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ti 6TARe afe<orpnr. eA ` Auc ui 33.i9[�'pi; pi901‘' • iJ[� a r v • ty°c e°� STAFF REPORT Development Services Department DATE: July 29, 2014 TO: Honorable Chairman and Planning Commission FROM: Jim Kasama, Community Development Administrator By: Thomas Li, Associate Planner SUBJECT: APPEAL OF THE APPROVAL OF SINGLE-FAMILY ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW NO. SFADR 13-140 FORA NEW RESIDENCE AT 1203 HIGHLAND OAKS DRIVE. Recommended Action: Find that this project qualifies as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption from CEQA, and Deny the appeal and uphold the approval of the design review. SUMMARY The subject application was submitted by project designer, Mr. Philip Chan of PDS Studio Inc., to build a new 7,096 square-foot, two-story, single-family residence at 1203 Highland Oaks Drive. The subject property is located within the Highlands Homeowners' Association. However, the design review application was processed by the City because the Architectural Review Board did not have a chairperson to process applications at the time. Planning Services approved Single-Family Architectural Design Review No. SFADR 13-140 on March 11, 2014, based on the determination that the proposal meets the City's Single-Family Residential Design Guidelines and Resolution No. 6770. Due to a typographical error in the original approval letter, a revised approval letter was issued on May 27, 2014. On June 4, 2014, an appeal of the City's approval was jointly filed by Ms. April A. Seymour, Ms. Carol Rosenthal, and Ms. Christine Eng. It is recommended that the Planning Commission deny the appeal, and uphold staff's approval of the subject application. BACKGROUND In mid-November 2013, Mr. Ralph Bicker retired as Chairperson of the Highlands Homeowners' Association's Architectural Review Board (ARB) after 35 years of service. The ARB was unable to find a replacement until mid-February, 2014, when Mr. Glenn Oyoung assumed the position. During the three months from November 2013 to February 2014, when the ARB did not have a chairperson, the Development Services Department, with the City Attorney's advice, began to conduct design reviews for the projects within the Highlands HOA. It was critical for the City to process the design review applications because under Resolution No. 6770, "the ARB shall render its decision on a Regular Review Process application within 30 working days from the date a complete application is filed with the ARB; failure to take action in said time shall be deemed an approval of the plans, at the end of the 30 working-day period." The Development Services Department had been contacted in late November and December by a number of applicants that were ready to submit projects to the Highlands ARB. Unless the City processed the design review applications, the projects would have been approved by default, and there would not be an opportunity to review the architectural design of these proposals. The applicant initially submitted Single-Family Architectural Design Review No. SFADR 13-140 on December 16, 2013. On March 11, 2014, Planning Services approved the applicant's revised plans, based on staff's determination that the proposal meets the City's Single-Family Residential Architectural Design Guidelines and Resolution No. 6770. The approval letter was re-issued on May 27, 2014, due to a typographical error that stated an appeal fee of $540.00, instead of the correct fee of$210.00. On June 4, 2014, Ms. April A. Seymour, Ms. Carol Rosenthal, and Ms. Christine Eng, jointly filed an appeal of the City's approval of the subject application. The Planning Commission may approve, conditionally approve, or deny the appeal, and the Commission's decision may be appealed to the City Council. DISCUSSION The subject property is a 19,158 square-foot corner lot zoned R-1-12,500&D, located at the northwest corner Highland Oaks Drive and Sycamore Avenue. An aerial photo of the area and photos of the subject property are attached. The subject property is currently improved with a 1,716 square-foot, one-story residence with an attached two- car garage. The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing residence and build a new 7,096- square-foot, two-story, single-family residence with an attached three-car garage. The floor plan includes five (5) bedrooms, five (5) full bathrooms, a three-quarter bathroom, a half bathroom, a library, kitchen with a wok room, a dining room, living room, family room, a gym, and a home theater. The architectural style is described as Spanish, featuring