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Structural and concrete observation 1
Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation �� O����VA T� Toll Free Fax 877) 764-3939 '"` 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#5I 8 ���� ON H F ❑ NIC ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 sl SA ROW) We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Joh Address g i `Jkx y,� � Dr /�/C /� City Permit#24700 — a v ........... 7 Job Name�4/c f~/ T�1`7� Ce ��`� Architect 7 J Material Description Engine lip �Q/ Q 1 //4 -co Atevu.46. ObserverE,fC /�je r LQ� ContracttorftoA cs — 6atti.tin 06 Pe a. Samples: X antity= subcontracto/ itiaeseCS 644in X/g1 Description of Work Observed: ttkid,-:, v/ DATE:....//—/y J Q c ,i .it c hi. 4hAdt o.I'me Jr, 4-7'c Tr o ,e, /'u4 .'P t_✓ i y.S -74) - G/cr ej•, S-/7`ew-1/i� ,a it , roc�.e.r■-•eS a to CA*,i uc '_ C qr A ("4-01e1" , c C (e ce i t C— /o C X ' C r Rc, *ii 1 -5Ze. Pz _ . Ccr,rr J 60e/ c• (Ca L-A c A. . ski at / ) L A c ci c,# Poo ?O4',? P i'-c=SV- 3- /‘ .. • • . • .r ; ' -. 'I..... i •r 1. - I.' -. ►. .... ..� ,..► I.i.•� Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signatuthis work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sections)of the re on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge Uniform 6uildng Code,as applicable to the local ty whe a thus s p oject s located. This epo t cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.fr. any and at legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to th:..-.rvatio• n 19 ') =�► Signature- -egistered Observer Approved by: .�'f (Alea It gi.L 7''cif C e- I Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency (LI ' 9 t I j)._ n q WHITE-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY 4'ti X Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ��� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ �. A California Corporation ���� O RV��,O Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 Huntington C I8 slOt� H GROU p H F ❑ NIC ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address Zit L,�t� Ltod�,i �_ ) DK wool o of ^ City I Permit#O,�,2 2-7 Job Name iAf'p M piciit_ e�/�,— [�Archl�it ct Ft l 1 ,J Material Description 5(,1PVL Kn Engineer Observer/ti • n tit: Contractor �� � Samples: Y X Quantity= Subcontractor Description of Work Observed: E. Pt DATE:"1._—3-1'-f I D 13SeRve49 I AJ&7-/h. __ o F -±t-- `- A.ea412._ F_m aeo eo (4-"tNTD wii-t . fr-0 Sum (0& IS Lockc.. n-1— Pur-iP f-oDM , Vc°_2•r F.-I 1-(Due.- &z 0's-) O e it PfL ott- TO I n1S77-LL_. OF- CPok y. l • • l'.. •• 1, . • ••- J l%*. •♦ J.1,:'. ' .. ' ' .•. -- .r. • - .•r - f - . . • ' f a. o .. .,. '. Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the g Uniform Building Code,as applicable to tt a local ty where this project is ocated. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Repoli The Owner or a successor in interest shall told harmless Structural Observation Observation Grcwp,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever, related to the observation .c@s provided. ' ;11) ture of Registered Observer Approved by: C0 e7-e_ IQ(6C. r6"Elul LL Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency 1 /t ° E-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY vlJ LUG 14 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ��� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation nititi 0 RVArho Toll Free Fax (8 7) 764-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#518 ��� N �� H - F ❑ N/C ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 sit Oup We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address � �ypp LA ` ,u�� O,4_, b ^ „ __mI City I Permit#© 2 7 '_7 Job Name /�(—ar✓'—iI[ K_ ^t �r�1'—LI` r�j�Architect /�t _ ) J Material Description r(� , 0�p/�' 3/kL�SO-- Engineer/t1 y ,tio r• 7 Observer/,`, ., ,�V,L /1` `n1 Contractor 1...t /'r/-/ ! V Samples: L X Quantity= 3 subcontractor/ -- .se Description of Work Observed: CDA-G"-e- DATE: /-/3--(`t 013s(1'Un' PL4 f�' E!/1=T J)7'-D CaMS r7 c./D✓J970"✓ D r- ,./2c / L c- a6tL yes O� /f D 's,6— / -014- .3 i s'v/P4e,Ay /7'O Lt,Di • }- 1 Lot-eiti Fe►-T�l PPi.i4 .77 r/5 0rn- LOA Pr�r&7- � S o/t/ ADDF Hr 41,e- o A-e_.- s or- 3 1/1-k TPST c-yL A-•-e,e.4.s r,--i re r 0--S c__LI,'1/' • . - ,l.P..• 1a,.l.f.•.• J l 1'.. J,e∎►• Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to compy with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sections)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report,I acknowledge Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the bcal ry where this p ojec is located. This sport cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature be performed. The that SOG, Inc.performed the above observation. performance ofo uro bser„ation ser vicesissubjecttothetermsandco ions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is re ted to the observation .ewrovided.,I 1.).\CV.I II,III o• ature of Registered Observer Approved by CO -- tQ6o196 —.P /LL 1 Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency 1 III/10(i„ WHI OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY '1I) 4 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. i0� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation itititi O RVA?,O TO Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 Adana Ave.,h rC l8 l0 tit GR0U H ❑ F�N/C ❑ ,,,,, Huntington Beach,CA 92646 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address 48 61 W 1,t o- quo 'fin A (A-cjty Permit# —C4-3 -3(2-i Job Name D"` I A�WM�,/ t 7 ` a,._ Architect t ,,� ,(�� `t" ��/�i ��^1�.- ��IYIYr Materiel Description 3/ ' `1 �^ r/^1/��..,.�• Engineer Observer .te� ,� 7(ul r��� Contractor („(_7j Subcontractor ^ Samples: Le X(3 Quantity= L-k.p,_4".404 6u1 a- = l �1 Description of Work Observed: �-�JxicizET€ DATE: I — 2)— ( 1 W T M r of 20)L ets off'Go r �t s 1 L Ltv Kcf i-ttiliZit: • Wiz- nF- Pvu btc -rn-i S DA-1-E. Kai F Dick 5 2 •S a P 3 Fv sz As D(F W -1--p-kg E2O A - E t,a l-�i 1 Lr : . ( z Ibta ' _ &. A ii 3 L-fJ A --7 l A • ';' - :.' . 