HomeMy WebLinkAboutStructural and concrete observation -f Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation �a� OS SER�,���0 Toll Free Fax (87 ) 764-3939 894 I Atlanta Ave.,#5 18 Ct V /�� H [] N/C J — Huntington Beach,CA 92646 SI0 ` v O` ', We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address ; 911 \_ ( 7 ,t^ro t 7� ( 1-- City Permit 1i n —6-3 r S , Job Name u! �U ( �j{�tt l /`` w. Architect 1 1 or - Material Description j .54 500‘) -P57 Engineer I /�1 Vim-( G.1 Observer /C-< z1i/J !/ T l Contractor Samples: '3 XLe �c•� l�"GQ�uantity= 3 Subcontractor prr�t'��/4 .7c L,��y Description of Work Observed: K DATE: .3 —3 t --( Al IS9-1L-11F-4 .-C-14•E- I _ii, Fg-r- itt-pefi covsnbact4-770& „ . ,,,... , . 6 A •.,,r ♦ . dU 1 D4C (Vir 13 at fax POU ML n c '1Ckj,� L ' 3 .ti Fp:C -ti/ 1 e .,_ L.pC. .6P-cLAG o 1et F L-II le__ jn E 1 E., " . `7()-`F3 cuts .� -t1 �S . •.. •:..' +:i t' /r r :.h $. • :•r .fir . r • ••. :•i r.••r• •. ••..•..'.,r••.. ,..4 ' 4 •4r•r. e ••, .r r. • I ft::•it r- e- :`�r r• 4 4.-`-• •t . ' • . / E • . . • . . .4 ..?*‘• . ....... ...r •- .• .'.4 v Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time or this observation,we have observed at of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belie,we have found this work to compty with the approved plans,spedtcations,and applicable sectionts)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Un form Building Cale.as applicable to the locality whew this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG f observation Inc,performed the above observation. performance our obseation servicesrs subject to the terms and conditions asdesaibed on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Obs anon Group,Inc.from any and all •proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is relat to the observation services provided. 0''` 0_101 Og.-- Signature of Registered Observer _ Approved by: : i i PA `-jjI- Tg. " g"L CC- , rintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency 1...1�/_/_ n i f i 11^ 77-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY I4 l'( x Structural Observation Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation ��t Oss °RVAn Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 AdantaAve.,#518 i��t�v Y N /����� H� F N/C Huntington Beach,CA 92646 v We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and'` Observation Agreement Job Address (�/a ` `4 - TIt 1-6i` De " IJ(�l!� city Permit. ye j) _ ✓ � -Sa� Job Name K�I ` l� ) `/! / t.+K Ct�-'4-j'Y1`C Ape pd (i•(�. `� Material Description TO u r`/iT fJ DO M Engineer ( L/ re) Observer Ift ,,,1 C-- �,t A C Contractor 4x-is ! Samples: 42 X - t�,V l `Quantity= Lf" Subcontractor pit C/ > Description of Work Observed: 6 mu- DATE: •; - tp -11-'( k, l t •- �`- t 034 T - - p M cr Apd C SoLtdAT/o1- i t3,2A• r 0M o Q-O}� 3 1L 6 C-? 2.D�ri '.. 4 [s-- 1 ' -".-6() -1 LI v!_i- .: -,, ,rr_1 S , ,_ p'1-4\-cvyp FOUL OM T At-S C -cam- 'Tb? - %), ' -_,.-5AiA.-•rog-- .i4A/.,/..5, MAk-i, .. Le ire6€- . ". . 40 i . I e.'� '--. .-4..... .--• <7�. •... '.4. . ...• ••r . I••► ,•. "...If !..-•'r . t►,•....I:• ,' t;••+•• :%Z 1►,••;, • ..4 /I." ••'•" 'ta4 V_ _ Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found the work to comply with the approved plans,specifications.and applicable sections)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Unitorm Building Code,as applicable to the locality where thds project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG Inc.performed the above observation. pedormance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on t p the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is dated to the observation services prow• O_ 4 r 6- Signature of Registered •• erver Approved by: k ' i ;6""r kM5!) d 3?2 TCc �.��•-�.~,zdent-Foreman-Other , -� Specialty No. Agency q ,12....,...601 //1 E FILE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSFTE COPY N/)1 - -- x Structural Observaton Group, InC. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation �j� aSSE VA*'� Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#518 G H F N!C O Huntington Beach,CA 92646 S i����v ( v�O�� We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement .•r�� Job Address C� /'(.` i h`q••�el e (---)it, 4LCity permit* 0 .. O ;,. -r. Job Name ' ��iiJJ ( yf j UK Architect (..-V J Material Description j 7 Engineer �./� I 1m[J( V Observer � � >, A� �r /��' Contractor Samples: X R.„ Quantity= j Subcontractor ( tiA t , ,/{o Z ' Description of Work Observed: ( O ikee Thfr--- / Rli, Cl4F-e-k. DATE: 3-- 9 5 -- t T( c C 7 'U�)uL„ 4 :,.o ' [7, _ c, fLA t c.-, I t �3f� e9 P_ 62- Dg Lik 0 r)Fst .w :,. ! Te,s-r-bL9 . 4. •, ... ,.t..,.•/i.' a.1�;.•.. , ...:4..11.i .�10•.. rrii;4,. r, i r,• r,a . , :.r 4. .7; T •+.. .,r?. •••.'..;r ,. 're.•„',,•r1..•�i.,.++I•'-'.d�i7.!: t.;*.. .. -4”,7..' ..,-• yt�+t,' ,..' •.4�t.....