HomeMy WebLinkAboutSoilis 1 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Job Name Page of Job Location Job No. 11 L .219 U . 1-t -(.i�, a/' 1 2.� 2-1-7 -00 2` ( Pl.�P ��5 P��fl�� ,! Da Day of Week General Contractor Grading Contractor ^�y / Z z1 11 h h . Grading Shift Hrs. Contract '(Supt.of Fore n&Signature Field Tech. Hrs.on Site R.. From ?,.2 To // f -� � Approximate Fill Yardage Source and Description of Fill Materials Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date Weather Report Sequence No. Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark Test Test Type Moisture Density Dry No. Location or Depth % lbs/cu.ft. Density )lie- Ate-V Or 6'(- 9 F7, 'Ail Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) r . vt� ( 89741, b F i j r) 44- Y`+ vi- *9-}ct j g4- 0,f_ La 1 c 066 cL i/e I fret_ C t e . 1.0"1)K) ' it} lo,vt to ti, .//e d 010 0, a-1,1) \.0 oriel). , 1 Sketch Copy to EGL[ ] Copy to Client[ ] Co Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc. by: 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Job Name Job Location Job No. Pa of 23 1 w. 1-h-k-ti iS5 Oe) , ArtAdic -z37 — caa2 1 I ' �Q. 1''ti,�p t c-\S`'✓� D e Day of Week ,eral Contractor Grading Contractor Z ► /, iding Shift Hrs. Contractor' upt.of Foreman&Si•• ure Field Tech. Hrs.on Site V� Fromm '°��To Source and Description of Fill Materials �jfff/` Z' Approximate Fill Yardage j` / Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date Weather Report Sequence No. } Tee- Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark Location or Type Moisture Density Dry pot ,yy�� Depth 0 Ibs/cu.ft. Density 1 S4, s$, 3D,, i I 1 On S1* f4+ cll' fc S- -to ie P4 /( 1 . 4A " Gr.e. d� (f) 4- - v S(1, `e' 4- r'AC - • . -o 4 \ v1- d - �,o t.,.x deiag d Ir>-k d 401-ft, 41,t. -1 4I v- 9 i d -t-kc L{ypt(., a r 4 Vt f,i ti, at't 9 As-t d 0,1 -1-ikt 1 om e10r-t7e1 bilo-,1 or foil f f)r4. Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) FA .-- t I Sketch 4 Huh 41 44.1 ac * 44-- a v es r a o Copy to Client[ ] Copy to EGL[ ] Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc. by: 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A % Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Page of Job No. Job Name Job Location J 1 / /� i t i2 ' L37 - ix3Z , 6a r( .2-891 '^±'^`T4^ efr "-ii' Date Day of Week rtv� r Grading Contractor ( _ ! i`1 fi C.pM pt,= , 1Z-■ ------ Grading Tech. Hrs.on Site Grading Shift Hrs. Contractor's Supt.of Foreman&Signature � ■ , 4� r-1-21Z— Fromj � To Approximate Fill Yardage Source and Description of Fill Materials Total to Date Total Req'd Placed this shift Weather Report Sequence No. Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark Moisture Density Dry f. Test Location or Type % lbs/cu.ft. Density Depth q X 1 --1-f (-L' G.%I ! ( z-- i '57- 6 ,1 I (c1,1 0- 1 xZ — 7.— G - 0 ItiIA;, 1- -3 `1 — 2 l (1,o 1 i 5- Ft& r-1 il.l (c 9 x r F/G 5-. 1 i (01, t 9o. ..... 7— I -7.7 Il.2.`1 92 .E — 7, -7 . 0 12k -7 1t' , X 9 } p( 1.c..k , .. .- % c...0,,c),L,414„, _l_ekl „re._ ref'Cl' el g/( file_...tilt h( ; r,,,,,,,--„_ ,.. N;,t6-0.1-15 ,f- 9 a/. CAP"pqc- i',,,91 • Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) i ;nu,' !"