'I, :I (I - .. ; rl, Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and betel,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG t terms Inc.performed the abo • observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the tes and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold I harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is ated to the observation services prods 0 . that m� 10i ', l ■ Signature of Registered Observer 'j' Approved by: Wlg-A. �j as 3 v-?- 1-cc \I& ct Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency WHI •FFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY I/ Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ��� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A Califomia Corporation ittiti O RVA nn TO Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#K518 ������ N H F ❑ N/C ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 GROUP We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report s and Observation Agreement Job Address 1 w 1 tu.ii-r Fir,-TnN D 1`. A c.,0/6- City,I Pent*# /�o O D(r 2 3 z 7 Job Name plate._) H ^/ Architect '4p cow �C-3 Material Description �;(� Engineer Observer/ n U`r Contractor t►,� Samples: Quantity= Subcontractor Description of Work Observed: Wll/1,4--- DATE: J— / 4 Lf VPktF/ e.40 Fle-1.1? we-t.OIrt-c,- or- tolit/D S Ox/ Ieot-) Veil...4 Ft e9 S'tz-e- r-- L n c way✓ &c P>a I) I, / PL/-,t-s, ti;o CCfipLere --or-, 2ov/ Re$,iL g/V 20DF- atil'c.e.--rZ°—. O.. . •■ . •- •. . • r► ..• Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge uniform Bulking code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG, Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc,from any and at legal proceedings of arty nature whatsoever,that is related to the observe.' .-rvices provided. tif ` •.nature of Registered Observer Approved by: -'inject Superintendent-Foreman-Other k/� r '0666 cf6 Cdr �L L Specialty No. Agency 11/(10-77 WH •FACE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY I/0 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 0���� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$ A California Corporation ����L V��,O Toll Free Fax (877) 7 -3939 8941 ngt nraAve.,#CA �14� �R m.. Huntington Beach,CA 92646 OU H ❑ F N/C ❑ P We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address i LL/>I ) ` A ! City Permit# l o -4043 — s a-.•�-t Job Name �-+� Architect WALE-l'x� } Material Description ^ a j t ./ _ /In, /,# ^ Engineer u.1A Observer �V / �•�}�t(�( ' Contractor Samples: X A Quantity= ( Subcontractor A ge; , Description of Work Observed: C.� r Ly`�JV l�f � DATE: t D-- _f It I _ t r L - ,41 • 8 lb ,_ �tF___ � ELI►. i �l..-1 et_ or • • 6-' T/aa.1. ;it' iI , .-.. .. \.r' Purl-l- ThLLu)1 . 14364-7-d � - ( 4 Lr, �. S- ,.- f .C- - tfAta 4'.6 j). ea_ 0 3 �.-t,th . - 1 - , • r, • r • rr• - rr • ' _ *tom, ? !..10:•! �4'•r.: ' - .: .'4't Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found Bythis work to comply with the approved plans,specificati ons,and applicable sections)of the this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality whew this ao ect is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that. lated to the observation services Signature of Regist Observer Approved by: 9_ ,�1� ��Y►A�rTZ 1 ► A rol Su rrtendent-Foreman-Other %/ /�•y 1L�" /► Specialty o. Agency J I to 1 erroOFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY PINK-OBSERVERS COPY BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY Ili Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$ A California Corporation 1k` ogsFRva r To11 Free Fax (877) 76 -3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,##5 18 �� ,O� Huntington Beach,CA 92646 Iw GR H ❑ FN/C ❑ g OUp We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address i 4 ' I. A `J 4 4 In��A ) / - City(Penned# Q �O —Q�3 — 3 ) evfi Job Name / Architect (,4 , / ��J q Material Description '�/�id midi__ •,� ,rt �f }Q1•��"1��-/� (J /-j\,1 (/#���' Engineer �,��'11/7 r<.LJ 1 Observer &J / ..i Contractor Samples: LJ X A Quantity= VI Subcontractor L4kievit{saA, Description of Work Observed: e.,,,,..z .:1,F,.... DATE: - - 's 'f aP E.. lit a� • t •' iiat !i . _ 1-111,1 _ ,,3 i or .../ili li.: .• % J • I ial- i i i il F61-Li )L L1 20641T6 - ( 4 1.-t -1. S- -,a .0- 42- Z-f.,0& 4.6 4. • ' - . • • .r 1 4• I 4 ••'.I • i - Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found m By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge 's Work to cow with w ,the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sectlofs)of the Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,In performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.freer any and,all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that. fated to the observation services proved. �L Signature of Register Observer Approved by: ltovft, S,164 ,2d- Agency roe t Sup intendent-Foreman-Other �///► Specialty No. Agency ' J� ( I /1 f 1 HFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITNOBSITE COPY.V I VI 27 Ili ; ; 2?6:n tructl Gro )SI01 GOO U H ❑ N/C ❑ P We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement) Job Address��/] /�7�L n �t� City Permit# �IJo -CJ 4 �+ _ `^ Job Name (���( '1-1�J (Q `(� \=,, it Architect Material Description 3 , it • Engineer ^ . LI� Observer `J , A/ `� Contractor `/` roxTiLto Samples: I X g Quantity_ 01 Subcontractor l / Description of Work Observed: (emu - � - — .E.pc),4/ DATE: la.-,.0-1.3 o t 3-5 I- .J 3 P-F,t 3 A-2 0 t 9 k 6.C .• to T-# 3/ate c Fes- 3 pd Fag- 7� 12.ceivi T. At-' ) 0;? - -5 .L.__-_.,. 1 i,-4 r`V A. i���,, Lai► I _ / --RE • tab-eke.. l D a / O , T 14.15 4 ( • /1-A , Lau c ......:,is • k ' E STS ; p 3 amiximmm D _` i •L! i sac/ - b)4,LL.. ..