a curved concrete tile roof, open eaves with exposed rafters, window shutters, smooth stucco finish, wrought iron front door, dark brown steel garage doors, decorative roof vents, and a Spanish rake finish along parts of the roof— see the attached plans. Appeal of Approval — SFADR 13-140 1203 Highland Oaks Drive July 29, 2014 — page 2 of 6 Staff finds the plans to be consistent with the R-1 Zoning Code, the City's Single-Family Residential Design Guidelines (Guidelines) and City Council Resolution No. 6770. Copies of the Guidelines and Resolution are included in the Planning Commission's agenda packet. The proposal is a two-story house within an area that mostly consists of single-story homes, except for the newly constructed 6,255 square-foot, two-story residence across the street at 1141 Highland Oaks Drive, which was also designed by the applicant and approved by the Highlands ARB on April 12, 2013. Staff finds the proposed building to be effectively modulated and articulated to reduce its mass. Furthermore, the architectural style is effectively carried throughout the building. The overall building height is proposed at 27'-10" from the average existing grade, where a maximum of 30'-0" is permitted by Code. APPELLANTS' COMMENTS The appeal letter pointed out procedural and design issues on this application. On procedural issues, the appellants state that the City processed the subject application when it should have gone to the HOA ARB for their review and approval, and that the City did not follow the proper procedures when reviewing the plans. On design issues, the appellant pointed out size, height, bulk, entry height, articulation, architectural style consistency, landscaping, fences/walls, and privacy concerns. The letter includes specific comments regarding existing mature sycamore trees being removed; a tall 10'- 0" first floor top plate, and a tall entry feature being out of scale with the neighboring homes that have approximate top plate heights of 8'-0". The front entry door and other design details appear too ornate and the second floor balconies and windows will invade the privacy of the neighbors. A copy of the appeal letter, with additional neighbors' signatures, is attached. STAFF'S RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Single-Family Architectural Design Review No. SFADR 13-140 was initially submitted on December 16, 2013, during the time period when the ARB did not have a chairperson in place to process design review applications. If the City did not process this application, this project would have been approved by default after 30 working days (January 31, 2014) according to Section 5(E)(5) of Resolution No. 6770. In that case, neither the City, nor the ARB would have had the opportunity to comment on the architectural design of the proposal. Staff consulted with the City Attorney about this situation, and was advised that in the absence of an ARB Chairperson, the City should process these applications through the City's design review process. Under the City's design review process, staff sends a Notice of Pending Decision when staff determines that the design of the proposal meets the Guidelines and Zoning Code requirements. If any neighbor, or other interested party submits comments, they would be duly considered and forwarded to the applicant. If they are considered relevant and appropriate, the comments are to be taken into account in formulating the decision, which would not be made before the expiration of the comment period. Appeal of Approval — SFADR 13-140 1203 Highland Oaks Drive July 29, 2014 — page 3 of 6 Mr. John Uniack, the current ARB Chairperson, submitted the attached comments in response to the Notice of Pending Decision for the subject proposal. He stated an objection to the size of the house, and provided a list of floor-area-ratios of the homes in the area. The list provides a clear perspective on the size disparity between old and new homes. However, it also shows that the subject proposal is comparable to the other new homes that have been recently built in the area. The City does not have a floor-area-ratio limitation in place, but there is a maximum lot coverage limitation of 35% by Code for two-story homes. The lot coverage of the proposed new home is 28%. In response to the design issues, staff finds the proposal to be adequately modulated and articulated to minimize its mass. There is a two-story element at the entry, but the recessed entry door, and the relatively narrow width of this element does not accentuate the mass of the building. This element is also offset by a wider first