HomeMy WebLinkAboutStructural and concrete observation 3 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ Structural Observaton Group, Inc. OSs�'��� Toll Free Fax (8772)2.7764-86_36983$ ) 764-3931 .�, A California Corporation 4��` I t pH GR H Cl P 12152 Woodlawn Ave. �00 N OUp Santa Ana,CA 92705 S C We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement' city Permit#f}C t_.%.J ?— / Job Address ^ (J T -25.i'---t t.>a.%' lfl�I✓T�w..-�:;:a.. OIL �l1�r�" Architect /t L Job Name `i A c e_ At Ai 6 Lo(.._ r tl rl �/ Engineer Material Description N Contractor /i rt.L Dbs A I - ; r R / k subcontractor Samples: X Quantity= g-t'LL L� Description of Work Observed: IV C_4,$4 — DATE: 1 2 -7 - x_3 r,/?��e,vc�G` u.e- '"4-- EDI- rut_Pry/ C r:∎Al -e- t 0.4' /4-r- flv.-1 r!7"A-4'' L?-'r lici D A/ 3/Z.D ,rLun/&4 1...4,-.— — -7-1.,0,p,-ref..-- 0,v /Z0 of- Val-i,a0uC I—c I p 0"--S-_ (1;-,_12..1-1 r r.>,Q we..-.x°kc c 1 e_. Dt 6..x2✓&' FDA_ PILO rei4. LA,Wit.t.)yi,-- -- Pri_tee e-og y/4-_s- ,4t7•45 '�ee—ll A-f. ,;r tG'Cd/i.t..., riA " C-c//`--z---, :11.':;_..• -..• 7.i.'.:!..'•'.. . r.1..1 •1 ..• J,1';1. Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this work to comply with the approved plans,spedfaat'and appkicable sections)of the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform&aiding Code,as applicable to the locality%bete tilts project is located. This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of cur observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as descrit,ed on l the reverse side of the Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shad hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and at legal proceedings of arty nature • i whatsoever,that is related to the observati _services provided. �� c+ .� •-7 -F--- nature of Registered Observer Approved by: ,i ` _ — IOC'4 ! C:-- I U(:is C-1 C. - ik-- (C ; Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency I4,1 AO WHITE-OFFICE COPY, CANARY—ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK—OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE—JOBSITE COPY 11411 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$ A California Corporation OS 2249 Avalon Street Costa Mesa,CA 92627 sit es tit��p` ���,0� Toll Free Fax (866) 732-6429 ,... GR0up_ O + 2 (5(..14) We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address ,13 4 a - >L(�. 1 1,�/:�� lie, LI �j I/Y/ /, /� VY'rJ w/Tlrr /L!`C„ ie, I Permit# O�/3 3 a 7 Job Name I l i ,44 G 0�cp . (..Fi. L 74 �Architect gel,C `�� Material Descri tion ,Q,, _ Observer , l s c 43�� �Ci r I'll i� Engineer y�0,... .Aa /e V 0 , 6-ockerre- Contractor,fir( c e. Samples: X Quantity= Subcontractor 'e_/....e_ Description of Wor Observed: Act(f19 # c4/€4//`/.79 DATE: 'f/j %65erved c- SL ec rih5- 0-P- Aci ,'i 3 .2s 4,9 ti h9JA 'TC Rh' 0711 ''/4-r' 5dofc' s/,9 ci/V ca/(e Cr'1 CI fe1,S /r7l'9 alOn c 6 r JA ' C /r (74-e 01/ 'c ,�eJ ! 440 1//o 1c+01io/ts O 6S¢a��c c.1-1-7 e- !,*r/a0-/T- ,'S 0/19(019, - %ter-- td ;`P,/ w&/(J,'n 4-/-,- ScJ eeel An dr/fig SU /d-- iW� 0n �_ dory beG�mc, A , oc . . e .�". I A 0,, ate,u 01 : . .I. C ead l; 1 cvdd ers Were, 056S e 6 rial rOr 11-9rdideor ate1/9 forrze fedaf ?5 ft (1--e c.ii/7c7a- 5-, wV.2 rS C `eOS 0 i 1C.. E_ We hereby certify that,at the time of this inspection,we have observed all of the above reported By this signature on the Observation Report.I acknowledge that work,unless otherwise rated.To the test of our knowledge and belie,we have found ttds wont P g to mmply with the approved plans,specifications and applicable section(s)of the Uniform SOG,Inc.performed the above observation and am bound by Buildingo sea applicable to he icorcality where this bro.:cc:re s located.Th z��of the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this report. our observation services is subject to and.. ...• • described on the reverse side of this Observation Report The., : or a successor. west shall ..•harmless Structural Observation Group.Inc and all legal•. ::.rgs of an . ,,that is related to the observat• .. •:.,provided. I/' Signature.f Registered Observer Approved by: I SoCoel d� Sf',SP- c--t__ ' . •ject Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency r1 nom,,+ j ISOT0 COPY CANARY—ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK—OBSERVERS COPY, GOLDENROD-JOBSITE COPY I 1441 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$ A California Corporation RA` pg NCO/IN/ Toll Free (866) 732-642,9 2249 Avalon Street Costa Mesa,CA 92627 igUtI OH ORO 0 (SATT)42, 40. g �p We Just Do A Better Job! ///��� Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address[ / I ' , , , f'V V $f /, 'W rof Permit#O 3 3 Job Name - „ I /-1 Material Description n-c T� A -Tr go�T S Engineer 4 ) /�f �- Observer `� c`�� /�'I/ �` � � V o s+C D! G-(4 FPrfff �"'��_ Contractor l Samples: X Quantity= Subcontractor Ece..... ,Q�a.S--,. Description of 7101/1'Work Observed: tgo 0119 # �/{/.Pidi4 q - DATE: 11 3 ,J 16 -F 1T ,/ r 7 /golfs 01 sr cd'sci SOP ca'O1'I r 4J ‘PA 7' 5 c _ILD11 _ :ran s >� �he '‘Gr .P/ u/ip/t ch m#6.14,,e, /V0 1/ro.v'1 06.