-..-.L 4 1 • [t A V E , r zit;i . e• E-Pn . '5A,�pt __ cubit 1 - % - AT' 0a 1#:a gii://07_. .--)... / 8. q I C,-)/ ip, L) Ling_ 1 , 6( 4 1 '�'` - • _ ' _ .- ..�� .■ r - ::-.....7 4',,.= Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sections)of the y this signature on the this Observation Report,I acknowledge Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locality where flits project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG, Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is ted to the services pro" e � ..1.--. 1! `."� Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: 211Y I i!" � C- t��!%1 - � 3 a z Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other v ,,,�titt Specialty No. Agency /iA l �' +g 114 pr • CE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY I IL, Structural Observaton Group, Inc. �e��R 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$ A 41 Manta Corporation ����� VAN Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#5 18 �� H ❑ :� N/C ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 GROUP We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address��/j r, �i /�V g Da, /� � L �/" city Permit# AD_QL(+2 -3 fl Job Name tr 7/2t/�.. •t(l ICAL•l' (�11 ( ) r(i [f}''L/ t (�(J J Architect /- f�Material Description 3/�" A,t/ } / Engineer V �� 6-y T Observer iite.&t Contractor Samples: 4 X€ Quantity= O Subcontractor Description of Work Observed: VU -- C(,,/ DATE: Ia.- --t3 1 _ ` oL3- 1tad_ 3 r2- 3i4-gL ) L i " d,:c T4 3/ Ie 11,Os i 2- 3 44 _ 7- QI,/l=z -T 4t-e., 0 .5 ,L.."_1 . tarr if°_4 er L+- JI iiA L.► fr D a Lab, X �is(S a Arr iM I -11 III /111k�t-1I/ • t a free l D F •X604 Op[ T i S t o ( • 3 g4l , .4)2 MR df , l u N'eci '1 S /fa LiAtf e_,-)/ (P, Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge ttni Loki ng My vA as apP ,o p emir:cetera.Ism)report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation, performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any,and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is •:tad to the observation services pro'• .. -4 .• ar I c 4ii t-- ,�;� �'� Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: 1 • ••" /1'�I-Ci 5 -69 3011 -_]-C, i Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other (/� `��-L-- Specialty No. Agency 11 L 1/ ^ '4 • CE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSrTE COPY I I L, Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation CASER 12152 Woodlawn Ave. �Ul p CASON o� Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3F Santa Ana,CA 92705 51lUC °ROL p H ❑ F� We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address 7 ; ` vi `t .ir Al,t .!� W..-- , . . j/ City l Permit# Job Name T I }� 5 _ 3 2� II./t i L / V • 4 r/� Arc itect Material Descrip'.n /+j( //�_�,��LA-3v/`/ ILr" C.e��iC/t,S�NEngineer �{ Observer (� //� &Vi p( fir 1?-Contractor � �� Samples: X9 (r Quantity= q Subcontractor 11- ' Description of Work Observed: co / • -. be-Clc_ SC*}--� DATE: j , — -- • : Z-. 71-1-F-- 1A. D F 3/464 6#4-tit-'S j,e .iii _A..-...Lir I ,rar1•..d!e)..Ahi NMI .� ii ,.......‘r.....,_. ii lir Pi ELM 1 lit— j 11 j, Lfi -1 jf ' ` '� � to L1�� .. ku -srittiaa l Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report I acknowledge ,;�°comply �e O`d darn,speaf catiore arM app6caae nacho yin ort fhe 9 rid ng Code,as apal?rxp a to the bcality where the io:tP is ll*s:d. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG, Inc.performed the above observation. performance arnor ���is atheetemsandc nditionsasdescribedon the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest that hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.firm any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is to the observation services pro 0_ �k ° Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: A Q ' ,....411 IA? ' :r �e'�"`l-= -Foreman-Other ( z��'�i �'[ 3� ..3�C . Specialty No. Agency /11 q IV?? 1 n � TT-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY. BOTTOM WHITE-JOBS:7E COPY I lt, /((/, (/J) R Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 0���� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A Califomia Corporation ��Ms VA n Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 12152 Woodlawn Ave. I .,016. ON Ana,CA 92705 Sl�U N GROup H t7 F� C We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address ; f 1 1 JM MTV'Vi'`1 A. i / i 10 4 `) City J Permit# w �-j 7 Job Name ' , W� / �1 • / • . itect C WA L J MaterialDescrip'.n %$j( ML�t `ice Mt C:L,rfi� gineer T Observer Contractor Samples: Le X(d Quantity= q Subcontractor 15e1 , Description of Work Observed: eoxiCI7 b dr_ 5r-i-� DATE: i 3— 3.0)-- 1 3 1-04-e3 kid-Ahear-2Aitr-"G- HT- F iefe�f4 _ . . . N j t I•/J' ����/ 7 2 -.I-.l A%`/ a -4 l 6P- Pe) 1 ` 1 I'1 S 7• --5"T" • L'4111tL`;/rr A I.- 4110 - /. - '5;1144 ' . - . W¢' e hk, _.1( Pt 6 icrr e-r- . • r)Ligiveg? ii- 1 LAITIrddil F5-01-yelr _ 3/L-, t 4k -q;' gm dit.... , _ Mj 4 rd //?_ 3 � ,► •• . •.. ' .• • '. ... ••• •• r• a... . .,• , l • •4'' Sr • . . •4 om t1 ' • ._ .•. i.i ' - • .t1 . Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found Bythis work to comply with the approved plans,specifications.and applicable sections)of the this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge a itom Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This sport cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation semi is subject to the terms and conctitions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shalt hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is fated to the observation services !