•,' ;.:Aft,a• Certification of Compliance Vie hereby certify that,at the time of this observation.we have observed at of the above reported work.unless otherwise noted,To the best of ore knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans.specifications,and applicable section(s)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be constnied to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG f Inc. performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest stmt hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature ,w(hatatsoever.that is the eyservatw� � [ provided Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: O - C_i � -�3. ...1 tom. Pro41-bt/ rinten dent-Foreman-Other •- (./ Specialty No. Agency L %_ ,7 ^ 171 7yQ 10E COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY 1� /V/I] ,(//� ((/f f �J/J n Structural Observaton Group, Inc. • 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation �� O�TRoup sER VA*' Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 AdantaAve.,#518 ������ ( ON We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address W �1 y /'1^jot f D- //��?/ 4�{�'� City Permit 8 S ` 3a-I Job Name M l 1`�`"ti�( p� Architect(C Material Description y4iipaisr. C'il•' ) '(1 Engineer A j ( t ,, (� J^;-a Observer t7'j2�(•�j s-- Contractor j y` l•4 /ci:- V Samples: CJ2� 3 X 30V_ Quantity= 1 Subcontractor I �7 �7 - L Description of Work Observed: h�V 1— l i:.` DATE: "7j — -.1-4--I z.•� 1 Y — `tldE-- Iez-M4- ( A Ca sa�dATiog bil \ ,I c� °P _ 41 LC P Q, ) r ¢ 6 07 6 v�E 4 uc.-5 . `5t � T P i .Q� _ t �"��'d f36'v_ *- < -- c� - � ( T e 1 b� --G .. 0 ( b�� rcbi / t ct. 1 D �'2- te am r�-g C- 1- 2c . € O0 <,.. 1. -- -Sk - . r..1-5EZ 4trt • E-?d,/- `-f , Gs)? -7 C •C_. • ,t��'••..-..- ..i.:,..•�. . .,t,•,.e 6..: �.tlre fir •,. ,r •e.c i,:e•7,.•'•.•..•eg. :••,•eee••^.',se.,i.`. I e -• •4E =*. - ,4 /•• •.�' •r ,i-1.-- ::-.1::•.,!.• Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to tom ply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sections)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge Uniform Branding Code,as applicable to the tocatty where this peyect is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG t inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services ubiect to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in Merest shoe hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever.that is relat to the observation n services p�roviid-ed. eo Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: D '✓ f/a7- • ' a I • ` � . `� -L rol�-•=rintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency I-1 / n (1i? I FICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY ql) Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$ A California Corporation Pj�� RVa��o Toll Free Faz (8�7) 764-3939 Huntington Atlanta eac., C 18 GROUP H F Ci N/C ,J �•► Hunlangton Beach,CA 92646 � We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address • * r ,/ t si a ;"1 n ��1 fle d(` City Permit# •Job Name 11/4 i 1 � r-�.�J� Arch i act Material Description I f 2 , coo Engineer etioefc.o Ob server ( L }C Contractor Samples: Lo X ( 3--- Quantity= •5 Subcontractor A, p�61.„{• Description of Work Observed: �-••-U iILCCI �l DATE: '2j •- — � "f • 0B- . E'a{rz.J Pc-tV Pc-t ecii..L< L A-vol_ , �-Yp ; Lioc �� Cog ���( Mt�- l loin - b t ,.1�kt cl F)ti ' a . PA-5C) O 'Tim 2 P 4 5 66- 3 Gy_u__ e_ 9(bk4e4.-s-- t 14tO J M ,c S k(c)k(' Foo i t i 5 ' . :•r' r,• ::•irt• . - ; •rrr, .•• A•r '• f•• '.. • f•r ".•• ,a•••• •' •4•,�. :• . .�4 t A''••0.'.�4 I; • t• .r-•∎•• Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that.at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report,I acknowledge the worS 10 comply wi h the approved plans,speafrcatbra,dray a pplicable secb«nB)°t the Uniform Budding Code,as applicable to the beauty where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recormrendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG Inc performed the above observation. performance as described on f p nc b subiect to the terms and cone of our observation services the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold hanntess Structural servatione Group,Inc.from any axt all legal proceedings of any nature cat; 7no whatsoever,that is to the observation services provided. Signature of Registered er �q� �1 Approved by: • // C-a (CR `� �j"o ) 3 L(-- / Proj, uperintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency LKOO�/� I n 2„`1/}7-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSrTE COPY' f Structural Observaton Group, Inc. � 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ � �� A California Corporation �ittk� (IS R VA T,O N � Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#518 � H F ❑ NIC � ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 p O We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address39,5 r C r t�ei City Permit# O) yr Job Name /L Architect C' Material Description tip 00 Ps e 3/� S 4- Engineer Observer(/ A „ E. Q �/ ` Contractor 0r i (1� S C_ Samples: ?'1� 3 X f<Ll Quantity= U Subcontractor J Description of Work Observed: GILD Li T DATE: 3-2 p S O/ Ili,/1 C u be c_ vj/3-11.61 d f C DuT- rl ix Destc- (—iP `foov .SuPPw ew 6L7 FA-2/,t e.it r or— toff u 2 'T7 4s 40 y -r°1. - a-421-414 1 Pe-no /üi &AA- M e,- o sal-or- 9 3 SC (.v(71 Ar' �. .. - i:• .. �.i:•. .., �,i••I• •b - i�r•• f�• ; :a. f1' .i fir - :.1 fir' t •.. •�.. . •.