floor, and a front balcony to provide horizontal features for visual balance. The applicant is proposing to maintain all existing mature trees in the front yard area, with the exception of two sycamore trees near the southeasterly portion of the proposed building. The removal of these two trees are being requested because the roots of these trees are very close to one another, and one of the trees is leaning at about a 20 degree angle across the front of the existing building. The proposed project will maintain a 20" trunk diameter magnolia tree, a 20" trunk diameter sycamore tree, and two 12" trunk diameter sycamore trees in the front yard area, along with three City trees in the parkway area along Highlands Oaks Drive and Sycamore Avenue. The applicant is also proposing to plant two 24" box star magnolia trees, and two 24" box western redbud trees in the front yard area. There are also screening shrubs and trees proposed to be planted along the northerly side and the rear property lines to help protect the privacy of the neighbors. Staff finds that the subject proposal meets the City's Guidelines and Resolution No. 6770, and recommends approval of the proposed home as is. However, the Planning Commission may consider the following changes in response to the appellants' comments that may be more architecturally consistent with the stated architectural style: 1. Replace the wrought iron front entry door with a wooden door, stained to match the color of the shutters. 2. Lower the top plate height of the first floor from 10'-0" to 9'-6". ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) staff has determined that the development of a single-family residence is Categorically Exempt per Section 15303 (Class 3) of the CEQA Guidelines. If the Planning Commission is to consider approval of the appeal and the design review, the Commission should find that this application qualifies for the Categorical Exemption. Appeal of Approval — SFADR 13-140 1203 Highland Oaks Drive July 29, 2014 — page 4 of 6 PUBLIC NOTICE/COMMENTS Public hearing notices of this appeal were mailed on July 18, 2014, to the owners of those properties within the required notification area — see the attached notification area map, as well as to the appellants, the HOA President, and the previous and current ARB Chairpersons. Because this project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the notice was not published in a local newspaper. An opposition letter to the appeal was submitted by Mr. McCallum, resident at 1730 Alta Oaks Drive. A copy of the letter is attached. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission deny the appeal of the approval of SFADR 13-140, and uphold staff's decision. The following conditions of approval are recommended: 1. The proposed project shall be developed and maintained in a manner that is consistent with the plans submitted and approved by SFADR 13-140. 2. The applicant/property owner shall comply with all City requirements regarding building safety, fire prevention, detection, suppression, emergency access, public right-of-way improvements, parking, water supply and water facilities, sewer facilities, trash reduction and recycling requirements, and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) measures to the satisfaction of the Building Official, Fire Marshal, Public Works Services Director and Development Services Director, or their respective designees. Compliance with these requirements is to be determined by having fully detailed construction plans submitted for plan check review and approval by the foregoing City officials and employees. 3. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officials, officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officials, officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or conditional approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and/or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or conditional approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and/or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officials, officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 4. Approval of SFADR 13-140 shall not take effect unless on or before 30 calendar days after Planning Commission approval of this application, the property owner/applicant has executed and filed with the Community Development Administrator or designee an Acceptance Form available from the Development Appeal of Approval — SFADR 13-140 1203 Highland Oaks Drive July 29, 2014 — page 5 of 6 Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Approval of Appeal and Denial of