�'Bfee% 7-4. li!/a�1' ,-...s ©'' t7i e.067 9,., Q6i1 Pi' (de /u m C7 74 'Q'Q-/ de C.ki r79 f ;. S a tP*04- - jOtS s oil 3 sd-rxry 6e4 n r //�� d" f w k/etc ui.' -- O� eo-ve -/ �ae- /5� /` Lve lob.n 9 toc-e4-eS c jn r' 7APS-, Vast it , s 0 11501 }' q r wt l 4cs cock a n p/C E We hereby certify that,at the time of this inspection,we have observed all of the above reported By this signature on the Observation Report.I acknowledge that tom re otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and beflef,we have found this work g mply with the approved plans,specifications,and appficabls sectionis)of the Uniform SOG,Inc.performed the above observation and am bound by Building Code,as applicable to the locakty w :this project is located.This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of wo..' y nature t. -performed.The•- •nuance of the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this report. our observation services is subject to;'arms and col; •ns as described• e reverse si• of this Observation Report.The• :r or a sum,j, interest shall .. . less •'al Observation Group,Inc. •r .,y and at leg. :.. of. • no wh.>..1�. is Irelated to the observat' 'ces p• '.-• / mod∎ —_ ' Signature of Registered Observer fil4-------- Approved by: i I ►( .I,1� ,�t i-.. = Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty o. Agency S(�/j_ 6(7_4 ! 1 r . i , -OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, GOLDENROD-JOBSITE COPY'I ,n/ It 1(/JIYJJ iJ�I� Structural Observaton Group, Inc. A California Corporation v�p` OSSERVA r 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ 12 152 Woodlawn Ave. �� ,O' Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 Santa Ana,CA 92705 S��v �RO�� H l7 F, We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address 1,i �• IA ht ._ t1 . . D/(/ i./ • 4 je A City Permit it r Job Name —� (� _3 Material Description 1 �,` ti W. ` cbc) cs //J 7f -�' Engineer kik( .76 Observer , ` � s -�— `°�� cr`i� _ (Il ( Contractor J t& Samples: L X eg Quantity= Subcontractor 1 , 4, A .05.0 a Description of Work Observed: ?Oo _- ' . 1 5 _ 4,, e� DATE: 1(_aai--( 3 I 03 i ECL . ore -r- D 4-tic wit" -a kE- ,. . 1 • " i' l Y•L- �L' I . Z1 0 imht AIMIAW..tirrir L i ' . Me_ I r e.:-.1.1 t _.4 Ii au O4(1j — �— 1 Ag . A-t a t r 1 Nit Ott- IP 64-1 A :-. 1)(Jli- 5 /0 ii - • , - - I . '_ . '�{_'4 - . . .X,. ' • ._ .S., .. .- • ' r ,• Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge rfonn to comply with the aapmvedt puns.speaticat>«ts.and applicable sus)of the 9 g Code.as applicable to the locality where this p o eft is located. This report that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The pen ormance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as deserted on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shat)hold harmless Structrnal on Group,Inc.from any and all proceedings of any nature wh�a(attssoeevv�er,that is to the lion serr�ices{/pro vi el el ded.. Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: i/, C�D t= l e .°� 8?_3a,-.) /J� �r►^/ I Project perintendent-Foreman-Other 1 1 g 9' /1 t i Specialty S C OB Agency RE-0OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COW, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WN(TE`.lo(3Srrp COPY i 14/7 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. A California Co RA` osseRva t 24-Hour Pager (949) (86 ) 7-2- $ Corporation 2249 Avalon Street IV tit /ON Toll Free Fax (866) 732-629 Costa Mesa,CA 92627 si� GR0U 2 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address i 7-t2 f ,�,,,,//�� • • f / (rI �""r"1 Permit S (�/IF Job Name ,nom E_ 'M 13 r)/C /� c c Y-r- ", �L � �T �Architect Material Description /L -c,41 t� r s G Engineer Al a Af Observer /� /'�I / OSe .R ( _.7` Contractor /' ` Samples: X \ Quantity- Subcontractor �t"�� eR a Descriptio •f ,rk Observed: ac, 1 /h 2) DATE: ," mmi a. •r !/ 4.....e / 'A/ % - rt�r % 3 C r �li I � � -. AWN . or e/v0' c C'd'/i cI 6vearti f f,`l C a arf�Pf71 (4r:ef -GI fl7 I AW - Via I /fir ca 6-3-e - <ec7 -7-" , uct-/T /.s- 0/79o/14 V We hereby certify that,at the time of this inspection,we have observed all of the above reported By this signature on the Observation Report.I acknowledge that t�mnl m noted To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work dy approved plans.specifications,and appl'belief, of the Uniform SOG,Inc.performed the above observation and am bound by a r�«ncable • for�.ry .. :this pro)-, .located.This report cannot be construed to be the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this report. an n� •:performed.The performance of p our observation sonic. subject t. /:• and.. described on the reverse side of this Observation-.