\ .j/• ..,,•66' �. ,'.6_psi.,, •,.,r, • � '-a s '� r. sr� -•rte • r.�► f • �r.!!•••.. '..- Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG I terms Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the te and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observati ervices provided. ignature of Registered Observer Approved by: • %� 1© {P'6(re6- Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency 114("Y. WHITE-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-,JOBSITE COPY Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$! A California Corporation O S S R n0 l Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#5I8 i ! Toh H.X F O N/C Huntington Beach,CA 92646 v We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address 23.9 ce �^L/�1.4 Le.xi 6.4_47 Li D A /\ ^ City Permit# , -7^ 7 Job Name H rI l C L-[GiJ L g,1�-1►J `t�T—�_ ( j]Lam(3�fArchitect coAJD } G Material Description.,,PS ///15/oo Engineer i I yam )T—t, Observer ��^i (G tl 4X Contractor -i E Samples: / S X , Quantity= 2 s ,��-k_ Subcontractor ti 1 A_tc. 1,9„ 6,. Description of Work Observed: GiLoCi DATE: 3 -20 - j c{- QSgv e Pu✓}t -, Mt.-0 Cepso L, d 0r77-Z.4.--- r9 F /9.f f'/zo,-r (I B ((_ y 0.5 OF 611-0(-19 -- itl') ' OP5ic-A---'7I LOY Su e49 a y SPI.A-G- e3 � M oc PL C�-rr"p F pc a,�2 7 -1 t S Dome- — Lr rrr-(Ai S 7- 6 e-L-D G p Pe./l_ OooL oPe�.-, .cr It-1 ()c 6s, aL e_ 7V c.Q e- D $'" SLetrtiP Cif •, - ,t • , ..• •,,.. . ... •••.. J• ..(• •.•.. -, •. _r• +••.•• •j: e •,, •=I�'`.� •.fir. .'•. !r '. ,•• /••►, 1 :. " ' :.• :•r•- �' f)r -,• '.4,;%! •••••—'�t'tI• Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation.we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise rioted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans.speoit'cations.and applicable teeenon(s)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge Uniform Buidng Gode,as apphcanla to the iota ty where this project is boated. This repo t cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG t terms Inc.performed the above observation. pertormance of our observation services is subject to the te and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold hamvess Structural Observation Group,inc.from any and all legal proceedings of arty nature whatsoever,that is relat to the observation services provided. /t Si re of Registered Observer Approved by: !l7 , /O 6 6 4 Y-6--s-s--'/Cc- Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No Agency JJJ " /V WHITE-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY Structural Observaton Group, Inc. .0� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation ���� O �V�nos Toil Free Fax (877) 764-3939 Hun Atlanta Ave., CA SIT 10C ` N GROUP H F C7 N1C '"` Huntington Beach,CA 92646 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address J y,T j i} f �A_ A ff//�d( ty Permit# / Z(3 3 7 Job Name IG Architect j�- material Description t,�)t( •r-+ Engineer . / (y' t , 3 ~'l ti /tom t / nt �1��7, 1�' Observer .0--- ,- - ( Contractor j�-� ,y /� Samples_ (77XX /12,z))/.- Quantity= / Subcontractor �,�"A.-�t�,..�Cf/`"r Description of Work Observed: 6 kali- DATE: %tj --1 Q`t T 615 ..v ;`r"&- pLrc- A �1 1Lic.� �a&c .. a ,ra .�"'.�i w a l i I l A ,�. r �' .- ELA X. . c 3/iD' -5, 1.tooLl '.. w /X - , ,( L r F�, hit 1 �.�Port t6,6 - i,� • Ow •y. :• r z• %•r f,. ;•,•.(.t � , • ..i-.,(it • •.•• .-��•. •..•.�.,r •.`,+••..••.'iii•�•.•i.i•u',;i, i. '•• -I .•• -• .•. -,s .•• .., .44.•. [�� • •. • • •...1•w '•t'•••..t•�► .•t� •.. .t.i►.••ir•••• Certification of Compliance —tiff We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all at the above reported work,unless Otherwise rated.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans.specifications,and apptcable sections)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge Undam BuJtling Code,83 appFOatNe to the locality where this proect is located. This report •+ cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG, In performed the above observation, performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report The Owner or a successor in interest shall told narmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all I proceedings of any nature • whatsoever,that is reI , to ihe•.J 'aL services provided.17)/t --. (......_„....72 D * _ . . Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: ` i ` e MA-50 u;� S U 3 3o; 'tc.C• Project r peri(e•.ent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency L / r j11 -OFFICE OPY,• • ARV-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSrrE COPY � + mil ty///} 'Uf JI tV}�`ii^/ ✓1 7)f 4 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ��� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation ���� °S Tl o Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 �.. 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#5I8 ������ N �RO� HA F ❑ N/C ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 P We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address 4.53 C �yr�'K./AT(.44 A ,'fit 11(06.434._City I Permit# Q,•a w Og.5 _ '2 Job Name 4,44.. ... _/�� / p✓`/ ( e/�•e � Architect 1,(14(�°' (J(�,�/J `( > J Material Description "1.. 