Design If the Planning Commission intends to approve the appeal and overturn staff's decision on the proposed design, the Commission should move to approve the appeal and deny Single-Family Architectural Design Review No. SFADR 13-140, and state why the proposed design is not consistent with the City's design guidelines, and/or Resolution No. 6770. Denial of Appeal and Approval of Design If the Planning Commission intends to deny the appeal and uphold staff's approval of the design, the Commission should move to find that the subject application is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), state why the proposed design is consistent with the City's design guidelines and Resolution No. 6770, and deny the appeal and uphold the approval of Single-Family Architectural Design Review No. SFADR 13-140, subject to the conditions set forth in this report, or as modified by the Commission. If any Planning Commissioner or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter prior to the July 29, 2014 public hearing, please contact Associate Planner, Thomas Li by calling (626) 574-5447, or send an email to tlk ci.arcadia.ca.us. Approved by: Jim 'ma Co ,° unity Development Administrator Attachments: Aerial Photo of the Area Photos of the Subject Property Proposed Plans Mr. Uniack's Comment Letter Appeal Letter Notification Area Map Letter from Mr. McCallum One copy of the City's Single-Family Residential Design Guidelines and City Council Resolution No. 6770 are included separately in the July 29, 2014 Planning Commission agenda packet. Appeal of Approval - SFADR 13-140 1203 Highland Oaks Drive July 29, 2014 - page 6 of 6 r]FTITIMINInp Site Address: 1203 HIGHLAND OAKS DR Property Owner(s): LMV Assets, LLC ir fit ,„„,„,, , ., , ,, ,.., , • ,,,,,,,iii, , , . . „,, . ..„,. , ,,,. ,,,,..,, , „ . „.„..„,. .„.., , ___,,,,, , ,, , .,„,..„. .,,_''.17., ■'*.:"" ,' 4$ '''' � . V i y '`� > ;;;I':,4,::"'"'„ A1 d ' a a C . . i - y i r Property Characteristics Selected parcel highlighted 8 .�...� z 111/'_— Zoning: R-1 (12,500) •IIUuIam l- i; 1, __ — °s General Plan: VLDR 0411.11�� r I dØJ s�19,158 �! G �a■e"��i ■��iifl��t Main Structure / Unit(sq. ft.): 1,716 �` 44/11� mom••=I l�''E' f 1„ f:0,0'.n1 r..mom ii. —_ 2 Year Built: 1947 10��11 lam!il•i�l 1 pr , mom ii�;rr yrs Number of Units: 1 ,, !j �� �viIsl iw 111'1111!1=Nom Overlays >•11111,1 �.1 � Y,'l molt 71; li■11 N 111Ui 1 Parking Overlay: n/a 1111111111111 ! _ MIN iAiun in-nn I■ nar Downtown Overlay: n/a 1111111111111111/� I I: 111111111 11111111111 11111 '' . IIIIIIi1UlII "ter llllllll 1111111111111 11111 IIIMPIRIII!PP III . •�... ■!i'1°�tiE 1111111111[11111 Special Height Overlay: n a 1111itliiMr111U11 w. . Ii11111111111 ■�: _ � ,,, P 9 y� / ywiisliallim l ;!Il11111111111;.= : ►1—■ hill�4 i;T.l 11111 Architectural Design Overlay: D Parcel location within City of Arcadia" This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for Report generated 22-Jul-2014 reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate,current, Page 1 of 1 or otherwise reliable. View of the subject property at 1203 Highland Oaks Drive'..4,-, ' - i r ,c'.! " _s ,�4 ,„,,, ,,..,‘ , . ,F, >y 4,4:: ris.iJt.ry ' 1'/ t A' d • *, "� *,s o` Ai. (i g „••' 1 rtv,. u ti View of the neighboring property to the south at 1141 Highland Oaks Drive ■'/.. ■ I -I- .44'1%,.,e. `f i , . ,1' 4 i YR Y ;;' iir Pr wn ... t p wy .A. 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Y 5 btu Y y g 5 y�y SE V.11 no W U/i///////////////io///o//,; a ' ! `1 is I 1 e 0x a1 1 i g g i�i/i�i///�i/iii o ooa o 0 0 00000 it 1 d0 RECEIVED March 5, 2014 MAR - 5 2014 City of Arcadia Planning Services Department Planning Services 240 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, CA 91006 City of Arcadia Subject: Notice of Pending Decision of Single Family Design 1203 Highland Oaks Drive Review No. SFADR 13-140 Dear Mr. Thomas Li and other members of the Planning Department, The Highlands neighborhood of Arcadia is a special older community that can best be identified by the abundance of single-story, low-slung, ranch style homes. It has a remarkably consistent housing stock that is greatly appreciated by the residents who live and have invested there. Since 2010, a new, out-of-character type of house has been introduced into the neighborhood. Typically these houses fill the maximum allowable building envelope as dictated by the Arcadia R-1 Zoning Code. The proposed development for 1203 Highland Oaks Drive fits within this category and is not consistent with the surrounding neighborhood. The issue is that its size is much larger than the surrounding houses. This