• The•r or a su. :. .;-f71S'r:.- shall hold harmless Structural ' Observation • 1nc.from . and all I:.:. ,-• _ •■ nature whatsoever,that is related to the.. '.n/�_ . /t� ( ��� Sign.'/uf/�/)of R ist= v. Observer Approved by: '�‘ e • ; Superintendent-Foreman-Other { �� C -Specie ■ No. Agency (/t)q/Jn 7 1 l�Cl�jtY oFFiC COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, GOLDENROD-JOBSITE COPY 1 40 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. A California Corporation RMa OS SERA t, 24-Hour Pager (9(87 )227-8668 4 39 $ 1 2152 Woodlawn Ave. I U I ° Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 ,,.. Santa Ana,CA 92705 Set 1 C N x GRO u H U F C We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Add : ' ,�inih / , //7 Q c 4,L"wt,0 City 1 Permit n q , _> Job Name Ili "1 V ' / C P4/7- Architect 7.,/ c ? Material Description / `(� Iv Engineer .Observer A"3 a S ld� Af Len �1DS42- !>4 G - Z Contractor �' Samples: X •uf / . Quantity= Subcontractor o_i_e_ ggcs, Description of Work Observed: DATE: I j/J7713 I c . rnn A a. The � ,/.Il1: , ar /071 , , . , - / .. . .RI On9o'P9 , /p- 049,, . -4'.e/a/ egrig , „}„..,/ oftt—6 f • if, 4. , ix/ • --.. , . , i- . Er i 0 ,rcr ess (/YAL sue. 14v1 r - ali. 15 Q/ (7/ jr ��. Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this obsevvatio we have observed all of the above By reported work unless otherwise not:.. o the best. • knowledge:--.belief,we have found this work to comply with the ap. ed plans, dications,an. :..plicable sections)of the this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge llndorn 13uildng Code,as ep. to the where t :.._.is ....:.. The cannot be construed to be :.. 1of work of.!nature • •-performed The that SOG,Inc.perform•• the above •il• ation. pe^drma mce our ten^ des«ibed dm ces- to th I ,as the reverse side of th' •..ervation r�y�Ttme• ^f .r in intent snau Fold harmless Structural•. : ,•'. '.Promo. n ' ..•,;e•-of any nacre \IL( ' -01,36.-... whatsoever,that'' . ���////// . Aid �,�� giaditffre Observer Approved by: �L�/ 7jOered_s_ S �C, I .,, perintendent-Foreman-Other /�/n� / Specialty No. Agency j� 5(7"N c ; 5c I ����� CE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHnErFOBSSTE COPY I�` 1 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. A Cal'rfomia Co aL� O1s1orVA , 24-Hour Pager (9(87 227-8668 $ Corporation 12152 Woodlawn Ave- �OU N OH Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 ;,., Santa Ana,CA 92705 S»t I ROB p H ❑ F�( 2_ We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address Q[� `'IA/. mi r N d,i,1 / / City Pennd# �} 7 Job Name (/�a/ f—' ' '1 �1 'r .i � � Area � � � ���/�d� 7 _ 17 Lam+ F /� Architect li /2, Material Descript � ` ��"^ �e �0 Observer= 0p�� �'jSs� Engineer f'1 t ya�0�a v O� b. .•o(ie ire,2 Contractor t,�`� Samples: X Quantity= Subcontractor 6)&2.2_ 4Q oS Description of Work Observed: DATE: ///9,642 I °6 i-yed 44). . sh Per;h Q-P A s -rAl 3�-s 1i" t * j( 'fc 4014-5 (on Is-d- -k S/,' c o'i ��ti/ p /e a.77 t -le ce/4.07A, 1Ocetdior5 6 c e)-/142_ ( too-4'4-e c/ wrrP rreti .7--ley/- i0r/ No vi'd ,( 'o&c c6s ved. `rh a L,r,Os/-dr A S arc a/4 4i 5 %served ( hp -get/ MIeIct21 9 czc sc-e.&/ 4'A-eh c s' , • jai S�-s On /S4- &Aga-GI 6earhs C c€roe;f%Pc,/ e■ilf 49/— -SeSEAS /!/l, IiZSCI --- j°(�/ 2� iG/S, 9 �/p. �C frees s (1/2g Fa w;e) 121 ,fey- ire c/ .dar4 ` J 4 • v l ,,, , / S a. , , • . - ,1. . : • I! i' . •' i' : - ► _' �r �.'_.`. Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted To the best of mu knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge �„ t ck;,; a p' . • .- cations,and �b«his of t� po 9 g � _ the project�located. This repor cannot be construed to be a -.. -ndation of ''d any nature to• performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above obsery lion. performance of our ohs. ,; - as 5 �d a -hold the reverse side of this•�,• ion =owner .�r-r:of ure harmless Structure•• G C. ' .fry and ��, •.of halve whatsoever,that a••.,_ .to the o�• AIME S's nature of egistered�Obbs'eerrver Approved by: a I i SL/ I SJ st mot' r ill,: Su•• 'rttendent-Foreman-Other �f Specialty No. Agency 1 ,/]_,� �n t �t CE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY {41 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 0���� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$ A California Corporation CI II �A��O Toll Free Fax (866) 732-6429 2249 ostAvalon Street SISWC N SRO 0 +z °' Costa Mesa,CA 92627 �� We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address 9 W TIu4 dr_ _ on ` I ' Job Name Q �/y� �/f�G/('r ' o-1 �p(�// IPermit#O 93 - MEW C 41_ c F477 /hitect TAp/ Not/� CI��p, Material Descripti• AL TM _A32S 7c &1L.?S fij sa Engineer `�}.! d L_ .