'lf n (�,�'7-� Engineer !Liu/1x01 Observer .S" 6, � e ` �\ Contractor +'/V1474", (�` �11 777��` �•i� Subcontractor l.� Samples: X Quantity= ly4kAf . rAr Description of Work Observed: eA3/' 4QieZ'€ DATE: .-- -l '—/V oir.F164f) r1,-1-E pc,A-cf-f,m -Arr--Artfd ce)itisi_Iderr;Ac s .6P 4h7 mist t -s( iry � � 46. 1.1_,('i a ( d, (�urZ Q 'tr-1-t� �L- - l d2 be(d o2- t l��ly t- ( -c.li_s- „ al__;t-,tiki(e-z- ido d_ o -66 ,. DC- -7) .4 iLe ,0.1 ,..'S ' -r4 14- I-IA-ik [it-c g 5- l` _ , c ok uol-kild/A:29 Ii _irt_. 11D6rrsit- 3po rw ,, . . . .. a..... •.._• a i!'' ''... . -11,i".!:.'•.-... Li,e.,t •.. ,-" ••.\. ,-' 'o.c ;-'-;. .:•{.•:;-'i..,,• . .' 4' ► .:-ter+- b •;.-:1/4 Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found B this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the Y 9 p g Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc, perfo,. •d t e above observ: ion. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold I harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is relat o the observation servic provided. di .% •�': Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: A .I ' t 7 a �3 a� • eject Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency ' I 660b q I /jWJ�T,E E COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY i' Structural Observaton Group, Inc. .. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A Califomia Corporation E�V��i Toll Free Fax ( 7) 764-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#518 �I vR�kit* Os OIy OR H F ❑ N/C ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 Sit Opp We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Z Job Address TUoti. a/ 7 /�/ City Permit ft Q n 6 _ /�► 1! ✓P'7 Job Name met r 1 �'`� Architect ( - ` �XJ) ;-) J Material Description v L( //*� 7 Engineer r/''iv}Ly' or- Observer , L. Contractor I-4 ce Samples:6Qlot'X post Quantity= I Subcontractor —�L G• Description of Work Observed: 6 Q-0t5 T - � DATE: '3—t '— 14 I - ,, 0 52ea T o-�4 GOittso Lid A-r/d Ac v( C� ii: iAL O Qz - ds JF (�2-0vt., l-A4-5Pie_A 6 1- 0 C.5, . hicom'h' c: P l o&� 6 1 ik� 1 C4- _ oMs c3 Li 1 viEvi,(7.4.:"/.4_, L z.T- F &Ti J.' . 4—5 6 O z,e - - -T-VE IP 44C Sri r 4 t Agd 1 -00P k-- t- - 04 NAcif aI D47)41(-- S 6 /<L( o. 1T4 •• • • .l'.• •. _. 3.l:• •,• . .i: . •. .. ..•i...• ,.• - Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG, Inc. performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all I al proceedings of any nature 4. whatsoever,that is ted to the oobbsservatii000nn//services provid Jy Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: , .■ __MA-40?-4,y Cj 3 . Cc__ role. .pe t- ,_t-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency 1-1 t of I I ], 1f l . _O ICE CO• , CA A- -ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY 455964 12962 4 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ��� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A�` A California Corporation ���� 0 R V�TIO Toll Free Fax (8 764-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#518 ��t� N GR H ❑ N/C ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 S� OUP We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation tion Agreement Job Address dVg 1 ,( J,�lLtf/4--- />1?' f / • f `�, /"'4 j,,4 City Permit# ^ O (3_ fl Job Name 1 .14/y�L' l/fiv lly('It�rflI/l r ( CL,tJF-1 (flG- Architect jig Material Description e i ' I 5A / a�^oo Engineer /P�/J"— Observer /V` J Contractor i "/fiver() pct:: ( Mc6-�« • • Samples: 940—r X 01x. Quantity= f Subcontractor 4 • / J Description of Work Observed: ('� I1 v-r-- /DI2 T7l /-l DATE: '3 —11.— (z..� ICJ ill g, -lvg iF PP -S 4-C s OF 61 e�11T Mie. 1)P-- (9.49 66z-e6 D L k(.7z--mac -s ,�- v�. • � �f v, p T %tom � �1 M ek s 1 Lt PT a 10 ea/L-5-5-s', M4- s 16'Age 5gst EM. ` -1TI L(9 , IAL A F 'S �Lf M.d -�- SAP -- -mod L,Pr; _ e •i., = r. r.. ( ' Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation }Report. I acknowledge this wo k to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sections)of the p g Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this p oject is located. This sport cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and a legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is aatt�ed to ttheeobo/bservation services provid . �/ Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: I tA/ 5/4 l t _ •S Ple39 50)41- — CC act pe tandem-Foreman-Other 1 Specialty No. Agency I1 / / /1 I .I ( . n wunrr_IMcnnv nno u wovnrrnnurrum rnov oruv_nne n,, oc nno■ enrr...•,.,u.rc ffnecrw- .•...,v Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation �� 08 SO Olt Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 894 I Atlanta Ave.,#5I 8 ��0�va ON i� H� F ❑ N/C ❑ S� Dv p Huntington Beach,CA 92646 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address V r f / / Y! r 4260/A, City Permit# 366`i s L T 3 S. 3 dam] Job Name R, � MA) � O €� Architect 4]g. n ?? Material Description WrOtta, Engineer '`A"\ , 4 cr V Observer • A Ll / tC- -.2 tA) Contractor ._ Samples: 2-- X Quantity= Subcontractor C A Z Description of Work Observed: 14-° C� DATE: 17 _:-1- lLe (138/7 u --rwt I G,4 g 13(o k_ F(1 V:4 - Pt M t a ut' 614 . MP-Ot 3 a-4- q '7 tiV V fb i'-- 'isaci us(t.