...11:1 ell.15 ./ J.' f I ,c1 S tch '' X L errorirsommil rr■ x1 Pi ors Ici. S1 ) ri. A 7) S _ Copy to Client[ ] Copy to EGL[ ] Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc. by: `) p 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL VI I` Job Name - Job Location Job No. Page f '/ t (!l yi ' Date livt4C(-1 C. t;-t?.n C q( � Da of Week r Grading Contractor --T3'5--\\ /-3°-11 That Grading Shift Hrs. Contractor's Supt.of Foreman&Signature Field Tech. Hrs.on Site / :10 C _(1 From To Approximate Fill Yardage Source and Description of Fill Materials Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date Weather Report Sequence No. Test Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry% er Depth lbs/cu.ft. Density I X i 11-4.,(Lk L1140 -- 2- 13.2- S.1 121.1 1 3 • 3.-- x Z — 2_ 6, Z_ I O.? 97.z 1 .)(- I 2.... r. 5— 2._01 � ,i 9 g• 1 K — 2., 6 . a 122.ro 929 elk'r, ids\ 04 f,0•-, i)i).-, -14 Wert rt.((a,�u c� , p!1 -a c 4 lc,vr �{— 4Lh i n i 1,-,vim., rely,f'±i o,t 90% co pot- , _ ..---"*"-j 4 r.-,-.4vw e //:00 etr . Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) X1 v • X L. .., „, / , Sketch 7,., --.- i I i *.°'._ _.,3/4 1 t t. \ - - -( - - .. _ j ( . i 1 ..- -- - ---1 -- ..,. hof )0 X1 h,�-' rt-c 1 I Copy to Client[ ] Copy to EGL[ ] Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc.by: 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL je...Job Name Job Location Job No. Page Qf 2mss`'f 1 j'. — V 11 i1^ei f o t4 ���` I Grading Contractor Date Day of Week neral pontractor g _ Grading Shift Hrs. Co�qtr.«• ' •',t of Baran&Signature Field Tech. Hrs.on Site ' to:-3 - ■ f From') 0 To Source and Description of Fill Materials ' i Approximate Fill Yardage J Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date c1 ' Weather Report Sequence No. Test Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry Depth % lbs/cu.ft. Density ___- '/ 01" Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) 0e, s-,{e_ c.,-{ c1;eA .S t-�-cj,1&ec Co11,t�aef:0-, -1 e4-(;t—ts e 4 —Le 5L,i�e.f_i ?' � . f\ (-'1,,,k -t e-s?-t C kike k-e �-t':•.',k;y,/h'd • Ai( -i uk . �til^c''5''t,a., -'1 1 c i -{E f.'I' 2 L.f,,1' 1 7' . lI l l i+.`-- 21,U� . cwt-0". C 4- (-I t, ' - V) I ' `� "" 0' -- j _ , /v ,,a'.J .,,_ 1 CI Sketch T_ Copy to Client I l Copy to EGL I l Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc. by: 1 �--- 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Pagepf Job No. Job Location � � 2-�--� _ 0°2 Job Name X71, 4) 1 _ i 1 / +,-�,�, iN-1, ct- `i.,-`., c �� �� � H��.�.� Date, Day of Week �, neral Contractor Grading Contractor 1 I 2 1/ f 1-)tie's-. Tech. Hrs.on Site Grading Shift Hrs. Contractor's Supt.of Foreman&Signature Field T,, m __. 3o To >'.. From 3 Approximate Fill Yardage Source and Description of Fill Materials Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date Weather Report Sequence No. Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark No. Location Test Test Elevation Soil or Type Moisture Density Dry No. Depth % Ibs/cu.ft. Density IPRIMISIMIMO 11____.m.mmmn......JIMIENNIPIMIESMENIMIE J- IM - -MIME=INIMINAIIMIIMIffiffille44 0/6 MII 111/M311M.IIIIMAIMMINIINI EMI Y+.- ).. . C - fiffift.MIIIIIIIMM MIll MIIII Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) I I TS.�o v# 111111111111111111n1111111111011"11131111,11111111111 i Sketch • 47.` ______ \ t ........i.......................................................................................*.olw•etper wornr.agfeeml*leel*Olome01 T—•■••• •+ Laboratory Inc. by: to Client[ ] Copy to EGL[ ] Environmental Geotechnology Copy 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Job Name Job Location . Job No. Page of / .''"", 1)Caf-,1 . , -„, , 1 - 47., jif - I-1 --1 ., - -; , ,/ neral contractor Grading Contractor . , Date Day of Week IF" t ' - ,,;4,x y" ' ' ) ( , t, ----, ,-- L 4 / 1 11 i Grading Shift Hrs. Contractor's Supt.