can be calculated by using Floor Area Ratio (FAR), a metric used by planners to measure development density, the amount of development on an individual lot. It also can statistically compare lot-to-lot development as opposed to the often ambiguous notion of massing. Attachment A is a table listing the parcels identified on the circumference map on the Notice of Pending Decision. Included are street addresses, lot area, floor area (not including garages) and the corresponding FAR (development area /floor area). The average FAR for houses built before 2010 is .16, with a range between .09 and .26. Indicated in gray are developments built after 2010, the range being .35 to .37. These new developments are two times the size of the average surrounding development. The FAR for the subject property proposal is .37, over four times the existing FAR. The proposed house (7,090 SF) is four times larger than the existing house (1,716 SF), and over twice as large as all of the adjacent pre-2010 houses. This type of development puts the consistency of the Highlands neighborhood housing stock in jeopardy. Large houses next to smaller houses create an unplanned, hodgepodge appearance that cannot be easily reversed. This unsuccessful type of planning and development is readily apparent in other parts of the city. The reason the original house was only 1,716 SF is that the subject project is a corner lot. With setback requirements of 60' front yard, 20' street side yard, 5' side yard and 35' back yard, only 6,750 SF of the lot is available to place 7,736 SF of building (see Attachment B, a site plan of the subject property and required setbacks). In this calculation, the garage is counted as it takes up space. To fit, a two-story structure is required, leaving little space for the appropriate architectural expression required. The result is a typical box-like building that is contorted to make its mass "appear smaller", then some architectural pastiche is applied to call it a style; in this case, "Spanish" style. There are several fine examples of Spanish style homes in the Highlands (see Attachment C, a Spanish style house located one block away). Hallmarks of the style are a low building mass with deep recessed windows indicative of traditional masonry construction. Included would be courtyards, arcades, a tile roof and other specialized details. It is difficult to believe that a development of this size squeezed onto a small lot while claiming an architectural style that traditionally wants to spread out can successfully fit into this neighborhood context. Further constraining this site is the cluster of three mature Sycamore trees (see Attachment D, a photo of the aforementioned trees). It would be a tragedy to remove or molest these historic and protected specimens to make room for oversized development. Construction can be extremely stressful on trees and dubious "accidents" all too often happen, miraculously freeing-up more area to build. The monitoring of these and any other protected site trees by the city arborist during any construction on this site is imperative. As you can surmise, I am not in favor of the proposed project as detailed in the Notice of Pending Decision, chiefly for its size. Every property owner has the right to build their dream house, but every development needs review and discussion for neighborhood consistency and appropriateness. I request that the Planning Services Department consider the comments stated above as part of the decision-making process. The best development not only improves itself but becomes an asset of the community at large. I would like to be notified of any decision by the Planning Services Department regarding the project at 1203 Highland Oaks Drive. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Respectfully, John Uniack Homeowner 1220 Highland Oaks Drive Arcadia, CA 91006 (626) 446-8906 Attachments CC C Q C U- cu u 10 f0 0) I_ ch 0 p CD '— m 0 -0 (0 C OJ "0 > 7 (0 (O T 3 Q aJ 01 < C y C < LL a) >- 0 Li. a) (0 f9 u w C Q O a) 7 u CU u 7 . L.L. 