•( - / hus4 `T-rpe -S .•. f.• 1` %�i Irr .i fir ;�'.' r, •- .... .•..' - ••••P, 'i.i•n•:/_. .r`. • .1.... •• .,•. �— a... •.1. • I-.►. , n •1.3.ar.. .,- : .- . . . •r. ... .tom.-..7.,;•,-;—.....f...7.1....,. Certification of Compliance — We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG f Inc.performed the above observation, performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is re ed to the observation services provid �, Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: ' I r /r/ /A' G rj 3 f- le._•• t Superintendent-Foreman-Other - v • , �g� �� Specialty M rl l4 No. Agency i -OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY 4!27 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. �s„ R 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ 8 California Corporation �����\ �a r,0N Toll Free Fax (87 ) 764-3939 894 I Atlanta Ave.,#5 18 �� ` �� J ,.... Huntington Beach,CA 92646 S1 0up H/C„7/ F ❑ N/C ❑ We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address Zs‘,w cl.J ` ` cj�r(, ` �� D n �^���-/_�,�` City Permit# Job Name��`� ( „ Pi e-7�,,�J �•�,�.v,�°I V I` r l t w'v v y� � � �^3 —”� �7 (x� a/�t c `t, l_J ►'L.- �t D _ Architect h 17 - Co ft_P Material Description �-SJ Engineer t. I v Observer /y 6, `. Contractor Y _v Samples: 2 X I Quantity= 3 Subcontractor Ty CS Y Description of Work Observed: MO 14-6-1\-- DATE: '(, -/ L{ 6 f3Se,2✓eD L , —r — Uf° OF 1'X'�K (6 Si-pact-if /3 cvu,c �/Z B 210 CLe4/ 7-02, \extFi e, PLvf'et Mo r7 iC Ml kret-c-- Op--a k-lrAveL,Iit."6- V►r-t124 t-r eD /zea4, .. t'1 Q n--`e- Se-r- of-- 3 Z Ill 0i2.rm`-- S i/'c es- a •- • . _� I. "i .•• v •' •'•• •.S.. ••_ •1..� ••, • •1.•r..., • r_•Sr. '•, �• .' Certification of Compliance ' We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc,performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in Interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation s 'ces provided. �,, .fir ature of Registered Obs/ewer Approved by: /2/0/1/2— /� OS/2 /0 �O 6 6 54:j d---/c.c_ roject Superintendent-Foreman- her Specialty No. Agency I(A)^ ' WHITE-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY Structural Observaton Group, Inc. �� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation ���� OS Va�,O Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 "` Hun Atlanta Beach,CA 18 SI itU CI H GROUP p H F ❑ N/C ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address 94 tt)� \/J V4vi / ) f Ar i 4 IACity Permtli 600-o4--(3 3 --7 Job Name A , 16.41_,_ �y0 Architect 14 A-1 C Co - !1 Material Des ription I 0 M� D1 Z Engineer M 1 ]��l{/n -7� / w.�L CAL/ ( 1_ ��/Yl C1 L � Observer A/' f�-,(( 172E- Contractor h4 ,,� J Samples: 6 X ,� Quantity= "2 Subcontractor t A_I`-C/�i1 .��' o 1 1 Description of Work Obs rved: vU 1.C-12�1 �b'[� /�j�„� /` DATE: --s - t :it _. IF PPM • a it i IP I• `1 11 . !' s'. ►/ D . . ' :C j i L-1 ►I .'1 LLi. . ,... d l 0L)R-- 6 K .-T--41- 1 NALTII 1 . .0S - iO4- " A-fi-- Tc& ele-- • ' 1 r - < / .• 1 ••Pg- 0 NCO1cA4-e--- .. 'WI 1 5 o c r5 C� • �-s - e.f p-L50 DMALF,.4 --r-ALF___ ' '-z-rz - 12r7-ig Fzio-F-Ako1/4Cr a - Co OC2Frt WALL P D-AFL C_ S3.D P 5T$ o' c - ( �3-0 . rt� co l� /u _ T , P DE/AIL S 5'S_o p c 4 js 1 . 0 .44 M mac..- 5 L - • l ..• . . \`. •.• ...l.!.•• .J,t'• !, I .- . f .t Ir r .r r, , 4 -r , Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge this work to comply with the approved plans,spec cations,and applicable section(s)of the Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG, Inc, performed the above observation• performance of our observation services is subject to the terns and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is tied to the observation services provided �• -k, Signature of Registered server Approved by: L=t7V-[ `3)/ .L ject Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency 11///'/ /1/&)/1 I /t AT F E COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY R'7 II M Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ As. A California Corporation �� O SSE R T,O Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#518 H F ❑ N/C �� ��O ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 P We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address,943e1 ,�f/�' r 772_ ` i)i/ 4 J�)�p _f' City �Perrmit# �g )oo Job Name ��l µ(�*mob cAL l�✓G�-/fµ((.x �L� Architect I. 14 VLF e Y ?� Material Description ' Engineer/ '� ' �v 9 R1yti-Me() Observer ,c `a J // � /t r Contractor Samples: L` X Quantity= Subcontractor /tr (c.A, r Description of Work Observed: �tL - _ ( , y _ H/ Rf��. DATE: `3j — 1 114- f"�081'6-Atka/J.— I 6) ( VAZLift?'A,ZAAAR 4 / A t Iv Cf v ,r.S 14-1- RA-LE Mg-Diet D'a $ S 0 F3 F �.�- i57))-4 Td Cz1 i1 �1)T L &fdc r C ' 75z-(/.0 /4- Ate- 1 oqk Dt 3 ' fft-C •1 - . ...".'.•/:-i• j•l"a aa.., as ;e■t 2 ,t .t . ■ ::,•• :•„ .,r ,-•.a•.;'' .:•• • •' ate •'•f•' •- ••r•'••• Y• • 4_ ! 