� `�- G /r�}1t � Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: i 0!' % f�4'7 l 1T 1 i (W. 6 L 'C•, c - -Foreman-Other _ Specialty No. Agency /1,1 1 Lj Iv! 7E OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY 1 i ti Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ��� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation v�A` VA 111„ Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 894 I Huntington Ave.,#5I8 ���u soup �F C] N!C ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 u� We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address Z " G*f.K!I uL xi�Ar TL.t.i ofri pit i City I Permit* 13 Lt3-32-7 Architect Job Name kirk c— Material Description Engineer /��� —�� Observer �^ PI� YAM ! G) C�, ,1 r•' n - p Contractor �17L.e - .,4 ,LXfJ�N Samples: X Quantity= Subcontractor e) is ILO T7-r icut_` Description of Work Observed: the-uDi—,- DATE: 1 Z—R- 1 3 o e Aie0 4ti0 $ Ult tt=i elo Ulet..Dix,c— OF 'ri,&e S i e-P t , f nR_ �UtvDscitc-e4Q ©N ko0F-, (^gyp41..nfC Cu-uplt was f?6Se-stvC" FOIL P2oop1 cc)P_LAD p,tocN a_es ✓J Tec rr�v�c +s.e.s. R-1` QA✓ G-)t/ Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge this wo k to comply wi h the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sections)of the Uniform Building Code,ast applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG, Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terns and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the obsery '•. - provided. r 4.gnature of Registered Observer Approved by: Ii /0466 6_'V ( c L I Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency 171/71 lit WHITE OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY 11/1/,0 • 14-58 12796 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. S 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation it OS ER VA r•O Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave„ CA 16 j t�u N �� H F ❑ N/C ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 o o We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address t � /� City Pert Do -o a Job Name ./ale c ''/C y/ 1 er Architect Material Description Enginqe� ��,,yy /J� �`j C /4/t‘-j a l�'ol-O )/ u r e a/g174 /% observer i� /� A it Contractor/17/0 /� C. 1'�Ci� JPif Samples: X ' Quantity= Subcontracto0-733 Description of Work Observed: 1.iejdi4 L DATE: /2-14z-/3 ?iseru end L )e,/d/44 7 kL A.0 td f`r'e a v 7e e a -f.�.-.er AC r&A-if J c,-,d/;h e_.5 ,P eR a A d V 7 A w a a 5-er vc/Q 7o r c r itienii N �,•��f�ic�' c/�c�¢ tom✓ � �a,e f �'roc e d IA Vie y a kid -7-e C AM e t ce.s•. CO /c -e er i Id - kc r�L fj.e e for s Ci/mss/c - ��/0 C4_74 it,hs • ��r7'i76.t-_,d t-/c/.r/a 7-- 5:7`e, z,P -/z7. i occI •-ra (l •A. Crt '6'30 L"s9 gyvr. s.3174i •0 .. a • ;ii• .I a •6 J :a. . .-• :: rr•1. rrr�� .. ri:� Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of Our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sections)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report, I acknowledge Uniform Buihang Code,as applicable to the locality where this prgect s located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc,performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.born any and all legal proceedings of any natue �� — whatsoever,that is related t�observation 1 1� ��" ' _ �� Signature of Regist Observer Approved by: . i i 7�Q42 -Z-CC./ Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other ,�'// FJ Specialty No. Agency „ _ - , WH FFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY ' 1 14-58 12796 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. O • �� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ „oh A California Corporation 12 8 E A n Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#518 sUCIu OM GR H� F ❑ N!C ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 s� Oti� We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address 1 .2.7 /J /�✓� �/ V /11fQJ N 12/• Arcadia,. cin I Permit# 13 00 -043-3 7 Arohitect Material Description Enginr / ( ,Q ���a )114/a r et,�r t Observer �,C�I�,�j� l/1ikq/h Contractor/I!1-/a it Co '4 `7 ��GV Samples: X °Quantity= SubcOntractto_7•� �d Description of Work Observed: We/di'', DATE: /2—%4z-/3 �l scram Gd to_)ca',4:// .me? $ e.' 6� -id _Clear,- /ate. ct` — Aras.4-4' off Ce-/'f/;'%Cr GV ideit f1✓O1 S 4�S'�t UcA 74G I� ,i/'�/dG r tAie di ti raced Ure S a kid -re elm If t( ,�. �o� /c.1-e<X L�c�c� Y o' g �CX 1L . S C i�'j it S�/� G �/D CQ'74/6 AI SfP vP i / laoc dr•-ia (1 .A C S 1743044.0 9 4a;re c 317'A, • • • 1 -. 1 / 1. . - '.. ::- 4 ._ n t Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed at of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sections)of the By this signature on the this Observation report.I acknowledge Uniform Buildng Code,as applicable to the locality where this caroled is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on f Inc.'r� the reverse side of this Observation Report The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation services avi d Signature of Regist Observer Approved by: i ` t {./iA, e' 7Yo41 Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency . - - , WH E COPY, CANARY—ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK—OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE—JOBSITE COPY t Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ■ 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation �� 8Og sFRVA r Toll Free Fax (877) 7 4-3939 894 I Atlanta Ave.,#/518 , Huntington Beach,CA 92646 icw �� UH GROUP H ❑ F, N/C ❑ 8 SUP We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job/lB�s�Q al /c$,e7 f��. . ^te a CitY J P7 9e 2y3 - 39 J' Job - /e vie �CQ Architect Material Description Enginee obse l?JGTa "ir ,w. 7 ;r Contractor /6 Samples: X 7 Quantity= Subcontractor Description of Work Observed: f'e.✓ ti/e t ii/ -ce' -77.12e 4j,,,., DATE:/2 -(3,—/,y( fir-/3 (� /'lLr 4`! ,r� 1/•Pr-Y f7't: j'i�7.0 d l..�t �1 �t�7� t J�v 1 �C live AI on 3 .�+. (�/� ✓H r i r`�� 1 c �l r► n a7Yf) on r T SQ' d,n c/, (o • ��, • t--c✓ k'e9 c r- !} £'i r'vr' , t tee' rt/� t •_, p--ere- P."r( _ ci 3- � /ems fro D' 4Cer, k c'c/ l oti te)r^It`s ler j-► ✓t7,--1, 66 re-,-',r.,-4.�- ,-� 6.0,- Li,r t ,e D ��, Re ��' t,.