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The existing home is a well-designed traditional Ranch home which is currently not being maintained since the current owner purchased the property in August of 2013 . The property to the north of 1203 is 1211 Highland Oaks Dr. and is approximately 18 , 500 sq. feet with a home of approximately 2 , 242 sq. feet . This is a traditional Ranch home with little to no alterations of the front elevation. The property behind 1203 Highland Oaks Dr. is 1204 Oakwood Dr. This home is approximately 1, 764 sq. feet and sits on a lot of approximately 19, 158 sq. feet . This home is a very attractive, well-maintained traditional Ranch house with open fish- tail eaves and redwood siding. All properties appear to be at the same grade level, at the same height, approximately 15' . The majority of the homes on Highland Oaks Dr. between Foothill Blvd. and Elkins Dr. are primarily traditional Ranch homes . Out of approximately 60 homes on the west side of Highland Oaks Dr. , there are only about 12 homes that are taller than 15 ' . This conservative 1 height of the homes was intentional as there are views of the mountains to the north and to the west of these homes . Attached as Exhibit A to this appeal is a photo of 1203 Highland Oaks Dr. Attached as Exhibit B to this appeal is a photo of 1211 Highland Oaks Dr. Attached as Exhibit C to this appeal is a photo of 1204 Oakwood Dr. II . PROCEDURAL VIOLATIONS 1203 Highland Oaks Dr. is located within the Highlands Homeowner' s Association. Plans were submitted to the City for this proposed residence on 01/29/14 . A decision letter was issued on 03/05/14 . The Highlands Homeowners Association has an Architectural Review Board of at least 3 members as required by City of Arcadia Resolution 6770 . In violation of Resolution 6770, the plans for this structure were not approved by the Highlands Homeowners Association. The purpose of the Architectural Review Board for and by the Highlands Homeowners Association is to preserve the character and quality of its neighborhoods by requiring harmonious design, to protect the property values and architectural character of such residential environments . III . DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS Pursuant to Resolution 6770, Section 5 , Paragraph C, notification shall be deemed to include at least the two parcels on each side of the parcel subject to plan approval, the five parcels facing the subject parcel, and the three parcels to the rear of the subject parcel . Unusually situated parcels, those where a second- story addition or modification is involved, or where the slope of the terrain might impact additional neighbors , may require additional parcels to be part of the required parcels to be notified. A noticed scheduled meeting is required pursuant to Paragraph E, deposited in the mail to applicant and all property owners within required notification area not less than 10 calendar days before the date of such meeting. Proper notice and meeting was not provided by the architectural review conducted by the City. A written comment period was provided by the City to noticed neighbors . The City received written 2 objections to the proposed design. No action was taken by the City to address such written objections . In the words of the reviewer within City Planning, by the time the notice of written comment period was mailed out, the reviewer had already made design changes to the plans and there were no comments that could be made to overturn an approval of the plans . In the words of the reviewer, the written comment period was a "courtesy" to neighbors to provide notice that a new home was going up . The reviewer looked only at the plans submitted and did not physically inspect or investigate the character of the neighborhood in which the proposed home was going into. The reviewer saw no pictures or renderings of any of the adjacent properties to determine the compatibility and harmony with existing structures . IV. INCOMPATIBILITY A. SITE PLANNING: The proposed project is inconsistent with the Site Planning Guidelines based on: 1 . Natural amenities such as views and trees were not preserved and incorporated into the proposed development . The proposal includes removal of an elegant, mature sycamore tree which is in excess of 30" in diameter (represented on the plans as only 6" ) which would help screen and reduce the impact of a new larger structure being introduced on this block. The proposed rear elevation includes a large balcony facing west which may enhance views of sunsets however there are no mountains or valley vistas . 2 . The size and design is not visually harmonious and compatible with the character and quality of the surroundings . The proposed home is visually a much greater mass and dwarfs the much smaller homes on either side, adjacent to the proposed home . 