\of FOremari' Signature Field Tech. Hrs.on Site /\, ■ ,1 1 1) ' 1,-'7''\. \ , :../ \ 4-,....--z_-:; 2_ 7,- - From-7 ) To' , I Source and Description of Fill Materials Approximate Fill Yardage Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date Weather Report Sequence No. Test Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry Depth % lbs/cu.ft. Density / - . 6. - . --1 , ,, - i - ' - i , , , , 1. - i 1 , 40" H ,-'\ i I --i i ...c. \. . - , ' : ,.„1 ,A '•., 7,,, ... _ ,:-> ( r _. . . , , , ----t i / Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) / \ , ( - \ L. \ I , ,______. - ; Sketch , 1 i I /. 1 , ; - !..} t 1 \ ; ; - Copy to Client[ ] Copy to EGL[ ] Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc.by: • 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Job Name Job Location Job No. Page of !C,bj1pCUc4 s -f --} .2 g9 k). HiA.1, 4 'LirtJt-, 'DV- raeneral C ntractor Grading Contractor }�.�_ r Date Day of Week / r s (- c-et - . x' U-1 ( `. -t./ "T Y-k-'--t;. j T \ I� Grading Shift Hrs. Cont ctdr' upt.i F an&Signature Field Tech. Hrs.on Site K i \ ' i From - , To Source and Description of Fill Materials Approximate Fill Yardage f) `, `t JJ J _ j t•> >t: Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date Weather Report Sequence No. Test Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry Depth % lbs/cu.ft. Density X- 1 2_ c{c.E' -Cc._ t f.lC1 /k a 1 t1!, r tf Li L , t o Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) 4 -f vt c.. ( 2 -f e 54 ,, wok._ -ei- ( kA ( , 41( -(11-c- ire sti 1 S a 1 -(c S"-( )-r-.. t 2,-7 ,4. --) ', ,i/ 7 i 'I 14---rif i'Ve R-4-,--f Cei" /1/ '‘..71'‘A — D i 1`/-71 - C-) V Sketch F ___4,, -- U f =i,4y 1 1441 e :_ I 1 ---- - I ..� �..- _rte, , 0.,_ _-.__ Copy to Client[ ] -Copy to EGL[ 1 Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc. by: 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Job Name Job Location Job No. Page of 2 h _ -1 e-/. i eral G3ntractor Grading Contractor Date Day of Week , Grading Shift Hrs. Contracto k it.of or .' &Signature Field Tech. Hrs.on Site (, 1 '•a " _ )`, C From j To Source and Description of Fill Materials ' Approximate Fill Yardage Total Re 'd Placed this shift Total to Date Weather Report Sequence No. ' Test Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry Depth % lbs/cu.ft. Density (( $e-e S`e -f c.. t- .7 ,( l l c fi. Z !l L y 7 y (— e �.L 1 j c,.-4 `l,f-..-' 5 I ---1-t A-'i'Y t ,'. c.,r— (6yL`re_r-1 : '-'. --f S^�'c 11 oT 'L �-i_ I l C l( IF tct>F , T a „ £ , i t ( P1 I f /A -1 I 1, 4 Ei S L'Avi-f. -•-e v. 1/1- ---"C� c A l 1 -k'4 '. `'.t.- (. 'C G --I, -.,;-( )t._-e1` ! _ �, y r _M t r _ ,. �J. 7`r Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) i _ .t._i i 1 i Sketch Copy to Client[ ] " `"t°.ly t L[ ] b`'- Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc. by: -_ 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A __________ Arcadia,CA91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Job Location Job No. Page of Job Name , 4 g/fir una-{',,- 'F a 12 " i - `' D-�-)1,,.�-.. �.i; , p t°.�^- . , +-� N 7 1 � Date Day of Week eral Contractor Grading Contractor „AY ( /.7.4* .OA S-) ,/--I : __ Grading hift Hrs. C trac r's S oreman&Signature Field Tech. Hrs.on/Site 1" /`From 0 To Source and r --Description of Fill Materials Approximate Fill Yardage Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date ,1\ ) 11 .1.