�a� - -I Tw7Y�_ . /-71z, (re' ii -r'• / r-kP .a-- t..-.ar V//'/7; cl 09 h de 1Ce.r Y`-r-- r-. v,.f pre- .mfr. e-'4— 14-6-0 rlr fi r d �r f/.r��c`�z. 'f e- ( /cr<�r'?r.�. 7�+r M e 6 l 4p r`Z on'.t 1'0�` 9 i-� 2`.---r. 2� Le?, ve7 —el-‘741 -e 'r -1°5 Z P O C. `/1 t4v►� - h r,7 C7P •"Y,f yJ C riJ-r.i,r. Cleo / A Geifel cue 22 /1 e,.., r • • . I. . (, . r,, . :r fr r 7 • • , ••; • ! ! . ) / '. •' 1 . * 4 ,! 1 . ` 4 •- / . Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sections)of the y is signature on the this Observation Report.i acknowledge Unions Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that le related to the observation services provided. �I. //� 4/•:;� Signet of Registered Observer Approved by: t/ /5 il S7e 4)OVP . .jest Superintendent-Foreman Other 1 n-Oth Specialty No. Agency �� I • WHI •• FICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY �"� ! - .. -. I_n Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ��� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation �IIt� O Rva y,O Toil Free Fax (877) 764-3939 "" 12152WoodlawnAve. SI%II C� I �RO� H�F ❑ Santa Ana,CA 92705 N C We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address 0 P i i A • t , ity Permit# s y�1 „Jr Job Name _ , rIN LC4L _L. I r14 .s..- r . Material Description /^ 0 Ai ngineer j _ f Observer UVl Contractor �[f � Samples: X , Quantity= Subcontractor 4 a, ,rj Description of Work Observed: DATE: 4 1 3- i 3 I et){,5E40-4Ede '1— r "t— aP ?420sc L 0 -..... 9---- D 2_s*lityk 14-442..e.ZOZI-( CP-±pti - . 1 DP °1X.1 - '714—ts ,4 i v.d ,L, an 1 A ''ltV:, L.. v►,:.�i.'10 AA a E-_ :.., •_ 4 x � ( tv! 9 .. i . . _ . •..,• .. _ ... . .. 4, i..,.. •.„ ,,,,i.,I' . f s• .: 6 (1' - ::I fl .r' Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this wet to campy with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sectionis)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform Btsldng Code,as applicahle to the tocatty where this project is boated- This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG Inc.performed the above observation. performance of as observation semi is subject to the terms and conditions as described on f the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall bold Ile a harnNess Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and legal proceedings of any nature i • whatsoever,that is to the observation services provided tt(� ."Al'"'- //��.�I Signature of Registered Observer _/�� Approved by: kin., et i''�� SP- 1 J3.= -Lee__ Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other ^ ^ Specialty No. Agency '1 t 1 I L FI (A it f E COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WH1TE JOBSITE COPY I�/!n I I Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$ A California Corporation �p�, N/C ❑ osseRvAr Toll Free Fax (877) 7 3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#518 ,O Huntington Beach,CA 92646 ���C �R H ❑ F, -Mr g DUP We Just Do A Better Job! q Observation /Report and Observation Agreement Job Job ( z ✓7. #� c..., a^ e' a citY IP/ se, — L �j — 3�/ Architect makriL Description Engine Ob /nil 4d..., �rr Contractor a 67 le Samples: X 7 Quantity= Subcontractor Description of Work Observed: 5.774--ti 1/0'/4 /�u,� / ,-.. DATE:/2 -s (3 /(/3 /P/ •/ LJ Pe'r 6y e tee► 1r P•—/14: r';77.�`� t✓�''/ yl Q�f��',Nei 41 eeI rive Al 1an 3 ,. vH^A'S�- can e ' z ..vJ +.,r 7 t2 X17 e.' 71'if ‘).., , #.7 elevi en!tip cf , e �re-e-v'n ,.� r r +A'f� .� r9 p te".,r� lee,fir v,� 3 � 74. / 9 10 e' tc 1".-1 1/N fv ( le.'/-t tK / g � z r cle° 66 re-rnrf '-- ,� ter•- cY�t,.,., r •- D v�•- y.. tR�/ . a-- a! -/ 74i-et-e-00 . l4, c-e• k-,/'' 1 r"P td, ' ^ L.-^Ge Airfre ..1(,/e.1, c:"IS: iv e/ 4,-,it rld e'K - ^ Ioi- 9��' rt -r. I2 41er r/Y� ,!cY Z, Jac �'o„ Q al c- e °�Al C eof- �s —^ C1ee � If • r, - rr r Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge Ur;donm Build Cod tithe approved°hero'specifications,tip applis locale oc se.I=of the 9 aPPticeb�to the locality where this Drolect Is boated. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest steal hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and at legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation services provided. /p' Wit* Signet P3:":X s ed Observer Approved by: I" ' �/ i. 71,)OVP l -roject Superintendent-Foreman-Other _ Specialty No. Agency r�/� � MI • ICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY. PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY -- !i1 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation OBSO 12152 Woodiawn Ave. it Ult V,� ION Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 Santa Ana,CA 92705 Sit RI C N GROUP H�F U p We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address r. I, P ' ,.n I a • e i ity Permit# s ,.�,L Job Name �y�tai� � s. • • ..' f �Irl�ti_ /Ji` Material Description 1/V 6 • a /�/1 • + ngmeer t` Observer �I 1�� Contractor ,x '$1 � Samples: - X / Quantity. Subcontractor tkci KC' Description of Work Observed: coj DATE: 1,?r' ` 3— i 3 I 6 6EALEA 714E_ 1,44,cafr i •I'---- oP ikYPI20C A AI )1P- _ :s.,. .1,-.21b- Lumina. - _ ...e, _ .0. - e - All -41,1( c-A, `°� a AL • ��. _ • 1 . -, At_, Lr. .,::rtl.'1' 0.4 i L._ . -.11114n1rilni-di X-i CLe • i,jp, ( :'1'if �t 7r .. .... .. .. -. . ' .1.t .' . 3.1,.E •.. , r•fir.l • ) •• �r ir.t• •,� /i " :•■ ti '' :•r (r r Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the tine of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise rioted To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge g°�as apace ate, «pis the project is ble ed. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest stall hold 1 harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from arty and an lend proceedings of any nature t . • whatsoever,that is to the observation services provided atin ,' Signature of Registered Observer ^� P� Approved by: kik-, CD�� SP- / Je'd` —L Project superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency 11 di Li q (iii 7 p • - E COPY, CANARY—ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK—OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE—JOBSITE COPY I!