3 . The height and bulk of the proposed home is not in scale and proportion with adjacent homes . The proposed structure is 27 ' 10" high, with a 10' top plate on the first floor. The adjacent homes have a top plate of approximately 8' and do not exceed 15' in height . The proposed building will act like a skyscraper drawing attention to its size and scale in comparison to the adjacent properties . B. ENTRY: 1 . The height of the entry is not in scale with the height and design of the building. The entry façade is a flat plane approximately 20' high. The height of the entry plane is greater than its width creating verticality to the front entry. 3 2 . There is no roof or eaves providing any resemblance to shelter over the front door. 3 . The doors themselves appear to be 10 ' in height creating a vertical element adding to the scale and massing of the entry. 4 . The cantilever atop of the front entry façade adds to the vertical theme of the front entry making the structure appear taller. C. MASSING: The proposed project is inconsistent with the Massing Guidelines based on: 1 . The front elevation lacks adequate articulation. The proposed second floor is directly above the first floor without adequate setback. The second floor appears as large as the first floor. 2 . The windows and doors along the front elevation are taller than their width adding to the verticality of the proposed building. The adjacent homes have windows that are wider than they are tall . D. HEIGHT: The proposed project is inconsistent with the Height Guidelines based on: The proposed home is 27' 10" . Adjacent homes are no more than 15' high. Particular attention needs to be addressed to height due to the home on the north side of 1211 Highland Oaks Dr. is approximately 25' tall . The proposed building at 1203 Highland Oaks Dr. and 1219 Highland Oaks Dr. will visually dwarf the home at 1211 Highland Oaks Dr. making it less desirable as it is sandwiched between two visually larger homes . Attached as Exhibit "D" is a photograph of 1219 Highland Oaks Drive . E. ROOF: Consistent . F. FACADE DESIGN: The proposed project is inconsistent with the Façade Design Guidelines based on: 1 . The proposed plan' s architectural style is "Spanish. " The front entry contains a large flat plane as described above under Entry. 2 . The proposed building specifies "simulated divided lites windows to be used. This will create a "plastic" or fake appearance on a style of home that focuses on handcraftsmanship, wood detailing 4 and wrought iron. These simulated dividers are wholly inconsistent with the architecture of the proposed building. G. DETAIL: The proposed project is inconsistent with the Detail Guidelines based on: 1 . The front doors appear ornate and incompatible with other building elements . The doors appear overly prominent both in height and design. 2 . The design proposes the use of shutters . This design detail is wholly inconsistent with "Spanish" architecture . Patios or large porches are traditionally used to shade windows, not shutters . Please refer to page 15 of the Single Family Residential Design Guidelines , photo F as an example . Attached as Exhibit "E" is 46 Woodland Drive as an example of an appropriatly designed Spanish Style home . 3 . The decorative vent makes the building look ornate and busy. H. MATERIALS AND COLORS : The proposed project is inconsistent with the Planning Guidelines based on: 1 . It is unclear from the design specifications whether the precast molds are made of foam or cement . Also there is no indication if the decorative corbels are made of wood. The use of synthetic materials will be noticeable and appear fake . I . LANDSCAPE/HARDSCAPE: The proposed project is inconsistent with the Landscape/Hardscape Guidelines based on: 1 . The proposed landscape does not include native species consistent with the architectural style of Spanish. More appropriate choices would include foxtail agave, blueglow agave, aenonium, coast rosemary, ceanothus, California poppy, yarrow, manzanita, salvia spathacea and coral aloe . English lavender, heavenly bamboo and boxwood are inconsistent with Spanish architectural style, as these are "English. " 2 . The stamped concrete driveway and front entry will appear fake and busy. A more appropriate choice would be a diamond pattern as represented in the back patio but using cut lines instead of a stamp. The pattern should be a larger format in order to reduce the "busy" feel . 5 J. FENCES/WALLS: The proposed project is inconsistent with the Fences/Walls Guidelines based on: There is no specification as to what type of wall is being erected on the front and side elevations . K. AFFECT ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND NEIGHBORHOODS : 1 . The proposed second story incorporates several north facing windows which would invade the privacy of the home to the north. 