4'1y • a 1 4 Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Obs ation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is relate o the the o�servic provided. Signature of Registered Observer Approved by:•—/ ,r ;2-g/�� - Projec ..uperintendent-Foreman-Other V J Specialty No. Agency I//,/,',..,/1/714 l n / Al-5.1E-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY 04 ,, t Structural Observaton Group, Inc. A� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation ���� 0 ���T/O Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 Atlanta each, A sl�uct N �ROU H� F 7 N/C O Huntington Beach,CA 92646 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address • Q C1 W gO f A �/ Bob� �„�/ � /T-r"`-.�1���/� City Permit# 1�.� � �(�?�— ��� Job Name Architect ' r c,)ap l Material Description l 1 I At cO O' 2- Engineer 'LA.(r A Observer Contractor a /. Samples: X : Quantity= �Suubccontractor • . WWII`�, e Description of Work Observed: CA x- --1- -T� JrTT� DATE: 9- - p-c- ce6 ( `T I-Li v i A ('-,,& Sd L(c4c'c(oAr P • "' �. Q 4 ._1>r W�.. at • e, C 1„tar. IN I ii �`/ 4!" if .' 4_ i; = I GAL. ��yyr� D. aii— l)l( ( S 1-‘1. - 6 k ( 4 Fag-- rO tei EA___ iNti bzerc . - ve.‘L___ 5 � � Z4 `?€-ter al Nil Q•oj a 10. t 5 i IA- sal. ILA ,A 5 eN ef 4• j� :.r /t' :•t fir :•t f r•� • - . .- �.. _� ... ' -• ,.. /. .et. • r- a► '• • •r•_• >,I. _ .., .. r.f�••' • •, '' 4 > • - 'amt r ' ►4..t v Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG, Ing, performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural 0 ervation Group,Inc.from any and all leg V proceedings of any nature what v-that is rel to the o atio�ns provided,I /`J / Signature of Registered Observer � Approved by: r , _ ,I• t G --9q PCP'' �(,/� �:v [T t-Foreman-Other (/ ��d0' �-"�� Specialty No. Agency � / ` / �VH} OFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBStTE COPY /t U—i//-/f /( ��f/�• 9 r Structural Observaton Group, Inc. O���� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation jii_ �� va r Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 Atlanta Aveh,#5 I CA jt �aOU H ❑ F N/C ❑ *** Huntington Beach,CA 92646 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address ' g) W Tj, ..r�ma I g t`1� /�1 i ri City Permit# � / !>` / ' S [( l t Architect "r Job Name pikl_ A r+'\ / i t , a Material Descriptiok ,�A, 5 A 1� sorD cj�� Engineer t`I�4F�s�- �e' Observer L X11 Jf�+ `'\,_j J C ) Contractor l,{ w D r • Samples: X g Quantity= 3 Subcontractor Description of Work Observed: 66 ge-leare_ DATE: a-- -((L t 0(35E.44tt eThg_ pbt4-0Fittp,A-1---- ti_ ,e---oi,t-SaLiciA-recrAc /4/9?? r' 'oc oP / �- (. -519c 'sCD50� u- -r �� . o f t' ,z o6-1---r DST A� (o�� C' 1 �--A tint? gam- _ ' _ 5 oP u --5-1--lic(c? i 1-57 Logiek Dc' L( A-irk d Lai Kurt sr 'i i',i i iL (dt( "l/ 1 4' 2:. :.I _,Ir •I fir .•1 fir;`,' •-4 ■ • •4 / •,:'. 4� is 1 •':•• 4 / •-..■ •._ •r-11.. ••t. r-■Iiii. '•rte••om t.p .•4� 4 ' ' � ': . . , . '• ..•• . . . •: . . ' .: ;;"".7.0.4 Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed at of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation at work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG, Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is ted to the observation services p ided./7,---}• 3 ..,.. i , c Signature of Registered Observer T Approved by: �� '✓�oa•.r_ f 4)41 '/�� '� �4� T- CC.S . i tendent-Foreman-Other . Specialty No. Agency 1-1 LI 1 n W -:7ICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY YI0 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. O� �R 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation ���� VA�i o� ��0 Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#5 18 H ❑ Fp( N/C „1 ❑ .. Huntington Beach,CA 92646 �� UP We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address c/ A City Permit# �jy)��� ��� ^7 !yam /fqg��'► �/'. fV recce)/ �G/�/ J o f Job Name "C // ea/ P C� Architect Material Description/ $ , n / P/`C COSK•/ Engineer yA/Kt./1-1O94-G Observer Contractor / Samples: L! X g Quantity= / Subcontractor 4c2 A co 77 Description of Work Observed: Cd n�` fr c / c . (keUe,,L-2?j.idq� DATE: rrr9 - / -�/ �T off O6Ser(,God 7:4 G/4(v_ N4Grr/ Gipl (.'p 'VG) �a �iJjf.e1 A-ds a f Co 0•1 C /CY i ,i 1,i k z7r- S6 G25egg S cl fir' a ' A woof 0 e S ' o-7 C'Y/" c /''s c,c1.f cc .5"l�.>-r, 0,C 1 /y vq-i- /n//•6 f 3 /a c•el-lP•d Q Q f 074 hL 1W/i'I',• ( 'e r� i`ed�r �,- C!t°A r-er i c c s cP7er c 6 z -I o-74/0/,%-. s- u rcrj (o} c f1.7 d i tea►? • • - .l•:.•• ,e•�•••• - ♦•l 1•' •• - - Ili' . • �,' :•r /�r • •r /fir . :•I� .�r � • 111 . , .••1' 1 , ' $ll.•.r. 4 f•*•11•:l ,'a..I - • ..,• t•• '- .ry Ili �.•_• ••` 1.•b..••r 1.•t...r • Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Re ort. I acknowled a his work to comply with the approved plans,specifcat ons,and applicable sections)of the P 9 Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG, Inc, performed the above observation, performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on R the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold rharmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and I legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever, � related to the o6sery n services ded. 411 r Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: I p C'o/�Cf Cf"� Y/�/$07 �e( Projec Superintendent-Foreman-Other i . Specialty No. Agency -OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 0���� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227 8668 $ A California Corporation ���1 �q��O Toll Free Fax (877) 76 -3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#5I8 �it N GR H ❑ F fd N/C ❑ .