—. �P� �a Observer �4$e, d, wc.,'e r(�1 Contractor L I L!_ Samples: X Quantity= subcontractor jg,tLj BRDc, Description of Work Observed: DATE: i'f?,S//3 I L isnale/ 4-4. orc 0 ih / /q fee W 4S-7 i/ ,Yg-5 " 'Y 14rem9J 7C 60 a ii h e /;7 f ra it .1 Qil sd-a r Q� 6 'S 073 egSot- #/ mil/ �-- s/� 4/6 KeadidAr 46werp_af, Th,,, 4/17-er- its rkd-case as on d! e f / k) 66 y'd 44e-- -Pc v.& lAcj 0 -p ,-iJ channr l em hiof 1 -�ra Al c her%2-t- 1�` f acf yi CD/Jn€G'1";0rn Cl,) &a07 t i" oil l $ fiel c&crics 6 ci rpm ;-ciefil 14/Q/d p c'; -3-4sas /14, velar AL- O _/ s 3 us,ry cJ4i Pt'4 JV precess C�iQA3a- Airc) e, G' �r /I�PG/ �'�gt0if� /1/o Vie I ad On c a 6 506 veY wpd-/r f 0/7 G�w! 9�i We hereby certify that at the tine of this inspection,we have observed all of the above reported By this signature on the Observation Report.I acknowledge that t unless otherwise noted.To the best of ••wledge and belief,we have found the work mply with the approved plans,spec''.:lions,and 'cable s)of the Urulonn SOG, Inc.performed the above observation and am bound by Building Code,as applicable to the •..: where this• is■ :r •.This nsport cannot be construed to be a recommendation • of any` to be The performance of the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this report. or observation services issubj: to the leans.,7.ndttf. . on the reverse side of this Observation Report •-Owner or a w► in" ���•hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.'• any and., !r•. any nature whatsoever,that is related to the o•-: services p• • / `\ ...0/ e lirL% Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: all MI e rn9 &W --s/ .1�� \ w Superintendent-Foreman-Other /� Q/y� . : `YE:G l n° (41g 9 Agency v.)(1,27" 11:490 , i E-OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK 085ERV OPY, GOLDENROD-JOBSrTE COPY 1 4 il . Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 0���� 24 Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$ A California Corporation �Ilt� 11a T•O Toll Free Fax (866) 732-6429 2249 Avalon Street ������ ` ��O O(SAO Costa Mesa,CA 92627 UP We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and nd Observation Agreement Job Address ' pi,► wart iii Jd/, b1I Arcahi Permit ??�--7 Job Name HALE M ED(64.1_ ._.�/r The_ a.2 carp, n Material D orb fi c V I g e. G �/ces- L Engineer Apo po m Observer J 056, fs , rr-(A 'I14 C contractor Samples: X Quantity= Subcontractor (Q/ V J Description of Work Observed: DATE: I I fid-3 13 , 06Qe-ved -t-iI , it hs//�/h�1 on o.( CIS-;/ � -S �j ,'y A S/re,450'A Tc 661M, loc.Imd/94 66/t j,o/.tS 41 -A /' sarAacef -49,- cvc(41-o/d l P c eri0-fral / 6e amts J cC/uin/zJ- /oc dc.o�rs f S' Pe/ .rota.%- ` _ s sem6 Its on trs 4- s,d� s-0,crocfUr� u.c nom on a pro ciq o i . 44 >/�/aka//s oKvr��f?/ 7'-p wad-IT /S r9/750//7 , We hereby certify that,at the time of this inspection,we have observed all of the above reported By this signature on the Observation Report. I acknowledge that work,unless otherwise noted-To the best of our knowledge and belief,we trove found this work g to comply with the approved plans,specliications,and applicable sectbn(s)of the Uniform SOG,Inc.performed the above observation and am bound by Building code,as applicable to the koceli • _thi-project is located.Th :••rt cannot be construed to be a recommendation of !of an = re to be•:• • .. .performance of the t e r m s and conditions on the reverse side of this report. our observation services is sub;: I .'.'- lcondltionsas•: nbedon the reverseside of this Observation Report. lie, - or . • in Mt: :--• hold harmless Structural Observation Group, . y:. • ., legal any nature whatsoever,that is related to the.... Inc.�•;•.....�..Bolt �: Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: i t (/ - W Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other u / Specialty No. Agency cbri2i" FFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, GOLDENROD-JOBSITE COPY I.41 Structural Observaton Group, inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A 2249 California Corporation RA` OSSe/VAr Toll Free Fax (866) 732-6429 Avalon Street Costa 0�� 10,Costa Mesa Sit 92627 � ROe P We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address n ©q /_/ Job Name L I/�r ^ Architect 1 14L F /C=4 4. Qr F_ ,y-7F 7 GLe yi. 6r�. Materiel Description /� S ,..r vi 3 a'< -� &ids !_/p c� Engineer - ii 4/?,�O Observer T c 42-- D/,,, f�S("4-`P ire Z-- Contractor HALL Samples:o X Quantity= Subcontractor/34.