Tuesday, July 29, 2014
CALL TO ORDER — Chairman Beranek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the
Arcadia City Council Chambers.
PRESENT: Commissioners Baerg, Chiao, Falzone, and Beranek
ABSENT: Commissioner Parrille
It was moved by Commissioner Falzone, seconded by Commissioner Chiao, to
excuse Commissioner Parrille from the meeting. With no objection, the motion
was approved.
Items distributed to the Planning Commissioners included Power Point presentations
prepared by staff and by the appellant both of which apply to all five items. There were also
15 email messages from residents in opposition to all five items and an addendum to the
appeal filed on the Item 3 project.
City Attorney Steve Deitsch gave a brief rundown on procedures for the meeting.
1. Appeal of the approval of Single-Family Architectural Design Review No.
SFADR 14-21 and Oak Tree Encroachment Permit Application No. THE 14-48
with an Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for a
new residence at 1523 Highland Oaks Drive.
Appellants: Law Offices of April A. Verlato, on behalf of Mr. Cletus and Mrs.
Annette Verlato
Applicant: Sanyao International, Inc., Designer
Recommended action: Find that this project qualifies as a Class 3 Categorical
Exemption from CEQA, Deny the appeal and uphold the approval of the
Design Review and Approve the Oak Tree Encroachment Permit.
Mr. Kasama introduced the appeal.
exemption rrvmcecax,-veny me appeal ana upnola the approval of the
Architectural Review Board, and Approve the Oak Tree Encroachment Permit.
Mr. Kasama introduced the appeal.
Associate Planner, Tom Li, presented the staff report.
Chairman Beranek opened the public hearing and asked if the appellant would
like to speak. Ms. April Verlato Seymour responded.
Chairman Beranek asked if the applicant would like to speak in opposition to
this appeal. Mr. Jason Grohs representing Mur-Sol, the developer,
Mr. Deitsch asked the appellant if she wanted time for rebuttal. Ms. Seymour
Chairman Beranek asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the appeal.
Ms. Narma Ali responded.
Chairman Beranek asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to the
appeal. The following responded:
Mr. John Chavez, a neighbor
Mr. Orman Sartwell, a neighbor
Mr. John Murphy, a local resident
Ms. Raquel Elmore, a neighbor
Ms. Christina Chavez, a neighbor
Ms. Annie Wang, a neighbor
Mr. Dietsch offered the appellant time for rebuttal. Ms. Seymour responded.
It was moved by Commissioner Chiao, seconded by Commissioner Falzone,
to close the Public Hearing. Without objection, the motion was approved.
It was moved by Commissioner Chiao, seconded by Commissioner Falzone,
to find that this project is exempt from CEQA, to deny the appeal of the
approval of Single-Family Architectural Design Review No. SFADR 14-21, find
that proposed design is compatible and to approve Oak Tree Encroachment
Permit Application No. THE 14-48.
AYES: Commissioners Baerg, Chiao, Falzone, and Beranek
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Parrille
2. Appeal No. HOA 14-02 — An appeal of the Highlands Homeowners
Association's Architectural Review Board's Design Review Approval and
Consideration of Oak Tree Encroachment Permit Application No. THE 14-27
with an Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for a
new residence at 1717 Alta Oaks Drive.
Appellants: April A. Seymour and Jun Segimoto
Chairman Beranek asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to this
appeal. The following responded:
Mr. Glenn Oyoung
Chairman Beranek asked if the appellant would like to speak in rebuttal. Ms.
Seymour responded.
Applicant: Sanyao International, Inc., Designer
Recommended action: Find that this project qualifies as a Class 3 Categorical
Exemption from CEQA, Deny the appeal and uphold the approval of the
Architectural Review Board, and Approve the Oak Tree Encroachment Permit.
Mr. Kasama introduced the appeal.
Associate Planner, Tom Li, presented the staff report.
Chairman Beranek opened the public hearing and asked if the appellant would
like to speak. Ms. April Seymour responded.
Chairman Beranek asked if the applicant would like to speak in rebuttal. Mr.
Robert Tong, project designer, responded.
Chairman Beranek asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor of the appeal.
The following responded.
Mr. John Fiet
Mr. Steve - noted that his opposition applies to all the appeals on the
Ms. Tess Crabtree
Ms. Jun Segimoto
Mr. George Zordilla
Chairman Beranek asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to this
appeal. The following responded.
Mr. Glenn Oyoung
Mr. Charles Huang
Ms. Peggy Allison
Mr. Jeff Bowen
Chairman Beranek asked if the appellant would like to speak in rebuttal. Ms.
Seymour responded.
It was moved by Commissioner Falzone, seconded by Commissioner Chiao,
to close the Public Hearing.
It was moved by Commissioner Chairman Beranek, seconded by
Commissioner Falzone, to find that this project is exempt from CEQA, to deny
Appeal No. HOA 14-02 and uphold ARB decision and to approve the Oak
Tree Encroachment Permit.
AYES: Commissioners Baerg, Chiao, Falzone, and Beranek
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Parrille
At this point, Chairman Beranek called for a brief recess. -.
Chairman Beranek resumed the Chair and called the meeting to order.
Mr. Kasama introduced the next item.
3. Appeal of the approval of Single-Family Architectural Design Review No.
SFADR 13-140 with an Exemption from the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA) for a new residence at 1203 Highland Oaks Drive.
Appellants: April A. Seymour, Carol Rosenthal, and Christine Eng.