-/,+,,, I li `› IA-1 Weather Report Sequence No. Test Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of M¢x Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry t Depth % lbs/cu.ft. Der I c-Fe etc C (4 7-(1 4 -7- o i 02 . 3 9��' Ni---Li f 6,gti rz 2, 6 42 g‘ 1r f 2 w. c Vie_. e o 4 r (' ‘,.,.4's I at e..-5,4 I..v-- C 0 y,-a-r 4 't,14 - c 11-1 rI at-A l c-ty.: - t-- n.. .- -4 {0,w 5 - -e-k c - . f t c;-4-e..,_:/ tk t4,-. N,,� a e~E t o f t ,f-e.t I 9-,,a_74.3 1.__. ! ;Jr, ar -saos� Q.--)C u o • a---el C r fl -5 ;��1al 5 t :f 4,41-e Tov-' (i r r A r G"(4�t -( (-4,5C , A-10 cam. 4 fo-yi % Y v . (I -(1 cam--51.11}= ,,f IA,t i,.._.�, -- Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) i r I IC, ..1,r / ? L / Sketch (--- i_ , r 6t, 4ti,,, c,,...4- v,1 1, U — V t ______ _ --------------- f . Copy to Client[ ] Copy to EGL[ ] Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc. by: 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Job Name Job No. Page of PIE+neral Contractor rGrading Contractor Date o Day of Week d I /2 -, 3Sk7/ Grading Shift Hrs. (1 tor's ,upt.ofi oreman&Signature Field Tech. Hrs.on Site .t/��.,..� / I From�'/42 To j 2 , i Source and Description of Fill Materials �� tv) L. , ,,,,s. j , 2 Approximate Fill Yardage I ,4 h61/k,,,.t 39s �7" c:,9sL 1,-,71 -D n.a 575-5A )(L . W '- —7e',/4..k v Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date J Weather Report Sequence No. Test Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry Depth % lbs/cu.ft. Density )( - S,S /9 59 /22j q ' ;- - i /3 .s A _ 9 i19 1, g______ - __�_— ! P ;g 3, . � 23 /' 2 30 f'-I, 2� , �g 3 ' i2-' 1=3 3° { g, Jy , 1'— 9 a-' Li I 5" 34-,/e, 8-64 Q '4- io 113 30 , S.1 C3'—s' . p- lb z S-,4197 Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) 'gol'' ✓ Y ' C 4 J-7/ r0 a .Lyi /4n 71-1 ,4°i,C ,e,.4......1 !vim d -,27 ' ; E'VA..2.r ej / ,.sr pn� �i.74fr.--cep Ji-. J/;k5- (07,-ove .k.�. D:�r,®-," -j6-2,°13) ('a rp,t d jos- 6' 8 I) 127 t' 4, ,2),-4,..‘di,.g„/ 2.16, A ;s `/ 4 ,ie,e 4.. ,,�% ,.0,is it z",-, 1- 5. 1�v✓41 4 1 04J Lv? 5.ice-lG 4._ . P74 (-04"-ffif oD17s y u P $s.,6K45,/Al' II�1° a•66•-e . 11 ��,RIhold' Sketch �� 6sG Not 4 Of .411,411; • :- 13' 5«.1.< 0 •'Li/ I .ve / a . 4 i /' i ,°'+�te �,, Copy to Client[!] P Copy to EGL[ ] Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc.by:ti. i 5 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A \. / Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Job Location Job No. Pageof Job Name i 1- , h ec-k 9,-■ 2S9 LA). 1 .t'1i,I)-40e) di, _ ( 1 "i� `' or �� f�rcc tit Da Da'yof Week eral Contractor Grading Contractor q l j i i I 1 0/5 -1-40(1 . Grading Shift Hrs. C ntractoc's pt. -oreman&Signature Field Tech. Hrs.on Site iid\ R:...,. From - i To Source and Description of Fill Materials j Approximate Fill Yardage f - Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date LI Weather Report Sequence No. Test Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry Depth % lbs/cu.ft. Density OA it*. G+ c1i'b-r- rr,r34- -b cloak, (0A.,:,': 4-+ — 1 5 t c-4 Si - . -o-1/4 \ of 6 i�c 1. ) Wc,) wi_ fir, - !! `,,,, 1 ° , 4 , t_0,—)„..4...4 of(S h tku e- Lte,.rl cy z,i,-t� a'.