2 . The rear elevation incorporates a large balcony which looks into the property to the west . There is no indication of how far back the first floor and second floor are from the rear property line . IV. CONCLUSION The proposed building for 1203 Highland Oaks violates the principles of harmony and compatibility as it relates to adjacent homes . It will create a visual "dwarfing" of adjacent homes . This proposal will cause a decrease in property values . This proposed plan should be denied based on its lack of compatibility and harmony to the surrounding neighborhood. Respect ; Submitted, By s �� � / •pril A f eymour 1614 H'‘t 1 d Oaks Dr. By Name QA-vi QoS1 " Address 1Ga2y 14' , ? By `k e Address 13Z b' 6 sA s AC 6 " � e ',• ' i''.•*.- �6 ,*;,.':,,"4. 7 `r ' 4 k 3 P `t y. i r." k f [�} z ,• 4.. + y *i, �• ydr}v•r4. . r ,Jt h ' a ' r �t r Ark 117 "rt` ar ; q a.. a' ,, r `S r^p`"iPy, - y�44 ' „ 1 o irk': r r •44'lK,,,_.. _ . r • ,, . . . .. .. , „ ,. 4 . a . +: ,far �,.,{,. t•�J .. - .. _, 4,, ., / `., ,g . d at ,. �' a a CSt" A� ,�:, r .. fin,. . •.,...t�ld., y* ., a'' . , ,. ., . .. . .... . , . , , , . , r,,ii a ... l • • EXHIBIT A ARM. : : , .,,,,..,,,...,,lit.'.„I 1 i... f ; g Y ,, ;`,, 410.,.... ' 7 ,., 4,-!,k.s..oyi,,, hg,:e., ,41 ilk 4 _. ...... ._ _..... .. _ __ ..„:„. I. •,, . _, 1 ,,, ,:,,,, . _ , .. • . , ., ...„_,. . , ., ..: .. .„ .. . - } EXHIBIT B A • V," • • • • • • EXHIBIT C 11 « 9. - C11) 2 ... .:. . ./.-._... . . 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FF- ," ....,.- ..- 0 (0 I 4. o _ 5® • July 23, 2014 Mr. Ed Beranek, Chairman Arcadia Planning Commission Dear Ed: I am writing about the Highlands Home Owners Assn and its ARB and the hearing your commission will hold on Friday, July 29u'. I would like to make several points so I'll briefly state each. 1. My wife and I have lived in the Highlands almost 42 years. 2. I understand there are about 850 homes in this area and that, as of July 16th, only 65 were members of the Assn. There have recently been two special meetings of the Assn and each were attended by 20-25 people. 3. During these meetings new members of the ARB were elected as were two officers of the Assn. The new members of the ARB do not represent my views regarding the purpose of the ARB or what is an appropriate home in the Highlands. The ARB members feel strongly that two-story homes do not fit the Highlands. Two story homes have been allowed in Arcadia since the city's founding 110 years ago. And there have been two- story homes in the Highlands for at least 50 years, one just three homes north of ours. I believe the city resolved this issue many years ago. Why is this issue even being discussed? 4. The members also do not like "off shore" money coming in, buying homes and no one living in them. How this has anything to do with architectural review is something I simply do not understand. 5. A former chair of the RB recently was complaining that your commission and the Council approving a home with a"small living room and a huge master suite." He thought this design was completely wrong and was upset that the design was approved. I wonder what leads anyone to presume to have the right to design the interior of any home? 6. About 5-6 weeks ago three different ARB members held two meetings, one immediately after the other, to discuss two proposed projects on my street. Some new, current ARB members raised all sorts of complaints in a very emotional way and were so completely out of order with their language that one ARB members spoke up and said he was not going to take this abuse any more and he resigned on the spot. I understand another ARB member resigned the following day and the then ARB chairman also resigned a few days later. The current ARB members, led by April Verlato have been completely disrespectful to many of us and are so determined to have their way that they have caused a lot of emotion and now some residents are upset with their neighbors. 7. It seems like the members of the ARB have gone way beyond architectural review into areas where they have no business. What gives them the right to judge the ethnicity of a property owner, where the money for the construction is coming from, the size of someone's master suite, encroachment of the drip line of oak trees, etc. 8. It is my understanding that in the United States homeowners have certain property rights and overly aggressive individuals cannot override these rights I urge the Planning Commission to approve these projects. Thank you for your kind consideration of my thoughts. Sincerely, Bruce McCallum 1730 Alta Oaks Dr. Arcadia,CA 91006-1701 RECEIVED { JUL 2 3 2014 Planning Services City of Ai cacua