--z...4 Q�jOS Description of Work Observed: T� L](� DATE: 11/ --4 2 I 06W144 441.e..- 1 h 5d4/4 110r1 0-c- AS Tit'! a--5 ,4 4 Sire `►g A ��/-fS -rt ',,,Ai /,',7g fo t4. J Auks s. /ry sum^/Ac.ler t , ? — cd c4 slip C�I d-.6-d/ /Pates 41-0 col/c, /or-ad,ores &M el S'd a/r-' cgssem 6/ o n / •s colt' ,I- WeS J-� Vie Sr/�Q W S.4G'ft rp aS rah,/ olI 4 �}� �aW/r9 r. 4/0 7/A04-•`o�.s. a 7-4.e rfloT ,'c O/19000 , We hereby certify that,at the time of this Inspection,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge aid belief,we have fotnd this work By this signature on the Observation Report.I acknowledge that ro compy with the approved plans, •: ... and appl •.e sections)of the Uniform SOG,Inc.performed the above observation and am bound by Builchng code;as applicable to t;,, `dy ::this ` located.This report cannot be construed to be a recommend: •of work. any nature r'':performed.The performance of the terms and conditions on the reverse sid: of this report. «p services is-"!t to the d.•••! , described on n,e avers•side of this Observation• any .-a- "' shall hold harmless Stnictural i Observation Group, m any .all regal�y. of any nature whatsoever,that is I related to the obsery .. /� r`1 - ir �•�� �‘ Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: ttlik 664-11/1 hh /�r-1 Superintendent-Foreman-Other � (f ���" / � Specialty No. Agency NI)( / 1 d.IcFICE COPY, CANARY—ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK—OBSERVERS COPY, GOLDENROD-JOBSRE COPY /,�((vl(-/1/� J`/� f tl ° 1 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. go� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation ��M. O RVa no L Toil Free Fax (877) 764-3939 g.. Santa Ana,CA 92 05 S1 Sv CI N 1t G�O�� Hy F ❑ C We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address \ , f Atari, / ' D/) A � I Permit# -64/3- 3 at-) Job Name V`L �,( i�(/�(.� Architect J Material Description )) Engineer Observer / 1 Contractor �� --( (J . 141.E___ Subcontractor Samples: �.- 0 `k()_Quantity= '2j . sd X4 Description of Work Observed: /--`9 DATE: tl _ 1 -2, nfil-iatia iii-F, pi-(4-ceptepc-1-- /1-1,_ _ cogs 62-td AT7Dia , Ni,,,. , ,,,,ei,„„i,,-1 0_4 li90E-el IP 176 1i i ally. Ac d. s b P cb c • ,'..! ..i LJI #■ 0 • 1�ditt�' !7 0] _ a o a- 17),A s “ Egclo oep , 4P1 Z ak— ('-#2• MAIOE I - Ri- 0 '' q )t 8 C yi4itteis -04_ "7-971d9• • • • • i.• - � O. , i t'.! •• • . J.l-• ••• t -, Li, ./ , a . t- t'•' . ' -t , At•. • ;r - , y, •E ' ! - : . . - Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that.at the time of this observation,we have observed at of the above repotted work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge this work to comply with the approved plans.spedfications,and ap ikcsal ie sections)of the Un4crm budding Code.as applicable WTI. the Wcality where this pmiect s located Th s report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. � our t o services t �or a i^ on the interest h h harmless Structural atian Group.Inc.fran any and at legal p of any nature whatsoever,that is relat to the lion s+'vi�es Pmvitleo- D. /' Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: • t/�uG t 0- Gd b93gd -Tq. ...A...A.—...°Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency /7/,( i? (n j „(7 E co PY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JoBSrrE COPY �j�j / IJ (j/J\_jY)41y ( I Ili 1 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. - Q� . 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation �RMs VAT r Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 i2152WoodlawnAye. ����C N H GROW) ,,... Santa Ana,CA 92705 W) H� F ❑ C We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address t_J U / I to n f \r,, /{' c City 1 Permit# /)q?3a 7• Job Name )4� t E[)1C4-L Cv-_ y'TG A Architect The_ !//e re„�/ Material Description A3;.....g 7 poLT ' r✓/`C Engineer i�t� f} J C AV fpS F/ �� /1?iCi a"9 0�-O Obsery er T Ce /1t Cm�G cv L 2„_ Contractor /4/4-1-- �- Samples: 1.J X Quantity= Subcontractor eELL �RA OS: Description of Work Observed: DATE: (1 /2.i/ '3 O‘Se dp� -/-40., ,h-s J'//a a-'a,/ 0'7 ‘ AS Pi ' -.S"" 4 tomb,79` 7C !� -c1 ,h c 141/%7_S ‘0-1-4- /io, c 1h9 S A'/,ZGr-ePs- par— (4) , de_ P ass 14.o e SI- i' a SSe/1 c ly o aa 1-71 Jr( In pie_ Lr 1- ,c. 4 sVa-0,r_ Of/ e. c�S � dr '41' c o � ill Ord _ UValt-ik /S 01-7 9a/ h_9, Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed an of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By is signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge this work to comply with the approved purrs.