•. Huntington Beach,CA 92646 00 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address ` 0 y rJ�i')f City Permit# 04.3 _ � Job Name ' My ,w " n Architect L � Yc`1'rl�'!` �r Material Description }i 416.0(-46/ Engineer i4Q Observer ( (� 40_//0 --- Contractor ttel..., Samples: X g Quantity= Subcontractor ACS kit Description of Work Observed: (-),&e/m' DATE: a-p-(L( 0 -5 -l-k.: -114-E_ -5T g - xC r at-" F- '(---- a- De:641- ` Fr(L ( aid 1 v -a // L-. 64e5 ott-- h ft*C (eg(1 14_ 76 war AT- io - '' c Lr -o . 0 A '2 12.-6 4F- eff 3 leg .4 A-K".F7N - , Mt k 6- CiWV ., -?&' FL titA--4 U u� a— 3( '' 04P7 AT- ,� ,A-1,,,t _ 13 kic- L ot�, • ••.. •• • ,'I.+.. •f • •I. lit. '•• ••......46*. ••,♦.• Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge this work to comply With the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the p g Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the Iocalvy where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG, Inc. performed the above observation• performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural ation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is rel to the observation services provided. .011e. , , Q . 6M-- *t% ,1._ C7 Ignature of Registered Observer Approved by: ■ or�� �G�c s( _fjc3 3 ��C 1 Pfd•: -Forer$an-Other �� �j "� D Q� Specialty No. Agency f%/l J���(2 I i I • •E COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY ,t{�//I(l( VVV `lam r 1 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ����R 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A 41 Atlanta Corporation ��W VA l,0s Toll Free Fax (877)4-3939 8 urt Atlanta Ave.,#5 18 H ❑ F N/C ❑ r Huntington Beach,CA 92646 Sgt0C GROUP We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address G M�f /t'�1 -, �-e OA__ ylj tektr City Permit# 'j.6/y1 —O�3 ` ' �� Job Name /� A�.,�L t,(/l�l CJ/ V r Architect Li....._ 1•� Jy'//`J/J/�� Material Description '1 Ig 4 A i5 ( (� Engineer C 1 •Observer l �L Contractor Samples: X Quantity= Subcontractor ' !^ " p Description of Work Observed: ea/itC,e DATE: a - ig- ( i--( 0 i T 'S?FL- O/� g-e-12-4(45-1C1— i'i.kz_ _4 e_100 -,/.04 efix;6. ' ud4--tit I AtL '5...7-..v PL ' lv4_6__f. /ii -- Al P. i rQ ST 71.- 10t .rte_ �A- --- i.4.9 41 1 I . -- ILL d)07-/PAS er---E_ n �8 4 ug--- €r t 1 - Lt... el F) A.A. Si-- ) 1' , l. .t o I . " -, ' . S.' ° L w. 11F2g-` -i -F)Lt .E A. * i) 1 8 “ 303 U. Lt ; 3O�To El 7o SE�ac.) vp 0 �7A' Pr y.- ` o u(f---477',1-(4F3 •.. •..'-..7...".,...,7 •,:•. •'•;:". .i..•r•':;_•••.',.. .■ . .t , i , :4.t , ..4.f ; • •A..)h• Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG, Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all I al proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is r ted to the o s s ices (D.' Signature of Registered Observer Approved by:. lilt 11 ;1 r 1� �q. #` e633 , e- - Proj'ct Superintendent-Foreman-Other t...i(/Nt•- I/1 �- -��_/ / Specialty No. Agency "'�Vtt r➢fCfiCOPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSFTE COPY 41_,(4,/,,llf��'//JJ��//II11/Vv//� A Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation gyp` oe'44 vq rlo Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 """ Hun Atlanta eae., CA \it�CIv H GROU H ❑ FX N/C ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address , pp \ puirmosTOAL '��� �`A City Permit# _64.,-- -1 Job Name i a yj iA / G'r C ' %-� Atl Architect Vit Material Description`I I( I L.' '14 L6�c lj `- Engineer try, Observer , = /1[`7 (L , tg_E Contractor H(Q Q CFL Samples: L( X Quantity= Subcontracto g.5 /D escription of Work Observed: l DATE: a— 1-1 --( L( 0 7F2-Vi4 ThE 4pLAc j Jr g P- : 11/T(cr-C.. -3-rEeL. ' e - � I d I I ...:itm v _ . r .r •' WI- 71T Inc -57,(12. TO ki '' p 176 L CA'S,a,it[S 6) etl2 Lam. r. ..• ,I _ • 4 ( I i : ► I Awl 1 . s�_ Ai a�' r1 T flF- S C La id4E,A.5 i Cci . . .• •. - (�., •• - ..�:'.•.•- �,a';,' •• �•i•,c•• er, j i,• r,r . N r .;`: • '.•,... • •• i.•.. •r• ' 1.e� •.rte •.i� .r'•. t • . _ - . Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report, I acknowledge this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG, Inc.performed t e abovi,observatlo . performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural bservation Group,Inc.from any and al legal proceedings of any nature rwh^atssoever,that is r ted to the b rvation services provid . V 016; L'''—`67 I\ �!` Signature of Registered Observer by: ��Ii, vul i'll .D13 -19- `-`'_ 11 t'ject Superintendent-For, an-Other /// ///���'�I Specialty No. Agency r ! /1//�,2 j/ v i -opt -COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY Ir11 L 'V/I C// }I J '//nrn Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation attt 09SFRVa JO Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 6941 Atlanta Ave.,#518 ���w N �� �� H�. F ❑ N/C ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 O We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address / /u _l,H7 ji Pr. � a f (Permit#Q»/1..4.79,43.:34? 