Services Manager Re: Modification No. MC14-26 and Sign Design Review No. SADR 13-52 To Consider the Modifications and Design for Two New 7'1" High by 8'-6' Wide, Double-sided Monument Signs With a LED Message Board at 400 W. Duarte Road (DBA Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist) Please take notice, that Applicant, Church of the Good Shepherd, United Methodist, Arcadia, California, hereby appeals from the decision of the Modification Committee rendered on April 8, 2014. Applicant requests a hearing of the appealed issues to the Planning Commission of the City of Arcadia as soon as practical. Church of the Good Shepherd has not completed its preparation at this time with respect to the issues, however, as to clarification our response is as follows. Issues on Appeal: 1) The number of signs to be placed on the applicant's property. Applicant/Appellant is requesting two double faced signs permitted on the subject property, one on Duarte Road and one on Holly Avenue as per the plans and specifications. 400 West Duarte Road • Arcadia • California 91007 • (626) 447-2181 • Fax (626) 447-5043 Page Two, Notice of Appeal, Modification No. MC 14-26 and SADR 13-52 2) The objection to approval of location of signs prior to issuance of building permit. If the commission approves two signs and the locations, it serves no purpose to have someone approve location after issuance of the building permit. 3) The hours of operation of the messages. Applicant seeks to display messages from 6:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. daily — over and above the 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. cut-off periods. 4) The size of the area of the signs in terms of square footage and inclusive of original dimensions of the LED portion per the plans and specifications. 5) The color of the signs per the plans and specifications. 6) The display of the signs per the plans and specifications. 7) The inadequate and untimely notice to the Church of the Staff Recommendation. Church of the Good Shepherd was not provided adequate time to prepare. Wayne Whitehill Chairman, Board of Trustees Church of the Good Shepherd United Methodist, Arcadia, California 4st '" !° !! PRELIMINARY EXEMPTION ASSESSMENT fit ea-AA �• re. (Certificate of Determination When Attached to Notice of Exemption) 1. Name or description of project: Appeal of Modification Application No. MC 13-26 and Sign Design Review No. SADR 13-52. 2. Project Location— Identify street 400 W. Duarte Road (between Holly Avenue and West Le Roy address and cross streets or Avenue) attach a map showing project site (preferably a USGS 15' or 7 1/2' topographical map identified by quadrangle name): 3. Entity or person undertaking A. project: B. Other(Private) Cal West Lighting Services (1) Name Domenick Acosta (2) Address 11912 Woodruff Avenue Downey, CA 90241 4. Staff Determination: The Lead Agency's Staff, having undertaken and completed a preliminary review of this project in accordance with the Lead Agency's "Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)" has concluded that this project does not require further environmental assessment because: a. ❑ The proposed action does not constitute a project under CEQA. b. ❑ The project is a Ministerial Project. c. ❑ The project is an Emergency Project. d. ❑ The project constitutes a feasibility or planning study. e. ® The project is categorically exempt. Applicable Exemption Class: 15311 (Class 11, Accessory Structures) f. ❑ The project is statutorily exempt. Applicable Exemption: g. ❑ The project is otherwise exempt on the following basis: h. ❑ The project involves another public agency which constitutes the Lead Agency. Name of Lead Agency: Date: May 15, 2014 Staff: Jordan Chamberlin, Assistant Planner Preliminary Exemption Assessment FORM "A" I I r •4 i ak l • 1 t i t L� ,y 1---- , to) . . S. J s rcadla ! isti t s: .at 40 i ,, ) MIMI -s, --49 t+s I W Z 1 ,I ct'i 20101 N AVTEia, C .4t1 ...%,o13 micro: ft Cot poi u, 400 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia, CA 91007 100' Radius nCopyright Printed: Sep 25, 2013 N __ _ _ __ opyright 2013-Los s Angeles County Department of Regional Planning,GIS �1Oi Section. '1 ^F Note:This map represents a quick representation of spatial imagery or vector 0 200 layers using GIS-NET3.The map should be interpreted in accordance with the GIS- ; 1 r y p I n 1 NET3 Public disclaimer statement. ■': "� Printed with permission from the Los Angeles County Dept.of Regional Planning. C4u a. �' .111111.0*