(An I Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 0in�� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation IMO VA nO Toll Free Fax 877) 764-3939 ll 894 I Atlanta Ave.,#t5 18 �� O NW' F ❑ N/C ❑ .,... Huntington Beach,CA 92646 SI1 ROVP We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement J `y � /j fit,✓/ hizi 4 4, I�� , Q'tY IP e, rY •- Y3-3 `7 ('7� (c / V! C C,j�/`C Gt f ('el /4^ Architect Material Description Engineer t r t 01.✓I 0 Observe -� Contractor(7( / l /r^� 4 0, 1 rr ry [[[jjjl TbTT / Samples: X / Quantity= Subcontractor Description of Work Observed: /Pee DATE: / — lie -13 I • ,4/',,,--vee► 041 d vsr..-. eed 74....e wc' (dyr drr c- e. r/ dee- 1...e .-t o� �'��" �- .�,�I ` J 1 6 7 i" .7 517& -,01;" .II. 4,yo,....., .g2, re........ c„,/,... •-Lr ..„yr #11,o,71?..j- _ • " h 7. 4 li^ i40•9 L. /tfCe° '!i rlo.� vr+ 7 j•6 4,..., 57; c"' � ir, Cyr,/:h t /Q Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed at of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge this Building comply ly with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the g applicable to the locality where this project is located, This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation seed provided. Ignatu Registered Observer Approved by: 4, (i ( � 'd>c1 8 c! Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency 1 .-W n q /„, 7IIHITE-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY / 'fJ/1 I fVVV/1/ f JJ 1411 1 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ��ER 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation ki O VA r Toll Free Fax 877) 764-3939 894 I Atlanta Ave.,#x`518 ..., Huntington Beach,CA 92646 SI14CI�1 GROUP H F ❑ N/C ❑ We Just Do A Better Job! d e Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job .f >7 / / /�/ ✓�4 {�r, a �.,:a l Pe [O 6 if /_3� Job(-D _ /e MW C'/'�' i.'.1 l ^ Architect Material Description ��II ( fY Engineer /✓!(7(:,40,...1 0 Observe Contractor l P�i`a 4 OK �rl^y Samples: X / Quantity= Subcontractor Description of Work Observed: C k.'-` (010 /2 /Pee 14 bt g DATE: /a - iet "-.13 04/e--ve d d t.,•„ , hC, .,d wc' (4 vet c�( `c7/'�et ',. 1- �&Q....1� 4,eQ ., w cit. .�Ic _ Ar.01 a f . 40” r.4,e- f 56 / egor ,5.- e; 6,-/-71; i."--•to / er e-- co 4"2"4"t"- i � h / /�Ce,c-J!i Anew/ vh }1-•c' X0 +./4 C...../0../".•+ ►. ! + +- a- •' ... - at '.a.. : isa. . Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable sections)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Unrfortn&ailing Code,as applicable to the locality where this project is boated. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation servi provided. ignatu Registered Observer Approved by: 4A, 7 13 r c Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other . Specialty No. Agency 1 /t,q1; } ! /j ^ /„/1 /HITE-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY /r ���,/J ,v' 11VVV / 11111 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. A Califomia Corporation 01116 OSSERVA f 24 Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$ 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#s l a V FOR Toll Free Fax (877) 7E =3939 Huntington Beach,CA 92646 Ssi 1 GR°U H ❑ f Of N/C ❑ P We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address Q'CJ to /� Z/`� / p Ll/✓ri1 )64v� Vo._ i/9' City I Permit#5 0 0 `4 3 3 2 7 Job Name / ' � J �' � r �J�3,,, - /� Architect Material Description ��� Engineer M N /L1 07-0 Observer/'', A _ E n t fJo, �'ri'.y(../,� 4.,. !`.(,��1/" Contractor t 7/7 t.. °L.� Samples• X Quantity= Subcontractor 1vo7Ti efts Description of Work Observed: S u P 1...1 e4_19 f,,.c. /p e ,#,,c,-- DATE: i2 —ci"L3 ©Qse/2-v eD i/e/L,Fl eD 'Ale-LAO!a-6-- OF Oet4C104- _ a7t431 .Sr-u.0 w>.c..00r A--C--, 11711 FLOa2 0-7449 /LooF COMPt-e-7-3e__. Pn NN�s ov SO, i d-3! 6 ,.t- -0 A 2 4-..3� . , ' , " ''-' • . ..-; _r j`' I. 1.' .1* ... .. . .4 Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge hnrf sto co plya asthe approved plans,specifications,and applicable sections)of the 9 applicable to the locally where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above obs• .tion. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation ReporL The Owner or a successor in nterest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and at legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation .ces provi I %. -11, l��+�—► nature of Registered Observer Approved by: IF 111 �IWr,-- t OG� 6 C I - 'act uperinten._nt-Foreman-Other 6 /� I Specialty No. Agency I/ j /lW 4, TE-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY WO Structural Observaton Group, Inc. A Califomia Corporation RA` 00g�R�A r 24 Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ 12152 Woodlawn Ave. C� 'O Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 Sans Sit Ana,CA 92705 Sit GR0 H� F ❑ Ms UP We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address Job Name �04 w l t o 017, �� `/ ��/ L 1``�� �7T�`�f�'City I Permit# v.2 n/,1 �DJ Q� � Jtl 11I �rJ`C4-L C Fr g Architect /4- ' -: —C Material Description i t 1i �/ Engineer Observer M 1 Contractor 4 Samples: X e Quantity= 3 Subcontractor VIAL-k.gsog Description of Work Observed: P -17'- n DATE: /a_6- ( 3 F� _________04__LzttA_ -t--14,G__ 6N'1- 1 IISC-L.Ls cil-F A6)L. 5n c,,i; 2,P c..,, _tom A iiv r ,� 1�1 -b co t It U p> Lac- _ , 1 �' ; �A- ( t) p PL /AA- E 1 S F7 . • •• ' .1... •••• - ,..i.'�!- ••• •• - :, �•' i, -• i •� ,....i...:!:.r r ,�• Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge o to co`p"with"1B droved f ,and ''°b1e l of the Yo,` 9 Building Code,as applicable to the locality where this prefect is boated. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is to the observation services �\ /7A4 Si nature of R isterPP y: ,i� I -.— n 9 rr --peg rver Approved by: r� - - �Y/t � i^�L JO2� . c) t 4- Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other �•l� 1"1 lel I► 1 ( wily( , ly v • CE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSrTE COPY I 4 10 _ .Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation p` pg9ERVA r Toll Free Fax (877)_7�/64-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#5 18 ������ ,0� H ❑ F I� N/C ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 SI GROUP We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address City Permit# •� l i�►I `�iri{ � ail /AI W.WI" .► _i Job Name 'r\� I t / l� EMI I 1 X1...1 .�i� s. , /.iii .�►�' Material Descriptio Observer k /e_ . .1_ ,' Contractor ,=1 �' �`Talttla ,, � Samples: X Quantity= Subcontractor .b 7j` , f Description of Wor Observed: Ear` DATE: 1 1 d )&exv \ J to r -uLl ?- e-trct1or, con n on ok o t lot�n 1* owl to tldli h - °� Coo On si •r,.MMTIVIJL0' inta PDIM[TSM1 7/4P ,4 1i LtaLVIENEt I r.:=_re a.a mil 1 i r id,,,,„m,_,_miffmtiormnimumn ; c.i .1-1, . 414 i ti i i (a I r 4 1 1 E.I 116111MEM • \N-ek s : GeA-h on 41 - 0 OAR, = ox-V-- is on ,4( 11 - Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge this work to comply wdh the improved plans.specifications,and applicable sections)of the Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the locaity where this project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.perform••\he a#,ve o I ervation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report, The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation services provided. i `, ��`'t Sigpn�atusre{�of Registered Observer ��,^Approved by: ti,' �'� t [�l t 1t 800k6 c ) •'ect Superintendent-Foreman-Other ���777 pecialty o. Agency I n I lj /�f 1 CE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY ■ 17595 Harvard,Ste C-237 Irvine,CA 92614 INSPCCTIO[11 P:(714)427-0501 _ "` F:(714)427-0502 RESOURCES • . EXPERTS IN NON-DESTRUCTTVE TESTING Report of Ultrasonic Testing of Welds Date Project Name Applicable Code/Section 12/05/13 Hale Medical Center AWS D1.1/Sec.6 Shop El Field ® Bldg Permit Inspection Address B00-043-327 289 W.Huntington Dr.,Arcadia,CA Same of Project S Contractor Same Architect The Hale Corporation Ronaldo Busante Sub Contractor Engineer Bell Brothers Miyamoto ULTRASONIC EQUIPMENT Transducers cages Fre:aency Send No. Zrvrent Saner No: Coupler*1"round 0 2.25 MHz 2000RXR M9+Fbel °� Type cww.v F etcn N. I Teq attics Type Manor Send�, .625"8.760" 70 2.25 MHx 028852 I Avenger EZ I 11094398 I Cellubse bum I T.E.D. WA DSC 1018 A03340 ULTRASONIC TESTING OF MATERIALS Surface Conbbon Materiel Thickness Joint Type l Weldng Process Exam from Face Volunemc Exam in Leg Reference Level Scanning Level Smooth/Clean 7/16" butt joint FCAW A&B 1,2 53 7Y Description of Items Tested&Identification Photos 1 "_ Description#1:UT on CJP welds beam to column/beam moment coon.@ top&bottom flanges Of Decibels # E a-b-c=d Discontinuity(inches) E ci 2 v ° a E °, 9- `s - e e Distance - e-", u_ g X LL ti 1 x= g 33d LLP _ Remarks U.1 a - a`� E 3 ,2 �a From From Q a b c d X 'r U Roof Line B/ 3.3—5.7 A&B Desc.#1—13 corn./26 welds Line B/ 4th (except Beam at B15.7 North) 26 0 0 26 3.3—5.7 A&B Desc.#1-14 conn./28 welds 28 0 0 28 3rd Line B/ 3.3—4 A&B Desc.#1—3 Conn./6 welds (only the South beams tested) 6 0 0 6 2nd Line B/ 3.3—5.7 A&B Desc.#1—7 conn./14 welds (only the South beams tested) 14 0 0 14 Discontinuity Evaluation/Comments: - - - Accep Reject Rep. complete Totals 74 0 0 74 Technician Name Certification No: Level I.R.C.Job No: Stephen Stephen Tekoseno 1112503 SNT-TC-1A 8 CP-189 Level II 706-5890 PAGE 1 OF 1 Certification of Compliance Time Time Reg. O.T. Driving The Material E WAS El WAS NOT tested in accordance with the Start Finish Hours Hours Hours OSHPD/DSA and/or CITY/CBC requirements. 07:00 15:00 8 The Material Tested MET ❑DID NOT MEET the OSHPD/DSA All Inspections based upon a 4 and 8 hour minimum. If technician is called to a and/or CITY/CBC requirements. project and no work performed,a 2 hour minimum charge is applied. Was the required 40 hour internal reflection procedure for each search unit performed on this date? ❑YES ®NO J il 1(.25‘E----. Technician's Signature CC: AIA Client Signature SE PI DSA q 1 120Lo17 1/1 1217 ri I n Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 0���� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$ A California Corporation ��k� vA r Toll Free Fax (877) 7664-3939 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#5 18 ������ ��O H ❑ F 1� NlC ❑ Huntington Beach,CA 92646 up We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address ,A,d,....J ' I 0 sr 4411CA.City Permit#';)0 5 Job Name ,,.1{A' kii I VArg'J I. V�ICiftal lll Material Description A ' e S aMi, , D Observer I , �� Contractor MA ;FM t�1 �r.�II t�'►J U� l Samples: F/ X Quantity= Subcontractor oil 'r/'�e '� Description of Work Observed: DATE: Q[y1 der Ot1 AZ 11711117111/111111111.921111 0 .111MITOI=PM 0. S. -1 ' SA ►' ' & 6 ` '' -eIa11, a t 'Gi Id / On l 1. • ' Son £IviL. 3 • .1' IIA/a ' ■• ' ll /i to 3 '/i � _ Mt �,. - . MERPA ' , v\Ier ', La - 11,ROI ,k1 ; • IL liJ l / $ AS 1 .I i ` -e l/4 al l .' \NAAM CR icatf� on -Me . No-NT : N ' o 'vs cotl inl Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge wow to spy wfti't'1e approve'plans, fi .and app able sectioasl the Report. Uniform Breeding C ode,are applkzble to the IocakY where tttis project fs ktcated. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation work of any nature to be performed. The rtn that SOG, Inc.performed the above observ. 