7 Job Name_,� tr/c (/�v r�J/coo/ eiP�fre�., Architect I L��'✓ ` Material Description /`� Engineer 4 f/�tt_/t�catt"GKa r^C,0 r/ r/.d✓ Observerier a ry�JCC k 047/9 Contracttoo_ffr / /Q/c• Cc�5 �tsi alt.Imo( ���I'1 O. f"r Samples: X Quantity= Subcontractor V¢rt c' c K/e7 L/r f Se/ cog, .5 Description of Work Observed: (04-0 ,47/01 DATE: -/Lye-/Z, "& s'La$ rot 1- 7$7'`.c<A,44Gs '' eecr1 i i 14.1 .0," was e' 6*re•^v.e.c/-� / / _?- 41 � i r! rv( ino er�S .l ACA, sf 1.-g r�rs.. Csrssr :r4 14/c /sc t c CA C!'�C e o v 3" L e.. 4'-A ch-i'i c+J-1 c:'T c/e ,/ / V% 7 4?;7 :• . 1-c)dy,'■S (!errs .f,e__ a 7�1i aT-'t7 C�014 'en-1r re I'-,1i a1r ed !A `[&#s ( Ca.L.11 e9 A• A?f9r ear.) L A e h t L;c # g MD70< e1/4 ,,,e5 7--�_-/a Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sections)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG t Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation services sided. ,f ki 41!! s..- 41 Si ature of RReeg-istt�Observer �yy� Approved by: ►.��1 i k../CaC' /J� �t�� ,d ov C v •ject Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency WHIT a FICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY 7 21 _ Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A Califomia Corporation ��� O_SERV��lO Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 `"' 8941 AtiantaAve.,#518 ���0w N GR �� Hi F ❑ NIC�, Huntington Beach,CA 92646 O We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement .+� +� Job Address°7 p 9 , . Jo/' �I1 n/.. i/`C..j� tY Permit 8� /1 0(lJ. `29 Job Name i (�/ ,� �/ J�C Archit�ecctt (J`'(J 7 ✓/70/C Af rte C 417"0"t- Material Description Engineer q1, ' adol o / ct r�A.464,-1), ObserverEr,C 4 f /'/C� `4 Contracttorr-f�j/J �sv ii575 6e OM�4 J Samples: / «X / f�Qu ntity= SubcontracttooJriC1.4.00/45100 1 . Description of Work Observed: 1.4.JL°,V/:m DATE:6;; /7—) C —()A 5 C LJ e-t (mac/e/�i/9 d 74/.55- ton;4'74e) C8/At f.., di'i ea[ c4./r1 e /7 4 7 rQ p4-- - C44 7'7i >- CaI'� <r-�_ 0704,4-,J t i,e/d Gt>er'r e GC�C r �i t t dC Oercr}iD�t .r' / r er t7,4 /Q Rte! s G�� 5 4' /a!2 Q .-nv �t ti —I/ii , C e,.re. "P r.✓C,e'P// 14/415 a @'�Cv LJ le -,4'" r Q i dLv c h."s1 /35 e P_du.--cS d 'e a/A ! [1 e-s i-U t --C,g5'ccr L.,ed &ie./e.rl er-74" t1e45'.4 err1c/al"cue - C i£( .tom -? - / -.,, s r S j,, Q f t in cx OCD�..ot i i 0 &a (Ad X,000-p C.i.f..0 "04,4 1 Cc.—-:./,/.c—d weyer�— ( C�.tg,;.+a 4. . , ac,.)Z,Z.1.191 Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above . reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sections)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform Buildng Code,as applicable to the locality where th s project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG r Inc.performed the above observation, performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from arty and all proceedings of arty nature whatsoever,t is related to the o atbn servi proud /A h jgnature of Regis wed Observer Approved by: A ii� AA/e f! g74/6 0V _ ��c °roject Superintendent-Foreman-Other - ,1 Specialty No. Agency ��,^/� WHIT wiFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY 7171 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation Ms °ISE*VA T,,0 Toll Free Fax (866) 732-64209 +.. 2249 Avalon Street ����R � �� Costa Mesa,CA 92627 sit 11) O p We Just Do.A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address Q., 3Cf y H + ' Permit# PO,- 07 a Job Name L'/'i r G 1, t J/ L A /7�� Architect Material Description �"j {V Engineer 01 I CIrr7U+0 Observer 105 E, () ' �uc( f f,f p'2-- Contractor pc(1i2 ( U nS�ic.i.c filfc.17 Subcontractor �'J r Samples: X Quantity= (, & OW,/ Description of Work Observed: ._ DATE: :.,/j ).,/It.4 f / Q6svcv� a-G,.P .41--reed w'e`ci fi C o•4 'fi/// , ?fel C J C c1V10r - C:'t 7f'I 9C -,rr�j1 c5- 1'0 74.L'-Q f t`-"�r~1r7 ci" -Q/7 /1—(771(---e —(7i1(--- C-P Q c i ri / c (A i e I r 'a c 6.5 o 4-,r C7 lr - Q( r' G d---ec r7,' Q,S, ll. .,,G, . TI,- > wort 1 r'c o/-7 of r19, BILLING INFORMATION&TELEPHONE R TIME IN TIME OUT BILLING OVERTIME We hereby certify that,at the time ofthis inspection,we h rved at Vile above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our k�beliefhave f. •this work CHECK ONE• to comply with the approved plans,s pnd'applicab :ran( he Urnd'°i ❑ SHOW-UP OT ❑ Building Code,es applicable to the bcal any n's project is .ed. pptt carxrgts.rfi , F'', �_.. OT ❑ uildin construed to be a recommendation or�C.arany nature to . Ttte pedomrilnce of � our observation services is su e,^,tfo terms end coed s as on the = -ise side "IJ r r• F 'L DAY TT ❑ of this Observation Report.TX ner or a su terse sh.5.,.•• •• r r- Observation Group,Inc. any and all lege( , . :"nature w)atsoever,that is By this signature.onthe,Ot4ery n --%njo., knowledge that related to the obsery eev ,r.— Jf SOG,Inc.performed the"apove tion and am bound by .. the terms and c>Znditiins tan the reverse side of this report. Signature of Registered ^Observer Approved by: �f `, 6. )Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other c: Specialty .� No. Agency /y/ Li I I��✓ ` WHITE-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, GOLDENROD-JOBSITE COPY 4/}(-.