`.: icatbns, .epPkrable sections)d the UM«m as appixbie to 4 ,,: , cannot be construed to be a taco an of • • . nature performed. erformed_ The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation/ is s . •to,.. • minions as described on the reverse sided this••_• ••• ••. . or in interest shall toed ;. harmless Structural O. !.. Group • .f, any legal proceedings of any nature• whatsoever,that is,. -.to the,•.-. .i• r ided Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: Ali' a Superintendent_Foreman-Other s g BQ���6' S ECG Superintendent /�, Specialty No. Agency V 11/r]W7 t 0 i •FFlCE COPY, CANARY—ACCOUN7tNG COPY, PINK-0BSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE—IOBSrTE COPY / I/ I 4 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668$ A Calrfomia Corporation �L °w USED Va T�ON GROUP Free Fax (877) 764-3939 12152 Woodlawn Ave. H ❑ F }Z �����R Santa Ana,CA 92705 SI UP We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address /� IAA A FundIn9rio(n' 1/'j/r�J{' �r( r,, City I Permit f[�J,,/„�1/`7 Job Name H / E /14 EI-31(.4-L 1, /I' r f Architect M- —a7/e d(?X7a Material Description L'1-.- `„ L-t• v Engineer tr m �S mot'- �i /S ��Q Sa. �4 0-f'"O Observer ,1 oc-/� ^ c 1•e fa, Contractor / E^L C Samples: C /�X Quantity= Subcontractor�71`i�J e.44 �g j-_ g�pz. Description of Work Observed: �T"�'+' DATE: I I/.j4 3 I 06 se Ad tie drcpr rt i rxdo c,-e-- ,4-c im 39--5 ti IS Sol rum°d-hTc 664- ky- 4 i`ny 60%- holes # �a ,.79 U(' PS -f'or 3 /sit//' s fi rov qmf -M 4-0(0 en!!s LXQ d"trONS GtS -•�/1 an Gl rn/.v�d a s Se{Wei, u. f f r are "� 1 dh p0 ~T'hp rs' 92'),°�' • - e. • _ . 3 ,'.•. • •' ' 1 •$ - .• 1, .. / •. /. - :•I r ' ♦ 1 ' ; 1 :;' I. ► •'�.•..' • .1.' :E:'L t ..•,.7..., .4.t 1 Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found By this signature on the this Observation Repo .I acknowledge this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the Uniform Building Code,as applicable to the : :this project is bated_This report cannot be construed to be a recom ..,.. of - of : -to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed th. above servati c performance of our observation Seri, -is o the .. .. .: as described on the reverse side of this e..: :■ . Report. :• ` . in interest snap hold harmless Structural 5..: Group,;•.front- ... :- eedings of any nature ‘ tl Noi - AIIV whatsoever,that is :.■ .the r.. ,\ if Signature -•istered Observer Approved by: � roject Superintendent-Foreman-omen goal R Ps'/ Cc Specialty No. Agency V /f j, 17/A. 10/10 •FFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHRE-JOBSITE COPY 1 4(1 Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A Califomia Corporation WM. O8 SIR VA ni Toll Free Fax (877) 764-39 9 — 12152 Woodlawn Ave. �� I ON �� H p F [ Santa Ana,CA 92705 0 N O Up C We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address - 1 �, , 444 l i r�/„r d^ �\r; d i ci City 1 Permit 0/9. 7 Job Name -�I'/ G {l{/ hh,r (r ,I�UE,fI/ A` „` Architect ei N67,fe. �Qr P / Material Description l'439....S” TC /J c rip ..:•2, Engineer /n; 4�O_�j Observer 40.V2- I/ I cc/die/re([J- d`� Contractor+'1 1 c/ v Subcontractor Samples: X Quantity= ,sue LL. 2ioS, Description of Work Observed: DATE: / 1 q/13 okervvl --1-1,e. ►ice►//qJiof) 0. A5 7 9- S A 119 Jr sdSgst �/� It- 66Jk. �'7cluo lig9 64-AL hole c 8 n 'al- -c e S` 7i-- 9,C4 S ' t n c/'. rlI1 6ea ais vi-c / co�Gfdr74_S' /i dl►d fs' Si r 0/e k/t , /✓ vdkot lo,7J G vim-e,� p� a'��d � �f� h�.S. TAR, work IS onyoi?7 yr, . �i ' s �•1 �1• .I (1 r r\1 rr r - .1 j,. - •r. Irk♦ . �r , 1. Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belid,we have found this work to comply with the approved plan,specifications,and applicable secbon(sl of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform BUildutg code,as apf l cable to the local ty whe a the is boated. Th s report cannot be construed to be a recanmendation. of- . :rue o be performed. The that SOG Inc.performed a above ob ation. perforrt ance d our observation services is- •- to the and.. .i..r as described on II is f the reverse side d this Observation..• The•. or a�•�!!I�9 interest shall hold harmless Structural• - .•• Inc. •-.�`ice ,:sings of any nature lkwhatsoever,that Is related ' m otr..enra . _ . l� _ i ���i� t •,., Signature of Registered Observer Approved by: �'\ 8(�0 /411) lcd-t6 "S1•` IC C . : Superintendent-Foreman-Other W' ` Specialty No. Agency /In^/�7/�/jf '/I.�(J E COPY CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY PINK-0BSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE.lOt3S17E COPY 1 AA Structural Observaton Group, Inc. Og� � 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation SAL Va no� Tall Free Fax (877) 764-3939 Woodlawn 92705 slit-`w GROu H� F ❑ Santa Ana,CA 92705 u 4 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address '7 per} A ni /ra / ^� / City Permit#p t r3 3 �7 Job Name (�( Nei) "c/reivVr7d A/f/ [f Architect 'i Material Description trooO(S 1 / 1(z_GMl r'- Engineer Observer /0 pi) c� Contractor 1,4.. Samples: g X I Quantity=. Subcontractor �•`y (�I•`—i Description of Work Observed: Die-c-49 1 !