Applicant: PDS Studio, Inc., Designer
Recommended action: Find that this project qualifies as a Class 3 Categorical
Exemption from CEQA, and Deny the appeal and uphold the approval of the
design review. Mr. Kasama introduced the appeal.
Associate Planner, Tom Li, presented the staff report.
Chairman Beranek asked if the appellant would like to speak. Ms. April
Seymour responded.
Chairman Beranek asked if the applicant would like to speak. Mr. Philip Chan,
PDS designer, responded.
Chairman Beranek opened the public hearing and asked if anyone would like
to speak in favor of this appeal. The following responded:
Mr. Dong Chang
Ms. Jane Chun
Ms. Rosalind Barrie
Mr. George Zordilla
Mr. John Uniack
Ms. Carolyn Papp
Mr. Joe Baiunco
Ms. Jennifer Duclett
Ms. Laurie Thompson
Mr. David Arvizu
Chairman Beranek asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to this
appeal. The following responded:
Mr. Ash Rizk
Mr. Jack Ferestad
Chairman Beranek asked if the appellant would like to speak in rebuttal. Ms.
Seymour responded.
It was moved by Commissioner Baerg, seconded by Commissioner Chaio, to
close the Public Hearing.
It was moved by Commissioner Baerg, seconded by Commissioner Falzone,
to refer that this project to the Highlands Homeowner's Association
Architectural Review Board for consideration.
AYES: Commissioners Baerg, Falzone, and Beranek
NOES: Commissioner Chiao
ABSENT: Commissioner Pan-ille
Mr. Kasama introduced the next item.
4. Appeal of the approval of Single-Family Architectural Design Review No.
SFADR 14-03 and Oak Tree Encroachment Permit No. THE 14-06 with an
Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for a new
residence at 1350 Highland Oaks Drive.
Appellants: April A. Seymour, Carol Rosenthal, Shwujing Jessica Liu, and
Christine Eng
Applicant: Sanyao International, Inc., Designer
Recommended action: Find that this project qualifies as a Class 3 Categorical
Exemption from CEQA, Deny the appeal and uphold the approval of the
design review and Approve the Oak Tree Encroachment Permit.
Associate Planner, Tom Li, presented the staff report.
Chairman Beranek opened the public hearing and asked if the appellant
would like to speak in favor of this appeal. Ms. April Seymour responded.
Chairman Beranek asked if the applicant would like to speak in rebuttal. Mr.
Robert Tong, the designer of the proposed home, responded.
Chairman Beranek asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the appeal.
The following responded:
Ms. Shelley Chu
Mr. Edwin McLee
Mr. George lvea
Mr. Dong Chan
Mr. John Uniack
Ms. Faye Wang
Mr. Steve
Chairman Beranek asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to this
appeal. The following responded:
Mr. Glenn Oyoung
Chairman Beranek asked if the appellant would like to speak in rebuttal. Ms.
Seymour responded.
It was moved by Commissioner Chiao, seconded by Commissioner Falzone,
to close the Public Hearing.
It was moved by Commissioner Falzone, seconded by Commissioner Chiao, to find
that this project is exempt from CEQA, to deny the appeal of the approval of Single-
Family Architectural Design Review No. SFADR 14-03 and to approve Oak Tree
Encroachment Permit Application No. TRE 14-06.
AYES: Commissioners Chiao, Falzone, and Beranek
NOES: Commissioner Baerg
ABSENT: Commissioner Parri lle
Mr. Kasama introduced the next item.
5. Appeal of the approval of Single-Family Architectural Design Review No.
SFADR 14-26, and Oak Tree Encroachment Permit No. TRE 14-16 with an
Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for a new
residence at 1800 Wilson Avenue.
Appellants: April A. Seymour and Lori Gamez
Applicant: Sanyao International, Inc., Designer
Recommended action: Find that this project qualifies as a Class 3 Categorical
Exemption from CEQA, Deny the appeal and uphold the approval of the
design review, and Approve the Oak Tree Encroachment Permit.
Associate Planner, Tom Li, presented the staff report.
Chairman Beranek opened the public hearing and asked if the appellant would
like to speak in favor of this appeal. Ms. April Seymour responded.
Chairman Beranek asked if the applicant would like to speak in opposition to
this appeal. Mr. Robert Tong responded.
Chairman Beranek asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor of the appeal.
The following responded:
Mr. Edward Wong
Mr. George Zordilla
Ms. Jane Chun
Ms. Laurie Balas
Ms. Clara Reed
Mr. John Uniack
Chairman Beranek asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to this
appeal. The following responded:
Mr. Todd Bowden
Ms, Katie Allison
Mr. Ash Rizk
Chairman Beranek asked if the appellant would like to speak in rebuttal. Ms.
Seymour responded.
It was moved by Commissioner Chiao, seconded by Commissioner Falzone, to close
the Public Hearing.
It was moved by Commissioner Chiao, seconded by Commissioner Falzone, to find
that this project is exempt from CEQA, to deny the appeal of the approval of Single-
Family Architectural Design Review No. SFADR 14-26 and to approve Oak Tree
Encroachment Permit Application No. THE 14-16.
AYES: Commissioners Chiao, Falzone, and Beranek
NOES: Commissioner Baerg
ABSENT: Commissioner Parrille
Chairman Beranek mentioned that this is his last meeting and said that it was an honor to
serve on the Commission and he enjoyed working with the Commissioners.
Chairman Beranek adjourned this meeting at 11:40 p.m. to August 12, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in
the City Council Chambers located at 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia.
Chairman, Planning Commission
Secretary, Planning Commission