�-,c4 13 (..v S j d e,t d i 0 i f b tt 1' t,-t'e j c1 c r cv04,45r 4,41. o,pp,Obitcl. eill Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) q .9,o ate o-1'i-1�./ rim 0.1131 ,3°tI VI 0 a _ Sketch `a 4')f Copy to Client[ ] Copy to EGL[ ] Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc. by: 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 / Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL } Job Location Job No. Pagebf Job Name 1 +1 't5 tL- on Aci W. }-hM-tirl5-�pv, d, 6 ccc.ct,'r., ( eneral Contractor Grading Contractor Da a Day of eek n ) i � • Grading Shift Hrs. C ntr4tcto 's S �$_of Fi i -man&Si gnature Field Tech. Hrs.on Site i � G ri--- From-- (S--- To Source and Description of Fill Materials Approximate Fill Yardage Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date Weather Report Sequence No. Test Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry 1 Depth r_ 1, % lbs//cu.ft. Density 1� OA Silt qT G/�f/145 ra .�-} ie9 CL.tck- feta i'"y G- ''4u s�1D-fc- fl 1 , c 1 it, 1,‘aA ovwe-xc a, vc 4...d 4 -041k .r-i f�x /04-^4) r s �'1S 4/q de e., - ..IO j h Avt N( ,,r+0 Goy!it C4r1 f"/ S yr#1 44 h,- (f3 /l 4-e/&1:1 V V? lov I nc 'to,Vt 4ttn c pp,d vet d.. Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) 6 Ro+^'c,8 r I. ..- It / / / iiir) 3' / Sketc ® I Ll / / ,. • . fit. Copy to Client[ l Copy to EGL[ l Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc. b Y 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Job Name Job Location Job No. Page of p t +t1+n 1 -2 - eral Contractor Grading Contractor Date Day of Week ill 1 -�,f -ryes 1,,� � , �. -/V-r S Contract 's . • • Forerrfan •, _nature Field Tech. Hrs.on Site Grading Shift Hrs. 111` _ From ‘‘.S\ ` UJ To 2 S �� Source and Description of Fill Materials ,[` Approximate Fill Yard4e) ,' ak.1 T a 1 gb o )' Total Req'd Placed this shhiift .� ( Total to _ (( 1,y0' ` 4 .I t2../ Weather Repot Sequence No. _ Test Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry Depth % lbs/cu.ft. Density 7(°` >P.� 51(e # c 1 2 l IV;,V' S % ( ,4- q. 1 1 > & 9'f 2' L{ h . 1 r ;v. 6 . 4 ?<_b _ . 6 . 51- 1c 0 , ( ??."711 ._ , . 0 6 , ', r I ; °- 3 /'f . ZS *\-1-- `r f . /2' 4' 1 ` f. f`,tt! Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) oft 5 Ae, cot c(.‘c,,4.5 -i- - v C ontri-f:Uti '14 0 01 et,,f -tJ- w� 4,-Li > :.4-f- . A -r u1 C. 1 1 2 1 -t le_ r►l•4.d. A-II -1 Itz L"'•ailA 5 O 1- f -t-f If-,t,4 '1.-A ,,,, -1.,_ 1~f:-81 .t' i4- ,-L " 0 4 4 5 t ti., - 1) 1S a1 - u cI 4 114- Sketch 11 l , \ —7; i pe l 4) 4 v 0 i Copy to Client[ ] Copy to EGL[ ] Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc. by: K- 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Job Name Job Location Job No. Page f ' 't `- ,r,,-}j,.15��,,, , � 1 a(. t 4, i i- -) j - 002_ \ 1 eneral Contractor V Grading Contractor Da* Day of Week i )/13/13 - Grading Shift Hrs. C tractor' Su i of reman&Signature Field Tech. Hrs.on Site i From�.: )O To Approximate Source and Description of Fill Materials i A PP Fill Yardage Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date Weather Report Sequence No. Test Test Elevation - Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry Depth % lbs/cu.ft. Density o 51 4 c( --b n�{ ve NCI 'k� - .—�r5 t a - l Le i 0 iv c f 1s17*', Slot i e,S �,k.t.P+ c> 5trsrc1 (s i t.J rtRdA iv P_5i•� L ,rtA ,' 1 ` % reeiv;-ea i Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) 1 I PE Lvt" s1,,, M YiiE Sketch Copy to Client[ ] Copy to EGL[ ] Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc. by: 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL , Job Name Job Location Job No. Pageif , � Con- rv(- + _.