�( DATE: (f-( ) -(5 �VeJifu Pct K-e,LiA-A-- to cc-A--z-eii e-,�-r i=a 2 y.� i PJry, F_,�.�-'-7 r-oo--77.0-G•./s�. V i..f td1-1 ail/ 9c.z-� l.9l� Ci �_ /'T-SJ ! 4A� Dew-r c s t�!`) & S 1 13 o at S 1 .Z ©r- ,Dc491,tis. Pca2 C..eme,#-fr-A e C v$oud& i7v4v ®,c- Aterzo sc Cue Y4-t 's Air i9 es c C i fri=l/ -060v-7St Pvc_reO ay /11 aft+)f _ �-S o t Out 1"f P13 TO oz j - f o n Sr1a-rAs r �" r-' � os�r� PP*-DS Sc.r 'f- 3 6 )c (Z Yc's T"` C J,eAs Lan 7�p --S Lum i 0 F 5 14Je-t,Dr-G-- oF- P(4r t_ 7-0 P e-i— MI C-0.5/ Fr elP LvG c d�a� i;�' •� ;.1- #h- .rte• .lam��. ,�. .1.•�'•r .r •f.��•' r Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found th's work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable secton(s)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report. I acknowledge Uniform Betting Code as applicable to the locality whe a th s project s located.This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms andconditionsasdescribedon the reverse side of this Observation Report The Owner or a successor in Interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc_front any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that Is related to the observation services provided gnature of Registered Observer Approved by: Air Project Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency fl/�(�(ljl 27o WFFICE COPY, CANARY ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK—OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY (If 16 ' Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 0w% or � 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation j�` VA/,O� Toll Free Fax (877) 764-3939 1 2152 Woodlavm Ave. ����t ` I ��0 Hy. F ❑ Santa Ana,CA 92705 u We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address+) A) a . / City Permit# Job Name A/ � ��6 Architect Material Description 17.000 r I f( , Engineer Observer f0 _ r /J _1ab Contractor /like_ Samples: g x /z•-._ Quantity=1 Subcontractor rim` Description of Work Observed: We---c-4 A'�-6-7(,9�GILc-�rim DATE: fl"--(6 -[5 Ve24r- e St e— X2-0 C /1-S r e< g £I 13 o,JSI .Z OF te6 v�- lechr-s. 013Sutae, Pc4-cen> C vsoLopt-riv v®, - 4-PPY sc e udcc. - YilaOS of (_;:5,.A/c.2e-,—e--,,) D eS c 6--A-1 HI .06,ot7Sci PPc-re0 ay tiott_iir -,_ /--S o t out eJ 9 Pg-O 1--o on wc-- jr o lL E7-7)-Ms , Tim E,rvr-c.osc/,2,— 9141 de- PO-VS sc.,,-op 3 K r G4 S w!7 . LcW/ri/!;) 'F- 5 the atvvc-- OF CYLI Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,spec iications,and applicable secton(sl of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform Building Code as applicable to the locality where this project is located.This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services is subject to the terms and conditions as described on the reverse side of this Observation Report.The Owner or a successor in Interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that Is related to the observation services provided gnature of Registered Observer Approved by: C.,Q�cps�i f10 GCe 546-- lCC t Project superintendent-Foreman-Other t�� Specialty No. Agency 174, 97O n w4J _(FFlCE COPY, CANARY—ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK—OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE—JOBSITE COPY Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation r °B SER VA n ON Toll Free Fax (8//) 764-3939 2 152 Woodlawn Ave. �r+� ��O�uR H � F ❑ Sans Ana,CA 92705 SI P We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement g Job Address 7 3(Q 1 W r'C Ll "�fl1 ) 7/ n L L, City Permit f O Lt-'5 3 2-7 Job Name Architect U t co-c- Material Description Engineer Observer 6611_ r� tau IN Contractor _ Samples: Quantity= Subcontractor � k Description of Work Observed: Cwt�-�- DATE: f (�S eiLv Gc1 «- Of PdJr,E- L- To P C N>°Gt7cyL& C Fie ctu4b es OQs la/L e-4_ 19742 re AJtaue c, 70.--s. Qcp5-9ics 11/ /Z 13 o. -'S' Z o,v Fr ••-.•.., .p , . • . L.,.• ,ti,,.• 206-&R- j'Le.PP� _- _ r_:L s • - _ ;:: _;�, •`- - -.i 't • --�� '1, fir• •�--_� 'lam of-,� Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specifications,and applicable section(s)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.I acknowledge Uniform Bulldog Code,as applicable to the locality where this project Is located.This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc. performed the above observation. performance of our observation services fs subject to the terms and conditiortsas described on the reverse side of this Observation Report. The Owner or a successor in interest shall hold harmless Struct ral Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is -ated to the ohs-.