'on. perfoanceofourobservationservicesis subj to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation services provided. Yen CV � Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: 4 •,� � � -go NAMitit t Superintendent-Foreman-Other "" / ,�.W./ Specialty ! No. Agency WH =7. E COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSfTE COPY Ito 1111 Vl1'L (191 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$ A Califomia Corporation Og$E� 8941 Atlanta Ave.,#518 II ifa 770 Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 Huntington Beach, S�RUC GR0v H ❑ F N/C ❑ �. P We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address (l,'t \�,, �, }DUII! r 1 ! l Dr [•vats tYI !AJ`' "y5—s�,9--- a4.1)ti t , Ci Pernik N � Job Name I t 1,41/4.p 61 A' v ` _c r Architect n t Material Description n / I V kwk_1� Engineer \\jot ) Observer :[U1� ('I Contractor Samples: X Quantity= Subcontractor pie11194as5 Description of Work Observed: DATE: [ -)OLI _ 13 I 6f(' c . nU Of 'l\ ahoy a n� oh - *CO Of 1110 nPJ -CN O ■ \\ S \\\\Ac hil S a aa oc o RRh '��r 1!Al`CIAU ,+ I - \ecy 1rli u Wok-Q : \Jo r 'S 0M0\1\1.. . • . .i•. .. • •, ♦ `,'•. • . . �, ,•, rr .4.. i rr - r- ! -• . 4 ,; C- .i ,'- .. .'4`r. Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge thu;,;,:,R;;aag�,as per'' y wtaes app is loa seta°rhis of orb locally where tr:a project is koated. This report that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. cannot be construed to be a�` `ion of work of any nature to be performed. The performance of our observation services is subject to the tares and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation services provided. .gnature oegistered Observer%Nal liffV Approved by: , I 1•Pro Superintend•nt-Foreman-Other -k I �, 4' , •�� Specialty • o.' Agency li I 11/1 /// E COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSrTE COPY 17595 Harvard,Ste C-237 Irvine,CA 92614 v • INSPEC'flP 1_ aw P:(714)427-0501 RESOURCES F:(714)427-0502 EXPERTS IN NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING Date Report of Ultrasonic Testing of Welds 12/06/13 Project Name Applicable Code/Section Bldg Permit Hale Medical Center AWS D1.1/Sec.6 shop ❑ Field ® BOO-043-327 Inspection Address Address of Project 289 W.Huntington Dr.,Arcadia,CA Same Contractor Architect The Hale Corporation Ronaldo Busante Sub Contractor Engineer Bell Brothers Miyamoto ULTRASONIC EQUIPMENT Trwud... ergo Frequency Said No. �tbrlel SerW Na: Co:da t Type Cauplsre 1 . Balch No. Test Bloch Type Mtleral Sena N. 1"round 0 2.25 MHz 2000RXR .625k.750" 70 2.25 MHz 028852 Avenger EZ 11094398 Cellulose Gum T.E.D. N/A DSC 1018 A03340 ULTRASONIC TESTING OF MATERIALS Surface Cvndnian Material Thicvness Joint Type Welding Process Exam from Face Volumetric Exam in Leg Reference Level Scanning Level Smooth/Clean 7116" butt joint FCAW A&B 1,2 53 72 Description of Items Tested&Identification Photos ► - Description#1:UT on CJP welds beam to column/beam moment conn.@ top&bottom flanges Decibels a-b•c=tl Discontinuity(inches) u E m a ° a Li" m : i Remarks m °m E 3u- i 1 i �LL i' pi '. '5 = ix W <i Frem Fm� X a In c d Roof B/5.7 A&B Desc.#1-1 conn./2 welds 2 0 0 2 ""' 3rd Line B/ A&B Desc.#1—8 conn./16 welds 16 0 0 16 4.5-5.7 3 d Line B/ A&B Desc.#1-3 conn./6 welds 6 0 0 6 3.3—4 (North beams tested) 2n° Line B/ A&B ((North beams tested)welds 14 0 0 14 3.3-5.7 • Discontinuity Evaluation/Comments' accept Rem. Repair compile Totals 38 0 0 38 Technician Name Certification No• Level I.R.C.Job No: PAGE 1 OF 1 Stephen Stephen Tekoseno 1112503 SNT-TC-1A&CP-189 Level II 706-5890 Certification of Compliance Time Time Reg. O.T. Driving --------- - — — Start Finish Hours Hours Hours The Material ®WAS ❑WAS NOT tested in accordance with the OSHPD/DSA and/or CITY/CBC requirements. 11:00 15:00 4 - - The Material Tested MET ❑DID NOT MEET the OSHPD/DSA All Inspections based upon a 4 and 8 hour minimum. If technician is called to a and/or CITY/CBC requirements. project and no work performed,a 2 hour minimum charge is applied Was the required 40 hour internal reflection procedure for each search unit performed on this date? ❑ YES ®NO �� i i \t, \S --------. Technician's Signature Client Signature CC:AIA SE PI DSA /11 ..--0 ; 3b 1/9 17?7 1.2-n1%I iqIrJ Structural Observaton Group, Inc. A California Corporation �a L OSSERVAr 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ 2249 Avalon Street Toll Free Fax (866) 732-6429 Costa Mesa,CA 92627 tt�11)Ct ,O� G �+z S ROUp We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address �/� j ' " I IIM mV y/! / rcq j Permit ti /� ?. Job Name ^ /� /��" �/ rr /vl u..j /c/r! c ehitect j�• 4 e' Material Description V �/� /4..._ S C �Q/y: Engineer � � �v Observer` / �p �`-"`�"• J OS� ly-U�Ir ��� Contractor j/�G Samples: X ' Quantity= Subcontractors 6� . Descript'on of Work Observed: V E--4-t) I/�/6-- DATE: /97 43 I s Oc9.�v Lei Vvo lin5 0-r ?' , / ont'P.ot'Gn . te- e hJ-l f We1d/,g o•F /V bon Sc14Js sit paid ( /s cn yV o�-d ' �0rd;�r Wei Q o6se ,�,r pro wee wer-k 15 otiwit)9/ • We hereby certify that,at the time of this :pact•., :ha. observed all of the above reported By this signature on the Observation Report. I acknowledge that work�unlessotherwse"°'�T°'n@' ' °foul,`°w' •b��f•wehavefoundm;ework g to comply with tyre approved plan s..: . s, - icable sectionls)of the uniform SOG,Inc.performed the above observation and am bound by Building Code,as applicable to.. locality is located.This report cannot be construed to be a mcommen. On of • of ••be peter .The performance of the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this report. ourobuervationaarvicesis ., to t: / . rtions as described on the reverse side of this Observation R:.. e• or e- - :I hold harmless Structural Observation Group,1• any. eedirgs of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the o..:• - /.• -ta' Signature of R bserver Approved by: iX)A S /vr/l'- j Project Super ntendent-Foreman-Other S(/ 5Lifet ecialty No. Agency .n�`���� f���J, HITE-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, GOLDENROD-JOBSITE COPY /