•-r `1 289 r,-). Nt"''-l�^34°-I .dpi q r�.ci.r 1z-217 - i�v2 1 eral Contractor Grading Contractor Die Day of Week c• t I q 91\3 t-1 j Grading Shift Hrs. i"1 tor'• su•t. • Foreman&Signature Field Tech. .on Site m \` 2. From`;:O'O To Source and Description of Fill Materials Approximate Fill Yardage Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date Weather Report Sequence No. Test Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry o Depth % lbs/cu.ft. Density 9 Ty. (Lek/. )( t 5,.A. site 4411 —2. I 5.3 (Z1 .-1 X1 t _Z 5 .0 in-) 95' 0 x3 L 4 . g 12.K .7 57: 8 <1 . /G 5 . 1 PA 1 7‘ / -‹ ) 4 .3 (25-C /4-7 c 5.3 k2 . 5' 9)-9 1() 5. 0 re),1 "4- 6 =, 'r .7 1->o, ( 17. / -...... br S ik 44 C f f e +0 C L( It p.^. ,4[ 't�"tI S '' Y 5 r)ce c4 S , ii- �-k i U 9 l).�y t,.x.-c.. • 4,-4,-h c.et 1 c 1 1 4L . `A! ru-F 44. n•,i,; - r-1 v,kc.fx.4,, is op 9 /, co.- pc(1M Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) Xi• 1‘ �1 Sketch x 3 xL Copy to Client[ ] Copy to EGL[ ] Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc. by: 14_ 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Job Name Job Location ( r Job No. Page f iillop..i, Ce)4 /Pelf 4 t>. L e-6 2 g t 4�1 U y'� t'•P�-F cS�n U\Y '' 'a - a `�Z r/ Gradin Contractor Q / Date Day of Week neraliContractor g M .� n et_el G ad' g Shift Hls( f L Contra or' t.o rem : Signature Field Tech. Hrs.on Site / /� ( V , wn..� 3_ From S O To 1 �F rA -? Sic 4011. Source and Description of Fill Materials (.1% Approximate Fill Yardage / ;`f Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date Weather ; Report Sequence No. Test Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Nhx Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry Depth % lbs/cu.ft. Density I ee. cretCAF ---u. 0 !> 61 / 6 s 9 ,r „ i . 3. ! 12-8 . 5" 95 ..6£s t r. b ,49 I 1,4, . J It . K , , . ' 3 K 124 - 3 /f. 00 -' )---se-t • Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) �- w�( jL ��.-��- � c C�� Gnu e �.-��- � C4-�„�0.c f �., � f� 1 4 -fe A . (> rra isy 144 , ll SEA._ ! ( 2;1 .A- )11 ;1i r,-,.-- :v.e._ ti. ...k- et 417-11---■ ) ( -9? o V Sketch )4. 1j .--- Copy to Client[ ] f! Co it tGf aVL�_] V) _.._Environmental_Geotechnolo Laboratory Inc. b C- 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599 INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT OF COMPACTED FILL Job Name Job Location Job No. Page/i CO r-, c,c �-B l W. -}j„ A cif, l c l c, 12.-Z37 - ocz.[7 Grading Contractor D e 1 Day of Week neral Contractor V/3 Tr j li Grading Shift Hrs. Co,tra t•', •u,� •1'.*t --.R-&-Signature Field Tech. Hrs.on Site 9 it 1:3° /2.. :30 4-0 roe oo ',.j f /1��� . ):- � From 3.►; 3,3TP ' v Approximate Fill Yardage Source and Description of Fill Materials , 61 j �J V Total Req'd Placed this shift Total to Date Weather Report Sequence No. Test Test Elevation Soil Fill Test Dry %of Max Remark No. Location or Type Moisture Density Dry of Depth /O Ibs/cu.ft. Density 't5 o tt& s 51.4 4-c.1-1, — 1 -) 6.1 121 ."7 9c. 3 Z — '7 T• 6.2. 12,31 96.1 X -17 13 6 .0 1-1--% .2 95-.7 X 1 1 `7 4-V .7, 1 fta .r cI s-1 x f 13 6 -S I Z7 . 1 76-7 x 6 — C, 7• Z 130-'L 17.2— X — 6 'b -7.7 bQ, ci, 77- 4,0_7• 7 —1- 13 5-•g OA,1 l b I r S - "4— 13 6,o 11-1. r 9S. Z- rt -- -- 1- ta. I,• } \7 n •`S 15-'7 Remarks (Describe equipment used hauling, spreading, watering, condition and compacting; also report thickness if lifts, removal of poor soil insufficiently compacted, and comment in unusual events.) o. 54,c,.0,r, T 1 CI 022x' 2. L.J - f .{„mac fr Xt. Xk X? . a XL Sketch x b X1 ° x X!, XS Y1 r -to, dr . ..._�-- I Copy to Client[ ] Copy to EGL[ ] Environmental Geotechnology Laboratory Inc. by: r 11819 Goldring Road,Suite A Arcadia,CA 91006 Tel:(626)263-3588•Fax:(626)263-3599