-• se ,ces provided. :Ignature of Registered Observer Approved by: I�.��1t�Lr /' ,�� — lid 6 66 cyr6 C-L. reject Superinten• -Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency li/G9 971 FFICE COPY, CANARY—ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK—OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE—JOBSITE COPY Structural Observaton Group, Inc. ��� 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation ��kt O RVA nO Toll Free Fax (817) 764-3939 12(52WoodlawnAve. S'�R�t� N GR0up H F ❑ '"' Santa Ana,CA 92705 We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address 2 -C1 u A.z-y0- ) D /4/Lc L City Permit# O„..t. e� n �j Job Name l� Architect �J C'fri Material Description Engineer Observer eilii, _8 iN /�Contractor f4 L Samples: / ' f�X Quantity= Subcontractor N prK,�,)�O� Description of Work Observed: Co e 4,L,,�_ (7r DATE: j --15- (.3 OC�settved Gf,t - or PF L_ To p6-7,-/el.... G°4_77Fre c,-, ,xc wet.- oeseitz.e67 Fzpte._ tortbeedt_ we Iii-e---- c. I re A iGzil e• • Coa4I°L-eVee is- e4.As ff.-P.11-e--C 1 re-C-o Fr ,t s z f L- --O-771 I,t 7c -s- QPiriOrt.s /1 1 Z, 13 0/14\; L _Cetz-`6 oN h-E--c- n p ._• •0.4, • ' ',.i,.,-,•., •I.ir`••P •1.i�••,• '• . Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted.To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this work to comply with the approved plans,specfiratians,and appllcablle section(s)of the By iss(gnatureonthethisObservatlonReport. lacknowiedge UnifonsBut gOode,asapprcabletothel ocardywherethtsprojectlsiocated. Thlsreport cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG,Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observation services Is subject to the tems and cond orrsasdescbedon the reverse side of this Observation Report The Owner or a successor in Interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Groop,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is •latedto the ohs-. -.ns, cesprovided. d `i� ��► rr'' '' signature of Registered Observer Approved by: I;�I/lt�Lr C(/' •!--- /0 6 G654-6 -- -i ' C�- reject Superinten.- -Foreman-Other I Specialty No. Agency (1/14i'9^q WHf(F OFFICE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE-JOBSITE COPY j j IIS Structural Observaton Group, Inc. 24-Hour Pager (949) 227-8668 $ A California Corporation �� �VA nom Toll Free Fax (877) 764- 939 12152WoodlawnAve. tit / ON /� H F ❑ Santa Ana,CA 92705 Sit WU V RD,/p We Just Do A Better Job! Observation Report and Observation Agreement Job Address Z5/Cf w u.II/ti lv 19.12...c fret e(19 City Permit# Job Name Architect f 1 e Me ICA-L__ CL ° Material Description J 000 hn t /.y �,,^ Engineer Observer , .f � COO rA�r�/ JVT Contractor ) t I/L/ Samples: f W 4 X V Quantity= 3, Subcontractor'(j-f/7 x 00 Description of Work Observed: C1-)e-t.-DI►t-G-/C_Div DATE: 1 (—( t--L3 g,Sekva i Lueut)a,- — o r'ek, eJ - Cc) eL 7B, Cei -r Er Pbpe �D«-6-- �pt-cxu des /h9 re-c-4-110 t a u , Cr)M P‘,e-1-ssio £-e c O5 r,1-4P e_ Cj 7 ec FDA- S i . r. G-711 LocovaN D c,:-0-1 c ft j z f 3 C O 31 , Z r- A P, ti e v e D P up)-7,/�, Foc5vi N6-7o PAJe L. We LD 1 L G— COM p l_e7"-.-•• ()epSeA 'e-O Wutviceiie,1Jr t9-714 Cox-6m)D; o.✓ ©A- ApPR ox 3D ce.4 gcc._ Y0l-P-D, r-o rz &VEIL PA-lue4.3 . M r,c D,9_ca-, VI-(.c.05 OG c( ,91 Flout G c f. (--to t_L kex c , N 19-0 S te- o r 3 4- )c41 ari Pt..eS t cj<W A-- SL-Lirti P 01c r f Ce i it-r'eD w e rzs S PG--LO Dt( -z- atr PBI�-f•c-t( 3 F. -PfRe.> I-ZG-t �-f �oGe,/L (�Le-P� L C �Po-4 5G, )cP(Re3 ►2.-2K-13 c. x • •Ge . .. ..v vim` : _ . s•d Certification of Compliance We hereby certify that,at the time of this observation,we have observed all of the above reported work,unless otherwise noted To the best of our knowledge and belief,we have found this wo k to comply w th the approved plans,specifications,and appli able section(s)of the By this signature on the this Observation Report.l acknowledge Uniform Bolding Code,ast appGcabteto the locality where this project a located.This report cannot be construed to be a recommendation of work of any nature to be performed. The that SOG Inc.performed the above observation. performance of our observationserviReport.subject totheterms and conditionsas described on 7 the reverse side of this Observation The Owner or a successor in Interest shall hold harmless Structural Observation Group,Inc.from any and all legal proceedings of any nature whatsoever,that is related to the observation % - provided. • i ., tore of Registered Observer •Approved by: �� PP roved y: G{J c/ - ID b G 4'I 6- cC. roject Superintendent-Foreman-Other Specialty No. Agency I/1 / n„ /� WH PEKE COPY, CANARY-ACCOUNTING COPY, PINK-OBSERVERS COPY, BOTTOM WHITE—IOBSITE COPY { l j